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68th Annual Meeting | February 1-4, 2015
68th Annual Meeting
Mobile, Alabama
February 1-4, 2015
Table of Contents
President’s Message .................................................................................................................. 2
Mobile Local Arrangements Committee Welcome ................................................................... 2
Conference Essentials................................................................................................................ 3
SACRAO Opening Session and Keynote ................................................................................... 4
Wednesday Breakfast and Plenary Session ............................................................................... 4
Conference Program and Session Details ................................................................................. 5
2015 Corporate Partner Sponsors ........................................................................................... 26
2015 Corporate Partners ......................................................................................................... 28
2015 Corporate Partner Presentations ................................................................................... 31
Oklahoma City in 2016 ............................................................................................................ 32
Member Services ..................................................................................................................... 33
2014-2015 Executive Committee ............................................................................................ 34
2014-2015 Program Committees ............................................................................................ 35
2014-2015 Standing Committees ............................................................................................ 36
2015-2016 Executive Committee ............................................................................................ 37
Margaret Ruthven Perry Distinguished SACRAO Journalism Award ...................................... 38
SACRAO Annual Meeting Outstanding Presenter Awards ..................................................... 39
Distinguished Service Awards ................................................................................................. 40
Service Awards History ............................................................................................................ 40
Certificates of Appreciation .................................................................................................... 41
Honorary Members.................................................................................................................. 42
Meeting History ....................................................................................................................... 44
State and Regional Association Presidents ............................................................................. 46
2015 Local Arrangements Committee .................................................................................... 46
Map of Conference Area ................................................................................ Inside Back Cover
President’s Message: Welcome to Mobile!
It seems like only yesterday that we concluded the meeting in Raleigh. This year has
just flown by. But like most presidents in this
world – I am pretty sure I have some more
gray hair (but only my hairdresser knows for
sure). It is my desire that you experience revelry, history and jubilee while here in the beautiful Mobile Bay.
My theme during the last conference and
in the newsletters this year was that we wanted your feedback about the structure of
SACRAO and hopefully you have taken our
SACRAO Structure Committee Survey
offered by our Re:Fresh SACRAO ad hoc
committee. They have been hard at work and
will continue throughout the conference to
meet with the attendees. Please stop by the
booth set up near the registration booth.
Many thanks to Brian Antie for taking on this
committee mid-year and thanks to Rodney
Parks for hitting the ground running with this
initiative after last year’s conference along with
the committee members.
The website continued to be improved
right up to January as we prepared the details
for this conference. We hope that you find it
easy to navigate and it presents you with all
the information you need right at your fingertips. Many thanks for the tireless efforts of Joe
Papari, Paley Wu, Nancy Umphres, Rodney
Miller and Landon Waid and for their insight
in continue to improve our web presence. As
President, I offered my opinions as they brainstormed, but they did all of the work!
Amy B. Barber
SACRAO President
We are using Guidebook again this year
to collect valuable information on our meeting
and presentations through online evaluations.
Please be sure to download Guidebook where
you will find vital conference information,
agendas, and maps as well as information
about entertainment, shopping and dining
right in the palm of your hand. I offer my
thanks to Bradley Barnes and his colleagues
for taking our conference Guidebook application to the next level this year. I trust you will
find that we listened to your feedback and it is
quite robust.
All of our program and standing committee members, chairs and Vice Presidents have
done an exemplary job and are bringing a
magnificent program for this annual meeting.
However, all the infinitesimal details of the
conference have been the responsibility of our
President Elect Joe Papari and our Local Arrangement Chair Landon Waid. They, along
with their committees, have done an extraordinary job. Thank you for your dedication to
all of these details.
At AACRAO in April, I had the great
privilege to accept, along with Jacqui Elliott,
the AACRAO 2014 W. Ockerman State and
Regional Professional Activity Award at the
Opening session in Denver. My sincere
thanks to Jacqui Elliott and Rodney Parks for
introducing poster sessions to our conference
and for pursuing this award at the national
level for that activity.
I leaned on our Past President Dorinda
Harmon hard this year to help me negotiate
through my duties. It isn’t as easy as it looks!
What a great friend, colleague and mentor! A
special thanks to my husband for his unwavering support and confidence in me. I am so
appreciative of East Carolina University and
my boss, Angela Anderson, for supporting me
in this journey and for always encouraging me
to reach higher. I have made many lifelong
friends at SACRAO but I must especially
thank Carol Nobles (President - 2006) for
seeing something in me and fostering it. I
have so enjoyed this opportunity.
Amy B. Barber
2014-2015 SACRAO President
Local Arrangements Committee Welcome
Welcome to Mobile, AL! The Local
Arrangements Committee and ALACRAO
are glad you’re here in the Great State of
Funky, feisty, festive. Or historic, hip
and happening. Colorful, cool and cultured.
You can call this coastal town a lot of things
when you have a vibrant 300 year history
with lots of stories to tell and long-standing
traditions celebrated on a regular basis.
Once called the Paris of the South, Mobile
has long been the cultural center of the Gulf
Coast and you'll find an authentic experi-
ence found nowhere else in the southern
United States.
There’s so much to do and see when
visiting Mobile and you are visiting at an
exciting time. Home to America’s original
Mardi Gras, parades are in full swing and
rolling down the streets. The historic USS
Alabama Battleship sits in historic Mobile
Bay. And you will find some of the best food
in the South. We encourage you to explore
the area and visit many of the great sites
Mobile has to offer.
If you have any questions or concerns,
don’t hesitate to ask myself or one of the
LAC members. We are excited about making your experience and the 68th Annual
SACRAO Meeting a huge success!
Thanks for coming!
Landon Waid, LAC Chair
Conference Essentials
Important Meetings
Opening Session
Sunday Feb. 1, 5:00-6:30 pm
Town Hall Meeting
Monday Feb. 2, 5:15-6:00 pm
Learn about the issues to be discussed/voted on at the
Business Meeting
Business Meeting
Tuesday Feb. 3, 11:00 am-12:00 pm
Installation of new officers
SACRAO Breakfast for all attendees,
General Plenary Session
Wednesday, Feb. 4, 8:00-10:15 am
Registration, ID Badges,
Event Tickets
Events for First-Time Attendees
Check-In and Pick up your Registration Packet
 Jan. 31, 2:00 - 6:00pm
 Feb. 1, 10:00am - 7:00pm
 Feb. 2-3, 7:30am - 4:00pm
Wear your name badge to meetings and events. Tickets
are used for meeting/event entry and for door prize
drawings. Have your tickets with you!
Attend the First-Time Attendee Reception Feb. 1,
Join other First-Time Attendees at our Dutch Treat
Dinner Feb. 2, 6:00-10:30pm at The Harbor Room
(Renaissance Riverview)
The Big Event
Social Event at the History Museum of Mobile
Tuesday, Feb. 3, from 6:00-10:00pm
Corporate Partner Track
There are sessions, which our Corporate Partners have
sponsored, that allow them to showcase their products. It
is a great time to learn more about a technology, product
or service. These are listed on page 31 of this program.
Conference “Guidebook” App
Download Guidebook (free) on your
smartphone. You’ll have vital conference
information plus good intel about nearby
entertainment, dining, shopping, and tours in
the palm of your hand! The app is available for
download for iOS and Android devices. Once
you download Guidebook, search for
Poster Sessions
Posters will be displayed at North Hall Entrance from 9:00
am to 5:00 pm for attendees to see. Presenters will be available from 3:30 pm to ask questions and hear more about the
Wi-Fi Access
Hospitality - Open to All
Sunday, Feb. 1, 8:00 - 10:00 pm
Monday, Feb. 2, 8:00 - 10:00 pm
Tuesday, Feb. 3, 10:00 - 11:00 pm
Wireless internet is complimentary in
the convention center and Renaissance Hotel. You can upgrade to enhanced high speed
at the Renaissance for an additional cost.
Convention Center Wi-Fi:
Access code: SACRAO
Password: sacrao2015
Sunday Evening
Keynote Speaker
Sunday Corporate Partner
Reception & Super Bowl Party
SACRAO thanks its Corporate Partners for their involvement and sponsorship! Come meet them at a reception in
their honor in the Great Ball Room immediately following the
opening reception. During the reception, we will have generous appetizers, cash bar, and will be hosting a Super Bowl
XLIX viewing party complete with games and prizes! We look
forward to celebrating with Corporate Partners and saying
Thank You for their support.
Jon Vroman
Jon is an award-winning
speaker, contributing Author to
Cutting Edge Sales, Author of
Living College Life In The Front
Row and charitable entrepreneur.
His trademark keynote message, Living Life In The Front Row™, helps students, sales
professionals, entrepreneurs, leaders, and managers step
away from what's comfortable and ordinary, and start pursuing what's challenging, important and meaningful.
Jon believes that each one of us chooses whether to be a
spectator of life in the "back row" or actively engaged "in the
front row."
In 2005, Jon founded Front Row Foundation, which was
recently featured on NBC's Today Show. The charity helps
individuals and families who are braving critical health challenges Live Life In The Front Row™, by providing recipients a
front row experience at their favorite concert, sporting event,
theatrical performance or other form of live entertainment.
To date, Front Row has raised over $1,000,000 and created
more than 70 life-changing experiences.
Jon resides in New Jersey with his family.
Wednesday Breakfast with Guest
Speaker and Plenary Session
Barmak Nassirian
Barmak Nassirian serves as director of federal relations with the American Association of State Colleges and
Universities, where he manages the
association's legislative, regulatory, and
public policy at the federal level. AASCU, based in Washington DC, is an
association of 420 public four-year institutions and state systems of higher education.
Before joining AASCU, Barmak served a similar role with
the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and he continues to be particularly interested in
issues affecting enrollment services professionals. Barmak is a
nationally known analyst and expert on federal higher education financing and regulatory issues.
Sunday Evening at the
Opening Session
Please join us at the Opening Session in the West Ballroom at 5:00 PM. You don’t want to miss it. We have a
great keynote speaker. The Opening Session is also a time
where SACRAO President Amy Barber will acknowledge
the service and achievements of many SACRAOans over
the past year. We will also receive greetings from
AACRAO, any program updates, and up to date details
from the Local Arrangement Committee.
We want to give back to Mobile, so
we've added a way!
SACRAO has partnered with the Bay Area Food Bank to
give back to the area graciously serving as our host. The Bay
Area Food Bank serves a 24-county area spanning south Alabama, south Mississippi, and the panhandle of Florida. In
2014, the food bank distributed over 20 million pounds of
food to more than 400 church pantries, soup kitchens and
other nonprofit organizations throughout its service area. The
food bank also operates multiple nutrition programs, including Summer Food Service, Afterschool Snack, Backpack, Disaster Relief, Community Garden, Mobile Pantry, Cooking
Matters, and SNAP Outreach. Bay Area Food Bank is a United Way agency and a member of Feeding America. Donations
will be accepted at the registration table throughout the conference and during the Bay Area Food Bank’s presentation at
the Wednesday morning breakfast.
In addition, SACRAO is pleased to announce the awarding
of Distinguished Service Award to:
Janet Davis (Associate Registrar - retired,
University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana)
SACRAO is pleased to announce the awarding of Honorary Membership to:
Pamla Armstrong (Registrar/Director of
Admissions – retired, East Central University,
Ada, Oklahoma).
For additional information on SACRAO’s newest Honorary
Member, see the Announcements Board near the registration booth.
Conference Program and Session Details
SACRAO Journal board will help you develop topics you have
in mind, or develop new ideas for consideration. Prospective
authors, regardless of prior research or publication experience, are welcome to join this workshop.
Saturday, January 31
Audit Committee
2:00 - 6:00 pm
Conference Registration
2:00 - 6:00 pm
Riverboat (Renaissance Riverview)
Dr. Matthew P. McCrickard, Belmont University
Reta Pikowsky, Georgia Institute of Technology
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Executive Committee Meeting
2:00 - 6:00 pm
Grand Bay Ballroom (Renaissance
Kelly Osterbind, University of South Alabama
Hospitality - Open to All (Badges required for entry)
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Jubilee Room 2nd Floor (Renaissance
Generational Showdown? Boomers, Millennials, and
America is in the throes of a demographic overhaul. Huge
generation gaps have opened up in all aspects of our society,
including higher education. Come find out where we are and
where we are headed - towards a future marked by the most
striking social, racial, and economics shifts the country has
seen in a century.
Attendees are encouraged to read The Next America by Paul
Taylor prior to the workshop. Grounded in the Pew Research
Center’s extensive archives of public opinion polls and demographic data, The Next America offers a thorough analysis of
the issues that are reshaping our nation. Dr. Tom Harris will
present a dynamic workshop enhanced by his own research
and experiences in higher education.
Sunday, February 1
First Time Attendee Table
9:00 am - 3:45 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Conference Registration
10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Evaluation Committee
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Mobile Convention Center 210
Executive Committee Transition Meeting
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Grand Bay Ballroom (Renaissance
Workshop (S1)
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Dr. Tom Harris
Program Committee Chairs and VPs
3:15 pm - 3:45 pm
Mobile Convention Center 201D
W. Michael George, University of Alabama
First Time Attendee Orientation & Reception
3:45 pm - 4:45 pm
Mobile Convention Center 204 A&B
Super Effective People: Condensing the Seven Habits into
Based on Covey’s best-selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, this workshop is designed for professionals
at any level and will examine the “seven habits” from the perspective of human capabilities and emotions. The seven habits
will be boiled down into the one secret that propels success.
This session is designed to be interactive. Everyone likes to
know a secret…this is your chance!
Opening General Session and Keynote Address
(Badges required for entry)
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Grand Ballroom
Reception/Super Bowl Party with Corporate Partners for all
attendees (Badges required for entry)
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Grand Ballroom
Hospitality - Open to All (Badges required for entry)
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Jubilee Room 2nd Floor (Renaissance
Workshop (S1) 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Dr. Jacquelyn D. Elliott, Marion Military Institute
Communicating Research and Best Practices: Developing
Manuscripts for Publication
Research, assessments, and process improvements are mainstays on modern higher education campuses. This session will
introduce participants to publishing opportunities and discuss
the process of preparing research or more practice-oriented
manuscripts for potential publication. Time for one-on-one
conversations with recent authors and with members of The
Becky Tankersley, Georgia Institute of Technology
The developer's (Functional to Technical) view of
Implementing Electronic Data Exchange
A hands on “How to” implementation session on EDI, XML
and emerging trends for future considerations. Come learn
about the Nuts and Bolts of XML/EDI Implementation, what’s
Program Sessions (M4)
2:45 - 3:45 pm
involved, how to do it, and where will the development lead?
Jerald D. Bracken, Brigham Young University
Tuan Anh Do, San Francisco State University
Susan Dorsey, University of Colorado Boulder
Poster Sessions (PS)
3:30 - 5:00 pm
Break with Corporate Partners
3:45 - 4:15 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Nichole Mancone, Tarrant County College
Program Sessions (M5)
4:15 - 5:15 pm
SACRAO Town Meeting for All Conference Attendees
5:15 - 6:00 pm
Grand Ballroom
Opening General Session and Keynote Address
5:00 - 6:30 pm
Dinner on your own
6:00 - 10:30 pm
Grand Ballroom
Reception/Super Bowl Party with Corporate
Partners for all attendees
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Grand Ballroom
Hospitality - Open to All (Badges required for entry)
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Jubilee Room 2nd Floor (Renaissance
Jubilee Room 2nd Floor
(Renaissance Riverview)
Monday, February 2
Fun/Exercise Sessions (M0) 7:00 - 7:45 am
Fun/Exercise sessions (M0)
7:00 - 7:45 am
Grand Bay Ballroom (Renaissance
7:00 - 7:45 am
Bienville Square 5K
Conference Registration
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Grand Bay Ballroom (Hotel)
Enjoy a workout session all about health and fun! Learn the
importance of understanding YOUR level of fitness. Fitness
can be fun and enjoyable to the point you are not paying attention to the time. Bring your ENERGY, water bottle, towel,
tennis shoes, and be ready to make some noise! LeghGOOOOO!
First Time Attendee Table
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Evaluation Committee
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Brandon Tigue, Western Carolina University
SACRAO Outstanding Presenter
Mobile Convention Center 210
Program Sessions (M1)
8:15 - 9:15 am
Bienville Square 5K
Join us for a re-energizing run through downtown Mobile
along the water's edge. Explore Mobile, watch the sun rise,
and be the envy of your colleagues who slept in. A Fun Run Tshirt is included with Fun Run registration.
Corporate Partners Exhibit Area Open
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Poster Sessions
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
North Hall Entrance
Break with Corporate Partners
9:15 - 9:45 am
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Program Sessions (M1) 8:15 - 9:15 am
Plenary Sessions (PL1)
9:45 - 10:45 am
ARGOS, Degree Works and SQL - the New Normal
This session will discuss how college campuses are using multiple tools in optimizing the reporting process. This session
will also look at how various reports can be refined or finetuned using a combination of tools.
Program Sessions (M2)
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Lunch on your own
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Downtown Mobile
Dutch Treat Dinner for New Attendees
(Sign up at First Attendee Table, All are welcome)
6:00 - 10:30 pm
The Harbor Room (Renaissance
Hospitality - Open to All
8:00 - 10:00 pm
North Hall Entrance
Downtown Mobile
State Association Presidents’ Lunch
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Mobile Bay Ballroom III (Renaissance
Evelyn Roach, Associate Member
Program Sessions (M3)
1:30 - 2:30 pm
Dr. Thomas Donohoe, East Tennessee State University
Increased funding for higher education scholarships began
with the approval of the lottery, which caused explosive record enrollment each term and required a change in the university culture as a whole.
Automated Submission of VA Benefits Application and
Supporting Documents
Texas State University has developed a .net application that
allows veterans and their dependents to submit their application for benefits online. Students can also upload supporting
documentation which is automatically scanned into our imaging system. This has allowed our VA Office to become paperless and streamlined. Come see how the process looks to students and works for us!
Converting this approach to centralized scheduling to attain
optimal space utilization in four short years.
Mike Hooper
Robin R. Carr, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Target Audience: VA Benefits personnel, general audience
Recruiting and Retaining Millennials
This session discusses the college fit from four points of view:
admissions officers, parents, students & college coaches/
counselors. The presentation emphasizes the need for all four
players to understand their own offerings and needs, and to
carefully fit them to each other, as it's equally important to
identify and acknowledge both good and poor fits. As the
front line of recruitment, we'll talk about specific steps admission offices can implement to attract and evaluate students
and families. We'll share experiences of aspiring college students & their nervous, sometimes helicoptering parents. We'll
also discuss steps and programs to retain the sensitive and
somewhat coddled generation that is the millennials.
Melissa Hyatt, Texas State University-San Marcos
Joe Scribner, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Building Effective Business Relationships
In order to be effective, the Registrar's office must maintain
effective working relationships with other key offices on campus such as admissions, information technology, bursar/
student accounts, financial aid, etc. Sometimes we take these
relationships for granted and they suffer from neglect. Often
these relationships don't flow as easily and smoothly as we
would like. Come to this session and learn more about the
critical need to manage these relationships actively to achieve
the best outcomes.
Julia Ross, Professional Tutoring, LLC
Ronnie Chalmers Jr., North Carolina State University
Reta Pikowsky, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jeremy Gray, Georgia Institute of Technology
$how Me the Money - Cost Benefits of Electronic
Exchange of Student Transcripts
What does it cost to send/receive a paper versus electronic
transcript? In dollars and cents? In human resources? See
actual cost analysis of processing paper and electronic transcripts and learn how you can get started with electronic exchange right away. In today's economy, can you afford not to
go electronic?
Wayne Banks, Southern Arkansas University Tech
How to Make the Most of SACRAO 2015: Return with
Ideas & Build Your Professional Portfolio
As the Annual Meeting gets started, attend this session first to
provide a framework on professional association membership,
why it's important to attend the annual meeting and all of its
components, and how to make the most of the sessions and
SACRAO. This session will look at ways you can use this conference for personal and professional growth, how you can
share these practices with your institution, and use the conference to enhance your skills and career. The presenter is a veteran SACRAO member who can talk about professional opportunities and growth that have come from active participation in this association.
W. Mathew Bemis, University of Southern California
Susan Reyes, San Diego State University
Brandy Denise Piner, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Understanding Internationalization from the Campus
The basis of this presentation stems from the presenter's own
research as well as the seminal work done by John K. Judzik,
former president of NAFSA. This session is geared to all
SACRAO attendees in that it explains internationalization
from a 10,000-foot level. As student services professionals and
international educators, we can only fulfill our campus' inter-
Mary W. Kincannon, Texas Christian University
Optimal Space Utilization Using Technology
Converting 138 years of decentralized scheduling habits for
academic events between seven colleges that manage schedules of their own courses within the campus.
Brad E. Barron. Furman University
nationalization mission if we truly understand what it means
and how we can cross collaborate to meet this audacious campus goal.
Dr. Jacquelyn D. Elliott, Marion Military Institute
Program Sessions (M2) 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Becky Tankersley, Georgia Institute of Technology
Automated Course Exceptions
Spring 2014 The Registrar's Office at Elon University began
developing an automated exception/substitution form to aid
with processing requests and updating them in the degree
audit. This session will show how we moved the process to an
online workflow in SharePoint which maintains the exceptions and substitutions in one central location for future reporting and reference instead of the paper documentation
which formerly attached to individual student records only.
This new technology also creates the ability within the database to track all exceptions and produce reports that can provide analytics in order to request Curriculum to provide blanket exceptions rather than case by case approvals. Blanket exceptions can also be searched.
Understanding the Basics of the ADA: Post ADA Amendments Act, and Disability Awareness
This interactive session will focus on an ADA Overview and
disability etiquette. Participants will leave this session with a
working knowledge of the ADA and ADA Amendments Act
and greater understanding of serving students with disabilities. There will be a brief question and answer period at the
end of the session. The presenter has over 23 years of experience as a lawyer in the disability field and over 32 years as an
individual with a significant disability
Graham L. Sisson Jr., Alabama ADA Coordinator
Melissa Holmes, Elon University
Tammy Prather, Mississippi University for Women
Kacey Higgins, Hardin-Simmons University
Break with Corporate Partners
Breaking the Code for our Students
Using the lessons learned from the Navajo Code Talkers of
World War II, this session will focus on how we can help students make the transition from the Culture of Origin to Culture of Institution. Students often have difficulty understanding the Code of the Higher Education culture. This session
will explore ways we can help students break the Code, so they
can have a sense of belonging to your institution.
9:15 - 9:45 am
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Plenary Sessions (PL1): 9:45 - 10:45 am
203 A&B
Changes to the SAT & ACT
Big changes are on the horizon for the two primary standardized tests used in college admission. Join representatives from
both the SAT and ACT to learn more about how these changes will be implemented in the next 1-2 years.
Paul Kyle, Johnson County Community College
Dr. Bradley Barnes, University of Alabama
“Apps for the GAP” – Learning How to Apply Knowledge
of Generational Differences for the Good of the Team
Whether Appreciate or Appall comes to mind when you observe what you think stems from generational differences at
work, it is important to develop an effective Approach to
working with others in order to foster effective communication, increased productivity, and team cohesiveness. Through
engaging activities, self-assessments, and discussions participants in this session will:
Carl Forbes, ACT, Inc. (GA)
Tony E. Pace, The College Board (GA)
Nicole Noel Martin, King University
204 A&B
FERPA Update and Answers
LeRoy Rooker, former Director of the Family Policy Compliance Office at the U.S. Department of Education and current
AACRAO Senior Fellow, will discuss timely FERPA issues and
LeRoy Rooker, AACRAO
Review the traits of the generations in the workplace
Assess their current workplace generational mix
Identify areas of concern (in need of an APP for the GAP)
Learn ways to be generationally minded when APProachhing people and tasks
Practice APPlying (through role plays) skills and techniques aimed at bridging the gap for the good of the team!
Patrick Frazier, Western Carolina University
Note: This presentation is an update to the session presented
in 2013.
Teresa Faulkner
Recruiting International Students
Working with international students can be some of the most
interesting, fun, and rewarding work in the field of college admissions. If you’re interested in seeing the world (and bringing
the world to your campus!), this is the session for you. We’ll
explore some of the hot topics in international recruitment
and admissions, providing tips and strategies on how you can
break into this particular niche in admissions.
Stacy Fair, NC State
Creating a Catalog on a Shoestring Budget
Electronic catalogs and workflow processes are all the rage!
However, some institutions cannot afford these types of systems. Come hear a panel discussion from institutions who
have an online catalog but do not use an electronic system.
Feel free to ask questions and learn ideas on putting together
the official catalog for your institution.
Ronnie Chalmers Jr., North Carolina State University
Scott Robert Argo, Georgia Regents University
Dr. Rheanna Painter Plemons, Western Kentucky
Luis Fernandez, Southwest Texas Junior College
Stay Well... Personal Approaches to a Healthy Workday
Do you feel frazzled or run down? Would you like less stress
and more of a sense of well-being? The slowly accumulating
impacts of stress and depletion can make you feel ‘blah’ and
result in health problems down the road. This session will
offer a check list of ways to help you reclaim a strong sense of
health and vitality. We all know that we should eat right, get
enough sleep, exercise regularly and more; but how do we do
this proactively rather than reactively; and how do we do this
during our busy work days while balancing work, parenting,
responsibilities and personal issues? Ideas will be shared.
Jean Mitchell, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Managing the Funnel with Enrollment Management
Preliminary Session Outline:
 What is Enrollment Management?
 How do you recruit first year students?
 How do you retain those students?
Recruitment and retention are two driving forces of enrollment management. In this session, we will discuss how to recruit and retain student from first year to second and forward.
It is important to maximize this process for increased enrollment results.
Barbara L. Rowe, Washington and Lee University
Cindy L. Peterson, Piedmont College
Brittany Crawford, Marion Military Institute
Who's There? Understanding “Attendance” in a Distance
Learning Environment
As more institutions deliver instruction online or via other
distance modalities, the concept of “attendance” is increasingly
unclear. This session discusses key findings from the recent
Inspector General’s audit report regarding attendance in distance learning environments. Discussion will include federally
required attendance criteria, gaps in data tracking, and ideas
for implementation.
Kevin Thomas Flanary, East Tennessee State University
Enrollment Management Marketing & Communications in
the Era of Big Data
Current and future technology trends continue to evolve the
nature of communications, marketing and recruitment in enrollment management. These shifts happen daily and our institutions need to be aware of the opportunities and challenges
they represent. Please join me as we look at ways these technologies can be used to create effective audience engagement
and relationships. Topics will include the marketing and communications implications of big data, social media, monitoring
and listening, viral and personalized video, CRM, predictive
analytics, mobile computing, but will range further if that isn’t
Logan Key, Vanderbilt University
Helen NeJuan Stewart, Auburn University
In-House Diploma Printing – Our Commencement
Commencement is a stressful time, so why not do what you
can to make the process run as smoothly as possible? Come
and hear how two institutions have partnered with SCRIPSAFE to utilize Diplomas on Demand as their in-house diplo-
Jim Bouse, University of Oregon
ma printing solution. Learn how they've been able to regain
control over their diploma process, provide superior service to
their students and alumni, and bring a budget friendly service
to their campus. See how in-house diploma printing can help
you to revolutionize your commencement services and make
the processing of diplomas less stressful and less costly!
Program Sessions (M3) 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Automagical: Batch Awarding Degrees Using Banner
Student and DegreeWorks
The University of Alabama is able to award 2/3rd of its degrees
within two days of grading using a combination of DegreeWorks and Banner Mass Degree Awarding. We will describe
this process and show you how your school can do the same.
Robin R. Carr, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Ryan Garrity, Tulane University
Building Digital Roadmaps for Successful Student
Learn how your school can benefit from a single view of student engagement; see how SEAtS can enable the prompt and
critical early interventions that underpin many elements of a
successful SEM strategy. These include Retention, Engagement
& Attendance, Financial Aid, Pastoral Care/Welfare and Stakeholder and Regulatory Compliance, Attendance and Academic
Performance. See how SEAtS can help you can manage successfully all aspects of your interaction with students in real
time with a single shared view of key information for faculty,
professional staff and external stakeholders.
Noel Dooley, SEAtS Software
It's Time to Reimagine Your Course Catalog
Learn why over 350 colleges and universities have partnered
with Digarc to transform the way they manage their catalog
and curriculum. The traditional course catalog has undergone
an important metamorphosis. It's no longer just an exhaustive
list of courses, programs, and policies. It's how students map
out their future careers; it might even have been the deciding
factor for attending your school.
Kurt Morton, University of Alabama
Tammy Teixeira, Millsaps College
Can I Do That Online?: Identifying Online Degree
Programs and Classes at the University of Arkansas
The university's recent initiative to promote online degree programs and classes necessitated a number of changes to current
business practices across multiple offices on campus. At the
heart of the issue was how to best distinguish these programs
and classes from traditional on-campus offerings so that students could easily identify them when applying for admission
or when registering for classes. Additionally, the university
needed to be able to capture and report data connected to
online programs and classes, as well as student participation in
them. Come see how a collaborative effort between six separate offices on campus resulted in a solution that best met the
needs of all involved.
Lisa Kulczak, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Salanna D. Holmes, Wake Technical Community College
Create, organize and publish interactive course information in
real time-all while maintaining a comprehensive audit trail of
every decision made along the way. With Acalog and Curriculog, you have the power to streamline, track and control the
course lifecycle from conception to publication. Discover why
we’re the market leader and how we can put our expertise to
work for you.
From Here to Career: Planning your Professional
Progression in Higher Education
Looking at professional development opportunities and building skill sets. Transitioning through professional positions and
how the experiences in each better prepares for that progression to the next position.
Gina Monaghan, Digital Architecture
Dr. Robert Hayes, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Wendy McMillian, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Emily White, Jacksonville State University
Lunch on your own
NCAA Division I Academic Standards and Legislative
Review Division I initial, continuing, and transfer eligibility
requirements with staff from the NCAA national office in Indianapolis with a focus on current academic standards. Participants will have the opportunity to ask about specific situations
they have encountered. The NCAA will provide an update on
current academic hot topics including new legislation and in-
12:00 noon - 1:30 pm
Dr. Rheanna Painter Plemons, Western Kentucky University
terpretations, as well as applicable proposals in the current
NCAA legislative cycle.
Andrew Cardamone, NCAA
April Martin, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
W. Michael George, University of Alabama
Tools to Successfully Implement Electronic Transcript
We will offer models to analyze cost and cost benefits, provide
helpful resources, discuss security factors to consider, and cover tips on how to get started with electronic transcript and
data exchange.
Proven Strategies for Serving Student Veterans
The student veteran population across most campuses has
grown tremendously over the last several years, and every indication is that this trend will continue. Does your institution
truly understand this exceptional group of students and their
unique challenges? Is your institution engaged in Military
Outreach to become more veteran friendly? This session will
present the current situation and trends surrounding student
veterans. You will then be presented with examples of proven
strategies, practices, and policies that promote successful transition of veterans to postsecondary education, including a
unique training program developed specifically for campus
faculty and staff who interact with student veterans.
Monterey Sims, University of Phoenix
Jerald D. Bracken, Brigham Young University
Deidra Close, Northeast State Community College
Using and Training Alumni in the Recruitment Process
Every university has them, so why not use them? Alumni, that
is! Each year our budgets are getting tighter and tighter and
our university presidents are consistently asking us to do more
with less. Find out how Eastern Kentucky University developed their Alumni Recruiter Program and is currently using
their Alumni in the recruitment process.
Mark Eister, Georgia Perimeter College
M. Michele Forbes, Louisiana State University
Smooth Student Transitions: Hand-off from
Undergraduate Admissions to the Registrar
This session will describe how the Office of Undergraduate
Admission and the Office of the Registrar at Georgia Tech
work together to help students transition smoothly through
the various steps in the matriculation process. The presenters
will describe what happens during and after notification of the
admission decision, freshman orientation, registration, and
finally, arriving on campus in the fall. The presenters will talk
about the overall philosophy of Enrollment Services at Georgia
Tech and how we strive to ensure that students have a quality
experience as they join the campus community. Communication strategies will be included in the discussion.
Amy Foulkes, Eastern Kentucky University
Audrey Crawford, University of Montevallo
Student Schedule Planning Plays An Important Role In
Graduation Initiatives & Student Success
More and more institutions are striving to raise graduation
rates and increase service to their students., Mike Ayers, Director of Operations at College Scheduler will demo the functionality of the schedule planner and share how many institutions across the country have benefited. College Scheduler
automates the manual pen & paper process and presents the
student with every possible schedule option that is open and
able to be registered for RIGHT NOW! Looking at reports of
the student planning process will offer effective steps & strategies to improve your current enrollment management and
registration practices. Assuring your students have an efficient
registration process to maximize the potential of each semester can directly attribute to increasing on-time graduation and
student service. Integrates with Banner, PeopleSoft, Colleague,
and more!
Reta Pikowsky, Georgia Institute of Technology
Becky Tankersley, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Jacquelyn D. Elliott. Marion Military Institute
Teach Others How to Treat You: Tips for Impression
Did you ever wonder why people treat you a certain way? Do
you want to be appreciated? Do you wonder why your staff
ignores you? Enjoy a fun and interactive presentation geared
toward teaching others how to treat you. Learn the secrets to
managing the impressions you give to supervisors, coworkers,
family members, and friends and effectively analyzing others.
We will do some analysis exercises for grins and giggles.
"iPad Mini Giveaway at end of session"
Mike Ayers, College Scheduler LLC
as much feedback as possible before we put together any recommendations for SACRAO’s Executive Committee. This session
will provide an open forum for our regional members to discuss
the changing needs of Registrar’s and Admissions Officers, document recommendations from constituents, and discuss what
SACRAO can do to better meet the needs of its membership.
A Total Transcript Solution for You – With a Special Note
for Ellucian Colleges
Come learn how your colleagues use the National Student
Clearinghouse to provide a transcript solution designed and
built for your students and campus. Each solution is configured to meet the needs of each individual college. Most of the
640 plus colleges that use the National Student Clearinghouse
for a transcript solution have implemented the service without
any input from their IT department. Plus, if you are an Ellucian client, come and discover our new partnership with Ellucian, which can provide a touch free solution for all of your
transcript needs, including electronic delivery anywhere in the
world. And the best part of all of this is that all of these options are provided free of charge to the institution.
Brian C. Antie, Louisiana State University
Making Your University Brand Come Alive: Advice &
Anecdotes from the University of West Georgia
In the Fall of 2010, the University of West Georgia endeavored
to develop a brand from the ground up. The outcome has been
a dramatic increase in interest, recognition, and enrollment at
the university. Now a few years into developing the "Go West"
brand, this presentation reflects on both the essential pieces
needed to make a brand launch successful and where UWG's
brand launch is headed next.
Paul F. Taylor, National Student Clearinghouse
Program Sessions (M4) 2:45 – 3:45 pm
Crafting Team Agreements and Managing Conflict
Learn how to craft a behavioral and functional Team Agreement that acts as a binding contract to ensure a positive culture and a productive work environment. Take-away the skills
to facilitate and empower your team to help in the creation of
the guiding principles and expectations.
Justin Barlow, University of West Georgia
April Saunders
Zoe W. DuRant, Cameron University
Planning and Implementing a “Paperless” Registrar’s
This session outlines the strategic planning, training steps,
obstacles, software, and implementation processes of the Belmont University Registrar’s Office efforts to become as much
of a “paperless office” as possible. The session will focus on
practical steps as well as impacts on Registrar staff workload
and integration with other university departments. The
presentation will also look at “green” initiatives as part of the
overall strategy for going paperless. Belmont is a “Banner” institution, so some of the software implementations and processes described will be Banner related, but it should be translatable to other systems.
Alexa Chilcutt, The University of Alabama
Clayton F. Benton, Louisiana State University
Current LGBT Issues in Higher Education Update
Continuing the discussion begun last year, this session will
update members on current LGBT issues in Higher Education,
especially in the SACRAO Region. Many LGBT students, especially in the south, still feel isolated and afraid on our campuses. How do we reach out to them? How do we help facilitate their educational experience? Members will have the
chance to discuss with each other and the presenter their
thoughts on the cases presented, as well as any cases that may
have arisen at their institution. Attendance at a previous year's
session not at all required.
LaKiesha D. Armstrong, Belmont University
Ginger Bossier, Belmont University
Ryan Garrity, Tulane University
Brenda Kay Williams, Alabama A&M University
Edward Garcia, University of New Orleans
Pointers from SACRAO Past Presidents
Conference participants are invited to a casual but valuable
session where SACRAO Past Presidents will share their advice
for leading successful careers, serving as exemplary leaders,
and taking full advantage of SACRAO. Other “Past Presidents”
may join in!
Beginning summer 2014, SACRAO president Amy Barber
formed a committee to review SACRAO’s current program and
committee structures. The committee had embarked on an initiative to garner feedback from membership on their needs as well
as recommendations for change. An initial survey and set of semi
-structured interviews have been conducted but we want to hear
Dorinda Q. Harmon, College of Charleston
John A. Hall, Southern Methodist University
session will look at how SmartCatalog IQ centralizes and links
information on courses, programs, syllabi and transfer credit
evaluations. We will explore custom forms, workflows, systems integrations and user interfaces. Come see how to save
time and increase consistency in the one system that does it
Mary W. Kincannon, Texas Christian University
Timothy P. Culhan, Centre College
Sofia C. Montes, The University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio
Anne Valentine, SmartCatalog
Satisfactory Academic Progress: Basic Information
Learn the ins and outs of the new federal guidelines associated
with Satisfactory Academic Progress. After an overview, we
will discuss the implications this can have on the Admissions
Office and Registrar's Office and hear from you how this looks
at your institution.
Student Experience: Early intervention generates results
This session will explore how the data you collect about students can be used more proactively, to help identify students
who are at risk of failure, non-completion or are showing signs
of disengagement. We will demonstrate Tribal’s Student Insight and intervention tools and show how it can be used by
program and course leaders, tutors and support staff to monitor students, linking in to key student information and put in
place timely interventions.
Rodney Miller, Covenant College
Richard Jimmerson, University of Texas at Arlington
Understanding SEVIS
This session will cover changes in the SEVIS process and help
attendees understand how to ensure compliance and avoid
sanctions. Information concerning I-17s, I-20s, I-515As,
PDSOs/DSOs, full-time, commuter and bordering students
will be presented. Also, EPCC’s - F-1 Joint Transfer Form at
About Tribal: Tribal is a global provider of Student Information Systems. Our world leading system, SITS:Vision, is
used by over 60% of the UK Higher Education market, as well
as a growing list of institutions across Australasia, Canada and
the United States. Our customers include the University of
British Columbia, the University of Sydney and many others.
Attend our session for your chance to win an Apple iPad Air 2.
Phil Sanders, Tribal Group
Heidi Schreiner, Tribal Group
Dr. Claudia R. Wright, Sul Ross State University
Cynthia Terry, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Advancing Student Success Through Improved Course
Access and Availability
Colleges and universities across the country are transforming
their campuses by strategically improving their course schedules with Ad Astra solutions and services. Students are taking
more credit hours and accelerating completion, and institutions are realizing increased tuition revenues and saving instructional dollars at the same time. Come hear how Ad Astra
is improving access to completion for students on campuses
near you.
Using Workflow to Process Special Requests for Late
After the success of developing an automated approval process for grade changes, we began expanding to include a review process for Late Add/Drop requests. Previously students
submitted carbon forms signed by instructors and administrators to be added or dropped from a class roster. This manual
process was time consuming, not auditable, and not quantifiable for course demand. Now using PeopleSoft workflow technology, students are able to initiate a late add/drop request
from their student center and automatically forward to the
instructors and administrators for the appropriate decision.
With this automated process, we are able to track and audit
requests and provide data for departmental administrators for
course scheduling needs.
Louis Edward Jimenez Sr., Texas State University-San
Jacob Jones, University of Alabama
Deborah S. Hill, University of Southern Mississippi
Break with Corporate Partners
Dr. Allen B. Moody, National Park Community College
3:45 - 4:15 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Catalogs, Curriculum, Syllabi & Transfer--Complete
Academic Content Management
Learn one system to manage all your academic content. This
who receive them. How have students responded to the availability of the online Elon Experience transcript? What are the
office challenges? And most important, what is the next step
in the evolution of the academic transcript?
Poster Sessions (PS) with presenters
3:30 - 5:00 pm
North Hall Entrance
Mandy Stovall, Elon University
Exploring the Challenges of Academic Advising for
Student Veterans
This is a mixed methods study that intends to investigate how
veterans are and were being advised on higher education campuses. The purpose of this study is to examine the challenges
encountered when advising student veterans on their major
and career goals, as well as helping to apply their military experiences and courses to these goals. Furthermore, this study
intends to better understand how these students are presently
being served by academic advising staff and to attempt to determine ways to improve advisement processes of these students in the future. The feedback from participants in this
study can help researchers inform institutions on how they
can improve their advising services for student veterans.
Program Sessions (M5) 4:15 – 5:15 pm
100,000+ Documents: Best Practices in Admissions
This is a discussion of the methods used by Texas Tech University to streamline document processing while reducing
staff. There has been an evolution in our work over the past
few years, and by focusing on knowledge and training gaps,
process improvements and restructuring responsibilities we
are able to do more with less.
Sheila Gray, Texas Tech University
Ashley Edwards
Emily White, Jacksonville State University
Graduation Management System
The Graduation Management System is a software solution
that the professionals at the registrar's office responsible for
managing graduation ceremonies so desperately need. It was
observed that the system currently used to manage the process
is outdated and inefficient. Technology is here to help with
this sort of problem. However, by virtualizing the process, the
institution gains more than just efficiency. It gains all the value
the latest technologies can offer, while solving real and complex issues that are until now endured for the sole reason of
them being consequences of the way it has always been done.
It is clear that this attitude needs to change if the institution
seeks to meet the demands of a 21st century world and deliver
the best services possible, always striving to stay on the path of
constant evolution and improvement.
Dancing with the one who brung ya! Two Approaches to
Reverse Transfers
This session will discuss Reverse Transfer approaches between
a community college and two universities. One approach uses
an “official volunteer” system, and the other uses a more traditional exchange of information. The approaches will be compared and contrasted, along with lessons learned.
Dr. Rick Edgington, Northern Oklahoma College
Bill Burig, Duke University
Helping Advisors Get the Big Picture with Degree Works
When advising students, it’s important to have the big picture.
Past academic performance tells part of a student's story, but
other important factors include his or her individual strengths
and weaknesses, educational goals, and even financial aid eligibility. This session will explain how, through a Title III grant,
Tri-County Technical College leveraged Ellucian Degree
Works to create a toolbox to support advisors with big picture
Pedro Fernando, College of Charleston
Cassio Greco, College of Charleston
Should Institutions Expand the Academic Record?: The
Elon Experiences Transcript
The summer of 2013, Elon University began releasing an experiential learning transcript in conjunction with the official academic transcript. While many institutions have started tracking elements such as Service Learning, Research, and Internship information, releasing this information concurrently with
the official academic record is certainly a change to our culture. This session will provide an overview of the processes
used to create the transcript as well as the qualitative and
quantitative analytics that were gathered following the launch
of a secondary transcript. With the experiential learning transcript representing approximately 15% of the total transcripts
issued at Elon, the question we hope to answer is what impact
the experiential transcript has had on students and employers
Scott Harvey, Tri-County Technical College
SACRAO Outstanding Presenter
Sharon Stoddard, Winston-Salem State University
The Team Retreat Toolbox
Gain the tools necessary to lead your team through a transformative retreat! Learn how to guide them through a series of
exercises that build team commitment and create a goaloriented strategic plan. Learn how to re-examine your office's
mission and vision, create a strategic plan that ensures goal
accomplishment & brainstorm ideas that lead to increased
Scribin' in Style: Developing a Style Manual for Your
Two people, given the same requirement, can come up with
slightly different code. This impedes maintenance and development. University of Alabama has developed a style guide to
help its scribers achieve uniform code across personnel and
programs. We will talk about the challenges, opportunities,
and benefits of having a university-specific scribing style guide
for your institution. We will also make ours available if you
don't know where to start.
Alexa Chilcutt, The University of Alabama
Kurt Morton, University of Alabama
David H. Fulmer III, Oral Roberts University
Shan Evans, University of Texas at Austin
What is the Profile of a Registrar?
The role of the registrar has evolved quite a bit, and duties and
responsibilities vary significantly from one school to the next.
This session will inform current registrars about the core duties and responsibilities, the required skills set, how the requirements are changing, and how to prepare for the future.
The session will be a useful guide to aspiring registrars as well.
Jubilant Journeys! Recruitment travel planning best
When planning recruitment travel, information and resources
are crucial to a successful road trip! During this session, we'll
examine a number of approaches to setting up your calendar.
By looking at previous enrollment data and comparing it with
national statistics and prospective student information, recruitment travel can be focused and fruitful. We'll discuss using both paid-for as well as free software, along with online
resources. Open discussion with the audience will add additional value to this session, as we'll all share different methods
of travel planning and expose each other to a variety of helpful
tools and techniques.
Heather Dawn Hogarth-Smith, Associate Member
Dr. John R. Dickerson, Mississippi State University
Catching Fire-Resourcing student assistants to write and
publish within the Registrar's Office
Student assistants are a vital part of higher education offices
across the country, most notably helping with daily office
functions. For years we have debated about the best way to use
this resource, and how we can engage students to feel passionate about the work they do in our offices. Join us as we detail
how we have challenged our student assistants far beyond the
monotony of daily office tasks. As an office, we are among the
early adopters of using student assistants to conduct research,
write, and publish with members of our staff. This session will
highlight strategies we use to push student assistants into
challenging opportunities that highlight our office, the institution, their resume, and their experience.
Amy K. Clines, Columbus State University
Taylor King
Dusty Duncan
That Affects You Too?
Many of the decisions we make within our offices can have
major implications for other offices (academics, admissions,
financial aid, the business office, etc). How do you communicate those decisions with these offices on your campus, and
how do those decisions impact students? Do you have an
open form of communication with other offices?
Melissa Holmes, Elon University
Learn some techniques and best practices for building a team
and communicating with professionals from other offices as
well as your own.
Becky Hames, Bethel University
Casey Capps, Martin Methodist College
Olivier Charles, Auburn University at Montgomery
Diplomas! Getting it Right!!
An informative panel discussion on all types of diploma processes. Learn about going from an In House production to
Outsourcing. From handing out live to direct mailing of the
diplomas or a combination of both. Do you have the benefit of
a vendor’s online management system and all of the services
that are critical in today’s NOW environment? Come and
learn about the best practices of how to extract and submit the
Selena Magnusson, Georgia Northwestern Technical
data from your specific SIS. How do your colleagues handle
gathering the correct addresses for mailing? Presentation
products, what should you hand out at the ceremony and what
should you mail? Panel is comprised of a combination of large
schools, small schools as well as community colleges each with
their own situation.
Jeremy Gray, Georgia Institute of Technology
Susan Kennon, Lynchburg College
Elizabeth Kunde, Paradigm, Inc.
Mallori Wojcik, University of Florida
Laura Heard, Texas A & M University - College Station
Credentials Solutions & eSCRIP-SAFE: A Merger That
Benefits You, Your Institution, Students & Alumni
We will discuss the merger of Credentials Solutions and
eSCRIP-SAFE and what it means for Higher Ed. Credentials
eSCRIP-SAFE boasts the largest electronic sending and receiving network and has a variety of service options to fit your
institution’s needs. Michael George, University Registrar at
The University of Alabama, Monique Anderson, Registrar at
the University of Tennessee, Chris Derickson, Assistant Provost & University Registrar at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill and Angela Anderson, Assistant Vice Chancellor at East Carolina University, will participate in a transcript
panel to discuss why Credentials eSCRIP-SAFE offers the best
combination of transcript solutions and service for their institutions.
SACRAO Town Meeting
for All Conference Attendees
5:15 - 6:00 pm
Grand Ballroom
Dinner on your own
Dutch Treat Dinner for New Attendees
6:00 - 10:30 pm
Joshua Hoagland, Credentials eSCRIP-SAFE
Jack Weber, Credentials eSCRIP-SAFE
The Harbor Room (Renaissance Riverview)
Increase your efficiency while saving time and money using
Address Verification in your SIS or CRM with
Improve staff productivity and eliminate unnecessary costs
associated with inaccurate address data. CLEAN_Address
verifies, corrects & standardizes your prospect, student and
alumni postal addresses with real-time and batch integration
in your Student Information System. CLEAN_Address will
capture all postal addresses at the point-of-entry to improve
staff productivity and eliminate unnecessary costs associated
with inaccurate address data. Find out how an Address Verification Solution like CLEAN_Address can help you eliminate
bad address data while learning how to employ address accuracy best practices to increase efficiency. You will also learn
how our product can assist in enrollment and other areas in
the institution. CLEAN_Address is installed at over 600 institutions for higher learning and clients range in enrollment size
from 600 to 65,000.
Hospitality - Open to All
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Jubilee Room 2nd Floor
(Renaissance Riverview)
Eric F. Paillet, Runner Technologies, Inc.
Program Sessions (T0) 7:00 - 7:45 am
Tuesday, February 3
Grand Bay Ballroom (Hotel)
ZUMBA-stic!! Tuesday
Enjoy a workout session all about health and fun! Learn the
importance of understanding YOUR level of fitness. Fitness
can be fun and enjoyable to the point you are not paying attention to the time. Bring your ENERGY, water bottle, towel,
tennis shoes, and be ready to make some noise! LeghGOOOOO!
2015 & 2016 LAC Members Breakfast
7:00 - 8:00 am
LAC Suite
Fun/Exercise sessions (T0)
7:00 - 7:45 am
Grand Bay Ballroom (Renaissance
Journal Editorial Board Breakfast
7:00 - 8:00 am
The Harbor Room (Renaissance
Conference Registration
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Evaluation Committee
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Mobile Convention Center 210
Brandon Tigue, Western Carolina University
SACRAO Outstanding Presenter
Program Sessions (T1) 8:15 - 9:15 am
Program Sessions (T1)
8:15 - 9:15 am
Using Excel Pivot Tables to Quickly & Easily Analyze
Student Data
Imagine an Excel worksheet of student enrollment figures with
hundreds or thousands of rows of data. The worksheet lays out
all the data about your students’ academic history, bio/demo,
courses and grades. It's a lot of data to deal with — listed in
row after row and divided into multiple columns. How can
you get information out of the worksheet? How can you make
sense out of all of this data? You can get all the answers you
need by using Excel PivotTables — it's like turning a mob of
students into a marching band. A PivotTable quickly and easily turns all that data into small, concise reports that tell you
exactly what you need to know.
Corporate Partners Exhibit Area Open
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Break with Corporate Partners
9:15 - 9:45 am
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Program Sessions (T2)
9:45 - 10:45 am
SACRAO Annual Business Meeting for all attendees
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Grand Ballroom
2015-2016 Program Committee Working Lunch
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Mobile Bay Ballroom (Renaissance
Lunch on your own
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Scott Harvey, Tri-County Technical College
SACRAO Outstanding Presenter
Downtown Mobile
SACRAO Past President’s Luncheon
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Joe Scribner, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Program Sessions (T3)
1:30 - 2:30 pm
Changing Demographics of College Admissions
Over the next decade, the landscape of students entering college will change dramatically. These changes have already
started to happen as students with different backgrounds
begin to change the trends of college admissions. Examining
the past decade while looking ahead to the next, it will become
imperative that universities begin to take the appropriate steps
to recruit and retain the students of the future. Is your admissions office prepared to help your university succeed in this
changing environment?
Break with Corporate Partners
2:30 - 3:00 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Program Sessions (T4)
3:00 - 4:00 pm
Program Sessions (T5)
4:15 - 5:15 pm
President’s Reception for 2014-2015 Program Committees,
Standing Committees and LAC
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Presidential Suite 1510
The Big Event
6:00 - 10:00 pm
Patrick Frazier, Western Carolina University
Museum of Mobile
Hospitality - Open to All (Badges required for entry)
10:00 - 11:00 pm
Jubilee Room 2nd Floor (Renaissance
Nichole Mancone, Tarrant County College
Electronic Records Retention
With the trend of scanning all documents into data storage
and no longer having paper records have you followed your
records retention policies. Most have just maintained those
files for years. Reasons to have an electronic file policy and
steps to follow those that have been established.
SharePoint: Power in Daily Office Practices
Practical ways of developing new business practices, concurrent document editing, communications, paperless workflows
that replaced paper forms and cross training are just a few of
the ways the Registrar's Office at Elon University has developed the Registrar's SharePoint site. This presentation will
demonstrate how we have integrated the power of SharePoint
into our average workday over the past 24 months. We also
plan to share helpful tips for launching SharePoint in your
office and helpful tips on training strategies for students, faculty and staff after business processes go live with SharePoint
and show you the reporting highlights and data management
perks in MS SharePoint.
Robin R. Carr, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Daniel K. Brooks, High Point University
Creating a Communications Database in Access
A customized Microsoft Access Communications database
will be demonstrated and shared. Offices will benefit by having an easily generated report of upcoming communications
and/or operational tasks. The database also tracks past communication items and distribution lists. Using the database
helps to easily answer the question: ‘What did we do last
time’? UNC Charlotte uses the database to track communications that have previously been sent and are scheduled to be
sent. This communication database also allows the user to
record who was contacted and what was sent. Attendees to
this session will be provided a FREE working copy of the Communications Database demonstrated during the presentation.
Melissa Holmes, Elon University
Nancy L. Umphres, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
The Evolving Registrar's Office
A historical look at the Office of the Registrar, present day
practices, and a glimpse into the future. How have business
practices, schedules, catalogs, etc. evolved over the years? This
session will be a dynamic discussion among participants.
Will Espin, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Kim Taylor, University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Bruce W. Cunningham, Duke University
“Working It” as a Working Parent
Are you a stay-at-work mom, or stay-at-work dad? Chances
are, if you’re dedicated to our industry, you want it all, you
bust your bum doing it all, and you want it perfect, too. This
session explains why that’s not possible, and why that’s okay.
Attendees will enjoy a chance to see things differently and
apply lessons learned to the office, the home, and even grad
Bill Burig, Duke University
The Latest in the Secure Electronic Exchange of PDF
Student Transcripts
The fastest growing method of sending postsecondary student
transcripts is the use of PDF format. In this session, representatives from several postsecondary schools will discuss the
decision to use this method, the timeline for implementing,
enhanced security and other benefits over paper and fax, and
some volume data since implementation.
Sofia C. Montes, The University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio
Brian C. Antie, Louisiana State University
Ryan Garrity, Tulane University
Michael Rendon, Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi
Rita Dunston, University of Mary Washington
Recruitment and Admission of Students with Disabilities
After years of diligence the past three decades have created
access to higher education for students with disabilities. Postsecondary demographic trends show an increase in students
with disabilities enrolling in higher education institutions.
This session examines the issues that affect the recruitment
and admission of students with disabilities and provides suggestions to professionals as recommended by Barbara J. Palombi, a noted author on this topic.
Kelli Peterson, Cameron University
SEM – A UK Perspective
Though well established in the US as a key strategic issue, SEM
is still in its relative infancy in the UK. This session will provide an insight into how UK universities approach this critical
aspect of organisational endeavour drawing on the speaker’s
35 years in UK higher education. The session will provide an
update on the issues affecting UK higher education in the era
of £9,000 (c $14,000) tuition fees and look at some key drivers
for change including the UK government’s stance on visas for
Andrew Green, Jacksonville State University
Dr. Matt Moore, University of New Orleans
their institution, but they have never created one before and
are not sure where to begin. What should be included in the
plan? Who should be involved in the process? What are the
critical pieces that must be in place to begin the process? This
session is designed to help participants answer these questions
and begin the process in a step-by-step approach that demystifies the Strategic Enrollment Planning process.
international students.
Philip Henry retired from the University of Surrey as Registrar
and Secretary in late 2010. Since then he has undertaken a
range of senior executive interim appointments; most recently
at the University of Northampton.
Philip Henry, Associate Member
Dr. John Head, University of West Georgia
Donna Webb, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Susie Coleman Archer, Vanderbilt University
Break with Corporate Partners
Degree Works Views - Not Only For Students
This session will cover how using the Diagnostic View and the
Student Data View in Degree Works aid the Registrar's office
in identifying problems located in BANNER on the student
record and in Degree Works.
9:15 - 9:45 am
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Program Sessions (T2) 9:45 - 10:45 am
Evelyn Roach, Associate Member
School-to-Prison Pipeline? Do you know the passage…
Come to an interactive session about the school-to-prison
pipeline: an epidemic that is plaguing schools across the nation. Far too often, students are suspended, expelled or even
arrested for minor offenses that leave visits to the principal¹s
office a thing of the past. Statistics reflect that these policies
disproportionately target students of color and those with a
history of abuse, neglect, poverty or learning disabilities. As
higher educational professionals, we have to deal with all students and their baggage. How can we assist at risk students in
their college pursuit? How can we overcome this?
Dr. Thomas Donohoe, East Tennessee State University
Getting Them All Set: Pre-Orientation Registration for
New Freshmen
In order to address several registration challenges, especially
full classes, the University of Arkansas began pre-enrolling
new freshmen in the summer of 2014. This effort required
extensive planning and teamwork among personnel in various
departments, including Registrar, Orientation, Admissions,
and Student Accounts. This session will cover:
Brandon Tigue, Western Carolina University
SACRAO Outstanding Presenter
Nichole Mancone, Tarrant County College
But That's MY Room!
A panel discussion about how to overcome a culture of room
"ownership" especially when it comes to classroom space,
times, and other events on your campus. Come prepared to
share your stories and what worked best at your institution.
the old registration process for incoming freshmen during
new student orientation and the challenges that students
and administrators faced
the issues staff encountered when students arrived for
orientation sessions
give data which shows how successful the pre-enrollment
process was
outline suggestions for improving the process for 2015
April Martin, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Joe Scribner, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Casey Capps, Martin Methodist College
Jacob Jones, University of Alabama
Angela R. Anderson, East Carolina University
DeAnna Adams, Rhodes College
Hold on, let me transfer that call!
Are you ever on the end of THAT transferred call? Unfortunately they have been through the "That's not my department,
let me transfer you!" process and have talked to about 10
different areas before getting where they need to be. No one is
perfect and no one knows everything BUT you can help alleviate the stress/confusion/frustration that these students feel
while trying to get information from your institution. Come
learn what we do in the Undergraduate Scholarships Office at
Creating a Strategic Enrollment Plan
The landscape of higher education is constantly changing. The
demographics of our population, market demands, and
emerging technologies are all applying pressures for our institutions to constantly change and adapt. Many enrollment
managers are asked to create a Strategic Enrollment Plan for
regional members to discuss the changing needs of Registrar’s
and Admissions Officers, document recommendations from
constituents, and discuss what SACRAO can do to better meet
the needs of its membership.
The University of Alabama as well as what some other areas
on campus do in order to minimize the transferred calls exiting our offices.
Amber Capell, The University of Alabama
Sara Beth Spearing, The University of Alabama
Brian C. Antie, Louisiana State University
Holly Swart, Wake Technical Community College
Student Schedule Planning Plays An Important Role In
Graduation Initiatives & Student Success
More and more institutions are striving to raise graduation
rates and increase service to their students., Mike Ayers, Director of Operations at College Scheduler will demo the functionality of the schedule planner and share how many institutions across the country have benefited. College Scheduler
automates the manual pen & paper process and presents the
student with every possible schedule option that is open and
able to be registered for RIGHT NOW! Looking at reports of
the student planning process will offer effective steps & strategies to improve your current enrollment management and
registration practices. Assuring your students have an efficient
registration process to maximize the potential of each semester can directly attribute to increasing on-time graduation and
student service. Integrates with Banner, PeopleSoft, Colleague,
and more!
"iPad Mini Giveaway at end of session"
Preparation is Key: Steps to Take for a Smooth Implementation of the New Colleague Student Planning Module
Are your students and advisors having issues with the current
registration system in WebAdvisor? Is it out-of-date and not
as intuitive or user-friendly as you would like? The solution
sought by Shenandoah University is Ellucian’s Student Planning module for Colleague. Student Planning addresses many
of the woes found in WebAdvisor by providing a visual interface shared by the student and advisor showing the student’s
progress “up front” and displaying student course planning in
a calendar view. With the rollout to first-time freshmen for
spring online registration complete, the Registrar will review
the steps taken to prepare for implementation and provide tips
you can accomplish now to improve usability and performance.
Elizabeth B. White, Shenandoah University
Mike Ayers, College Scheduler LLC
Sheryl Burnette, East Tennessee State University
Will my courses transfer? Help students answer this popular question and many others with CollegeSource's newest
service, Transferology.
Approximately one of every three students will transfer
throughout their collegiate career. Are you making it easy for
prospective students both in-state and out-of-state to see how
their courses would transfer to your school? Are you interested in a simple way to promote transfer and recruit more students? Join us as CollegeSource reveals our newest service,
Managing Success
Success can bring with it another series of problems. It is important to know how to manage success in Registrar's Office
operations in such a way that you can maintain your momentum, avoid pitfalls such as resting on your laurels for too long
a time, and learning as much from your successes as you do
your failures. Come to this session and learn more about how
to handle this important aspect of running your office.
John Panzica, CollegeSource, Inc.
Jeremy Gray, Georgia Institute of Technology
Reta Pikowsky, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Steve McLeod, Harding University Main Campus
SACRAO Annual Business Meeting
for all attendees
Beginning summer 2014, SACRAO president Amy Barber
formed a committee to review SACRAO’s current program
and committee structures. The committee had embarked on
an initiative to garner feedback from membership on their
needs as well as recommendations for change. An initial survey and set of semi-structured interviews have been conducted but we want to hear as much feedback as possible before we
put together any recommendations for SACRAO’s Executive
Committee. This session will provide an open forum for our
11:00 am - 12:00 noon
Grand Ballroom
Lunch on your own
12:00 noon - 1:30 pm
Program Sessions (T3) 1:30 - 2:30 pm
How to Train Your Dragon: Educating Upper Management
on the Role of the Registrar
Senior managers in higher education come from different
backgrounds; some are very familiar with the role of the Registrar in higher education and some are not. This session will
cover how to “educate” upper management on the role of the
Registrar in order to ensure that the Registrar’s voice is heard
and included in appropriate conversations. Show your managers how useful and knowledgeable a resource you are! This
session will also include tips on good communication at all
Catalog of Studies Publication "Best Practices" Birds of a
This session is intended for anyone involved in catalog publication, and is meant to be an open forum for discussing what
that process looks like at each institution. Here's your chance
to see how other schools are handling the same challenges
facing you, so bring a list of questions (or sage words of advice)
to share. Possible topics include:
How are updates to the catalog handled?
Who is responsible for overseeing the publication
What checks & balances are in place to ensure accuracy in
the publication?
Who are the key players on campus involved in updating
catalog information?
What information is included/excluded in your
How & when does your institution "publish" the catalog
(and how often)?
Edward Trombley III, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Worldwide
M.J. Caro, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Marcia McQuerry, Oklahoma Baptist University
NCAA Division II “Path to Graduation” - New Academic
The NCAA staff will review the recently adopted Division II
initial, continuing, and transfer eligibility requirements. Participants will have the opportunity to ask about specific situations they have encountered.
Lisa Kulczak, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Olivier Charles, Auburn University at Montgomery
Andrew Cardamone, NCAA
Diversity Training Made Fun and Easy
At the Office of the Registrar at the University of Georgia, we
strive to give the best customer service possible. Diversity
training is the way we ensure that our staff is fully capable of
communicating successfully with “individuals” who contact
our office while avoiding unintentional misunderstandings,
mistreatment, or disrespect. In this session, you will have the
opportunity to go through one of our training modules which
covers some situations that pertain to multicultural communication, assisting persons with disabilities, and stereotyping.
Kristina Brantley, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
School Counselor Engagement – Enhancing partnership
through innovative approach
This session is intended for anyone tasked with building a relationship with High School Guidance Counselors. Counselors
play a critical role in the college identification and selection
process for students. From an Admissions perspective, Counselors are a key point of entry into a school and crucial to
identifying prospective college applicants. This session will
give attendees an overview of regional receptions, counselor
fly-ins, on-campus appreciation events and the use of technology to better foster a relationship between an Admissions
Office and target high schools via Counselors. I will also share
the highlights and lessons learned from planning and executing such programs at both large & medium size public universities.
Kristin Drapela, University of Georgia
Texas Ruegg, Tarrant County College
How important is color to your campus?
Student voices are becoming more prevalent through social
media and empowerment. Lets take a view of universities
where students have had enough! What are these universities
doing? How do you play a role in the overall picture?
Abey Taddele Dessie, University of North Carolina
Brandon Tigue, Western Carolina University
SACRAO Outstanding Presenter
Kimberly McCay
Leana Wilson, University of South Alabama
To Cloud Or Not To Cloud.…That Is The Question
With Oracle Student Information Systems, the choice to
transform your campus with the Oracle Student Cloud, or the
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions application, or a combination of
both, is yours. Oracle applications unleash the power of your
people to predict, align, collaborate and service. Join us to
learn more about the power of Oracle’s private and public
cloud options for your modern campus technological transformation.
Warning! Warning! Registrar Data Security!
Security in the Banner student system as well as auditing that
security is a very important process at Texas Tech University.
Come learn how users gain access to student data and how
security audits are completed. The process and documentation for both will be reviewed, discussed, and given to attendees as examples.
Bobbie Brown, Texas Tech University
Brent Kelley, Oracle Corporation
Mike Rogers, Oracle Corporation
Nancy L. Umphres, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Your Non-Verbal Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words
The majority of the messages we send are never spoken. We
all know our nonverbal messages are important in communication, but did you know that they extend way beyond simple
facial expressions and body movements? During this presentation you will discover how other factors such as space, time,
sound, and even smell can impact our interactions with others.
Break with Corporate Partners
2:30 - 3:00 pm
Mobile Convention Center Concourse
Program Sessions (T4) 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Ginnifer Cie' Gee, University of Texas at San Antonio
SACRAO Outstanding Presenter
Birds of a Feather - Information Technology
This session is an opportunity for members in the Information
Technology area, who support Registrar's and Admissions
Offices, to discuss their challenges, experiences and insight
with different systems and processes.
Barbara L. Rowe, Washington and Lee University
Pre- event planning for every graduation Ceremony
The addition of ADA enhancements to your ceremony. What
web casting can do and ceremony video. Join this in-depth and
comprehensive review of what institutions do to prepare for
their events. What role do grad fairs play and what they may
include? Al Suckow will conduct this discussion, leading an
interactive discussion. Multiple view points and experiences
are encouraged.
Nancy L. Umphres, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Nikki Hon, University of Georgia
Building Your Team Before They Arrive
Both newly-promoted and experienced staff and managers can
benefit from this session on interviewing for the best new
team member. Effective interviewing is a major step in the
overall recruitment process, a step that, when performed well
with the right preparation, tools, and plan, can make a tremendous difference in getting the best candidate.
Al Suckow, Lifetouch Special Events
Transform your business process with CourseLeaf Catalog
(CAT), Curriculum (CIM), and Section Scheduler (CLSS)
to better serve your students.
In this session the Assistant Registrar from the University of
Alabama will explain why their institution moved away from a
manual (paper/email) based process to a fully integrated,
online, efficient, accurate, transparent, and collaborative workflow process with CourseLeaf CAT, CIM, and CLSS and how
their strategic development partnership with Leepfrog helped
them accomplish their project's implementation goals.
Topics covered:
Use of the Position Description when formulating an
effective interview strategy
 Why “The single best predictor of future job performance
is past job behavior”
 Training your interview team to conduct a legal and effective interview
 The STAR method - Situation, Task, Action & Result
 Jumpstarting the new employee onboarding process
W. Michael George, University of Alabama
Teresa Faulkner
Jacob Jones, University of Alabama
Shari Friedman, Leepfrog Technologies
Audrey Crawford, University of Montevallo
Melissa Holmes, Elon University
Disaster Recovery – Is Your Office Really Ready?
We’ve all been warned about being ready for the major disasters that hit with little or no warning such as the tornados that
hit the University of Alabama in 2011. As a result, many
schools have put disaster recovery plans into place. Most plans
cover loss of data or loss of buildings. What happens when
you lose key personnel unexpectedly? How prepared is your
office to handle the day to day specifics of a vital position if
someone were suddenly out of the office for an extended period of time? The U of A faced this problem in January 2013,
when a key employee had a heart attack. Come learn how we
coped with the immediate situation, and what strategies we’ve
implemented to lessen the impact of sudden loss of personnel
since then.
Military Friendly – The Difference Between an Award and
a Commitment
This session is designed to advise and inform higher education
staff of the importance of being a military friendly school. A
variety of topics will be covered, including how to utilize technology to simplify certification and benefit requests, transition
assistance from combat to the classroom, and key aspects of
using Banner for certification and data collection. Additionally, we'll also discuss marketing to veterans and dependents,
tuition and fee deferments, and on campus student-veteran
groups. Join us to learn more about recognizing our heroes on
Kevin Thomas Flanary, Tennessee Tech University
Jean Mitchell, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Robin R. Carr, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Amy K. Clines, Columbus State University
Lisa Kulczak, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Many Hats, One Head: How to Survive --and Thrive -When Pulled in Many Directions
Registrars in small schools may have broad-ranging responsibilities and little to no support staff. Hear how to survive —
and even thrive — in such an environment. A sense of humor
is absolutely required.
Examining the Enrollment and Persistence of Students
with Discrepant High School Grades and Standardized
Test Scores
Considering an applicant’s likelihood of persistence in the
admission decision takes advantage of one of the earliest opportunities to affect institutional retention and graduation
rates. Research shows students with high grades in high
school and high standardized test scores are more likely to
persist in college, and students with low grades and low test
scores are less likely to persist. This session will present research that examined the enrollment and persistence of students with discrepant high school grades and test scores,
those either with high grades in high school and low test
scores or with low grades in high school and high test scores.
The findings of this research and the implications for practice
will be discussed.
Dr. Steve McLeod, Harding University Main Campus
Richard Jimmerson, University of Texas at Arlington
Navigating the Student Lifecycle
Helping students navigate from the prospect stage through to
enrollment and ultimately graduation is a daunting task. Learn
how you can seamlessly and efficiently manage the entire student lifecycle by leveraging Hobsons’ Naviance and Radius
enrollment management technologies. Special attention will
be given to strategies to connect with the over 10 million students in the Naviance network and to walking those students
through recruitment, enrollment, retention, and graduation
with a unified technology platform. Get ready to be strategic,
successful, and get time back in your day.
Dr. Edgar Sanchez, ACT
Anne Edmunds
Tennie McBryde, Trenholm State Technical College
Free Tools of the trade
Not all software you use in your office needs to be an enterprise-wide system implemented by your IT group. We will
show you free tools, apps, and programs that you can use in
your daily work life to increase productivity and reduce hassle.
Desktop, tablet, and phone applications will be highlighted.
We will also discuss FERPA and other privacy implications to
using these tools in a higher education setting.
Glenn Evans, Hobsons
Megan Pugh, Hobsons
Open House: Elevating the Experience
A detailed look at how Western Carolina University has transformed their Open House events over the past three years.
Taking an event that covered programs but didn't make a lasting impression to one that leaves guests talking days later. This
session covers the schedule, planning, evaluations, and much
more that's involved in transforming your program.
Kurt Morton, University of Alabama
ner/Ellucian users to discuss latest issues, share business practices and solutions.
Patrick Frazier
Brandon Tigue, Western Carolina University
SACRAO Outstanding Presenter
Scott Harvey, Tri-County Technical College
Mike Hooper
Datatel/Ellucian User Group
This session provides an opportunity to meet with other
Datatel/Ellucian users to discuss latest issues, share business
practices and solutions.
UNO’s Alternative to Wait-listing: Demand Analysis
The University of New Orleans was plagued by the age-old
problems of course compression, scheduling conflicts, superfluous course pre-requisites, over-use of course permissions/
overrides, an incessant demand for wait-listing as the means
to resolve these issues, and student complaints around registration and enrollment. Does one of these sound familiar?
Or, do all of these sound familiar? Please come to this interactive session to see how we began to address these issues with a
process at UNO we call ‘Demand Analysis’. The Presenter
encourages active participation and will briefly discuss future
plans toward curriculum mapping across the University in
conjunction with registration and enrollment for future terms
as a retention effort.
Kacey Higgins, Hardin-Simmons University
Degree Works User Group
This session provides an opportunity to meet with other Degree Works users to discuss latest issues, share business practices and solutions.
Kurt Morton, University of Alabama
Dr. Matt Moore, University of New Orleans
Jenzabar User Group
This session provides an opportunity to meet with other Jenzabar users to discuss latest issues, share business practices
and solutions.
Barbara Davenport Wilson, Brenau University
eTranscript Exchange: Turning Credentials Into
Thousands of high schools and post-secondary institutions are
sending and receiving transcripts electronically. It just makes
sense to enjoy the tracking, communication, and enhanced
security that Parchment's patented PDF technology and Exchange Platform can bring. Save up to 85% of the time you
spend processing transcripts, and gain 100% peace of mind for
you and your students by adopting a platform that will support your credential needs today and in the future. Join Parchment in a discussion about our mission to help students turn
their credentials into opportunities through simple and secure
eTranscript exchange.
Stuart Moore, Spring Hill College
Oracle/PeopleSoft User Group
This session provides an opportunity to meet with other Oracle/PeopleSoft users to discuss latest issues, share business
practices and solutions.
Joe Scribner, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Big Event at the History Museum of Mobile
Melissa O’Connor, Parchment, Inc.
6:00 – 10:00 pm
Program Sessions (T5) 4:15 - 5:15 pm
A modern museum housed in the Southern Market/
Old City Hall National Historic Landmark, the Museum
of Mobile is a visual masterpiece that provides an
unparalleled museum experience. Join us for the Big
Event celebrating SACRAO, Mobile and Mardi Gras!
Alliant Data Systems User Group
This session provides an opportunity to meet with other Alliant Data users to discuss latest issues, share business practices and solutions.
Hospitality - Open to All
Lori Chisem, Lawson State Community College
10:00 – 11:00 pm
Jubilee Room 2nd Floor
(Renaissance Riverview)
Banner/Ellucian User Group
This session provides an opportunity to meet with other Ban24
Power Campus/Ellucian User Group
This session provides an opportunity to meet with other Power
Campus/Ellucian users to discuss latest issues, share business
practices and solutions.
Keri Boer, Montreat College
Wednesday, February 4
LAC Audit Committee
8:00 - 5:00 pm
Baypoint Suite (Renaissance Riverview)
SACRAO Breakfast for all attendees, General Plenary Sessions
8:00 - 10:15 am
Grand Ballroom
Forums (W2)
10:30 - 11:30 am
Executive Committee Meeting and Lunch
12:00 - 6:00 pm
Grand Bay Ballroom (Renaissance
SACRAO Breakfast for all attendees
General Plenary Session &
Invitation to Oklahoma City
Grand Ballroom
8:00 – 10:15 am
Speaker: Barmak Nassirian
Forums (W2) 10:30 - 11:30 am
Admissions Forum
Open forum for attendees whose work is centered in the Admissions Office.
Ronnie Chalmers Jr., North Carolina State University
Registrar Forum
Open Forum for attendees whose work is centered in the Registrar's Office.
John A. Hall, Southern Methodist University
Platinum Level Corporate Partner Sponsors
SACRAO expresses its sincere appreciation to the following companies for supporting SACRAO 2015 as
Platinum Level Corporate Partner Sponsors.
Gold Level Corporate Partner Sponsors
SACRAO expresses its sincere appreciation to the following Gold Level Corporate Partner Sponsors of SACRAO 2015.
Silver Level Corporate Partner Sponsors
SACRAO expresses its sincere appreciation to the following Silver Level Corporate Partner Sponsors of SACRAO 2015.
Corporate Partners
Booth #6
Booth #39
Booth \ Booth #4
Booth #31 Booth #34
Booth #1 & 2
Booth #14 Booth #8 & 9
Booth #24
Booth #13 Booth #16 & 17 Booth #41
Booth #26
Booth #32
Booth #35
Booth #28 Booth #25
Booth #37
Booth #12
Booth #21 & 22
Booth #27
\ Booth #33
Booth #7
Booth #19
Booth #40
Booth #29 Booth #3
Booth #42 Booth #23
Booth #38
Booth #10 & 11
Booth #36
Booth #30
Booth #18
Booth #5
Booth #20
Booth #15
Corporate Partner Sessions
Ad Astra
Advancing Student Success Through
Improved Course Access and
M4.12 Monday 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Navigating the Student Lifecycle
T4.8 Tuesday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
eTranscript Exchange: Turning
Credentials Into Opportunities
T4.11 Tuesday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Runner Technologies
Student Schedule Planning Plays An
Important Role In Graduation
Initiatives & Student Success
M3.10 Monday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Transform your business process with
CourseLeaf Catalog (CAT),
Curriculum (CIM), and Section
Scheduler (CLSS) to better serve your
T3.11 Tuesday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
College Scheduler
Lifetouch Special Events
Pre- event planning for every
graduation Ceremony
T3.10 Tuesday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
In-House Diploma Printing – Our
Commencement Solution
M2.10 Monday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
National Student
SEAtS Software
College Scheduler
Student Schedule Planning Plays An
Important Role In Graduation
Initiatives & Student Success
T2.10 Tuesday 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Will my courses transfer? Help
students answer this popular question
and many others with CollegeSource's
newest service, Transferology.
T2.11 Tuesday 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Credentials eSCRIP-SAFE
Credentials Solutions & eSCRIPSAFE: A Merger That Benefits You,
Your Institution, Students & Alumni
M5.11 Monday 4:15 PM - 05:15 PM
A Total Transcript Solution for You –
With a Special Note for Ellucian Colleges
M3.11 Monday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
To Cloud Or Not To Cloud.…That Is
The Question
T3.12 Tuesday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
It's Time to Reimagine Your Course
M2.12 Monday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Building Digital Roadmaps for Successful Student Outcomes
M2.11 Monday 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Catalogs, Curriculum, Syllabi &
Transfer--Complete Academic
Content Management
M4.10 Monday 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Tribal Group
Digital Architecture
Increase your efficiency while saving
time and money using Address Verification in your SIS or CRM with
M5.12 Monday 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
Diplomas! Getting it Right!!
M5.10 Monday 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
Student Experience: Early
intervention generates results
M4.11 Monday 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
SACRAO Annual Conference
February 6-10, 2016
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Greetings from the great state of Oklahoma! We are thrilled to be hosting the 69th annual meeting for the
Southern Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers! We look forward to seeing you in
Oklahoma City for the 69th annual meeting and to get your kicks on historic Route 66!
- Rick Edgington , LAC Chair
Oklahoma City, OK Welcomes SACRAO!
Oklahoma City has transformed
7.5 miles of dry riverbed into an urban
park (Oklahoma River Trails) and
Olympic-caliber rowing center.
Bricktown has emerged as the city’s
premier entertainment district.
The central Oklahoma River has a
community boathouse and a new
West River Trail. An 11-acre whitewater rafting center is due in 2015.
Local architect firms and coffee roasters that wouldn't be out of place in
Portland, Oregon, now line once
dormant Automobile Alley. And then
there’s MidTown. MidTown has
sprouted condos, a boutique hotel,
and Dust Bowl Lanes, a Tulsan import, with its 1970s-style bowling alley.
From Will Rogers World Airport,
rent a car, take a taxi, or take the shuttle bus for the 15-minute ride to
Bricktown, the city’s entertainment
district, and the 69th annual meeting
conference hotel. Amtrak’s Heartland
Flyer also runs daily between Fort
Worth, Texas, and Bricktown’s Sante
Fe Depot, just a couple of blocks away
from our conference hotel.
The 69th annual meeting will be
hosted at the Renaissance Oklahoma
City Convention Center Hotel by
Marriott and the Cox Convention
Center. The hotel is within walking
distance of Bricktown, the Myriad
Botanical Gardens, the Oklahoma City
National Memorial and Museum, and
Chesapeake Energy Arena, home to
the NBA’s Oklahoma City Thunder.
It only took one day for Oklahoma
City to become a city. The day was
April 22, 1889, when the federal government held the first “land run” into
the Unassigned Lands (territory not
designated for a specific Indian
nation) of modern-day western Oklahoma. Some folks crossed over before
the actual shot was fired opening the
lands to settlement…we call them
“Sooners.” More than 10,000 men,
women, and children moved to Oklahoma City that day, founding the city
that would become the state capital in
America’s most beloved highway,
Route 66, has a rich and diverse
history. Oklahoma has played a huge
part in that history, being centrally
located along the route and holding
the country’s longest section of Route
66 running through our capital city.
In 2016, we welcome SACRAO
members to Oklahoma City and
extend a friendly welcome to all
SACRAO members to get your kicks
on Route 66 and enjoy our capital city!
2016 Annual Meeting LAC
Member Services
The SACRAO Executive Committee, Program Committees, Standing Committees, and other groups are dedicated to the
promotion of professional development of members in admissions, enrollment management, registration, records, information
technology, and related areas.
SACRAO Website
You will find information about the history of the
association, membership, and the Executive Committee.
The site also includes links to meeting information, an “I’m
Available” form for volunteering your service, program and
other information about the annual meeting, and online
capability for members to update their SACRAO Directory
Four days are set aside each February, usually a Sunday
through a Wednesday, for the annual conference. Members
participate in professional development sessions, strengthen
interpersonal ties and professional friendships, and enhance
communication channels among peers. The conference includes about 100 carefully planned sessions and business
meetings. The 69th annual meeting will be held February 710, 2016, in Oklahoma City, OK. For more information, contact the Local Arrangements Chair, Landon Waid, University
of Alabama, or any member of the Executive Committee.
Job Board
One of the services SACRAO provides to its members
and the profession is the ability to link qualified professionals
with exciting position vacancies in higher education admissions, records/registration, enrollment management, academic affairs, and student services through the Job Board.
Click on the Job Board logo from the SACRAO home page.
SACRAO Directory
Member Participation
The Directory is maintained on-line and provides lists of
institutional, individual, honorary, associate and corporate
members. It also includes the most recent edition of the
Constitution and By-laws, lists of individuals recognized for
service to the organization, history of past meetings and a
guide to future meetings. For more information, contact
Rodney Miller, Covenant College, SACRAO Vice President
for States/Regionals and Membership
SACRAO is a completely volunteer organization. We
are always in need of volunteers for standing and program
committees, session presenters and coordinators, and meeting organizers. Anyone interested in participating in any of
SACRAO’s various volunteer opportunities should contact
the SACRAO President-Elect, DeAnna Adams, Rhodes College.
SACRAO Newsletters and Journals
SACRAO has a rich history of scholarly publications. The
earliest edition of the SACRAO journal was printed in 1985.
The SACRAO Newsletter chronicles the news and events of
the organization with details about it's members, state associations, and annual conferences. The SACRAO newsletter is
published three times a year and the SACRAO journal is published annually.
2014-2015 SACRAO Executive Committee
Amy Barber,
Associate Registrar for Technology
East Carolina University
205 Whichard Bldg, Mail Stop 518
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
Phone: 252-737-2281
Joe Papari,
Director of Enrollment Services
Southern Methodist University
SMU P O Box 750181
Dallas, Texas 75275-0181
Phone: 214-768-2056
Immediate Past President
Dorinda Harmon,
Director of Admissions for Special Populations
College of Charleston
TCU Box 297004, Fort Worth TX 76129
Phone: 843-953-5934
Vice President, Admissions &
Enrollment Management
Ronnie Chalmers,
Assistant Director of Admissions
North Carolina State University
Box 7103
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695
Phone: 919-513-1705
Vice President, Information
Nancy Umphres,
Business Analyst, Student Records &
Degree Audit
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
146 Silas H. Hunt Hall
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
Phone: 479-575-6634
Vice President, Professional Access
and Equity
Leana Wilson,
Associate University Registrar
University of South Alabama
390 Alumni Circle, Suite 1100
Meisler Hall
Mobile, Alabama 36688
Phone: 251-460-6251
Mike Turner,
Director of Programs and Special Projects
College of William and Mary
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795
Phone: 757-221-2809
Member-at-Large (Evaluations)
Vice President, Professional
Barbara Rowe,
Associate University Registrar
Washington and Lee University
Early-Fielding G014, 3 Lee Ave
Lexington, Virginia 24450-2116
Phone: 540-458-8454
Vice President, Records and
Wayne Banks,
Southern Arkansas University Tech
P O Box 3499
Camden, Arkansas 71711
Phone: 870-574-4493
Vice President, States/Regionals and
Rodney Miller,
Dean of Records
Covenant College
14049 Scenic Highway
Lookout Mountain, Georgia 30750
Phone: 706-419-1134
Bradley Barnes,
Senior Associate Director
University of Alabama
Box 870132
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487
Phone: 205-348-8207
Member-at-Large (Recognition
& Awards)
Andrew Green,
Director of Enrollment Management
Jacksonville State University
700 Pelham Road North
Jacksonville, Alabama 36265
Phone: 256-782-5268
SACRAO 2015 Local Arrangements
Landon Waid,
Sr Associate Director for Orientation
and Special Programs
University of Alabama
Box 870132
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487
Phone: 205-348-4999
Newsletter Editor#
Bobbye Fry,
University Of The Incarnate Word
4301 Broadway, CPO 304
San Antonio, Texas 78209
Phone: 210-829-6006
Rodney Parks,
University Registrar
Elon University
2106 Campus Box
Elon, North Carolina 27244-2010
Phone: 336-278-6677
# Ex-officio, non-voting
2014-2015 Program Committees
Academic Calendars,
Scheduling, and Publications
Wayne Banks, VP
Southern Arkansas University
Lisa Kulczak, Chair
University of Arkansas,
Kristina Brantley
Embry Riddle Aeronautical
Casey Capps
Martin Methodist College
Jacob Jones
University of Alabama
Susan Kennon
Lynchburg College
Jean Mitchell
University of Arkansas,
Dr. Rheanna Painter Plemons
Western Kentucky University
Latasha Monique Jones
University of North CarolinaWilmington
Professional Development
Barbara L. Rowe, VP
Washington and Lee
Rodney Miller
Covenant College
Brian C. Antie, Chair
Louisiana State University
Information Technology
Clayton F. Benton
Louisiana State University
Nancy L. Umphres, VP
University of Arkansas,
Amy K. Clines
Columbus State University
Kurt Morton, Chair
University of Alabama
Laura Ann Forest
Auburn University
Robert F. Askins
University of South CarolinaColumbia
Bobbie Brown
Texas Tech University
Schernavia Hall
University of Alabama
Robin R Carr
University of Arkansas,
Marla J. Herron
Northern Kentucky University
Brenda Schumann
University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Thomas Donohoe
East Tennessee State
Sharon Stoddard
Winston-Salem State
Casey Hayes
Elon University
Mandy Stovall
Elon University
Kacey Higgins
Hardin-Simmons University
Registration Techniques and
Records Management
Becky Tankersley, Chair
Georgia Institute of
Melissa Holmes
Elon University
Wayne Banks, VP
Southern Arkansas University
Dr. Bradley Barnes
University of Alabama
Nikki Hon
University of Georgia
Paul Casebolt
Florida College
Dixie Mitchell
Auburn University
Kevin Thomas Flanary
Tennessee Technological
Kim Taylor
University of Texas at Austin
Ronnie Chalmers Jr, VP
North Carolina State
Heather Dawn Hogarth-Smith
Associate Member
Richard Jimmerson
University of Texas at
Kelli Peterson
Cameron University
Cynthia Terry
University of Alabama at
W. Michael George
University of Alabama
Scott Harvey
Tri-County Technical College
Admissions, School
Relations, Financial Aid,
International, and Graduate
Patrice M. Hawkins
Associate Member
Dr. Steve McLeod, Chair
Harding University Main
Kristina Brantley
Embry Riddle Aeronautical
Shayne Gervais
Virginia Tech
Patrick Frazier
Western Carolina University
Leana Wilson, VP
University of South Alabama
Ryan Garrity, Chair
Tulane University
Kristin Drapela
University of Georgia
Milena Jarvis
University of Florida
Dr. Cassandra Lachica
University of Texas at El Paso
D'Undray Peterson
Shelton State Community
Jeong Powell
North Carolina State
Brenda Sawyer
Rochelle W. Shields
Northern Kentucky University
Suzanne Simpson
Delta State University
Helen NeJuan Stewart
Auburn University
Brandon Tigue
Western Carolina University
2014-2015 Standing Committees
Dr. Allen B. Moody, Chair
National Park Community
Amy Bissette Barber, Chair
East Carolina University
M. Michele Forbes
Louisiana State University
Jonathan T. Reece
University of North CarolinaWilmington
Sheryl M. Gray
Carson-Newman University
Richard Jimmerson
University of Texas at Arlington
Dorinda Q. Harmon
College of Charleston
Todd Koch
University of Arkansas-Fort
Joe Papari
Southern Methodist University
Tracy Roberts
Murray State University
Michael Turner
College of William and Mary
Daniel Strickland
University of Montevallo
Journal Board
Amanda Steele-Middleton
Meredith College
Brandon Tigue
Western Carolina University
Barbara L. Rowe, VP
Washington and Lee University
Helen NeJuan Stewart
Auburn University
Constitution and Bylaws
Kathi Wilson
Maryville College
Dorinda Q. Harmon, Chair
College of Charleston
Dr. Matthew P. McCrickard,
Wallace State Community
D. Scott Dittman
Washington and Lee
Robert F. Askins
University of South CarolinaColumbia
Kim Taylor, Chair
University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Jacquelyn D. Elliott
Marion Military Institute
Bobbie Brown
Texas Tech University
Mary W. Kincannon
Texas Christian University
Dr. John T. Fletcher
East Carolina University
Sara L. Marchello
College of William and Mary
Jennifer Hardy
University of TennesseeKnoxville
Nominations and Elections
Sheryl M. Gray
Carson-Newman University
Dr. Bradley Barnes, Chair
University of Alabama
DeAnna Adams
Rhodes College
Wayne Banks
Southern Arkansas University
Patrick Frazier
Western Carolina University
Jonathan T. Reece
University of North CarolinaWilmington
Judith McKeon
Jefferson College of Health
Recognition and Awards
Andrew Green, Chair
Jacksonville State University
Zoe W. DuRant
Cameron University
M. Michele Forbes
Louisiana State University
John A. Hall
Southern Methodist University
Cecil L. McCaskill III
Armstrong State University
Carol S. Nobles
Honorary Member
Angela R. Anderson, Chair
East Carolina University
Susie Coleman Archer
Vanderbilt University
Zoe W. DuRant
Cameron University
Dr. Allen B. Moody
National Park Community
Ann Dziadon
University of West Florida
Brenda Schumann
University of Texas at Austin
Dr. John T. Fletcher
East Carolina University
Brandon Tigue
Western Carolina University
Louis Edward Jimenez Sr
Texas State University-San
Professional Access and Equity
Leana Wilson, Chair
University of South Alabama
Member Relations
Rodney Miller, VP
Covenant College
Ryan Garrity
Tulane University
Holly Swart, Chair
Wake Technical Community
Dr. John L Mason
Honorary Member
Wayne Banks
Southern Arkansas University
Jairo McMican
North Carolina Central
Patrick H. A. Miller
Texas Christian University
Barbara Davenport Wilson
Brenau University
Site Selection
Dorinda Q. Harmon, Chair
College of Charleston
Timothy P. Culhan
Centre College
Casey Capps
Martin Methodist College
Mary W. Kincannon
Texas Christian University
Amy K. Clines
Columbus State University
Cecil L. McCaskill III
Armstrong State University
2015-2016 SACRAO Executive Committee
Joe Papari,
Director of Enrollment Services
Southern Methodist University
SMU P O Box 750181
Dallas, Texas 75275-0181
Phone: 214-768-2056
Vice President, Professional Access and
Ryan Garrity*,
Associate University Registrar
Tulane University
110 Gibson Hall
New Orleans, Louisiana 70118-5555
Phone: 504-865-5231
Immediate Past President
Amy Barber,
Associate Registrar for Technology
East Carolina University
205 Whichard Bldg, Mail Stop 518
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
Phone: 252-737-2281
Vice President, Admissions &
Enrollment Management
Ronnie Chalmers,
Assistant Director of Admissions
North Carolina State University
Box 7103
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695
Phone: 919-513-1705
Vice President, Information
Nancy Umphres,
Business Analyst, Student Records &
Degree Audit
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
146 Silas H. Hunt Hall
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
Phone: 479-575-6634
Andrew Green*,
Director of Enrollment Management
Jacksonville State University
700 Pelham Road North
Jacksonville, Alabama 36265
Phone: 256-782-5268
Member-at-Large (Evaluations)
DeAnna Adams*,
Rhodes College
2000 North Parkway
Memphis, Tennessee 38112-1690
Phone: 214-768-2056
Vice President, Professional
Bradley Barnes*,
Senior Associate Director
University of Alabama
Box 870132
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487
Phone: 205-348-8207
Vice President, Records and
Rheanna Plemons*,
Assistant Registrar
Western Kentucky University
1906 College Heights Blvd., 11017
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101-1017
Phone: 270-745-6451
Vice President, States/Regionals and
Casey Capps*,
Martin Methodist College
433 W. Madison Street
Pulaski, Tennessee 38478
Phone: 931-363-9809
Member-at-Large (Recognition
& Awards)
Scott Argo*,
Interim Director of Admissions
Georgia Regents University
1120 15th Street
Benet House
Augusta, Georgia 30912
Phone: 706-667-4095
SACRAO 2016 Local Arrangements
Rodney Miller,
Dean of Records
Covenant College
14049 Scenic Highway
Lookout Mountain, Georgia 30750
Phone: 706-419-1134
Rick Edgington
Assoc VP for Enrollment Management/
Northern Oklahoma College
PO Box 310
Tonkawa, Oklahoma 74653
Phone: 580-628-6221
Newsletter Editor#
Bobbye Fry,
University Of The Incarnate Word
4301 Broadway, CPO 304
San Antonio, Texas 78209
Phone: 210-829-6006
Ginnifer Gee
Director of Records and Registration
University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, Texas 78249
Phone: 210-458-7552
*Pending election at the Annual Meeting
# Ex-officio, non-voting
The Margaret Ruthven Perry
Distinguished SACRAO Journalism Award
This award is presented annually to the author whose article in The SACRAO Journal promotes and advances knowledge,
techniques, and standards of competence in the profession. The award was initially established by Margaret Ruthven Perry, who
served as the first editor of The SACRAO Journal. It was named in her honor following the completion of her service as editor.
Listed below are the recipients of the award. The 2015 Margaret Ruthven Perry award winner will be announced at the Opening
1989 – Diane Freytag
The Evolution and Maintenance of an
Enrollment Management Program
2000 – Rick Skeel
How to Find Funding for EDI:
Oklahoma's State–wide Grant Approach
2008 – Dr. Ronald G. White
Experience Marketing: Putting Students
on the Frontline...Again
1990 – T. Luther "Luke" Gunter
Image Technology in the Information
Age: Is Microfilm Really Dead?
2001 – Dr. Angela J. Evans
Home School Education: Its Impact on a
State University
2009 – Dr. Lisa B. Harris
The Enrollment Manager as a Change
1992 – Dr. Bruce W. Cunningham
Students Versus Registrars: Opponents of
Partners in the Educational Process
2002 – Paul F. Taylor
The Future of Higher Education in the
21st Century
2010 – Holly Swart
Strategic Training and Communication:
The Keys to Our Successful System Implementation
1994 – Dr. David H. Stones
On the Strategic Nature of SPEEDE/
ExPRESS: Scalability, and Applicability
of EDI in the Workplace
2003 – Bradley W. Johnson and
Sheldon L. Stick
Application of Strategic Planning to
Enrollment in a Community College
1996 – James Lynch
African–American Undergraduate
Recruitment Strategies
2004 – Dr. Louis D. Hunt Jr.
What's Your Social? Replacing the Social
Security Number
2012 – Reta Pikowsky
Assessment in the Registrar's Office
1997 – Dr. Michael E. Malone
SACRAO's "50th": A Tint of Gold
2005 – Dr. John T. Fletcher
Get Ahead and Stay Ahead: Summers at
Auburn, Creating a Program to
Maximize Your Summer Enrollment
2013 – Dr. Rodney Parks
The Displaced Student: Responding to
the Higher Education Challenges
Imposed by Hurricane Katrina
2006 – Magdalena Williams
Achievement and Retention Patterns in
a Predominantly Hispanic Serving
Institution of Higher Education
2014 – Ashley Edwards and
Dr. Rodney Parks
Transgenderism and the College
Experience: Transitioning Challenges
During Higher Education
1998 – Cynthia Farrier
Electronic Grades: From Professor to
Student Information System
1999 – Edward L. McGlone
Primer on Outcomes Assessment for
Academic Administrators
2007 – Dr. Matthew P. McCrickard
Adapting Solution Focused Advising:
Effective Communication Strategies for
2011 – Dr. Matthew P. McCrickard
Accent the Positive: Identifying
Opportunities in Enrollment Services
Through Appreciative Inquiry
SACRAO Annual Meeting Outstanding
Presenter Award Recipients
This award is presented after the annual meeting to the SACRAO member who is judged to have presented the best session
at the annual meeting. Consideration is given to delivery, preparation, relevancy, and session attendee evaluation.
Sojourner Marabel Grimmett
Savannah College of Art and Design
Calling All Stay-AT-Work Moms!
Finding the Balance between Work and
Teri Little-Berry and Devona Sewell
College of Central Florida
"New Management, “Old” Staff and
“Because We’ve Always Done It That
Ginnifer Cie’ Gee
University of Texas at San Antonio
Do you Perceive Your Perception
Scott Harvey
Tri-County Technical College
Using Excel Pivot Tables to Quickly &
Easily Analyze Student Data
Lian Lynch and Holly Swart
North Carolina State University
Coordinated Testing and Training for a
New System Implementation
Susan Stephenson
Marion Military Institute
How to Conduct a Meaningful
Performance Evaluation
Ron White, Columbia College, and
Michael Nichols, Southern Wesleyan
The Seven Deadly Sins of Recruitment
D Scott Dittman
Washington and Lee University
The IT Razor: What’s New on the
Bleeding Edge
Tana Miller
West Texas A & M University
Color Lingo
Brandon Tigue
Western Carolina University
Diversity Defined Part 2
Distinguished Service Awards
This highly selective and rarely given award may be conferred either to current members of the association whose contributions have been so extraordinary as to warrant special recognition while still active, or to individuals retiring from or leaving the
profession whose contributions warrant special recognition. Recognition is based on a variety of factors including: the nominee’s participation in and leadership of SACRAO activities as evidenced by holding office, fulfilling committee responsibilities,
and attending and regularly participating in annual meeting programs. Service in the admissions and records profession for a
substantial portion of one’s career, other professional activities, and publications are also considered.
Paul H. Anderson
Carol S. Nobles
Albert L. Clary
Elbert W. Ockerman (posthumously)
Timothy P. Culhan
Columbus Posey
Dr. Bruce W. Cunningham
Joseph A. Roof
Janet L. Davis
Dr. Jerry D. Smith
D. Scott Dittman
John T. "Tom" Stewart
T. Luther "Luke" Gunter
Ray A. Stines
Dr. Lisa B. Harris
Dr. David H. Stones
Leon Hess (posthumously)
S. Mark Strickland
Sara L. Marchello
Dr. Claire C. Swann
Carol E. Medders
Paul F. Taylor
Charles "Chuck" Morgan
Other Service Awards History
Recognition Awards
Grady Bogue
Margaret Perry
Winston Carroll
M. O. Phelps
Bobby Cochran
Bill Price
Cliff Gillespie
Jack D. Thornton
Leon Hess
Jim Vaillancourt
Elbert W. Ockerman
Certificate of Appreciation
This recognition is for members and nonmembers who made a major direct or indirect contribution to SACRAO.
The 2015 Certificate of Appreciation recipients will be recognized at the opening Session.
Jill H. Allgier
Marla Jo McIver
Timothy Amyx
Carol E. Medders
Brian C. Antie
Robert N. Melott
Robert F. Askins
Robin Montgomery
1994, 1998
Steve Bazan
Dr. Allen B. Moody
Thomas Black
Charles "Chuck" Morgan
Barbara Blaney
Bill Morris
Harold Boling
Glenn W. Munson
Leanne C. Brewer
Ronald Neyman
John Bruce
Carol S. Nobles
2004, 2010
Maria Capella
Jo Anne Orndorff
Deborah Carver
Joe Orndorff
Barbara Childers
Joe Papari
Michael Colegrove
Carolyn M. Parham
Timothy P. Culhan
Helen L. Perkins*
Dr. Bruce W. Cunningham
Dr. Jayne Perkins Brown
Terry Davis
Margaret Ruthven Perry*
Michael "DOC" Doherty
Kristy Presswood
Robert K. Doolos
Tammy Rhodes
William B. Edmonds
1985, 1988
Joseph A. Roof
1989, 2000
Pat Ellison
Frank Sallee
Barbara Evans
Annette Satterfield
Otho Allen Ezell
Rick Skeel
Cynthia Farrier
Dr. Jerry D. Smith
1993, 1997
Nancy Ferraro
WS "Bud" Smith
Dr. John T. Fletcher
V. Shelby Stanfield
1998, 2000, 2013
Linda F. Glover
Chris Stevens
James L. "Les" Grigsby*
1994, 1996
Alesia Stewart
John A. Hall
John T. "Tom" Stewart
1987, 1996
Dorinda Q. Harmon
2003, 2005, 2010
Ray A. Stines
1996, 1997
Ron D. Hay
1989, 1994
Dr. David H. Stones
1985, 1998
Patti Holloway
Lee Suddath
Carol Holmgreen
Holly Swart
Michelle Johnson
Katherine H. Sweeney
Chuck Kettlewell
Paul F. Taylor
1992, 1996, 2006
Bobbie Latham
Jack D. Thornton
William F. Leslie
Joan Van Tol
Lester Lugo
Michele Wagner
Scott MacLachlan
Landon Waid
Susan MacLachlan*
Michael M. Watts
Sara L. Marchello
Martha Welch
Reno McCormick
Wes Williams
William F. Younkins
1987, 1988
Honorary Members
Honorary membership is awarded to individuals retiring from or leaving the profession who have made significant contributions to the admissions and records profession and who took a leadership role in SACRAO. The 2015 Honorary Members
will be announced at the Opening Session.
Dr. Frederick A. Fresh
Clark Atlanta University
Wilson Gantt*
Murray State University
James L. Garner Sr.
Georgia Institute of Technology
Donald A. Coleman
Georgia Southern College
Rita Garner
Georgia Health Sciences University
Dorothy B. Conley
Tuskegee University
R. Gary Gibson
Vanderbilt University
J. Douglas Conner*
Aileen Girard
Thomas Nelson Community College
R. Linton Cox Jr.
Georgia College
Linda F. Glover
Stetson University
William F. Adams
University of Alabama
W. Dan Chapman
University of Central Florida
Kathy Adams-Vandevender
University of Southern Mississippi
R.P Clark*
Memphis State University
Jill H. Allgier
Eastern Kentucky University
Albert L. Clary
Louisiana State University
Paul H. Anderson
Furman University
Robert A. "Bob" Anderson
Brevard Community College (FL)
Pamla R. Armstrong
East Central University
Roy Armstrong*
University of North Carolina
Paul Aucoin
Samford University
Calvin A. Cumbie
Texas Christian University
Rollin E. Godfrey*
University of South Carolina
Dr. Ernest W. Beals
Georgia State University
Dr. Bruce W. Cunningham
Old Dominion University
Dr. James E. Greene Jr.
Georgia State University
Doyle Bickers
West Georgia College
Walter N. Danner*
University of Georgia
Polly W. Griffin
Davidson College
Thomas Black
Duke University
Janet L Davis
Southwest Louisiana University
E. Frederick Griffith Jr.
Brunswick College
T. Luther "Luke" Gunter
University of South Carolina
Nan G. Hall
University of Alabama-Huntsville
Su-Zan Harper
Texas A&M University
Dr. Grady Bogue
Tennessee Commission on Higher
Medford P. Bowman*
Austin Peay State College
Elizabeth de Lopez
University of the Americas
William K. Dease Sr.
Morehouse College
Harold K. Duerksen
University of Arkansas - Little Rock
Dr. Floyd D. Boze
Texas Tech University
Dr. Lisa B. Harris
Mississippi State University
Dr. Dennis J. Dulniak
University of Central Florida
Bryan Bradford
University of Alabama
Joe F. Head
Kennesaw State University
William B. Edmonds
Gainesville College
Herman Bradshaw Jr.
Southern College of Technology
Dorothy Bryant
College of William and Mary
Malcolm Evans*
Southwestern College Memphis
Cleo Gillis Hester*
Murray State College
Cynthia Farrier
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
George A. Hill
Auburn University at Montgomery
James L. Buford*
Vanderbilt University
James H. Bundy
North Carolina State University
William L. Carmichael*
Georgia Institute of Technology
Deborah Carver
Daytona Beach Community College
Lloyd G. Chapin*
Georgia Institute of Technology
Nancy Ferraro
University of South Florida
Carol Holmgreen
University of Texas at Austin
Linda Finley
McNeese State University
John M. Houchens*
University of Louisville
Dr. Stephen D. House
Western Kentucky University
Robert B. Folsom*
The Citadel
Phyllis D. Fontaine
Milligan College
John A. Hunter*
Louisiana State University
S. W. Hutton
Texas Christian University
Charles "Chuck" Morgan
Berea College
Dr. Glen A. Rose
Broward Community College
C. J. Hyde Jr. *
Southeastern Louisiana University
Glenn W. Munson
Rhodes College
Brona Roy*
Brevard College
Christie Kangas
Texas State University - San Marcos
Carol S. Nobles
Medical College of Georgia
Dr. Gene D. Saucier
University of Southern Mississippi
John G. Kelly*
Winthrop College
Elbert W. Ockerman*
University of Kentucky
J. William Savely
College of William and Mary
Carolyn M. Parham
University of South Alabama
Bates L. Scoggins*
Wofford College
Celeste Kitchen
Lamar State College of Technology
Harriet M. Parker
Western Carolina University
Rick Skeel
University of Oklahoma
Bob Klaassen
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Rick Parrent
Old Dominion University
Wendy Smallwood*
University of Florida
Jacob O. Koehl
University of Southwestern Louisiana
Dr. Casius H. Pealer
Central Florida Community College
Dr. Jerry D. Smith
North Kentucky University
Dorothy M. Kiser
Hardin-Simmons University
Robert M. Koser Jr.
Florida Atlantic University
Helen L. Perkins*
University of Montevallo
Dr. Roy C. Smith
University of Alabama
Mike Lacy*
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Margaret Ruthven Perry*
Wake Forest University
William G. Smyth Jr.
University of Tennessee
William F. Leslie
Georgia Institute of Technology
M. O. Phelps*
University of Georgia
Dr. Frank H. Spain
University of South Florida
Beverly Q. Lewis
Louisiana State University
Louise Phillips
Southwest Texas State University
Kate Stanley*
University of Tennessee Medical Units
Mary Livengood*
Columbus College
Lylene Pilkenton
South Texas College of Law
Marceline M. Staples*
Old Dominion University
Dr. Greta S. Mack
Arkansas State University
Sue Pine
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Gail Stephens
University of South Carolina
Dr. Michael E. Malone
Western Carolina University
Kathy Plante
University of New Orleans
John T. "Tom" Stewart
Miami Dade College
Dr. John L Mason
Morehouse College
A. P. Posey
Mississippi State University
Ray A. Stines
University of Louisville
Kermit Mathison*
University of Montevallo
Columbus Posey
Jefferson State Junior College
S. Guerry Stokes*
Agnes Scott College
Larry F. Matthews
University of Arkansas
Truman Pouncey*
University of Tennessee
John Leonard McDaniel
Arkansas State University
Teresa P. Pradat
University of Alabama
Mac G. McRaney
Delta State University
Carol E. Medders
University of Alabama - Birmingham
Robert N. Melott
Tulsa Junior College
Dr. David H. Stones
Southwestern University
Clarice Slusher Pritchard
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
S. Mark Strickland
University of New Orleans
Vicki L. Randall
University of Oklahoma Health Science
Raymond E. Strong
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
C. Lewis Rasor*
Furman University
G. E. Metz
Clemson University
Gladys I. Stone
Union University
Troy M. Mohon*
Mississippi College
Cheryl Rich
Texas A & M University - College Station
J. Gilbert Moore
East Carolina University
Eleanor Rockett-Brown
Louisiana Technical University
Joseph A. Roof
Daytona Beach Community College
Jean Stuart
University of Texas at Dallas
Dr. Claire C. Swann
University at Georgia
Mildred C. Tally
University of Oklahoma Health Science
Paul F. Taylor
National Student Clearinghouse
J. N. Williams
Tarrant County Junior College
Wes Williams
Georgia State University
J. Ralph Thaxton*
University of Georgia
Ramon Vitulli
University of Houston
Fabia E. Thomas*
Louisiana State University - Shreveport
Charles H. Walker
Florida State University
Richard F. Thomason*
University of Tennessee
David R. Wallace
University of Memphis
Lloyd L. Wilson
Community College of the Air Force
Jack D. Thornton
Tarrant County Junior College
Dr. H. Conrad Warlick
Mary Washington College
John S. Windell*
East Texas State University
Reginal D. Tidwell*
University of Alabama
Dr. John E. Weems
Meredith College
Elizabeth Winn
Wesleyan College
Richard Tinneny
Midlands Technical College
Arthur S. West
University of South Carolina
Dr. Kenneth L. Wooten
University of Mississippi
Richard H. Whitehead
University of Florida
Richard Yount
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Richard L. Tuthill*
Duke University
Dr. James R. Vaillancourt
Old Dominion University
Annie Whiteside*
Randolph-Macon Women's College
Carrol D. Wiley
Southwest Texas State University
William H. Vaughan*
George Peabody College
Annual Meeting History
Louisville, KY
John G. Kelly
Winthrop College
Memphis, TN
Lloyd G. Chapin
Georgia Institute of Technology
Houston, TX
William H. Vaughan
George Peabody College
Richmond, VA
Charles W. Edwards
Alabama Polytechnic Institute
St. Petersburg, FL
S. W. Hutton
Texas Christian University
Memphis, TN
Roy Armstrong
Furman University
Louisville, KY
William F. Adams
University of Alabama
Miami Beach, FL
James L. Buford
Vanderbilt University
Dallas, TX
John A. Hunter
Louisiana State University
Richmond, VA
Richard L. Tuthill
Duke University
Louisville, KY
William Carmichael
Georgia Institute of Technology
Louisville, KY
John M. Houchens
University of Louisville
Memphis, TN
Charles H. Walker
Dade County Junior College
Miami Beach, FL
Cliff W. Wing
Tulane University
Dallas, TX
Rollin E. Godfrey
University of South Carolina
Memphis, TN
Ramon A. Vitulli
University of Houston
Louisville, KY
Ed Lautenschlager
University of Virginia
Richmond, VA
Walter N. Danner
University of Georgia
Miami Beach, FL
Raymond E. Strong
University of North Carolina
Dallas, TX
Frank H. Spain
University of South Florida
Atlanta, GA
Floyd D. Boze
Texas Tech University
Dallas, TX
Calvin A. Cumbie
Texas Christian University
Atlanta, GA
Bobby L. Cochran
The University of Tennessee
Miami Beach, FL
Albert L. Clary
Louisiana State University
New Orleans, LA
L. Robert Grogan
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
no meeting
Tampa, FL
Elbert W. Ockerman
University of Kentucky
Biloxi, MS
Robert M. Koser
Florida Atlantic University
Lake Buena Vista, FL
M. O. Phelps
University of Georgia
Atlanta, GA
Columbus Posey
University of South Alabama
San Antonio, TX
Wilson Gantt
Murray State University
Norfolk, VA
Fabia Thomas
Louisiana State University at Shreveport
Nashville, TN
Glen Rose
Broward Community College
Biloxi, MS
Jack Thornton
Tarrant County Community College
Birmingham, AL
Claire Swann
University of Georgia
Fort Worth, TX
James Vaillancourt
Old Dominion University
Louisville, KY
Margaret Perry
Wake Forest University
Savannah, GA
Luther T. Gunter
University of South Carolina
Hot Spring, AR
Gene Saucier
University of Southern Mississippi
Norfolk, VA
Ray A. Stines
University of Louisville
Orlando, FL
John T. Stewart
Miami-Dade Community College
Tulsa, OK
S. Mark Strickland
University of New Orleans
Charleston, SC
Michael E. Malone
Western Carolina University
Lexington, KY
Paul H. Anderson
Furman University
Birmingham, AL
Carol E. Medders
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Fort Worth, TX
David H. Stones
The University of Texas at Austin
Norfolk, VA
Richard L. Yount
East Tennessee State University
Jackson, MS
Carolyn Parham
University of South Alabama
Ponte Vedre Beach, FL
Joseph A. Roof
Seminole Community College
Louisville, KY
Linda Finley
McNeese State University
Corpus Christi, TX
Paul Taylor
Lexington Community College
Savannah, GA
Jerry Smith
Jacksonville State University
Memphis, TN
Charles (Chuck) Morgan
Berea College
Oklahoma City, OK
Lisa Harris
University of Alabama
Birmingham, AL
Louise Phillips
Southwest Texas State University
Biloxi, MS
Bruce Cunningham
Duke University
Fort Worth, TX
Shelby Stanfield
The University of Texas at Austin
Myrtle Beach, SC
Susie Archer
Vanderbilt University
Lexington, KY
Carol Nobles
Medical College of Georgia
Little Rock, Arkansas
Rick Skeel
University of Oklahoma
Williamsburg, Virginia
John Hall
Southern Methodist University
New Orleans, LA
John Fletcher
Auburn University
Chattanooga, TN
Sara L. Marchello
College of William and Mary
Atlanta, Georgia
Tim Culhan
Centre College
Northern Kentucky
Rock McCaskill
Southern Wesleyan University
San Antonio, TX
Mary Kincannon
Texas Christian University
Raleigh, NC
Dorinda Harmon
College of Charleston
Mobile, AL
Amy Bissette Barber
East Carolina University
Oklahoma City, OK
Joe Papari
Southern Methodist University
State & Regional Association Presidents
Term Through
Term Through
June 2015
April 2015
Jeremy Dixon, Assistant Director
Josh Reid, Associate Director of Admission
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Belhaven University
October 2015
October 2015
Tracy Finch, University Registrar/Director of Admissions
Jon Horinek, Dir/Admissions/Recruitment
Arkansas State University – Jonesboro
Oklahoma City Community College
Puerto Rico
December 2015
Maggie Gause, Director of Admissions and Assessment
Florence-Darlington Technical School
November 2015
Dusty Duncan, Associate Director, Undergraduate
June 2015
East Tennessee State University
Megan R. Kuehner, University Registrar
University of North Florida
November 2015
Chuck Kettlewell, Registrar/Director of Student Financial Aid
October 2015
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Donna Webb, Director of Enrollment Management
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
December 2015
Ashley Woodard, Assistant Director of Admissions,
October 2015
Rheanna Plemons, Assistant Registrar
Western Kentucky University
Longwood University
November 2015
Maria Cisneros, College Registrar
Delgado Community College
2015 Local Arrangements Committee
Hotel and Special Events Chair
Physical Arrangements Chair
Landon Waid
The University of Alabama
Heather Nix
University of South Alabama
Ronnie McKinney
Auburn University Montgomery
Corporate Partners Chair
Hospitality Chair
Registration Chair
Greg Embry
University of Montevallo
Daniel Strickland
University of Montevallo
Schernavia Hall
The University of Alabama
Finance Chair
Publicity Chair
Julie Taylor
University of North Alabama
Melinda Williams
The University of Alabama
Thank you to all Local Arrangements Committee members for all of your hard work!
Thank you for joining us in Alabama for the 68th Annual Meeting of SACRAO!
We hope that your experience was productive and enjoyable! Please be sure to complete the
Conference Evaluation so that we can continue to improve our future meetings!
Travel Safe, and we hope to see you back next year in Oklahoma City.