current newsletter - Swiss-American Friendship Society

Published by the Swiss-American Friendship Society, Denver, Colorado
Friendship News
Ne tion
Sunday, April 26th, 2015
Andre’s Swiss Confiserie in Cherry Creek North
370 S. Garfield St. Denver, CO 80209
We are always looking for new and
veteran players and hope to be able to
welcome a great many members and
guests from all the Swiss clubs in Colorado. Please join us for a lot of fun, great
food, prizes and your chance to take home
the coveted "Coupe Colorado" or "Rocky
Mountain Jass Bowl" trophy.
Of course the real treat is delicious
food provided by our culinary guru, and
fellow competitor, Eugene Tomaschett and
Kurt Freiburghaus. “Zopf” for breakfast,
Bratwurst and all the goodies that go with
lunch and desert from Andre's Confiserie
Not a Jasser? No problem,
Kibitzer's (spectator's) are welcome as
well! Come join us and learn about this
favorite Swiss national pastime and enjoy
the company, the competition, and the
will start 9:30am sharp, so
don't be late as this is nearly an all day
affair and you may miss breakfast.
Please register with this years tournament
director, Rudy Strebel by mailing the registration form included below to: Rudy Strebel,
1857 Malton Ct., Castle Rock, CO 80104,
E-mail: or by Phone:
(303) 997-5055.
For more information, please check our
Google Calendar through our website at or our SAFS Facebook page at
Jass Tournament
(Cost Breakdowns)
$20 - Swiss club Members
$25 - Guests
$5 - Children (under 12 years old)
Volume 21, No. 2
March — May 2015
 President’s Corner
 Fondue / Annual
19th Annual
Jass Tournament
Registration Form – 19th Annual Coupe Colorado Jass Tournament
Meeting (Recap)
 Father’s Day Hike 4
 Cataract Lake Map
& Zvieri Directions 5
 Event Calendar
Club Affiliations:
Playing (Y/N)
Members: ____ Non-Members: ____ Children: ____
Total Amount enclosed: $______ (make checks payable to SAFS)
President’s Corner
It has been a pleasure to introduce the new Board to the membership at the annual
meeting in February. For those of you, who could not make it to this fun event, here are
some personal details of the members of the Board:
Ralph Strebel is an Attorney, who spent many years in Singapore. He is married and
is the proud father of a 2 year old son. Ralph has already been active at the Samichlaus Party
in December. He will be the secretary and is in the process to update our Bylaws. We will
also establish a manual for the Board with guidelines describing each position. Ursula
Kemble has resigned as our Treasurer due to health issues. We wish her a speedy recovery.
As an interim Treasurer, I have asked my accountant Jerry Alderson to take over the
position, until a club member can be found with some accounting background. Raphael
Brunner has been a Board member before and agreed to join as an Event Coordinator and
membership recruiter.
We will send the Newsletter by E-Mail to all adult members of the household and encourage you to give us the E-Mail of your emancipated children. They will then be included
in the E-Mail list. Raphael already organized the Skating event on the semi-frozen Lake
Evergreen. He has exceptional organizational talents and is VP of Sales for my company
Sealcon. Rene Sonderegger is a new member of the SAFS and is our Computer guru and
Event Coordinator. He has owned his own consulting and design company for many years.
Daniel Spühler is not a voting member of the board but works with Karl Freiburghaus to
get the Newsletter designed and published. In addition to the E-mailed Newsletter, we will
again mail copies to all members. Daniel is President of Sealcon. Karl is familiar with the
process on how to take advantage of our Google site, utilize Mail chimp (to see who opens
our E-Mail) and has extensive knowledge of past events. Fritz Bart has agreed to join the
Board and is interested to become the Historian of the SAFS. Since he has designed and
published the Newsletter for many years, I cannot think of a more qualified person to tackle
this rather challenging task. He will also help out as an Event Coordinator and has been
instrumental to fine-tune the Event Coordinator’s list of tasks. Eugene Tomaschett has been
on the Board forever and I cannot imagine, not to be able to rely on his expertise as our
culinary expert. Ruedi Elsener is our second culinary expert, has been on the board for
some time and is always ready to help. Also a very active Non-Board member is Franziska
Moran, who keeps our Website up to date. On March 19, 2015, Peter
Brandner has been nominated and the Board agreed to accept him as a member of the Board
and Vice President. He will be formally confirmed a the next Board meeting. Peter is a Dentist, was on the Board before and will be a great addition to our team.
I am excited to work with every one of the existing and new Board members and am
confident that we can offer the membership some fun events in 2015. As President of the
SAFS, I firmly believe in empowering the members of the Board to organize Events
independently and ask for help if needed, from other Board members or even members of the
Club, who have valuable expertise. I would also like to post Board meeting dates on the
Website. Members are invited to attend with prior notification and if we have enough room.
Our next Board meeting is June 10 at Eugene Tomaschett’s house. Minutes of the Board
meetings are available by calling Ralph Strebel.
We are generating a list of members, who are willing to help with Events. I was
President of the SAFS 15 years ago and became President again in 2014. I am semi-retired
and have lived in Colorado since 1968. I will serve the club for two more years as
President. We urgently are looking for one additional Board member to help as Event
coordinator. Please contact me and I will send you a brief description of what the
expectations are (303-638-1992). Have a great spring.
Hanspeter Spühler
SAFS Board Members
Hanspeter Spühler
Vice President
Peter Brandner
Treasurer (Interim)
Jerry Alderson
Ralph Strebel
Newsletter Editor
Daniel Spühler
Board Members and
Event Coordinators
Eugene Tomaschett
Ruedi Elsener
Raphael Brunner
Karl Freiburghaus
Rene Sonderegger
Friendship News©
Is published by the
Swiss-American Friendship
Society and distributed free
to Society members and to
others upon request. Please
send comments, questions,
ideas, and items of interest to
SAFS Newsletter Editor
Daniel Spühler
Franziska Moran
Consul General of Switzerland
456 Montgomery Street
Suite 1500
San Francisco, CA 94104
Marcel Pitton
Honorary Consul of Switzerland
Fondue Dinner &
SAFS Annual Meeting
Sunday, February 8th, 2015
New Board Members Elected
The Annual Meeting was held at the Calvary Church in Golden. During the social hour members mingled
in the lobby with a glass of wine and checked out the treats for sale: André’s Swiss
Confiserie was present with a table of sweets for Valentine’s day, Marco and Magali Biland showcased their
Swiss souvenirs from hand towels, meringue and Zopf to “Schoggistaengelis” and Walter Schmuki presented
his handmade fence art for our silent auction. The club offered complimentary wine and other beverages during
cocktail hour.
Our kitchen crew with Eugene Tomaschett at the helm and the professional assistants Ruedi Elsener,
Robert Schulthess and Walter Schmuki at his side pulled off another delicious dinner for us. The air-dried beef,
the salad and the fondue were wonderful and highly appreciated by the large crowd of 120 members and
friends of the SAFS. The room was set up beautifully by the board members and their families: Thank you all
for putting in your time and sweat-equity for this event.
Hanspeter Spühler, President of SAFS, introduced during the business meeting the financial information
(we are still in good shape…) and the
changes of the board. Beatrice Szadokierski,
Margrit Odermatt, Suzanne Eugster and Barbara Fayeulle resigned for personal reasons
or were term limited. Heidi Tornare finished
her term as “Immediate past President” and
is finally able to enjoy the various events as
a regular member. We thank them for their
many years of enthusiastic support of the
club and its cause and their hard work. The
new board members taking their places are:
Raphael Brunner, Ralph Strebel, René
Sonderegger and Fritz Bart. Daniel Spühler
is the Newsletter Editor, but not a voting Board member. Karl Freiburghaus, Ruedi Elsener and Eugene Tomaschett agreed to remain on the Board to guarantee a good transition into the new year.
We noticed many new members and young families joining us for the fondue dinner. It is great to see and
hope we can keep this trend going! We would like to thank Heidi for organizing and coordinating the event. As
usual, she did a fabulous job.
Karl Freiburghaus
Day Hike
Father’s Day Hike
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Fun in the Mountain Sun & Free Zvieri
A great
time in
Spühler’s Mountain Home, Silverthorne
Meeting: 11:00am, 720 Lakeview Circle, Silverthorne 80498, (970) 468-1807 or (303) 638-1992
Directions: From I-70 West take the Silverthorne exit, North on Hwy 9 (right), 2 miles to Hamilton Creek Road, turn
right (East) up the hill for 3 miles. After sharp left turn to Lakeview Circle, turn right up the winding road to the Spühler
Mountain Home on the west side of the street (2 story stucco & rock construction) on top of the hill.
Hike: To Cataract Lake and Falls, 2.2 miles round trip (easy walking). Bring plenty of water and extra clothing. We will
carpool from the Spühler Mountain Home to the trailhead.
 From I-70 take Exit #205, Silverthorne / Dillon, and travel North on HWY 9.
 Travel 16 miles North on HWY 9 Just after mile marker 118 turn left onto County Road #30,
towards the town of Heeney.
 Follow County Road #30 for 5.3 miles and turn left onto Cataract Creek Road (County Road #1725).
 Continue for 2.5 miles to the end of the road to the parking area. Please do not block the gate. The trailhead starts
at the gate. (Google “Cataract Lake Map)
Trail Highlights:
 An abundance of wildflowers can be seen from mid-late June.
 Cataract Falls are located on the southwest edge of Cataract Lake.
Non-Hikers are Welcome:
If you do not want to hike, you are still welcome to come to the Spühler Mountain Home for a relaxing time, enjoying the
gorgeous view from the upper deck, as well as taking part in the comprehensive “Zvieri”
Food and Social time at the Spühler Mountain House:
A comprehensive “Zvieri” (Swiss-style refreshments, food and nonalcoholic beverages) will be provided after the hike.
Bring your own alcoholic beverages. Please bring song books and musical instruments if you can. We look forward to
having a great time. All are welcome.
Sign-up: RSVP by June 6, 2015. Call or Email Karl Freiburghaus (720-933-7269 or An
accurate count is needed to plan for enough food, so please RSVP.
Payment: At the event. Members are free! Guests $5.
Father’s Day Hike
Cataract Lake Map
Zvieri @ Spühler Mountain House
I-70 (2miles)
Hanspeter & Kathryn Spühler
720 Lakeview Circle Silverthorne, CO 80498
720 Lakeview Circle
~ 3 Miles up to House
Hamilton Creek Road
Calendar of Events for SAFS, Denver
(Please put the events in your calendar and
RSVP for the ones you’d like to attend)
Chinook Tavern - 6380 Fiddlers Green Cr. Greenwood Village CO
(Every First Wednesday of the Month @ 5:30pm)
Contact Karl Freiburghaus for details 720-933-7269
April 26, 2015
Jass Tournament
Andre’s Confiserie
Rudi Strebel / Karl Freiburghaus
303-997-5055 720-933-7269
June 21, 2015
Father’s Day Hike
Cataract Lake
Silverthorne (Spühler
Mountain House)
Karl Freiburghaus
August 2, 2015
1. August Celebration T.E.V. Edelweiss
René Sonderegger
September 19, 2015
Dinner & Dance
Peter Brandner
October 3, 2015
Kaffee Chränzli
Andre’s Confiserie
Cherry Creek
Ruedi Elsener
November 7, 2015
Cultural Event
Rapael Brunner
December 6, 2015
Children’s Christmas
North Park Clubhouse
Ralph Strebel
Jan 24, 2016
Ice Skating
Evergreen Lake
Raphael Brunner
January 31, 2016
Fondue Dinner
Annual Meeting
Calvary Great Hall
Fritz Bart