2 1 SAN ANTONIO ELEMENTARY 32416 DARBY RD DADE CITY, FL 33525 352-524-5300 Gopher Gazette Acting Principal STAN MYKITA Acting Assistant Principal DIANE LANDRY APRIL 2015 ! Important Dates APRIL 17 t h PK Parent Meeting CPR with Karen Ray Multipurpose Room 9:30 am 18 t h SAES Silent Auction Smokehouse Creek Rodeo Arena 5:30 pm 20 t h -23 r d 5 Grade FSA Testing Closed Campus th 22 n d 4 Grade Field Trip (Solocius & Richter) th SAES Day at Al’s Pizza 23 r d 4 Grade Field Trip (Olson, Bankowski, & Vuurens) th 24 t h Student of the Month Breakfast 8:40 am; Media Center 27 t h Progress Reports Go Home 27th-28th 5th Grade FSA Testing Closed Campus 2nd 30 t h Grade Field Trip A message from Mr. Mykita Dear Parents and Students, It is my honor and sincere pleasure to serve the San Antonio Elementary School community as your acting principal for the remainder of the 2014-‐2015 school year. I am looking forward to working with you to provide the best comprehensive educational program for each and every student at San Antonio so that he or she can be College, Career and Life Ready. My professional career spans more than 21 years. During that time I have built strong interpersonal relationships with colleagues and trusting relationships with parents. Over the next couple of months, I will continue to promote the mission and vision of San Antonio Elementary School. In closing, the San Antonio Elementary family remains dedicated to the advancement of your child's academic, social and personal development in a supportive, safe and challenging learning environment. We welcome and value your active participation and input in your child's education. Stanley M ykita Assistant Principal San Antonio Elementary MARCH ATTENDANCE 352-‐524-‐5300 Note: Mr. Mykita will be the acting Principal and Ms. Landry will be the acting Assistant Principal through the remainder of the 2014-‐2015 school year. Total # of Tardies: 313 Number of Students with 2 or More Tardies: 61 Total number of Absences: 452 Number of Students with 5 or More Absences: 11 SAN ANTONIO ELEMENTARY 32416 DARBY RD DADE CITY, FL 33525 352-524-5300 San Antonio elementary – home of the gophers Important Dates (cont.) MAY 1 & 4th Human Growth and Development st 4 t h -8th Teacher Appreciation Week 4 th Kindergarten Round Up Media Center 10:00 am – 2:00 pm 6 th SAC Meeting Media Center 8:00 am 7 th SAES Spring Concert Pasco Middle School 7:00 pm 8th Donuts with Mom 8:45 am 15 t h Bingo for Books 6:30 pm 21 s t SAES Night @ Beef O’Brady’s 22 n d Student of the Month Breakfast Media Center; 8:40 am 25th Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL 27th SAES Day @ Al’s Pizza PAGE 2 OF 22 COUNSELOR’S CORNER Greetings Gopher Families! Monthly Theme and Focus: During the month of April, all SAES students have been learning about “Perseverance.” As the end of the school year approaches, it can be difficult for students to stay focused and motivated to do their best in school. Here at San Antonio Elementary, we hold our students to high academic standards and we expect them to give 100% all day, every day! Perseverance means working hard to achieve a goal, despite difficulties or setbacks. For children, this can be a difficult concept to grasp. The determination to try, even when something is hard, is not a trait that is developed overnight. To help illustrate the concept of perseverance, many of our teachers are teaching students about the concept of G.R.I.T. This acronym provides steps for building perseverance in everything we do. We love the way it emphasizes that mistakes are okay and that success comes from lots of hard work. ive it your all Student of the Month: For April, our Students of the Month are Gophers that edo if necessary have shown perseverance to achieve their academic goals! gnore giving up Kindergarten: 1st Grade: Rozalyn Perez and TBA ake time to do it right 2nd Grade: TBA 3rd Grade: Destiny Jernigan and Elias Avila 4th Grade: TBA 5th Grade: TBA Food For Thought: The concept of G.R.I.T. is something that can be taught from a very early age. There are several things you can do as a parent to foster perseverance in your child(ren). First, always encourage your child to do their best. Whether it is cleaning their room or a big school project, teach them the importance of taking pride in their work. In addition, talk your child(ren) through their mistakes. It is important for them to know that making mistakes is okay. In fact, it is a part of learning! Most often, we learn more from experiences in which we struggle than we do when things come easily to us. Share with them about times you made mistakes in the past; point out that you still make mistakes, even as an adult! “Mistakes are proof that you’re trying.” Take care, Lorynn Gutierrez leyoung@pasco.k12.fl.us G R I T SAN ANTONIO ELEMENTARY 32416 DARBY RD DADE CITY, FL 33525 352-524-5300 San Antonio elementary – home of the gophers Page 3 PAREN T’S PAG E Farewell . . . On Friday, April 10th, students and staff said farewell to Ms. Berger as she began her retirement. Before the end of the day she made the rounds of the different classrooms to say goodbye to all the students…hugging as many as she could. We wish her well in this new chapter of her life. She will be missed at San Antonio Elementary. TESTING DATES FOR 5th Grade: Monday, April 20: Tuesday, April 21: Wednesday, April 22: Thursday, April 23: Monday, April 27: Tuesday, April 28: Grade 5 – Math Session 1 Grade 5 – Math Session 2 Grade 5 – Math makeups Grade 5 – Math makeups Grade 5 – Science Session 1 Grade 5 – Science Session 2 N O TE : TH E RE W ILL BE C LO S E D C A M PU S U N TIL 1:00 E A C H O F TH E A BO VE D A YS . N O VO LU N TE E RS A N D N O VIS ITO RS FO R LU N C H , E TC . MEDICATION AT SCHOOL According to district policy, students may not carry any medication on their person. This includes over the counter medication. If your student requires medication to be administered during the school day please read the district’s policy regarding medication at school. You may find this by going to the Pasco County Schools website or you may contact Cindy Pennington, Health Assistant or myself. Some exceptions are made for asthma inhalers, Epi-‐pens and pancreatic enzymes. In order to have these medications carried by the student you must contact the Health Assistant or myself for further direction. All forms for medication administration at school may be found on the district website. Thank you, Karen Ray, RN Pasco County School Nurse
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