Important:Notification for application for Ph.D

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Office of the Dean [Academic]
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
Allahabad – 211004 [UP] India
Phone: 0532-2271046, 1044 Fax: 0532-2546144, 2545677, E–Mail:, website:
ATTENTION: Applicants for admission to Ph.D. programme in the Departments of Computer
Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Communication
This is to notify to all the applicants for admission to Ph.D. programme in the Departments of Computer
Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering that in
addition to seats already advertised, nine [09] additional seats are available for admission to Ph.D.
programme in these departments under the Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme for Electronics and
Information Technology [DeitY], Government of India.
The department-wise seat of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology distribution is
as follows:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Four [04]
Department of Electrical Engineering
Three [03]
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Two [02]
Note: Reservation will be applicable as per Govt. of India norms.
The candidates admitted under this category will be required to work in the broad areas of research as
mentioned in the ANNEXURE-1.
The candidates admitted under this category will be governed by the terms and conditions of
“Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme for Electronics and Information Technology” of the Department of
Electronics and Information Technology [DeitY], Government of India. []
At present the fellowship for students admitted in Ph.D. programme under Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme
for Electronics and Information Technology is ` 22,500/- per month for first two years and ` 25,000/per month for rest of period.
70 | s u n i l E:\bac\Authority_Letter\Authority_Letter Deputy Registrar [Academic]