Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Dressage NSW Incorporated Three Year BUSINESS PLAN 2011 - 2013 Dressage NSW Inc PO Box 373 RICHMOND, NSW, 2753 Telephone: 0409 841 089 Facsimile: 02 4576 3597 Website: www.dressagensw.com.au Prepared: October 2010 Endorsed by Committee of DNSW February 2011 Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 1 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 The Committee as at November 2010 (to be updated after each AGM) The Committee of DNSW endorses this business plan which was ratified at the November 2010 Committee Meeting The Executive Committee Portfolio/Role Prue Spurrett President Toni Venhaus Hon Secretary Judy Wilson Hon. Treasurer Cathie Drury Klein Vice President Stuart Drysdale Vice President The Committee Gail Benson Jan Geary Judge Education Helen Lawson Jennifer Rapson Kathy Shelley Clarendon Grounds Beth Turner Gloreen Goldin (resigned April 2011) Rachael Sanna Co-Opted Members Rozzie Ryan Riders Representative Advisors: Flora Freeman (young horse) Area Delegates Regions below is current situation Helen Zimic North Coast/North West Helen Glendenning Western Districts Robyn Targa South Coast/Highlands Position vacant South West Louise Cairns Central Coast/Hunter Valley Tinkia Bliss Metro region Administration Secretary: Clarendon Competition Secretary: Jeanne Brown Karen Lever Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 2 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Overview/Executive Summary Our business plan will play an integral role in managing the Association and achieving its goals over the next three years. Our objectives reflect our aim to develop key areas which impact on all dressage and are fundamental to the continued improvement of the sports profile and DNSW’s ability to service its members. It will be used extensively by the Committee and reviewed informally on a regular basis and in a formal way on a yearly basis. When necessary, it will be modified to reflect the ongoing development and needs of the association. In recent years we have improved our planning and have developed many policies and procedures to ensure better management of our sport. We have revised our job descriptions for committee members, the executive and established Terms of Reference for sub-committees. Our finances are sound and the facilities at our home grounds at Clarendon have been improved with safety in mind. We have addressed the issue of lack of judges to service the high number of events state wide by providing free education for judges to encourage more officials to stay in the system and have been successful in re-recruiting new judges into the scheme. We have embraced the new NOAS scheme and the education of judges has become a lot more professional and effective. DNSW through its various sub-committees, has conducted several major events and is highly regarded by our peers in this area. DNSW aims to advance the sport of dressage in NSW through the achievement of the following long-term objectives: • • • • Effective Committee and management to provide a sustainable organisation. Maintaining and improving the success of NSW competitors at State, National and International level. Growing participation and spectator/media interest in dressage throughout the State through a range of development programs that are agreed to and implemented in partnership with the EFA and member clubs. A vibrant program of Club, State and major events. Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 3 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Table of Contents 1. Vision & Mission statement page 5 2. Objectives page 5 3. Market summary/background pages 6/7 4. Swot page 8 5. Risk Assessment page 9 6. Our stakeholders page 10 7. Assumptions/critical issues pages 10/11 8. Financials pages 12-14 7. Key Result Areas (KRA) pages 16/ 31 1. Management - Administration Financial Operations Risk Management Marketing Communication Sponsorship Promotion 2. Competition & Sport Development - Clarendon Grounds & Events - Facilities & Equipment - Major & other Events - Athlete Development - Young Horse - Pony Dressage 3. Officiating & people - Judges Officials Volunteers Clubs/Committee/s/ Delegates Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 4 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Mission Statement and Objectives Vision To remain committed to the highest standards for the conduct and development of dressage. Mission To provide an environment in which the standard of NSW Dressage consistently improves. Our Objective Maximise participation of NSW Dressage horses and riders in competitions at all levels up to International representation. How We Will Do This 1. Positively encourage new and existing riders at all levels. 2. Conduct, and arrange the conduct of, regular riders’ clinics. 3. Positively encourage judges’ and officials’ education and ongoing professional development. 5. Positively encourage Club administrators. 6. Steadily improve the facilities we make available. 7. Positively encourage public knowledge of and interest in Dressage. 8. Recognise our volunteers and other stakeholders Our values In relation to external stakeholders we will: • • • • Be inclusive and endeavour to achieve co-operation Be responsive to their needs Listen and communicate openly Be open and transparent In relation to internal stakeholders we will: • • • • Strive for excellence and innovation Be cooperative and work as a team Listen and communicate openly Value the well being and diversity of our people/stakeholders Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 5 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Market summary Dressage NSW Inc and its constituent organisations provide valuable individual and team competition, training and development opportunities for all dressage riders. As well, we encourage volunteer participation and provide comprehensive training for our judges/officials. Our members range from young riders up to 75 year olds and beyond. We also encourage participation from disadvantaged groups such as Riding for the Disabled, community driven organisations, local and regional riding clubs, and agricultural societies. Females comprise approx 75% of our membership and one of our objectives is to increase participation by males. Around 47% of our membership is from the Sydney Metro and surrounding area, 15% in the Hunter/Central Coast, 11% North Coast/North West, 10% South Coast/Highlands, 11% South West, 5% Central West & West region. Beginning from a young age our sport provides a source of recreational, competition and social experiences with an emphasis on health and fitness, teamwork, cooperation, leadership and increased self-confidence in a safe, supportive and friendly environment for our participants. Our membership has been up and down over the past few years. Members join DNSW mainly to compete at Clarendon and to a lesser extent to be eligible for Annual Awards and other opportunities for members. Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 6 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Membership DNSW Membership Comparison Ordinary members Life & Hon Members Junior Jun-‐10 Jun-‐09 565 585 93 93 31 17 Affiliated Clubs CL subscribers Total Jun-‐08 596 91 27 Jun-‐07 650 90 28 Jun-‐06 635 92 27 Jun-‐05 639 92 44 689 55 120 695 53 133 714 53 157 768 53 152 754 52 176 775 52 154 864 881 924 973 982 981 Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 7 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 What is Dressage NSW? Dressage NSW has been a Discipline Council of the EqNSW since 1986. Until that time the Council existed as the NSW Dressage Association which was formed in 1967. Dressage NSW administrates the sport of Dressage in NSW on behalf of ENSW. DNSW is an incorporated body with 12 elected committee members and 6appointed area delegates. Others are coopted for special activities eg. pony dressage, young horse etc. DNSW has currently around 650 members and approx. 150-200 Centreline subscribers. Approximately 55 Regional and Metropolitan Dressage & Riding Clubs from throughout NSW are affiliated with the DNSW/ENSW. DNSW has its grounds at the Hawkesbury Showground at Clarendon. Facilities include three international sand arenas, warm-up areas, a scoring office and stabling. At Clarendon the DNSW conducts monthly official/associate dressage competitions, special competition days, riders clinics, training days. Other events such as the Young Rider Championships and, depending on the year, the State Dressage Championships are also held at Clarendon. Other special events such as the Sydney CDI*** are held at other suitable venues in the Sydney region. DNSW holds regular judges seminars and workshops for all levels of judges from Probationary through to FEI level. The Judges Sub-Committee is responsible for overseeing all matters relating to judging in NSW. DNSW has a part time Administration Secretary who supports the Committee with admin work and runs the regular competition days at Clarendon. Her hours are on average around 32 hours a week depending on the number of events. Funding Pretty much DNSW is self funding with support from the EFA (NSW). The turnover is between $300,000 to $600,000 PA depending on the number of major events run in any one year. We have a Hon. Treasurer who controls the finances and puts in a tremendous amount of time as the DNSW is very similar to a small business with lots of transactions going through the books. Major event such as the Sydney CDI 3*, State and National Championships are self funding and any profits received from these events go back to the general funds to assist the sport. Income comes from: • Paying annual membership fees $79.95 for seniors, $28 juniors (at Nov. 2010). All senior members receive complimentary copies of Centreline (costs of CL is built into the membership fee) • Subscriptions to Centreline ($55 at Nov 2010) • Advertising revenue from Centreline • Entry fees for regular competitions at Clarendon • Income from seminars and clinics • Around $13,000 PA from the EqNSW towards admin fees • Club Affiliation Fees of approx. $4500 PA. • Merchandise sales • Other funding subsidies for special events/activities/projects (such as ENSW SPF) • Profits from special events (National Champs, Sydney CDI etc) Expenditure The costs to run the NSW vary depending on the number of major events. The main areas of expenditure for the Council is: • Secretarial staff costs (around $30k pa for part time admin person) • Office equipment etc • Admin costs inc postage, stationary etc • Insurance • Depreciation, buildings and equipment at Clarendon • Maintaining the grounds at Clarendon • Centreline printing and mailing costs (mailing list currently around 1100) • Clarendon competition costs and prize money • Judges training and clinic costs • Support of regional club Championships • Costs associated with special events Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 8 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 SWOT o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Strengths Dedicated Volunteers Knowledge and expertise Rules and Procedures established Committed Riders Solid Club Base Coaching and Officiating Education and Improvements Olympic Sport Business and Organisational Structure Growing sport Tradition and History Successful Event Management Team Sound Finance Base Location Communication (Centreline, web etc) Major events Threats o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Facilities Declining Membership Diminishing Funds and Resources Loss of Olympic Status New Organisation and Competitors in the market More legalities and regulations requirements (Risk Management & OH&S) Cultural Disadvantages Disease and Emergency (eg. EI) Lack of external development pathways Professionalism External Organisational changes Lack of succession planning Lack of sponsorship Impact on finances from major events and Clarendon Lack of horse knowledge at managerial level Lack of officials Volunteer and club officials burn out Weakness o o o o o o o o o Ability to service growth Low media profile Inability to attract new volunteers with skilled labour Distance Communication structures and sharing resources especially flow to regional areas Vulnerability of funds Servicing various cultures Conflicting roles of DNSW Lack officials to service growing number of events Opportunities o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Increase Membership Olympic Profile Sponsorship opportunities Safest Equestrian Sport Education programme Advances in Technology Schools, Ponies, Para Equestrian New Events (developing more, variety) Publications Relationship with the EA Government Funding More Volunteers through new areas Increase Profile of DNSW Breeding Industry Raise awareness of the sport for promotion Sharing of information from Centreline to Clubs Increase clinics and training activities at grass roots level Social networking Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 9 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Risk assessment DNSW has undertaken a brief risk assessment to complement the SWOT Matrix to assist its review process and the formulation of strategy. KRA 1: Management — risk management Identified risks for KRA 1 Risk management strategies for KRA 1 1. Committee size and formal committee procedures, succession planning for key roles 1. Review of constitution and commitment from Committee to adopt procedures; Identify potential office bearers and provide support 2. Volunteer versus paid administration support 2. Review of work that can be undertaken on paid basis 3. Stagnant membership growth 3. Strategies for increasing membership 4. Lack of sponsorship 4. Establish an approach to raise more general sponsorship KRA 2: Competition/Sport development — risk management Identified risks for KRA 2 Risk management strategies for KRA 2 1. High number of events on the dressage calendar 1. Pro-active role in scheduling events to reduce conflicts with dates. 2. Major financial and volunteer commitment to run major events 2. Review major events to be run and assess viability 3. Resources required to maintain Clarendon grounds 3. Develop initiatives for continuous improvement of grounds and facilities 4. Clarendon and major events Develop strategies to limit impact on loss of income from events 5. Ad hoc approach to squad development 5. Establish strategies and build on current policies and programs. Link to national HPP program. KRA 3: Officiating and People — risk management Identified risks for KRA 3 Risk management strategies for KRA 3 1. Declining numbers of judges 1. Encourage more support at Club level and provide incentives for officials. Provide support for new judges. 2. Retention of volunteers 2. Review reward strategies 3. Club Viability 3. Develop means of proving support for Clubs and their Committees Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 10 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Our key stakeholders Administration/Management Sport development Competition High performance EA, ENSW ADC/ADJC HDAA SDA’s Media Employees Clubs Riders inc elite, aspiring, new and recreational Trainers & Coaches Owners & Breeders Young Riders Pony Dressage Young Horse Grass roots participants Judges, officials Volunteers (and their families) Local Elite riders State & National NSW Squad riders & talent squad International (CDI*** & CDI-W) NSWIS Young Riders, Pony Dressage, Young Horse, Eventers, Para Equestrian, Interschools Sponsors Dept. Sport & Recreation Judges officials, volunteers Major Assumptions Financial • • • • DNSW will receive funding from the ENSW of $13,000 per annum; DNSW will receive funding from ENSW for special projects and for major event support; Financial assumptions are based on a retaining existing membership base and income generated from events (taking into account inflation growth); Refer financial pages for more assumptions on financial matters. Legal • • Endeavouring to always act in a way that advances the legitimate interests of the members and the sport of Dressage; Act under Constitution of DNSW. EA • As a Council of ENSW, DNSW has an obligation to uphold the rules and regulations of the EA. Administration • Additional paid staff support may be required Sport • • Dressage will continue to grow as a sport; DNSW needs to adapt to changing circumstances. Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 11 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Critical success factors and issues facing DNSW o o o o o o o o o o o o o Financial stability and growth Acknowledgement and recognition of our role Effective committee and management structure Sponsorship and income Effective volunteer management plan (retention and recognition) Rider development and participation Ability to service the sport (volunteers, officials and clubs) Ability to implement education and training programs Regional development – engagement of the regions Lack of unified approach to planning and co-ordination Marketing and promotion of the sport Issues relating to governance; role of the committee, executive, committee, sub-committees, coopted and area delegates; relationship between executive, admin staff and committee Succession planning - new blood on committees Factors that could impact upon the organisations ability to be successful: • • • • • • • • • Decrease levels of funding from sources such as sponsorship, fundraising, government Issues corporate governance – role of the Committee, regions, Clubs, relationship between Executive and management/staff, reporting lines between Executive/management/committees. Servicing of member organizations (Clubs), Committees Implementation of education and training programs The decline in volunteers and officials Unified approach to strategic planning and coordination with key stakeholders Regional development Marketing and promotion of dressage to corporate, government, and the general community Possible decline in equestrian participation across the board > impacting on dressage. Outcomes The following outcomes reflect what DNSW wants to achieve over the next three (3) years: • • • • • • • • • Remain financially stable with reserves Growth in number of participants in dressage Increase levels of sponsorship and fundraising Effective volunteer management plan Rider development and participation Volunteers retention and recognition Ability to implement education and training programs Regional development Be recognised for good management of the sport Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 12 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 FINANCIAL SUMMARY Dressage NSW is committed to balancing its operating budget through its core business which is membership and competition but also forecasting some funding via fund-raising, funding from Equestrian NSW, Equestrian Australia and other organisations such as the Institute of Sport and other organisations. We understand the need to reduce our reliance on outside sources but see ongoing funding as necessary while there are still so many areas that are currently being developed within our sport. Dressage NSW has an independent auditor’s report conducted annually in line with our constitutional requirements. We have a well-developed system of communication and accountability between the Administration Secretary, the Treasurer, Executive and the Committee with regard to financial decisions. We anticipate that demand will be placed on our finances in the next three years for various initiatives which have been accounted for within our business plan which will ensure that the sport continues to grow and develop. Our financial plan for 2011-2013 depends on important assumptions as detailed on previous pages; in summary: • that the expected rate of growth for both membership and competitions, as seen over the past two years, will continue; • that the funding levels as provided in previous years are achieved and maintained for the period of this plan; • that the expenditure of the organisation remain similar to trends shown in previous years; • that the subscription fees will be monitored and maintained if possible; • that the income received through competitions will be maintained. The Financial Statement for the period 2009/2010 was circulated at the AGM. Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 13 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Budget forecast for 2011-2013 2011 2012 2013 Sundries $35,500 $1,050 $22,660 $13,000 $4,000 $500 $2,300 $11,950 $10,500 $25,500 $75,000 $57,245 $17,500 $105,300 $271,324 $313,635 $8,000 $500 $38,000 $1,050 $23,500 $13,000 $4,000 $500 $2,370 $12,300 $$27,800 $77,250 $58,960 $18,000 $75,500 $280,000 $323,000 $8,240 $515 $41,000 $1,050 $24,000 $13,000 $4,000 $500 $2,440 $12,700 $$28,650 $79,500 $60,730 $18,500 $77,765 $289,000 $332,750 $8,490 $530 Total Income $899,254 $884,435 $911,555 Total Expenditure (from next pg) $859,756 $863,497 $896,237 $39,498 $20,938 $15,318 INCOME Membership subscriptions Membership joining fees Newsletter subscriptions and income EFA support contributions Funding & Grants - other Donations - General Sale of member merchandise Judges Seminars & Workshops Hess Clinic Riders and Judges Rider Clinics Competition entry fees State Championships Pony Championships Young Rider Championships National Championships Sydney CDI Interest received Surplus/Deficit Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 14 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 EXPENDITURE Member merchandise purchases Secretarial - general Telephone, fax & internet Newsletter Postage, printing & stationery Insurance Committee Meeting expenses Audit & Accountancy Bank charges Licenses, fees & subscriptions Judges Seminars & Workshops Hess Clinic Test sheets and rule books Depreciation - Buildings Depreciation - Plant and equipment Grants - Officials, Young rider Rider & team support Rider Clinics Competition expenses Amortisation - Clarendon Development State Championships Pony Championships Young Rider Championships National Championships Sydney CDI Swabbing fees Sundry expenses Wreaths & floral tributes Total Expenditure 2011 2012 2013 $1,500 $14,500 $2,205 $36,600 $6,500 $5,385 $3,545 $1,555 $5,360 $1,765 $12,000 $11,970 $2,550 $4,500 $3,000 $18,000 $15,000 $30,500 $57,000 $6,166 $52,500 $16,700 $72,390 $1,545 $15,000 $2,270 $37,700 $6,700 $5,550 $3,650 $1,600 $5,520 $1,820 $12,360 $$2,625 $4,400 $3,525 $3,000 $17,450 $31,415 $58,710 $10,000 $54,075 $17,200 $74,500 $1,600 $15,450 $2,340 $38,830 $6,900 $5,700 $3,760 $1,650 $5,690 $1,875 $12,750 $$2,700 $4,300 $3,800 $3,000 $25,000 $32,500 $60,500 $10,000 $55,700 $17,700 $76,800 $253,671 $261,280 $269,100 $290,000 $3,629 $500 $1,000 $298,700 $3,737 $550 $1,030 $307,661 $3,850 $600 $1,061 $859,756 $863,497 $896,237 Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 15 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Scope of Plan Dressage NSW has identified the following key result areas. Key Result areas 1. Management: Administration, Financial, Operations, Stakeholder relations, Membership services, affiliated bodies, Risk Management, Marketing, Communication, Promotion, Sponsorship 2. Competition/ Sport development: Clarendon grounds and events, State & National Championships events, International events, promotional events, regional and club events, developing all categories of dressage (including ponies, young riders and young horse). Riders and coaches. 3. Officiating & People: Judges, Officials, Volunteers, Clubs & Club Committees Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 16 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 KRA 1: Management: (Administration, Financial, Risk Management, Communication, Stakeholders, Marketing) Objective: members. To ensure that dressage strives for effective management to provide a sustainable organisation and to provide a comprehensive service to its Rationale: Building an effective and sustainable organisation through the following strategic priorities will ensure that Dressage NSW: • Maintains a cohesive and vibrant committee including delegates and administrations staff • Has the financial resources to deliver services to its members • Maintains good relationships with key stakeholders such as: EFA, clubs, sponsors and competitors • Embraces new technologies to improve communication with key stakeholders • Improves the productivity of its operations • Promotes itself to attract new members and builds community awareness • Attract new sponsors to the sport • Improve the public visibility/recognition of the participants in dressage • Establish dressage as sport to the wider community by increased media coverage Category 1.1 Administration Policy and procedures Strategic priorities Key performance indicators Foster good management Review of Committee Structure Review and further streamline admin functions Compliance with DNSW constitutional and EFA requirements Revised constitution Guidelines and functions established Stakeholder relations Improve relationship with key stakeholders Improve service to membership Nurture Club involvement Stakeholders satisfaction Increased levels of funding Satisfaction at member level. Inc in membership # Increase in member satisfaction (see communications) Maintain good financial management practices Sustain and grow sources of revenue Review accounting practices Compliance with DNSW financial policies and procedures Exceed current level of annual revenue Adopt strategies to manage identified risks prepare 3 year financial plan Compliance with strategies Maintain interesting and informative web site Review content and increase in distribution Increase in visitation to web site Increase in subscriptions and advertising revenue Marketing of the sport To increase exposure for dressage in the media Establish good reporting relationships with media Evaluate appointing a central sponsorship co-ordinator (possibly part self funded) Increase sponsorship across all events Increased awareness and profile of sport Amount of exposure achieved Media Policy developed. Improved relationships Person appointed and increase in $$....s obtained 1.2 Financial Financial management 1.3 Risk management Risk Management 1.4 Communication Web site Centreline 1.5 Marketing 1.6 Sponsorship Sponsors and promoters of our sport are recognised and contractual obligations are adhered to. Sponsorship across DNSW is increased by at least 10% Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 17 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Three-year summary The aim of the three year summary is to indicate in which year DNSW will begin to address its strategic priorities. Each year’s Operational Plan flows from this. There may be varied in subsequent years due to the outcomes of annual reviews. Key result area 2011 2012 2013 Review committee structure (constitution) & terms of office Update constitution in line with new fair trading obligations Review outcomes of business plan for 2011 and activities Start work on plans for 2014-2016 Update regional areas in line with co constitution Review delegate structure Review financial outcomes for previous financial period Review financial outcomes for previous financial period. Review what we offer our membership Review Treasurer role (formulate plans) Review and update risk management plans Conduct risk management assessment Ongoing check on finances and predicted outcomes Conduct a Club Forum Review need for a Forum in 2013 Conduct a Club forum or similar Review editor/layout person for Centreline Review how CL is distributed Implement any changes to CL distribution Assess need for appointment of Publicity/promotions person Create a marketing plan Update marketing plan Update dressage brochure and print Update dressage brochure and print 1. Management 1.1 Admin 1.2 Financial 1.3 Risk Management 1.4 Communication 1.5 Marketing 1.6 Sponsorship Explore avenues for increasing sponsorship for DNSW Update plans as required Prepare 3 yr financial plan Review funds in reserve Plans in place for Treasurer role Prepare strategy for sponsorship Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 18 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Dressage NSW Costed Annual Operational Plan - Financial Period 2011/2013 KEY RESULT AREA: 1. Management ACTION PLAN Category Priority (M/H/L) Responsibility Time Line Cost $ Performance targets Comments Executive July 2011 Nil Extra paid staff If required Hon. Sec Dec each year Committee ongoing $500 11 meetings held $500 Planning mtg held, plans agreed on Updated TORs as required Mar 2011 $300 Agreement on constitution June 2011 nil Appointments confirmed for next period (20132016) Strategic Priority Action Workload paid Sec. - Review of activities - Assess need for admin back-up person - Conduct yearly appraisal of Admin Sec - Update procedures as required M - Conduct min. 11 meetings per year - Conduct one planning meeting each year - Monitor roles of office holders, sub- committees and paid staff as required. - Yearly review of SubCommittees and co-opted committee positions M Constitution - Call special GM to update constitution H Committee Official Appointments - Review time lines for appointment of NSW Selectors, Coach, Chef M Committee 1.1 Administration Policy & Procedures Staff/Office Governance Foster good governance M Dec 2008 > yearly review Current period ends after 2012 Games Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 19 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Category Strategic Priority Administration/membership Increase in Membership Priority (M/H/L) Action - Provide regular membership updates - Analyse membership composition and growth - review what we offer members. - Appoint sub committee Responsibility M/H Time Line Cost $ Started - on going Nil other than admin time Performance targets Comments In progress Committee Club/Delegate communication Review role of Delegates Re-align delegate regions in line with new constitution H Committee Mar 2011> Nil Role review Ongoing Planning - Review and update operation plans and policies. - Create a 2-3 year plan H Executive/ Committee Yearly > Update 3 yr plan due 2011 $200 for printing Prepare 20142016 plan Some print costs Maintain sound financial practices - Prepare 3 yr financial plan - Provide reports of actual performance - Review financial outcomes H Treasurer June 2010>ongoing Nil - Assess future direction for Treasurer role - Prepare ideas and plans for SPF applications M Committee Dec 2011 Financial update provided and accepted Up to date accounts Plan in place M Committee Oct-Nov each year nil Submissions Nov each year - Establish cash flow budgets - Identify possible risks to finances of DNSW - Seek to get new agreement for Clarendon grounds - Regular monitoring and updates - Review Risk Management plans - Appoint Safety Officer - Committee to attend RCM workshop M Committee & Clarendon SC June 2011>yearly activity Nil Budgets prepared M Committee & Clarendon SC Ongoing Safety officer appointed Committee Mar 2011 Committee attendance RCM 1.2 Financial Treasurer’s role ENSW SPF applications Committee 1.3. Risk Management Finances of DNSW Safer competition venues In progress Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 20 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 ACTION PLAN Category Priority (M/H/L) Strategic Priority Action Centreline Newsletter - Review advertising rates - Assess need for change of editor -Review layout person arrangements Web site - Maintain and keep web site fresh and interesting - Assess other web based initiatives - Conduct a Club Forum M/H - Create marketing plan - Assess direction for marketing of sport - Review need for updated Dressage brochure for club use Prepare a media policy Responsibility Time Line Cost $ Performance targets Comments $300 extra per month Inc in advertising and circulation - Inc rates from mid 2008 or before 1.4 Communication Club communication 1.5 Marketing Increase awareness for dressage Support dressage in regions Media M Hon. Sec/Editor/Treasurer TV/Committee ongoing Nil Increase visits Improved communication Weekly updates M Committee 2011> $8,500 pa Timing tbc L Sub committee ? Forum held yearly or every second year Plan created and implement in 2012 Dec 2011 $1,000 Brochure produced and in circulation Update last brochure ? Nil Policy in place Adopt CDI policy for general use ? $500 printing Increased $ M/L M Executive 1.6 Sponsorship Increase in sponsorship $ - Prepare a plan - Assess need for overall sponsors for DNSW - appoint sub committee M Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 21 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 KRA 2: Competition:/Sport development (Clarendon grounds & events, Major events, other events and rider development) Objective: To provide a vibrant competition programme from Club level through to International level competition and to provide our riders with quality training and competition to reach their optimum potential. Rationale: Fostering success through the following strategic priorities will help to: • Provide access to higher level competitions • Maintain a vibrant competition environment for all levels of competition and for all facets of dressage • Provide fair competition to all members • Seek to improve all aspects of competition to internationally accepted levels and provide a comprehensive service to its members. • Maintain NSW as the leading dressage State in AUS • Develop the next generation of high performance athletes • Increase the number of riders participating in dressage • Provide financial support to potential elite riders, enabling them to participate in international competition and training programs. • Ensure NSW riders take part in the London Olympics in 2012 and the WEG in 2014 (Normandy) Category 2.1 Events 2.2 Clarendon Events Strategic priorities Produce a workable event calendar Provide a regular competition programme that will attract top horse/rider combinations Provide a range of events with the main focus on official competitions Maintain Clarendon as the benchmark for riders to gauge their performance Key performance indicators Enough resources to service events Conduct up to 10 events per year Maintain/increase participation levels Balance of official versus associate and other Success at bigger events for Clarendon riders 2.2 Clarendon Grounds Facilities Provide safe and good riding surfaces Maintain and improve the grounds Upgrade arenas and facilities at Clarendon Update risk management policy Satisfaction of competitors Upgrade arenas and surrounds Safer, more all weather surfaces and improved stables and office areas Reduction in incidents and accidents Create an event that is attractive to both dressage/equestrian enthusiasts and the non-equestrian population Provide elite riders with opportunities to qualify for WEG & Olympic Games Conduct event that complies with the FEI rules and regulations To maintain the Sydney CDI as the benchmark for international dressage events in AUS Consider future direction of the event Increase in spectator numbers and gate takings Standard of performances Appointment of O level judges Performances of elite riders esp. NSW combinations Reports by FEI officials Attendance of AUS top combinations Feedback and support of sponsors/spectators/competitors 2.3 International/Major Events Sydney CDI *** Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 22 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 National Championships & CDI-W Provide an event that complies with the rules and regulations set down by the EFA and the FEI where appropriate and one that allows our top riders the best opportunities for improved performances Review years for NSW to conduct the National Championships Feedback and reports Participation across all States Performances achieved Allocation of future events 2.4 State Events NSW State Championships Strategic priorities To ensure that the event is held in line with the rules and regulations set down by the EA and the FEI where appropriate To stage the State Championships in regional areas when the Nationals are held in NSW To increase the experience of staging bigger events in regional areas Key performance indicators Feedback and results Conduct NSW YR Champs in 2011 - 2013 Conduct YR National Champs in ???? NSW Pony Champs Success of event, level of entries, standard of performances Provide opportunities for pony horses Increase in participation and # of events offered for ponies Provide opportunities for horses to compete at YH qualifiers NSW horses to be qualified to participate in the AUS Final Use the Sydney CDI to showcase young horses Conduct 4-6 qualifiers in NSW per year Increase in participation NSW horses to be in the top ten placings at the AUS final Support Club Championships Provide medallions for champions Review HP role Review NSWIS arrangements Run regular squad schools in NSWIS clinics Provide training support and opportunities Asses need for training co-ordinator for all Squad members Offer highest level of competition Support horse owners YR Scholarship scheme Conduct regular clinics and protocol days To produce successful young riders Appointment of HP person for following term Secure funding and continued support Conduct up to 4 clinics per year “ Improved coordination and focus on squads Success at major events Recognition where possible Review annually and update as required Number of clinics held Success in open competition and at State/national level Judge education – view to have accredited YH judges established Increase number of YH qualifiers throughout the State NSW horses in the placings at the AUS Champs More judges trained to judge YH Number of events held NSW riders top 10 in each age group Increased participation in PD Develop pony dressage – improve performance Increase in numbers competing Increase interest in pd. Success in open competition More ponies competing at higher levels Young Rider Events Pony dressage Cross section of areas holding the event Experience gained by Clubs & volunteers Conduct yearly pony champs. Financial success of event 2.5 Other Events Young Horse 2.6 Club Events Sport 2.7 Rider development Elite Riders inc. Squads Young Riders Young Horse Pony Dressage Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 23 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Selectors Provide regular reporting to Committee Review criteria for State Selection at major events Select NSW Squads annually. Review criteria annually Appoint Selectors for coming term Reports supplied min. 3 times a year Results at Team level Criteria updated as required and in place Review criteria and appoint Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 24 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Three-year summary The aim of the three year summary is to indicate in which year DNSW will begin to address its strategic priorities. Each year’s Operational Plan flows from this. There may be varied in subsequent years due to the outcomes of annual reviews. Key result area 2011 2012 2013 Tenure of grounds, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finalise plans for upgrading facilities. Upgrade stables, review surfaces and put together plans or further upgrades to offices etc in 2013 Upgrade site offices 2. Competition/Sport development 2.2 Clarendon 2.2 Clarendon facilities Assess other improvements and explore ideas for permanent building >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.3 Sydney CDI 2.4 Nationals 2.4 State Champs 2.4 Young Rider 2.5 Pony Dressage 2.5 Young Horse Events 2.6 Club events 2.7 Rider development Conduct Event Review OC structure and how event managed Review OC structure and how event managed, eg. an outside event management group Conduct YR State Champs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Increased participation in pd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Conduct qualifiers and State Champs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Conduct National Champs Develop options to make staging event more attractive to outside Clubs Provide support for Club organisers Review performance of HP role Review appointment if implemented Provide training opportunities for all riders (up to 4 NSWIS and YR clinics) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 25 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Dressage NSW Costed Annual Operational Plan - Financial Period 2011/2013 KEY RESULT AREA 2: Competitions/Sport development ACTION PLAN Category 2.1 General Strategic Priority Action Priority (M/H/L) Responsibility Time Line Cost $ Establish event calendar Call for dates M Hon. Sec/Delegates April each year nil Check facilities for upgrade H CGSC June 2010 $ Competition and warm up arenas Obtain quotes for stable upgrade and submit to committee Explore option a development fund for the grounds Explore options, costings etc, funding we can apply for - Review profitability of events - Maintain and monitor costs of judges H CGSC June 2011 M CGSC June 2012 M CGSC L CGSC 2013 M Treasure/CGSC ongoing - Assess on line entries via outside sources - Investigate Internet access on grounds - Develop a Vol policy - Arrange training sessions M CGSC/KL June 2012 2.1/2.2 Clarendon events and Facilities Safety Conduct safety update and review safety and RM plans Re-surface arenas Stable upgrade Secure financial viability of grounds Permanent “Club” office Financial viability of Clarendon events Time spent on entry processing Communication/EFP facilities etc on grounds Volunteers development. Performance targets Comments 100,000? RM policy updated RM person appointed New surfaces in 2011 Maintain as required $50,000? Re-furbish up to 12 stables Look for grant for part costs Extra income Introduce ground fee $50-100k? Permanent building or update & extend existing review guidelines for getting judges L M CGSC Increase in vol numbers Assess need for payment for travel Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 26 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Category Strategic Priority Action Priority (M/H/L) Responsibility Time Line Cost $ Performance targets Apr/May each yr $300,000 pa Event held within budget Within budget Judges workshop or similar held Increase in spectators Comments 2.3 International Major events Sydney CDI 3* Competition Provide a “Selection” and “Qualifying” for OG in 2012, Weg 2014. Invite panel exp judges inc. O level M/H TV & Sub Committee To lift the level of Dressage judging skills in Australia. Conduct a judges/riders seminar possibly with exams in conjunction with the event. M TV & Sub Committee Promotion & Marketing Increase media exposure Update Marketing plan M TV ongoing > Within budget Management Defined roles of OC Review OC structure and responsibilities Detailed task list M TV & Sub Committee Dec each year nil Conduct event that meets expectations of riders/sponsors - Establish OC - Prepare budget - Prepare Comp programme Schedule to ADC High TV & Committee May 2011 $280,000 pa Event held within budget H TV Jan 2011 Nil Schedule approval 2012/13 Nat champs Consider if NSW wish to hold event H Committee Feb 2012 ADC advised Conduct event at Tamworth Appoint co-ordinators H DNSW Committee Done for 2011 Event held Appoint OC/location for 2012/13 Put out Applications for tender M/H DNSW Committee Mar 2011 OC in place Conduct NSW Champs in 2012 Submit budget and plans H YR Champs Committee Jul 2011 Officials and other Exams every second year or as required Update Job descriptions Plan for new ED in 2013 2.4 Championship Events National Champs & CDI-W Approval of schedule NSW State Championships Young Rider State Championships Pony Dressage Self funding plus funds from various areas $65,000 tba Budget required Should be self funded Jul 2012 Nat YR Champs Assess if NSW wishes to hold in 2012 H YR Champs Committee Mar 2011 $70,000 tba ADC approval Should be self funded Pony dressage Champs - Submit budget and plans H PD SC Feb 2011 $20,000 Budget required Should be self funded - Review timing of PD CH from 2011 Dec 2012 Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 27 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Category Strategic Priority Action Priority (M/H/L) Responsibility Qualify horses for the AUS final Provide opportunities for horses M CGSC Conduct NSW Champs with CDI Work with CDI to implement M CDI committee May 2008 YH accredited judges Accred judges for YH judging H JSC Mar 2011 Mar 2013 Support regional Clubs Provide medallions for club champs M Ensure NSW riders are part of Team at OG 2012 & WEG 2014 - Offer high level events - Provide support and training H State HP role - Conduct review HP co-ord - Review appoint NSW Coach - Review squads format to bring in line with nat squad policy Establish cal of clinics. - Determine number of squad clinics per year Time Line Cost $ Performance targets Comments Conduct min of 5 qualifiers in NSW Enough qualifiers held for participation Conduct seminar every 3 years Review timing 2.5/6 Other Events Young Horse Club Events nil Within CDI budget $2,000 $1,000 Cost $12 each. Not all clubs request 2.7 Rider Development Elite riders State Squads NSWIS Selectors/Teams Selectors Selection of Teams Team support H Selectors/Committee? HP co-ord $10,000 Selectors/Committee $5000 pa HP co-ord appointed $5000 Clinics conducted Regular clinics Committee/Selectors HP co-ord June 2011 > the yearly review Committee/Selectors HP co-ord May 2011 - Clarify NSWIS arrangements - Involve Squad riders in NSWIS services M - Appoint selectors for next 4 yr term - 2013-2016 term Appoint Selectors M - Select best combinations to represent NSW at State & Nat Champs - Establish requirements and budget - Provide uniforms for teams - Review financial support of teams M Selectors M NSW Chef Committee - Chef role 2013-2016 M Events and representation Some NSWIS support Improved morale of Team/squad Utilisation of services. NSWIS satisfaction ongoing Selectors/Committee H Committee July 2012 Policy updated Jan 2013 Selectors in place for coming term May & Jan each year Teams in placing at Champs July 2012 Jan 2013 New term for selectors starts in 2013 $? Team outfitted Consider apply for EFA funds $1200pa (est) Entry fees subsidies for team comps Committee to endorse - call for nomination New term to start in 2013 (same as for selectors - appoint chef Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 28 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Category Young Riders Strategic Priority Action Scholarship programme and incentive reward system - implement revised scholarship programme and uphold rules - review programme annually - establish grant for overseas training programme - Determine plans for allocation of special funding for YR - Conduct up to 4 clinics per year - Assist where poss in schools programme - Conduct up to 6 qualifiers in NSW - Encourage Clubs to conduct qualifiers Special funding for OS training Training Schools dressage Young Horse Pony dressage Qualifiers Increase participation Improve the standard of riding General/coaching Accessible quality coaching Dressage awareness for coaches Hess Clinic Priority (M/H/L) M Responsibility Time Line Committee/HP coordinator Dec 2010 Cost $ Oct ea yr Performance targets New scheme in place from 2012 Comments Review by Oct yearly for ongoing H Committee Mar 2011 $15k approx. (funded) M ? ongoing L Committee Ongoing Nil H Committee 2012>ongoing User pays Send 2-3 OS to train From profit of 2010 YR CH Qualifiers held through NSW NSW horses at CH Assess need for more promotion to encourage more particpation - Provide protocol days and training opportunities M ? - inc # competitors M ? - higher % achieved - Establish links - Use only EA accred coaches - Review success of reduced rates for coaches to advertise in CL Through EA invite coaches to dressage workshops/seminars -Provide Christof Hess clinic for judges/riders/coaches M - more ponies on squads and competing at the higher levels M JSC H Committee nil June 2011 $12,000 Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 29 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 KRA 3: Officiating & People: (Judges, officials, volunteers, Clubs & Committees) • Objective: To improve the skills and knowledge of our officials, volunteers and Committee members and professional staff. Rationale: By increasing the skills of our officials we will be able to: • Ensure Dressage in NSW has a pool of quality judges and officials • Ensure that DNSW has a pool of volunteers to service the sport • Develop Dressage judges and volunteers • Advance the level of support and cooperation with Clubs Category 3.1 Judges Strategic priorities Provide structured training for judges Increase the numbers of judges across all levels Progress probationary judges Judge educators Key performance indicators Conduct a min of 3 seminars/workshops each year (covering all levels) Conduct up to 4 seminars/workshops in regional areas each year Increase judges list by 10%. Recruitment drive for judges Prob judges remain in the system Identify and mentor future JEs 3.2 Officials (Volunteers) Provide access to training for gear stewards and organisers Provide mentoring opportunities for new officials Training seminars conducted Involvement at events with experienced officials 3.3 Volunteers Assess need for a volunteer co-ordinator Recognition programme for volunteers Lock into EA volunteer programme Person appointed Recognition through publications and at events Flow on to DNSW 3.4 Clubs/Committees Organising Committees Develop relationship between Delegates and Clubs Improved flow of information to grass roots Provide support to Club Committees (mentoring) Regular updates and information sent to Clubs Provide support for Organising Committees Develop new event directors Provide opportunities for regional judges to gain experience Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 30 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Three-year summary The aim of the three year summary is to indicate in which year DNSW will begin to address its strategic priorities. Each year’s Operational Plan flows from this. There may be varied in subsequent years due to the outcomes of annual reviews. Key result area 2011 2012 2013 Conduct seminars and workshops at each level with exams at each level >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Determine ways to assist with training of officials >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Conduct a training session for stewards >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Provide on the job training opportunities for pencillers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Refer KRA 1 – for governance issues relating to DNSW committee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Review success of specific delegate meetings >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Officiating and People 3.1 Judges 3.2 Officials 3.3 Volunteers 3.4 Committees/clubs Recruitment drive for new judges Develop concept of vol co-ordinator Consider holding a Club Forum (see KRA 1) Other Instigate 3 specific committee meetings for Delegates Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 31 of 32 Dressage NSW – Business Plan 2011 – 2013 Dressage NSW Costed Annual Operational Plan - Financial Period 2011/2013 KEY RESULT 3: Officiating and People ACTION PLAN Category 3.1 Judges Strategic Priority Action Increase pool of judges - Encourage club participation in recruitment drive Training of judges - Conduct min 2 seminars at each level. - Conduct exams at each level Priority (M/H/L) H M/H Responsibility Time Line Cost $ JSC/DNSW ongoing $ JSC 2011 2012 2013 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Performance targets 10% inc achieved Comments On going - Prepare plans for seminars and workshops incorporating support for regional candidates $7200 - Support regional seminars, apply for SPF funding 3.2 Officials 3.3 Volunteers Travel subsidy Provide travel allowance for judges to attend seminars in Sydney Payment of judges (Clarendon) Review payment for judges at DNSW events Gear Stewards Retention and recruitment of vols Inc numbers of writers (pencillers) M JSC/DNSW M/L Committee Jan 2009 Conduct a training session M Committee Dec 2012 $1000 - Vol co-ord for Clarendon - Establish a data base of vols - Monthly award program for vols - link into EFA system - Provide training session and mentoring for judges writers M Committee & CGSC Dec 2011 $500 2012 $500 - Establish how we can best assist clubs committees - Conduct Club Forum-Refer KRA ) - Delegate roles in supporting clubs M July 2011 Nil M $1800 $2000 More judges retained in system Assess need to adopt ADC recomm 3.4 Clubs Committee/s Club support Committee/Delegates Some ideas and plans formulated Refer KRA 1 for Forum Macintosh HD:Users:tonimaria:Documents:Dressage NSW:Planning:2011-2013 Plans:DNSW_BP_Plan_2011-2013.doc Page 32 of 32
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