Reset Instructions

Safety Turtle
Resetting Base Unit to Factory Setting
If for any reason your Safety Turtle system does not function properly, reset to Factory Settings
Factory Reset
Factory Reset
Factory Reset
Step 1:
Unplug Base Unit from
wall outlet.
Step 4:
Wait One Minute
Step 6:
Inset AC adapter into
bottom of Base Unit. Be
sure it is pushed all the
way in
Factory Reset
Step 2:
Unplug AC adapter from
bottom of Base Unit
Factory Reset
Step 5:
Replace baby turtle and
insure it snaps into the
front of the base unit
Factory Reset
Step 3:
Remove baby turtle
from front of Base Unit
15375 Barranca Pkwy Suite B107 Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: 949-943-3349
Factory Reset
Step 7:
Plug AC adapter into
wall outlet. Green light
will indicate system is
armed and ready