Orthodontic Specialist EL DORADO SAVINGS BANK George L Cook Sr, Chairman Executive Committee 35 Offices to Serve You Kelly M. Giannetti Purchase •Refinance •Conventional •Jumbo •FHA •VA •Reverse cjones@gflcapital.com CA BRE # 01857513 NMLS # 357695 Parishioner and Jesuit Alumnus Specializing in Sports Medicine and Joint Replacement 2801 K St, Ste 330 733-5049 www.patrickmcgahanmd.com www.EastSac.com Orthodontics for Children & Adults 454-0323 Contractor's License# 552529 FOR 916 452-3584 Serving Sacramento’s Finest Neighborhoods www.sacortho.com 452-4527 Andy's Concrete & Tree Service Cell: 730-1441 Family owned since 1970 Patrick J. McGahan, MD 5215 Folsom Blvd www.rustflorist.com Orthopedic Surgeon Mention this ad EMERGENCY PERRI ELECTRIC INC. GRANUCCI LAW OFFICE J & J Plumbing 2650 21st Street, Ste 8 50 YRS Robert J. James M. Brian R. Residential • Commercial errri @ 455-3052 Plumbing Remodels Pe Frank P Sewer & Drain Work Estate Planning • Trusts & Wills • Probate • Estate Litigation QUALITY WORK FOR OVER 50 YEARS or Ed: 761-4990 455-9432 1318 G Sreet Sacramento 446-7511 1740 - 36th St. • Lic. #197029 DRE# 01909853 Mimi Holtkamp Alumna~Parishioner 803-1064 mimiholtkamp.com Evan’s Kitchen and Catering The Right Caterer for your Event Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Georgette Temple - Catering Sales Manager “To Place your Order” 916 412-1025 Wedding Specialist • All Event Receptions Banquet facilities available Please call the Parish Office Pray for Vocations & Eat Ice Cream www.chefevan.com 855 57th Street, Suite C, Sacramento AMERICAN • • • • • • STANDARDS • We are authorized to install and service ALL makes and models • Visa M/C • Rebates Nicoletti, Culjis & Herberger Funeral Home 5401 Folsom Blvd Sacramento, CA 95819 916-22 4-3629 6-224-3629 Heating & Cooling Garry Powels Lic # 845319 Se habla Español AD SPACE AVAILABLE! 916 921-8584 K-SMH (Sacrament Most Holy) Buy Any Sandwich Get One FREE (Up to $700 Value) 2333 Arden Way SH 920-8382 FD #355 Phone: 916-451-7284 Serving the Sacramento Community with Dignity, compassion & integrity since 1932 W.F. Gormley & Sons Family Tradition of Dignified & Compassionate Service www.gormleyandsons.com 916 443-6513 Fd#134 Funeral Directors since 1897 Pick some clay & paint it your way! 2 333 Arden Way, 916 900-4031 Suite D, next to Leatherby's www.createceramics.com Mercy McMahon Terrace Across from Sacred Heart Church l Assisted Living At It's Best 3865 J St 733-6510 w w w. m e r c y m c m a h o n t e r r a c e . o r g RCFE#340312763 Complete Install -starting at $4995 Catholic Radio KSMH AM 1620 Holy Communion Available + Mass on Saturdays STEPHANIE GLORIOSO EPOLITE Attorney At Law WILLS, TRUSTS, PROBATES, GUARDIANSHIPS, & CONSERVATORSHIPS (916) 565-7433 1515 River Park Drive, Suite 100 649-1515 David J. Crippen, DDS, Inc. 920 29th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 Phone: (916) 476-3972 www.capitalpd.com ALEX ENGARDT ROOFING Since 1923 LIC. #241602 452-7341 Church Bulletin Co ©1993-2014 777 Cam pus Com m ons Road, Suit e 200 Cataract Glaucoma General Ophthalmology 1-866-314-2226 or 916/ 921-8584 •Sacred Heart Church HELPING YOU WITH ALL YOUR MORGAGE NEEDS Parishioner BRE#01447558 Sacramento, CA Chris Jones, Mortgage Loan Originator 916-309-4678 • 888-577-8836 X 108 ——DMD, MPH, MS, APC—— 1040 THIRTY-NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95816 916 / 452-4136 WWW.SACHEART.ORG/PARISH OFFICE HOURS: M - F, 8 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. PARISH STAFF MSGR. ROBERT P. WALTON, PASTOR REV. CLEETUS KARAKKAT, PAROCHIAL VICAR GILBERT PARRA, DEACON WILLIAM RIEHL, DEACON MRS. THERESA SPARKS, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL PARISH SCHOOL, 856 39TH STREET, 456-1576 KRISTIN HANSEN, REL. ED. COORDINATOR, 456-1576 RITA SPILLANE, RCIA AND ADULT FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR, 452-4830 BRIDGET AND DAVE PARSH, YOUTH MINISTERS, sacheartyouthgroup@gmail.com DR. DONALD KENDRICK, MUSIC DIRECTOR, 278-6805 LITURGY SCHEDULE WEEKEND MASSES: SATURDAY VIGIL 5:30 P.M.; SUNDAY 8, 9:30, AND 11 A.M. (MUSIC WITH SCHOLA CANTORUM) WEEKDAY MASSES: M - F: 8 A.M.; SAT 9 A.M. FIRST FRIDAY: 8 A.M. AND 12 NOON HOLY DAYS: PLEASE SEE BULLETIN NATIONAL HOLIDAYS: 9 A.M. (NO 8 A.M.) LITURGY OF THE HOURS - MORNING PRAYER: M - F: 7:30 A.M.; SAT 8:30 A.M. RECONCILIATION: SATURDAY 4-5 P.M. BAPTISM: PLEASE CALL RECTORY MARRIAGE: PLEASE CALL RECTORY SIX MONTHS IN ADVANCE Fifth Sunday of Easter Communion: Intimacy with Jesus In the First Reading, we see how Barnabas helps the people of Jerusalem to accept St. Paul into the community of believers. The Holy Spirit was guiding the early Church, so even though St. Paul encountered opposition, the message took hold and he went on to preach in Tarsus. • Psalm 22 is the one Jesus quoted from the cross. Like all lamentations this one ends with verses of praise and gratitude to God for His powerful intervention. It goes on to predict that one day all peoples, to the ends of the earth, will praise God for all He has done, and all who die will also praise Him. • In the Second Reading, St. John is encouraging us to practice the Faith not just in word, but also in deed. He also tells us to trust in God’s goodness, by placing our hearts in His, making Him the center of our being. We should live the Faith vertically and horizontally, loving God and our neighbor. • In today’s Gospel from St. John, we are encouraged to establish an intimate relationship with God, which will enable us to find the true meaning of our lives. Jesus tells us that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, the Source of our vitality, as the vine is to the branches. As we live out our Christianity, we draw strength, life from the Vine. This intimacy is obtained from our relationship with our Eucharistic Lord, our Holy Communion with Jesus present inside us. This sacrament nourishes us so that we may be fruitful in God’s love. New Testament Study Group The next meeting is Thursday, May 14th in the Parish Hall at 1:00 p.m. The assignment is Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians. New members are always welcome. For information call Marie Schumacher at 453-1565 or Tom Slakey at 455-7186. Rosary Makers (ROMA) The Rosary Makers continue to make and donate rosaries around the world including locally. You will find some rosaries in the literature rack in the church vestibule. Please remember that the Rosary is not a toy. Donations are greatly appreciated and help to buy the materials to make the rosaries. Place your donation in a special envelope available on the literature rack. and place donation in the collection basket, the rectory mail slot. Prayer of the Week Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have revealed to the nations your saving power and filled all ages with the words of a new song. Hear the echo of this hymn. Give us voice to sing your praise throughout this season of joy. Through Christ our Lord. The Eucharist “In all truth I tell you if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and I shall raise that person up on the last day.” – John 6:53-54 • Reception of the Eucharist completes our initiation as full members of Christ’s body. More, all the other sacraments and apostolic ministries of the Church are bound up with and oriented to the Eucharist. In the words of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life” (11). It signifies and really causes our union with the Blessed Trinity, and it is the source of union among the people of God. The Eucharist a sublime mystery of God’s love, unites us to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to the Father. Through this wondrous gift, the Lord continues to pour out his saving graces on the members of his body, the Church • The saints understand well the power of the Eucharist and its importance for Catholic life. St. Therese of Lisieux wrote: “Our Lord does not come down from Heaven every day to lie in a golden ciborium (in the church’s tabernacle). He comes to find another heaven which is infinitely dearer to Him—the Heaven of our souls.” Divine Mercy A gentle reminder that a small group of Sacred Heart parishioners continue to meet the 2nd Saturday of each month immediately following the 9:00 a.m. Mass to recite the Rosary followed by the Divine Mercy prayer. Literature and instructions are available in the church vestibule. If you have any questions please contact Rita Fernandez at 451-4669, Teresa Harris at 736-1737 or Teresa Walters at 484-6567. In Our Prayers Sun Daily Mass Intentions May 3 — May 10 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am Mon 8:00am Tue 8:00am Wed 8:00am Thu 8:00am School Mass 9am Fri 8:00am Sat 9:00am 5:30pm Sun 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am Antoinette & Joe Franzella (+) For the People of the Parish Mona Carlberg (+) Katheryne Walton (+) Joan Koster (+) James Boock (+) Pietro & Eletta Malerbi (+) James Boock (+) Dorothy & Jerry Gabhart (+) Marie Lucas (+) Nancy Harding (+) For the People of the Parish Madalene & Joseph Ostoja(+) Louis Maricle (+) In Memoriam Ashleigh Bierman • April 26, 2015 Saints of God, come to her aid! Hasten to meet her, angels of the Lord! Receive her soul & present her to God the Most High. Please Pray for the Sick Callie Claus, Robert Lynch, Greg Mayer, George Cook, Michael Fletcher, Grayson Kemp, Gary Pepe, William Daniel Reed, Gene Domek, Kelly Paquette, Stephanie Merenda, Joey Maly, Victoria Generoso, Jim Collins, Grace Grant, Robert Arkebauer, Francis Silvey, Libby Basurto, Dena Foster-Cook, Marie Schumacher, Zack Tomlin, Will Tomlin, Ralph Goodall, Ed & Betty Rooney, Suzanne Cormier, Josephine Haddock, Sr., G.R. Gurley, Darren Stewart, Marge Mugartegui, Angel Curiel, Phillip Worth, Sonia Damiano, Barbara Cramer, Carol Costine, Linda Veninga, Ava Grace Arnold, Karen Amnon, Mary Terese Henricksen, Pamela Saenz, Stan Boyd, David Hunn, Frances Sexton, Marlene Marshall, Addison Parker, Brett Stover, Marilyn Williams Walker, Norma Clark, Robert Clark, Jr., Ranier Guzman, Regina Kuzmich “Remain in me as I remain in you, says the Lord. May 3, 2015 Mother’s Day Rose Sale Meetings & Events Next weekend, May 9 & 10, the Sacramento Life Center is sponsoring its annual Mother’s Day Rose Sale. Beautiful, long-stemmed roses, individually packaged are available for a $5.00 donation. Members of our Parish Respect Life Committee will be in the church vestibule after all Masses. • Please consider honoring mother, grandmother, sister, daughter and friends, and celebrate the sanctity of life by purchasing a rose. For more information about the Sacramento Life Center visit their website: www.saclife.org Cristo Rey High School: School Warming! Cristo Rey, a co-education, Catholic high school established in Sacramento in 2006 to deliver a quality, college prep curriculum to students with limited financial resources, is known as “the school that works.” Students work one day per week for local businesses who partner to finance their education. Cristo Rey is moving to a newer, larger campus and needs computers and textbooks to get students off to a great start in their new home! · Please visit their website (www.crhss.org) or call (733-2660) and purchase today. Thank you for your generosity! Camp Pendola Summer Camp Camp Pendola, the official summer camp of the Diocese of Sacramento, is now accepting registrations for the 2015 summer session. Camp Pendola offers a fun-filled experience for children and youth under the supervision of trained college age counselors. · For more information and registration materials or to register online, visit Camp Pendola’s website: www.pendola.org or call 916-733-0123. Keeping Safe & Keeping Skateboarders Off You may have noticed that recently new anti-skateboard/anticlimbing elements have been added to the handrails and sidewalls of the church steps. You can help us by reporting any skateboarding activity on the steps to the police. Additionally, please keep all children off of the sidewalls to prevent accidents and to send a consistent message that the entrance is not a play yard or a skate park. Chorus & Symphony Concert Treat your Mother and family to an evening of beauty and inspiration by joining our Music Director Donald Kendrick and the Sacramento Choral Society and Orchestra for their final concern of the spring season on Saturday, May 9 at 8:00 p.m. (Pre-Concert Chat at 7:00 p.m.) in the Sacramento Community Center Theater located at 1301 L Street. Tickets available at the Sacramento Community Center Theater Box Office (916)8085181 or online at TICKETS.COM Information at (916)5369065 or http://sacramentochoral.com/tickets/ Please Join Us in Honoring Ms. Taricco After more than 40 years of total dedication to Catholic education, Ms. Taricco, our 3rd grade teacher, is retiring! We will be celebrating Mass in honor of Ms. Taricco on Sunday, May 17th at the 9:30 a.m. Family Mass. A reception will follow in the school cafeteria until 12:30 p.m. Please join us in thanking her for service by coming to Mass and attending the reception. Please spread the word to alumni that you may know, all are welcome! Icon of St. Jude As you may know, Sister Anne Sekul, raised in the parish and educated at Sacred Heart School, is a Sister of Mercy and a gifted iconographer. We have commissioned Sister Anne to “write” (paint) an icon of St. Jude for our church. The icon will be hung in the St. Ann Chapel on the wall above the votive candle stand. Over the coming months we will give update reports on the progress of her work. • It has been said that the finished icon is the result of the prayers of the iconographer and the community who will receive the icon, seeking the intercession of St. Jude. Parishioners are invited to join Sr. Anne in praying that the Holy Spirit will guide her hand as she writes this sacred image of St. Jude, patron saint of the desperate. • If you would like to make a donation to go toward the cost of the icon, please make your check payable to “Sacred Heart Church.” In the memo field write: “St. Jude icon.” Special donations directed toward the cost of the icon will enable the Parish to build up the Church Buildings Fund. Thank you. Congratulations on First Holy Communion Yesterday, May 2, our Parish 2nd graders received their First Holy Communion. These children are to be congratulated on this milestone, along with their parents and families who helped them celebrate this wonderful occasion. The children are: Kypriana Adams, Sydney Barrett, Jack Cazneaux, Izabel Combs, Ellie Cook, Joey Curtin, Dean Cwynar, Jace DeBoo, Sean Dunn, Karl Ferrera, Ruby Glenn, Quinn Gordon, Wyatt Granucci, Joe Hales, Olivia Hamm, Andrew Klieger, Rachel Klieger, Nolan Lachance, Brandy Lane, Joshua Lane, Maxwell LaGrande, Neilene Madamba, Addison McKinney, Bailey McLaughlin, Analisa Mederos, Celeste Medina, Alejandro Moorehead, Andy O’Neill, Mikiko Palmieri, Adam Parra, Jayden Rodrigues, Troy Sanchez, Mitchell Sullivan, Finn Tierney, Carolina Urkofsky, Bennett Witherell, Amelia Wright, Xavier Zona. • (If you see some the children in their First Communion attire this weekend, you may would to congratulate them!) • The children were well prepared for this sacrament, due to the work of their teachers and aides: Deb Mosbrucker, Devon McGuire (SH Parish School), and Tila Madrigal (Faith Formation), all under the guidance of Theresa Sparks, School Principal, and Kristin Hansen, Faith Formation Coordinator. Do You Have Time for Growth? Have you suffered from troubling life events? From minor inconveniences to significant trauma or crisis, these experiences are troubling, frequently frightening and depressing but they are also opportunities to depart from daily worries and look at life. As regrettable as these events are, they are also time for growth, to understand who one is but, more importantly, who one can be. Moving forward, sometimes out of the depths of despair, allows one to identify how a traumatic event can ultimately and over time, bring insights and recognition of personal strengths. • Join Parishioner Dr. Joyce Mikal-Flynn on Saturday, May 9th 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Fr. O’Hara Parish Hall and discovery how traumatic events, even life crisis, enables personal awareness and development. Original research brought forth a system: Metahabilitation that includes stages and specific conditions that influence, support and prompt post traumatic growth and guide this process. To register for the program, contact Elizabeth Brim at elizabeth@metahab.com or www.metahab.com or call 834-8054. Mercy Guild’s Opportunity Drawing Mercy Guild will be selling tickets in the church vestibule this weekend for their Opportunity Drawing, to be held on May 26th. The first prize is $1,000. Proceeds will help the Guild to purchase important equipment in support of the Hospital ministry at Mercy General. We hope you will support their fundraising efforts. Whoever remains in me will bear much fruit.” — John 15:4a,5b Orthodontic Specialist EL DORADO SAVINGS BANK George L Cook Sr, Chairman Executive Committee 35 Offices to Serve You Kelly M. Giannetti Purchase •Refinance •Conventional •Jumbo •FHA •VA •Reverse cjones@gflcapital.com CA BRE # 01857513 NMLS # 357695 Parishioner and Jesuit Alumnus Specializing in Sports Medicine and Joint Replacement 2801 K St, Ste 330 733-5049 www.patrickmcgahanmd.com www.EastSac.com Orthodontics for Children & Adults 454-0323 Contractor's License# 552529 FOR 916 452-3584 Serving Sacramento’s Finest Neighborhoods www.sacortho.com 452-4527 Andy's Concrete & Tree Service Cell: 730-1441 Family owned since 1970 Patrick J. McGahan, MD 5215 Folsom Blvd www.rustflorist.com Orthopedic Surgeon Mention this ad EMERGENCY PERRI ELECTRIC INC. GRANUCCI LAW OFFICE J & J Plumbing 2650 21st Street, Ste 8 50 YRS Robert J. James M. Brian R. Residential • Commercial errri @ 455-3052 Plumbing Remodels Pe Frank P Sewer & Drain Work Estate Planning • Trusts & Wills • Probate • Estate Litigation QUALITY WORK FOR OVER 50 YEARS or Ed: 761-4990 455-9432 1318 G Sreet Sacramento 446-7511 1740 - 36th St. • Lic. #197029 DRE# 01909853 Mimi Holtkamp Alumna~Parishioner 803-1064 mimiholtkamp.com Evan’s Kitchen and Catering The Right Caterer for your Event Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Georgette Temple - Catering Sales Manager “To Place your Order” 916 412-1025 Wedding Specialist • All Event Receptions Banquet facilities available Please call the Parish Office Pray for Vocations & Eat Ice Cream www.chefevan.com 855 57th Street, Suite C, Sacramento AMERICAN • • • • • • STANDARDS • We are authorized to install and service ALL makes and models • Visa M/C • Rebates Nicoletti, Culjis & Herberger Funeral Home 5401 Folsom Blvd Sacramento, CA 95819 916-22 4-3629 6-224-3629 Heating & Cooling Garry Powels Lic # 845319 Se habla Español AD SPACE AVAILABLE! 916 921-8584 K-SMH (Sacrament Most Holy) Buy Any Sandwich Get One FREE (Up to $700 Value) 2333 Arden Way SH 920-8382 FD #355 Phone: 916-451-7284 Serving the Sacramento Community with Dignity, compassion & integrity since 1932 W.F. Gormley & Sons Family Tradition of Dignified & Compassionate Service www.gormleyandsons.com 916 443-6513 Fd#134 Funeral Directors since 1897 Pick some clay & paint it your way! 2 333 Arden Way, 916 900-4031 Suite D, next to Leatherby's www.createceramics.com Mercy McMahon Terrace Across from Sacred Heart Church l Assisted Living At It's Best 3865 J St 733-6510 w w w. m e r c y m c m a h o n t e r r a c e . o r g RCFE#340312763 Complete Install -starting at $4995 Catholic Radio KSMH AM 1620 Holy Communion Available + Mass on Saturdays STEPHANIE GLORIOSO EPOLITE Attorney At Law WILLS, TRUSTS, PROBATES, GUARDIANSHIPS, & CONSERVATORSHIPS (916) 565-7433 1515 River Park Drive, Suite 100 649-1515 David J. Crippen, DDS, Inc. 920 29th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 Phone: (916) 476-3972 www.capitalpd.com ALEX ENGARDT ROOFING Since 1923 LIC. #241602 452-7341 Church Bulletin Co ©1993-2014 777 Cam pus Com m ons Road, Suit e 200 Cataract Glaucoma General Ophthalmology 1-866-314-2226 or 916/ 921-8584 •Sacred Heart Church HELPING YOU WITH ALL YOUR MORGAGE NEEDS Parishioner BRE#01447558 Sacramento, CA Chris Jones, Mortgage Loan Originator 916-309-4678 • 888-577-8836 X 108 ——DMD, MPH, MS, APC—— 1040 THIRTY-NINTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95816 916 / 452-4136 WWW.SACHEART.ORG/PARISH OFFICE HOURS: M - F, 8 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. PARISH STAFF MSGR. ROBERT P. WALTON, PASTOR REV. CLEETUS KARAKKAT, PAROCHIAL VICAR GILBERT PARRA, DEACON WILLIAM RIEHL, DEACON MRS. THERESA SPARKS, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL PARISH SCHOOL, 856 39TH STREET, 456-1576 KRISTIN HANSEN, REL. ED. COORDINATOR, 456-1576 RITA SPILLANE, RCIA AND ADULT FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR, 452-4830 BRIDGET AND DAVE PARSH, YOUTH MINISTERS, sacheartyouthgroup@gmail.com DR. DONALD KENDRICK, MUSIC DIRECTOR, 278-6805 LITURGY SCHEDULE WEEKEND MASSES: SATURDAY VIGIL 5:30 P.M.; SUNDAY 8, 9:30, AND 11 A.M. (MUSIC WITH SCHOLA CANTORUM) WEEKDAY MASSES: M - F: 8 A.M.; SAT 9 A.M. FIRST FRIDAY: 8 A.M. AND 12 NOON HOLY DAYS: PLEASE SEE BULLETIN NATIONAL HOLIDAYS: 9 A.M. (NO 8 A.M.) LITURGY OF THE HOURS - MORNING PRAYER: M - F: 7:30 A.M.; SAT 8:30 A.M. RECONCILIATION: SATURDAY 4-5 P.M. BAPTISM: PLEASE CALL RECTORY MARRIAGE: PLEASE CALL RECTORY SIX MONTHS IN ADVANCE
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