THEtr cgR PITGRIMAGES Sllr PRESE}ITS: PRIIJECT ::----: *rr.- Celebrate the life and teachings of St. John Paul ll by spending an unforgettable 10 days in his home country of Poland with internationally known Theology of the Body teacher Christopher West! . We will have a special opportunity to meet Cardinal Stanis-taw Dziwisz of Krakow, the private secretary and close friend of St. John Paul ll! After Mass with our chaplain in the private chapel ofthe Arch bishop's Palace (where John Paul ll was ordained and wrote the Theology of the Body), the Cardinal will welcome pilgrims for reception and photos. a Daily reflections by Christopher West. We will be based for most of the pilgrimage in the beautif ul city of Krakow, home of World Youth Day 2016! Daily Mass at beautiful, historic churches with music by Jason Clark. Just $3,995 ! ,.x 7 !. * Pq6 persqg:, lx' . based on double-occupancy room. We will be joined by Father Jim Otto, spiritual advisor for the Cor Project and pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Philadelphia. - .-i THERE WII.L BE A I.IMITED AM[|UIIT tlF SEATS FOR THIS I|}ICE-IN-A-TIFETIME PITGRIMAGE. REGISTER II{IW! THURSDAY, AUO.zll FRIDAV, AUG. SATURDAY, DAY 1 2I DAY 2 - AUG.22 DAY - DEPART FRO}I U.S.A. WARSAW 3 - ]{IEPOKAIA]{OW [sT. MAXtMtUAil K0[BE'S FR|ARYI - GZESTBCHOWA M0lt0AY, AuG. 24 DAy 5 - AUSCHWTTZ - WtEuCZt$ SUl{l|AY, Czestochowa AUO.23 SAIT }ll]{ES - DAY 4 Christopher visits the KRAKoW TUESOAY, AUG. 25 DAY O - childhood home of Karol Wojtyla in Wadowice. KRAK0W WEl|ilESllAY, AUG.26 DAY 7 - WADSWICE - PIITISH JERUSATEM IKALWARIA ZEBRZYDOWSKAI Christopher West kisses the desk upon which John Paul ll wrote the Theology of the Body in the apostolic palace's chapel in Krakow Photos courtesy of Bill Howard and Chrrstopher West. THURSOAY, AUG.27 l|AY 8 GARI|INAT I|ZIWISZ FR|I|AY, - SATURDAY AUO. KRAKI|W - MEETII{G WITH - ZAIOPAI{E AUG.28 I|Ay ST. FAUSTII{A - I - lrnlrOtTl DtUtilE MERCY - ST. JOH}I PAUI 29 DAY 10 - II CE}ITER Krakow RETUR]I Tl| U.S.A. For complete itinerary details, pricing and registration information, see the full brochure at /co rpi I gri ma gepola nd or call Select International toll free at 1-800-842-48421 JIM CHRISTIIPHER WEST FATHER Christopher West's global lecturing, best-selling books and multiple audio and video programs have made him the world's most recognized teacher of John Paul ll's "Theology of the Body" - a bold, biblical vision of love and sexualitv that takes us to the "cor" of what it means to be human. He is founder of The Cor Project, an international outreach devoted to spreading this liberating teaching and empowering others to learn, live, and share it. Christopher is a proud husband and father of five. Father Otto is a priest of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia who was ordained in 1997. He has served as an associate pastor, high school theology teacher, high school chaplain and pastor. He is currently the pastor of Sacred Heart Church in South Philadelphia. Father Otto has served as a chaplain for both Theology of the Body and Theology of the Body ll courses at the Theology of the Body Institute, has attended the institute's TOB lll as a participant, and has been greatly enriched by the ministry of Christooher West. JASOil CLARK OTTO I Jason Clark works closely with Christopher West as Executive Vice President of The Cor Project and has been leading Christian worship music for 25 years. As a former youth minister, seminarian and Franciscan University graduate, Jdson has led worship around the country for numerous parishes, conferences, retreats and pilgrimages. His sensitivity to music as a gift and channel that can lead us to the heart of Christ is one of his greatest gifts as a musician. Jason lives in Lancaster County, Pa., with his wife, Jeanette. and their five children.
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