SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES CHAPTER 2 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 CONTENTS FOREWORD 1. GENERAL ..................................................................................................... 5 ARTICLE 100: PARTICIPANT RECEPTION: OPENING HOURS .................................................. 5 ARTICLE 101: ENTRIES ..................................................................................................... 5 ARTICLE 102: DAMAGES NOT COVERED BY THE EVENT ORGANIZER .................................... 6 2. SAFETY ........................................................................................................ 7 ARTICLE 103: SAFETY RULES ............................................................................................. 7 ARTICLE 104: SMOKING ................................................................................................. 7 ARTICLE 105: DRUGS AND NARCOTICS ............................................................................ 7 ARTICLE 106: ALCOHOL .................................................................................................. 7 ARTICLE 107: PENALTIES .................................................................................................. 7 CAMPSITE RULES ..................................................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE 108: NOISE LEVEL ............................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE 109: BARBECUE COOKING AREA/FOOD .............................................................. 8 PADDOCK RULES .................................................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE 110: MOVING PROTOTYPE AND URBANCONCEPT VEHICLES ................................... 8 ARTICLE 111: EMERGENCY EXITS ...................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE 112: PADDOCK AREA HOUSEKEEPING .................................................................. 9 ARTICLE 113: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS).......................................................... 9 ARTICLE 114: SAFETY WALKS ........................................................................................... 9 3. COMPETITION/PRACTICE ............................................................................ 10 ARTICLE 115: DEFINITION OF COMPETITION ................................................................... 10 ARTICLE 116: ORDERING MANDATORY EQUIPMENT ......................................................... 10 ARTICLE 117: DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL ............................................ 10 ARTICLE 118: RFID TAG ATTRIBUTION .............................................................................. 11 ARTICLE 119: MANDATORY BRIEFING ............................................................................. 11 2 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 ARTICLE 120: TRACK ACCESS CONDITIONS .................................................................... 11 ARTICLE 121: PEDESTRIANS ............................................................................................ 11 ARTICLE 122: BREAKDOWNS AND OTHER INCIDENTS ...................................................... 12 ARTICLE 123: TIMEKEEPING ........................................................................................... 12 ARTICLE 124: START AND FINISH OF COMPETITION FOR PROTOTYPE AND URBANCONCEPT CARS .............................................................................. 12 4. TENTATIVE TIME SCHEDULE ......................................................................... 13 5. MISCELLANEOUS TERMS AND CONDITIONS ................................................. 14 ARTICLE 125: TAXES ....................................................................................................... 14 ARTICLE 126: EXPENSES ................................................................................................. 14 ARTICLE 127: THIRD PARTY RIGHTS ................................................................................... 14 ARTICLE 128: TRANSFER OF PRIZES ................................................................................... 14 ARTICLE 129: DISQUALIFICATION ..................................................................................... 14 ARTICLE 130: RELEASE OF LIABILITY.................................................................................... 14 ARTICLE 131: TRAVEL ALLOWANCE .................................................................................. 14 3 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 FOREWORD “WELCOME TO THE FIRST SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS IN DETROIT” Dear teams, participants, friends and enthusiasts, After five successful years in Houston, I would like to welcome you to the first Shell Eco-marathon Americas in Detroit, the birthplace of global mass mobility. I hope the history and spirit of our new host city will inspire all teams to continue pushing the boundaries of fuel efficiency. Taking to the streets of the Motor City will hopefully motivate this generation of young engineers on their quest for personal bests, while addressing the global challenges we face around finding new solutions for the future of energy and mobility. In order to maximise your experience at Shell Eco-marathon Americas, I’d like to remind all teams to come to the competition with your vehicles prepared and tested. Review the “Tech Tips” videos on YouTube and read the Shell Ecomarathon Chapter I and Chapter II Rules carefully. As Shell Eco-marathon continues to grow in popularity we need to sharpen our focus on protecting the integrity and authenticity of this student event which is built on the ingenuity and hard-work of students from all over the world. Unfortunately, my team and I have noticed an increasing numbers of cases where overly keen faculty staff, parents, chaperones or professional team members work on the vehicles or even are in charge of their design and development. According to the Rules, those activities must be carried out by the students registered in the event. I would like to remind all Teams that such behaviour is unfair and contradicts the values and the spirit of Shell Eco-marathon. Therefore, the Organisers reserve the right to penalise teams which employ such practices. Do not hesitate to contact us on the Shell Eco-marathon Americas Facebook group or via if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you from April 8th – 12th, 2015 in Detroit! Norman Koch Shell Eco-Marathon Global Technical Director 4 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 1. GENERAL The Shell Eco-marathon Official Rules 2015 Chapter I and the Americas Rules 2015 Chapter II apply during the entire duration of the teams’ presence onsite. By participating in Shell Eco-marathon, you recognize that the event organizer, Shell Oil Company (“Event Organizer”), and more generally any company belonging to the Shell Group, have the right to use your image for advertising, marketing or promotional purposes associated with this event. Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2015 will be held from April 8-12, 2015 at the Cobo Center in Detroit, MI, USA. The campsite will be open to teams on Wednesday, April 8 at 4:00 PM and will remain open until 9:00 AM on Monday, April 13 to allow for accommodation on Sunday night. Vehicle storage in the car parks will also be provided. Teams will have access to the Paddocks on Wednesday, April 8 after registration (beginning at 4:00 PM) and need to clear their paddock by 9:00 AM Monday, April 13. ARTICLE 100: PARTICIPANT RECEPTION: OPENING HOURS For campsite: Wednesday, April 8, 4:00 PM – Monday, April 13, 9:00 AM For event registration inside the venue: Wednesday, April 8 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM 3:00 PM – 9:00 PM Thursday, April 9 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM Friday, April 10 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM Saturday, April 11 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM Sunday, April 12 As Needed Team Team Team Team Team Pre-Registration (Green Teams) Registration Registration Registration Registration ARTICLE 101: ENTRIES Schools: Secondary or technical schools preparing pupils for vocational training certificates, professional certificates or official second-level school-leaving examinations. Universities/Technical Colleges: Educational establishments preparing students for higher education diplomas (senior technician certificates, university-level technology diploma, etc.); Establishments of higher education awarding university-level degree diplomas or student associations. Teams will consist of no more than 8 official student Team Members (Participants), one of whom is the Team Manager, although additional students may support the Team as required. Only the registered Participants will receive credentials when they check-in for the competition. Individuals who do not carry credentials will not be allowed into the competition area. One faculty advisor should be designated by 5 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 the Team to receive credentials for admittance to the garage area. Other adult leaders and chaperones are welcome to attend the event as spectators but will not be allowed into the paddock area. Teams with participants who are under the age of majority in their state/province and/or country of origin must be accompanied by a professor, teacher or adult leader. Teams with no participants under the age of majority in their state/province and/or country of origin should be accompanied by a professor, teacher or adult leader except under special circumstances. Such Teams should contact Event Organizer regarding such exemptions. Teams with four (4) or more participants under the age of 16 must be accompanied by at least one adult per 4 under age participants in addition to the professor, teacher or adult leader. Drivers and Reserve Drivers shall be at least 16 years old on the first day of the competition and must be a licensed driver in their state/province or country of origin. ARTICLE 102: DAMAGES NOT COVERED BY THE EVENT ORGANIZER Any damage caused by drivers or teams to circuit facilities and surroundings and/or to Shell Eco-marathon facilities shall be charged to the teams having caused said damage. The deposit will be used to cover these damages, but liability is not limited to this amount. 6 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 2. SAFETY ARTICLE 103: SAFETY RULES As with any motorsport activity, there should be an understanding that certain inherent risks will be present. Recognizing and controlling such risks are vital for the well-being of people and local surroundings. Therefore, compliance with safe driving, general behavior and sporting rules will be mandatory for everyone. All team members must comply with safety measures and notify the Event Organizer about any anomalies or incidents. In the event of dangerous conditions, team members are required to leave the affected areas immediately. All the areas covered by the event will be monitored by the Event Organizer to assist teams in ensuring safe practices and behavior. Team Managers shall be responsible for enforcing the following regulations with their team members, which is in the best interests of all participants and the success of the whole event. Any non-compliance with regulations will lead to the following penalties. ARTICLE 104: SMOKING Shell draws participants’ attention to the fact that smoking is extremely harmful to health. In addition, the event type (similar to a car-racing competition) requires the handling and storage of dangerous components and fluids such as petrol, hydrogen and other fuel materials. For safety reasons, smoking is specifically not permitted in the Cobo Center, near the welding tent, fuel storage, Stop and Go area, paneling area and Start/Finish areas. Please keep in mind that the Cobo Center is a non-smoking venue. Smoking includes electronic-cigarettes and is only allowed in the external designated smoking areas. ARTICLE 105: DRUGS AND NARCOTICS US law strictly forbids the distribution and the consumption of narcotics. Law enforcement officers (Police) may intervene anywhere on the premises for narcotic searches. In addition to legal prosecutions from the authorities, any drug and narcotics related breach of the regulations will be treated as a 3rd infraction of the Team, even if no prior violation has occurred. ARTICLE 106: ALCOHOL Shell draws participants’ attention to the fact that the abuse of alcohol is harmful to health. No alcoholic beverages are allowed at the Event or on the track premises, paddock or campsite. We reserve the right to intervene and remove from the Event, and possibly apply a penalty (see Article 107), to any person found to be in a drunken state. Abuse or adverse behaviors might lead to a team’s immediate disqualification, even if no prior violation has occurred. ARTICLE 107: PENALTIES Event Organizer will exclude, disqualify or otherwise penalize any competitor who, in the judgment of the Event Organizer, will not have respected the safety rules expressed herein. 7 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 Except otherwise specified, Event Organizer will apply the following penalties for the following infractions: Non-compliance with on-track safety or driving rules (unsafe or unwise behavior); Non-compliance with off-track safety rules including but not limited to in the paddocks, student lounge, campsite, and other off-track facilities. 1st infraction: Formal warning to the Team Manager; 2nd infraction: Best overall attempt invalidated at the end of the competition; 3rd infraction: Immediate team disqualification. CAMPSITE RULES Detailed information regarding the campsite will be provided shortly via the newsletter and the FAQ on the website. ARTICLE 108: NOISE LEVEL In the interest of neighborliness and respect for others, noise levels shall be kept to a minimum between 11:00 PM and 7:00 AM at the campsite. The safety and security team will have complete freedom and power to impose respect of the appropriate noise level during these hours. ARTICLE 109: BARBECUE COOKING AREA/FOOD Please note that cooking inside the Cobo Center is not allowed. PADDOCK RULES ARTICLE 110: MOVING PROTOTYPE AND URBANCONCEPT VEHICLES In all places other than on the track, all Prototype and UrbanConcept vehicles should be moved without the use of the engine. They will be manually pushed or pulled by an accompanying team member. This applies also on the pit lane and in the paddocks. It is strictly forbidden to run engine-powered Prototype and UrbanConcept vehicles outside of the track anywhere or at any time in the circuit premises, paddocks, and campsite or on public roads. Exception: a dedicated ‘testing area’ is available for testing purposes only during official opening hours of the main track. ARTICLE 111: EMERGENCY EXITS Fire and emergency exits must be kept clear anytime from any obstructing equipment or vehicles. 8 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 ARTICLE 112: PADDOCK AREA HOUSEKEEPING Shell requires participants to exercise care in their stands especially regarding: Stand cleanliness; Electrical connections (e.g. cabling on ground to be duct-taped or appropriately secured); Display of regulatory stickers and posters, e.g. the “no-smoking” and safety posters that will be supplied by the Event Organizer to each team upon their arrival. NB: to develop best-practice sharing in safety, all teams are encouraged to display specific safety pictures or posters in their stands; Clear separation between food/drink and hazardous (toxic/noxious/flammable/solvent) products; Have separate storage e.g. metal box for these products; It is forbidden to cook in the paddock; Respect of “how to work with hot sources” rule on hydrogen stands; Welding services are available and will be done outside in designated area; Wearing of personal protection equipment; and Proper use of portable electric equipment and its protection. ARTICLE 113: MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) Except for approved race fuels or energy sources, upon request by the Event Organizer all teams should be able to provide the MSDS of any products they use in their stands, e.g. solvents, cleaning agents, chemicals, etc. ARTICLE 114: SAFETY WALKS Structured safety walks will be run during the whole event, day and night, to ensure that safety rules are complied with. 9 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 3. COMPETITION/PRACTICE ARTICLE 115: DEFINITION OF COMPETITION Prototype and UrbanConcept vehicles will use the same track but not at the same time during practice and competition. Definition: For the attempt to be valid, Teams must complete seven laps for a total distance of 6.3 miles with a minimum average speed of 15 mph. One lap equals .9 miles; the time requirement for Prototype and UrbanConcept vehicles is 25 minutes (subject to confirmation in the daily Driver briefings. NEW: UrbanConcept: The driver must stop once per lap. The point where to stop will be specified by a panel or a specific road-marking under the control of a Track Marshal. The stop must be a full stop of the wheels. It must take place at this specified point unless other vehicles have already stopped and no space is available on the track to do so. In case of non-respect of the designated place for this stop or a ‘rolling stop’ the concerned attempt will be invalid. Attempt: Each team will be limited to a certain number of attempts per session: the best result will be retained for the final classification. When the vehicle crosses the start line, an attempt is counted. Even the vehicle stop near the start line, a new start will not be granted for the attempt in question. ARTICLE 116: ORDERING MANDATORY EQUIPMENT This article applies to teams that do not yet have the required equipment in their possession. The following equipment is mandatory and must be purchased via the Event Organizer: Fuel tanks (gasoline or diesel fuel) Standard fuel tanks shall be obtained from Event Organizer. These tanks are mandatory and shall not be modified. Prototype: 30, 100 or 250 cc UrbanConcept: 30, 100, 250 or 350 cc ARTICLE 117: DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL Driving under the influence of alcohol is forbidden. Before using the track either for test runs or the competition, all registered drivers may be subject to random alcohol level checks. Such checks will be systematically conducted in case of serious incidents or accidents on the track. Alcohol levels, measured with a breathalyzer, must be below the value of 0.1 milligram of alcohol by liter of exhaled air (mg/l). Any alcohol-related breach of the regulations by drivers will be treated according to article 107, at least as an equivalent to a 2nd infraction of the team, even if no prior violation has occurred. 10 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 In addition, the affected driver will immediately be banned from accessing the track as long as his/her alcohol level is above the stated limit. The reserve driver may substitute the main pilot if she/he is eligible to drive. Any second alcohol-related infraction will lead to the immediate disqualification of the entire team. ARTICLE 118: RFID TAG ATTRIBUTION Four RFID tags will be attributed to each team, one for the vehicle, one for the Team Manager and one for each driver. This tag is your reference for: briefing presence control; technical inspection access, process and final status competition access, race queue entrance, start and finish measurement. ARTICLE 119: MANDATORY BRIEFING The morning briefing is mandatory for the Team Manager and all drivers of each team. If the Team Manager is not present at this briefing, the vehicle will not be authorized on track for the whole day. If only one driver attends the briefing, only this driver will be authorized on track for the whole day. You must report to the tech team representative to get your RFID tag scanned to recognize that you attended the meeting before you depart. ARTICLE 120: TRACK ACCESS CONDITIONS Track access is authorized for Prototype and UrbanConcept vehicles only during official opening hours. For other conditions, please refer to Chapter I. ARTICLE 121: PEDESTRIANS With the exception of the Track Marshals or any other person duly authorized by them and under their control, no pedestrian is allowed either on the track or on the track perimeter out of designated areas for the public. Track reconnaissance by foot is forbidden. However, the Event Organizers understand the need for teams to recognize the track. Only during test run days will pedestrians be allowed free access to the track, and this shall be for a maximum of one hour in the morning before the opening of the track for practice. In public areas and on public roads pedestrians are requested to use pavements wherever available and to walk on the left side of roads if no pavement is available. 11 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 ARTICLE 122: BREAKDOWNS AND OTHER INCIDENTS If due to an incident the race is stopped and the red flag used, all vehicles on the track at this time will receive one additional attempt. For other details, please refer to Chapter I. ARTICLE 123: TIMEKEEPING All vehicles will be equipped with an extra-flat electromagnetic transponder that will be fitted after vehicle inspection using adhesive tape or nuts, inside or outside the vehicle according to the vehicle’s characteristics. The transponder must be returned at the reception at the end of the event. ARTICLE 124: START AND FINISH OF COMPETITION FOR PROTOTYPE AND URBANCONCEPT CARS Only vehicles in full working order e.g. complete chassis and body together, will be allowed in the queue to access the filling point and starting line. The vehicle may be accompanied by a maximum of two persons with ID badges (not including the driver). Once the vehicle has left the starting line, all team members have to leave the starting area. The starting area is dedicated for the driver to take his/her place in the vehicle under safe conditions, and to close the vehicle body. It is forbidden to work on the vehicle in this area. In case of difficulties of taking the start, a maximum of one minute will be granted to try again, after which time the team must return the vehicle to the paddock to repair it, and then take place at the end of the queue. No equipment will be tolerated in the starting area, e.g. heater system, trolley, toolbox, etc. Drivers must wait until the starting line is clear before starting their attempt. They must wait for a signal from the flag bearer (green flag) before starting and will carefully enter the track at the merging point on the track/pit lane. At the starting line, vehicles will start one by one. Vehicles must be at a full stop and are not allowed any outside assistance during starting. Any pushing of the vehicle is prohibited. At the finish line: Competitors must refrain from any work on their vehicles prior to inspection of the vehicle by the Inspectors. Inspectors/Marshals are the only people authorized to fill or top up the tank. 12 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 4. TENTATIVE TIME SCHEDULE The final schedule will be confirmed every morning for the day at the mandatory morning team briefing. The event organisers reserve the right to change this schedule at any time in case of poor weather conditions or any other unpredictable event. (Note: Meals will be provided each day) Wednesday, April 8, 2015 12 PM – Pre-Registration Opens to Eligible Teams 3 – 9 PM – Team Registration Open 4 PM – Campground and Paddock Open Thursday, April 9, 2015 8 AM – Registration, Tech Inspection and Paddock Open 7 PM – Drivers Walking Tour of Course MANDATORY (ALL DRIVERS MUST ATTEND ONCE) Friday, April 10, 2015 7 AM – Driver's & Team Leaders Meeting MANDATORY (ONLY Drivers & Team Leaders) 8:30 AM – Group Photo 8:45 AM – Team Safety Meeting – ALL 9 AM – Official Opening Ceremonies TBD – Practice Runs 6 PM – Drivers Meeting: Walking Tour of Course (ALL DRIVERS MUST ATTEND ONCE) Saturday, April 11, 2015 7 – 7:30 AM – Driver’s & Team Leaders Meeting MANDATORY (ONLY Drivers & Team Leaders) TBD – Competition Runs Sunday, April 12, 2015 7 -– 7:30 AM – Driver's & Team Leaders Meeting MANDATORY (ONLY Drivers & Team Leaders) TBD – Competition Runs 6 – 7:30 PM – Awards Ceremony Monday, April 13, 2015 9 AM – Cobo Center Closed to Students 13 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 5. MISCELLANEOUS TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARTICLE 125: TAXES Prizes will be awarded in the name of the School for the Team registered for the Event. Winning Schools are responsible for all federal and state taxes related to the prize, if any. ARTICLE 126: EXPENSES Each Team shall be granted a stipend to assist with travel cost to/from the Event. The amount of this stipend is specified in Article 131 of Chapter 2. Each Team is responsible for all other costs and expenses associated with participating in the Event. ARTICLE 127: THIRD PARTY RIGHTS By entering, each Team warrants and represents that its vehicle is original and does not infringe, defame or otherwise violate the rights of any third party; does not violate any federal, state or local laws or ordinances; and does not utilize the property of others without express permission to do so. ARTICLE 128: TRANSFER OF PRIZES No substitution or transfer of prizes. Shell reserves the right to award alternate prizes in the Event a prize becomes unavailable. Shell reserves the right to not award any prize. ARTICLE 129: DISQUALIFICATION Shell shall have the right, at its discretion, to disqualify any entries that they deem to be obscene, defamatory of otherwise not in good taste. ARTICLE 130: RELEASE OF LIABILITY Shell Oil Company and its parent, affiliate and subsidiary companies and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, shareholders, representatives and agents shall have no liability and will be hold harmless by Team Members and Schools for any claim, action, liability, loss, injury or damage to any Team Member, Schools and/or any other person or entity, including personal injury or death to any person or damage to personal or real property, due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly by reason of participation in this contest, or the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a stipend and/or prize (including any travel or related activity). Team Members and Schools acknowledge that they will be required to sign an Assumption of Risk Waiver and Release from Liability Agreement provided by Shell in order to participate in the Event. Team Members who are under 18 years of age may have to have additional documents signed by their parents and/or guardian. ARTICLE 131: TRAVEL ALLOWANCE The travel allowance set forth shall be given by Shell to each registered Team traveling from either North or South America upon their arrival at the competition. For all non-Americas teams, special permission will need to be given by the Event Organizer. The distances are measured from the central administration 14 SHELL ECO-MARATHON AMERICAS 2015 OFFICIAL RULES, CHAPTER 2 building or main campus address of the registered School to the address of the event location. If there are any uncertainties about distance measures, the final decision will be made by the Event Organizer. FROM TO ALLOWANCE 0 250 Miles $150 251 500 Miles $250 501 750 Miles $500 751 1,000 Miles $750 1,001 1,500 Miles $1,000 1,501 2,000 Miles $1,250 2,001 Or More Miles $1,500 15
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