This year, our parish will once again use the Discernment Process to select new members for our
parish consultative bodies: the Pastoral Council, and the Stewardship and Worship Commissions.
The Finance Council and the School Commission have no open positions this year. Members of
our councils and commissions are chosen through a process of community discernment. These
groups provide leadership for the parish by fostering communication, recommending priorities,
doing strategic planning, and helping to implement future planning for our parish. New
members chosen to serve on a council or commission will begin their service on July 1, 2015.
The Pastoral Council has adopted the recommendations made by Many Gifts, One Spirit:
Guidelines for Church Governance through Consultative Leadership (promulgated by
Archbishop Brunett for the Archdiocese of Seattle) as criteria for membership on our
consultative bodies.
Anyone nominated for membership on any consultative body should be:
 A baptized and confirmed Roman Catholic in good standing with the Church;
 A registered and supporting member of the parish, committed to stewardship
(faithfully fulfilling a current treasure pledge) and an active participant in parish life;
 Regularly worshipping at Sacred Heart;
 Committed to the Church in accord with the principles of Vatican II;
 Committed to prayer, study, listening and dialogue;
 Committed to giving the time needed for participation, including attending scheduled
 Not currently employed by the parish or parish school, or an immediate relative of, or
living in the same household as, a current parish or school employee;
 Not simultaneously a member of another council or commission.
Every parishioner is asked to prayerfully consider who might serve on our parish councils
and commissions. Parishioners may nominate themselves or another parishioner.
You may want to talk to a member of the council or commission that you are discerning about
before you nominate yourself or someone else. If you or someone you know has a talent, gift or
interest in any of these areas of service, please consider nominating them to serve our parish.
The back page describes the nomination process and includes a nomination form.
Grateful acknowledgement to Many Gifts, One Spirit: Guidelines for Church Governance
through Consultative Leadership and to Ron Ryan, Pastoral Coordinator at St. Anne Parish in
Seattle, for helping our parish in developing this discernment process.
The Pastoral Council supports the mission of Sacred Heart Parish by:
 Collaborating with the pastor on issues related to the parish;
 Promoting communication and understanding among parish
 Recommending priorities, direction and policies through strategic
Specific membership criteria:
 Registered parishioner for at least one year and fully initiated Catholic for at least two
 Ability to dedicate 10 hours per month (including meeting time) to council work.
The current members include: Chuck Barnes, Krystyna Davila, Maryann Klustner, Mark
Ludwig, Henry Lum, Michael McCannel, Kris Moran.
Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Two 1-year positions are open.
The Finance Council supports the mission of Sacred Heart Parish by:
 Advising the pastor, Pastoral Council and School Commission
regarding effective stewardship of the parish’s financial, personnel and
facility resources;
 Developing and overseeing the parish operating and capital budgets and
engaging in long-range financial planning;
 Keeping the parish informed about the financial health of the parish.
Specific membership criteria:
 Knowledge and experience related to business, finance and budgeting;
 Ability to dedicate up to 4 hours per month (including meeting time) to council work.
The current members include: Elizabeth Baluch, Remo Galvagno, Derek Geldenhuys, AnneMary Nash-Haruna, Bennet Wang.
Meetings are held on the 4th Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m.
There are no positions open this year.
The School Commission supports the mission of Sacred Heart Parish by:
 Advising the principal and pastor on matters of policy and ongoing
development of the parish school;
 Promoting the school’s mission and fostering communication between
school organizations and the parish;
Specific membership criteria:
Dedication to Catholic education;
Experience related to facilities, marketing or law;
Open to all parishioners, not just parents with children currently in the school;
Ability to attend commission meetings regularly;
Ability to dedicate 6 hours per month for 10 months (including meeting time).
The current members include: Heather Bradford, Sarah Conroy, Patricia Cook, Ignacio Davila,
Pauline Taylor Kenny, Christine Kerr, Danielle Limp, Karen Reinke, Evelyn Padrino
Santamarina, Gabriel Zaldivar.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday (September through June) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
There are no positions open this year.
The Stewardship Commission supports the mission of Sacred Heart Parish by:
 Promoting stewardship of time, talent, and treasure as a way of life at
Sacred Heart;
 Providing education and developing methods to foster stewardship
awareness among parishioners;
 Providing leadership, strategies and planning for the annual parish
stewardship renewals.
Specific membership criteria:
 Interest in meeting new parishioners and engaging with current members of the parish;
 Willingness to deepen personal commitment to stewardship as a way of life;
 Ability to dedicate 4-6 hours per month (including meeting time) to commission work.
The current members include: Tom Bartell, Lisa Ludwig, Greg Russell, Sarah Webster.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Two 3-year and two 1-year positions are open.
The Worship Commission supports the mission of Sacred Heart Parish by:
 Assessing the parish’s needs in liturgy and devotions;
 Recommending liturgical and sacramental policies, consistent with
archdiocesan and universal church norms, to address these needs;
 Consulting in liturgical planning, music ministry, liturgical ministers and
liturgical environment.
Specific membership criteria:
 Have been an active and regular participant in parish liturgies and worship life for at least
one year at Sacred Heart;
 Interest in liturgy and spirituality;
 Willingness to learn about Catholic worship;
 Ability to dedicate 4-6 hours per month (including meeting time) to commission work.
The current members include: Lydia Bumgardner, Chris Cannon, Julie Cipoletti, Shane Frigon,
Lilia McCannel, Susana Quiroga, Linda Rogers, Jason Tolbert.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Two 3-year and one 1-year positions are open.
Parishioners may nominate themselves or another parishioner by filling out a nomination form
and mailing or delivering it to the Parish Office. All nominations are due by Tuesday, April
14th. Qualified nominees will be informed of their nomination and will receive additional
information regarding discernment.
Nominees are encouraged to attend the Nominee Information Meeting on Wednesday, April 29
at 7:00 p.m. in Conference Room 1 where the model of consultative leadership, the role of
councils and commissions, and the discernment process will be discussed and questions will be
addressed. Nominees are also invited to attend a meeting of the council/commission to which
they are nominated, where they can meet and talk with current council/commission members.
The discernment process will culminate in a Discernment Evening on Thursday, May 14 from
7:00-9:00 p.m. in the church, when nominees will gather with the current members of the
councils and commissions for a time of discussion, prayer and discernment. All nominees must
be present for the Discernment Evening to be considered for council or commission
membership. Everyone in the parish is welcome to attend the May 14th Discernment Evening
and is asked to support those discerning through their presence and prayers.
If you have questions about nominations or the discernment process, please contact Deanna
Tighe at (425) 450-3906 or at
Person nominated:
Council/Commission nominated for:
I have advised the above person of this nomination and he/she is willing to participate in the
Person submitting nomination:
Please return this form to the Parish Office or to the boxes in the church narthex or side entrance.
Nominations may also be submitted by email to
All nominations must be received by Tuesday, April 14, 2015.