LAND OCEAN ATMOSPHERE ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY SPACE NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES ASSESSMENT (A PILOT STUDY IN GODAVARI AND BRAHMANI-BAITARANI BASINS) Earlier, different commissions, agencies, have estimated water resources of the country using different approaches. All these studies were based on the observed flows at terminal sites and upstream abstractions for irrigation and domestic consumptions. Limitations of these studies are: limited field data on abstractions, lumped approach, no meteorological data were taken into consideration, and no mechanism for cross-validation. Considering the importance of re-assessment of water resources availability in the country, National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO, Hyderabad has initiated an R&D Project titled “Assessment of National Water Resources using Space Inputs.” After thorough discussions with Central Water Commission, New Delhi, a joint pilot study has been executed by NRSC and Central Water Commission (CWC) in the Godavari and Brahmani - Baitarani Basins. MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS · resources during 20 years (1988-89 to 2007-08) at basin scale using space inputs through distributed hydrological modelling approach · Soil Texture Rainfall Grid (Aug-2006) Runoff (2006-07) Assessment of water resources in extreme maximum and minimum rainfall years during the last 35 years The Godavari Basin Land-use/ Land-cover Assessment of annual water MAJOR BENEFITS · Latest update on water resources availability at basin scale · Information on spatial variability of water resources · More accurate as it follows a process-based distributed modeling approach Indian Space Research Organisation LAND OCEAN ATMOSPHERE ENVIRONMENT SOCIETY SPACE NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES ASSESSMENT (A PILOT STUDY IN GODAVARI AND BRAHMANI-BAITARANI BASINS) SPATIAL AND NON-SPATIAL DATABASE RESULTS Static Data: Land-use / land-cover (LULC) maps of 2004-05 to 2007-08, 1985 & 1995, Soil Texture map, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and Command Area map Dynamic Data: Daily rainfall and temperature grids of 20 years at 0.5 and 1 degree resolutions respectively (IMD); River discharge at various gauge locations and reservoir flux data (CWC); Groundwater flux data (CGWB); Demographic data (1991 and 2011 Census) Godavari Basin Condition Year of Occurrence Rainfall Water Resources (BCM) Availability (BCM) Min. 2002-03 275.50 72.63 Max. 1994-95 435.88 178.70 Mean 1990-91 to 2007-08 348.35 113.09 Rainfall Water Resources (BCM) Availability (BCM) Brahmani-Baitarani Basin Condition Year of Occurrence Min. 2004-05 42599 14421 Max. 1994-95 101932 62417 Mean 1988-89 to 2007-08 74892 35129 *mean rainfall of 1971-72 to 1984-85 Brahmani-Baitarani Basin Land-use/ Land-cover Soil Texture Built-up Current fallow Deciduous forest Double/tripple crop Evergreen forest Grassland Gullied Land Crop (Kharif only) Littoral Swamp Other wasteland Plantation/orchared Crop (Rabi only) Scrub/Deg. forest Scrubland Shifting cultivation Snow cover Water body Crop (Zaid only) Rainfall 20.0 mm River Basin Boundary Sandy Loamy Clayey Clay skeletal Loamy skeletal Rock outcrop Water body Mean of Observed Vs. Computed Runoff at various Discharge Stations Runoff 629.8 mm Mean Water Resources Availability in the Brahmani-Baitarani Basin (1988-89 to 2007-08) Runoff (mm) <600 600-800 800-1000 1000-1200 1200-1400 1400-1600 Indian Space Research Organisation
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