5CLIR REPORTER May 2015 Volume XXVIII, Number 4 CALENDAR MAY Fri 1 – Special Program: Great Decisions: Human Trafficking in the 21st Century with Erin Albright, 9:30 a.m.-noon, Northampton Senior Center, 67 Conz Street, Northampton. Contact: Jake Greenburg. Open to the public. Tickets available at the door! Thu 7 – Special Program: Viewpoints with Hy Edelstein, 12:30-2:00 p.m., Highland Valley Elder Services, 320 Riverside Drive, Florence. Contact: Hy Edelstein. No need to register! Thu 7 – Executive Committee meeting, 1:15-2:00 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Thu 7 – Curriculum Committee meeting, 2:15-4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Thu 14 - Council meeting, 2:15-4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Mon 18 – Close of registration for inclusion in lottery for over-subscribed fall 2015 seminars Mon 18 – Close of registration for summer 2015 programs Thu 21 – Special Program: Finding Family Interest, noon, Gaustad’s home. Bring brown bag lunch. Contact: Bobbie Reitt. Thu 21 – Special Program: Science Roundtable: Bee Decline with Professor Anne Averill, CoDirector of the Environmental Conservation Program at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, 2:00-3:30 p.m., Lathrop Community Meeting House, 1 Shallowbrook Lane, Northampton. Contacts: John Armstrong and Dottie Rosenthal. Thu 28 – Special Program: Travel Interest Group, David Entin will present Bolivia, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Lathrop Community Meeting House, 1 Shallowbrook Lane, Northampton. Contact: Joan Wofford. Fri 29 – Special Program: French conversation, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Contact: Judith Pool. 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT, MICHAEL GREENEBAUM The 5CLIR Operations Manual says: “The outgoing President shall prepare an Annual Report highlighting the noteworthy activities and any concerns that arose during his/her year of service. The President shall submit that Report to the Office Manager for posting on the 5CLIR website by September 1 of the year in which the President's term of office ends.” I have decided to present my Annual Report to the membership in the May and June President’s Letters. This month I will mention the noteworthy activities; next month I will point out some areas of concern. Perhaps most significantly, our membership grew significantly this year; at the end of April it hovered around the 300 mark. This meant, on a practical level, that we didn’t have to raise our dues this year but also that we continue to attract enthusiastic new members, many of whom immediately got into harness by presenting seminars and other programs. Perhaps one reason for this is our increasingly close relationship with the five retirement communities in the Pioneer Valley. Not only do they provide space for our seminars and programs but this year Loomis Village hosted and underwrote our New Members’ Coffee. Lathrop Northampton has always been generous in allowing us to use their meeting house for programs and events. This expanding relationship with the retirement communities is mutually beneficial. We gain access to beautiful spaces with convenient parking; they get to point to 5CLIR as one of the attractions of this area for retirees. Our twice-yearly catalog of seminars and programs has become a stunning ambassador to the larger community with which it is shared. Liz Tiley has created a document that is a beautiful and a browsable document of 5CLIR’s living history. 5CLIR governance has had a busy year. Our committees created and oversaw seminars and programs wild in their profusion and variety. They provided welcoming events for new members. The Curriculum Committee provided guidance, encouragement and support for moderators both new and old. The Finance Committee and Treasurer worked together to create a budget document that met the needs both of 5CLIR and Five Colleges Inc. In the fall, Council simplified and rationalized the membership categories. An ad hoc committee was appointed to reconcile the Bylaws and the Operations Manual, and while this process will overlap into the next membership year, I anticipate that Council will approve the revisions to the Operations Manual this year and will be prepared to bring the revisions to the Bylaws to the membership for ratification next year. A new feature “News from Council” was introduced into the Newsletter this year to keep members informed about governance actions. Finally, we said goodbye to some friends who were instrumental in the development and ongoing success of 5CLIR. We do this every January not only to remember them but also to remind ourselves that we are part of a long and unfinished history. Michael [2] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 NEWS FROM COUNCIL At its April meeting Council decided to defer the submission of the Bylaw revisions originally planned for the April annual meeting. The disposition of these revisions will be a matter for the new 2015-2016 Council to determine. GREAT DECISIONS IN MAY Great Decisions events take place on Friday mornings between 9:30 am and noon at the Northampton Senior Center. Human Trafficking in the 21st Century with Erin Albright on May 1 For more details or to order tickets online, please visit the Great Decisions page of our website at 5clir.org/great-decisions. FINDING FAMILY The Finding Family interest group will hold its last session of the year on Thursday, May 21, at noon at the home of Gail Gaustad. We will discuss plans for our work together during the coming year. We will be delighted to welcome anyone in LIR who might like to join us in our ongoing effort to identify resources for researchers in family and local history, both those in local libraries and those found online. Everyone attending is asked to bring his or her own brown bag lunch. We will provide beverages and dessert. Our planning session will follow the meal. Anyone needing directions to the Gaustad’s or wishing to know more about the Finding Family group should call or email Bobbie Reitt. [3] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 SCIENCE ROUNDTABLE – BEE DECLINE Professor Anne Averill, Co-Director of the Environmental Conservation Program at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, will speak on “Bee Decline” at the Science Roundtable session on Thursday, May 21 at 2:00 p.m. Dr. Averill will discuss the importance of bees and the significance of the ongoing bee decline. She will cover current research on the multiple stressors affecting honeybees and bumblebees, including diseases, pesticides, and poor nutrition. She will conclude with advice on how each of us can create bee-friendly landscapes to help conserve these valuable pollinators. Anne Averill completed her undergraduate study at Smith College, her PhD at University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and her post-doctoral training at Cornell University. Her research focuses on native bees, especially bumble bees in cranberry. Her work is partially funded by an interdisciplinary USDA grant that involves Northeast crops and focuses on bee species diversity and health. Much of her work involves impacts of pathogens, habitat enhancements, and pesticides on bees in agricultural systems. The Science Roundtable is open to all members of Five College Learning in Retirement. Sessions are held in the Meeting House at the Lathrop Community, which is located just off Bridge Road in Northampton. Please observe all parking signs. Limited parking is available so co-leaders John Armstrong and Dottie Rosenthal encourage you to carpool. If you have any questions about this session, please contact one of them. [4] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 AN AFTERNOON OF POETRY PHOTOS BY KAY KLAUSEWITZ [5] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 [6] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 [7] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 MUSIC SALON PHOTOS BY SUE GERSTLE [8] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 [9] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 [10] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 [11] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 5CLIR 2014–2015 OFFICERS, COUNCIL MEMBERS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: Michael Greenebaum (1 year term ends 6/30/15) Vice President/President Elect: Sheila Klem (1 year term ends 6/30/15) Past President: Carol Jolly (1 year term ends 6/30/15) Secretary: Ellen Peck (1 year term extended to 6/30/15) Treasurer: Betsy Loughran (1 year term ends 6/30/15) Assistant Treasurer: Susan Beer (1 year term ends 6/30/15) COUNCIL MEMBERS Rafe de Lima (1 year term ends 6/30/15) Jim Perot (3 year term ends 6/30/15) Jim Scott (3 year term ends 6/30/15) Dean Poli (3 year term ends 6/30/16) Fran Volkmann (3 year term ends 6/30/16) Zina Tillona (3 year term ends 6/30/16) Jim Averill (3 year term ends 6/30/17) Marybeth Bridegam (3 year term ends 6/30/17) Tyll van Geel (3 year term ends 6/30/17) COMMITTEE CHAIRS Curriculum Committee: Betsy Siersma (3 year term ends 6/30/16) & Dean Poli (3 year term ends 6/30/17) Finance Committee: Betsy Loughran (3 year term ends 6/30/16) Great Decisions: Jacob Greenburg (3 year term ends 6/30/17) Member Services Committee: Henny Lewin & Joan McKelvey (3 year terms end 6/30/15) Public Relations Committee (Publicity): Joan Wofford pro tem (3 year term ends 6/30/14) Special Programs: Ina Luadtke (3 year term ends 6/30/16) Tech Committee: Jim Perot (3 year term ends 6/30/15) Winter/Summer Programs: Honoré David pro tem (3 year term ends 6/30/14) & Ruth Kosiorek (3 year term ends 6/30/15) Historian: Sara Wright (3 year term extended to 6/30/15) Ombudsman: Anne Lombard (1 year term ends 6/30/15) Five Colleges, Inc., Liaison: Larry Ambs (3 year term ends 6/30/15) [12] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 5CLIR CALENDAR 2015 January 8 9 Memorial Program, 10 a.m. – noon, Amherst College Alumni House Snow date for Memorial Program, same time and place No Executive Committee meeting No Curriculum Committee meeting No Council February 5 5 12 13 23 Executive Committee Meeting, 1:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Curriculum Committee Meeting, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Council Meeting, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. New Members Coffee, 10:00–12:00 noon, Loomis Village, South Hadley First day of spring semester seminars March 5 5 6 12 15 Executive Committee meeting, 1:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Curriculum Committee meeting, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Meeting for Potential Moderators, 10:00 a.m.–noon, Northampton Lathrop Council meeting, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Deadline for proposals for fall semester 2015 April 2 2 9 * 26 Executive Committee meeting, 1:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Curriculum Committee meeting, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Council meeting, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Spring Social Event TBA (Sunday) Annual Meeting 1:15/Preview 2:00–3:45 p.m., Smith Campus Center May 7 7 7 14 18 25 Last day of spring semester seminars (last snow date: May 14) Executive committee meeting, 1:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Curriculum Committee meeting, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Council meeting, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Close of registration for inclusion in any lottery for fall 2015 seminars Lottery for oversubscribed fall seminars June 4 4 11 Executive committee meeting, 1:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Curriculum Committee meeting, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. Council meeting, 2:15–4:15 p.m., Five Colleges, Inc. [13] 5CLIR Reporter May 2015 5CLIR REPORTER is published by Five College Learning in Retirement Neilson Library, Smith College Northampton, MA 01063 Phone: (413) 585-3756 Email: 5clir@smith.edu Website: www.5clir.org Please submit articles and suggestions to: Editor: Liz Tiley [14]
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