Hawaii INBRE III – HiSREP Summer 2015 Undergraduate Student Research Experiences (SRE) Application (Continuing) Application Deadlines: Summer- May 20, 2015 Fall- September 8, 2015 Spring- January 18, 2016 Students will perform a semester-long research internship, working in his or her research mentor’s laboratory. Upon completion of INBRE research experience, students will be required to write a short scientific research paper by the end of Spring semester, May 2016, in addition to presenting a research poster at the JABSOM Biomedical Symposium next Spring. **Note that all INBRE participants will be contacted for periodic follow-up of academic and career plans and goals. Long-term tracking (5 or more years out) of all INBRE participants after their involvement in the program is required by the INBRE program. Therefore, all student interns will be requested to provide permanent contact/information as well as expected to participate in all surveys/questionnaires from INBRE. Eligible students: Undergraduates with a 2.75 cumulative GPA who have completed at least their freshman year of a four-year degree in the biomedical or bio-behavioral sciences; OR Community college students with a 2.75 cumulative GPA who have completed at least one year of their program of study. Note: These eligibility requirements may only be waived upon assessment by the Campus Coordinator, who is to provide a written justification for the waiver, and approval by the Executive Committee. Revised 4/10/15 JO Hawaii INBRE III – HiSREP Summer 2015 Undergraduate Student Research Experiences (SRE) Application (Continuing) Date Name: last, first, middle Current Address: (street, apartment number, city, state, zip code) Permanent Address: (street, apartment number, city, state, zip code) Parent’s Address or alternate permanent contact address (if different from above): Hometown and State: Date of Birth: Email: Phone Number: Alternate Non-UH Email: Permanent Contact Phone Number: Educational institution currently attending: Major and number of semesters completed: If you are at a community college, are you pursuing an associate degree in Natural Sciences? Yes No If no, what degree are you pursuing? Current cumulative GPA: Did you participate in a previous INBRE Undergraduate Research Internship? Yes (please list year and term of most recent internship: ____________________________) No Revised 4/10/15 JO Hawaii INBRE III – HiSREP Summer 2015 Undergraduate Student Research Experiences (SRE) Application (Continuing) What are your career interests? (Where do you see yourself working in 5-10 years?) Campus Coordinator: Lab Supervisor: Lab Supervisor’s email: Location: Brief Progress Report (250 words max regarding your accomplishments this last semester, such as poster presentations or publications, and future lab plans): Signature of Campus Coordinator Date Signed X______________________________________________ I hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this application. Signature of Applicant X____________________________________________ Submit the following documents: Signed Application Form Brief progress update (250 words or less) Revised 4/10/15 JO Date Signed Hawaii INBRE III – HiSREP Summer 2015 Undergraduate Student Research Experiences (SRE) Application (Continuing) Please give your hard copy application to the appropriate Campus Coordinator. Institution Campus Coordinator Kapiolani Community College Dr. John Berestecky: johnb@hawaii.edu Dr. Matthew Tuthill: mtuthill@hawaii.edu Windward Community College Dr. Leticia Colmenares: leticia@hawaii.edu Hawaii Community College Dr. Susan Jarvi: jarvi@hawaii.edu Lisa Kaluna: lisaadam@hawaii.edu Leeward Community College Dr. Kabi Neupane: kabi@hawaii.edu University of Hawaii Maui College Dr. Sally Irwin: sirwin@hawaii.edu Dr. Sean Calder: scalder@hawaii.edu Hawaii Pacific University Dr. David Horgen: dhorgen@hpu.edu Kauai Community College Dr. Sharad Marahatta: sharadch@hawaii.edu University of Hawaii Hilo Dr. Susan Jarvi: jarvi@hawaii.edu Chaminade University Dr. Helen Turner: hturner@chaminade.edu University of Hawaii Manoa Dr. David Haymer: dhaymer@hawaii.edu Revised 4/10/15 JO
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