Organize an event to raise awareness for IVAWA in your community

Organize an event to raise awareness for IVAWA in your community
A lot of time and energy goes into organizing an event or demonstration, regardless of its size. Your event
should be well organized and built around a clear and useful purpose.
1. Try to schedule the event at a time that is convenient for the most number of people and not during a time
when other events may be competing.
2. Once a location is chosen, call your local police station to find out if you need a permit, or just to inform
them that you will be hosting an event.
3. Get people to come! Create an email group list or Facebook page that includes your community group
contacts, friends, family members and co-workers. Distribute strategic updates about your event to this group,
and encourage them to forward your emails to people they know. Post flyers around the neighborhood in
allowed places, at community centers, and on school and church bulletin boards.
4. One to two weeks before your event, contact media outlets and specific reporters to announce your plans.
A few days prior to your event, follow-up with a faxed or emailed copy of your media advisory. (Media
advisories are concise “who, what, where, when and why” updates that include information about interview
opportunities). Follow-up phone calls are helpful to secure coverage.
5. Make flyers and signs; use slogans or paraphernalia.
6. If there will be bands or guest speakers, determine will they be heard (podium, speakers, microphones,
sound system, etc.) and put together a program or agenda for the event.
7. Prepare volunteers. Have them practice Amnesty International messaging, talking points, and help them
prepare responses to the question ― What is Amnesty? Be sure your volunteers know what specific actions
they are asking people to take.
8. Use AI banners, signs, or shirts to ensure that you are easily identifiable to those who are passing by your
event. Clearly marked AI branding and messaging will also help distinguish your group. Make sure to have
sign-up sheets to gather others’ contact information. Be sure to bring plenty of pens!
9. Create an area where people can help themselves to Amnesty information, such as membership brochures
or printed copies of urgent actions. Always try to feature an action for people to take, such as calling their
Members of Congress to support IVAWA.
10. Check to see if you need to bring any items yourself such as a table and chairs or water for volunteers. Be
prepared to clean up afterwards and, most important of all, make sure your activity is respectful of your
community’s rules and regulations.
11. Email us at to let us know you are planning an event so we can help promote it and
can count the number of events!