P R O D U C T D ATA S H E E T ONELOGIN FOR SYNCPLICIT Y Securely Connect Every App, User, Device & Directory I N N O V AT I V E I D E N T I T Y M A N A G E M E N T T H AT M A K E S L I F E E A S I E R Secure Syncplicity with OneLogin to take complete control over application access, provision and deprovision users in real–time, create and enforce security policies, and add a second factor of authentication. Syncplicity end–users will enjoy OneLogin single sign–on across mobile, web, and desktop. Syncplicity by EMC is the market–leading hybrid cloud, enterprise-grade sync, share, and mobile collaboration solution. Together OneLogin and Syncplicity provides users with an experience they love and gives IT the security and control it needs. S I N G LE S I G N– O N AU TOM AT E U S E R PROV I S I O N I N G OneLogin uses SAML 2.0 to sign users into Syncplicity. The standards–based SAML protocol uses digital signatures to establish trust between the identity provider and the application, eliminating user-managed passwords and the risk of phishing. SAML can also mandate that users only get access after having been authenticated by OneLogin using your organization’s own authentication policies. OneLogin automatically creates, updates, deletes, suspends, and activates users in Syncplicity based on real–time changes in your directory, simplifying user administration and improving compliance. You can even create advanced mappings to automatically control Role and Group memberships in Syncplicity. U N I F Y YO U R D I REC TO RY: CO N N EC T A D & LDA P S ECU R E & P R OV I S I O N U S ER S I N TO OneLogin’s Active Directory Connector can be installed in minutes with no server restarts or firewall changes required. Visually select one or more organizational units (OU) to import users from Active Directory and you’re all set. OneLogin synchronizes users in real–time, which provides IT with an effective user kill switch when users leave the organization. OneLogin’s AD Integration can even be configured in high– availability mode which leverages multiple AD Connectors per domain controller. T R U S T E D BY T H E W O R L D ’ S M O S T I N N OVAT I V E CO M PA N I E S 1 5 0 S P E A R S T R E E T, S U I T E 1 4 0 0 S A N F R A N C I S CO, C A 9 410 5 ! 8 7 7 97 9 0 41 1 " O N E LO G I N # O N E LO G I N .CO M O N E LO G I N FO R S Y N C P L I C I T Y A L LOW S YO U TO L E V E R AG E YO U R E X I S T I N G D I R EC TO RY I N FR A S T RU C T U R E ON-PREMISES EMPLOYEES INTEGRATED WINDOWS AUTHENTICATION CLOUD REMOTE EMPLOYEES ACTIVE DIRECTORY USER SYNC USER SYNC DELEGATED AUTHENTICATION SSO AD CONNECTOR SYNCPLICITY ONELOGIN S C A L A B LE , T RUS T WO RT H Y & S ECU RE MU LT I–FAC TO R AU T H E N T I C AT I O N OneLogin supports complex directory infrastructures for some of the most demanding public companies in the world. Rest easy with redundant data centers in the US and Europe, massive scalable infrastructure, quarterly security reviews by iSEC partners, and 24/7 monitoring. 99.99% Uptime Guarantee. Multiple authentication factors provide an extra layer of protection so that a password breach isn’t enough to compromise your private files. Use OneLogin’s free smart phone app or a preintegrated third–party solution from Duo Security, Google Authenticator, RSA or VASCO. S Y N CP L I CI T Y I S T H E FA S T E S T G ROWI N G V E N D O R I N T H E E N T E R P R I S E S Y N C , S H A R E A N D M O B I L E C O L L A B O R AT I O N S P A C E TOP USE CASES SECURIT Y C APABILITIES • Secure sync and share • Policy driven true hybrid storage • Easy file distribution to mobile devices • Real-time document protection that addresses data residency and compliance concerns • Integrated Rights Management and continuous availability that tethers security controls • On–the–go document collaboration with mobile in–app editing to content–on–the–go USERS & IT LOVE SYNCPLICIT Y • Gold Standard Mobile Experience • Eliminates silos with storage and repository chvaoices • Enterprise grade security and manageability • Group–based policies enable • Replace FTP and email attachments simplified policy administration • Mobile repository access that gives IT the ability to manage a complex security environment • BYOD ready with rich device based policies and MDM integration 1 5 0 S P E A R S T R E E T, S U I T E 1 4 0 0 S A N F R A N C I S CO, C A 9 410 5 ! 8 7 7 97 9 0 41 1 " O N E LO G I N # O N E LO G I N .CO M
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