NBN Rollout and Find A Cabler

NBN Rollout and Find A Cabler
The NBN is coming to a suburb near you or your customers this year. This will mean an upsurge in business for
contractors who undertake cabling in the next 12 months. Make sure your business doesn’t miss the boat by registering
your business on the Find A Cabler website at www.findacabler.com.au
There will be 10 million premises connected to the NBN over the next 10 years and this represents a great opportunity
to expand your business. You can be one of the registered cablers to help consumers get ready to connect to the NBN.
Registered Cablers Registration Form
Yes, I would like to take up your offer of 12 months free promotion on the “Find A Cabler” map.
My Details
Company Name
- Communications / Entertainment
- Smart Home
- Security
- Fire
Phone Number
Area of Operation eg: North Sydney
Registration Number
Signed: ..............................................
Date: .......................
Please return this form to our office by email, fax or mail, details are below.
Fax :
02 9380 2666
Mail :
ICA Australia
Suite 1, Level 7
100 William St
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011