Call for Contributed Presentations for SACS-AAPT Spring 2015 Meeting April 10 & 11, 2015, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA Dear Colleagues, You are invited to participate in the Spring 2015 meeting of the Southern Atlantic Coast Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (SACS-AAPT) to be held at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA on Friday, April 10 and Saturday, April 11, 2015. Abstract Submission Abstract submission is now open for the following three categories. 1) Plenary Presentations. Each speaker will have 12 minutes followed by maximum 3-minute questions time. 2) Posters: If your students have been doing research projects and you would like to showcase them, please consider submitting a poster for this meeting. 3) Workshops: If you are interested in sharing best practice strategies, hands-on and demos for teaching physics/physical sciences, please consider organizing a workshop. Please submit your abstract for plenary presentations/posters/workshops online at or via email to Dr. Brian Thoms at Deadline for all submissions is March 30, 2015. With your submission please include: Name, Affiliation, Address, E-mail, Title of Presentation, Abstract (200 words or less), and Special Equipment needed if any. Pre-Registration Pre-registration is essential for the planning of the meeting. Please preregister for the meeting online at or email Name, Affiliation, Address, and E-mail to Dr. Brian Thoms at The meeting registration fees are $30 for the full meeting and $15 for Saturday only. High school teachers and all students receive reduced registration fees of $20 for the full meeting and $10 for Saturday only. You can pay it online or at the meeting. Saturday registration includes a box lunch. Full meeting registration also includes Friday dinner. Please contact me if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you all at SACS-AAPT meeting in Atlanta! Sincerely, Brian Thoms Associate Professor and Associate Chair Department of Physics & Astronomy Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, 404-413-6045 Meeting Program (Draft) The Friday evening session will take place in Room 500 of Classroom South (CS). All Saturday sessions will be held in the Natural Science Center (NSC). Friday, April 10 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Registration (outside of 500 CS) 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Dinner and Keynote Speech (500 CS) Dr. C. Rod Nave, creator of Hyperphysics web resource Saturday, April 11 Breakfast and registration (210 NSC) Plenary presentations (218 NSC) Coffee Break & Poster session (210 NSC) Plenary presentations (218 NSC) Lunch & Poster session (210 NSC) SACS-AAPT Business Meeting (218 NSC) Workshops in Natural Science Center 8:00 am – 8:30 am 8:30 am – 10:15 am 10:15 am – 10:45 am 10:45 am – 12:30 pm 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Hotel Information A list of hotels near Georgia State University can be found at are also many more hotels accessible via MARTA. The closest MARTA station to the meeting site is Five Points Station. Directions and Parking Directions to campus can be found at Parking on Saturday is free in Georgia State University G Parking Deck. Enter by Collins Street (below Courtland) entrance via Decatur Street. Parking on Friday evening will be provided in G Deck if requested at least 3 days before the meeting. E-mail Brian Thoms ( to reserve parking. Five Points MARTA Saturday Sessions Friday Dinner and Keynote G Deck Parking
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