Pentecost Sunday 23rd / 24th May 2015 Parish Clergy Fr Kevin Flanagan PP Parish Office Fran Kernaghan Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Phone: 60251516 Fax: 60404016 Web: Mass Times SATURDAY VIGIL: 6.00 pm SUNDAY: 9.30 am WEEKDAYS: 9.30 am Monday, Wednesday, Friday (in the church) First Tuesday of the month: 11.00 am Mass at Mercy Place. RECONCILIATION SATURDAY: 4.45 PM-5.45 PM WEDDINGS—By appointment. Preparation course: 6051 0222 BAPTISMS—By appointment. Preparation Course: 0411 883 661 “It is in the power of the Spirit that the Church takes up its mission. Today, before all days, the Church invites us to deepen our faith in the Saviour's gift of his own Spirit. Already in the Old Testament, ‘the Spirit of God’ was active as a life-giving force at work in creation. Anointed by the Spirit as God's ‘Servant’, in fulfilment of the prophecies of the Book of Isaiah, Jesus has led us to know the Spirit as a Person sharing the one divine life with the Father and the Son. Today's gospel reading is a meditation upon this shared life, and the way in which those who find faith in Christ are made to share in it. Those who have received the gift of the Spirit can tell the world the ‘complete truth’ about the Saviour of the world, and can announce ‘the things to come,’ because the mystery of God's final plan for the world has been revealed in the events which took place in Jerusalem at the time of the Passover.” (From a homily by Fr John Thornhill, sm) We pray for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith especially: RECENTLY DECEASED: George Kennedy, Natalie Lawrence, Margaret Farrell, Doris Hartley. ANNIVERSARIES: Harry Morton, Pat Fuller, Mary Moncrieff, Patrick Murray, Julie O’Farrell, Matthew Ward, Emily Nichols, Herb Hicks, Kylie, Luke & Ben Chant, Francis Helm, Lena Stuhr, Lillian Whelan, Thelma Hayden, Anne Toner, Les Furst, Anne Cronin, Charles Stevens, Muriel Tozer, Leslie Steward, Alan Mildren, Vic O’Haire, Margaret Hayhoe. Gather our loved ones into your arms. Quiet our doubt and anger and send us your healing grace. Through Christ our Lord. Rosters Sat / Sun: 23rd / 24th May Ministry Vigil 9.30am Commentator Lector 1 Lector 2 Brian Waters Paula Waters Tony Smit Roy Thompson Denise Murphy Ruth Blaess Eucharistic Ministers Colette Glennon Frank Glennon Pat Hopkins Robert Brown Pauline Mulquiney Cantor Musicians Judy Lindsay Judy Foley Marg Brown Val Hayes Counters: Anna Loughry & Michael Byrnes Cleaning Group: Group 4 Sat /Sun 30th / 31st May Ministry Vigil 9.30am Commentator Lector 1 Lector 2 First Communion Jane Murtagh Colleen Day Wendy McFerran Eucharistic Ministers First Communion Noelene Cruise Carey Menz-Dowling Carmel Butts Cantor Musicians Choir Val Hayes Counters: Nardia Scarvell & Liz Simon Simon Goss Val Hayes Cleaning Group: Group 5 60th Anniversary Luncheon We still have seats available for our Parish Luncheon at Commercial Club on Sunday 14 June. Tickets on sale at Presbytery. $40pp. CHOIR: Calling on Cantors and choir members to sing at the First Communion Mass on Saturday 30th May at 6pm. Practice will be on Thursday 28th May at 7pm. Contact Judy 6043 2766 or Val 6025 5904. First Communion Preparation Our Year 3 students will be celebrating their First Eucharist next weekend at the 6pm vigil Mass. We have placed some prayer cards around the church and would appreciate you taking one of these, and praying for the child whose name is written on the card. Choir Concert St John’s Church Wodonga is hosting ‘Animalia’ at 2.30pm today. Tickets $25; Cons $20. Some items have a reference to the sacred and most will feature animals. Philippine Independence Mass You are cordially invited to celebrate Filipino’s National freedom day with Bishop Gerard Hanna on Sunday 14 June at 3.00pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Thurgoona. Agape after Mass. Please share a plate. Our Lady Help Of Christians Concert The Scola invites all parishioners, friends and family to a concert in honour of Our Lady Help of Christians at St Mary’s Church Jindera this Sunday 24 May at 3pm. All welcome. Together our diocesan newspaper is now available for collection from the church entrances. Please take a copy. Country Women’s Association We welcome the members of the CWA to our celebration of the Eucharist this morning. After Mass come and find out more about the CWA over a cuppa in the hall. Vinnies Winter Appeal Envelopes for financial assistance to purchase blankets this winter are available at church entrances. Please consider being a part of this assistance. Thank you. Albury Wodonga Pentecost Celebration Sunday 24 May at St Patrick’s Church Albury at 1.30pm to 5pm. Speakers Fr Stephen, Fr Sean & Fr Berny. Adoration and prayer ministry. Shared afternoon tea. Contact Brigita 0412 042 196. All welcome. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a Marriage Enrichment experience set in peaceful picturesque surroundings, away from the distractions of everyday life. Couples will have a unique opportunity to reconnect, rekindle and refresh their relationship. Dates for 2015 are: 19-21 June; 11-13 September; 13-15 November. Venue at Mount Carmel Retreat Centre Varroville NSW. Contact Ardell & Bill Sharpe 02 4283 3435 or Feastdays of the Week Monday 25th May— Mary, Help of Christians, Patroness of Australia The feast day to Mary Help of Christians has been celebrated in Australia since 1844 but the history to this day dates back to the start of the 1800's. The infant church in Australia had a special reason for turning to Mary. No priests were sent to the colony in its early days and Mass was not allowed except for one brief year until 1820. It was largely the Rosary in those early days that kept the faith alive. Catholic Australia remained faithful to Mary and was the first nation to choose her under the title Help of Christians, as principal Patroness. Pentecost Sunday —Year B Readings: Acts 2: 1-11; Galatians 5: 16-25; John 15: 26-27; 16: 12-15 Responsorial Psalm Lord, send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Alleluia Verse: Alleluia, alleluia! Come, Holy Spirit; fill the hearts of your faithful. And kindle in them the fire of your love. Alleluia Reflection on the Readings: Jesus did predict the coming of the Spirit “No-one could say that Jesus had failed to forewarn the disciples that the Spirit would come and yet, most of the Gospel accounts of their life after the Resurrection suggest that they did not really expect anything to happen. Two began the journey back to Emmaus, others hid behind closed doors and later went back to the nets they had so impetuously left a few years before. Jesus had told them the the Spirit would come - but everyday life seemed to go on as normal and, quite frankly, the disciples were probably glad of the anonymity for a while: As Jesus had also said, ‘if the authorities treat me as they will, how will they treat you?’ “And so, the fishermen continued to fish - and life passed - until one day, they and the other apostles came together. Earlier in Acts, we are told that they met to pray with Mary and ‘certain women’ - a gathering of people who had been with Jesus during his ministry, who had seen him die and seen him rise to new life. What was it in their prayer in that gathering that opened the way for the Spirit to come upon them. As the wind blew through the house - and fire fell upon their heads, did they need Mary to discern what was happening and echo words from her own overshadowing by the Spirit: ‘Don’t be afraid?’ “Suddenly, the prophecy of Jesus in today’s Gospel comes true - the Spirit of truth does come upon the apostles and a secretive gathering of people explodes onto the unsuspecting streets of Jerusalem. There the Truth is proclaimed to anyone who has ears to listen. This Truth is not reserved for a closed group of people but is to be proclaimed to the whole world. The Truth is not limited to a language - everyone can perceive this truth in their own tongue. The Truth is not to be hidden in code available only to those initiated into its intricacies - but open for anyone who dared to All music used in worship at Sacred Heart, look.” (From a reflection on North Albury, is used with permission. the Gospel McElhinney Turner) by and Catherine Kathryn All rights reserved. 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