Newsletter Whole Primary Issue number 10 – 30 March 2015 As you already know, we had an OFSTED inspection on 17-18 March. I would like to thank every parent who completed the online ‘Parent View’ survey. There were 109 responses and they were overwhelmingly positive. You can see the result by going to the Parent View website and searching for our school name. I cannot let you know the outcome of the inspection until the final report is published by OFSTED after various quality assurances have been done. As we break up on Wednesday 1 April (due to an INSET day on Thursday 2 April), it is likely that the report will be published just after the Easter break. We will send the report out as soon as we are able to do so. We recently had our ‘Parents in School’ day and a large number of you spent time in the classroom with your child. The children loved having you in for the lesson and were very proud showing you their work. The ‘Come Dine with Me’ parent and grandparent lunches were also very popular and the feedback was also very positive. The evaluations are always helpful in celebrating what is going well and suggestions of what can be even better. There have been two trips since the last newsletter. Year 2 have been to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard and had a great time finding out about the Mary Rose and Year 4 had a lovely day at Fishbourne Roman Villa. You will have noticed that there are some new trips this year to link in with the new curriculum developed in school. The children are so enthusiastic about the learning they do on the trips, thank you to all the parents who go along to supervise groups. Reminder INSET day on Thursday 2 April. School opens after Easter on Monday 20 April Congratulations !! Y5 and Y6 Boys’ Football Squad I am delighted that our Y5 and Y6 football team have won the Southampton East League. This is the 5th trophy for football we have won in the last 6 years!! The league was won in style with a 5 - 1 win over Bassett Green Primary. We now go forward to the regional semi finals for schools and will play Blackfield Primary from the Waterside. Well done to Lewis S (captain), Joe H (Vice Captain), Ben R Ethan C, Kieran R, Travis B, Jack M, Reece H, Joe E, Harry McC, Jacob P and Louis D. Special thanks go to Mr James and Mr Kirby who lead and coach the team and all the parents of the squad members for their great support over the season. World Book Day - Thank you We had great fun coming dressed as book characters on World Book Day. It is a great day to promote reading. Thank you also to everyone who purchased a book at the ‘book fair’, the school is able to buy more titles with the commission. This means we will have some lovely new books arriving soon. Attendance and Punctuality We are getting to the time of year when lots of parents are starting to think about summer holidays. As you are all aware I am unable to authorise leave for holidays during term time. Where there are exceptional circumstances I can take these into account, please complete an ‘Application for Exceptional Leave of Absence’ form available from the office. Where 5 days of unauthorised holiday are taken, a Penalty Notice Referral is made to the Local Authority. The cost of a penalty notice is currently £60 per parent per child. The attendance in school in the spring term continues to improve. Congratulations to Year 3 for the best attendance since Christmas. Attendance rates since Christmas are: YR – 97.25 Y1 – 95.00 Y2 – 97.48 Y3 – 98.21 Y4 – 96.51 Y5 – 95.61 Y6 – 96.62 Flowerbeds in School PTA Friends Events We are working hard to make the grounds look more attractive. Please ensure your children don’t trample the plants in the flower beds. If there are any keen gardeners with spare seedlings, cuttings or plants, we would be very grateful to receive them. This will make the grounds even better. Disco - Friday 24th April Key Dates for your Diary The Summer Fayre is on Saturday 27 June from 11am to 1pm. Please add this date to your diary. Offers of help to run stalls are always appreciated. More details to follow after Easter. Easter Service at Church 1.45pm Wednesday 1st April (All welcome) Red Nose Day 2015 - Friday 13 March INSET days Thursday 2 April and Monday 1 June Later Parents’ Evening—Tuesday 5 May 5.00-7.30pm Thank you to everyone who dressed up or had a funny face to raise money for Red Nose Day. Across the school we raised £360 for Comic Relief. Year 1 trip to Isle of Wight Monday 18th May Thank you to everyone for your generosity. Year 5 swimming—Every afternoon for 3 weeks wb 8 June, 15 June and 22 June Showcase Drumming Concert Earlier Parents’ Evening—Weds 29th April 3.30-5.30pm Come Dine with Me– Parent lunch– wb 22 June Year 3 trip to Buster Farm Tuesday 9th June Year R trip to Beaulieu Tuesday 16th June Music Concert Y5 and 6– Tuesday 30 June (details to come) Transfer day Y6 go to Y7– Weds 1 July Sports’ Morning– Weds 8 July am Final Parents’ Evening—Thursday 16 July School Office Opening Times The school office opens at 8.30am and closes at 4.00pm. Outside these hours you can telephone and leave a message or email Well done to all those children who took part in such a wonderful drumming concert on Saturday 21 March. Miss Allen was very proud of our children at this special event. The event celebrated Showcase Performance’s 5th birthday. Thank you to Alex and all the team for providing such great musical experiences for our children in school. Headlice We have had some more cases of head lice in school. Please check your child’s hair regularly by wet combing and treat if lice are found. If you find any headlice please do let us know. Many thanks.
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