Festival of the Arts - 2009 Heidi Bellamy - Service Manager Tourism, Heritage, Enterprise & Culture www.south-norfolk.gov.uk Contents Introduction p3 Executive Summary p3 Background p4 Strategic Context p5 Aims and Objectives p8 Review of Current Situation p9 Artistic Programme p10 Marketing Plan p24 Fundraising Plan p27 Resources Plan p30 Financial Plan p33 Appendices Budget Risk Assessment Marketing Tactics and Action Plan p36 p38 p42 2 Introduction The Council is progressing the corporate priority to make South Norfolk culturally and economically richer; a vibrant, diverse, inclusive place where people want to live, work and visit. We recognise the positive effect creative activity has on individuals; providing enjoyment, enlivening spaces and enriching lives. Culture makes places distinctive, engendering pride in the local community. It also makes a practical contribution in terms of sustainability, providing employment, encouraging learning and inspiring people to adopt creative and active lifestyles. Through culture communities are better able to engage young people in constructive activity and attract the people and businesses essential for a prosperous local economy. Executive Summary In order to further develop a comprehensive and integrated cultural offer and increase the profile of the district as a visitor destination a Festival of the Arts is being planned for 2009 next year that will support tourism, culture, heritage and the arts in a bold and innovative way. Running from May to September the programme has been designed to appeal to the widest audience and includes performances of opera, folk, classical music, brass bands, theatre, film, children's puppet shows, art exhibitions and more. The programme will balance community participation with excellence by offering events of both a local and international flavour, including a free outdoor celebration in Whitlingham country park and a number of other high profile events featuring artistic performances of significant calibre. In order to encourage communities without an existing cultural calendar to instigate their own arts events we will be offering support to local volunteers to help ensure as many parishes as possible take part. A range of services will be available from South Norfolk Council, including specialist advice from the Cultural Development Team, a downloadable toolkit on event management, professional marketing of the entire Festival programme and possibly small grants for communities from the Neighbourhood Forums to help them with the costs of producing and promoting local events. These measures will help to ensure participation, local ownership and a future legacy. This plan has been developed by specialist officers from Culture, Tourism and Economic Development in a collaborative approach to profile the cultural offer to residents and visitors with an aim of boosting the local economy. 3 Background Festivals are a central contribution to local vitality and provide focus and stimulus for cultural tourism. We already have an established portfolio of community festivals with six regularly active groups in Diss, Welborne, Wymondham, Bergh Apton, Harleston & Waveney and Chet Valley, collectively attracting over 23,000 visitors spending an estimated £160,000 in 2008. Results of the Norfolk Citizen Panel indicate that South Norfolk has a higher than average attendance at/participation in the following • Going to see theatre/dance/drama • Going to a visual art exhibition/event • Playing music or going to a music workshop In terms of future interest, given a wide range of cultural activities, the most popular choice sited by 22% of current non-participants was ‘Attendance at the Arts’. 1 In order to meet this latent requirement we will need to further build our existing programme of free outdoor activity and incorporate specific actions to promote musical concerts at non-traditional sites, street theatre in market places and use public spaces such as commons and countryparks for imaginative artistic interventions. In 2005 the Council instigated a Festival Network in partnership with Creative Arts East (CAE), the arts development agency for Norfolk. The aim of the network is to share best practice, provide training opportunities and enable the Council to offer a joint marketing initiative that packages the Festivals collectively and adds a higher level of profiling to their individual local campaigns. Building on this approach the Festival of the Arts will act as an 'umbrella' for existing community festivals and allow us to engage with other evolving groups. We also have an existing events programme of Countryside, Heritage, Sports, Play & Arts, which provides opportunities for residents to access culture in the widest context. And we work with local communities to advise and assist them in the delivery of celebrations, street festivals and other free open-air events. 1 Source www.norfolkcitizenspanel.org 2005 4 Strategic Context In addition to progressing the Corporate Priorities to • Make South Norfolk a culturally and economically richer place to live • Be businesslike and efficient providing the services people value the most The proposed cultural activities will also align to national, regional and local strategies and deliver outcomes linked to key National Indicators. Arts Council England – is the national development agency for the arts and aims to ensure that more high quality work reaches a wider range of people. 2 The key priorities are • Taking part in the arts • Children and young people • The creative economy • Internationalism • Vibrant communities • Celebrating diversity Participation and attendance – the Arts Council has a target to increase the number of adults and young people aged 16 and above from priority groups who participate in arts activity at least twice a year by 2% and to increase the number who attend arts events at least twice a year by 3% by 2008. 3 Of particular relevance to South Norfolk in terms of policy direction is a recent publication entitled New Landscapes 4 : which states that “arts have the power to change lives and communities and outdoor arts of all types have a particular ability to engage, inform and entertain audiences that might not otherwise attend art events” The document makes a commitment to working with Local Authorities and other partners who use outdoor arts to celebrate, regenerate and animate their public spaces. Living East – was the cultural consortium for the East of England. 5 The most recent cultural strategy A Better Life had four key themes to provide a focus for investment and decision-making over the next 10–20 years: Three of these have relevance to the project: • embedding culture in growth and regeneration • developing creativity • growing cultural tourism 2 Our agenda for the arts in the East of England 2006-8 Public Service Agreement framework (PSA 3) 4 New Landscapes: Outdoor Arts Development Plan 2008-11 5 www.livingeast.org.uk 3 5 Norfolk Live – is the cultural strategy for Norfolk and incorporates priority actions to increase cultural activities and to raise the profile of the cultural sector in Norfolk and beyond. 6 The Cultural Forum Board monitors progress towards the following measures of success: • The spend per head on cultural projects throughout Norfolk increases • Norfolk recognised as a culturally significant county • A majority of local authority projects have a cultural dimension • More people are taking part in cultural events and activities across the county Local Area Agreement – this set of 35 improvement targets form a contract with Government Office to deliver a specific level of performance and have been agreed at a county level. 7 Relevant indicators that the proposed Festival will deliver outcomes against are as follows: • NI54 – services for children and young people with disabilities. British Sign Language interpreters are available on request for all our children’s outdoor theatre performances. • NI75 – access to services via public transport, walking and cycling. Information on alternative methods of transport will be included in all our promotional material. • NI6 – number of volunteer hours. Local volunteers will continue to be supported through the Festival Network with training and their contribution collated. • NI110 – young people’s participation in positive activity. A number of events for young people such as Live & Gigging will be included in the programme. South Norfolk Alliance Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2018 The strategy for the local strategic partnership aims to improve the quality of life in South Norfolk by encouraging statutory, voluntary, community and business organisations to work together. 8 This project will deliver outcomes against two of the eight themes: • Thriving Economy – the Ten Year Vision aims for “vibrant market towns and villages attracting tourism and with flourishing rural businesses.” This will be supported by profiling our heritage assets and growing the cultural events calendar. • Stronger Communities – target 5.3 includes initiating a Festival of the Arts, whilst supporting volunteers to develop other local events. It is acknowledged that there are still barriers to participation and a South Norfolk target is to increase the number of people engaging with the arts (National Indicator 11) 6 www.norfolklive.co.uk www.norfolkambition.gov.uk 8 www.south-norfolk.gov.uk 7 6 Leisure, Culture & Countryside Strategy 2006-2016 This is the strategic plan for the provision, enabling and encouragement of services with a theme of ‘At the Heart of the Community’ to reflect our commitment to engagement. 9 Culture is cited as being at the heart of regeneration. Priority One: Creating Stronger, Safer and Healthier Communities Enable all residents to participate in the cultural life of the community and to enjoy the arts. 10 Create a more dynamic cultural product within South Norfolk by working with partners to incorporate greater diversity and encourage Black Minority and Ethnic contribution. Develop and encourage volunteer activity. Priority Two: Increasing Economic Vitality Provide a focus and stimulus for tourism, promoting our Festival portfolio to help put South Norfolk ‘on the map’ Promote South Norfolk as a good place to live and work. Priority Three: providing High Quality, Value for Money Services Focus on exploiting external funding Work in partnership and identify external funding to promote all art forms. Priority Four: Increasing Participation and Customer Satisfaction Make culture accessible for the enjoyment of all Achieve a minimum of 80% customer satisfaction levels throughout our cultural services Create a cultural shift to target marketing, rather than advertising our product. Priority Five: Increasing Opportunities for Older People, Children and Young People Manage the direction of our arts-based partnerships to enhance provision for the benefit of children and their carers. Positively engage with young people to help them access cultural opportunities. Enable increased participation and opportunities for the 50+age range. 9 www.south-norfolk.gov.uk Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 10 7 Aims and Objectives A Council sponsored Festival of the Arts will contribute to local distinctiveness and boost the local economy by building the existing cultural tourism offer and raising the aspirations of communities locally. The Festival will progress the corporate aim to - Make South Norfolk a culturally and economically richer place to live. Key objectives are to: 1. Create a coherent identity by producing and distributing a unified brochure that acts as a one stop promotional tool for all arts events from May to September. 2. Balancing participation and excellence; this will be achieved by developing a programme with a local and international flavour. 3. The Festival will act as an 'umbrella' for existing and new local events, combining 'grass roots' programming with a number of high calibre events. 4. Design a programme that will appeal to the widest audience, in terms of age and geographical spread. The programme will encompass a broad and diverse range of traditional and contemporary artforms. 5. Encourage communities to identify suitable outdoor settings, heritage sites and unusual venues, in addition to promoting the use of village halls and churches. 6. Boost visitor numbers to the district, extend the core season, increase the spend per head and raise the profile of South Norfolk as a destination. 7. In addition to generating income from ticket sales, the Festival will also seek to attract business investment and secure additional funding to ensure future sustainability. 8. Maintain an ethos of procuring services from local suppliers wherever possible and offer opportunities for local artists, musicians and performers. 8 Review of Current Situation In order to better understand the current situation we have undertaken a PEST analysis to capture significant trends in the external environment. Those identified include: Political The government's current policy towards the arts, the challenges of balancing participation and excellence. Local Government Review and the implications this may have for future activities and funding. Developments in education policy, particularly the ‘Find your Talent’ DCMS pilot, which aims to provide children with 5 hours of quality culture every week. 11 Economic Economic downturn resulting in reduction in non-statutory budgets and fierce competition for sponsorship. General trends in other sources of public funding and likelihood that resources may be diverted towards the Cultural Olympiad. The local economy; small market towns serving a large rural area with predominantly small to medium sized enterprises. Social The structure and distribution of the target population; a widely dispersed rural population where transport links between major centres are comparatively poor. The public perception of various art forms as elitist and how this will need to inform our programming. Maximising the current trend for short breaks and VFR (Visiting Friends & Relatives). Technological The impact of new technology upon audiences and audience expectations; people may be less willing to venture out for live entertainment and some target groups are less responsive to the conventions of traditional theatre/concerts. Better harnessing technological advances in terms of box-office and internet marketing of our activities. Identifying how technology could benefit artistic production. Other factors that will need to be considered are Legal and Environmental. It is proposed to involve specialists from the legal team and the ecologist to further understand influencing factors. 11 www.creative-partnerships.org/offer 9 Artistic Programme We will seek to identify unusual outdoor settings, heritage sites and other venues The launch and finale will be ambitious events, with the emphasis on excellence In order to ensure that South Norfolk Festival of the Arts offers an enjoyable and enriching cultural experience for visitors and residents of all ages, we undertook a scoping exercise to identify existing arts events, reviewed provision across the district, identified gaps in the Festival calendar and then developed this programme in response. Continued interaction with local business through the Business & Tourism consortium will enable future plans to be developed to ensure that they maximise the potential for supporting local business where appropriate. This forum will also provide an opportunity to secure additional sponsorship. Orchestral Concert Working in partnership with Orchestra’s Live 12 , the national development agency for orchestral music, we will bring City of London Sinfonia, an orchestra of significant renown, to South Norfolk. This prestigious launch event will take place on the terrace at Dunston Hall, with a marquee as wet weather contingency. The programme is for 25 musicians and has been devised as fun and adventurous, lending itself to an outdoor celebration. Handel Barber Haydn Water Music Suite No. 2 Adagio Trumpet Concerto Interval Vaughan Williams The Lark Ascending Shostakovich Waltz from Jazz Suite No. 2 12 www.orchestraslive.org.uk 10 Walton Dvorak Krein J. Strauss Jnr. Two Pieces from Henry V Slavonic Dance in E minor Gypsy Carnival The Emperor Waltz Whilst live orchestral music is costly, accrued subscriptions to Orchestra’s Live of £5134 will enable tickets to be priced at £20/£17 for a maximum audience of 300. This event will also provide us with the opportunity to offer sponsors, funders, partners and other VIP’s hospitality as part of their support package. Therefore income has been based on the sale of 200 tickets only. Total cost £12,677 Cost to SNC £2,533 Art Alive Following the success of Art Alive in May 2008 with over 4,000 people visiting the 12 participating over two week-ends it is proposed to further develop this initiative in partnership with the Diocese of Norwich and all Norfolk local authorities. The aim of the project, which would take place over the May Bank Holiday, is to promote rural locations through their built heritage and local arts/crafts with four outcomes; 1. To show the wealth of artistry in church buildings and artefacts linked to past and present. 2. To raise awareness of existing craft skills and help ensure these skills remain sustainable within the county and diocese. 3. To increase the number of children who are aware of and interested in craft skills. 4. To create and sustain international links to increase spiritual and cultural tourism It is planned to include an additional education strand in order to engage young people in craft skills that are being lost from everyday life, through incorporating artists/craftsperson workshops as part of the extended schools offer. In terms of specific local objectives, we will be creating a trail in the Waveney Valley area, around the chosen theme of animals in art. This will feature four churches in Burgh St Peter, Wheatacre, Aldeby and Toft Monks linking to an existing Broads Authority cycle trail and highlighting pubs enroute. The total project costs are £106,000 and a partnership contribution of £2,500 is required towards the overall costs. An application has been made to the Heritage Lottery Fund and a number of trusts and sponsors. 11 Storytelling at Waveney River Centre The Waveney River Centre is a key visitor site for holidaymakers wishing to enjoy the tranquillity of the Southern Broads. This event will build on an existing relationship with Spin Off Theatre and feature local tales gleaned from the surrounding parishes of Burgh St Peter, Wheatacre and Aldeby, known as the magical triangle. These ‘mardles’ will celebrate the county’s unique storytelling tradition and be set to a background of oboe music. Waveney River Centre Site The event will be free to attend and aimed at a family audience. It will be programmed to take place on a weekend at the beginning of the holiday season. Spin Off Theatre performing Cost to SNC £221 Pleasure Gardens The proposed event would be hosted in the gardens of Rainthorpe Hall, a half-timbered Tudor manor house with lawns running down to the river, clipped yew hedges and an Elizabethan knot-garden. This setting will provide a beautiful backdrop to four artistic components linked by an Elizabethan theme. 1. Pleasure Garden - an intimate performance with a stage set that replicates a formal garden. Groups are escorted into the garden for approximately 15 minutes for bees, blossom, extravagant characters and elegant comedy. This short performance would be repeated throughout the event a total of eight times. 2. Fairy Land Trust workshops where families make beautiful things, mostly using natural or recycled materials. These workshops are fun and theatrical using storytelling and performance, as well as hands on arts and crafts to make each workshop a magical experience 12 for young and old alike. The Fairy land trust will also provide den building in the wooded area of the parkland and a workshop for up to 30 children at a time, where children will make fairy clothes in a medieval tent. 3. Chalemie strolling musicians in Elizabethan costume, providing dancing and music of the period with lots of participation for both children and carers. 4. South Norfolk Countryside Rangers will deliver an activity by the river Tas, which winds its way along the bottom of the garden. Families can build a small wooden or paper boat and watch them as they race each other across the river. The event will take place on 30th May and is aimed at a family audience. Tickets will be at an affordable price with a family ticket available for £10. Total cost £3,617 Cost to SNC £2,967 Midsummer Chillax We are seeking to create a relaxed and informal event aimed at developing the ‘Fun, fashion and friends’ audience segment identified by the Arts Council England. Programming needs to take into account the sensitivity of the site and align with the aims of Whitlingham Trust. The proposed date is June 20th and the concept has been devised around a midsummer picnic. The event will be free to attend with an anticipated audience of up to 2000, Whiltingham Trust will provide additional stewarding support. To create a theatrical spectacle two spheres will float on the Little Broad with a third sphere on the shore; a flautist and an aerial performer suspended within. The flute’s sound will be transmitted to speakers on the shore, the music creating a whole orchestra of flutes from the one live instrument. Thus surrounding the audience with a stunning kaleidoscope of aural and visual effects. Chilled out live music, a walk through colour dome and possibly a giant outdoor movie screen will add to the atmosphere. The artistic content will also include a series of commissions with a sand sculpture, floating installations on the water and a pyrophone. Anne Bean – 150 neon Water Lilies floating on the Great Broad 13 It is anticipated that some income for the project will be generated by sponsorship; we are also exploring opportunities for funding from Screen East and ACE, as the event may align to their Outdoor Arts Development Plan. A modest commission will be derived from catering concessions. This event clearly aligns to South Norfolk Public Art Strategy, which identifies opportunities for temporary artistic commissions. In particular it will produce outcomes to support section 4.2 Public Art and the Waterways and 4.3 Artists and the Landscape. Outcomes • Excellence in terms of the calibre of artistic commissions. • This event will be free to attend with the aim of encouraging participation and ensuring accessibility to public art. • Artistic interventions in an outdoor setting will assist the development of a targeted audience segment. • This event will also further develop our partnership with Whiltingham Trust, building on previous innovative performance projects. Total cost £13,147 Insects Galore Insects Galore will use insect experts alongside artists to encourage people to explore the intimate details of our countryside and habitats. It is likely that the event will take place at Mulbarton Common and will call upon the expertise of SNC’s Ecologist, who will seek to encourage interest in the surrounding landscape through examining insect life. The programme will include a school workshop, public walk and a performance by the Insect Circus 13 to enliven the experience for children and families. The performance component will feature two walkabout insects and the unique Insect Circus Museum, which includes ephemera spanning more than three centuries. The event will take place in the early July and a small charge will be made in line with existing countryside activities. Total cost £1,391 13 Cost to SNC £1,051 http://www.insectcircus.co.uk 14 Long Stratton Out Loud South Norfolk Youth Action (SNYA) is intending to hold a musical event in Long Stratton on Saturday 11th July 2009. The event follows on from the successful ‘Loddon Out Loud’ event held in July 08. The group have decided that they would like the event to promote a theme and this may be issues around equal opportunities. The event will include all genres of music suitable for young people aged between of 14 and 21. SNYA will be working in partnership with SN Sounds and look to fill the programme with local talent, showcasing existing University bands from our area. It is also proposed to run a second venue (TBC) that will showcase folk music and poetry. Due to the nature and the scale of the event it will be necessary to use a professional security company to minimise any disruption to the residents of Long Stratton. It is estimated that the event will cost about £17,000. SNYA have applied for a grant of £2,000 from SNAP and £10,000 from the lottery. An audience of between 3000-1500 young people is anticipated. The event will cost £5.00 entry and it is anticipated that, should funding applications be successful, the event will make a small profit for SNYA. Hingham – Abraham Lincoln Bicentenary Hingham’s unique role in history is as home to the ancestors of the sixteenth American president Abraham Lincoln. Members of the community are keen to present an event to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln on 11th July. The proposal includes both day time and evening components, creating an opportunity for visitors to enjoy a unique event that brings to life events and experiences from the time of the American Civil war. The American Civil War Society will camp out on the green in Hingham presenting an enactment experience. The ACWS is essentially a historical society, with many members acknowledged as experts on the history of the period. 15 Events and demonstrations will be offered throughout the day, including a handling session from the Norfolk Museum service collection, which includes artefacts from the period. Workshops and displays will offer visitors the chance to take part in a range of related activities including a patchwork quilt workshop, which will run alongside a display of quilts produced by the Norwich Society of Friends who reproduce American quilts made by African slaves. In the evening a local six piece band The Orwell Blue Grass Band and an Old Time Music band will play tunes originating from the civil war period in the village hall. The event will have a linked education component led by the East Anglian Traditional Music Trust, who will lead a series of dance workshops in Hingham Primary School for Y5/6 pupils. The children will learn 19th century longways set dances, which were popular in both Norfolk and America. The final performance will take place at the celebration event accompanied by live music and the community will be encouraged to come along in period dress. There a number of partners offering in kind support towards developing this community celebration and it is anticipated that income will also be generated from ticket sales and local business sponsorship. Total cost £2,004 Cost to SNC £1,394 Children’s Outdoor Theatre Our children’s outdoor theatre programme runs during the summer holidays and the six performances in July and August 08 attracted 973 children and their carers. The aim for 2009 is to continue to develop audiences for these events and ensure a geographical spread of activity across the district. Whilst it is envisaged that attendance will continue to be free of charge, in order that those most disadvantaged families are encouraged to attend, there will be a focus on increasing secondary spend by introducing a charge for augmented activity such as face painting, introducing a pitch fee or negotiating a % of takings from caterers and ice-cream vans and identifying a complimentary range of items for sale. 16 We have approached Saffron Community Foundation for funding towards the cost of these performances. Total cost £5,342 Cost to SNC £4,452 Roman Day Caistor Roman Day is a regular annual event and it is proposed to add some additional activities that will add a new dimension to this already popular formula, thereby adding greater appeal. The proposal is for an artist in residence who will create a small shelter inspired by an iron-age round house, visitors to the site will be involved in the construction process. The New Writing partnership will then offer workshops around writing and performing poetry. This will culminate in participants performing their pieces in the round house, which they have written in response to the location, the Iron Age period and the construction of the Round house. The event is targeted at a family audience and the aim is to bring alive the history of the site. As in previous years a small charge will be made for admission. Total cost £1,276 Cost to SNC £751 Gumboot SteamUp Forncett Steam Museum is an unusual award winning museum that houses a collection of steam engines, eight of these can be steamed up, including the original engine used to open Tower Bridge. The venue is seeking to attract more visitors and the proposed event would offer a unique opportunity to promote this hidden gem. The museum offers an atmospheric environment complete with sounds, steam, and the powerful energy that can be witnessed when the machines are ‘steamed up’. The artistic proposal is to introduce an energetic international acappella and dance group from Zimbabwe with a worldwide reputation, to a backdrop of steam lit by students from The Garage. The energy and exuberance in the Gumboot Dance will match the power and force of the engines to create a show that has artistic integrity and unique appeal. Black Umfolosi 5 present a spectacular songs based performance that has 17 thrilled audiences all over the world. Their performances are energy driven, completely engaging, mixing a great gentleness of spirit and song with an exuberance in dance. Their trademark harmonies mixed with intricate rhythms, clicking and clapping are highlighted during their brilliantly choreographed shows with a full range of movements from subtle to vibrant stomping and leaping! Their famous Gumboot Dances showcase the traditional styles and rituals of the South African mining regions and are a particular crowd pleaser. A song in their repertoire called Shoshalosa includes the sounds of a steam train, which creates a great link to the museum The event will also include a dance workshop and short performance earlier in the day followed by the main performance for an audience capacity of 120. Income for the project would generated by ticket sales for the workshop and performance. In kind contribution from the venue owners in the form of site use, engine steam up and fuel and volunteer hours. Total cost £3,321 Cost to SNC £2,301 Make Do & Mend The 100th Bomb Group Memorial Museum is located in the restored control tower of the former bomber base for USAAF’s famous ‘Bloody Hundredth’ and tells the story of the everyday life on an American WWII base. The Dickleburgh museum features an interesting collection of memorabilia and is an independent affiliated museum. It has a keen volunteer force and is currently seeking to attract a broader range of visitors. The proposal offers artistic components linked to the collection that will create an event with appeal to a broad age range from 8-80. Rag Roof theatre company have been secured for a small-scale production of Make Do and Mend “As the cakes are sliced and the kettle whistles a familiar tune, the audience is transported to times long past. Memories found in a dusty tin are amplified to reveal stories about community spirit, love, loss, hope, remembering and the thread that ties them all together” 18 This performance is accompanied by “The Button Museum” an interactive audiovisual installation that is accessible to the audience before and after the performance. A local WWII enactment group will provide a staged cookery demonstration that is entertaining yet also historically accurate. Plus a light-hearted ARP demonstration (air raid proportions) complete with gas masks and also a Punch & Judy show from the period. Timescape, a 1940’s band will perform authentic songs from the era in USAF uniforms from the period at intervals throughout the day. The income would be a combination of ticket sales, sponsorship and in kind contribution from the venue in the form of site use & volunteer hours. Total cost £3,704 Cost to SNC £2,467 Take Flight Developed by Faceless Arts Take Flight is a non-verbal, visual, open air street theatre production set to an inspirational soundtrack, featuring energetic masks, flamboyant costumes and amazing puppets. Inspired by a 13th century Sufi poem, the production will involve a multi-cultural cast of professional street artists and puppeteers working alongside young people to create a magnificent inclusive outdoor production. This project will allow us to use the arts as a tool to engage with harder to reach young people at risk of exclusion, at risk of offending or disadvantaged through social deprivation. Forming part of our ‘Sound Summer’ programme of activities, up to 30 young people will work with professional actors for three days to make their own masks and rehearse their roles as a flock of birds and a range of other characters. The 19 final performance will be promoted to the wider under the banner of Festival of the Arts. This work will deliver outcomes linked to NI110 Positive Activities for Young People. Young people participating in this project will be eligible for the Arts Award and/or the Norfolk Youth Award. The aim is that the artistic quality, in terms of both process of engagement and production values, will inspire participants to such an extent that we will then be able to signpost them into accessing mainstream arts provision. Faceless Arts have submitted a Grants for the Arts application to Arts Council England for £40,000, supported by South Norfolk Council as one of six touring partners. Should this be successful our partner contribution will be £2,500. Fleeting Flames Brockdish sculpture meadow provides a unique location for an event aimed at developing the ‘Fun, fashion and friends’ audience segment identified by the Arts Council England. The programme will feature fire sculpture and fire performers plus a diverse programme of music including the Balkanettes, a female quartet singing Balkan harmonies and Brickwork Lizards, whose music has a global flavour incorporating Egyptian oud, a classical cellist, a jazz singer and hip hop rapper. The sculpture meadow owners are seeking to raise awareness of the venue and develop innovative artistic use of the site. The event will incorporate sculptures by local artists involved in the Harleston and Waveney Art Trail. The evening will be punctuated by the display of a number of specially commissioned fire sculptures, located on a path route around the meadow. The feature band Brickwork Lizards will perform an eclectic fusion of contemporary world music and rap with accompanying Fire Poi performer. The finale spectacle will round off the evening with a dramatic moving fire sculpture. An early evening component will offer a creatively challenging workshop “Create your own Fire Sculpture” aimed at young people12+. Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to light and display the fire sculpture as part of the evening event. The event will seek to support local business by linking the provision of themed food and refreshments to the pub sited opposite the venue. The pub will also host an accompanying exhibition of 2D art work. 20 Income will generated through a combination of ticket sales, in kind contribution of the venue and volunteer hours. Total cost £3,767 Cost to SNC £2,367 Garden Opera By kind permission of Viscount Tamworth we will be programming an operatic performance of Rossini’s Barber of Seville sung in English, at Ditchingham Hall an outdoor setting that offers a glorious backdrop. This performance is for a maximum audience of 499, with an interval for picnic/drinks and aimed at not only opera lovers, but also developing new audiences. Garden Opera provides the entire production including lighting, staging and piano. The cost of a performance with a six piece chamber ensemble is £5,600 + VAT. Additional costs factored in include toilets and supplementary marketing. The ticket price proposed is £22/£18 concessions with a child ticket available at £12 in order to ensure maximum sales. Box office calculations have been based on achieving 80% capacity. This initiative would prove an ideal opportunity to gain business sponsorship as complimentary tickets would be covetable and corporate hospitality would be permissible. The event will also support local producers and generate an additional small income by promoting locally sourced picnic hampers. It is anticipated that this established event formula will result in a financially selfsustaining event. Pluck Musical Arson! TW Gaze Auction House was established in 1857 with its origins in agricultural auctioning. Reflecting changes in the rural way of life, gone are the livestock markets replaced by chattels auctions, which provide a forum for mixing business and pleasure. Collaboration with Gaze and Sons Auction House would provide an opportunity to offer a musical evening that captures a flavour of the auction house experience. The musical component would be preceded by a tour of the auction rooms and a chance to view the forthcoming musical instruments and antique sale. A possible small ‘real’ auction experience could be explored to feature an experienced auctioneer in action. 21 The musical component will take place on a small staged area in the auction rooms. The hilariously incompetent Pluck, not so much a classical trio as a classical mistake! Impossibly, they compete, argue, scheme, ridicule, dance fight and seduce their way through Bach to the Beatles. They play a selection of classical pieces, but in a way that would have their composers laughing in their graves. This event would offer an alternative experience to the more conventional music goer and also have appeal for a younger audience with an interest in stand-up comedy with a difference. Income will generated through a combination of ticket sales, in kind contribution of the venue and sponsorship. Total cost £2,167 Cost to SNC £917 Bacon at the Sainsbury Centre We are hoping to collaborate with the Sainsbury Centre, who has been working to develop their events programme over the last few years to incorporate performance and music alongside their visual collection. The proposal is for a small-scale theatre production based on a day in the life of Francis Bacon. This is of particular relevance, as SCVA hosts the largest collection of Bacon Paintings in the world. The performance will meet the artistic aims of SCVA to supplement presentation of works in the gallery via other artforms; providing an alternative approach to curatorial display, helping to bring the work to life and engaging with new audiences. The performance would take place in the restaurant preceded by a tour of the gallery. The seating capacity is for up to £150 and income will be generated from ticket sales and sponsorship. Total cost £3,617 Cost to SNC £2,967 Existing Key Service Partners Investment Agreements with existing key cultural partners could be tailored towards delivering outcomes for the South Norfolk Festival of the Arts in 2009. However this is dependent on the re-instatement of the Grants budget, which is likely to be affected by financial constraints and may result in a reduction or cessation of existing activity. 22 Umbrella Events Other existing arts-based activity that will be promoted under the umbrella of the Festival includes; • • • • • • • Harleston & Waveney Art Trail Welborne Arts Festival Harleston & Waveney Festival Wymondham Music Festival The Old Granary Studio Concert Series Summer Sundays at the Raveningham Centre Diss Music Festival Groups who have been invited to participate include: SN Sounds Live & Gigging, Wymondham Choral Society, Claxton Opera, Bergh Apton Community Arts Trust, Diss Film Society, Four Churches Festival. Attractions to host events: In order to profile the distinctive, built, natural and cultural heritage of the district we will also be seeking to profile existing arts based programmes at the following sites; • • • • • • • • • Galleries - Anteros Centre, Gissing Hall, Harleston Gallery, Abel Arts Bressingham Steam & Gardens Colney Wood – Sunday Music Afternoons with harp, fiddle, barbershop Kimberley Hall – Shakespeare outdoor theatre Burston Strike School – Rally on the first Sunday in September Diss Museum – organising a Thomas Paine Festival in 2009 Wymondham Abbey Mudwalls Farm – music programme Geldeston Locks Inn – Comedy Festival 23 Marketing Plan Key marketing objectives are as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Maximise the cultural offer. Maximise revenue/income potential. Maximise ecomomic impact. Achieve widest possible market penetration. Achieve maximium profile We regularly fund independent research into user preferences, in order to meet our corporate commitment of offering people the services they value most and ensure that our artistic programme is ‘market-led’. Last year we are undertook a piece of research into the reasons for nonparticipation to assist us in shaping future programmes and help inform our strategic approach. A total of 168 people were questioned and the most significant reasons given for non attendance at a cultural event were as follows: No Interest: 20% Unaware: 13% Too Busy: 51% The non-attendees were also asked if they felt that local festivals added to the quality of life in the area: 20% responded that they agreed strongly with that statement, 69% said they agreed with it, less than 2% disagreed, less than 1% disagreed strongly. The strategic approach will be driven by the following market development and product development aims: • To create a coherent identity by producing and distributing a unified brochure that acts as a one stop promotional tool for all the events. • To use the brochure to emphasize the councils own “house style” in a way that can be sustained across other printed material such as posters to reinforce the idea of single themed identity. • To better penetrate the market by creating regular cultural mail outs to B&B’s in order to target visitors actually staying in South Norfolk. • To maximise the use of other existing promotional channels such as the Link magazine, this goes to every household. • To improve web based marketing methods by developing enhanced content to promote concerts and events online. Success will be dependent on ensuring the most appropriate marketing media is used to communicate the offer. A marketing tactics and action plan will be developed with support from the Communications Team once the final artistic programme is agreed (Appendix 3) 24 We currently use a mixture of segmented marketing, for programmes such as Children’s Outdoor Theatre, which is distributed via schools/playgroups, and undifferentiated marketing via the Link in order to enable us to encourage an increase in general cultural participation. In addition to profiling the Festival in the 2009 Discover South Norfolk visitors guide, we plan to send a calendar of events to every household, effectively offering 'somewhere to go and something to do', a key message in terms of stated public need. It is proposed that targeted distribution of the main Festival programme will be achieved via the ‘Arts Round-up’ service offered by Creative Arts East into supermarkets, theatres, leisure centres and Tourist Information Centres. But in order to rationalise the production of large amounts of leaflets, posters and adverts in the local press, we will need to make some decisions regarding further targeting customers and consider whether to use more precisely directed messages and methods that target niche groups with specialist interest. The key challenge will be to coherently promote a wide variety of different activities, aimed at divergent audiences, in different locations, across a very broad timescale, some under the auspices of other more local events, but all under the over arching banner of South Norfolk Festival of the Arts. Sourcing and agreeing marketing content from a multiplicity of partners could also be problematic, particularly as the brochure production schedule may not necessarily suit community partners. In order to meet the corporate commitment of offering people the services they value most it is important to consider the following market research findings: The Arts Debate - In October 2006 Arts Council England undertook a piece of qualitative research into the arts, gathering the views of over 1,500 individuals and organisations. 14 The findings illustrate that around 77% of the population engage with the arts at least once a year, but the number of people who attend regularly across a broad range of arts events is actually very small. There are people from all parts of society who feel a strong sense of exclusion or who simply do not want to take up the opportunities that are currently available. Although lack of money or difficulty in finding or getting to the arts can be reasons for not engaging, in the main barriers appear to be psychological rather than physical. Some feel that the arts are just not for people like them. They believe they wouldn’t fit in at an arts event and might be looked down on by other members of the audience. 14 www.artscouncil.org.uk/artsdebate 25 However results of the Norfolk Citizen Panel indicate that South Norfolk has a higher than average attendance at/participation in the following • Going to see theatre/dance/drama • Going to a visual art exhibition/event • Playing music or going to a music workshop In terms of future interest, given a wide range of cultural activities, the most popular choice sited by 22% of current non-participants was ‘Attendance at the Arts’. 15 Audience Segmentation - Arts Council England has recently developed a new arts-based segmentation of adults comprising 13 distinct groups. 16 The segmentation provides some insight into how and why different kinds of people engage with the arts. It can also be used as intelligence for developing targeted engagement and communication strategies to build new audiences for the arts. Analysis of the patterns of arts engagement and attitudes towards the arts among English adults (aged 16 and over) has been based on DCMS data from Taking Part, a large-scale national survey of cultural participation 17 Of the thirteen categories for development the target groups most closely aligned to existing local market data are cited below • Fun, fashion and friends 18% • Mature explorers11% • Dinner and a show 20% • Family and community focused 11% Future marketing messages must also consider incorporating transport information where appropriate, as NI75 commits the council to identifying options for public transport, walking and cycling. 15 source www.norfolkcitizenspanel.org 2005 www.artscouncil.org.uk/audienceinsight 17 www.culture.gov.uk 16 26 Fundraising Plan A budget of £60,000 was initially approved by Cabinet for this project. However, in order to reduce the 2008/9 projected corporate budget deficit, a saving of £30,000 has been offered from this reserve. Further funding will be necessary to deliver beyond 2009 and a growth bid to secure these essential funds was submitted to Cabinet in October 09. In addition to seeking a commitment to continuing resourcing the Festival within the baseline budget, we need to adopt a fresh approach to fundraising. This will entail an emphasis on creating an offer that appeals to the corporate sector and can be packaged at a range of levels to encourage business buy-in. To facilitate this we will need to develop a festival identity/brand, nurture stakeholder relationships and secure a media partner. Sponsorship The target is to achieve £25 of sponsorship income per £100 of SNC funding, totalling £7,500 in 2009. In return for sponsorship it is envisaged that we would offer all, or some of the benefits detailed below. Sponsorship benefits will depend on the scale of the event being sponsored and the value of sponsorship. • • • • • • • • Sponsors logo will feature on all event publicity and in the main programme. Logo on festival website and link to sponsor’s website. Exposure on relevant media releases to both local and national press. Logo on relevant print advertisements. Logo on event tickets. Exclusive business marketing opportunity at event venue (banners, cars etc) Complimentary tickets to sponsored event and invitation to V.I.P. launch at Dunston Hall Opportunity to host a reception before event. Partnership In order to boost the allocated budget we will need to identify funding opportunities and develop events in collaboration with other arts providers. As detailed in the artistic programme this is likely to include; Orchestra’s Live - bringing an orchestra of significant international renown to South Norfolk. Diocese of Norwich – working to further develop Art Alive. Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts - performance of Bacon linked to their collection. 27 Funding We have already contributed to a Grants for the Arts bid for Take Flight and also supported SNYA members in their various applications to resource Long Stratton Out Loud. The potential to submit a further bid to Grants for the Arts and Screen East for the Whitlingham Chillax will to be explored. This will need to align to Arts Council priorities and current national policy direction. An additional project that may link to ACE Outdoor Arts Development Plan is to initiate a series of installations on roundabouts working with Commissions East, the visual arts development agency 18 and linked to Contemporary Art Norwich, the international contemporary visual art biennale. 19 The aim would be to create more interesting gateway entry points into South Norfolk by introducing some land art designs. This approach would align to Section 4.3 of the South Norfolk Public Art Strategy, which identifies opportunities for Artists & the Landscape. It would also contribute to the cultural tourism product, helping to create a distinctive boundary and establishing an individual identity for the district rooted strongly in traditional ties to the landscape. However, this is dependent on the continued availability of internal resources for public art. A number of budgetary uncertainties have prevented the progression of this component. Earned Income An area of fundraising seldom capitalised is that of earned income. Although we make a nominal charge for some of the activities offered, the majority are free to attend with the aim of encouraging participation and ensuring accessibility. Whilst it would be inappropriate for the council to make a profit from its cultural provision, there is certainly an opportunity to instigate a cost recovery policy to generate a level of income that will ensure future sustainability. Recent public consultation undertaken as part of the Diss Corn Hall refurbishment plan suggests that only 28% of residents would be prepared to pay over £10 for classical concerts and 40% would pay over £10 for popular music or visiting theatre companies. Interestingly 50% would pay over £10 to see dance or ballet. 20 18 www.commisssionseast.org.uk www.contemporaryartnorwich.co.uk 20 Diss Corn Hall Business Plan – consultation April 2008 19 28 Ticket prices will therefore be informed by local consultation, comparative costs elsewhere, but mindful of the need to offer Leisure Passport concessions in line with the Council’s anti-poverty agenda. There will also be a focus on increasing secondary spend as follows: • Charging for augmented event offers such as face painting • Introduction of a pitch fee or % of takings from caterers and ice-cream vans • Identifying a complimentary range of items for sale at events Funding for Community Groups It is imperative to ensure further additional funding is available for community groups wishing to instigate arts activities. The Neighbourhood Fund aims to support small-scale projects that will improve the quality of life in local communities and make a real difference to the neighbourhood. Grants of up to £2000 are available for activities that meet the aims of the corporate plan or sustainable community strategy. An opportunity exists to promote the Neighbourhood Fund to local groups planning an arts event linked to the Festival, as yet no funding has been awarded for these activities. It is proposed that key elected portfolio holders consider adding further criteria to the existing grant scheme to assist with the decision making process and ensure that funding is available for new/innovative or additional arts activity and existing events. 29 Resources Plan Human Resources The success of this new approach to planning, marketing and delivering cultural activity will be dependent not only on securing sufficient financial resources, but also the allocation of increased working hours for existing staff and support for an officer post with a specific remit to develop the arts and heritage offer. Below is an overview of the roles and responsibilities of key team members: Service Manager for Tourism, Heritage, Enterprise & Culture – is responsible for developing the cultural product to positively impact on the South Norfolk economy. This involves promoting an integrated internal/external offer to move towards destination status, ensuring equity of provision and high quality in terms of service delivery. The role also includes managing the strategic direction and development of the Arts in South Norfolk to increase participation and maximize return on key partnership investment. Arts & Heritage Development Officer – this new post has a key responsibility to develop plans for the Festival of the Arts; working with existing partners and community festivals to devise an ambitious programme that will have widespread appeal. Also to develop initiatives linked to the four thematic strands of the public arts strategy. Tourism Officer – is responsible for developing the tourism offer and maximising the economic impact by marketing South Norfolk as a destination at a local, regional, national and international level. A new responsibility is to contribute to the plans for Festival of the Arts by devising innovative marketing campaigns to boost cultural tourism in the district, increase length of visitor stay and spend per head. Events Co-ordinator - co-ordinates and manages the delivery of a range of events within the THEC portfolio, is responsible for planning effective local marketing campaigns, profiling events in appropriate locations and formats to ensure maximum participation. The Festival of the Arts will entail working with communities to help plan events at a local level and the development of an events toolkit to further support volunteers. Active Citizenship Co-ordinator – works to encourage young people to participate in positive activity and to ensure they have a voice in local democracy. Future responsibilities will include working to develop cultural events linked to the Festival of Arts with and for young people. Economic Development Officer – will be responsible for developing strong links with local businesses and helping to secure sponsorship to ensure the future sustainability of the Festival of the Arts. 30 The Tourist Information Centre staff - will be responsible for ensuring that the Festival of the Arts is actively promoted at all points of enquiry and that accurate data is collated to evidence increased footfall and bed nights. Wider THEC team – event delivery support will be provided by the Countryside Rangers, Holiday Activity Co-ordinator and Sports Development Officer as required. Communications Team – will assist with the development of branding and marketing tactics. They will also ensure a professional approach to PR and media. Elected Members - a cross party working group will help ensure support for the Festival. Councillors will be encouraged to act in advocacy of linked Festival events, signposting interested community groups to Neighbourhood Funding for financial support and the Cultural Development team for operational assistance and event management advice. The Value of Volunteering Community volunteers - we will seek to encourage communities to instigate arts events in their own localities and support volunteers to ensure participation, ownership and a future legacy. The value of volunteering will contribute 'in kind' to the delivery costs, whilst also helping to build capacity and skills locally. The aim being to develop a network of groups, bolstering the existing Festival network. Through the Festival Network a total of 175 volunteers were involved in planning, organising and running South Norfolk Festivals in 2008. Between them they worked a total of 24,941 hours as unpaid volunteers. Much of that time will have been spent planning and fundraising for the Festivals. The European Social Fund recommends that in calculating the value of volunteering time the following rates should be used 21 . Role Notional full-time Theoretical hourly salary rate Project manager £29,000 £16.76 Project co-ordinator £23,000 £13.13 Project researcher £23,000 £13.13 Project administrator £16,300 £9.38 If the time is calculated at Project Administrator hourly rate of £9.38 the value of that time would be £233,946. 21 www.esf.gov.uk 31 Equipment Mobile Bandstand - Specific funding for the design and construction of a mobile staging unit was secured from Arts Council England for the Southern Broads Cultural Regeneration Initiative (Feb 2002 – Feb 2005) This facility is now available to all South Norfolk communities and a tiered charging system is in place as detailed below; • If the event is free to attend and acts to encourage community celebration, making arts-based cultural activity accessible to the widest audience this facility can be made available free of charge. • If the event charges an admission fee and the entertainment is subsidiary, but nevertheless community focused, then we pass on only the delivery charges incurred by the sub-contractor and a modest £80 fee towards maintenance, storage and insurance. • If the event is geared towards profit or commercial in nature then we charge a hire rate to help subsidise the community usage detailed above. DIMENSIONS 3.51 metres 7.48 metres 29.20 sq metres 2.00 metres 2.42 metres 2.00 tonnes AREA Total Height Total Length Deck Area Height – stage to canopy Trailer Width Weight Maximum Capacity: With basic percussion. 26 Without instruments 40 Lighting 4 x 300 watt It is anticipated that the bandstand will be used to host events in locations that do not possess suitable facilities, replicating previously successful initiatives such as Waterside Weekends, which featured a musical programme at key sites along the River Yare & Waveney. The Council also has a range of equipment available for loan by community groups such as walkie-talkies, hi-vis vests, pop up tents and ground sheets. 32 Timescale & Process Contact Parish Councils and Parochial Church Councils, inviting them to host an event, detailing the support and advice on offer from SNC – October 08. Heritage venues to host arts events identified and artistic content developed – November 08. All key components of the artistic programme agreed by end December 08 Festival Working Group to agree the final Business Plan – strategic context, artistic aims, sponsorship benefits, partnership links, community involvement, marketing plan, resources and budget – 7th January 08. Business Plan submitted to Tourism, Heritage, Enterprise & Culture Over Sub Committee for approval - 19th January 08. Business Plan submitted to Cabinet for sign off – 23rd February 08. Festival programme designed printed and distributed by end March 09. Ring-fence funding for communities to assist with programming and marketing costs; it is proposed this is achieved via the existing Neighbourhood Forum grant system. Consideration also needs to be given to an exit strategy in order to ensure future sustainability/legacy. Financial Plan The net cost to South Norfolk, should all components of this proposal be endorsed, is £46,555. Total Event Box Office Secondary Partners Sponsorship/ Net Cost to Expenditure Income Spend Contributions Funding SNC £94,610 £22,146 £775 £2,870 £22,264 £46,555 This liability is likely to further reduce as additional sponsorship is secured. However, delivery of the programme will necessitate using the existing service budget to supplement the reduced Festival allocation of £30,000. A budget projection of likely expenditure/income for key components is included (Appendix 1) detailing all operational cost estimates. 33 Appendices Budget – Appendix 1 Risk Assessment – Appendix 2 Marketing Tactics and Action Plan – Appendix 3 34 35 EXPENDITURE Event Orchestral Concert Art Alive Storytelling at River Centre Pleasure Gardens Midsummer Chillax Insects Galore Long Stratton Out Loud Abraham Lincoln Bicentenary Outdoor Theatre Roman Day Gumboot Steam Up Make Do & Mend Take Flight Fleeting Flames Garden Opera Pluck - Musical Arson Bacon at SCVA Festival Programme Total Artistic Accommodation Fees /Travel £9,650.00 £2,500.00 £200.00 £3,030.00 £11,570.00 £1,200.00 £220.00 £960.00 £100.00 Equip Hire/ Marketing Materials Other Licensing Totals £406.00 £2,250.00 £350.00 £21.00 £12,677.00 £2,500.00 £146.00 £146.00 £200.00 £450.00 £70.00 £21.00 £21.00 £21.00 £21.00 £17,000.00 £1,154.00 £3,705.00 £550.00 £1,800.00 £2,500.00 £5,705.00 £2,650.00 £5,700.00 £221.00 £3,617.00 £13,147.00 £1,391.00 £17,000.00 £40.00 £0.00 £230.00 £350.00 £150.00 £625.00 £50.00 £1,250.00 £800.00 £50.00 £70,964.00 £2,775.00 £200.00 £510.00 £146.00 £146.00 £400.00 £540.00 £150.00 £850.00 £550.00 £146.00 £515.00 £900.00 £1,500.00 £21.00 £21.00 £146.00 £73.00 £6,237.00 £8,817.00 £750.00 £750.00 £21.00 £500.00 £9,290.00 £2,407.00 36 £210.00 £440.00 £200.00 £300.00 £337.00 £147.00 £21.00 £21.00 £357.00 £2,004.00 £5,342.00 £1,276.00 £3,321.00 £3,704.00 £6,330.00 £3,767.00 £7,736.00 £2,167.00 £2,173.00 £6,237.00 £94,610.00 INCOME Event Orchestral Concert Art Alive Storytelling Pleasure Gardens Midsummer Chillax Insects Galore Long Stratton Out Loud Abraham Lincoln Bicentenary Outdoor Theatre Roman Day Mend & Make Do Take Flight Gumboot Steam Up Fleeting Flames Garden Opera Pluck - Musical Arson Bacon at SCVA Festival Programme Totals Secondary Partners Partners spend in kind Own SNC £2,533.00 £1,250.00 £2,500.00 £221.00 £2,967.00 £13,047.00 £100.00 £1,051.00 £60.00 Sponsorship/ Box Office Funding Totals £3,760.00 £5,134.00 £12,677.00 £2,500.00 £221.00 £650.00 £3,617.00 £13,147.00 £280.00 £1,391.00 £5,000.00 £1,394.00 £4,452.00 £751.00 £2,467.00 £210.00 £390.00 £25.00 £100.00 £400.00 £500.00 £200.00 £337.00 £300.00 £800.00 NCC transport £2,500.00 £2,301.00 £2,367.00 £300.00 £775.00 £73.00 £500.00 £2,870.00 37 £3,830.00 £720.00 £1,400.00 £6,836.00 £100.00 £917.00 £850.00 £6,237.00 £46,555.00 £12,000.00 £22,146.00 £2,004.00 £5,342.00 £1,276.00 £3,704.00 £800.00 £6,330.00 £3,321.00 £3,767.00 £7,736.00 £22,264.00 £2,167.00 £1,673.00 £6,737.00 £94,610.00 £1,250.00 £750.00 £0.00 £17,000.00 RISK ASSESMENT What Might Happen Last Reported Incident Failure to attract sufficient internal/external funding or instability of partnerships organisations may result in a diminished artistic programme. Arts Council disinvestments in Creative Arts East Likelihood Funding streams are subject to changes in priorities and are often time finite. L Rating 3 Arts Council funding decisions are based on revised priorities, which may adversely affect the amount of matched funding secured. The grants reserve for cultural partnerships may not automatically received a revenue uplift in 09/10 Consequence Insufficient funding available could cause components of the programme to fail and partnerships to falter. Adverse PR generated. Existing Control to reduce likelihood Project proposals are fully developed and costed to take full advantage of opportunities. Active partner working to access the maximum funding availability. All key partners have been alerted to a potential reduction or withdrawal of funding in 09/10 C Rating 2 Existing Contingency Plan If funding applications are unsuccessful, then consideration would be given to scaling back in the first instance. Date Dec 07 Target 6 Actions to further reduce likelihood Focused and targeted approach to making applications to reduce likelihood of failure and effectively use available staff resource. Develop closer working relationship with N&N Festival who have received a significant uplift in ACE funding. A PID to be submitted to secure further funding for the Festival of the Arts. Negotiations to re-instate key partner funding underway. Actions to further reduce consequence Development of Investment Agreements with key cultural partners, based on robust business planning and clearly defined outcomes. 38 12 Current Date L1 Complete by Person Responsible May 09 Heidi Bellamy May 09 Heidi Bellamy Date L2 Complete by October 08 Person Responsible Chris Cook/Heidi Bellamy Date C1 Complete by April 09 Person Responsible Heidi Bellamy What Might Happen Last Reported Incident Children, young people or the general public sustaining injury whilst participating in an activity or attending an event. None Likelihood In normal planning for events all possible checks and balances are implemented to decrease likelihood to minimum possible. L Rating 2 Target 8 8 Current Existing Control to reduce likelihood Actions to further reduce likelihood All those working with children and young people are CRB checked every 3 years and a minimum of 2 tutors present at all times. Child protection policy in place and staff trained 1st Aider and kit available at all venues and events. First Aid kit to contain hypo-allergenic plasters An operational risk assessment is carried out prior to every event Introduction of an incident form to enable more formal reporting of minor incidents and to ensure appropriate follow up action is taken. Date L1 Complete by April 09 Sonia Bright Ongoing Services of St John’s Ambulance to be secured for any event with an anticipated audience in excess of 499 Consequence C Rating Existing Contingency Plan Actions to further reduce consequence Children in contact with substances that cause a reaction, or exposed to abuse/harassment at an event. Or member of the public sustaining injury whilst attending an LCC event 4 Thorough pre-event planning procedures to ensure a safe operational environment for staff/sub contractors and delivery risks individually assessed for each event. Adequate PL insurance in place should legal action ensue. Further formal training for new team members. 39 Person Responsible Date L2 Complete by May 09 Heidi Bellamy Person Responsible Sonia Bright Ongoing Sonia Bright Heidi Bellamy Date C1 Complete by April 09 Person Laura Woollacott What Might Happen Last Reported Incident Failure to create a coherent brand for a None variety of diverse activities. Likelihood This is unlikely; however the Festival programme will take place in different locations, across a very broad timescale, some under the auspices of other more local events. Community partners failure to meet publication deadlines as long lead in times Consequence This could result in a diminished box office return and diluted impact of the Festival. L Rating 2 C Rating 2 Date Target 4 Existing Control to reduce likelihood The Communications Team have developed a strong in-house brand image. Actions to further reduce likelihood Development of a marketing plan that will include a variety of methods to ensure market penetration. The events database can be used to host additional activities that do not meet publication deadlines. Improvements to the ‘What’s On’ database making it more readily identifiable on the SNC site Existing Contingency Plan Actions to further reduce consequence Sales will regularly be reviewed and additional marketing interventions actioned where necessary. Box office projections have been based on realistic returns. 4 Current 40 Date L1 Complete by May 09 May 09 Date C1 Complete by Sept 09 Person Responsible Comms Team/ Colette Davies/Sonia Bright Debbie Storey Person Responsible Comms Team Heidi Bellamy What Might Happen Last Reported Incident The artistic quality and event management standards of community activities could vary. N/A Likelihood Community groups may not aspire to a level of artistic programming consistent with the strategic aims of the Consequence This could result in a diminished box office return and diluted impact of the Festival. L Rating 1 C Rating 3 Date Target 3 3 Current Existing Control to reduce likelihood Close liaison with key community partners to advise on artistic content. Actions to further reduce likelihood Further criteria to assist the Date L1 decision making process and Complete by ensure that we fund innovative artistic activity May 09 rather than existing events. A comprehensive event management training programme for Festival Network members A downloadable toolkit to assist with event management will be available to all communities Existing Contingency Plan Actions to further reduce consequence Sales will regularly be reviewed and additional marketing interventions actioned where necessary. Box office projections have been based on realistic returns. 41 Jan 09 Date C1 Complete by Sept 09 Person Responsible Comms Team/ Colette Davies/Sonia Bright Sonia Bright/Laura Woollacott Person Responsible Comms Team Heidi Bellamy Marketing Tactics and Action Plan Item No Tactic Substantiation Expected Outcome Budget Responsibility/ Actions Timing Action plan to be developed once artistic programme has been agreed. It will feature tactics to raise awareness, generate interest, stimulate desire, inform, call to action with details of the communications tools. Clear targets around expected outcome will also be developed. This approach will be informed by using Ansoff’s matrix below Current Offerings Current Markets New Markets 1. Market penetration strategy 2. Market development strategy New Offerings 3. Offering development strategy 4. Diversification strategy 42 43
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