Singing Hills Golf Course Open Events for 2015

Singing Hills Golf Course
Open Events for 2015
8th April
*Pavilion Punchbowl
Mixed Open
18 Holes Greensomes
Coffee and Bacon Roll or
2 Course Meal & Coffee
per pair
22nd May
Hills Goblets
Men’s Open
36 Holes Better Ball
Coffee and Bacon Roll
Ploughman’s lunch
2 Course Meal & Coffee
per pair
3rd June
Seniors’ Team Open
Men’s Open
18 Holes
Teams of Six
Coffee and Bacon Roll
2 Course Meal & Coffee
£216.00 per
team of six
Coffee and Danish
2 Course Meal & Coffee
per pair
Coffee and Bacon Roll or
2 Course Meal & Coffee
per pair
30th July
5th October
Singing Hills Salver
Ladies’ Open
18 Holes Better Ball
*Albourne Antiques
Mixed Seniors’ Open
18 Holes Greensomes
*Competitors involved in either the Pavilion Punchbowl or Albourne Antiques will be “invited”
to take part in the unique “Festive Spirit” event at Singing Hills on Monday 7th December 2015.
If you would like further information on our Opens at Singing Hills please don’t
hesitate to contact the Golf Secretary, Paul Gibbons on:
01273 835353 or email
The Pavilion Punchbowl
2014 Winners – Wendy and Roy Shergold
(Worthing G.C.)
18 Holes Open Mixed Greensomes Stableford
Wednesday 8th April 2015
Lake and River Courses
Conditions and Regulations
1. The Entrance fee: £72.00 per pair which includes Prizes, Coffee and Bacon Roll or Danish
on arrival and a 2 Course Meal.
Kindly send your cheque and entry form to:The Golf Secretary, Singing Hills Golf Course Limited, Albourne, W. Sussex BN6 9EB
(there is no need to enclose a stamped addressed envelope unless you do not have an email address)
2. Closing date: 20th March 2015 (unless already oversubscribed)
3. Draw with start times will be sent out w/c 23rd March.
4. This will be a two tee start.
5. No entry fees will be refunded after the start list has been sent out.
Substitutes will be accepted.
6. Prize presentation will follow the meal. Only one prize can be won. Prizes for 1st – 3rd pairs,
2N.P.’s for Ladies & 2N.P.’s for Gentlemen (subject to entry numbers)
7. Individual Handicap limit:
Handicap Allowance:
Men 24 and Ladies 36
lower h/c x 0.6 + higher h/c x 0.4 – maximum 24 shots
Minimum 7 Drives each to be taken.
Handicap certificates will be required at registration.
In the event of a tie, River 9 has priority for count back purposes.
8. Entries from Singing Hills Members are welcomed if partnered by a Member of another Golf
9. Any disputes will be referred to the Golf Secretary whose decision will be final.
10. Dress: Smart Casual in the Pavilion, jacket and tie for gentlemen at dinner. Tailored shorts
of an acceptable standard permitted on the course and, for the men, sports socks.
The Pavilion Punchbowl
18 Holes Open Mixed Greensomes Stableford
Wednesday 8th April 2015
To be played at
Singing Hills Golf Course
Albourne, West Sussex
Tel: 01273 835 353
Lake and River Courses
Name (First Name and Surname)
Golf Club
Partner (First Name and Surname)
Golf Club
House Name
Post Code
Home & Mobile
Tel. Nos
* Email
* please ensure your email address is clearly recorded so information about the event can be sent
to you
Cheque enclosed: £72.00 per pair.
Please make cheques payable to: Singing Hills Golf Course Limited
(Unless previously oversubscribed)
The Hills Goblets
2014 Winners – Russ & Bill Groombridge
(Fulwell & Ham Manor Golf Clubs)
Men’s 36 Holes Open Fourball Betterball Stableford
Friday 22nd May 2015
Lake, River and Valley Courses
Conditions and Regulations
1. The Entrance fee: £89.00 per pair which includes Coffee and Bacon Roll or Danish on
arrival, Ploughman’s Lunch and 2 Course Dinner.
Kindly send your cheque and entry form to:
The Golf Secretary, Singing Hills Golf Course Limited, Albourne, W. Sussex BN6 9EB
(there is no need to enclose a stamped addressed envelope unless you do not have an email address)
2. Closing date: 8th May 2015 (unless already oversubscribed)
3. Draw with start times will be sent out w/c11th May.
4. No entry fees will be refunded after the start list has been sent out.
5. Prize presentation will follow dinner. Only one prize can be won. Prizes 4th – 1st overall,
Best A.M., Best P.M & 2NP’s (subject to entry numbers)
6. Individual Handicap limit:
Handicap Allowance:
Men 24
¾ difference between full handicaps
Handicap certificates will be required at registration.
7. Entries from Singing Hills Members are welcomed if partnered by a Member of another Golf
8. Any disputes will be referred to the Golf Secretary whose decision will be final.
9. Dress: Smart Casual in the Pavilion, jacket and tie for gentlemen at dinner.
Tailored shorts of an acceptable standard with sports socks.
The Hills Goblets
Men’s 36 Holes Open Fourball Betterball Stableford
Friday 22nd May 2015
To be played at
Singing Hills Golf Course
Albourne, West Sussex
Tel: 01273 835 353
Lake, River and Valley Courses
Name (First Name and Surname)
Golf Club
Partner (First Name and Surname)
Golf Club
Address for starting times to be sent:
House Name
Post Code
Home & Mobile
Tel. Nos
* Email
* please ensure your email address is clearly recorded so information about the event can be sent
to you
Cheque enclosed: £89.00 per pair.
Please make cheques payable to Singing Hills Golf Course Limited
(Unless previously oversubscribed)
Seniors’ Open Club
Team Championship
2014 Winners – Slinfold Golf & Country Club
6 Man Seniors’ Stableford Team Trophy
(Min Age 55)
Wednesday 3rd June 2015
Lake and River & Valley Courses
Clubs are invited to enter a team of 6 seniors’ for the above 18 holes aggregate stableford
competition over the Lake and River & Valley courses. ( 3 betterball scores making up the team
Conditions and Regulations
1. The Entrance fee: £216.00 per team of six players (equivalent to £36.00 p/person) includes
golf, prizes, coffee and bacon roll on arrival and a two course lunch.
Kindly send your cheque and entry form to:The Golf Secretary, Singing Hills Golf Course Limited, Albourne, W. Sussex BN6 9EB
(there is no need to enclose a stamped addressed envelope unless you do not have an email address)
2. Closing date: 15th May 2015 (unless already oversubscribed).
3. Draw with start times will be sent out w/c 18th May.
4. No entry fees will be refunded after the start list has been sent out.
5. Prize presentation will follow lunch. Prizes for the Winning 6 man team, best pair :
River/Valley, Valley/Lake & Lake/River plus NP’s on each of the 9’s. (subject to entry numbers)
6. Individual Handicap limit:
Max 24 – 3/4 Allowance
Handicap certificates will be required at registration.
7. Team Trophy – Aggregate of the three better ball scores.
8. Play off the Yellow tees.
9. Any disputes will be referred to the Golf Secretary whose decision will be final.
10. Dress: Smart Casual in the Pavilion, jacket and tie for gentlemen at dinner. Tailored shorts
of an acceptable standard with sports socks.
Seniors’ 18 Holes Open Club
Team Championship
6 Man Seniors’ 18 Holes Stableford Team Trophy
Wednesday 3rd June 2015
To be played at:
Singing Hills Golf Course
Albourne, West Sussex BN6 9EB
Tel: 01273 835 353
Lake River & Valley Courses
Golf Club
Senior Team Representative
Telephone Numbers
incl Mobile
Names (First Name and Surname) BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE
Pair A
Pair A
Pair B
Pair B
Pair C
Pair C
House Name
Post Code
Home Tel
* please ensure your email address is clearly recorded so information about the event can be sent to you.
Cheque enclosed: £216.00 per team. Make cheques payable to Singing Hills Golf Course Limited
The Singing Hills Salver
2014 Winners – Carol Popplewell & Alison Smith
Cuckfield Golf Club.
18 Holes Open Ladies’ Betterball Stableford
Thursday 30th July 2015
Lake and River Courses
Conditions and Regulations
1. The Entrance fee: £72.00 per pair which includes coffee and Danish on arrival, 2 Course
Meal with Coffee and Prize Fund.
Kindly send your cheque and entry form to:The Golf Secretary, Singing Hills Golf Course Limited, Albourne, W. Sussex BN6 9EB. (there
is no need to enclose a stamped addressed envelope unless you do not have an email address)
2. Closing date: 17th July 2015 (unless already oversubscribed)
3. Draw with start times will be sent out w/c 20th July.
4. This will be a two tee start from 9.30am
5. Entries will be limited to 44 pairs.
6. No entry fees will be refunded after the start list has been sent out.
Substitutes will be accepted.
7. Prize presentation will follow Lunch. Prizes for 1st – 4th Pairs, plus NP’s. (subject to entry numbers)
8. Individual Handicap limit:
Handicap Allowance:
36 (note increase)
¾ difference between full handicaps
Handicap certificates will be required at registration.
In the event of a tie River 9 has priority for count back purposes.
9. Entries from Singing Hills Members are welcomed if partnered by a Member of another
Golf Club.
10. Any disputes will be referred to the Golf Secretary whose decision will be final.
11. Dress Tailored shorts of an acceptable standard permitted on the course and in the
pavilion but not for lunch.
The Singing Hills Salver
Ladies’ 18 Holes Open Better Ball Stableford
Thursday 30th July 2015
To be played at
Singing Hills Golf Course
Albourne, West Sussex
Tel: 01273 835 353
Lake and River Courses
Name (First Name and Surname)
Golf Club
Partner (First Name and Surname)
Golf Club
Address for starting times to be sent:
House Name
Home & Mobile
Tel. Nos
Post Code
* please ensure your email address is clearly recorded so information about the event can be sent to you.
Cheque enclosed: £72.00 per pair.
Please make cheques payable to Singing Hills Golf Course Limited
(Unless previously oversubscribed)
The Albourne Antiques
2014 Winners Steve & Linda Atkins (Cottesmore)
18 Holes Seniors’ Mixed Greensomes Stableford
Monday 5th October 2015
Lake and River Courses
Conditions and Regulations
1. The Entrance fee: £72.00 per pair which includes Coffee and Bacon Roll or Danish on
arrival and a 2 Course Carvery Lunch.
Kindly send your cheque and entry form to:The Golf Secretary, Singing Hills Golf Course Limited, Albourne, W.Sussex BN6 9EB
(there is no need to enclose a stamped addressed envelope unless you do not have an email address)
2. Closing date: 18th September 2015 (unless already oversubscribed)
3. Draw with start times will be sent out w/c 21st September.
4. This is a two tee start from 10.00am.
5. Entries will be limited to 36 pairs.
6. No entry fees will be refunded after the start list has been sent out. Substitutes will be
7. Prize presentation will follow lunch.
8. Individual Handicap limit:
Handicap Allowance:
Men 24 and -Ladies 36 Maximum 24 combined
lower h/c x 0.6 + higher h/c x 0.4
Minimum 7 drives each
Handicap certificates will be required at registration.
In the event of a tie River 9 has priority for count back purposes.
9. Entries from Singing Hills Members are welcomed if partnered by a Member of another Golf
10. Minimum age qualification:
Ladies 50 and Gentlemen 55
11. Any disputes will be referred to the Golf Secretary whose decision will be final.
12. Dress: Smart Casual in the Pavilion, jacket and tie for gentlemen at lunchtime. Tailored
shorts of an acceptable standard permitted on the course and, for the men, sports socks
must be calf length.
The Albourne Antiques
18 Holes Seniors’ Mixed Greensomes Stableford
Monday 5th October 2015
To be played at
Singing Hills Golf Course
Albourne, West Sussex
Tel: 01273 835 353
Lake and River Courses
Name (First Name and Surname)
Golf Club
Partner (First Name and Surname)
Golf Club
Address for starting times to be sent:
House Name
Home & Mobile
Tel. Nos.
Post Code
*please ensure your email address is clearly recorded so information about the event can be sent to you.
Cheque enclosed: £72.00 per pair.
Please make cheques payable to Singing Hills Golf Course Limited
CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES – 18th September 2015
(Unless previously oversubscribed)