Penn State Smeal College of Business BA 500 – Innovation & Entrepreneurship Prof. Tony Warren/Prof. Jack Kaplan Business Plan for GoSolar, Inc. GoSolar Robert Brzozowski Chris Flynn Scott Gentry May 9, 2009 Contact: 570 575 2458 RR 2 Box 2437 Cresco, PA 18326 Al l rights to the this document are reserved. Trademark pending. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 2 GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 3 GoSolar, Inc. Table of Contents Page 1. Executive Summary ........................................................……………….…………3 2. Market Opportunity & Analysis ..............................................................................6 3. Company Description & Operational Structure .......................................................9 4. Key Milestones ......................................................................................................15 5. Business Strategy & Partnerships ..........................................................................17 6. Legal Structure & Ownership ................................................................................20 7. Management Structure & Staffing .........................................................................21 8. Capitalization Plan .................................................................................................22 9. Exit Strategies ........................................................................................................25 10. Financial Assumptions & Pro Forma Statements ..................................................26 11. Financial Sensitivity Analysis................................................................................30 12. Bibliography ..........................................................................................................33 Appendices I - VII GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 4 1. Executive Summary GoSolar, Inc. utilizes an innovative approach to creating an electric power utility. In essence, roof top space is rented from homeowners and businesses in order to establish a massive array of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. The power generated by the solar panels at each installation site reduces the electrical load that is normally drawn from the power grid. Because this demand reduction is treated by grid operators identically as increased electricity generation, GoSolar is able to aggregate and sell the reduction in system load back to the utilities. Furthermore, GoSolar can be created within the existing electrical grid without adding costly transmission lines. In addition to participating in green energy production, homeowners and businesses pay nothing for GoSolar’s PV systems (the cost is covered by GoSolar and government subsidies), and they receive “rent” in the form of credits that can be applied to their retail electricity rates. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The key to the economics of this business model is that the array will be used as an offset mechanism to reduce demand, especially during peak power usage in the summer months. First, from the utilities’ point of view, demand reduction is equivalent to new power generation. However, the marginal cost to the utilities to provide additional peak generating capacity is much higher than the average retail rate the utilities charge customers. Thus utilities are willing to pay premium rates for demand reduction rather than having to add marginal peak capacity and fire up costly back-up generation plants. Second, utilities are faced with increasing electrical demand over both the short- and long-term, as households require more energy and the automobile fleet is converted to electricity. Utilities urgently require new sources of generation (or equivalently, demand reduction) in order to meet their statutory requirement of providing sufficient energy to their customers. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, demand is projected to increase by about 30% over the next 30 years. GoSolar can help to satisfy this need using an eco-friendly approach. The growing tide of the green movement is spurring greater use of renewable sources in electric power generation. Much of this shift is mandated by state governments – thirty states currently have enacted requirements that utilities produce somewhere between ten and twenty percent of power from renewable sources in the next twenty years. It is also likely that during the current Congress more aggressive action, such as a cap-and-trade GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 5 market to reduce CO2 emission will be enacted. Over the longer term, a more effective and “smart” transmission grid will come on-line, making it feasible to transmit power over great distances and at more efficient times of day. GoSolar proposes to bridge the gap between today and the new grid, as well as be an integral part of the new energy generation system. The key to implementation of this business model is that market mechanisms already exist by which utilities pay for system load reduction, particularly in the mid-Atlantic markets of the U.S. Moreover, because the wholesale electricity markets used to manage electricity in the mid-Atlantic region are more robust than in most other parts of the country, the initial business model will be most successful if launched in this region. GoSolar has established key contacts with PJM Interconnection, the electrical grid operator for the mid-Atlantic region. Although the intensity and duration of sunlight is somewhat diminished when compared to the southwestern region of the United States, the mid-Atlantic region still is suitable for significant PV power generation. At current market rates, it will be necessary to seek external financing to cover GoSolar’s capital investments and achieve positive cash flow. The key to managing cash flow in the business model consists of the following strategies: 1) reducing net costs by using sources of green energy rebates, and 2) using both standard and creative financing. The first strategy involves taking advantage of government subsidies, both state and federal. Significant government subsidies will defray 50% or more of the cost of constructing the array. The second consists of standard financing using guaranteed government loans, as well as more creative financing such as partnering with suppliers for favorable credit terms. Government loans will play a crucial role. The current administration has increased the guaranteed portion of government SBA loans to 95% for qualifying green energy projects. Additionally, favorable credit terms will be sought from suppliers as well as cooperation with commercial customers. Currently, the cost of installing panels for a typical residence can run as high as $60,000, a significant investment barrier that requires a long breakeven period. GoSolar will pay this cost, as well as install and maintain the system, in exchange for the rights to sell the load reduction back to the grid. The home or business owners benefit by: 1) avoiding significant upfront investment and ongoing system maintenance costs; 2) receiving a substantial decrease in their annual cost of electricity; and 3) supporting environmentally-friendly energy practices. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 6 GoSolar’s marketing efforts will target early adopters of green energy projects, both in the commercial and residential markets. GoSolar will be launched in two phases over three years. In the first phase, over approximately a one year period, a capital base will be secured in order to achieve the level of credit quality required by the grid operator. Also, a relatively small array totaling approximately 0.3 megawatts will be installed in order to qualify for the minimum aggregated sale of load reduction. Necessary legal, business, and partnership policies and practices also will be established during this period. Reaching these phase-one targets will require the launch of the commercial-customer side of the business first. This focus enables a more rapid establishment of positive cash flow to the company requiring fewer customer touch points. The second phase, to be implemented over the following two years, will consist primarily of installing PV systems that aggregate to 8.0 Megawatts of load reduction (approximately 1,000 residences or commercial equivalents). Once the model is proven at this level, additional partnerships and sources of investment should become available, leading to additional size, scale, and expertise. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 7 2. Market Opportunity & Analysis (See Appendix I for a complete SWOT Analysis) Several forces are coalescing in the energy industry to allow for the creation of GoSolar’s array. First and foremost is the continuing and predicted growth in demand for electricity. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, demand is projected to increase by about 30% over the next 30 years. Second is the growing tide of the green movement to spur greater use of renewable sources in electric power generation. Much of this shift is mandated by state governments; thirty states currently have enacted requirements that utilities produce somewhere between 10 and 20 percent of power from renewable sources in the next 20 years. It is also likely that during the next Congress more aggressive action, such as a cap-and-trade market to reduce CO2 emission will be enacted. Longer term, a more effective, 21st century transmission grid will come on-line, making it feasible to transmit power over great distances. The grid will also be modified to transmit realtime pricing information directly to consumers (e.g., appliances will signal when the cheapest power is available). When this transition to a “smart grid” occurs, probably still a decade or more away, alternative energy sources will supply a larger portion of the nation’s electricity needs. GoSolar proposes to bridge the gap between today and the new grid, as well as be an integral part of the new energy generation system. One hour of the sun’s energy that reaches Earth provides more power than the entire world’s yearly energy demand. However, current technology to harness this energy is relatively inefficient, capturing less than 20% of the available energy. Also, because sunlight is inherently unpredictable due to local weather conditions, solar power probably will never be sufficient to provide baseload power needs for the world’s economies (at least using existing technologies). However, solar PV technology is well positioned to provide much needed peaking power at critical times, when demand for electricity is at its highest. During the current economic downturn and beyond, GoSolar offers the opportunity to be an essential player in the revitalization of the US and Global economy. Dramatic expansion of renewable power capacity is at the core of GoSolar’s understanding of the marketplace. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 8 Total Available Market & Expected Market Share From a pure utility perspective, the Solar Array should be the most competitive provider of peak renewable energy in any given market area. Our goal in any given market is to capture at least five-percent of the renewable energy requirement. Currently, in the mid-Atlantic electric grid, less than 1% of power is generated by solar sites, thereby affording tremendous opportunities for growth. Carnegie Mellon University estimates the technology could help reduce electricity demand by 5 percent during the 100 most expensive hours of the year— typically, times when the sun is most intense and temperatures the highest—which would save Pennsylvania ratepayers $1.9 billion annually. With current carbon-based generation facilities, electricity rates can be 15 to 30 times more during periods when demand is highest. Our array investment could have a dramatic effect on the cost of PV cells. We will have developed a partnership with one or more manufacturers that should create efficiencies and reduce installation costs. Current installation costs are as follows: Homeowner’s Installed Cost Estimate • Average price per kW-hr = $0.10 (range $0.07/kW-hr WV to $0.24/kW-hr HI) • Solar Panel Generating Capacity (conservative) = 10 watts/sq. ft. (represents about a 12% conversion efficiency) At 10 watts/sq. ft., 100 sq. ft. of solar panels is needed for each kW of peak generating capacity. Therefore, an average home needs 400 to 800 sq. ft. of solar panels to generate 4 to 8 kW peak capacity. Current installed cost (at an average of $8/sq. ft.) is thus approximately $32,000 to $64,000. With the current state and federal alternative energy government incentives, 50% or more of this cost can be offset in some states. However, a substantial initial investment is still required. GoSolar solves this problem for the consumer by making the up-front investment while also providing the consumer immediate utility bill savings. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 9 Competitive Set Distributed Solar PV installations have many advantages over competing technologies, many of which have drawbacks from either a pollution or power distribution standpoint. When we look at the peak power supplier market, the primary competitors are natural gas fired turbines and, in some areas of the country, stand-by hydroelectric power. Although natural gas is far cleaner than a coal fired plant, it is still a CO2 producer. Hydro power in the U.S. is limited, currently producing about 8% of the country’s needs. It does have potential for growth, but: “Only 2,400 of the 80,000 dams in the United States are used for hydroelectric power. It is costly to construct a new hydroelectric power plant, and construction uses much water and land. In addition, environmental concerns have been voiced against their use. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the likely trend for the future is toward small-scale hydroelectric power plants that can generate electricity for single communities” [US Geological Survey]. Wind farms are growing at a steady rate, but as long as the grid continues to be limited in its ability to handle voltage, there will be limits to this potential. Moreover, most wind farms are not located near existing transmission lines: “The dirty secret of clean energy is that while generating it is getting easier, moving it to market is not. The windiest sites have not been built, because there is no way to move that electricity from there to the load centers” [Matthew L. Wald, 8/27/2008, The Energy Challenge, The New York Times]. There are alternative approaches to building large scale use of solar power by homeowners. The most organized example being the effort, supported by incentives and tax breaks, to put one million solar panels on roofs in California. Our research to date has not revealed the existence of any other business venture that is seeking to provide solar panels at no cost to homeowners. Furthermore, there are currently no government programs that provide 100% subsidies. Currently, electric power is purchased by the transmission utilities via continuous auctions run primarily by 13 Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO). The RTO’s were created by the U.S. Dept. of Energy in 1999. The goal was to create a competitive marketplace for electricity generators, and enable independent organizations to manage the power grid for reliability and efficiency. RTO’s purchase electricity based upon a “locational marginal pricing” model, which takes the price of the last-in supplier at a given demand. During peaking times, GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 10 this price far exceeds baseload pricing due to expensive generation capacity (primarily from gasfired turbine plants). 3. Company Description Business: GoSolar is a unique approach to creating an electric power utility. In essence, we rent roof top space primarily from homeowners and businesses in order to create a massive array of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. Homeowners pay nothing for the PV panels and related equipment (the cost is covered by GoSolar and government incentives), and they receive credits that can be applied to their retail electricity rates. The reduced load on the electric grid is then aggregated and sold at auction within the Regional Transmission Organization (RTO), otherwise known as the local electric grid operator. Currently, the cost of installing panels on a typical residence can run as high as $60,000. GoSolar will pay for this cost, in exchange for the rights to sell the generated power back to the grid. The homeowner benefits by receiving a 15% decrease in their monthly cost of electricity (which is the average amount that current Curtailment Service Providers pay from their earnings to the businesses that participate in load reduction.). The utility benefits by receiving much needed capacity in the form of load reduction, which has a lower marginal cost than building expensive new power generation plants. Our goal is to select homeowners primarily based on locations that provide the maximum benefit in terms of the needs of the array. This selection will be based on the estimated solar utilization factor of each site (a calculation based upon the average amount of sunshine, geography, local weather patterns, and site positioning). In addition to installing state-of-the-art PV panel systems, GoSolar will install “smart” metering systems that allow consumers to monitor their real-time power usage. This feedback system maximizes load reduction as more power can be sold up to the grid during expensive peak times (hot and sunny summer days), and less expensive power can be purchased from the grid by the consumer during nighttime/non-peak hours of the day. Significant government subsidies will defray a large part of the cost of constructing the array. We estimate that the initial 3 year ramp-up program, consisting of installations on one thousand homes (or equivalent-power commercial installations), will cost about $20,000,000 in GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 11 capital funding. Once the model is proven at this level, partnerships with several utilities within the RTO should become possible, leading to a significantly larger array of many thousands of sites. Other secondary cash flows will likely be derived from the data we gather in the construction of the array. Because we have key contacts within the mid-Atlantic states power market, and because the electric transmission infrastructure serving this area is considered to be more robust than in most other parts of the country, we intend to launch our initial business in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The regional RTO, called PJM Interconnection, is a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia. Even though the amount of sunlight is less than in other parts of the country, by building the array in this region, we can take advantage of the level of sophistication that PJM shows in the nature of their operation. We also have access to a number state regulators and power company executives throughout the region. The keys to GoSolar’s success will be a first-to-market presence, rapid ability to reach scale, and strong relationships with the grid operator and local utility companies. Because the business model does not qualify for patent protection, it may be copy-able by a competent industry participant. Therefore, it is important to break into the market early and develop a strong brand presence. Ramping up quickly to scale will also increase barriers to competition. At this time, we are not aware of any other firms that are moving forward with a similar model. Operational Structure Operations will be developed in two stages. “Stage 1” will consist of a pilot program to demonstrate proof of concept and provide institutional learning. It will be sized with just enough solar installation to comfortably meet the minimum energy contribution required to participate as a Curtailment Service Provider (system load reducer). “Stage 2” will consist of a ramp-up to 1,000 home installations (or commercial equivalents) and is sized to generate adequate revenues to support an on-going business. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 12 Commercial Division We have defined a goal of 300 kW of power as a needed in order to meet the minimum requirements of the PJM marketplace. The minimum requirement to bid in is 100 kW. We feel that a redundancy of that number will enable us to safely meet their requirement without incurring costly nonperformance penalties. In order to ramp up the array to the minimum requirement as quickly as possible, a marketing effort to commercial customers will be launched first. All types of commercial and government facilities will be in the target market. The objective however, should be to look for locations within the PJM Interconnection that will provide maximum potential for the array. We will also be looking for “brown-field” opportunities where state and or local incentives may be available. In Stage One, the commercial division will be staffed primarily by the founders. One person will be responsible for building and maintaining a relationship with our principal supplier and the contracting and install companies that will be used to build the array. One founder along with an as-needed corporate attorney should be primarily responsible for contracts and developing a streamlined process for handling agreements. This person may also be ideally suited to working with an attorney who can develop strong relationships with government officials and understand local ordinances and the permitting process. All founders will share in the responsibility of developing relationships with prospective commercial sites for locating the initial array. One person along with part-time clerical back-up should be responsible for bringing these opportunities to fruition. In Stage Two it seems probable that one Founder will remain in this division, the main goal being to maintain a degree of continuity to the overall vision of the business. Staffing up this side will greatly depend on the level of success that has occurred. However, considering the physical size of PJM as a geographic marketplace, it will make sense to look at positioning sales and business development staff across the market. This staff expenditure will be further justified if expected demand causes rates to rise in the energy markets. Residential Division In Stage One, the primary goal on the residential side will be to implement a comprehensive marketing plan for residential customers. A clear message to government and the public will need to be crafted about the potential that our approach of “renting rooftops” offers to GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 13 a broad swath of homeowners. The founders will be responsible for the day-to-day aspects of this side of the business. A viral marketing campaign focused on consumers will be developed in conjunction with grass roots efforts using environmentally conscious groups to help spread the message. This division will likely need to contract with a marketing firm in order assist in branding and messaging. All Founders will assist in organizing and participating in the media public relations campaign that will be needed to make this part of the business possible and profitable. In Stage Two the residential part of the business should) become the primary driver of growth. A skilled manager will be hired to run the unit whose responsibility will be two-fold. First, local installers will need to be contracted and trained to install GoSolar systems. It is likely that these installers will also be a primary marketer for the GoSolar concept. Second, this manager will be charged with developing a sophisticated and seamless customer service process. It is likely that much of this process can be outsourced. However, it will be incumbent on this manager to ensure quality, reliability and accountability for this service. The greatest concern in this unit is that the demand for panels may exceed our ability to maintain profitability. The growth of this market area will need to be monitored from a strategic standpoint, an assignment that will likely fall to one of the Founders in the early going of Stage Two. Administration Division In the transitions from Stage One to Stage Two to Ongoing Business, a centralized Administrative function will become essential. This group will interface with both revenuegenerating divisions. It will provide clerical support, as well as deal with utility and regulatory issues. It will also be responsible for the corporate offices that are developed. The unit will also become responsible for accounting and contract issues that relate to both revenue-generating units. It will most likely maintain the principal HR functions and come under the responsibility of the CFO. Revenue Generation Essentially, there are three primary ways that electric distribution companies (i.e., utilities) purchase power from generation companies in order to comply with their statutorily mandated requirement to satisfy electricity demand. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program • May 9, 2009 Page 14 First, they sign bilateral agreements with electric generation companies at negotiated prices. Utilities are free to secure power at whatever level they can negotiate. Power then flows through the transmission grid according to the contractor, and it is paid for outside of real-time market systems. GoSolar does not plan to participate in this market. • Second, utilities ensure that future generation capacity will be available by paying for capacity several years in advance. These payments are made to generators to assure that capacity will be available – regardless of whether that capacity is used. The capacity payments also serve to incentivize companies to invest in new generation when increased demand is forecast. In the PJM region, capacity auctions occur three years in advance of when capacity is needed. GoSolar will participate in this capacity market. • Third, energy is purchased on an hourly basis for actual electricity (or equivalent load reduction) that is delivered. In the PJM region, there are two primary energy markets, the day-ahead market and the real-time market (which is divided into five-minute increments). If demand and supply projections are accurate, then day-ahead market prices align closely with the real-time market. In periods of unexpected power shortfalls (due to a sudden increase in demand or decrease in supply), the real-time market prices can spike as utilities scramble to purchase peak power at the most expensive marginal cost (sometimes 15 – 30 times the average baseload market rates). GoSolar will participate in the day-ahead energy market as a load reducer. Capacity Market – Payments for the promised capacity begin in the target year and are made based upon having the potential for load reduction should it be needed; that is, capacity payments are independent of whether the load reduction is actually used. Bidders are committed to delivering the promised level of demand reduction capacity in the target year. If for some reason the anticipated level of demand reduction is not available as promised, bidders are legally responsible to purchase, at market prices, whatever level of shortfall is realized. The grid operator also assesses severe financial penalties, in order to ensure that capacity is available as promised. This guaranteed stream of payments for available capacity accounts for about 15% of GoSolar’s total revenues. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 15 * Note: Capacity prices above include blended PJM markets, and therefore reflect somewhat higher levels than GoSolar’s expected price. The graph correctly reflects overall market trends, however. Energy Market – The energy market enables generators (and load reducers such as GoSolar) to bid their power into the market when it is used. The Day-Ahead Market is a forward market in which hourly prices are calculated for the next operating day based on generation offers, demand bids and scheduled bilateral transactions. The market uses locational marginal pricing (LMP) that reflects the value of the energy at the specific location and time it is delivered. The rates from the day ahead market are highest during the summer and winter as prices reflect increasing demand, and prices are usually lowest in the fall and spring. Over the entire year of 2008, the average auction price (i.e., load-adjusted LMP) for the energy market was approximately $70 per megawatt-hour. This price historically has increased an average of about 13% per year since 1998 (11% on compounded basis). This sustained upward trend in energy market prices is an important factor in the future profitability of GoSolar. Energy market revenues account for nearly 45% of GoSolar revenues. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 16 Remaining revenues: Generated from government subsidies, renewable energy rebates, and tax credits, and expected to compose about 40% of the GoSolar revenue base. 4. Key Milestones Macro Milestones o Stage 1: Proof of Concept (300 kW using Commercial Division) o Stage 2: Commercialization (building and operating an 8 mW Array) Milestones – Stage 1 • May 2009: Finish Business Plan • March-May: Line up advisory board members • March-June: Line up sources of funds, partners • May: Set up legal framework • July: Finalize Marketing Plan • July-August: Develop legal and fiscal relationship with PJM • August-Jan 2010: Test & revise marketing approach • Sept.-April: Site locations and finalize terms for 300kW of power. • January 2010: Have contracts in place with installers and PV manufacturers. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program • May 9, 2009 Page 17 April 2010: Overall assessment of Year 1 and formulate Year 2 Additional Investor Milestone indices for Stage 1: The principal milestones that investors will need to track relate directly to GoSolar’s ability to deliver the 300kW of capacity by the end of Stage One. Working backwards from this point investors will want to track when contracts are being completed and when construction is commencing. These dates and requirements can be tracked as closely as the investor deems necessary. Milestones – Stage 2 • May of 2010: Have agreements in hand for the construction of 300kW of power. • May: Commit to the 2013-2014 capacity market with a bid. • 2010 and 2011: Main array siting and installation underway to full load reduction of 8 mW (approximately 1,000 residences or equivalent) Additional Milestone indices for Stage 2 Over the course of the next two years, it will make sense to measure completion progress towards the 8mW goal on a monthly basis. As long as the project is on track, pushing this requirement back to a quarterly reporting basis is appropriate. GoSolar should be on track at the beginning of Stage 2 to be installing approximately 250 kW of systems per month. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 18 5. Business Strategy & Partnerships The Founders of GoSolar feel they have a unique business plan, utilizing the concept of “renting roofs” and realizing net profits by selling the aggregating load demand reduction. Because this concept is unique, there are several operational and regulatory hurdles, described below, that will need to be surmounted. If it should turn out that it is not currently practical to surmount these hurdles, an alternative business model is presented consisting of a more conventional business model, successful examples of which currently exist. A. Primary Business Model - Participate in Capacity and Energy Markets as a Curtailment Service Provider: In order for GoSolar to obtain maximum revenues from the existing power markets, we will organize within the grid as a Curtailment Service Provider (CSP). The function of a curtailment service provider is to aggregate reduced load and sell it back to the grid at market prices. Customers of this reduced load are the utilities (technically referred to as “Load Serving Entities”), and they are represented collectively in the market by the grid operator (in this case, PJM). As the market maker, PJM monitors all bids and asks, and it processes or monitors all transactions from buyers to sellers (similarly to a stock market). It also ensures the viability of all market participants to ensure integrity of the system. This demand response/CSP model already has been established by PJM and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and it has the fewest regulatory hurdles. Energy payments to CSP’s have been growing exponentially year by year (see graphic below). GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 19 Challenges: It should be noted that GoSolar’s primary business model includes several assumptions that have yet to be tested or implemented: • A real-time tracking system needs to be developed whereby load reduction from each PV site can be monitored and aggregated at the corporate level. The aggregated reduction amount then must be bid into the energy market each day. • Currently, in the energy market, revenues for each site’s load reduction are accounted for as savings on consumer’s monthly electricity bills (using a system called “net metering”). For example, with a solar PV system in place, a household monthly bill will decrease, say, from $200 to $100, reflecting decreased demand for electricity at the site due to replacement power from PV system. However, because the PV system will be installed and owned by GoSolar, a process needs to be developed whereby GoSolar can capture this $100 savings, most likely through a payment from the utility. PJM recognizes that the current system is a barrier to the formation of new CSP’s, and it is exploring payment models that will make it easier for companies like GoSolar to capture load reduction value. • Significant public funds are now available to consumers to offset the cost of renewable energy systems. We estimate that approximately 65% of the cost of each installation can be recovered with government rebates, grants, and tax credits. However, because most of GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 20 these benefits are given directly to consumers, a mechanism for GoSolar to capture these savings needs to be developed. B. Fallback Business Model – Leasing Solar PV Systems to Consumers: Given that it may be difficult to overcome the hurdles involved with the primary business model, GoSolar is prepared to implement a second fallback model. However, with this plan, it will not be possible for GoSolar to aggregate and sell load reduction in either the capacity or the energy markets. In fact, the consumer will only gain from the energy market; the capacity market value will remain unclaimed. In essence, the company would provide solar PV systems to high credit-quality consumers using a leaseback arrangement. GoSolar would retain ownership rights to the system and continue to maintain and monitor the system over its lifetime. Consumers would make monthly lease payments for their system and receive the full value of load reduction in reduced monthly utility bills (using net metering). Upon sale of the property, the lease payments can be transferred to a new homeowner or GoSolar will remove the system for free. Utility bill savings will be greater than the lease payments, thereby creating value for the consumer. This model currently is employed by several companies in California and Arizona (such as Solar City). Partnerships GoSolar will depend upon both upstream and downstream partners in order to successfully implement its concept. A. Marketing Partners: • Builders – New Homes (custom and spec) • Green Agencies (e.g. Delaware Valley Green Building Council) • Solar PV System Installers B. Supplier Partners: • PV System Manufacturers: This partner stands to greatly expand their market reach by providing GoSolar with either direct funding or no-cost panels until the venture becomes profitable. It will behoove them to also supply GoSolar with access to installation expertise and the manufacturers of other pieces required to complete an installation. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 21 C. Implementation Partners • Installers – Our relationship with installers will need to be holistic. If done properly a few key relationships will be developed here based on expertise in both residential and commercial installs. The commercial side will be critical considering the dynamic concerns (snow load, drainage, electrical hook-ups) of installing a large array on a commercial roof-space. These installs will likely be unique in each case and require a high degree of sophistication on the part of the install contractor. On the residential side it should be feasible to work with existing installers to help market GoSolar. Once again the venture will be providing installers with a ready source of business to dive their own concerns. 6. Legal Structure & Ownership Legal Structure The company will be set up as a C-Corporation for the following reasons. The ability to attract capital will be critical. The C-Corporation provides limited liability for investors. It also provides a much needed mechanism necessary for GoSolar to raise significant funds in order to launch. It is likely that grant money and government loans will be a significant percentage of early funding, but the company should be in a position to offer shares to prospective outside investors. Ownership opportunities will also be critical to bringing on needed talent and expertise. Second, all investors in this project will be better served by the greater transparency offered in this structure. From a money-saving perspective, the company may be inclined to incorporate in Delaware. However, if another state were willing to provide substantial assistance in the launch, that opportunity would be considered as well. In evaluating an IPO as an exit strategy, the C-Corporation becomes the logical choice for valuing shares and designing fair compensation for the founders. Finally, PJM Interconnection prefers interacting with this type of legal corporation. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 22 Proposed Division of Equity Shares At the outset the founders will be the owners of 60% of the available shares. The additional 40% will be held primarily for outside investors and advisory board members. The founders agree to split their ownership percentage evenly among them. The distribution of ownership may vary depending on the possible demands of outside investors and the equity they would put at risk. Board of Directors (up to nine members) • Founders • External Investors Advisory Board (members added as expertise is required) • Utility industry insider: Preferably retired C-level executive who is familiar with the regulatory requirements of PJM Interconnection (our downstream customer) • Commercial Market Expert: Rob Boehning, Industrial and Commercial Real Estate Consultant and Supervising Director of the Lehigh Valley branch Delaware Valley Green Building Council • Residential Market Expert: Upper management executive with large regional contractor (100-plus homes a year) with strong knowledge of industry costs and permit process. • Finance and Funding Expert: Familiar with government grants and guaranteed lending as well as venture capital (ideally connected with government funding knowledge) • Real Estate Counsel: Practicing real estate lawyer with significant contract experience • Utilities/Regulatory Counsel: Practicing utilities lawyer with significant experience 7. Management Structure & Staffing Key Management Positions Stage 1 • CEO/CMO: Christopher Flynn • CFO: Scott Gentry • CTO: Robert Brzozowski GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 23 The following functions will to the extent possible be performed by the Founders in Stage 1, except perhaps for contracting needed legal services: 1. General Counsel (utilities/contracts) 2. PJM-Grid Integration Manager 3. Commercial Market Manager 4. Residential Market Manager 5. Operations Manager Stage 2 Specialized positions will be filled with external expertise as needed. • Founders (positions unspecified until skill sets are established) • CEO • CFO • CTO • CIO • CMO • PJM – Grid Integration Manager • Commercial Market Manager • Residential Market Manager • Operations Manager • General Counsel • Utilities Counsel • Real Estate Counsel 8. Capitalization Plan The bulk of Stage 1 funding will be focused on developing the administrative functions of the business, securing sites for the initial 300kW of array, and completing all requirements to participate in the May, 2010, PJM capacity market. Depending upon how agreements are completed, a significant percentage of this early funding will come from principal suppliers and government grants. The estimated cost of this stage is about $2 million. In Stage 2 the financial commitment required will be balanced between venture capital (firms with renewable energy focus and understanding of longer timelines), government grants, GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 24 and supplier agreements. The estimated cost of this stage is $22 million. The bulk of these funds will be expended in the construction of the array. The monthly goal during Stage 2 will be to bring on 300 kW of power per month. Capital Budget There is some uncertainty regarding where and how the company can secure initial funding. In the initial phase of the company, loan funds will not be available from the SBA due to limited cash flow to pay debt service. There is, however, some indication that venture capital funding is exploring benefits of investing in an energy project of this sort. Also, GoSolar may have access to federal stimulus funding for the construction aspects of the business. A partnership with a PV panel manufacturer may also be advisable in order to obtain supplier financing. Such suppliers would likely fund a substantial part of the operation as a way to improve and increase their marketing reach. An ideal combination would be to have partnership funds provide the bulk of upfront capital. This arrangement would likely entice some degree of venture or angel funding into the mix. Government funding would make up the difference. As the business progresses into profitability in the fourth year, the partners may either want to take a larger stake or, having now proved the concept, other venture capital firms may be enticed to take the business further. In addition, a combination of grants, tax credits and loans are available through federal and state programs. The grants and tax credits can offset approximately two-thirds of the total installed cost of a solar PV system, while the guaranteed loans provide additional financing assistance. Federal sources of capital are described below, and two examples are given (Pennsylvania and New Jersey) that illustrate how the combined federal and state programs can offset 65% of the installed system cost. 1) Federal • Grant or Tax Credit: Grant for Development of Renewable Energy (grants available as part of the Recovery Act starting March 1, 2009 through the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability) and can fund 30% of cost to build. Businesses eligible for the Business Energy Investment Tax Credit may take either the tax credit or a grant. Individual homeowners eligible for the Residential GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 25 Renewable Energy Tax Credit must take the tax credit and not a grant (U.S. Dept of Treasury - Renewable Energy Grants, 2009)(For more details, see Appendix VII). • Loans: Additional DOE money will be available in the form of a credit subsidy, providing “no-cost federal loan guarantees to finance commercial renewable energy projects” (Bastiere, 2009). The total guaranteed loans for renewable energy projects are $60 billion (Federal Stimulus Money for Renewable Energy Projects and Manufacturing, 2009). 2) Pennsylvania (estimated net installed savings (federal plus state programs): 65%. • Grant: $100 million of federal grant money is available through the Pennsylvania Sunshine Solar Program. Funding is provided for renewable energy deployment and is part of the $3.4 billion of Recovery Act funds being provided to the states. The $100 million is to be used to provide reimbursement grants that cover up to 35% of the costs that residential consumers and small businesses incur for installing for solar energy technology. “Funding will be deployed in the form of reimbursement grants for residential and small business projects. Grants will be awarded on a first-comefirst-served basis to approved applicants. Households may receive one solar PV grant for up to 10 kilowatts (kW) of installed PV generating capacity…” (Alternative Energy Investment Fund Programs, 2009)(For a more complete program description, see Appendix VI). 3) New Jersey (estimated net installed savings (federal plus state programs): 65% • Upfront Incentives: “The Renewable Energy Incentive Program offers upfront incentives to customers of utilities regulated by the BPU [NJ Board of Public Utilities] who invest in eligible electricity-producing equipment for use in offsetting onsite electric consumption.” (See Appendix III for a rate schedule). • “SREC: Solar Renewable Energy Certificates are tradable certificates that represent, “all the clean energy benefits of electricity generated from a solar electric system. Each time a solar electric system generates 1000kW-h (1MW-h) of electricity, an SREC is issued that can then be sold or traded separately from the power. This makes it easy for individuals and businesses to finance and invest in clean, emission free GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 26 solar power” (New Jersey Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Program)(See Appendix IV for further details on how these certificates are traded). Example: Initial estimated installed cost @ $6.70/watt $53,600 State REIP - State rebate@$2.00/watt SREC - Expected NJ Renewable Energy Credit: -$16,000 -$2,864 Federal Federal tax credit (30%): -$16,080 Net Estimated NET cost (net saving is 65%) $18,656 9. Exit Strategies The founders are in agreement to operate the business so that returns are maximized to investors (including themselves). They do not intend to manage GoSolar as a lifestyle business, although they remain open to remaining with the company if their expertise permits. The longer timeline to profitability for the business makes an IPO unlikely within the first few years of operations. Market conditions would need to change dramatically (mainly, power prices would need to rise significantly) in order for the business to be able to show a rapid enough return on investment needed to justify a public offering. As that option seems unlikely, the best probable alternative will be to sell the business off to one of two other types of businesses. Option One: A larger Curtailment Service Provider or an existing Utility that is looking to improve its competitive position in the energy marketplace. This currently is a rapidly growing market and the major players are bound to be looking for ways to improve their green image in the arena. Option Two: This option may result from a partnership with a PV panel manufacturer. It seems probable that GoSolar has found a new opening to create a much larger market for PV cells and panels. If we are viewed purely as a new way to market both panels and Curtailment service, we can create an entirely new channel for the sale and distribution of solar panels. A GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 27 panel manufacturer that is looking to secure a level of dominance in the market may well see us as a valuable addition to its business as a means to secure a broader level of distribution. The first window to sell the business off will probably occur in Year +1 or +2. Earlier sell-off would only be likely if Carbon Cap-and-Trade occurs somewhere during the build up to our 8 mW goal. A continued rise in both utility rates in demand is critical to reaching an agreeable sell-off price. 10. Financial Assumptions & Pro Forma Statements Assumptions: In order to project the viability of the firm, a number of assumptions are made regarding the array growth rate, solar hardware and installation costs, energy and capacity market pricing, government incentives and other factors. Because of the long lead time required to install and launch the full 8-MW array, a five-year projection is provided. The first three years (Years -3, -2, and -1) include both Stage 1 and Stage 2 plans when the company is ramping up to full capacity in 2012. The final two years (Years +1 and +2) reflect company operations as a going concern in 2012 and 2013. Assumptions for Calculations No. of Initial Installations No. of New Installations Year -3 Year -2 0 36 Year -1 516 484 36 480 Year +1 1000 24 Year +2 1024 24 All installations are denominated in Solar Residential Equivalents (i.e. SRE = 8 kW of maximum power generation = approx. 800 s.f. of solar panels). The intent is to first market to commercial customers so that larger arrays can be installed at fewer sites. By the end of Year -3, thirty-six SRE’s are installed, thereby satisfying the minimum required power output for a Curtailment Service Provider. In Years -2 and -1, a large number of installations are completed in order to reach 1000 SRE’s and a load reduction of 8,000 kW (or 8 mW). Average Installation Cost Avg. KW per Installation (SRE) Hardware Cost ($/KW) Avg. Roof Improvements ($/KW) Installation Labor ($/KW) Permitting Cost ($/KW) Year -3 $ $ $ $ Cost/KW $ Total Cost per SRE $ 8 5,200 350 2,000 50 7,600 60,800 Year -2 $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 4,900 350 2,000 50 7,300 58,400 Year -1 $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 4,600 350 2,000 50 7,000 56,000 Year +1 $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 4,300 350 2,000 50 6,700 53,600 Year +2 $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 4,000 350 2,000 50 6,400 51,200 GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 28 As discussed, for ease of analysis, each SRE is sized for 8 kW. Hardware installation averages about $7,600 per kW (according to a recent study by Lawrence Livermore Laboratories), and it is projected to decline over time by about $300/kW per year. This decrease reflects manufacturing efficiencies, increased competition among suppliers, and technology improvements. Therefore, over the five-year pro forma period, installation costs to GoSolar are projected to fall by a total of about 15% (sensitivity tests around this figure are included in Section 11 of this plan). Capacity Market Year -3 Capacity Market Rate ($/MW-Day) Year -2 0 Year -1 0 0 $ Year +1 110.00 $ Year +2 110.00 Energy Market Avg. Energy Market Rate ($/MW-Hour) $ Energy Market Annual Inflation Rate Summer/Peak Rate Multiplier Fall Rate Multiplier Winter Rate Multiplier Spring Rate Multiplier 70.00 1.25 0.80 1.10 0.85 $ 77.00 $ 10% 1.25 0.80 1.10 0.85 84.70 $ 10% 1.25 0.80 1.10 0.85 93.17 $ 10% 1.25 0.80 1.10 0.85 102.49 10% 1.25 0.80 1.10 0.85 The primary revenue streams to GoSolar are derived from the sale of load reduction in both the capacity and energy markets. Capacity market sales account for approximately 20% of GoSolar revenues. Rates for the capacity market are set three years in advance at an auction held each May. GoSolar will be a price-taker as only one of many market bidders. The current capacity rate is fixed at $110/mW-day, a price set in 2008. Forward rates for the 2009 auction are not yet announced, and thus, the 2008 rates are used in the pro forma. Because historical rates range widely, a sensitivity analysis is included in the following section. Energy market rates are set in real-time auctions when load reduction is needed, and the average rate (i.e., Locational Marginal Price) for 2008 was $71.13. This rate has increased by about 13% per year since 1998, reflecting increased energy demand and higher fuel costs. Therefore, projections begin conservatively in Year -3 with a rate of $70.00 and are increased annually by a factor of 10%. Again, sensitivity analyses in the following section demonstrate the variable effects on profits. Because rates are seasonal in order to account for peak demand in the summer and winter months, a seasonal multiplier is used to better estimate cash flow timing. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 29 Miscellaneous PJM Membership Fee (per MW) $ Corporate Tax Rate Government Rebate & Tax Credit Factor Customer Electric Buydown Factor 0.31 40% 65% of avg. cost of installation 15% of electricity bill First, in order to participate in the capacity and energy auctions, GoSolar must become a member of PJM. Membership fees are based upon load reduction amounts. Second, a traditional corporate tax rate of 40% is used. Third, about 65% of solar hardware and installation costs can be covered through government subsidies and tax credits. Finally, the business model includes “rental” payments to consumers of a 15% buydown of their monthly electricity bills. A sensitivity analysis of this rate is included in the following section. Solar Utilization Factor Avg. Solar Utilization Factor (for PA) Summer/Peak Utilization Multiplier Fall Utilization Multiplier Winter Utilization Multiplier Spring Utilization Multiplier 14.0% 1.15 0.95 0.78 1.12 In order to project the amount of load reduction available, a Solar Utilization Factor is necessary to gauge the intensity and duration of sunlight. This factor is dependent upon geography, weather, and nightfall. In Pennsylvania, the factor is calculated by industry groups to be an average of 14%, and this figure rises and falls according to the seasons (see Appendix for calculation). Therefore, a multiplier is also incorporated in the projections to account for the seasonal variations. First Year Expenses: Expenses projected for Stage 1 development are given in the spreadsheet. Because revenues from load reduction are not yet available, these figures are highly dependent upon the levels of external start-up funding received. 2009-2010 ($ Thousands) Operating Expenses PJM Membership Fees Marketing & Selling Costs - Residential Marketing & Selling Costs - Commercial Salaries, Benefits, Payroll Taxes Legal Insurances Other General & Administrative Depreciation (25-yr. straight line) Total Operating Costs Jun $0.0 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.6 Jul $0.0 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.6 Aug $0.0 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.6 Sep $0.0 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.6 Oct $0.0 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.6 Nov $0.0 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.6 Dec $0.0 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.7 Jan $0.1 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.7 Feb $0.1 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.7 Mar $0.1 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.7 Apr $0.1 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.7 May $0.1 $0.5 $10.0 $17.0 $5.0 $2.5 $10.0 $0.6 $45.7 TOTALS $0.5 $6.0 $120.0 $204.0 $60.0 $30.0 $120.0 $7.3 $547.8 GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 30 Ongoing Expenses: Operating expenses are estimated in Year +1 to demonstrate the financial performance as a going concern. Expenses are held level in Year +2. Summary of Year +1: 2012-2013 INCOME STMT. SUMMARY ($ Thousands) Total Revenues Total Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profits Gross Profit Margin Total Operating Costs Operating Profits (EBITDA) Operating Profits (EBIT) Op. Profit Margin Taxes Interest Expense Net Profits Net Profit Margin Jun $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 204.1 123.4 80.7 39.5% 45.8 35.2 34.8 17.1% 13.9 20.9 10.2% Jul $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 208.8 124.0 84.9 40.6% 45.8 39.4 39.0 18.7% 15.6 23.4 11.2% Aug $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 209.1 124.0 85.1 40.7% 45.8 39.6 39.3 18.8% 15.7 23.6 11.3% Sep $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 153.7 115.8 37.9 24.6% 45.9 (7.6) (8.0) -5.2% (3.2) (4.8) -3.1% Oct $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 156.7 116.1 40.5 25.9% 45.9 (5.0) (5.3) -3.4% (2.1) (3.2) -2.0% Nov $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 154.0 115.9 38.2 24.8% 45.9 (7.3) (7.7) -5.0% (3.1) (4.6) -3.0% Dec $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 164.7 117.3 47.4 28.8% 45.9 1.9 1.5 0.9% 0.6 0.9 0.6% Jan $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 164.9 117.3 47.6 28.8% 45.9 2.0 1.7 1.0% 0.7 1.0 0.6% Feb $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 155.8 116.4 39.5 25.3% 45.9 (6.0) (6.4) -4.1% (2.6) (3.8) -2.5% Mar $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 172.7 118.5 54.2 31.4% 45.9 8.7 8.3 4.8% 3.3 5.0 2.9% Apr $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 169.6 118.1 51.4 30.3% 45.9 5.9 5.5 3.3% 2.2 3.3 2.0% May $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 173.1 118.5 54.6 31.5% 45.9 9.0 8.7 5.0% 3.5 5.2 3.0% TOTALS $ 2,087.2 $ 1,425.3 $ 661.8 31.7% $ 550.4 $ 115.7 $ 111.5 5.3% $ 44.6 $ $ 66.9 3.2% Summary of Year +2 (assumes level operating expenses): 2013-2014 INCOME STMT. SUMMARY ($ Thousands) Total Revenues Total Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profits Gross Profit Margin Total Operating Costs Operating Profits (EBITDA) Operating Profits (EBIT) Op. Profit Margin Taxes Interest Expense Net Profits Net Profit Margin Jun $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 215.2 120.6 94.6 43.9% 45.9 49.1 48.7 22.6% 19.5 29.2 13.6% Jul $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 220.5 121.3 99.2 45.0% 45.9 53.7 53.3 24.2% 21.3 32.0 14.5% Aug $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 220.8 121.3 99.5 45.1% 45.9 53.9 53.6 24.3% 21.4 32.2 14.6% Sep $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 158.4 112.1 46.3 29.2% 45.9 0.8 0.4 0.3% 0.2 0.3 0.2% Oct $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 161.7 112.4 49.2 30.5% 45.9 3.7 3.3 2.1% 1.3 2.0 1.2% Nov $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 158.8 112.1 46.7 29.4% 45.9 1.1 0.8 0.5% 0.3 0.5 0.3% Dec $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 170.7 113.8 56.9 33.4% 45.9 11.4 11.0 6.5% 4.4 6.6 3.9% Jan $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 170.9 113.8 57.1 33.4% 45.9 11.6 11.2 6.6% 4.5 6.7 3.9% Feb $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 161.0 112.7 48.3 30.0% 45.9 2.7 2.4 1.5% 0.9 1.4 0.9% Mar $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 179.7 115.1 64.6 35.9% 45.9 19.0 18.7 10.4% 7.5 11.2 6.2% Apr $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 176.3 114.7 61.5 34.9% 45.9 16.0 15.6 8.9% 6.2 9.4 5.3% May $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 180.1 115.2 65.0 36.1% 45.9 19.4 19.0 10.6% 7.6 11.4 6.3% TOTALS $ 2,174.3 $ 1,385.3 $ 789.0 36.3% $ 550.9 $ 242.2 $ 238.1 11.0% $ 95.2 $ $ 142.9 6.6% GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 31 11. Financial Sensitivity Analysis Complete tables with various sensitivity analyses are given in the Appendix. These tables include a net profits analysis which shows the combinations of capacity market and energy market rates needed to break even in Year +1. Below we highlight some of the main observations gleaned from an analysis of full table contained in the Appendix. Using the projected energy and capacity rates for Year +1 (2012-2013), the table below shows a gross profit margin of 31.7% and a net profit margin 3.2% for the period. 2012-2013 Gross Profit Margin Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May TOTAL S 39.5% 40.6% 40.7% 24.6% 25.9% 24.8% 28.8% 28.8% 25.3% 31.4% 30.3% 31.5% 31.7% Op. Profit Margin 17.1% 18.7% 18.8% -5.2% -3.4% -5.0% 0.9% 1.0% -4.1% 4.8% 3.3% 5.0% 5.3% Net Profit Margin 10.2% 11.2% 11.3% -3.1% -2.0% -3.0% 0.6% 0.6% -2.5% 2.9% 2.0% 3.0% 3.2% By examining a range of possible rates for the energy and capacity markets, we can observe the effect on gross profits. Figure 1 below shows that increases in the energy rate (legend) have a much greater effect on gross profits than an increase in capacity market rates (x axis). Figure 1 Thus, while the 3-year ahead capacity market rate (x –axis) provides a known baseline revenue stream, it is the level of the day-ahead energy market rates (legend) which will have the largest effect of profitability. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 32 The installed cost of solar PV systems is of course another significant factor in profitability. In 2009 (Year -3), the estimated installed cost is approximately $7,600 per kW. Our analysis employs a projected yearly decrease of $300 per installed kW based on the average yearly decrease from 1998 through 2007 (Tracking the Sun, 2009). Thus Figure 3 shows that as the current energy market rate of $70 per Mw-Hr moves to just over $100 Mw-Hr over 3 years and installed cost drops from $7,600 to $6,700/MwHr, gross profits will increase by about 75% (~$400K to ~$700K). Figure 3 We have also examined the sensitivity of gross revenues to two additional factors. The first is the solar utilization factor, which is a measure of the average power available over a day and throughout the year expressed as a percentage of the solar PV installation peak power rating. It takes into account the number of hours the sun is above the horizon each day, latitude, orientation of the panels, cloudiness, etc. (see Appendix V). Thus, the utilization factor for Philadelphia is calculated to be 14% of peak power. Table I below shows the effect of different utilization factors on gross profits (see Appendix II for a US map showing relative solar intensities). For example, with an increase in the solar utilization factor from 14% (Philadelphia) to 20% % (Phoenix, Arizona), we see a 50% increase in gross profits from $719K to $1081K: GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 33 Solar Utilization Factor (%) Table I $661.8 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 40 67.6 115.9 164.2 212.5 260.8 309.1 357.4 405.7 454.0 502.2 550.5 50 115.9 176.3 236.7 297.0 357.4 417.7 478.1 538.5 598.8 659.2 719.5 Gross Profits (Solar Utilization vs. Energy Mkt. Rates) Avg. Energy Market Rates ($/MW-hour) 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 164.2 212.5 260.8 309.1 357.4 405.7 454.0 236.7 297.0 357.4 417.7 478.1 538.5 598.8 309.1 381.5 454.0 526.4 598.8 671.3 743.7 381.5 466.0 550.5 635.0 719.5 804.1 888.6 454.0 550.5 647.1 743.7 840.3 936.8 1033.4 526.4 635.0 743.7 852.3 961.0 1069.6 1178.3 598.8 719.5 840.3 961.0 1081.7 1202.4 1323.2 671.3 804.1 936.8 1069.6 1202.4 1335.2 1468.0 743.7 888.6 1033.4 1178.3 1323.2 1468.0 1612.9 816.1 973.1 1130.0 1286.9 1443.9 1600.8 1757.8 888.6 1057.6 1226.6 1395.6 1564.6 1733.6 1902.6 130 502.2 659.2 816.1 973.1 1130.0 1286.9 1443.9 1600.8 1757.8 1914.7 2071.6 Another variable we examined is the Consumer Electric Buydown Factor (i.e. the percent of the solar power saving we offer to pass along to the homeowner as rent for allowing GoSolar to install solar panels on the homeowner’s roof). Our sensitivity analysis shows that there is considerable room to increase the currently proposed 15% payment to the homeowner (to 25% for example) without unduly decreasing profits (Table II): Consumer Electric Buydown Factor (%) Table II $661.8 0% 3% 6% 9% 12% 15% 18% 21% 24% 27% 30% 33% 36% 30% 350.5 322.7 295.0 267.2 239.4 211.6 183.8 156.0 128.2 100.4 72.6 44.9 17.1 Gross Profits (Gov't Rebates/Credits vs. Consumer Buydown Factor) Government Rebate & Tax Credits Factor 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 414.9 479.2 543.5 607.8 672.1 736.5 800.8 865.1 929.4 387.1 451.4 515.7 580.0 644.3 708.7 773.0 837.3 901.6 359.3 423.6 487.9 552.2 616.6 680.9 745.2 809.5 873.8 331.5 395.8 460.1 524.4 588.8 653.1 717.4 781.7 846.0 303.7 368.0 432.3 496.7 561.0 625.3 689.6 753.9 818.3 275.9 340.2 404.6 468.9 533.2 597.5 661.8 726.2 790.5 248.1 312.4 376.8 441.1 505.4 569.7 634.0 698.4 762.7 220.3 284.7 349.0 413.3 477.6 541.9 606.3 670.6 734.9 192.5 256.9 321.2 385.5 449.8 514.1 578.5 642.8 707.1 164.8 229.1 293.4 357.7 422.0 486.4 550.7 615.0 679.3 137.0 201.3 265.6 329.9 394.2 458.6 522.9 587.2 651.5 109.2 173.5 237.8 302.1 366.5 430.8 495.1 559.4 623.7 81.4 145.7 210.0 274.4 338.7 403.0 467.3 531.6 596.0 80% 993.7 965.9 938.2 910.4 882.6 854.8 827.0 799.2 771.4 743.6 715.8 688.1 660.3 140 550.5 719.5 888.6 1057.6 1226.6 1395.6 1564.6 1733.6 1902.6 2071.6 2240.7 GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 34 12. Bibliography Alternative Energy Investment Fund Programs. (2009). Retrieved May 5, 2009, from Pennsylvania's Energy Independence: dentNav=| American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. (2009). Retrieved May 4, 2009, from U.S. Department of Treasury: Bastiere, E. L. (2009, March 17). Environmental & Energy. Retrieved May 5, 2009, from Mondaq: Federal Stimulus Money for Rewable Energy Projects and Manaufacturing. (2009, March 25). Retrieved May 5, 2009, from Home Roperts and Owens LLP: New Jersey Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Program. (2009). Retrieved April 12, 2009, from New Jersey's Clean Energy Program: Renewable Energy Incentive Guidebook, v. 1.0. (2009, January). Retrieved April 12, 2009, from New Jersey's Clean Energy Program: mq.pdf Renewable Energy Incentive Program. (2009). Retrieved May 4, 2009, from New Jersey's Clean Engergy Program: U.S. Dept of Treasury - Renewable Energy Grants. (2009, February 19). Retrieved May 5, 2009, from Federal Incentive for Renewable and Efficiency: ¤tpageid=1&ee=1&re=1 GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 35 Appendix I SWOT Analysis Strengths • Solar power is unlimited and free; one hour’s worth provides more energy than world needs in a year. • Because a large surface area is required to collect solar energy at a useful rate, our company assembles massive area by aggregating many rooftops. • Consumers benefit by “renting” PV (photovoltaic) panels and receiving reduced retail electricity rates. • Utilities benefit by purchasing peaking power when it’s most needed – during daylight hours (thereby reducing brownouts). • Business model is scalable and potentially can be replicated worldwide. • PV panel installation costs are being reduced through manufacturing efficiencies and technological advancements. A continuation of this trend will make solar PV systems highly competitive with carbon-based generation options. • Company gains capacity market surplus by bundling large numbers of consumers to sell load reduction capacity to RTO’s. • Unlike wind farms, no new transmission capacity is required (designed to work with existing grid). • Storage potential for baseload power needs, possibly using future storage technologies (e.g. MIT battery project). • Regulations – satisfies government-mandated green power requirements. Weaknesses • The amount of sunlight that arrives at the earth's surface is not constant (depends on geography, latitude, time of day, time of year, and weather conditions). • Current PV panel technology is only 10-12% efficient (but expected to grow to 20% within decade). GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program • May 9, 2009 Page 36 Company can only generate power during sunny periods; baseload generation may be too unreliable. • Numerous regulatory and legal hurdles – 50 states, each with different regulations (no consistent federal standards). • Liability issues for homeowners – home damage due to improper panel installation or malfunction. • Technical knowledge requirement is significant, both about PV technology and attributes of electricity industry/market. • Large-scale financing (of $20 million or more) may be difficult, especially under current market conditions. • Value proposition to homeowners depends upon PV panels remaining relatively cost prohibitive, even after applying government incentives. • Perhaps difficult to protect business differentiation, model can be copied by those with industry expertise. Opportunities • Confluence at this point in time of 1) substantial market interest (“green revolution”), combined with 2) significant governmental incentives promoting alternative energy sources. • High public awareness about energy policy and growing momentum for creating more alternative energy sources. • Growing interest in alternative energy generation at the household level (rather than on large utility scale), including use of solar, wind, and biofuels. • In spite of economic downturn, governmental price supports and tax incentives are continuing (ex., 30 states offer tax incentives for solar installation, such as California’s “Million Solar Roof Campaign”). • U.S. electricity demand is expected to increase by 30% over next 30 years. • Global warming concerns are nearly universally accepted, thus putting intense pressure on reducing carbon emissions and carbon-fueled generation. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program • May 9, 2009 Page 37 Technology improvements will create a “smart grid,” which allows real-time pricing at household level (ex. home appliances will indicate when power is cheapest). • Primary energy source for vehicles will be electric grid, not internal-combustion engines. • Utilities have unmet peaking power requirements – currently suffer peak brown-outs. • National and state requirements for increased green power generation (ex. PA requires 18% alternative energy by 2020 (Act 213)). • Increased use of carbon cap-and-trade offsets requires alternative energy sources. • Tremendous solar power growth potential as PV technology improves and prices become more competitive with traditional generation. • Solar power industry is projected to provide significant job growth, bolstered by Obama Administration policies to create new economic fundamentals. • Threats • Customers could substitute other alternative energy or “green” sources, such as wind, biofuels, hydroelectric, geothermal, and ocean waves • “Green” improvements for traditional generation sources, such as “clean” coal, reusable nuclear fission, or natural gas, could prevent mainstreaming of solar generation. • Emergence of new or currently unproven power generation technologies (ex. space solar, nuclear fusion) could make current solar technology obsolete. • If PV technology becomes affordable for average homeowner, consumers could bypass need for our upfront financing. • If utilities perceive a threat to their investments in large-scale generation plants, they could encourage unsurpassable regulatory barriers or fund unsustainable market competition. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program Appendix II May 9, 2009 Page 38 GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 39 Appendix III New Jersey Renewable Energy Incentive Program (REIP) Rate Schedule The Board approved the following rebate levels in their January 9, 2009 Board Order to be effective for all applications received on or after February 2, 2009. Renewable Energy Program: Customer Sited* Solar Electric Systems Capacities Column A: Residential Solar PV Applications Column B: NonResidential Solar PV Application 0 to 10,000 watts with an energy audit $1.75/watt does not apply 0 to 10,000 watts without an energy audit $1.55/watt does not apply 0 to 50,000 watts does not apply $1.00/watt greater than 50,000 watts does not apply does not apply GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 40 Appendix IV Earning and Trading Renewable Energy Credits (Renewable Energy Incentive Guidebook, v. 1.0, 2009) From page 8: Owners of eligible generating units, installers, REC aggregators/brokers, and Load Serving Entities may establish renewable energy credit (REC or SREC) accounts. These accounts are currently hosted and managed by two entities: the Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS) managed by PJMEnvironmental Information Systems (PJM-EIS); and Clean Power Markets (CPM), which is the current SREC administrator. In 2009, there will be a transition of SREC trading platforms, from Clean Power Markets to PJM-EISGATS. More information about this transition will be made available as the transition takes place, and all account holders will be provided with support and training in making the transition. Until the transition, owners of generating systems less than 10 kW can obtain and access REC accounts via, while owners of generating systems greater than 10 kW can obtain and access REC accounts via After the transition, expected to be complete by June 1, 2009, all systems will be required to register with the PJM-EIS-GATS platform. To establish a REC account for a generating unit, participants must register for an electronic account on the REC Administrator’s website. Registration and account activation cannot be completed until the system has been referred to the GATS Administrator by the Market Manager, and the Market Manager’s referral is contingent upon verification that the system is installed and has been determined to have met all the requirements of the NJCEP, including passing all required program, utility and local government code inspections. Once registered, generation data is entered on a monthly basis, and RECs are issued by the GATS Administrator and deposited in the participant’s account in increments of 1 mWh (megawatt-hour). Account holders can list RECs for sale and contact potential buyers on the REC program website’s electronic bulletin board or through other means. SREC Pricing SREC Trading Statistics The tables below contain monthly New Jersey SREC pricing data based on prices reported by registered behind the meter SREC account holders. As of December 2008, the Weighted Average Price per mWh is based upon trades reported on the Clean Power Markets and PJM GATS trading platforms. Current SREC Trading Statistics Reporting Year 2009 For SRECs from electricity produced June 1, 2008 - May 31, 2009. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 41 GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 42 Appendix V NREL’s PVWatts Calculator NREL's PVWattsTM calculator determines the energy production and cost savings of gridconnected photovoltaic (PV) energy systems throughout the world. It allows homeowners, installers, manufacturers, and researchers to easily develop estimates of the performance of hypothetical PV installations. The PVWatts calculator works by creating hour-by-hour performance simulations that provide estimated monthly and annual energy production in kilowatts and energy value. Users can select a location and choose to use default values or their own system parameters for size, electric cost, array type, tilt angle, and azimuth angle. In addition, the PVWatts calculator can provide hourly performance data for the selected location. Using typical meteorological year weather data for the selected location, the PVWatts calculator determines the solar radiation incident of the PV array and the PV cell temperature for each hour of the year. The DC energy for each hour is calculated from the PV system DC rating and the incident solar radiation and then corrected for the PV cell temperature. The AC energy for each hour is calculated by multiplying the DC energy by the overall DC-to-AC derate factor and adjusting for inverter efficiency as a function of load. Hourly values of AC energy are then summed to calculate monthly and annual AC energy production. The PVWatts calculator is available in two versions. Version 1 allows users to select a location from a map or text list of pre-determined locations throughout the world. Version 2 allows users to select any location in the United States. The PVWatts calculator was developed by NREL's Electricity, Resources, and Building Systems Integration Center. The default PV system size is 4 kW. This corresponds to a PV array area of approximately 35 m (377 ft ). 2 2 “AC Energy” is total monthly & yearly array output in kWh “Energy Value” is total monthly & yearly $ using default average energy rate for PA AC Energy *** & Cost Savings Station Identification City: State: Results Philadelphia Pennsylvania Month Solar Radiation AC Energy Energy Value (kWh/m2/day) (kWh) ($) GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 43 Latitude: 39.88° N 1 3.30 324 31.10 Longitude: 75.25° W 2 4.16 369 35.42 Elevation: 9m 3 4.74 444 42.62 4 5.06 445 42.72 PV System Specifications DC Rating: 4.0 kW 5 5.20 456 43.78 DC to AC Derate Factor: 0.770 6 5.43 446 42.82 AC Rating: 3.1 kW 7 5.51 462 44.35 Array Type: Fixed Tilt 8 5.67 479 45.98 Array Tilt: 39.9° 9 5.07 425 40.80 Array Azimuth: 180.0° 10 4.59 415 39.84 11 3.37 305 29.28 12 2.67 253 24.29 Year 4.57 4824 463.10 Energy Specifications Cost of Electricity: 9.6 ¢/kWh Output Hourly Performance Data About the Hourly Performance Data * Run PVWATTS v.1 for another US location or an International location Run PVWATTS v.2 (US only) Output Results as Text Saving Text from a Browser GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 44 Pennsylvania % Solar Utilization by Season AC Energy (kWh) 444 445 456 446 462 479 425 415 305 253 324 369 Spring 448.3333 Utilization Seasonal Factor Utilization 1.12 15.6% 0.97 Summer 462.3333 1.00 1.15 16.1% Fall 381.6667 0.83 0.95 13.3% Winter 315.3333 0.68 0.78 11.0% Seasonal Ratio Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 0.869322278 14% yearly avg. utilization GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 45 Appendix VI PA Sunshine Solar Program Pennsylvania Sunshine Solar Program (Opening Soon) - The Pennsylvania Sunshine Solar Program will provide $100 million in grant funding to help fund solar electric (referred to as solar photovoltaic, or PV) and solar hot water (solar thermal) projects for homeowners and small businesses in Pennsylvania. Funding will be deployed in the form of reimbursement grants for residential and small business projects. Grants will be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis to approved applicants. Households may receive one solar PV grant for up to 10 kilowatts (kW) of installed PV generating capacity plus one solar thermal grant not to exceed $2,000. A small business may only submit one PV and one solar thermal application at a time and must complete the project and grant process prior to submitting another application. dentNav=| Thanks to the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard Act of 2004, 18 percent of electricity sold at retail in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 2021 will be required to be generated by alternative energy sources. This includes 800 MW from solar energy, known as the "Solar Share." See this Solar Share Fact Sheet (.pdf file) for more information. Pennsylvania's Energy Independence is further enhanced by Act 129, which requires utilities to adopt and implement cost-effective plans to cut electricity use 1 percent by 2011 and 3 percent by 2013. Utilities must also implement plans to cut energy use 4.5 percent during peak demand periods when prices are highest — typically the hottest days of summer and the coldest days of winter — by 2013. Act 129 also requires that utilities must provide their customers with smart meters within 15 years. Smart meters and time-sensitive price plans for electricity effectively use market forces to reduce consumption, shift some uses to cheaper times of day, save consumers money, and provide system-wide benefits to all consumers. ependentNav= | GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 46 Appendix VII Federal Renewable Energy Grants ntive_code=US53F Federal U.S. Department of Treasury - Renewable Energy Grants Incentive Type: Federal Grant Program Eligible Solar Water Heat, Solar Space Heat, Solar Thermal Electric, Solar Thermal Process Renewable/Other Heat, Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas, Wind, Biomass, Hydroelectric, Geothermal Electric, Technologies: Fuel Cells, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Municipal Solid Waste, CHP/Cogeneration, Solar Hybrid Lighting, Hydrokinetic, Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, Ocean Thermal, Microturbines Applicable Sectors: Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural Amount: 30% of property that is part of a qualified facility, qualified fuel cell property, solar property, or qualified small wind property 10% of all other property Max. Limit: $1,500 per 0.5 kW for qualified fuel cell property $200 per kW for qualified microturbine property 50 MW for CHP property, with limitations for large systems Terms: Grant applications must be submitted by 10/1/2011. Payment of grant will be made within 60 days of the grant application date or the date property is placed in service, whichever is later. Authority 1: H.R. 1: Div. B, Sec. 1104 & 1603 (The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) Date Enacted: 2/17/2009 Effective Date: 1/1/2009 Website: Summary: Note: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (H.R. 1) allows taxpayers eligible for the federal business energy investment tax credit (ITC) to take this credit or to receive a grant from the U.S. Treasury Department instead of taking the business ITC for new installations. The new law also allows taxpayers eligible for the renewable electricity production tax credit (PTC) to receive a grant from the U.S. Treasury Department instead of taking the PTC for new installations. (It does not allow taxpayers eligible for the residential renewable energy tax credit to receive a grant instead of taking this credit.) Taxpayers may not use more than one of these incentives. If an entity receives a grant and has previously received the business ITC or the PTC, the credit will be recaptured through an increase in taxes during the year in which the grant is awarded by the amount of the credit taken in previous years. Receiving a credit in the past does not reduce the amount of the grant. The grant is not included in the gross income of the taxpayer. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (H.R. 1), enacted in February 2009, created a renewable energy grant program that will be administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury. This cash grant may be taken in lieu of the federal business energy investment tax credit (ITC). Grants are available to eligible property* placed in service in 2009 or 2010, or placed in service by the specified credit termination date,** if construction began in 2009 or 2010: • Solar. The grant is equal to 30% of the basis of the property for solar energy. Eligible solar-energy property includes equipment that uses solar energy to generate electricity, to heat or cool (or provide hot water for use in) a structure, or to provide solar process heat. Passive solar systems and solar pool-heating systems are not eligible. Hybrid solar-lighting systems, which use solar energy to illuminate the inside of a structure using fiber-optic distributed sunlight, are eligible. GoSolar, Inc. Business Plan Penn State EMBA Program May 9, 2009 Page 47 • Fuel Cells. The grant is equal to 30% of the basis of the property for fuel cells. The grant for fuel cells is capped at $1,500 per 0.5 kilowatt (kW) in capacity. Eligible property includes fuel cells with a minimum capacity of 0.5 kW that have an electricity-only generation efficiency of 30% or higher. • Small Wind Turbines. The grant is equal to 30% of the basis of the property for small wind turbines. Eligible small wind property includes wind turbines up to 100 kW in capacity. • Qualified Facilities. The grant is equal to 30% of the basis of the property for qualified facilities. Qualified facilities include wind energy facilities, closed-loop biomass facilities, open-loop biomass facilities, geothermal energy facilities, landfill gas facilities, trash facilities, qualified hydropower facilities, and marine and hydrokinetic renewable energy facilities. • Geothermal Heat Pumps. The grant is equal to 10% of the basis of the property for geothermal heat pumps. • Microturbines. The grant is equal to 10% of the basis of the property for microturbines. The grant for microturbines is capped at $200 per kW of capacity. Eligible property includes microturbines up to two megawatts (MW) in capacity that have an electricity-only generation efficiency of 26% or higher. • Combined Heat and Power (CHP). The grant is equal to 10% of the basis of the property for CHP. Eligible CHP property generally includes systems up to 50 MW in capacity that exceed 60% energy efficiency, subject to certain limitations and reductions for large systems. The efficiency requirement does not apply to CHP systems that use biomass for at least 90% of the system's energy source, but the grant may be reduced for less-efficient systems. It is important to note that only tax-paying entities are eligible for this grant. Federal, state and local government bodies, non-profits, qualified energy tax credit bond lenders, and cooperative electric companies are not eligible to receive this grant. Partners or pass-thru entities for the organizations described above are also not eligible to receive this grant. Grant applications must be submitted by October 1, 2011. The U.S. Treasury Department will make payment of the grant within 60 days of the grant application date or the date the property is placed in service, whichever is later. The U.S. Department of Treasury has not yet released guidelines and is not accepting applications currently for this grant. It is expected that guidelines will be released by July 2009. *Definitions of eligible property types and renewable technologies can be found in the U.S. Code, Title 26, § 45 and § 48. **Credit termination date of January 1, 2013 for wind; January 1, 2014 for closed-loop biomass, open-loop biomass, landfill gas, trash, qualified hydropower, marine and hydrokinetic; January 1, 2017 for fuel cells, small wind, solar, geothermal, microturbines, CHP and geothermal heat pumps. Contact: Grant Information U.S. Department of Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20220 Phone: (202) 622-2000 Fax: (202) 622-6415 E-Mail: Web site:
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