The Firebird May 2015 As we begin our final month of the 2014 - 2015 school year, we have so much to celebrate! Please keep in mind the upcoming events, including the 8thGrade Dinner Dance, Wikiup Swim Party, Portfolio Presentation Day and 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony. Mrs. Lovelace will be sending home email reminders to help you! We need parent volunteers for Portfolio Day! Come spend a day watching student portfolio presentations and give them feedback. It is quite astonishing to watch our middle school students both present and speak to their scholastic achievements this year. Any supportive adult community members are welcome! Email me (Mrs. Clements) at to volunteer on May 28th! ~Mrs. Clements, Vice-Principal Upcoming Events • • • • Monday, May 4th Wednesday, May 6th Thursday, May 7th Thursday, May 14th • Friday, May 22nd • • • • • Monday, May 25th Tuesday, May 26th Thursday, May 28th June 2nd – June 4th Friday, June 5th State Testing Begins – SBAC Testing 5/4 – 5/8 Firebird Film Festival, RVCS Sequoia Gym, 7pm Parent’s Association Meeting, Room 16, 6:30pm Spring Drama Performance, “The Boy Who Was Not Afraid.” RVCS Sequoia Gym, 7pm 8th Grade Dinner Dance, Becker Center (2323 Montgomery Dr) o 8th Grade Dinner, 5pm – 7:30pm o 7th & 8th Grade Dance, 7:30pm – 10:00pm Memorial Day Holiday Wikiup Swim Party Portfolio Presentation Day, 1:30pm Dismissal Early Release Days, 1:30pm Dismissal Last Day of School, 12:45pm Dismissal Feedback for RVCS Please go to the following link to complete a survey about RVCS. We really appreciate your time and thoughts on how RVCS can improve and grow! RVCS “Firebird Media Festival” – May 6 th RVCS students are proud to introduce the first annual Firebird Media Festival (FMF). FMF is a student-run media festival. All are invited to attend the Film Festival @ 7pm on May 6th in the RVCSSequoia Gym. Come see the winning submissions from over 40 entries and 5 local middle school! Spring Drama Performance – May 14 th Our 8th Grade Drama class is proudly presenting an original play entitled, The Boy Who Was Not Afraid. It involves human actors, actors wearing masks, and puppets, including a 9-foot tall puppet created by the 8th grade art class! We heartily encourage you to come out and attend this event. Bring your family and friends. The play is being performed on Thursday, May 14th, in the Sequoia Gym/Theater and starts at 7:00 pm. There will be a 15-minute intermission, where we will be selling some baked goods, proceeds benefiting the Drama Program. Tickets are $5 at the door. If you are able to volunteer to make some baked goods to donate to sell at intermission, please contact our Drama Teacher, Christopher Doyle at Wikiup and Portfolio Presentations This year, students will present their portfolio projects on Thursday, May 28th. As you know, the students are working very hard to complete their digital portfolio of scholastic and personal achievements from the 20142015 school year. These portfolios highlight student academic and service learning, in addition to their attributes for lifelong success. The portfolios will be presented in front of their classmates and an adult review panel. This is a great learning experience for students of RVCS! Please be advised that students will have deadlines to meet throughout the month of May to complete their portfolio in smaller “chunks”. If a student does not meet a deadline, their homeroom teacher may issue a ZAP. Additionally, students who are behind in their portfolio by Friday, May 22nd will be asked to stay at school during the Wikiup swim party (Tuesday, May 26th) and complete their portfolio with one of our teachers/portfolio coaches. RVCS Portfolio Review Panelists Needed~ We need a quite a few parent/adult volunteers to be on our portfolio review panels. Panelists will watch our RVCS students present their academic, service-learning and personal accomplishments for the 2014-2015 school year. Please contact Mrs. Clements – if you’re interested in being a part of our RVCS Portfolio Day. We do need you! Order a Yearbook – Past The Deadline Yearbooks can still be ordered with a late charge applied. Go to the picaboo website listed below and order ASAP! Yearbook Order Website - Parents’ Association Next Meeting: Thursday, May 7th, RVCS-Sequoia Campus, 6:30pm President, Jane Catelani Howard ( Thank you parents for supporting our RVCS Firebirds! April Character Trait: Responsibility For the month of April, students focused on the character trait of Responsibility. Responsibility is being accountable for your actions! Students are asked to take ownership over their actions and their ability to respond to any situation that comes their way. The following students received the Responsibility Award for April: • • • • • • Hannah AguilarCathcart Aubrey Anderson Audrey Andrews Samantha Backen Teadora Bucio-Stever Richard Ciernick • • • • • • • Brook Dengler Jessica Dueck Enako Hori Lucy Irving Aimee Johannesen Owen Laird Katherine Locker • • • • • Nick Marigo William McCloud Megan Monks Maggie Opel Estrella (Star) Santiago
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