Apr. 2015 - Sheriff`s Advisory Foundation

April 2015
San Luis Obispo County
Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation
Sheriff Ian Parkinson’s Message
We have entered another new
year with a lot planned for the
upcoming year. We have had
many new hires and promotions. Chief John Giese retired after a long and successful career with the Sheriff’s
Office. John was a valuable
asset to my executive staff
and I will miss him. Commander Ron Hastie was selected and promoted to replace John. Chief Hastie was
most recently the Detective
Commander. Chief Hastie’s
father, John, was also a Chief Deputy
with the Sheriff’s Office. We are
looking forward to Ron’s contributions as a Chief Deputy. We promoted Sergeant Stuart MacDonald to the
rank of Commander and Senior Deputy Doug Scotto was promoted to
Sergeant. Promotions are exciting
changes but also signify the loss of
institutional knowledge and a new era
for the Sheriff’s Office.
On February 25th we held an awards
ceremony. Many people were in attendance, including employees, families and Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation Board members. This ceremony
culminated with presenting 33 awards
to department members, ranging
from Commendations to Distinguished Service Award to Medal of
Valor, all for actions taken in service
to the communities we serve. The
Sheriff’s Awards Committee is responsible for reviewing the activities and
actions of employees who are nominated through the chain of command for
recognition and awards. The Committee votes on whether an award or
recognition is appropriate and forwards their recommendations to the
Sheriff. The Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation also presented 47 Service
Award Pins to Sheriff’s Office employees, the longest being for 35 years
of continuous service. Additionally,
volunteers were recognized for their
years of service, the longest being 40
Please see page 10 for a list of
Award Recipients
Events Calendar
Board Meetings
May 12, 2015
June 9, 2015
July (Dark)
Aug. 11, 2015
Sept. 8, 2015
May 17th-Fun-Raiser
McClintocks, Shell Beach
July 14th– Installation Dinner
Steamers, Shell Beach
September 12th-Family Day
Madonna Ranch
Tip-A-Cop Dates
May 19th
North County
May 21st
South County
May 20th
June 4th
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Chairperson’s Message to Advisory Members
senting the SLO County Board of
Supervisors were Bruce Gibson,
Lynn Compton, Adam Hill and
Debbie Arnold. The sheriff, Ian
Parkinson, and Undersheriff Tim
Olivas, awarded commendations
for Lifesaving Recognition, Volunteer of the Year, and Years of
Service ranging from 20- to 40
years of both employed and volunteer service.
DA Dan Dow and Frank
Meacham attended with the
sheriff to speak and answer
questions. SAF set up a table
with information. Also attending were posse volunteers,
crime prevention expert, Marsha Mann, and the Sheriff’s
Auxiliary Volunteer Patrol.
The citizens were receptive to
the sheriff’s efforts.
We also assisted at this year’s
Dear Foundation and Board town hall meeting in Shandon in
which Sheriff Parkinson gave the
We’re off to an excellent start local citizens an update on the
in joining our sheriff, Ian Par- department’s work in their part of
kinson, in SLO community the county. Supporting the sheriff
involvement. Our first project at the meeting were DA Dan
this year was to supply pins Dow and Supervisor Frank
and certificates to the San Luis Mecham who also answered
Obispo County Sheriff’s Office questions from the community.
Awards Ceremony. Represent- SAF members attended to help
ing the board of the organiza- set up, assist and serve, and take
tion were Sylvia Dodd, James down tables and chairs.
Hunt, Randy Arseneau, The next town hall meeting was
Renee Samaniego-Lundy, held in San Miguel. Once again,
and Marshal Klein. Repre-
The next big event, Disaster
Preparedness, was put on by
PG&E and the American Red
Cross at the San Luis Obispo
Veteran’s Hall. SAF, Mary
Scarbrough, Sam Scarbrough, Randy Arseneau,
Bill and Gigi Senna and the
sheriff’s crime prevention unit
staffed side-by-side tables full
of educational information for
the public.
Sylvia Dodd
28 and the other in Los Osos
at South Bay Community
Center, Monday, May 11. We
invite the community as well
as you to join us.
Two other monumental
events to put on your calendar right now are SAF’s major annual Fun-Raiser on
May 17 and the Special
Olympics Tip-A-Cop dinners. The South County dinner is Thursday, May 21 at
the South County Regional
As you can see, we are reaching out to the community to
show the Sheriff’s and SAF’s
efforts in “Leading the Way
for Public Safety.”
Happy trails to you,
We have two future town hall
meetings coming up, one in Sylvia Dodd
Avila Beach on Tuesday, April Foundation Chair
Sheriff ’s Advisory Foundation’s
Funding Report -Year 2015
During the Year of 2015, the Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation made the following contributions for requests for
funds received from the Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff's Auxiliary Units, Law Enforcement Support Organizations
and other Law Enforcement Agencies in San Luis Obispo County:
SLO Sheriff’s Office:
CSSA - California Sheriff's State Conference................$484
G.R.E.A.T. Program…………………………….......….$813
PG&E Emergency Preparedness............................... $7,000
SLSO K-9……………………………………………...$11,897
Training Programs.......................................................$1,038
Service Awards.............................................................$1,452
Law Enforcement Support Organizations
CERT Program............................................................$2,250
Total Amount thru March 31, 2015…………..............$24,934
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Preparedness Expo 2015
by Mary Giambalvo
Pictured: Dale Murray, Randy Arseneau, Undersheriff Tim Olivas, Sheriff Parkinson
The fourth annual Preparedness Expo emerged a huge
success once again. Held on March 21 at the San Luis
Obispo Veteran’s Hall, the expo featured local agencies
and businesses that specialize services or products related
to public safety. From fire trucks to Tasers to earthquake
simulations to hopped up police vehicles, families were
educated in how to care for themselves in an emergency as
well as what to expect from their public service people.
A room was set aside for speakers such as Sheriff
Ian Parkinson who spoke on “Communication Before,
During and After a Natural Disaster.” There were also
talks on how to prepare a disaster kit before the fact, nuclear power plant information, and basic emergency preparation.
Pictured: Randy Arseneau, Mary Scarbrough, Sam Sarbrough
Children were fascinated to see the earthquake simulator in action as well as talk to their heroes in uniform.
The Dumont family stopped by the SAFSLO table to announce one of the children had won a bicycle at last year’s
Sheriff’s Family Day. They graciously offered to volunteer
at this year’s event.
The San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation
staffed a table to inform the public on our organization as
well as offer Sheriff’s Family Day t-shirts and mugs when
donations were offered. Thank you to Sylvia Dodd, Mary
and Sam Scarbrough, Randy Arseneau, and Gigi and
Bill Senna for their hard work setting up, staffing, and
taking down the SAFSLO exhibit.
Pictured: Mary Scarbrough, Karly, Colby and Ashly,
Dumont, Sylvia Dodd
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
California Commendation Medals Awarded
By Tony Cipolla
On Friday, April 10 at the Sheriff's Honor Farm, Sheriff
Ian Parkinson, Undersheriff Tim Olivas and Chief Deputy
Rob Reid were awarded the California Commendation
Medal from the Commander of the California National
Guard, Major General David S. Baldwin. The three are
being recognized for their dedication of service and cooperation with the California National Guard, in particular,
C a m p
S a n
L u i s
O b i s p o .
About the Award: The California Commendation Medal
is awarded to members of the California National Guard or
civilians who demonstrate meritorious service or achievement to the State or the United States.
About the Presenter: Major General David S. Baldwin
was appointed as the 46th Adjutant General on April 16,
2011. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. recalled General
Baldwin from his second deployment to Afghanistan,
where he served as Deputy Commander of the 101st Airborne Division Tactical Command Post and Senior Mentor
to the Commanding General of the 201st Afghan Army
Corps, to assume command of the California National
Guard. As the Adjutant General, he leads the largest, most
tasked National Guard force in the United States, with an
authorized strength of 23,000 personnel.
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Law Enforcement Torch Run Final Leg for Special Olympics
By Tony Cipolla
open the 2015 Special Olympics World Games at the
LA Coliseum. More than 7,000 athletes from 177
countries will take part in the World Games in July. In
honor of that event, Sheriff Parkinson has ordered
"2015 Special Olympics World Games" bumper
stickers to be affixed to all Sheriff's Patrol Units. "This
is our way of showing support for a very worthwhile
cause. A cause, I and other law enforcement officers
deeply believe in and which I have personally been
involved with for a number of years, " said Sheriff
Parkinson. The bumper stickers were funded by a
donation from the Sheriff's Advisory Foundation. The
bumper stickers will remain on the vehicles until
the completion of the World Games in August.
Undersheriff Tim Olivas
Law enforcement officers hand-selected from all
over the world, including one from the Central Coast,
are going above and beyond as they take part in the
Law Enforcement Torch Run Final Leg for Special
Olympics. A part of that Torch Run will come
through San Luis Obispo County on July 16 & 17.
The officers, including San Luis Obispo Police
Lieutenant, Bill Proll will be carrying the "Flame of
Hope" as they make their way through the County
escorted by members of the Sheriff's Office and the
CHP. The torch runners will finish in Los Angeles to
Christopher Meadows Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser
The 6th annual Christopher Meadows Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser is Saturday May 9 from 3 - 6 PM at
the Atascadero Lake Pavilion.
Christopher was a member of the Sheriff's Search and Rescue team who was killed in the line of duty in a tragic
accident on the Oceano Dunes in 2009.
The event will raise money to benefit the Christopher Meadows Memorial EMS Scholarship Fund to provide
scholarships to those entering the field of emergency medical services.
Contact: Tim Meadows 408.205.9702
For more information visit: http:endeavors/cmeadows/wine-tasting.html//charitysmith.org/
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
2015 San Luis Obispo County K9 Unit
Pictured: Deputy Peet & Canine DJ, Senior Deputy Barger and Canine Jack, Deputy Franklin and Canine
Jocko, Deputy Souza and Canine Gonzo, Deputy Love and Canine Hondo, Deputy Fischer and Canine
K-9 Memorial Area Needs Improvement
As many of you may or may not know, our Sheriff’s Office is unique in the fact that we have the only designated
K-9 memorial in the nation. Our K-9 memorial site has even hit main stream news. An article written by an Associated Press member, Sue Manning mentioned our memorial site in her article; “Police Dogs Laid to Rest in
Their Own Cemetery in California” (LOS ANGELES — Mar 11, 2015). But our memorial site is not complete.
“We still need a flag pole and the steps need improvements”, mentioned Senior Deputy Barger.
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
No Spring Vacation For Our
SLO Sheriff ’s Office K-9 Team
By Renee Samaniego Lundy
While Major League Baseball was getting ready for
spring training, our Sheriff’s Office K-9 team and
Special Enforcement Detail (SED) went to their own
training camp this spring. A 10 member team (2 K-9
units and 8 SED members) were sent to the Los Angeles County Special Enforcement Bureau Tactical
Canine Course. The course was in scorching Los Angeles heat for 3 ten-hour days!
The course was designed to expose the canine team to
present-day training and deployment concepts related
to integrating a canine team into high risk operations
conducted by SWAT/SED tactical teams. The course
enables participants to successfully and safely integrate
a canine handler and properly trained canine with
members of a tactical team. The course taught our
Sheriff’s team proper communication skills needed
between the K-9 team, tactical team members and
command staff.
This was no vacation for our Sheriff’s team. Some of
the classes taught during the 3 day crunch were; pre
deployment planning strategies involving tactical arrest teams, containment teams, entry team assignments, barricaded vehicle operations, hostage rescue
operations, fast rope deployment (from a helicopter)
and high risk area search missions, to name a few. The
instruction provided our team with the skills and philosophies necessary to successfully complete a demanding “culmination exercise” at the conclusion of
the course.
Our team did very well on the “culmination exercise”.
It replicated actual deployment conditions and measured the abilities and shortcomings of our Sheriff’s K9 teams. Handler Josh Peet and K-9 DJ along with
Handler Bryan Love and K-9 Hondo performed exceptionally well at the training exercise. The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Office SED Team members commented on how well the K-9 and SED Units were
equipped and that they performed very well together
especially with such a new K-9 program having been
Our K-9 teams purchased equipment that just made it
in on time for the tactical course training. The team
was very excited about the new-updated gear. The
last purchase of equipment and training completely
expended the K-9 account. When speaking with Senior Deputy Barger about future goals, purchases and/
or needs for our K-9 team, he mentioned the need for
new bite suits ($1,500 apiece) and improvements to
the K-9 memorial.
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Please Welcome our Newest K-9 Team
With the retirement of K-9 “Nico” and his handler
Deputy Faeth last year, the newest team to pound the
streets is canine “DJ” and handler Deputy Josh
Peet. This team hit the ground running (or should I
say sniffing?). Their first day on the job they had a
successful track and apprehension. A few days later,
at a self-initiated stop, DJ found some meth in a car
his partner Deputy Peet pulled over. Can you imagine what we could do with 20 dogs?
However, there are plans at this time to add a new
dog. “I would love to have an EOD dog (Explosion
Ordinance Detection/AKA bomb sniffing dog). Our
department does not have a bomb sniffing dog, it
would be great to have our own”, said Senior Deputy
Barger. Needless to say our K-9 team is impressive,
and with the continued help of our community, it can
only improve.
Canine DJ
Deputy Peet and Canine DJ
The Foundation’s most immediate goal is to expand our membership to provide the needed funds to support law enforcement agencies in San Luis
Obispo County. The Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation urges you to ask your friends, family members and business associates to join the Foundation
by making an investment in the future of law enforcement agencies in San Luis Obispo County. The annual membership fee is $100.00 and $25.00
for junior membership to age 21. Applications and contributions should be sent to:
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation, P.O. Box 3752, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403
For applications and information, please visit our website at: http://safslo.org or email
Renee Samaniego at safslo@yahoo.com
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Marsha Mann Speaks at Footprinters Meeting
Newborns are generally issued Social Security
numbers, and perpetrators sometimes steal those numbers and create a new identity with them to illegally gain
loans, credit cards and other ways for ill-gotten gains.
The elderly are often victims of scams. One
common one is the phone call from a so-called grandchild, purporting to be in trouble and needing money
quickly. Often, those who fall for the scam are too humiliated to report. Another recent scam, especially during tax time is a call from someone claiming to be with
the IRS, demanding payment for overdue taxes by
threatening jail time.
Marsha Mann
Marsha encouraged her listeners to monitor their
credit card activity and keep up with credit reports.
Marsha Mann of the SLO County Sheriff’s
Office Crime Prevention Unit spoke at the most recent Footprinter’s International Chapter 73 meeting
on the depth and breadth of identity theft.
Footprinter International is a law enforcement
support group. The local chapter raises funds for scholarships, acknowledgement of outstanding local officers
and dispatchers, and for officers and their families who
find themselves in need of assistance. Footprinters,
Chapter 73, also hosts Cops ‘n Kids Day in Arroyo
Grande in November.
Her purpose was to alert people to the different ways one’s identity can be stolen and criminalized. She emphasized that everyone is vulnerable,
from newborn infants to the elderly.
Welcome to Our New Gold Sponsor!
CAME Security Alarms
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Sheriff ’s Office Service Awards Ceremony
On Wednesday, February 25 at the Sheriff's Honor Farm, an awards ceremony recognized those
Sheriff's Office employees who have gone above and
beyond the call of duty. Among those being honored: Deputy Penaflor, Deputy Alm, and Deputy
Bird received the Medal of Valor, the highest award
given by the Sheriff's Office, for their work in rescuing a 4-year-old boy from his home after an armed
carjacking suspect broke into the house in July.
Senior Deputy Howard and Deputy Coyes received the Distinguished Service Award for locating
and stopping a van that was associated with a panga
boat incident in November. As a result, the panga
boat was seized, seven suspects were arrested and
approximately 6,000 pounds of marijuana confiscated.
Correctional Sergeant Huskey received the Lifesaving Award. Huskey, who was off-duty at the time,
performed CPR and saved the life of an 85-year-old
man who went into cardiac arrest outside a restaurant
in Atascadero. Awards were also given for Outstanding Service, Commendation Certificates and the
Sheriff's Office Volunteer of the Year.
Award Recipients
Kenneth Jones
Stewart Bishop
Sheena Therien
Gerald Leetham
David Doss
Alistar Paterson
Alan Maez
Russell Hebrard
Casey Vert
Erny Lowry
Michelle Voisenat
Donna Sterling
Jason Neff
John Huskey
Lifesaving Recognition
Paul Ward - Automation Specialist
Lisa Murray
Cynthia Becker
Volunteer of the Year
Kasey Trimble – Posse
Outstanding Service
Roger Degnan
Rory Linn
Chad Guiton
James Wyett
Mark Souza
Ron Slaughter
Shawna Schaffer
Dedicated Service
Dave Helwig – Psychological Svs.
Distinguished Service
Jonathan Howard
Eleotte Coyes
Hank Abbas
Jeffrey Nichols
Evelyn Kirk
Debbie Dusi
Medal of Valor
John Penaflor
Christopher Alm
Clinton Bird
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Historical Article
The Ends Justify the Means
Provided by Jack Jones
In the 1850's, San Luis Obispo was a very dangerous place See Canyon, they came to the big sycamore tree that stands
to live with gangs of desperados roaming the county com- over the road there and the two vigilantes stopped the wagmitting robberies, thefts and murder.
In one particular case, involving a series of murders in the
Nacimiento area of Paso Robles, the Vigilance Committee
pursued the culprits south into Santa Barbara County where
they were captured.
After a little discussion, one of the vigilantes said," What's
the use of hauling these men clear to town?" They continued, "They're only going to be hanged anyway." So out they
jumped, threw a rope over a limb, and hanged them then
Jose Garcia, one of the main characters was captured and and there.
confessed to his share in the murders and was promptly After the hanging it was generally agreed that act held the
hanged. Two other murderers named Blanco and Grijalva criminal instinct down in this town for years. They went on
were located in the area near Captain Wilson's Rancho and to opine that "It might be a good thing if they would try
taken into custody. There were no highways or railroads some of those methods nowadays."
available at that time so they were transported by boat to the
Avila port and then brought by wagon from that point up to
O tempora, O mores!
the city via the old Avila road. As they were going through
Notice of Membership Dues Increase
In year 1988, the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Advisory Foundation (SAF), formally Council was formed to fill the
gap between the County's increasing need for law enforcement and the tightening of the county's budget. The Sheriff's
Office's objective was to raise money for future and existing programs through a new non-profit public benefit corporation. Since this time, through the phenomenal efforts of our member volunteer base we have achieved a lot in terms of
raising funds to support the Sheriff's Office, Auxiliary Units and other local law enforcement organizations and agencies in
San Luis Obispo County.
Since year 1988, SAF has not raised its membership dues which started at $100 annually. Unfortunately expenses and requests to fund programs have risen. For this reason, the Board has voted to raise membership dues to help offset rising
costs and increases in funding requests.
Effective July 2015, the membership dues will be increased to $125.00 annually. We are hoping this does not greatly affect
our membership and that everyone will continue to be a valued contributor to the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Advisory Foundation. If there are any questions, or concerns regarding this increase, please let one of the Board members
Again, thank you for supporting the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Advisory Foundation and we look forward to making year 2015 another great year!
"Leading the Way for Public Safety"
Sylvia Dodd, Chairperson
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Town Hall Meetings
On Monday, May 11, 6 - 8 PM, South Bay Community Center, 2180 Palisades Avenue, Los Osos, Sheriff Parkinson will hold another in his series of Town Hall Meetings. The public is invited and encouraged to attend to
discuss the issues of public safety in the Los Osos area and the rest of the county.
February 23rd
Shandon Town Hall Meeting
Pictured: Sheriff Parkinson, District
Attorney Dan Dow, County Supervisor
Frank Mecham
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Sheriff ’s Office Press Releases
Provided by Tony Cipolla
OHV Grant Application
The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office is currently in the preliminary stages of applying for a California Department of
Parks Off-Highway Grant. The grant title is The San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Office Off-Highway Safety Team .(S.O.S. Team)
The grant will be utilized to replace old worn out equipment and to create a pro-active Off-Highway Enforcement Team that
would be able to address Off-Highway Vehicle incidents. The equipment will allow team members the ability to perform offhighway enforcement of the OHV Laws throughout the County of San Luis Obispo, in addition to being able to help with
search and rescue missions should the need arise. The public review and comment period for the 2014/15 Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program begins Tuesday, March 3, 2015, and ends Monday, April 6, 2015. This period provides an opportunity for the public to review and provide comments to the preliminary applications submitted to the OHMVR Division
for consideration during the 2014/15 grant cycle. The Division’s On-Line Grants Application (OLGA) database allows the
public to view preliminary applications in a centralized location and to provide public comments. To view preliminary applications and to provide public comments: go to http://OHV.Parks.Ca.Gov
Tobacco Sting
The San Luis Obispo County Health Agency’s Tobacco Control Program in coordination with the San Luis Obispo County
Sheriff’s Office completed a recent countywide tobacco sales compliance check operation which ended on March 24, 2015.
The enforcement activity utilized underage decoys to regulate illegal sales of tobacco products to minors and resulted in
twelve (12) businesses selling to a decoy (a 22.64% illegal sales rate) in the unincorporated areas of the county. The illegal
sales rate increased from the last series of compliance operations, increasing from 14.29% to 22.64% in the latest round of
The compliance checks focused on unincorporated communities including but not limited to San Miguel, Santa Margarita,
Cambria, Cayucos, Los Osos, Avila Beach, Oceano and Nipomo. The incorporated cities within the county did not participate in these sting operations. With the assistance of three local teen (under age 18) decoys, fifty-three (53) tobacco retailer
locations were visited throughout the county. Twelve clerks of the 53 retailers illegally sold tobacco to the decoy, accounting
for the 22.64% sales rate. Under Penal Code § 308(a), it is a misdemeanor to sell tobacco products to anyone under the age
of 18.
The twelve (12) stores that engaged in the illegal sale of tobacco products to a minor with no prior violations were: 1) Kachi
Tobacco, 538 Tefft Street, Nipomo; 2) Los Berros Market, 2012 Los Berros Rd, Arroyo Grande; 3) Los Osos Liquor, 2004
10th Street, Los Osos; 4) Margarita Plaza Liquor, 22350 El Camino Real, Santa Margarita; 5) Shandon Market, 240 East Centre Street, Shandon. The following stores sustained their second violation: 6) A-1 Liquors, 105 South Main Street, Templeton;
7) Cambria Chevron, 2194 Main Street, Cambria; 8) Central Market, 2061 Cienega Street, Oceano; 9) Old Cambria Marketplace, 589 Main Street, Cambria. The following stores sustained their third violation: 10) La Placita Market, 515 Orchard Avenue, Nipomo; 11) Santa Margarita Mercantile, 22304 “G” Street, Santa Margarita. The following store sustained their fourth
violation: 12) Mission Market & Deli, 1402 Mission Street, San Miguel.
Retail clerks with tobacco sales violations are issued a Notice to Appear and criminally prosecuted through Superior Court.
By county ordinance, any business in violation is subject to an administrative hearing with penalties to include suspension of
their ability to retail tobacco and a $1000 fine for each offense. First and second offender business may elect to participate in
a diversion program aimed at onsite education for employees and point-of-sale upgrades that use technology to prevent future sales.
The San Luis Obispo County Health Agency's Tobacco Control Program offers retailer training on how to refuse a sale,
methods to identify an underage buyer and instruction on properly reading an identification card or driver’s license. Members
of the public or media with questions regarding the sale of tobacco products to minors are encouraged to call the Tobacco
Control Program at (805) 781-5564.
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff ’s Advisory
The Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation is a non-profit, Section 501(c) (3) Public Benefit Corporation formed to provide funding and
additional support to the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office and of other law enforcement agencies in San Luis Obispo
County; IRS Tax EIN # 77-0189925.
Unfortunately, no, YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE NOT ENOUGH. San Luis Obispo County operates on a strict and structured budget that must be divided among all county services. With the continued growth of the county, there is not enough
money in the budget to provide all of the sophisticated, costly and updated equipment and personnel needed.
Many of these Advisory Foundation groups are being successfully formed throughout the state to help augment and support law
enforcement agencies. This is the expressed intent of this organization.
Many police agencies in the County are small. Funds will be available to help those Offices as well. The County Sheriff’s Office has overlapping jurisdictions in several areas and provides a support organization to all agencies. In addition, the Sheriff’s Office handles Marshall Functions and provides Coroner response to all deaths in the county regardless of jurisdictions.
The Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation urges you to join in making an investment in the future law enforcement in San Luis Obispo
County. Annual membership fee is $100.00 and $25.00 for junior membership to age 21. If you are interested in joining the San
Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation please complete the Application Form or if you prefer a full page Application visit the Foundation’s website http://www.sacslo.org
Donations are accepted to provide funds to the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation towards supporting the
SLO Sheriff’s Office and other local Law Enforcement Agencies in San Luis Obispo County.
All checks for tax-deductible donations should be made payable to the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation,
which has been classified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as being under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code..
Applications and donations should be sent to:
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff ’s Advisory Foundation
P.O. Box 3752, San Luis Obispo, CA 93403
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Welcome to the Following New SAF Members
Real Estate Investments
Vice Chairman
Grace Environmental
Legal Counsel
Executive Director
Foundation Past Chairman
Business Management Consulting
New Members
Louis Salseda , Arroyo Grande
Craig Shannon, SLO
Owen Shea, SLO
Christopher Slate, SLO
James Hunt
Randy Arseneau
Dr. Tom Ronay
Randy Arseneau
Our Thanks to the Following Donors for Their
Generous & Thoughtful Donations
Immediate Past Chairman
Farm Supply Company
Gold Sponsor Renewal
San Luis Ambulance, $2500
Foundation Past Chairman
Century 21 Hometown Realty
General Fund
John Douglas, Vista Vineyards Paso Robles, $200
Estero Bay Newcomers Club, Honorarium for Brandi Swain $75
Founding Chairman
North Coast Great Camp Summer 2015:
Salvation Army Cambria $900
Cambria Community Council $1000
California Men's Colony
Foundation Past Chairman
Foundation Past Chairman
Professor Emeritus Cal Poly
Retired Businessman
Members are Welcome to Attend Board Meetings
Former County Supervisor
Sheriff’s Civil Division
Retired Cal Trans
Retired Elementary Principal
Founding Treasurer
Disability Expert
The monthly Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation’s Board meetings are usually held at the
Sheriff’s Office Honor Farm on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm., except for the months of July & December. Members who are planning to attend the
meeting should wear their Sheriff's Office identification badge. For information and
change of meeting location, please email Renee Samaniego at safslo@yahoo.com or visit
our website www.safslo.org
Newsletter Publisher
Insurance Services
Foundation Past Chairman
Katcho-Go Petroleum
President (Ret.)
Mid-State Bank
Foundation Newsletter
Foundation Past Chairman
F. McLintocks
CEO Sprague Meter
Founding Director
Real Estate Investments
Founding Secretary
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
Staci Shoals
Jay Conner
April 2015
T h an ks t o Ou r S i lve r S p ons o r s
CoVelop SLO
Pat Arnold
Bill Senna Ins. Services
Bill and Gigi Senna
Founders Bank SLO
Tom Sherman
Greg Madrigal
Sam and Mary Scarbrough
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015
Thanks to Our Gold Sponsors
Christopher Meadows
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation | www.safslo.org | safslo@yahoo.com
April 2015