Ryde East Public School 12 Twin Road, North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113 Tel: 9878 3681 9888 5620 Fax: 9878 6029 Email: rydeeast-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Website address: www.rydeeast-p.schools.nsw.edu.au NEWSLETTER 17th MARCH 2015 TERM 1 WEEK 8 A copy of this newsletter is available on the School’s website PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Last Wednesday was a very busy time at school. There are many, many people across the school who helped us celebrate Harmony Day, morning tea for parents, our Walkathon, the special canteen packed lunches and the Kindergarten Home Reading session. Thank you to all the people involved in making this day such a success. The children had so much fun they’ll remember the day for a long time. Tomorrow after lunch, Birdlife Australia will be joining our environmental group with Mr Ward, to plant donated native seedlings and install bird baths around our school. A permission note, to be able to publish photos, was sent home with the students involved yesterday. It needs to be returned tomorrow morning as the media have been invited to our school as we were successful in gaining the above donations for our sustainability program. On Wednesday afternoons, classes visit New Horizons Aged Care Facility across the road from our school. We have been doing this now for many years with our students entertaining the residents with music, dancing, plays and showing their school work. We have a very good relationship with New Horizons and our students and the residents get a lot out of these visits. Good luck to our students who are participating in the Rotary Public Speaking Competition tomorrow night at Eastwood Heights Public School. Our students have been competing in this competition for a number of years with Mrs Wilson helping them to prepare for the evening. This Friday is our second Gold Card assembly for the year. Notes were sent home yesterday indicating the students who will be receiving an award. Our school band will be playing for the first time this year so it will be a real treat for us. Everyone is welcome to join us at 9.20am on Friday in the school hall. This Sunday Kindergarten will be participating in their first Working Bee. Mr Ward has lots of jobs that need attention around our school, so we look forward to seeing everyone around 9.00am. We have some student chairs which will be thrown out at the Working Bee in a giant skip bin along with other old furniture we have been storing in our containers. If you would like to take home any of the chairs for your own children we are happy for you to collect them from the tennis courts before Sunday. Jane Imer Principal Dates for Your Diary F20/3 F20/3 S22/3 T24/3 W25/3 F27/3 F27/3 Gold Card Assembly Winter PSSA trials Kindergarten Working Bee Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews Chess Tournament Infants Assembly – 9.20am – 1F performing Primary Assembly – 10.30am – 4T ZONE SWIMMING CARNIVAL What a great day was had by one of the largest Ryde East Zone swim teams. We were very proud of the behaviour and good sportsmanship exhibited throughout the day by the Ryde East team and the effort made by all. The day included great performances from so many and congratulations to those students who were finalists on the day. We must thank the Ryde PSSA Swim Committee for their fine organisation. Their experience and well run carnival ensured a great day was had by all our students. This of course would not be possible except for the many parents, especially our team managers Mrs Gray and Mrs Centellas, who also assisted at the carnival – thank you for your support also. Thank you to the parents who assisted in transporting competitors to and from the pool. Alison Aquilina and Kim Dhu RYDE EAST ART COMPETITION Recently the SRC ran an art competition to raise money for Stewart House. We had many fine entries and raised $64.00. The Artworks were judged in four sections and the winners are: Kindergarten – Alexis KW Stage 1 – Sophie 2AP Stage 2 – Elyssa 3F Stage 3 – Desma 6J All of the artworks are displayed in our school hall. Thank you to all who participated. Mr Johnson - SRC Co-ordinator WORKING BEE THIS SUNDAY FOR KINDERGARTEN FAMILIES Our next working bee will be Sunday 22 March, 9am – 12 noon. You are invited to an enjoyable morning helping to maintain our school environment. Children are welcome, too, under parent supervision. THIS IS THE ONLY WORKING BEE FOR KINDERGARTEN THIS YEAR, so please come if you can. Tasks to be tackled include: Rotary-hoeing the soft-fall material around the playground equipment Raking and clearing rocks, sticks and seedpods from the playground Dismantling old furniture to load into skip Developing wildlife corridor garden behind library Cleaning playground drains and along the kerbs inside the tennis court fences Washing playground seats and tables Pressure cleaning metal seats in the playground Weeding gardens and preparing sites for planting seedlings Mowing grass under trees and places inaccessible to tractor mower Morning tea and a barbecue lunch will be provided. Please wear old clothes, hat and work gloves. Bring any useful tools you may have, such as cleaning equipment, spades, buckets, pruners, mower, brush cutter and wheelbarrow, to supplement our school equipment. Vehicular entry and parking will be available via the Badajoz Rd gate. To assist planning and catering, please return the tear-off slip to the P&C box at the school office by this Friday 20 March or send a note telling how many of your family are coming. All members of our school community are welcome, even if you are not a Kindergarten class family. Phillip Ward Co-ordinator Ryde East LEGO MOVIE Disco WHEN: March 20, 2015 WHERE: School Hall INFANTS (K-2) TIME: 5pm to 6.30pm PRIMARY (3-6) TIME: 6.45pm to 8.30pm See the form at the end of the newsletter for all the details about the next AWESOME disco. The costume choices are endless. Come as Emmet, Wyldstyle, Batman, 1980’s space man, red bricks, blue bricks.... We can’t wait to see what you come up with. DISCO entry – the usual place on the side of the hall near Miss Flammia’s class room. DISCO exit – parents walk in the disco entrance and exit on the Tennis court side of the hall. All kids must have a guardian/parent to leave the hall. No early drop offs please. Thank you for your cooperation. RETURN the NECESSARY form by Wednesday 20 March. No Form, no Entry. The disco is designed as a night of fun for your SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN. We have up to 150 children on a registered list to supervise in the hall for each disco. In addition, if there is any issue we know who is present, and can provide the best care for your children. We respectfully ask that you don’t bring along younger children. We cannot be responsible for these children. Very soon they will be at school too, and can come and have a great time. DISCO helpers needed for the primary disco. We know it is not cool, but you can work behind the scenes in the canteen. Please volunteer on your child’s disco form. Any enquiries please contact: Kim Bunny – 0424 890 849 Edith McIlveen – 0407 943 992 RYDE EAST CAKE STALL – SATURDAY 28TH MARCH Calling all volunteers!! We are looking for volunteers to help us run the cake stall at the State election on Saturday 28th March. The stall will be running all day from 7am until late afternoon and we are looking for people to volunteer for 2 hour shifts. We will be putting together a roster so please let me know if you’re happy to help out. We are also looking for volunteers to help sort and label all the donated goodies on Friday 27th March between 3pm – 7pm in the school canteen. It’s a big job so all help will be most appreciated. If you can spare an hour or two, please do let me know. As a friendly reminder, we will be sending your child home with a cake tray on Monday 23rd March. It would be fantastic if these can be filled with baked and store bought goodies and returned to the school canteen on the afternoon of Friday 27th March. We can provide you with tin foil loaf and cake pans that you can bake in and patty pans for cupcakes so please do just get in contact with me if you would like these. A big thank you to all those who have already offered their support! This event will be raising much needed funds for the school P&C so we encourage everyone to get behind it as it will ultimately help all the children at the school. If you have any questions or would like to offer your support, please contact Siobhan Reynolds on 0414 669475 or siobhanreynolds@hotmail.com. STATE ELECTION BBQ AND CAKE STALL – HELPERS NEEDED The State Election is being held on 28th March and our school hall will be a polling place. We will be running a BBQ and Cake Stall and we are looking for people who would be able to help for a couple of hours throughout the day from 8am – 6pm. If you are able to help either on the BBQ or Cake Stall please contact me on 0414560907 or skimpton@bigpond.net.au Thank you Suzanne Kimpton WALKATHON Thank you to all of our wonderful students who participated in the Walkathon last Wednesday. Even though it was a bit hot, the students did their best to complete their 20 laps. Thank you to Mrs Imer, Mrs Abdulla and all of the teachers who did a wonderful job to ensure the event ran smoothly. Thank you to all the students who have already returned their sponsorship forms and money. Could all the remaining students please place their form and money in an envelope clearly marked “Walkathon” and place in the Yellow P&C box no later than Friday 27th March. Suzanne Kimpton Ryde East P&C Fundraising MOTHERS’ DAY STALL 6th – 7th MAY 2015 Thank you to all those who have started donating gifts for the Mothers’ Day stall this year. We will continue to collect gifts until Friday 1st May. A stall of this nature solely relies on the generosity of all families at the school by contributing items for the stall. Gift donations may be in-expensive, however please be mindful to only donate unused, quality items which would be appropriate gifts for Mothers’ Day. Remember, your child or your friends child might just purchase the very gift which you donated! It would be appreciated if items can be left in the specially marked box in the school office. Thank you in advance. Your contributions as always will be gratefully accepted. Suzanne Kimpton 0414 560 907 HARMONY DAY - PACK DAY RECORD ! What a great Harmony Day we had last Wednesday. We did a Pack Day record with over 350 Harmony Order Packs made. We could not have done this without the help of our fantastic mums. A big thank you to Tassey, Nicole, Rosetta, Sharon, Tonya and Suzanne. We also received lots of fantastic comments from the students and parents about our yummy, home-made penne and noodles. Just a reminder that there will be no Pack Day on 23rd March as this was replaced with our huge Harmony Pack Day last week. If you can spare just a few hours any Monday, Wednesday or Friday, to help in the canteen, please drop us an email to Belinda Mortimer belindamortimer@gmail.com. It’s a great way to meet new parents. If you have any suggestions or would like to be part of the Canteen Committee please drop me an email. We would love some more ideas and help! Kelly.centellas@gmail.com Cheers Kelly and Lisa P&C MUSIC PROGRAM NEWS SENIOR BAND AT GOLD CARD THIS WEEK! Senior Band will be performing for the first time this year at the Gold Card Assembly this Friday 20th March. All members of the Senior Band need to arrive, with their instruments and music, at the band room by 8:45am to help carry stands and percussion instruments to the hall for set up. We are looking forward to a fabulous performance, so come along and cheer them on! (The Training Band will get to play at the Week 8 Gold Card Assembly in Term 2.) Our two Band Captains, Amy W and Angus T will also be receiving their badges at this assembly. AWESOME APRIL MUSIC ANTICS Invitations went out yesterday for our fantastic music event – Awesome April Music Antics on Sunday 26th April! Students will experience a fun day of music workshops and band rehearsals, see an awesome performance by all the tutors, participate in awesome music games and finish up with an awesome concert for family and friends. This is the perfect occasion for the Senior and Training Bands to have more intensive tutoring, especially with the upcoming competitions next term for Senior Band! Permission notes and payments must be returned to the Yellow P&C Box by Friday 27th March. Any questions – contact our awesome music special events coordinator, Liz Thomson (details below), or Belinda Duncan. MUSIC PROGRAM INVOICES SENT OUT Most of the music program invoices have now been emailed for Term 1. Everyone in the music program, even those not in the band, will receive an invoice for the annual $30 Music Program Fee. This is to cover costs involved in administering the program and putting on events, including the music day and Musical Variety Night. Other costs on your invoice may include band fees, for those in Senior or Training Band; instrument hire fees, if you are hiring a school instrument; or drumsticks and/or drumstick bags, for those who have purchased them. Payment by direct deposit is preferred using your invoice number as the reference. BSB: 062 281 Account No: 10261085 Account Name: Reps Band Sub Committee. If paying by cheque please advise Nerradene via email and make cheques payable to ‘REPS Band Sub Committee’. These should be placed in the locked P&C box in the school office, marked to the attention of ‘Music Program Treasurer’. If you have any questions, please contact our Music Treasurer, Nerradene Wolken, or Belinda Duncan, the Music Program Coordinator, details below. UPCOMING MUSIC DATES: Week 8 – Gold Card Assembly – Senior Band performs TERM 2 Week 1 – Sunday 26 April, Awesome April Music Antics Day Week 5 – Ryde East Music Festival – Sunday 24th May Week 8 – Wahroonga Music Festival, Sunday 14 June COMMITTEE CONTACTS Coordinator: Belinda Duncan - 0417 489 269, rydeeastmusic@gmail.com Secretary: Band Manager: Lisa Mach – lisa@machsonline.com.au Treasurer: Nerradene Wolken – repsband@gmail.com Events Coordinator: Liz Thomson – liz-thom@hotmail.com KINDY NIGHT OUT When: Thursday 19th March from 7pm Where: Hunters Hill Hotel, upstairs terrace All kindergarten parents are welcome to come along to The Hunters Hill Hotel this Thursday night from 7pm. Come along, meet and have a drink and/or dinner with other kindy parents. Lisa Gregory KI Class Parent TENNIS COURTS FOR HIRE The school tennis courts are available for hire out of school hours for a nominal fee of $20.00 per hour for each court. Contact Margie Simpson on 0407 280 864 RYDE EAST OSHC NEWS Ryde East OSHC has its own website which can be accessed at any time. The website is www.rydeeastoshc.com.au UNIFORM SHOP NEWS - (New Uniforms only) The Uniform Shop is open every Tuesday morning from 8.45am – 9.45am or order online and have it delivered to your child’s classroom. www.youruniformshop.com.au Sara Rich – 0426 824 972 ♥♥♥ Pre-Loved Uniforms ♥♥♥ Opening times - Tuesday mornings from 8:45 9:30am. Pre-loved uniforms are available from the canteen window alongside the New Uniform Shop. Payment is by CASH only and notes of smaller denominations are appreciated. Donations for Pre-Loved can be dropped at the shop window on any Tuesday morning - please note that we can only accept standard issue school uniforms. Please do not leave your donations at the school Office. For any queries, please contact Vicky Moore on 0426 287 575 or Simone Haslehurst on 0414 965 225 COMMUNITY NEWS Harmony Day 2015 will be celebrated on 21st March at Top Ryde Shopping Centre. Enjoy live music and dance performances from 10.00am on the main stage. See the flyer on the school noticeboard for more information. Northern Sydney Local Health District will be holding Parenting Courses and Workshops in Term 2 commencing between 6th May and 15th June. Courses include Tuning in to Kids and Workshops include Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) and Resilient Kids. For further information see the flyer on the school noticeboard or visit the website www.nslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services/CAP Enrichment, Education, Excitement Become a Volunteer Host Family! World Education Program (WEP) is inviting you to experience another culture in your own home by becoming a volunteer host family to an international student arriving in July 2015. Our students from Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, Italy, Belgium, the USA, and France are looking forward to experiencing life in Australia, making new friends and becoming a member of an Australian family soon. Contact WEP today to receive a full information pack. Phone: 1300 884 733 Email: info@wep.org.au Online: http://www.wep.org.au YEARS 2-4 STATE DANCE WORKSHOPS Applications are now open for students in Years 2 – 4. APPLY NOW at https://www.artsunit.nsw.edu.au/years-2-4-dance-days Applications close on Thursday April 2. For further information phone Joanne Gilmour The Arts Unit Student Dance Development and Delivery Officer (02) 8512 1178 The Years 5-6 Boys Only workshops are tailored to males in Years 5-6. This is a new dance opportunity being offered by The Arts Unit in 2015. These workshops are an excellent opportunity for students with talent and skills in dance to develop in this art form. Highly skilled professional dance tutors will challenge students with technique and repertoire across a range of dance styles across the two day workshops. Workshop Date: Monday 18th May & Tuesday 19th May, 2015 Workshop Venue: Sydney Dance Company Studios Applications Close- Monday 20th April, 2015 - DON'T MISS OUT! For further information and to apply, click the link below. https://www.artsunit.nsw.edu.au/dance/boys-only-workshop Or contact The Arts Unit on 85121176 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCHOOL WORKING BEE - SUNDAY 22 March 2015 please return this slip to P&C box at school office Family name:____________________________________ Would you like to stay for lunch? Yes No No. of adults:_____ children: _____ Contact phone:_____________________ Equipment / tasks with which you may help: ________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
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