Particle depletion in a differentially heated cavity Jarmo Kalilainen SAFIR2014 FINAL SEMINAR, 20.3.2015 Introduction • Aerosol behaviour in a containment building during an accident scenario has an importance on the mitigation of the FP release to the environment. • Large scale SA experiments (e.g. Phebus FPT2-3) observed relatively large deposition to vertical containment walls Possible effects of turbulent natural convective flow to the particle wall deposition? • The aim of this study is to study fluid and heat transfer and particle retention in a Differentially Heated Cavity (DHC). The experimental results are used in validation of a large eddy simulation (LES) of the DHC and Lagrangian particle tracking (LPT) simulations. DIANA Facility • DIfferentially heated cavity with Aerosol in turbulent NAtural convection (DIANA) facility. • The facility has two vertical isothermal aluminium walls and four adiabatic glass walls. • The facility must allow optical access for laser-based measurement devices used to determine the flow properties as well as particle deposition rates • In order for the Boussinesq approximation, used in the simulation work to be valid the heat difference between the walls must remain below 50 K. • Fluid: air, T = 57 °C - 18 ° C = 39 ° C, Rayleigh number Ra ~ 109. Turbulent flow. PIV Cavity Two part study • Experimental study: Measurement of flow field and gas temperature in the DIANA cavity Measurement of particle deposition rates using monodisperse SiO2 particles with diameters 1 µm and 2.5 µm. • Computational study: Validation of the LES model using experimental temp. boundary conditions (BC). Comparison of measurement to Lagrangian particle tracking data obtained using the validated LES model. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) Mean and fluctuating velocity x-y components of the flow field measured near the cavity lateral center plane using a PIV. •Imaging measurement of velocity fields of particles in a transparent fluid •Flow visualization •Double pulse laser and double frame CCD-camera •Analysis of flow fields from two images taken at short interval Fluid velocity A series of 120 PIV measurements at the lower left corner, 330 mm from the front adiabatic wall. An average velocity, calculated from 1200 PIV images at the lower left corner, 330 mm from the front adiabatic wall. Fluid velocity Vmag= + = • Mean velocity magnitudes and the turbulence intensity at the cavity center plane. • Turbulent flow encircling a stagnant core next to the isothermal and horizontal walls. LES of the cavity • Two LES with different BCs at the horizontal wall were used in the particle tracking simulations. • In the first LES (LES-WT), the thermal BCs for isothermal and horizontal walls were obtained from the wall temperature measurement data. • The second simulations using idealized adiabatic BCs on horizontal walls (LESIDEAL), was validated against the DNS data by Puragliesi (PhD thesis, EPFL, 2010) with similar conditions. • The LES-WT validated using the measurement data. • Flow and temp. field differed with LESIDEAL – Flow geometry different, less turbulent. Horizontal and vertical temperature profiles measured with K-type thermocouple, compared against LES-WT and LES-IDEAL simulation data. Both show stratified temperature distribution at cavity core. LES of the cavity Comparison between PIV measurement of mean vertical and horizontal velocity components and LES-WT simulation. Rms of velocity along horizontal and vertical profiles from PIV measurements and LES-WT simulations . LES of the cavity Velocity magnitude LES-IDEAL PIV Turbulence kinetic energy LES-IDEAL LES-WT Particle deposition measurements • Monodisperse SiO2 (1 and 2.5 µm) particles seeded from the bottom of the cavity. • The change of particle concentration was investigated by introducing a laser sheet to the cavity through the top or front glass wall and measuring the intensity of the reflected light from the particles by a CCD camera. • Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) was used in addition to laser intensity measurements. Particle deposition measurements Experiment matrix. • Exp. Particle diam. [µm] Laser window placem. Exp. Particle diam. [µm] Laser window placem. 1 1.0 xz hot 6 2.5 xz hot 2 1.0 xy hot 7 2.5 xy hot 3 1.0 xy centre 8 2.5 xy centre 4 1.0 xy cold 9 2.5 xy cold 5 1.0 (dry atm.) xz hot Particle distribution in the cavity direction (experiments 1 & 6). • Particles approx. uniformly distributed to the cavity at the lateral direction. • The results indicated uniform deposition rates throughout the cavity atmosphere. • No effect of dry atmosphere on particle depletion rate was observed in exp. 5. Particle tracking simulations Simulation matrix. 1 µm particles LES-IDEAL-CRW tp ON LES-IDEAL-CRW tp OFF LES-WT-CRW tp ON LES-WT-CRW tp OFF LES-WT tp ON 2.5 µm particle LES-IDEAL-CRW tp ON LES-IDEAL-CRW tp OFF LES-WT-CRW tp ON LES-WT-CRW tp OFF LES-WT tp OFF number of particle thermophoretic force considered computation ended [s] 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Yes No Yes No Yes ~6300 ~6300 ~6300 ~6300 ~1000 10000 10000 10000 10000 100000 Yes No Yes No No ~2300 ~2300 ~2300 ~2300 ~1700 • In Continuous Random Walk (CRW) simulations the fluctuating fluid velocity is modelled using a Markov chain based on the normalized Langevin equation which takes into account the inhomogeneities of the turbulence (Dehbi, 2008). The mean flow and temperature fields, along with the average Reynolds stresses were extracted from LES and used to calculate the fluctuating velocity component. • CRW compared against pure LES particle tracking. Good match. • Particle tracking simulations made using the LES-WT with realistic BCs and LES-IDEAL with ideal adiabatic BCs at horizontal walls. • Thermophoretic force (tp) considered in some simulations. Particle tracking simulations • In the stirred settling case, particles are kept uniformly distributed in a cubic volume with side length L, and are deposited only through gravitational settling to the enclosure floor (Hinds, 1999). • The inclusion of thermophoretic force to the simulation has only relatively small effect on the deposition speed. Only effects on distribution of deposit on different surfaces. Average decay constants from the laser intensity and mass concentration measurements, particle tracking simulations and form the stirred settling calculation. Comparison of particle decay from the cavity atmosphere with dp = 1 µm particles. dp = 1 µm dp = 2.5 µm Average , TEOM [s] 5220 ± 190 s 1100 ± 90 s Average , laser intensity [s] 4970 ± 60 s 1800 ± 80 s LES-WT-CRW tp ON 4890 s 1510 s LES-WT-CRW tp OFF 5060 s 1520 s LES-WT tp (1 µm ON) (2.5 µm OFF) 5530 s 1610 s LES-IDEAL-CRW tp ON 6360 s 1860 s LES-IDEAL-CRW tp OFF 6920 s 1840 s Theoretical Stirred Settling (Hinds, 1999) 10210 s 1780 s Summary • Flow and temperature measurements were performed in DIANA cavity with turbulent natural convective flow. LES model using DIANA cavity BCs produced valid representation of the flow and temp. fields. • Aerosol depletion in DIANA cavity was investigated experimentally using monodisperse SiO2 particles with dp = 1 µm and dp = 2.5 µm. Depletion rates from Lagrangian particle tracking with realistic BCs at the cavity walls agreed well with the measurement data. • Comparison to theoretical stirred settling indicated large discrepancy with 1 µm particle. LPT with ideal boundary conditions resulted on slower particle depletion due to altered flow geometry and decreased level of turbulence in the cavity. Stirred settling not applicable in DHC geometry even in the cavity core where the flow is almost stagnant.
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