RINCON VALLEY UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Regular Board Meeting, Board of Trustees District Office, 1000 Yulupa Avenue March 10, 2015 MINUTES Present: Mrs. Carol Lynn Wood Mrs. Cynthia Evers Mr. Jeff Gospe Mr. Chris Rafanelli Mrs. Katie Barr Administrators: Dr. Casey D’Angelo, Superintendent Dr. Joe Pandolfo, Deputy Superintendent, Business Dr. Terry Metzger, Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum Others: Interested staff and parents 1. OPEN SESSION CALL TO ORDER, PUBLIC COMMENTS Mrs. Wood called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. 2. CLOSED SESSION Mrs. Evers moved and Mrs. Barr seconded to recess to closed session at 1:36 p.m. to discuss the following: 2.1 Personnel issues, Gov. Code 54957 2.1 a Public Employment – Superintendent 2.1 b Management Positions 2.2 Conference with the Board’s labor negotiator, Casey D’Angelo, regarding Gov. Code 54957.6): 2.2 a Negotiations with Rincon Valley Union Teachers’ Association (represented certificated employees) 2.2 b Negotiations with California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter #284 2.3 Request for Leaves and Shared Contract for 2015-2016 school year, Gov. Code 54957 2.4 Resolution #03-15-17, Public Employee-Discipline/Dismissal/Release, 1 Notice of Non-Reelect Temporary Certificated Employees (75% or more), Gov. Code 54957 2.5 Resolution #03-15-18, Public Employee-Discipline/Dismissal/Release, Notice of Non-Reelect Temporary Certificated Employees (less than 75%), Gov. Code 54957 3. OPEN SESSION: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Mr. Gospe moved and Mrs. Evers seconded to adjourn closed session and return to open session at 5:59 p.m.: Unanimous. 4. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION DECISIONS Mrs. Wood announced the following: -The Board selected six candidates to interview for the position of district superintendent. Interviews will take place March 18 and 19. -The Board unanimously approved Resolution #03-15-17 and Resolution #03-15-18, Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal Release, Notice of Non-Reelect Temporary Certificated Employees (75% or more and less than 75%). 5. AGENDA MODIFICATIONS/ADDITIONS None 6. AGENDA AND CONSENT ITEM APPROVAL Mr. Gospe moved and Mrs. Barr seconded to approve the agenda and following consent items: Unanimous. 7. 6.1 Minutes of February 10, 2015 Regular Board Meeting 6.2 Consolidated Application Part II- Rincon Valley Union School District 2014-15 6.3 Revisions to Whited’s Revolving Cash Account-Resolution #03-15-19 The resolution is a request to remove an authorized signer on the Whited revolving cash account. 6.4 Approval of Warrants: 02/04/15 1385947 – 1386001 02/11/15 1387791 – 1387848 02/18/15 1389079 – 1389154 02/20/15 1389851 – 1389919 02/25/15 1391167 03-04-15 1392060 – 1392162 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CALENDAR Mrs. Wood announced that the following items are on the district calendar. 2 8. Board/Casey Site Visits March 13 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. RVEF Wii Bowling March 14 Austin Creek, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Future Chef Competition March 17, 3:30 – 5:30, Village Principal Interviews March 17, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, District Office March 18, 8:00am – 12:00 pm, District Office Superintendent Interviews March 18 – 21 Madrone and Sequoia 6th Grade Camp March 18 -20 Science Fair - Austin Creek March 19, 6:30 – 8:00 pm Fine Arts Day – Village March 20 Mission Day – Matanzas March 20, 8:30 am - 2:30 pm Spring Break March 23 – 27 Special Board Meeting March 31, 6:00 p.m., District Office Mission Day – Austin Creek April 1, 8:30 – 1:30 RVUTA Negotiations April 2, 8:00 am – 3:30 pm, District Office Agenda Setting April 2, 3:30 p.m., District Office Fine Arts Day – Sequoia April 3 Science Fair –Madrone April 6 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Fine Arts Day – Austin Creek April 10 RVEF Meeting April 13, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, District Office Regular Board Meeting April 14, 2015, 6:00 pm, District Office PUBLIC AND EMPLOYEE REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD None 3 9. SUPERINTENDENT’S COMMENTS, LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, CORRESPONDENCE Dr. D’Angelo introduced Mr. Wayne Yamagishi, Whited School’s Interim Principal. 10. AWARDS 11. 10.1 Classified Employee of the Month Mr. Rafanelli moved and Mrs. Barr seconded to approve the Resolution for Danielle Garcia, Classified Employee of the Month of March, 2015: Unanimous. Mr. Rafanelli read the resolution. Mr. Michael Kellison, Austin Creek Principal, read his letter commending Danielle Garcia for dramatically transforming the physical education program at Austin Creek since she started three years ago. Danielle is enthusiastic, positive, and dedicated to working with students to improve their physical and mental well-being. She is calm, composed, thoughtful, and compassionate. Danielle is working with the primary teaching staff to support them in their efforts to successfully teach P.E. 10.2 Certificated Employee of the Month Mrs. Barr moved and Mr. Rafanelli seconded to approve the Resolution for Megan Story, Certificated Employee of the Month of March, 2015: Unanimous. Mrs. Barr read the resolution. Mrs. Kelly Lister, Binkley Principal, read her letter commending Megan Story for her 9 years with the district as a first and second grade teacher. Megan has a deep compassion for students from diverse backgrounds. She places just as much emphasis on mastering standards as she does on learning to be good citizens. Megan stands out as a leader and is currently working on a lesson study focusing on student engagement. Megan listens, collaborates, and then takes the initiative to get things done; all with a great sense of humor. INFORMATION 11.1 11.2 Proposition 39 Energy Efficiency Update Last year the District selected a vendor to create a report which will inform he district on how to best utilize Proposition 39 funds. The intent of this proposition was to close a tax loop hole for out of state businesses and redirect the additional tax money to “create energy efficiency and clean energy jobs” in California. Mr. Nick Stevenson, QKA Architects, gave a report on the findings and the district’s strategies to best utilize these funds. Eligible projects must meet cost effectiveness criteria and may include a variety of items such as lighting, HVAC, window, door, and building envelope retrofits, as well as renewable energy projects. Mr. Stevenson reported that Rincon Valley is in good condition. Mr. Gospe suggested that the results from the report be posted on the district website. Student Services Report Dr. Metzger reported on the following curriculum and instruction goals: STAR Reading and Math (1a) The Board reviewed a table summarizing Rincon Valley student 4 performance for all students in grades 1-8 at the end of the second trimester. All schools are +/- 4% from End of First Trimester. The Board also reviewed a table summarizing Rincon Valley student performance for students in significant subgroups in grades 1-8 at the end of the second trimester. Support Coordinator interventions are more targeted this year. SIPPS instruction for intervention has been effective. Mr. Rafanelli asked that Dr. Metzger send the scores from last year at this time for comparison. 11.3 Technology Plan Update Dr. Metzger and Dr. Pandolfo gave an update on the district’s proposed Technology Plan. The Board reviewed a Technology Skills Progression outline, which references to standards and identifies when mastery of a skill is expected. The Board also reviewed the Implementation of Technology Plan. This includes 5 areas: articulation of vision, multi-year implementation with a focus on professional development, increasing site tech time to provide support for instruction, lesson development, hiring a Consulting Teacher to assist with tech as part of STEM. These documents have been through several drafts based on input from Board members, administrators, teachers, and site techs. The Board gave additional suggestions. Dr. Metzger made notations. The goal is to bring the final plan back as an action item in April. 11.4 Rincon Valley Charter School Registration Update Dr. D’Angelo reported on the 2015-2016 Rincon Valley Charter School registration results. Currently, we have received 71 applications for RVCS Sequoia and 65 for RVCS Matanzas. This is a lower number than we would like. We are staffed for 80 -90 students at each grade level at each site. If the numbers stay smaller at each site, we may not be able to have as many sections of classes as we have had in the past. This may mean reassigning a teacher to a different grade level position. We will run some additional ads to help increase enrollment. 11.5 Kindergarten and KinderBridge Enrollment Update Dr. D’Angelo gave an update on the Kindergarten and KinderBridge projected enrollment for 2015-16. Overall numbers are up from last year. Kindergarten is up 42 students, but KinderBridge is down 19 students. At this time, it looks like three KinderBridge classes would be enough. If kindergarten enrollment increases at the same rate as last year, we will need to either cap enrollment or add classrooms. 11.6 Superintendent Search Update Mrs. Wood reported that the Board has selected six strong candidates to interview for the position of district superintendent. The interviews will take place March 18 and 19. The Board anticipates having a difficult decision to make. 5 12. 11.7 Facility Construction Update Dr. Pandolfo gave an update on facility construction. Dr. Pandolfo meets with the architect and project managers weekly. The District received official notification that the fault line that was identified on the Madrone campus is not a concern and will not delay the construction schedule. Plans for Madrone and Binkley are going to DSA this week for review. The district is close to an agreement with Global Modular for the repair of the roofs at RVCS Matanzas. District has asked QKA to consider moving one of the existing portables closer to the entryway to use as an office and to house the RVCS Matanzas snack shack. The portable would be set at grade, renovated to house the office manager, vice-principal, snack area, a small work room and painted to match the new construction. A meeting was held with Matanzas staff to review the construction project schedule. District is developing plans to move one of the portables no longer needed from the Matanzas campus as a temporary classroom at Spring Creek. QKA is working with the fire department to resolve an issue regarding pressure to the fire hydrant. District is waiting on core drilling samples in order to determine the extent of repairs needed for the Austin Creek multi-purpose room floor. 11.8 State of Schools Report (Goals 4c,d) Dr. D’Angelo reported on the “State of Schools” regarding opportunities to increase participation and communication with staff and parents through various committees and information evenings. We have continued to have good involvement in our ongoing groups such as the Superintendent Advisory Councils, ELAC, DELAC, RVEF, PTA’s and PTO’s. We have had good attendance at Back to School Nights, Latino Family Literacy, and parent training nights. We are now in the process of looking at data to see how we are doing towards meeting our LCAP goals set for this year, and making revisions to our goals for the next three years. We have held two Town Hall meetings and several site meetings for the Charter School LCAPs. ACTION 12.1 2nd Interim Rincon Valley Union School District Budget 2014-2015 Mr. Gospe moved and Mrs. Barr seconded to approve the Rincon Valley Union School District 2nd Interim Budget 2014-15: Unanimous. The multi-year projections indicate a healthy budget. The only concern is maintaining a $50,000 reserve for the Rincon Valley Charter School as the budget is based on full enrollment. 12.2 Request for Leaves and Shared Contract for 2015-2016 school year Mr. Rafanelli moved and Mr. Gospe seconded to approve the requests for leaves and eight shared contracts for the 2015-16 school year: Unanimous. 12.3 Facilities Lease and Lease-Leaseback Agreement with Arntz Construction Mrs. Evers moved and Mr. Gospe seconded to approve the Facilities Lease and 6 Lease-Leaseback agreement with Arntz Construction: Unanimous. This item may have to be brought back for approval if the portables to not receive DSA approval. 12.4 Rincon Valley Union School District and Rincon Valley Charter School Calendars 2015-2016 Mrs. Evers moved and Mr. Rafanelli seconded to approve the RVUSD and RVCS academic calendars for 2015-2016: Unanimous. 12.5 Agreement between Rincon Valley Union School District and Command Consulting & Investigations, Inc. Mrs. Barr moved and Mr. Gospe seconded to approve an Agreement between Rincon Valley Union School District and Command Consulting & Investigations, Inc. for the purpose of providing investigative services for the position of district superintendent: Unanimous. This allows the Board the option to use these services. 12.6 Classified Job Description- District Computer Technician Mr. Gospe moved and Mrs. Evers seconded to approve the classified job description for the position of District Computer Technician: Unanimous. 12.7 13. CSBA Delegate Assembly Election Mr. Gospe moved and Mrs. Evers seconded to vote for Dianna MacDonald to fill the vacancy on the CSBA Delegate Assembly: Unanimous. PERSONNEL Mrs. Barr moved and Mrs. Evers seconded to approve the following personnel items: Unanimous. 13.1 Certificated – Resignations Jessica Link, Teacher, Whited, effective February 9, 2015 13.2 Certificated – Leave of Absence Requests Erin Johnston, Teacher, Binkley, August 2015 – June 2016 13.3 Classified – New Hires Holly Corcoran, Library Clerk, Spring Creek, effective February 27, 2015 Karen Poer Siela, Noon Duty, Matanzas, effective March 2, 2015 James Vargas, Substitute Custodian, District, effective March 3, 2015 13.4 Classified – Retirements Rayme Shapiro, Receptionist, RCSS, effective July 3, 2015 Teresa McKenna, Food Service II, Whited, effective July 17, 2015 Barbara Page, Day Care Coordinator, Spring Creek, effective July 31, 2015 7 13.5 Classified – Leave of Absence Request Silem Ramirez Quinones, Sp. Ed. Inst. Asst., RCSS, March 9 – June 5, 2015 14. CSEA / RVUTA COMMENTS RVUTA – Mrs. Hamilton shared that RVUTA appreciates the diligent effort the Board is making to find a new superintendent. CSEA- Mrs. Powell could not be present but asked that we announce that there will be a negotiations session on March 31, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. at the district office. 15. BOARD OF TRUSTEE COMMENTS/COMMITTEE REPORTS/REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION -Mr. Gospe asked that staff be able to project graphs, etc when presenting information to the public. He also asked if there was anything more we can give to honor Employees of the Month. -Mrs. Wood reminded trustees to submit their Conflict of Interest Statement Form 700 to Mrs. Mendenhall to meet the April 1st deadline. 16. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Food Service Report Resolution Classified Lay-offs Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators Superintendent Contract Principal Contract Williams Quarterly Report Charter School Renewals LCAP Review and Update Teacher Evaluation Process Update Facility Report Summer School Plan 17. CLOSED SESSION Mrs. Evers moved and Mr. Rafanelli seconded to recess to closed session at 7:58 p.m. Unanimous. 18. OPENSESSION Mrs. Evers moved and Mr. Gospe seconded to adjourn closed session and return to open session at 8:26 p.m.: Unanimous. No further action was taken in closed session. 19. ADJOURN Mrs. Evers moved and Mrs. Gospe seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 p.m. Unanimous. 8
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