Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs Contents Overview Chart ................................................................2 Introduction to G-Force VBS for Special Needs ................4 G od wants us to Act! Let’s Go! Session One God Calls Moses................................................................8 Session Two Solomon Builds the Temple ...............................................17 Session Three Four Friends Help................................................................24 Session Four Healing of Bartimaeus.......................................................32 Session Five Women Find the Empty Tomb............................................40 G od wants us to Care! Let’s Go! Student Information Sheet...............................................47 Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 1 Faith Fuel Action Word Velocity Verse Science Move! “And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8b, NRSV) R ollback Can Act! “I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action.” (James 2:18b, CEB) Money Under Bottle Care! “Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2, CEB) The Egg Drop Homemade Kaleidoscope Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) Follow! “Come, follow me.” (Matthew 4:19a, CEB) P endulum Catch Women Find the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12) Share! “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19a, CEB) C olor Changing Milk God Calls Moses (Exodus 3:7-12) Solomon Builds the Temple (1 Chronicles 28:20-21 & 2 Chronicles 5:1,13) Four Friends Help (Mark 2:1-12) T ornado in a Bottle Insta-Snow® P opsicle Stick Chain Reaction D isappearing Color Wheel B onus: Static Flyer 2 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action “In God we live, move, and exist.” (Acts 17:28a, CEB) Snack Crafts Recreation Music On the Move Rock It and Roll It Move with Moses Insole for God Z Snack– E Cracker Time “Let’s Go!” Sneaker Walk Carefully! I Got the G-Force (Theme Song) Airplane Magnet God Says... Food Drive Preschool On the Move PreK Recreation In God We Live, Move, and Exist Faith-in-Action Prayer Box Bible Verse Sticker Tag Unstoppable Let’s Stick Together anvas Wall C Hanging emple Made of T Kids Preschool Wheels Up Newspaper Buildings Power Snack– Round We Go ealthy Snack– H Fruit Fun eggies to Go V EZ Snack– Building Fun ower Snack– P Snack on the Go! ealthy Snack– H Ready for Action! aring Faces C EZ Snack– Ready to Roll! ower Snack– P Caring Roll-Ups ealthy Snack– H Ready! Set! Go! Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) Mission Soles4Souls Teacher Appreciation Bags PreK Recreation iCare Flower Pots Braided Wristband Preschool Preschool Checkers Mask Friends to the Rescue! Movin’ In Me ater Balloon W Drop God Is on the Move (PreK) Prayer Journals New Stop Signs 1 0,000 Reasons Dignity Bags Follow Me! G o and Make Disciples Treats for Community Helpers Spirit of God Butterfly Mission Prayers Bag of Burdens PreK Recreation Keep on Following EZ Snack–Jericho Journey Pops Power Snack– Incredible Faces Healthy Snack– Follow On! raffic Light Photo T Frame 3D Paper Cross heetah Chow C EZ Snack– Bolt Bars Power Snack– Ready! Set! Go! Healthy Snack– Good News Treats Knots of Love Feeling the Bible Verse PreK Recreation C ome Follow Me (PreK) ross Bookmarks C Create-and-Share Bank Get to the Empty Tomb G o and Make Disciples Surprise Party! Silhouette Smiles Nations Toss S ing your favorites from VBS! PreK Recreation Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs Knots of Love Miles of Smiles for Our Community Our Church Our World 3 Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs Wheels Up! Time for G-Force Who’s Who at the G-Force Adventure Park VBS Participants: Navigators Guides: Pathfinders Activity Center Leaders: G-Force Squad Leaders G-Force Zone Assembly Characters: Coach and Puppeteer for Checkers the Cheetah Many students with special needs can participate at VBS in classes with their peers in the rotation or self-contained classroom options, using minor adaptations. Most suggestions for those adaptations can be found in the Activity Stations section of each session. This curriculum is for use in a selfcontained VBS classroom for students with special needs. The material is appropriate for students who would benefit from the security of a smaller classroom with an emphasis on routine, repetition, and review. You will notice the same basic structure for each session with multiple opportunities for review of key ideas throughout the session. The emphasis for any game is cooperative rather than competitive. 4 G-Force for Students with Special Needs is designed using a multi-sensory approach with visual, auditory, and tactile activities. Simple adaptations of activities may be necessary if you have a student who is hearing or visually impaired to increase the use of their preferred sense. The use of an adult buddy is encouraged to facilitate their involvement in activities. The teacher or buddy will need to look at each activity and decide whether to add visual cues (such as pictures or actual items), hand-over-hand assistance, or auditory cues (such as words or actual items) to allow for full participation in VBS. The use of sign language or Braille is helpful if the student uses those methods to communicate, but finding a church volunteer with those skills may be difficult. Sign language for the Velocity Verses (Bible memory verses) is available in the Director Guide and Bible Storyteller resources. Flexibility One of the most important values to model is flexibility. As leaders, we hope to demonstrate God’s love in our words and our actions. It isn’t essential that students complete activities perfectly or that everyone in the group participates in the same activity at the same time. Customize your time together based on the skills of your students. Strive for students to enjoy themselves and experience the love and wonder of God during VBS. G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Hands-On Help There may be students in your classroom who require hand-over-hand assistance with crafts or other activities. (This technique involves the adult placing hands over the student’s hands to control movement and help the child complete a task.) We recommend involving the student as much as possible. For example, if you are going to color for a student, show the student two different-colored crayons and have the student indicate which one to use. “Fidgets” The use of “fidgets” is encouraged. Many students with special needs benefit from having something in their hands when they are being asked to focus. A simple stress ball, textured cloth, or other object might be offered each day. For a small number of students, the use of “fidgets” might be distracting. However, when given clear directions about their use, most students respond well. Scheduling Devise a schedule for each day that uses words or pictures to represent the various activities. Post it in a prominent place that is accessible for the students. When students know what to expect next, anxiety is reduced. As much as possible, attempt to follow the same routine in each session. If it becomes necessary to deviate from the schedule, give as much advance warning as possible. Avoid putting down times for each activity; some students will become anxious if the time for an activity is shortened or lengthened beyond what is posted. This curriculum is designed for a three-hour VBS session. If your sessions are shorter, choose from all the activities suggested. Gathering Time Bible Story (Action Words, AttentionGetter, Bible Story, Bible Follow-up Activity, Velocity Verse, and Prayer) Then, in any order: Recreation, Science, Crafts, Snack Close with: Reflection Time Recreation Review the games and suggested adaptations and determine what will work best for your students, or if additional adaptations are needed. For example, if you have a student with a visual impairment, you may need to add a bell to the inside of a ball. Science Consider providing a visual, step-by-step guide illustrating the different steps of the experiment. Allow students to work with others and at their own pace. Crafts Allow extra time for students to complete their projects. Have an extra project available for students who finish quickly. Provide additional assistance with cutting, gluing, and other tasks involved in the craft. Be sure to foster independence by allowing students to complete as many tasks as possible. Some students may have a difficult time working in a large group. Offer one-on-one assistance to help a child concentrate on a task as needed. For a student with visual disabilities, we recommend including craft materials with a variety of textures. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 5 Snacks Be aware that some students can have severe allergic reactions to certain foods or food products, such as peanuts, without ingesting the food. Ask parents/caregivers if their students have food allergies. If so, serve an alternate snack. You can prepare a different snack for that student or serve snacks that all students can eat. As you assemble supplies to prepare snacks, be sure to read package ingredient lists; common foods may contain unexpected substances that cause allergies. Missions Missions can be introduced in the large setting or added to the schedule above. The Mission Leader resource in the G-Force curriculum has a variety of suggestions for mission activities. Alternately, your church may have an ongoing local mission project that participants (Navigators) can serve during VBS. Music Some students will be able to enjoy the music of VBS as is. They can enjoy singing any repetitive lyrics and moving to the beat. Some students may enjoy using sign language and motions while singing. If your church uses a rotation-style VBS, we recommend that your students join a small Song Studio (music) class. For students who are too sensitive to noise/music/ movement, provide an alternative activity while others are at the Song Studio. Review the G-Force Complete Music CD for extraeasy lyrics and motions. Another option is to give students the Student Take-Home CDROM to provide repetition in learning the songs at home. Transitions Transitional times can be stressful. A supportive technique is to give a “two minute warning” and then a gradual countdown to prepare children for the next activity. Take-a-Break Room A Take-a-Break room for students with special needs in a rotation setting VBS is strongly recommended. This could also be used as a self-contained classroom (SCC), where kids can “drop in” for different activities. This is a room where the students can come for a break if an activity is too difficult or overwhelming. It may also be a great place for the parents to meet before and after VBS to pick up their students in a more calm environment. For most students, rotating with peers is preferred. Having a volunteer who is assigned to that person is the perfect way to do this. It is preferable to have a consistent volunteer who can be there each day with the same student. In addition to the materials for each session (activity center signs, Bible, decorations, CD player, and other resources listed in the leader books), other items can make the Take-a-Break room a success: 1. A bean bag or soft cushions for sitting 2. Toys that light up or vibrate 3. T actile toys such as play-dough, Silly Putty®, Floam®, or Goop® 4. A large bin (such as a kiddie pool) of dried rice or packing peanuts 5. Small table and chairs for art 6. S oft mats to cover a good portion of the floor 7. M ostly deflated beach balls for sitting targets 8. Place mats for sitting targets 6 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Recommended Resources 9. Music player 10. Bubbles 11. Cover fluorescent lights with light film, tissue paper, or use lamps. 12. Visual schedules of order of activities 13. G-Force decorations, posters 14. Snacks appropriate for students (Some students may need purees, gluten-free, or dye-free snacks.) Adults with Special Needs With the exceptions of the songs and some of the games, most of the activities described in this curriculum could be used in a classroom of adult special learners. It would be more ageappropriate to focus on one or two songs from the G-Force Complete Music CD over the course of VBS. Most adult learners would not need fidgets. They may wish to undertake a weeklong craft, such as designing a scrapbook of the week’s activities. To assist your teaching, we recommend the use of the following G-Force program resources: Elementary Classroom Leader, Preschool/ Kindergarten Leader, Craft Leader, Recreation Leader, Snack Leader, Mission Leader, Bible Storyteller, Bible Story Poster Pak, and Scripture Treasures. Except for the Elementary Classroom Leader, these resources are available in the Starter Kit. In addition, your church may choose to purchase a copy of the Reproducible Fun Pages for both age levels. Choose pages that are age- and skill-appropriate for your students. Congregations also find the Complete Music CD or Student Take-Home CD-ROM helpful. In addition to the program music, the Student TakeHome CD-ROM also contains computer games for students. Use these resources and activities during Reflection Time, while students are waiting to be picked up to go home, or with students who are not able to attend the large-group assembly time. Complete material lists are listed for each activity in the pages that follow. Students Who Are Nonverbal Students who are nonverbal would benefit from a communication board or cards with options such as YES/NO; A, B, C, D, E, F; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; and swatches of colors. Use this communication tool when they are answering questions, playing games, and so on. Design review questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, or give two choices for the answer (a or b). These adaptations would benefit any student who might be functioning on a lower cognitive level by giving them a greater opportunity for success. However, as a leader, your flexibility is very important. These methods may not yield the results you expect. Most students who are nonverbal enjoy music. When others are singing, provide a bell bracelet, scarf, or shaker. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 7 God Calls Moses Exodus 3:7-12 Faith Fuel God Calls Moses (Exodus 3:7-12) Velocity Verse And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8b, NRSV) Action Word Move! Preparations for Session One isplay the Action Word and D Velocity Verse posters from the Decorating Poster Pak for Session One. ather materials to conduct G the Roll Back Can or Tornado in a Bottle science experiments. Be sure to note the modifications discussed under the Science section in this session. repare “fidget” baggies. Put P a small amount of soft clay in small resealable bags, one for each student. ecorate an area of the D room as the Scripture Zone as described in the Bible Storyteller book. pen your Bible to chapter O 3 of the Book of Exodus. Be ready to show students where the story is located in the Bible. Preparation ecorate a corner of the room as a quiet G-Force Zone area. Hang the D G-Force Decorating Mural on the wall to designate this area. Include a backpack or G-Force-themed, decorated box with relaxation items. se the G-Force Decorating and Publicity CD-ROM to create a U G-Force Events Board. reate a Teasure Pool. Place a small plastic pool or bin near the Bible C storytelling area. Fill the pool with white packing peanuts or small plastic balls. Each day, hide the appropriate Scripture Treasure in the Treasure Pool for the students to find. Materials For Every Session Activity Center Sign: “Scripture Zone” Bible ible-times costume for Bible B Storyteller Bible Storyteller Posterboard Decorating Transparencies found on the Decorating and Publicity CD-ROM Clothespins Checkers the Cheetah Puppet Relaxation items Coathangers Markers Dowels (optional) Focal backdrop or mural (optional) Bike wheel (optional) For This Session Session One Scripture Treasures Session One Velocity Verse and Action Word posters from the Decorating Poster Pak or printed on posterboard ecome familiar with the B songs, “God Is on the Move,” “I Got the G-Force,” and “In God We Live, Move, and Exist” using the Complete Music CD or the Music Video DVD. 8 Scripture Treasures G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Gathering Time with Checkers Leader: (Encourage students to sit in a circle.) Welcome to our G-Force VBS! I will be one of your G-Force Squad Leaders. My name is (Insert name.) While you are here at G-Force, I will call you navigators. A navigator is someone who finds their way. Together we will navigate our way through G-Force. Say “Hello Navigator!” to the person beside you! (Students greet one another.) Now, let’s use this all to help us learn the names in our class. I will hand the ball to someone. When you take it, please say, “My name is____.” Then pass the ball to the Navigator beside you. Let’s practice. (Hand the ball to an adult volunteer to model the game. Then pass the ball to a student. Continue until all students have had an opportunity to introduce themselves.) That was a fun way to share our names! Thanks for playing. This is the spot in our room where we will begin and end each session. Sometimes it is hard to find a quiet spot at a busy adventure park, but this G-Force Zone is a quiet place. During our time together, if you need a place to be quiet for a little while, you are welcome to come to the G-Force Zone to relax. There are some items in this box (backpack) to help you relax. Remember, we’ll start and end each session at this spot. Now let’s check our G-Force Events board to see what we’ll be doing. (Review picture/word schedule for the session with the group.) Sounds like fun! There is another navigator I want you to meet. Please help me find Checkers. Checkers has spots all over. (Have Checkers jump up from behind your stage area and move about.) Checkers: Ooo! Now I am ready. I am in the zone! Ready! Set! Go! I am on the move! Faith Fuel God Calls Moses (Exodus 3:7-12) Velocity Verse And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8 NRSV) Action Word Move! Leader: Checkers! There you are! We are glad to welcome you to G-Force! We are going to discover God’s love in action! You could even say it is an unstoppable love! Checkers: G-Force. Unstoppable. Hmm…gotta love unstoppable action! Sounds like I am going to have a great time here with all these amazing navigators! Leader: Yes, Checkers, you are unstoppable. Now would you like to come with us to our Scripture Zone? That’s where we’ll hear Bible stories about people who move with God. We can listen for ways we can learn from the people we meet in the Bible. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 9 Scripture Zone Teacher Tips or the story time, have a F few shoe-box sized boxes for students to hold. The story leader will ask for students to volunteer to read the cards as she pulls them out of the box. Allow non-verbal students to participate by handing the card to the storyteller. In a self-contained class room, the words “past,” “present,” and “future” can be hidden inside boxes for the students to open and find. each the hand motions for T these words: 1. what was—make a thumbsup movement and move back over shoulder. 2. what is—point index finger down to the ground. 3. what is to come—point the same finger straight ahead Practice this several times. Action Words Attention-Getter Leader: Welcome to the Scripture Zone! During each session we are going to learn some special words called Action Words. (Gesture to the stack of boxes.) Listen to me say this session’s Action Word: “Move!” When you hear someone say the Action Word, you respond by saying, “Let’s go!” Let’s practice. I say, “Move!” And you say, “Let’s go!” That was great! Let’s try it again. “Move!” And you say, “Let’s go!” That was great! Now let’s learn a motion that will help us remember our Action Word. Raise your hand like you are about to throw a ball. Move your hand forward like you are throwing the ball once on “Let’s” and once on “go!” (Demonstrate motion on each word.) Okay, let’s try it all together. I say, “Move!” and you say, “Let’s go!” (Demonstrate the double throw motion.) Great job! Throughout our time together, let’s show each other this sign (Raise your hand.) to remind us of our Action Words. Okay, what is today’s Action Word? (Let students respond.) That’s right, “Move!” And then say, “Let’s go!” Great job! 10 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Leader: When do you use boxes like these? (Allow students to respond. Possible answers include “storing” or “moving.”) Has anyone ever packed up and moved to a new place to live? Did you have boxes like these? Give me just a second. I’ve packed up something I need. (Open the top box and remove three horizontal rectangular cards large enough for all to read. Hold up the one that reads “Past.”) Raise your hand to read this word. (Call on a student.) Raise your hand if you can tell me what this word means. (Call on a student. Possible answers include “things that have already happened,” “history,” “long ago,” etc.) Let’s call it what was. (Flip the card to show the words “What was” written on the other side.) Here’s our second card. Raise your hand to read this word. (Call on a student.) Raise your hand if you can tell me what the word present means. (Call on a student. Possible answers include “right now,” “today,” etc.) Let’s call it what is. (Flip the card to show the words “What is” written on the other side.) I’ve asked you the meaning of the words past and present. What would you guess is the last word I’m going to ask you about? (Allow students to respond. Hold up the card with the word “Future” written on it.) Faith Fuel: Bible Story God Calls Moses (Exodus 3:7-12) What does future mean? (Allow students to respond. Possible answers include “things that haven’t happened yet,” “tomorrow,” etc.) Let’s call it what is to come. (Flip the card to reveal “What is to come.”) I’m going to teach three hand motions we’re going to use to tell our story. For what was make a thumbs-up symbol with your hand. Now move your thumb to go over your shoulder. That’s a way to say what’s behind us or what happened back then. Let’s practice what was. Now let’s move to the present. Point your index finger down to the ground and move your hand down as a way of saying “I’m right here now.” When we do that, we’re going to say what is. (Practice motion several times.) Now for the future. Take that same index finger and point straight ahead. So it’s like saying “This is where we’re going.” The phrase for this motion is what is to come. (Practice motion several times.) THE STORY: For the self-contained classroom, share the Bible story using the Single Storyteller version in the Bible Storyteller book, the Preschool/Kindergarten Leader book, or a combination of the two. If students with special needs are rotating with their peers, consider the tips below when VBS uses a Bible Drama from the Bible Storyteller Leader book. or tactile input, have a toy sheep F or a piece of faux sheep skin for students to hold. If a session is too long or the students have difficulty sitting, provide a small cushion. Some therapists use Disc O Sits®, a round inflatable cushion used for sitting or floor activities. The cushions allow the students to wiggle without disturbing their peers. An inexpensive alternative is a mostlydeflated beach ball. This serves as a target to sit on and lets the student wiggle while still listening. Faith Fuel God Calls Moses (Exodus 3:7-12) Velocity Verse And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8 NRSV) Action Word Move! Now let’s put it all together. What was. What is. What is to come. (Repeat series of motions twice.) In our Bible story, God is going to tell Moses what was, what is, and what is to come. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 11 Faith Fuel: Bible Story (Exodus 3:7-12) Velocity Verse And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8b, NRSV) Teacher Tips dd sign language for the A verse. Learn sign language for justice or right, kindness, and walk. See video at www. By adding simple signs, all students are able to understand, remember and say the words of the Velocity Verse. For Bible Story Follow-up: Assist the students with the hand motions as the storyteller goes over the Bible verse theme. Bible Story Follow-Up Velocity Verse Leader: Our overall theme verse for G-Force VBS is Acts 17:28a. It says, “In God we live, move, and exist.” Say that with me: “In God we live, move, and exist.” (Repeat with students.) Leader: Our Velocity Verse today is from Micah, chapter 6, verse 8b (NRSV), and it says this: (Read from the Bible.) As with Moses, God has been with us in the past, is with us in the present, and will be with us in the future. God will never leave us. But God doesn’t want us to just sit around. God intends for us to be on the move, serving others, spreading God’s love, being a friend, and helping others in need. If I pick up this big stack of boxes… (Pick up the stack of boxes, making it look as awkward as possible without dropping any.) …and I’m having a hard time with them, how do you think God might want you to move? (Allow students to respond. Possible responses include “to help carry them,” “to open the door,” etc.) (Set the boxes down.) If there are a lot of messy dishes to clean up… (Use the “present” gesture.) What’s your next move? (Allow students to answer. Extend your arm for the “future” gesture.) If a friend is sick… (Use the “present” gesture.) What’s your next move? (Allow students to respond. Extend your arm for the “future” gesture.) 12 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action “And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” That’s a list of three ways we can move toward pleasing God. We can do justice. It means we can stand up for what is right, just as Moses did when he stood up to Pharaoh. The second way is to love kindness. God was showing kindness by sending Moses to lead the people. What are some ways we can show kindness? (Allow students to respond.) The third way is to walk humbly with God. What does it mean to be humble? (Allow students to respond.) It means that you don’t act like a big shot or like you’re better than other people. Instead, you realize that God has given each of us many blessings and we are grateful for what we have been given. Let me read the verse one more time: And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? That’s Micah 6:8b (NRSV). As you go into the future, know that God has promised to be with you every step of the way. You can move…just like Moses. Scripture Treasures (This activity can also be done during Reflection Time. Guide students to the Treasure Pool or use a backpack as directed in the Preschool Kindergarten Leader book. Show students the Scripture Treasure disk for this session.) Leader: Somewhere in this pool (or backpack) is our Scripture Treasure for this session. Can you find it? (Invite students to look for the treasure amongst the balls or packing peanuts or in the backpack) As a student pulls a treasure out, say, “God wants us to move!” Have them respond with “Let’s go!” Leader: (Thank the students for saying “Let’s go!” after hearing the word move and say they won’t need to say it during the prayer.) Let’s bow our heads and talk to God. God, thank you for moving among us and moving through us to do your work and spread your love here on earth. Help us to trust that you are always with us. Help us to be willing to move like Moses to do what you want. In the name of Jesus. Amen! Activity Stations Recreation Time For this session, adapt the activity, Move with Moses, from the Recreation Leader book: With this game, most students should be able to participate with their peers. If students with special needs are rotating with their peers and if there is more than one student with special needs in a group, make sure that students are divided among groups of typical students. It’s fine to have a peer/adult helper assist with this game. Teacher Tip Smocks are recommended for painting, however some students with special needs will not tolerate smocks. Craft Time For this session, adapt either Rock it and Roll it or “Let’s Go!” Sneaker, found in the Craft Leader depending on the needs of your students: Rock It and Roll It: Have largehandled paint brushes for easier control with painting tire molds. If this activity is too difficult, use a pool noodle cut into rings (about 2 inches thick), and dip the rings into black paint. Then make “wheel” prints on paper. “Let’s Go!” Sneaker: Lacing the sneaker may be too difficult for students with cognitive or motor delays. Pre-lace some shoes so that students can decorate with stickers. Snack Time Choose an appropriate snack based on the allergies, dietary restrictions or other needs of the students in your class. See the Snack Leader book for suggestions. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 13 Activity Stations Music Time Teacher Tips B e aware of children in your group who might have witnessed or been affected by tornado devastation. Make it clear that they are in no danger and that this science experiment shows us how water and air behave. The more we know, the safer and better prepared we’ll be! If your community has been affected by strong storm devastation, use this experiment as a mission connection to local rebuilding and recovery efforts. A game that can support learning about this mission is to have a pile of shoes and have the students find a match for each shoe. After they match the shoes, secure them so they’ll stay together and have the students place the shoes in a large container for the collection, and help with missions! 14 If you lead VBS music in this setting, use the Complete Music CD or the Music Video DVD to share “God Is on the Move,” “I Got the G-Force,” or “In God We Live, Move, and Exist,” depending on the needs and skills of your students. The lyrics and motions can be found in the Music Leader book. Science Time For this session, adapt Tornado in a Bottle or Roll Back Can from the Science Leader book. Tornado in a Bottle: Use 20-oz water bottles as they may be easier to hold. Make some visually stimulating bottles out of clear screw-on bottles. Fill bottles with glitter, Styrofoam bits, food coloring, etc. The students can shake and watch these while listening to science leader, or while waiting on their turn with the tornado in a bottle project. Roll Back Can: Let each student roll the can away and wait for it to come back. It may be a good idea to secure the tops of the cans with tape because curious students will try to remove the lids! G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Mission Time For this session, adapt Tornado in a Bottle or Roll Back Can from the Science Leader book. Missions in Motion: On a piece of construction paper, trace the student’s foot and ask for a promise he or she would like to make. If the student is non-verbal, she may point to a pre-made phrase such as “love parents,” “be kind,” etc. Or, write the Velocity Verse on the traced paper for them. Reflection Time Leader: Well, Navigators, we’re almost finished with our first session at G-Force. Who can tell me why we are called navigators? (Let students respond.) I think it’s because we’re active and we’re moving! We’re looking for God. We’re using our minds and bodies to love God and help others, and we’re learning the best ways to do that by hearing about people from the Bible who were navigators, too! Speaking of being active, what’s our Action Word for this session? (Move!) Let’s talk about what it means to move for God. You might hear the word mission a lot at church. Who knows what we mean by that? (Let students respond.) When we talk about mission at church, we’re talking about moving for God. We move by putting our minds and bodies into action. We take action to help others because that’s what God calls us to do. Sharing God’s love with others, taking care of them, and letting them know that we love them, too, is what mission is all about. At G-Force, we’ll be learning how people in the Bible and people in our world today get moving. When we say “God’s love in action,” that’s what we’re talking about! The coolest thing is that you can move for God today. You don’t have to wait until you’re older, or be famous, or be the most talented person you know, or anything else. Anyone can move for God. Can you think of a time when you saw God’s love in action? What is a time when you saw someone moving to share God’s love? (Let students respond.) In our theme song, we talk about having God’s love, the G-Force, flowing through us. We can do great things when we let God help us. God wants us to move, to be active in the world. (If desired, play “I Got the G-Force” from the Complete Music CD or the Student Take-Home CD-ROM.) Materials omplete Music CD or C Student Take-Home CD-ROM CD player Student Books or Reproducible Fun Pages Reflection: For special needs, this activity can be done in the Take-a-Break room or with peers. At some point, some students may be over-stimulated and need a quieter environment. What do you think of when you hear that song? How do you think that song relates to the story we heard today about Moses? The Bible is full of stories about people who moved, who got up and did things for God and their neighbor. Let’s review the things we’ve learned today. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 15 Reflection Reflection Activity Faith Fuel God Calls Moses (Exodus 3:7-12) Move and Freeze And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8b, NRSV) (Tell the students that they’re going to really move doing this activity. At the start of this activity say “Move.” While the G-Force music is playing, students can dance, walk, or move any way they want. When the music stops say “Freeze!” Students must stop in place where they are.) Action Word Start the music again. Play this game several times. Velocity Verse Move! Materials omplete Music CD or C Student Take-Home CD-ROM CD player Student Books or Reproducible Fun Pages Reflection: For students with special needs, this activity can be done in the Take-a-Break room or with peers. At some point, some students may be over-stimulated and need a quieter environment. 16 Reflection Time Prayer Dear God, Help us to be kind to one another as we move for you. Amen. G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Closing Activity Have the students sit in a circle with you. Whisper into the ear of the student next to you one of the following phrases. Have that student whisper the phrase into the ear of the student sitting on the other side of him or her. Continue around the circle until the student on your other side says the phrase aloud. See how the phrase at the end compares to the phrase at the beginning. Phrases: God loves you! Move with God! Love kindness! Walk humbly with God! Tell the students how glad you are they came to G-Force VBS today! Solomon Builds the Temple 1 Chronicles 28:20-21 & Chronicles 5:1,13 2 Preparation Faith Fuel isplay the Action Word and Velocity Verse posters, found in the D Decorating Poster Pack for Session 2. Solomon Builds the Temple (1 Chronicles 28:20-21 & 2 Chronicles 5:1,13) ather materials to conduct the Roll Back Can, Tornado in a Bottle, or G InstaSnow® science experiments. Velocity Verse repare “fidget” baggies for each child. Put a small amount of soft clay P in small resealable bags. I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action. (James 2:18b, CEB) Hide building blocks inside the Treasure Pool. Action Word ecorate an area of the room as the Scripture Zone, as described in D the Bible Storyteller Leader book. Act! ecome familiar with the songs “Unstoppable,” “I Got the G-Force,” B and “In God We Live, Move and Exist,” found on the Complete Music CD or the Music Video DVD. Materials For Every Session A ctivity Center Sign: “Scripture Zone” B ible B ible Storyteller D ecorating Transparencies found on the Decorating and Publicity CDROM Scripture Treasures Coathangers ible-times costume B for Bible Storyteller Markers ible-times costumes B for story characters Dowels (optional) heckers the C Cheetah Puppet Posterboard Relaxation items Focal backdrop or mural (optional) Bike wheel (optional) Clothespins For This Session S ession Two Scripture Treasures S ession Two Velocity Verse and Action Word posters from Decorating Poster Pak or printed on posterboard Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 17 Gathering Time with Checkers Additional Preparation: Have a variety of small boxes for building in the break room. Boxes are safer than wood. Have a mobile with Action Words hanging from ceiling; use a fan blowing to keep the mobiles moving. Toys that move, that spin or move after activating are also good to have on hand. Teacher Tip ith your opening greeting, W remind the students that this session’s Action Word is Act! Point out the word and then combine it with the sign for act (hands facing down in “c” shape, while circling around. Demonstrate how every time they hear the word Act, they should sign “act” and or say “Let’s go!”)Let’s try it. It sure is exciting to be at G-Force VBS and to be part of all of the fun activities! (Pause for response of “Let’s go!” If you don’t get one, try again.) I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful actions.” Leader: Navigators, welcome back to G-Force! Now, where is Checkers? He was just right here. Checkers! Can you help me find Checkers? Checkers: I’m right here! Ready! Set! Move! (Have Checkers run in.) Leader: Thanks, Navigators, for finding our gadget. Let’s say our new Action Word. God wants us to Act! Leader: Super! You remembered our Action Word from Session One. Move! (Encourage children to respond.) Checkers: Act! Let’s go! When I get in the zone I can act lots of ways. (Move Checkers around; have the puppet act in different ways.) Everyone: God wants us to Move! Let’s go! Leader: You can act! Checkers, you really put lot of energy into action! Great job! Now let’s check our G-Force Events board and see what we’ll be doing. (Review picture/word schedule for the session with the group.) Sounds like more fun! Checkers: Ready! Set! Act! Yes, everyone tells me I am full of action and excitement! Lots of times I hear people say, “Act fast! Move out of the way. Checkers is coming!” Leader: Terrific! Who can tell us how you used your force for God? (Ask children to share ways they “moved” with and for God by doing kind deeds or acts.) Leader: Please freeze that action for just a moment. (Have Checkers be very still.) Today we will discover how this block reminds us of a story. In our Bible story, we will discover some people who built something special. Checkers: My turn! My turn! Please! Pretty Please! Pleasssse! (Have the puppet act excited. Stretch out the word please to add interest and fun.) Even though I can run very fast, I made sure I slowed down a tiny bit. I did not want to be unkind and run over my friends. Leader: Very good act indeed! That was very kind of you. Now, why don’t we check out our G-Force Box and see if our gadget gives us any clues for today! (Invite a student to find the block and another student to find the Action Word written on construction paper.) 18 Checkers: Our gadget for the day is a block! Hmm...I like to build with blocks. G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Checkers: Did you say unfreeze? (Continue to hold the puppet very still until the teacher says unfreeze.) May I move around yet? I can’t wait to see everyone in action today! Leader: Yes, Checkers, you may unfreeze! It’s time for all of us to begin! See you later. Checkers: Yippee! Ready! Set! Act! Gotta get my act together! See ‘ya later! Faith Fuel: Bible Story (1 Chronicles 28:20-21 and 2 Chronicles 5:1, 13) Attention-Getter Leader: Raise your hand if you can tell me what this is. (Hold up an action figure such as Superman or Rescue Heroes.) This toy and others like it are called action figures for two reasons: 1) because their parts move (demonstrate movement) and 2) their actions are usually things that heroes would do, like save people from danger and capture villains. Our story today is about a different kind of action hero. He didn’t have super powers, but he was a king, and this king’s heroic act was building a temple for God. THE STORY: For the self-contained classroom, share the Bible story using the Single Storyteller version in the Bible Storyteller book, the Preschool/Kindergarten Leader book, or a combination of the two. Bible Story Follow-up Leader: Now God hasn’t asked us to build a temple, but God does want us to act—to become action heroes. What are some actions we can take that would make God happy? (In addition to student responses, incorporate these:) Teacher Tips Y our emphasis in delivering the Bible story can greatly enhance how much students remember and enjoy it. For the Single Storyteller: use your voice to accentuate action words such as stop, watch out, and go. B ecause our Action Word, Act, has multiple meanings, the term “action hero” is used to describe Solomon as a person who took action in response to his father’s charge. Just as God was with Solomon in the building process, God is with each of us as we take action in loving and serving others. We can praise God just like the singers at the temple. We can obey God’s Word, the Bible. It’s like a blueprint that gives us a plan for how to live life with God. God tells us to love one another, to obey our parents, to be kind to the poor, and much more. We can stop being afraid or discouraged. We can watch out for people who might want us to do the wrong thing, and go toward all the good things God has for us. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 19 Faith Fuel: Bible Story (1 Chronicles 28:20-21 and 2 Chronicles 5:1, 13) Faith Fuel Solomon Builds the Temple (1 Chronicles 28:20-21 & 2 Chronicles 5:1,13) Velocity Verse Velocity Verse Leader: The verse we said together talked about “God’s faithful love.” Our Velocity Verse for this session talks about our “faithful action.” I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action. (James 2:18b, CEB) It’s from the book of the Bible called James. This is chapter 2, verse 18b. (Read from Bible.) Action Word “I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action.” Act! Teacher Tip reate stop signs laminated on C popsicle sticks with the words “stop” and “go” on them. These are a great way to keep the students engaged in story. Help the students hold them up when they hear the words “stop” and “go.” Provide a checkered flag for non-verbal students to wave. Tech Tips Instead of printed images of the stoplight and flag props in the Single Storyteller approach, you could show images to the students on a tablet or laptop. (Read twice.) What do you think that means? (Call on students.) You can’t look at a person and see his or her faith. However, if you look at that person’s actions—what he or she does—that will give you a hint about what he or she believes. (Use sign language for the words faith and act to help them learn this verse. For videos of sign language, please see Faith: Touch index finger to head, then bring both hands to fists on top of each other in front of body. Act: Both hands down in “c” shape, circle facing down a couple of times. If your group is large and you are using this option, you may wish to project images of the items mentioned. Scripture Treasures Leader: Somewhere in this pool (or backpack) is our Scripture Treasure for this session. Can you find it? (Invite students to look for the card among the balls or packing peanuts or backpack.) As the student pulls a treasure out, say God want us to ACT! (Have them respond with “Let’s go!” Use the sign language with the Action Words.) Leader: (Thank the students for saying “let’s go”, and tell them they don’t need to say it during the prayer.) Let’s bow our heads like this (show students how to pray with head down, and hands folded) and talk to God. You can say the words after me. Leader: Dear God All: Dear God Leader: You are good All: You are good Leader: Your faithful love lasts forever. All: Your faithful love lasts forever. Leader: Help us to ACT All: Help us to ACT Leader: In ways that honor you. All: In ways that honor you. Leader: Amen. All: Amen. 20 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Activity Stations Recreation Time Use this opportunity for students to extend a welcome greeting to one another. Encourage shaking hands. Keep in mind that for some students, an unexpected touch is unwelcome. For others, verbal greetings may be a problem. Provide name cards with printed greetings for this situation Examples: “Hi, my name is Bobby.” “This is a day God has made!” “I’m glad you’re here.” Faith Fuel Solomon Builds the Temple (1 Chronicles 28:20-21 & 2 Chronicles 5:1,13) Velocity Verse I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action. (James 2:18b, CEB) Action Word Act! Science Time M oney Under a Bottle: The activity in the general curriculum may be too difficult for students with special needs. The concept teaches that friction and force can make things move in different ways. An adaptation to help students with special needs or in a SCC to participate could be produced with a few simple items. Using cars or marbles (whichever you have) make a slope with a wooden plank. Tilt it slightly. The students can roll the marbles or cars down the slope. Then cover slope with a towel and try again. Then ask, which was faster? Introduce the word friction to your students. Insta-Snow®: Making snow is a great activity for students of all Summary abilities! To increase engagement, The students will learn about hide small items in the snow such today’s Bible story as they identify acts of worship. as small gears, wheels, crowns, small blocks, to represent Bible stories and Action Words. Purpose Students will reflect on the temple built by Solomon as an Temple Made of Kids: Many act of worship and reflect on acts of worship they can do in their students can participate in this activity with their peers. A student everyday lives. with a wheelchair can represent a wall in the house; a person with poor motor skills can crawl inside the “house.” In a SCC, the students could work together to use furniture in the classroom to build a house. Use chairs to form walls and have the students all move “inside” the house, and then “outside” the house. Then they can work on making the house bigger or smaller, and see how many fit when the size of the house changes. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 21 Mission Time Faith Fuel Solomon Builds the Temple (1 Chronicles 28:20-21 & 2 Chronicles 5:1,13) Velocity Verse I’ll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action. (James 2:18b, CEB) Action Word Act! Reflection: This can happen in the space with regular peers, in rotation, or in the Take-a-Break room. Assembling and sorting bags for elementary schools is an activity that should be easily adaptable for students with special needs. Have the stations set up and help students put the items into bags. Having pictures of the items (such as glue sticks, pens) and saying how many of one item is included in one bag may be helpful. Craft Time Faith in Action Prayer Box: Make boxes ahead of time or buy premade wooden boxes. Then the students can decorate with Bible verses, stickers and small toys. Canvas Wall Hanging: Students can color, paint, or glue desired items on the canvas. Some may need hand-over-hand assistance. For ways to engage students who may not be able to color: Show them two markers and ask which they would like. Use the one they look at or respond to and offer hand-over-hand assistance. Reflection Activity Funny Acts Say an action the children can do, like one of the ones listed below. Play as long as time and interest allow. Possible acts/actions: Act like popcorn and jump up and down. Act like a strong force and turn in a circle. Act like a pretzel and sit crosslegged. Act like a tall statue and stand on one foot. Act friendly. Shake the hand of a navigator. Act like a cheetah and run in place. Reflection Prayer God, may our actions be pleasing to you. Amen. (Encourage students to respond by completing a sentence prayer on their own.) Amen. 22 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Closing Activity Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down Wrap-Up Name some actions and have the students tell you if those actions are kind acts (thumbs up) or not (thumbs down). The theme of today’s G-Force activities is to ACT. Even though the temple Solomon built was a place of worship, building the temple was an act of worship. Every day we have an opportunity to act for God as our own worship. We talked about several acts of worship we can do at home, at school, at church, and here at G-Force Adventure Park. One action we can take, like David, is to share words of encouragement and peace. “Be strong and courageous! God is with you.” Here are some suggestions to get the activity started. My friend came to play. I let him choose which toys we played first. My sister borrowed my book and did not ask me first. I found one of her books and colored all over it. My friend fell down and hurt herself. I laughed at her. Materials omplete Music CD or C Student Take-Home CD-ROM CD player Student Books or Reproducible Fun Pages I spilled milk all over the table. My brother got wash cloths and helped me clean up the mess. Remind the students of the Action Word and the Bible verse for this session. Tell the students how glad you are they came to G-Force today! Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 23 Four Friends Help Mark 2:1-12 Faith Fuel Four Friends Help (Mark 2:1-2) Velocity Verse Carry each other's burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2, CEB) Action Word Care! Teacher Tips ction Word conversation A is included within Gathering Time with Checkers, but it is good to remember that this can be included and emphasized throughout the session. This session's Action word is Care. Point the word out, and then combine it with the sign for care. Hold both hands in the #2 position with fingers pointing away from body. Tap one hand on top of the other. See video at www. emonstrate how every time D they hear the word Care, they should sign “care” and/ or say “Let’s go!" Let’s try our Action Word for today. I care for each of you! (Pause for response of “Let’s go!” If you don’t get one, try again.) It sure is exciting to be at G-Force VBS. God and our friends here must really care for us, putting together a place as great as the G-Force Adventure Park. 24 Preparation isplay the Action Word and the Velocity Verse posters from the D Decorating Poster Pack for Session 3. For this session, make large cut-outs of the numbers 1-5 to display. The numbers represent five of the characters from today's story. You may also want to hide smaller numbers, 1-5 in the Treasure Pool. Numbers may be hidden in bean bags to make a heavy "burden" bag. ather materials to conduct the Egg Drop or Gravity Play science G experiments. Be sure to note the modifications discussed in the Science Leader book. repare "fidget" baggies. Place a small amount of hair gel and glitter in P small resealable bags, one for each student. Double-bag these to avoid spillage. Decorate an area of the room as the Scripture Zone. For This Session Session Three Scripture Treasures Session Three Velocity Verse and Action Word posters from Decorating Poster Pak or printed on posterboard Story Starter Classroom chair (or similar hard-bottomed chair) Single Storyteller Table or stand Tin of sardines Mat (sturdy, woven if possible) Shingle G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Gathering Time with Checkers Teacher: Welcome back to G-Force! Navigators, please help me call for Checkers. Checkers: Here I am. I am not in my usual happy zone. (Puppeteer tip: Make the voice of Checkers sound sad. Slowly move the puppet so it has a difficult time trying to pop up to join the group.) Leader: Oh my. What happened to you? Checkers: Well, I was riding bikes with friends and I fell down. My friends helped me. They picked me up and put this thing on my arm. Leader: You mean this bandage? Checkers: Yeah, that’s what it’s called! My friends really helped me. They walked me home and made sure my bike was back home, too! Leader: Very good to hear. It sounds to me like your friends really care for you! That makes you one special Checkers! Checkers: Well, everyone already knows my kind deed. I received care from others so now I will be ready to care for my friends! (Puppet acts excited.) Leader: Well I think that should get a Yippee from all of us! (Yippee!) Great to hear, Checkers! Now, why don’t we check out our G-Force Box and see if our gadget gives us any clues for today! (Invite a student to find the mat and another student to find the Action Word written on construction paper.) mat inside construction paper markers Preparation Before the session, wrap a bandage around the arm of Checkers, the puppet. Leader: Thanks, Navigators, for finding our gadget. We will have to wait and see what this mat has to do with our Bible story. For now, let’s say our new Action Word: Care! Everyone: Care! Let’s go! Leader: Checkers, we all hope you feel better. Navigators, it’s time for G-Force VBS! Everyone: Care! Let’s go! (Have the puppet begin to move about the area with more energy.) Checkers: Me too! And I can’t wait to tell my friends who helped me all about today! Ready! Set! Care! See ‘ya later! (Ask children to share ways they used action with and for God by doing a kind deed.) heckers the Cheetah Puppet C -Force Box with a resting G Checkers: Our gadget for the day is a mat! Hmm. . . I like to rest on a mat at preschool. I wonder why a rest mat is the gadget! Checkers: It makes me feel better to hear you say that. OK, I am now ready! Ready! Set! Care! Leader: Checkers, we’re so happy to see you are feeling better. Who can tell us how they have cared for others? Materials Leader: Well, it was sure good to see Checkers. Now, let's check our G-Force Events board and see what we'll be doing. (Review picture/ word schedule for the session.) Looks like fun. Let's go over to the Scripture Zone. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 25 Faith Fuel: Bible Story (Mark 2:1-12) Attention-Getter Materials heckers the Cheetah Puppet C -Force Box with a resting G mat inside construction paper markers Preparation Before the session, wrap a bandage around the arm of Checkers, the puppet. (Place a chair at the front of the room before beginning.) Leader: Today we’re going to start out with something amazing. I need my five volunteers. (Call pre-selected youth volunteers and introduce them.) I’m going to have (youth’s name) sit here in this chair. (To student) Make sure your back is against the chair and sit very still. Now I’m going to have the four of you gather around. Using just these two fingers (Demonstrate middle and index finger.) of both hands under the seat of the chair, I want you to try to lift him/her. Go ahead. (The result should be a clumsy attempt; make sure they are careful not to drop the youth.) Let’s try it again but in a slightly different way. Place your fingers under the chair as before, then together I want you to count 1-2-3 and then say “lift.” When you say “lift,” lift using those two fingers of each hand. Count with me: 1-2-3, lift. (It should be easy for your volunteers to lift the chair.) Thanks for your help. You can return to your seats. What do you think just happened? (Allow students to answer.) I think we saw what can happen when four friends work together to help. And that’s what our Bible story today is all about. 26 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action THE STORY: For the self-contained classroom, share the Bible story using the Single Storyteller version in the Bible Storyteller book, the Preschool/Kindergarten book, or a combination of the two. Bible Story Follow-up Storyteller: (Hold up the large L.) So here’s the story in five L words: The four friends loved their friend. (Embrace the L.) They lifted him up on his mat. (Lift the L.) They lowered him through the roof, (lower the L) and laid him down in front of Jesus. (Allow the horizontal portion of the L to touch the floor.) When Jesus looked up (raise the L above your head) and saw their faith, he healed their friend. Now our big L is also a C. (Pivot the hidden top to form a C.) And the C stands for care. The four friends cared so much for their friend that they showed their love by helping him. These four friends cared so much that they carried their friend to Jesus. Faith Fuel: Bible Story (Mark 2:1-12) Velocity Verse Scripture Treasures Storyteller: There’s a verse in the Bible that talks about carrying, too. This is from the book of Galatians, chapter 6, verse 2: (Read from the Bible.) Leader: Somewhere in this pool (or backpack) is our Scripture Treasure for this session. Can you find it? (Invite students to look for the card among the balls or packing peanuts or backpack.) “Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Read twice.) What’s a burden? (Allow students to respond.) A burden is something that weighs you down. Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “heavyhearted.” That means a person is sad or worried or afraid. So if we “carry each other’s burdens,” it means we try to lift the spirits of a person so he or she won’t be so heavy-hearted. The second part of the verse says that by caring and carrying we “fulfill the law of Christ.” That just means that we’re showing love the way Jesus would want. How can you carry someone’s burden or show you care? (Allow responses.) Anytime we help a friend who’s feeling down, write a note or draw a picture to let someone know that we are thinking of them, or pray for someone—those are ways that we show we care. That’s what the verse means when it says, “Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.” As the student pulls a treasure out, say God want us to CARE!” Have them respond with “Let’s go!” Use the sign language with the Action Words. Leader: (Thank the students for saying let’s go, and tell them they don’t need to say it during the prayer.) Today, let’s get in a circle to say our prayer. Think of someone who you care about. (The students may say the name out loud if they want). In a minute, we are going to pray for that person. When we bow our heads, you will feel your friend squeeze your hand, and you can say the name out loud, or think it. Pray with me. Faith Fuel Four Friends Help (Mark 2:1-2) Velocity Verse Carry each other's burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2, CEB) Action Word Care! Teacher Tip S cripture Treasures: This activity can be done during Reflection Time. Guide students back to the Treasure Pool or use a backpack as directed in the Preschool Kindergarten Leader book. Show students the Scripture Treasure disk for this session. Dear God, Thank you for everyone in this circle, and all the friends and family members they care about. We want to carry them to you by saying or thinking about them right now. We pray for _____. (Pause and then say the name, and squeeze the hand beside you). We ask that you hear our prayers, and meet every need these people have. Give them help, hope, encouragement, safety, and health. In Christ’s name. Amen. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 27 Activity Stations Recreation Time Faith Fuel Four Friends Help (Mark 2:1-2) Velocity Verse Carry each other's burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2, CEB) Action Word Care! Active Learning Option: This activity can be with students with special needs in their peer group Bag of Burdens: Have the students pass the bag around while the leader says the Velocity Verse or as you say each student’s name. In a self-contained classroom or as an adaptation, have the students sit in a circle. Ask them for a problem or a burden; write one for them; or ask a parent to write a request the night before. As each student’s name is read have them drop a weighted object into a medium-sized (predecorated) prayer box. Then the student passes the box to the next student. It gets heavier as the burdens are added. Weighted items could be small socks filled with rice, weighted rubber balls, or something as simple as an orange or apple. Another option: Have two students drag the box on a blanket as it gets heavier, or help the students pass the box along as it becomes heavy. Talk about how having a helper makes things easier. You can also talk about concepts heavy, light, full and empty. Another adaptation: Have a student sit in a plastic laundry basket; then ask another student to push or pull them. Then add another peer to make it easier. They may want to take turns “riding” in the laundry basket. 28 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Science Time The Egg Drop: This is an activity that many students will want to watch and will think is cool. See adaptation below. Gravity Play: 1. Have a variety of objects (feathers, tennis balls, Styrofoam balls, bubbles, weight ball) and drop them. Have the students help you count in seconds how long it takes to get to the floor. 2. Option: Have students throw the different balls into a target, such as a basket. Different balls take different force. Use care in getting the ball in the target. 3. Use traffic cones as targets, placed around room or outside. Have the students try to place the different balls on top of the cones. Different sizes and weights require care to place on the cone without falling off! A student with motor impairments may need assistance, or could hold the cone. It takes care to hold it so the ball doesn’t fall off. Homemade Kaleidoscope: This activity is great for students with special needs. They may need hand-over-hand assistance with the tape. Activity Stations Mission Time Prayer Journals Students will learn the important spiritual practice of praying for others by creating Prayer Journals. Have the students collect prayer requests from friends, family members, church members, and the local and global news. lace a very small dab of paint P on just one side of the butterfly wings. Fold the paper butterfly in half and rub it to smear the paint. Have the students say, I am showing that I care and am spreading God’s love. Contact your local printers to see if they will donate end runs of paper and bind 20 pages into a small booklet to be used as Prayer Journals. You can also purchase small journals at local dollar stores. This butterfly was created just for you. I am helping spread God’s love. Smile the next time you see a butterfly up above. Remind students that prayer is just like talking to your friends or parent(s) except that you’re talking to God. God loves to hear from us! We can pray anytime, not just at dinner and bedtime. Praying for others is a way of caring. Have the students personalize their Prayer Journals by decorating the covers. Write or draw prayer requests on each page in the journal. Invite students to pray for their prayer requests each day or on certain days of the week. Add a label to the back of butterfly that shares the message. Butterfly Mission Prayers Butterflies help us think of new life, and God’s love brings us new life. Use the butterfly template for this activity (see Teacher Tip). Trace and cut out the shape of a butterfly. Craft Time Prayer Journals: Instead of paper journals, consider buying inexpensive photo albums (the kind where one picture fits in a plastic sleeve). These are easier for students to turn the pages, and less likely to tear. Prior to journal night, take pictures of the students or have parents give you pictures of things the students like, people in their lives, etc. Optional: Include a few images in the journal and have parents continue the project after VBS. Materials Prayer Journals paper washable markers or crayons Butterfly Mission Prayers small mailing labels tempera paint butterfly template from www. paper Teacher Tips ownload the butterfly D template at www. Include these Butterfly Mission Prayers in food pantry bags or deliver to local nursing homes. Braided Wristbands: This will be too hard for most students with special needs. Pre-make these. Snack Time Choose an appropriate snack based on the allergies, dietary restrictions or other needs of the students. See the Snack Leader book for suggestions. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 29 Reflection Teacher Tips et students know that L they do not have to say a name out loud if they aren’t comfortable doing so. Remind students that God knows about our prayers even when we keep them in our hearts. Give these students the option to squeeze the hand of the next person without naming someone. Reflection Time: This reflection activity can happen at the Take-a-Break room or with the whole group, depending on needs of the student. Read through the reflection with the students and sing “Spirit of God” or play music for them while they wait for parents. e prepared to answer B challenging questions. Some students may ask why God hasn’t healed them, even though they pray for it. You may want to have answers ready for this. It is ok to acknowledge that we don’t always understand why God heals some and not others. We do know that God is with us and cares about our suffering. So allow yourself to remain in the questions with students, rather than trying to give pat answers. 30 Navigators, we’re coming to the end of our third session at G-Force. Have you learned something new yet? (Let students respond.) I know I have! Who remembers our Action Word for this session? (Care!) What does caring look like to you? (Let students respond.) Those are pretty good answers. Let’s talk a little more about what it means to care. In our last session, we talked about how we can act for God, and we heard a great story from the Bible about people who did that. In today’s session, we heard about a group of friends who also took action. How did they do that? (Let students respond.) Caring is an active thing. Caring can look like taking care of a sick friend, helping your family with the chores, or hugging a friend who is sad. Caring can also look like playing with the new kid in class or listening to someone when they’re worried or scared. Caring is about treating people the way you want to be treated and the way that God wants us to treat everyone. God loves and cares for us all, so we should try to care like God! Like the friends who took the paralyzed man to Jesus, when we care for somebody, we show it. Can you remember a time when you cared for someone or when someone cared for you? G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action How did it make you feel? (Let students respond.) When we say that God’s love is in action, we’re talking about how we care for people. God loves us, so we turn around and share that love with other people. One of the best ways we can share God’s love is by caring for people who need our help. The great thing is that you can care for someone no matter where you live or how old you are. You can be caring right now! In our song “Spirit of God,” we sing the words “Fill me with love to go serve every day.” When we take God’s love into the world, we are able to do a lot of caring for others. (If desired, play “Spirit of God” from the Complete Music CD or the Student Take-Home CD-ROM.) Caring and love go hand in hand. It’s easy to care for people we know and love. But God wants us to care for all people; that’s what God does! Jesus showed us that when he healed a stranger. The Bible is full of stories like that, where people care for others and show us how God wants us to live. Let’s review what we’ve learned today. Reflection Activity Closing Activity Have the students sit in a circle. Play the G-Force Complete Music CD. Have the students pass a ball around the circle. When the music stops, the student holding the ball tells a way she or he can use her/ his force for God to care for others. If someone can’t think of anything, you can suggest he or she repeat the Action Word and Velocity Verse with you. Play the game I Spy as the students are waiting to be dismissed. Say: I spy something _____! Let them guess the object you see. Have the remaining students take turns giving clues and guessing the objects. Reflection Prayer Have the students repeat this prayer after you, one line at a time. Dear God, Thank you for caring for me. Help me to care for others. Amen. Remind the children of the Action Word and the Velocity Verse for this session. Tell the students how glad you are they came to G-Force today! Faith Fuel Four Friends Help (Mark 2:1-2) Velocity Verse Carry each other's burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2, CEB) Action Word Care! Preparation For a closing activity: before class print the name of each student on a card. Give each student a name card of someone in the class. Have them place the name card in the prayer box as a way to acknowledge and pray for each student. S uggested prayer: “Dear God. We ask that you meet every need our friends have. Give them help, encouragement, safety, and health. You know people much better than we do, so we ask you to help them. In Christ’s name. Amen.” Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 31 Healing of Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52 Faith Fuel Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) Velocity Verse Come, follow me. (Matthew 4:19a CEB) Action Word Follow! ction Word converstation is A included within Gathering Time with Checkers, but it is good to remember that this can be Included and emphasized throughought the session. With your opening greeting at other times in your gathering, remind the students that this session’s Action Word is Follow! Point the word out, and then combine it with the sign for follow. Hold both hands in thumbs-up position with one hand touching chest, and other hand directly in front. Move one out from chest, and have the other “follow” away from body. See video at www. Demonstrate how every time they hear the word follow, they should sign the word and/or say “Let’s go!” Let’s practice our Action Word for today. “Come, follow me” (Matt. 4:19). Let’s do it again! We can all follow Jesus! Preparation or this session, hide 10 gold coins, Stop and Go signs, or small F crosses in the Treasure Pool. Gather materials to conduct the Pendulum Catch or Popsicle Stick Chain Reaction science experiments, depending on age and needs of your students. Be sure to note the modifications discussed under the Science section in this session. Prepare “fidget” baggies. You can add a gold coin to hair gel bags, or use clay bags from previous session. Place in small resealable bags (using double bags), one for each child. Decorate an area of the room as the Scripture Zone as described in the Bible Storyteller. Become familiar with the songs, “10,000 reasons,” “Come, Follow Me,” and “Go and Make Disciples” using the Complete Music CD or the Music Video DVD. Materials For Every Session A ctivity Center Sign: “Scripture Zone” B ible B ible Storyteller D ecorating Transparencies found on the Decorating and Publicity CD-ROM Scripture Treasures Coathangers ible-times costume B for Bible Storyteller Markers ible-times costumes B for story characters Dowels (optional) heckers the C Cheetah Puppet Posterboard Focal backdrop or mural (optional) Bike wheel (optional) Clothespins For This Session Session Four Scripture Treasures ession Four Velocity Verse and Action Word posters from Decorating S Poster Pak or printed on posterboard Single Storyteller Chair Stand or podium (a music stand works well) Four stick puppets as described Bartimaeus’ cloak—a blanket, robe, etc. 10 coins 32 Relaxation items G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Gathering Time with Checkers Leader: Welcome back, Navigators to G-Force! Let’s call for our buddy, Checkers! Checkers: Coming! Ready! Set! Care! (Have Checkers come in.) Everyone: Care! Let’s go! Leader: YAY! There you are! We’re so glad to see you! Hope your arm feels better. Checkers: Yes, better and better. I liked knowing everyone cared about me! Leader: Oh Checkers, you are special to all of us! Now, let’s see who can tell us how they cared for someone. Checkers: Well, I made a card and took it to my friends who helped me after my bike wreck! I used my favorite color, blue, to write a special note. Leader: Very good to hear, Checkers! That was a very caring act. Now, why don’t we check out our G-Force Box and see if our gadget gives us any clues for today! (Invite a student to find the sandal and another student to find the Action Word written on construction paper.) Checkers: Our gadget for the day is a sandal! Hmm..I like to wear those in the summer time! Leader: Thanks, Navigators, for finding our gadget. Let’s say our new Action Word. God wants us to Follow! Let’s go! (Teacher claps his or her hands.) Checkers: Yippee! Follow! Let’s go! (Move the hands of the puppet Checkers around to try to clap.) Leader: Checkers, you followed what I did by clapping! Way to go! Faith Fuel Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) Velocity Verse Come, follow me. (Matthew 4:19a CEB) Action Word Checkers: Ready! Set! Follow! Yes, I have others following me all the time. They do their best to try to catch up with me. Sometimes I skip or hop to see if they can do what I do! Follow! Leader: Sounds like you are a good leader and a good follower, too. Hmm. Now about that sandal.... Navigators, today we will discover how this sandal reminds us of another story. Checkers: I wonder what this sandal and the word “follow” have to do with our lesson. I can’t figure this one out. (Shake the head of the puppet.) Leader: Well, Checkers, we’ll find out together. Bye Checkers! Leader: Now, it’s time to check our G-force Events board and see what we will be doing today. (Review the picture/word schedule for the session.) Sounds good. So, it looks like we need to go over to the Scripture Zone. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 33 Faith Fuel: Bible Story (Mark 10:46-52) Attention-Getter Teacher Tips or the Attention-Getter, give F the students a shaker or pompom to use whenever they hear the word follow in the Bible story. This story is significant for Jesus performs the miracle of healing without touching someone, demonstrating the power of prayer for healing. he Action Word is underlined T to help you remember to give emphasis. Storyteller: If you can tell me how to play Follow the Leader, raise your hand. (Allow students to answer.) Instead of marching around, we’re going to play Follow the Leader with you staying right where you are. Here we go. Stand up and follow my lead. (Lead students in a series of fun movements and expressions such as: stand on one foot, blow a kiss, puff your cheeks, make a silly face, use your hands to make antlers above your head, etc.) You are excellent followers. Now let’s have everyone sit down. (Allow students to settle.) Today’s story is all about followers and following. You may wish to use the adaptation below depending on the skills of the students in your group. Adaptation: Students sit in a circle. Tell the students: We are going to play a listening game; then a looking game. The leader gives only verbal cues such as “raise your hand,” “wiggle your feet,” “shake your head,” demonstrating no movements. Then repeat the same verbal directions, this time demonstrating the movements while you say them. Ask the students if it’s easier to follow when looking or listening. 34 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action THE STORY: For the self-contained classroom, share the Bible story using the Single Storyteller version in the Bible Storyteller book, the Preschool/Kindergarten Leader book, or a combination of the two. Bible Story Follow-up Storyteller: If you were Bartimaeus, how do you think you might have felt? (Allow students to answer.) Right away he followed Jesus. And follow is today’s Action Word. What does it mean to follow Jesus? Do you remember that earlier we talked about the game Follow the Leader? Following Jesus is a little like Follow the Leader because he’s our leader. We do what Jesus says to do and live the way that he wants us to live. What are some things that Jesus said to do? (Allow students to answer. You may need to help them with ideas: “help others,” “forgive,” “love God.”) Velocity Verse Storyteller: Our Velocity Verse today is just three words and they come from Matthew chapter 4, verse 19a: “Come, follow me.” Can we say that together? “Come, follow me.” Bartimaeus left his hometown to follow Jesus but we can follow Jesus right where we are and right this very minute. Use sign language for the three words. For videos of sign language, see Scripture Treasures Show students the Scripture Treasure disk for this session. Leader: (Thank the students for saying “let’s go,” and tell them they won’t need to say it during the prayer.) Let’s bow our heads like this (show students how to pray with head down and hands folded) and talk to God. Now follow my words while we pray… Leader: Dear God, Faith Fuel Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) Velocity Verse Come, follow me. (Matthew 4:19a CEB) All: Dear God, Leader: Thank you for all All: Thank you for all Leader: You have done for us All: You have done for us Action Word Follow! his activity can be done T during Reflection Time. Guide students back to Treasure Pool or use a backpack as directed in the Preschool/Kindergarten Leader book. Leader: We want to praise you All: We want to praise you Leader: Somewhere in this pool (or backpack) is our Scripture Treasure for this session. Can you find it? Invite students to look for the card among the balls or packing peanuts or backpack. As a student pulls a treasure out, say “God want us to follow!” Have them respond with “Let’s go!” Use the sign language with the Action Word. Leader: serve you All: serve you Leader: and follow you wherever you lead. All: and follow you wherever you lead. Leader: In Jesus’ name. All: In Jesus’ name. Leader: Amen. All: Amen. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 35 Activity Stations Recreation Time Faith Fuel Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) Velocity Verse Come, follow me. (Matthew 4:19a CEB) Action Word Follow! Depending on the skills in your group, choose one of the following activities from the Preschool/Kindergarten Leader book: Parachute Fun, Seeing with Your Fingers. From the G-Force Recreation Leader book: New Stop Signs: This game needs little adaptation for students with special needs. It may be best to create a red “stop” sign and a green “go” sign for the game. Many students use these signs in school and therapy and will be able to participate. A student in a wheelchair may be pushed or roll/stop themselves. Students with poor impulse control may need a 1:1 assistant to help them stop or a target to stand on while they stop. Science Time Pendulum Catch: Not recommended for students under 6. This activity may be done as a demonstration. Popsicle Stick Chain Reaction: Some students may need hand-overhand assistance to participate. 36 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Craft Time Traffic light photo frame: Needs very little adaptation. Have the circles pre-cut to place on black rectangles. Add a picture or stickers to decorate circles. Missions Time Dignity Bags: This activity requires plan-ahead time. Encourage members of the church to donate travel-size containers of shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, combs, and other toiletry items. Students will place various items in the bags. You can have pictures to show which and how many of each item needs to go in the bags. An assembly line where the students get the item and drop it in the bag may be the best way to do this. The same could be done for community helper bags with treats. Help the students understand why they won’t eat the treats. Snack Time Choose an appropriate snack based on the allergies, dietary restrictions or other needs of the students in your class. See the Snack Leader book for suggestions. Reflection What time is it, Navigators? Reflection time! We’re almost finished with our fourth session at G-Force. Have you learned new things about Jesus, God, and people from the Bible so far? (Let students respond.) Like what? (Let students respond.) Who can tell me our Action Word for this session? (Follow!) Nice job! That sounds like a great word, but what do you think it means to follow God? (Let students respond.) In our last session, we talked about caring for other people as a way to live the way God wants us to. Being active for God like that is what following God is all about! When we love God and love our neighbors by caring for them, we’re following God! What are some things we said were good examples of caring for others? (Let students respond.) In our song “Unstoppable,” we sing the words, “Feel the call, come one and all.” That’s talking about listening to God and following Jesus’ examples for how we live and how we treat others. Jesus taught us that we should love God and love our neighbors. With God’s help, we can be unstoppable at both! (If desired, play “Unstoppable” from the Complete Music CD or the Student Take-Home CD-ROM.) The Bible is full of stories about people who followed God. Let’s review what we’ve learned today. Faith Fuel Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) Velocity Verse Come, follow me. (Matthew 4:19a CEB) Action Word Follow! Following God is so important, and it’s what happens when we choose to live our lives the way God wants us to. We’ve talked about mission and God’s love in action a lot at G-Force. What does that have to do with following God? (Let students respond.) It can be hard to love people who aren’t nice to us. It can be tiring to care for people in need. It can be tough to follow Jesus’ example all the time, but that’s what God wants us to do. Following God isn’t always easy, but it’s the best way to put God’s love into action. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 37 Reflection Activity Faith Fuel Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) Play Follow the Leader with the students. Start by having an adult be the leader. Call each student by name and then say, “Come, follow me.” Walk a meandering path around the room. Invite students to follow you as you walk. Velocity Verse Come, follow me. (Matthew 4:19a CEB) Action Word Follow! Materials omplete Music CD or C Student Take-Home CD-ROM CD player Student Books or Reproducible Fun Pages Move around the room in different ways (jumping, skipping, and so on.) Invite students to mimic your movements as they follow you. Continue playing as interest and time allow. Reflection Prayer Thank you, God, for today’s Bible story. Help us follow Jesus. Amen. eflection: Can be done R with group, or in the Takea-Break room. Read the Reflection portion for this day. Sing “Unstoppable” with the students, or play it for them while they wait on their parents. 38 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Closing Activity Leader: (Thank the students for saying “Let’s go!” after hearing the word follow and say they won’t need to say it during the prayer.) One way of being a follower is to talk to God in prayer. Let’s close by praying together. Just repeat after me. Faith Fuel Leader: Dear God, Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) All: Dear God, Velocity Verse Leader: Thank you for all Come, follow me. (Matthew 4:19a CEB) All: Thank you for all Leader: you have done for us. All: you have done for us. Action Word Follow! Leader: We want to praise you, All: We want to praise you, Leader: serve you, All: serve you, Leader: and follow you wherever you lead. All: and follow you wherever you lead. Leader: In Jesus’ name. All: In Jesus’ name. Leader: Amen. All: Amen. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 39 Women Find the Empty Tomb Luke 24:1-12 Faith Fuel Women Find the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12) Velocity Verse Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:19a, CEB) Use the hand sign for “go” to increase awareness. Action Word Share! ction Word conversation is A included within the Gathering Time with Checkers, but it is good to remember that this can be included and emphasized throughout the session. This session’s Action Word is share! Point the word out, and then combine it with the sign for the word share Hold both hands held thumbs up and fingers straight. Place one hand on top of the other in “x” position. Then sweep top of the lower hand with the other hand back and forth. See video at www.handspeak. com. Demonstrate how every time they hear the word share, they should sign the word and/ or say “Let’s go!” Say: Let’s practice our Action Word for today. Let’s all share Jesus’ story! Try it again! Let’s share God’s love with everyone! Preparations isplay the Action Word and Velocity Verse posters from the Decorating D Poster Pack. For this session, hide angel wings, crosses, and coins in the Treasure Pool. Gather materials to conduct the color changing milk science experiment. You may need smocks and clear containers with clear lids, depending on age and needs of your students. Be sure to note the modifications discussed under the Science Leader book for Session 5. Prepare “fidget” baggies. You can add white glue and a few dots of liquid paint in baggies and see if the contents can be mixed to make one color, or a new color. Place in small resealable bags (use double bags), one for each child. Because the students will be familiar with most songs by this session, play their favorite songs using the Complete Music CD or the Music Video DVD. Materials For Every Session ctivity Center Sign: A “Scripture Zone” Bible Bible Storyteller ecorating D Transparencies found on the Decorating and Publicity CD-ROM Scripture Treasures Coathangers ible-times costume B for Bible Storyteller Markers ible-times costumes B for story characters Dowels (optional) heckers the C Cheetah Puppett Posterboard Relaxation items Focal backdrop or mural (optional) Bike wheel (optional) Clothespins For This Session ession Five Scripture Treasures S Session Five Velocity Verse and Action Word posters from Decorating Poster Pak or printed on posterboard 40 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Gathering Time with Checkers Leader: Navigators, it’s great to see you at our last session of G-Force! Checkers? Checkers: Here I am! Ready! Set! Follow! (Have Checkers pop in.) Everyone: Follow! Let’s go! Leader: Yes! Those were our words from the last session. Checkers, it is great to see you. Checkers: Happy to be here. I am ready to zone in today! (Move the arms of the puppet.) See, my arm is well and I am ready for action. Leader: Checkers, it sounds like you are having a great time at G-Force VBS. We love seeing you each day. Now, let’s see who can tell us how they used their force for God? Checkers: Our gadget for the day is a rock! A rock? What a funny item to find in our box. I can’t wait to see how this rock is our gadget! Leader We will see! Thanks, Navigators, for finding our gadget. Let’s say our new Action Word. God wants us to “Share!” Let’s go! Velocity Verse Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:19a, CEB) Leader: Yes, Checkers. That is a way you can share. Use the hand sign for “go” to increase awareness. Checkers: Ready! Set! Share! I’m thinking of ways I can share. Leader: (Locate a little toy car. Place it in a gift bag. Make sure bag is easy to open.) Well, while you are thinking, the Navigators and I have something to share with you. We want you to know how much we have loved getting to know you! Checkers: Yippee! (Have the puppet raise an arm.) Please call on me! Pretty pleassssse. My friends and I played Follow the Leader lots and lots of times! And we took turns being the leader. Checkers: This is a double Yippee day! Yippee! Yippee! First a rock as the gadget and now a treat! Thank you! Oh, Navigators, you shared something with me! (Invite a student to find the backpack and another student to find the Action Word written on construction paper.) Women Find the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12) Checkers: Share! You mean like sharing my toys with my friends? (Ask students to share ways they “followed” what was asked of them or the good choices they made.) Leader: Very good to hear, Checkers! Now that is a great way to work together. Why don’t we check out our G-Force Box and see if our gadget gives us any clues for today! Faith Fuel Action Word Share! Leader: Yes, Checkers this gift is our way of showing you how much we care about you. Checkers: I love my gift. Ready! Set! Share! See ‘ya later! Leader: Navigators, it's time again to check our G-Force Events chart and see what we'll be doing today. (Review Picture/Word Schedule for the session.) Looks like our last day at G-Force will be fun! Now, let's make our way to the Scripture Zone. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 41 Faith Fuel: Bible Story(Luke 24:1-12) Attention-Getter Faith Fuel Women Find the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12) Velocity Verse Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:19a, CEB) Action Word Share! Teacher Tips ry to locate artwork or a T photograph that resembles the tomb in which Jesus was buried, which is very different from the modern cemetaries the students may have seen. or a self-contained classroom F or traveling students, let them hold and smell scented items (candles, cotton scented lightly with eucalyptus oil, cinnamon oil, mint oil, etc.) to represent the spices the women used. Spices may be incased in small socks or bean bags. Leader: Under this grocery sack I’ve got something I want to show you. . .but not just yet. I’m going to tell you three outrageous things about myself. One is true and the other two I made up. Your job is to tell which one you believe is true. (Examples: “I’ve been to Antarctica.” “I’ve gone scuba diving in a coral reef.” “I petted a buffalo.” “I’ve never had a cavity.) Raise your hand just one time to vote on which one you believe. (Mention each and have kids vote. Then divulge which is true.) What made it hard to believe that might be true?(Allow students to respond.) Our Bible story today is about some followers of Jesus who learned something amazing that was true, but they had a hard time believing it. This is about the discovery that Jesus had risen from the dead just as he said he would. Bible Story Follow-up Leader: Just as the women were excited to share the good news that Jesus had risen from the dead, we can also share the news with others. We can share the stories of the Bible. We can share the truth that God is always with us. And we can share that God wants everyone to come to love Jesus. Remember this bag (box)? Who believes there is something good here even though you can’t see it? (Allow students to respond.) Well, let’s find out what’s there. (Reveal the treat and share it with students.) We’ll all share this treat to help remind us to share in the love of Jesus and then share his words with others. (Have a helper divide the treat into paper cups or onto plates or napkins.) Use the hand sign for “go” to increase awareness. 42 THE STORY: For the self-contained classroom, share the Bible story using the Single Storyteller version in the Bible Storyteller book, the Preschool/Kindergarten Leader book, or a combination of the two. G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Velocity Verse Storyteller: There is a verse in the Bible—in the Book of Matthew, chapter 28, verse 19—that I want to read. (Read from the Bible.) This is what Jesus said: Leader: Dear God, All: Dear God, Leader: You bought Jesus All: You brought Jesus “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.” Faith Fuel Women Find the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12) Leader: out of the tomb All: out of the tomb Velocity Verse That command is sometimes called the Great Commission because Jesus is telling us to share his good news with everyone. Leader: Thank you for the good news Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:19a, CEB) Scripture Treasures All: that jesus is alive Leader: Somewhere in this pool (or backpack) is our Scripture Treasure for this session. Can you find it? Leader: Because He lives Invite students to look for the card among the balls or packing peanuts or backpack. As the student pulls a treasure out, say “God want us to share!” Have them respond with “Let’s go!" Use the sign language with the Action Word. Leader: Does anyone have some good news to share? (Encourage students to share happy, exciting news, or model by sharing some good news of your own). Leader: (Thank the students for saying let’s go, and tell them they don’t need to say it during the prayer). Let’s bow our heads and talk to God. Please say the words after me. All: Thank you for the good news Use the hand sign for “go” to increase awareness. Leader: that jesus is alive All: Because He lives Leader: we can be his followers All: we can be his followers Leader: Help us share All: Help us share Action Word Share! Teacher Tip This activity can be done during Reflection Time. Guide students back to Scripture Pool or use a backpack as directed in the Preschool/ Kindergarten book. Show students the Scripture Treasure disk for this session. Leader: the good news All: the good news Leader: We love you All: We love you Leader: Amen. All: Amen. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 43 Activity Stations Recreation Time Faith Fuel Women Find the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12) Velocity Verse herefore, go and make disciples T of all nations. (Matthew 28:19a, CEB) Action Word Share! Teacher Tip or Activity Stations, these F adaptations are recommended for the corresponding activities found in the Elementary Classroom Leader, Recreation Leader, Science Leader, Missions Leader, and Crafts Leader books. 44 Nations Toss: To simplify, get 7 small hula hoops and place a different continent outline inside each. Have students try to throw a beanbag inside the hoop, and on the continent. It may work best to have the continent color match the beanbags. Science Time Color Changing Milk: This activity may require smocks for students with special needs, however most will love it. They may need assistance with holding the cotton swab in the milk, or handoverhand assistance to prevent spills or messes. Disappearing Color Wheel: Precut circles. Pre-draw sections to color on the paper plate. Some students may be allergic to permanent markers, or be tempted to put them in their mouths. It is better to use nontoxic, non-staining ones for this activity! Secure tape around end of the string to make it easier for students to lace the string through holes. Students may need assistance with the motor aspect of spinning the disc after it’s made. G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Missions Time Silhouette Smiles: Very little adaptation is needed for this activity. Use the pre-made silhouettes. Some hand-over-hand assistance may be needed. Try not to give too much assistance on placing face features. Let the students create their own special faces! Crafts Time Cross Bookmarks: Pre-tape the water color paper with crosses, and make a pre-hole punch at top. Some assistance may be needed to remove the tape after painting. Create and Share Bank: Show students the finished product so they can visualize what they are making. Let each student put some coins in the pre-made bank. Students may need assistance with coloring or decorating, however most should be able to do much of this independently. Assembling the box will likely require assistance for folding and taping. Reflection Navigators, we’ve reached our final session at G-Force VBS, where God’s love is in action! Are you ready to share what you’ve learned with your friends and family? (Let students respond.) Great! I’m glad to hear it, because sharing is what this lesson is all about. I bet you can guess our Action Word for this session. (Share!) Exactly! What are some kinds of sharing you know about? (Let students respond.) Sharing God’s love is one of the most special things we can do. Because we know that God loves us, we get to turn around and share that love with other people. We can share in many different ways. We can help those in need, use our talents to show what God means to us and tell the people we love that God loves them, too. How can you share God’s love? (Let students respond.) The great thing about being at G-Force is that you’ve been learning how to share God’s love this whole time! Sharing God’s love means loving people like Jesus would love them. We can do it every day, no matter where we are. As long as we’re caring for others and loving them like Jesus would, we’re sharing what’s so amazing about God’s love. In our song “Go and Make Disciples,” we sing the words "Go! We all can play a part. Go! With faith and love in our hearts.” We can use what we’ve learned at G-Force to put God’s love in action. We can follow Jesus today. We can love God and our neighbors today. We can get moving and start helping others today. No matter your age, where you live, or who you know, you can play a part in sharing God’s love with the world. Faith Fuel Women Find the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12) Velocity Verse herefore, go and make disciples T of all nations. (Matthew 28:19a, CEB) Action Word Share! We’ve got a mission to put God’s love in action. Let’s review what we’ve learned today so we can get started right away! individually. Reflection Activity Actors in Action Through this activity, students will be given an opportunity to “act out” the various Action Words they have discovered while at G-Force VBS. Quickly review them. Move! Act! Care! Follow! Share! Tell the students they are going to become actors as they act out their Action Word. Leaders call out the Action Words: Move! Act! Care! Follow! Share! Students act out those words. This activity can be done as an entire group or individually. Vacation Bible School for Students with Special Needs 45 Faith Fuel Women Find the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12) Velocity Verse Reflection Prayer Closing Activity God, thank you for G-Force VBS. Help me to be kind and to share with one another. (Allow students an opportunity to respond by completing a sentence prayer of their own.) Use the gadgets from G-Force VBS as a way to remind students of the biblical concepts they discovered at VBS. Show a backpack, block, mat, sandal, and a rock. Encourage students to take turns sharing their experiences from the sessions. Tell the students how glad you are they came to G-Force VBS! Invite them back to other services and activities at your church. Amen. herefore, go and make disciples T of all nations. (Matthew 28:19a, CEB) Action Word Share! Put God’s Love in Action Remind students that we can share lots of great news, even the news that God loves us all. We know that news because of Jesus. The great thing is that we can share this news in so many ways: using our time and gifts to make others feel loved, talking to people, and helping those in need are all ways to share the exciting news of Jesus! 46 G-FORCE: God’s Love in Action Student Information Sheet Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Age: _________________________________________________________________________________ Parent info:______________________(cellphone) ______________________________________(Email) What is the best method for contacting you? _____________________________________________ Diagnosis: ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ How my student communicates: ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ What makes my student laugh? ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Things that can upset my student: _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dietary restrictions: ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Mobility restrictions: _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Favorite toys: ___________________________________________________________________________ Favorite activities: _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Things that calm my student: ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Things my student needs assistance with: __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Things my student does not need assistance with: ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please check.) ____ I would like my student to have a 1:1 assistant.
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