MEMORANDUM TO: ALL EXTENSION 4-H & AGRICULTURE AGENTS FROM: Claudia Meeks Baney, 4-H Animal Science Specialist DATE: April 2, 2015 RE: 2015 Tennessee State 4-H Horse Championships June 15-20, 2015 National Walking Horse Celebration Grounds, Shelbyville, TN Please provide this information to each 4-H member participating in the horse show. NOTE: STATE 4-H HORSE CHAMPIONSHIPS ENTRIES WILL NOT BE SUBMITTED AT THE REGIONAL SHOW. ENTRY DEADLINE: MAY 11, 2015 (WESTERN REGION) MAY 18, 2015 BY NOON (ET) (FOR CENTRAL AND EASTERN REGION) • • • Exhibitors will submit State entry forms and fees to the County Extension office. Exhibitors are REQUIRED to proof State entries at the Regional show; no classes may be added at the Regional Show. Regional Show info can be found on the State 4-H Horse Program Web Page: ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGES will be made to entries upon check-in at the State show. Entry materials are available through the County Extension office or on the Department of Animal Science website at • Counties will then be responsible for submitting the State entries via the on-line entry system as well as forwarding hard copy forms to: Claudia Baney 4-H Animal Science Specialist 2506 River Drive Knoxville, TN 37996 *Counties will be invoiced at a later date for State entry fees. *There will be NO REFUNDS for State entry fees Thank you in advance for helping keep the entry process for the 2015 State Horse show as error free as possible! Graduating Seniors • Graduating Seniors will be recognized at the banquet held Monday, June15 • Indicate “Graduating Senior” on entry form or contact if the graduating senior is not showing but would like to attend the banquet. • Graduating Senior forms are available through the County Extension office or on the Department of Animal Science website at • GRADUATING SENIOR forms due by May 15th, 2015. REMINDERS AND CHANGES FOR 2015 All riders (including adults) at 4-H events and activities will be required to wear properly fitted ASTM/SEI-certified helmets with chin straps properly fastened while mounted or while in a vehicle being pulled by equine. This includes ALL divisions, ALL warm-up arenas, and ALL areas of the showgrounds! No gag bits or twisted wire mouthpieces (smaller than 3/8”) are allowed in Western or Ranch classes. Walking/Racking Trail must be completed on FRIDAY, JUNE 19 DIVISIONS The grades for the divisions (as of January 1) are as follows: • Junior: 4 - 5 • Junior High: 6 – 8 • Senior High: 9 – 12 *If a Junior High class does not exist, the Junior classes will be for 4 - 8 grades PONY HEIGHTS All ponies will be measured each year EXCEPT those that were previously measured and were six (6) years of age or older and have a pony measurement card on file with the State 4-H Horse Show Office. 1. Be sure that Coggins test results accompany the horse(s) to the show (no copies please; only originals. Horses must have a negative test for EIA within 12 months of the opening date of the show (June 15). These papers will be checked upon your arrival to the Show grounds! Please have your horse AND papers on hand to be checked. 2. Please check-in upon arrival at the Horse Show Office, located in Barn 10 adjacent to the practice arena. This is where you will pick up your stable assignments, exhibitor numbers and other information. Do not unload and/or stable horses until you have checked in at the show office. If you arrive on the show grounds after hours and have a problem with your stall assignment, please place the horse in the nearest unassigned stall until show management arrives in the morning. 3. Grounds will be open MONDAY, June 15 at 9:00 AM. NO HORSES ALLOWED ON GROUNDS BEFORE THIS TIME. 4. Enter the Show Grounds with your horses through Gate A. Gate A can be reached by turning onto either Whitthorne Street or Celebration Drive from Madison Street. 5. The cost for travel trailer parking is $30.00 plus tax per night. Water, sewer and electrical hookups are available. Hook-ups are located in the Pavilion Area parking lot. Payment for camping spots should be made to The Celebration, not to show management. 6. Camping in tents is not permitted. 7. All horse trailers must be parked in appropriate area designated for trailer parking. Trailers cannot be parked in stable areas or along the drives. ANY TRAILERS NOT PARKED IN DESIGNED AREAS ARE SUBJECTED TO BEING TOWED AT THE OWNER’S EXPENSE!!! Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. 8. Bring all the equipment, feed, and hay that will be needed. Please emphasize this to your 4-H members, parents, and leaders. 9. STALLS MAY NEED TO BE CLEANED UPON ARRIVAL. If shavings are desired, you may bring them with you or purchase them on the grounds at the show office in Barn 10. 10. It is the responsibility of each group to keep the stables and the area around the stable clean. 11. Bring manure fork, rakes, wheel barrow and other equipment needed to clean the stalls and area. Wheel barrows will be needed to transport manure, trash and other waste to the manure pits. 12. Stall(s) must be cleaned daily. Pile manure in pits. Daily cleaning of stalls will help to keep the fly population reduced and maintain a more desirable environment. 13. You must completely clean the stalls and area you were assigned before leaving the grounds. 14. Cooking is prohibited in the stables. 15. Sleeping in stalls is prohibited. 16. Bring hammer, nails and tools that might be needed for stall repair. 17. You will need to bring light bulbs for stalls. Bulbs are not provided. 18. Fans may be used. However, care should be taken to prevent horses from either reaching or becoming entangled in cords. 19. Stalls will be available for each horse entered and some stalls for tack and feed will be assigned to each county. SHOWING OUT OF TRAILERS IS PROHIBITED. HORSES MAY NOT BE TIED TO THE RAILS AROUND CHAMPIONS ARENA. 20. Stalls will be randomly assigned by county. 21. A padlock and chain should be brought to lock the tack stall(s). DO NOT LOCK HORSES WITHIN STALLS!! 22. A security guard will be on the grounds at night. 23. Although security is available, please inform 4-H members, parents and leaders not to leave valuables, purses and similar items in unsecured areas. 24. Phone number at the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration office is (931) 684-5915. Calls can be forwarded from that office to the 4-H Horse Show office in Barn 10 for Claudia Baney or Grey Parks. 25. If you are not coming to the show, please designate a leader or parent that will be in charge of the group from your county. This is needed in order that a contact person will be available for messages, to locate someone, etc. 26. ALL DOGS MUST BE ON A LEASH AND ARE NOT PERMITTED IN ANY INDOOR FACILITY. 27. Please - for safety reasons: NO SMOKING IN THE BARNS. 28. Headquarter Hotel is the Microtel, 1207 North Main Street, Shelbyville, 931-684-8343. Be sure to mention you are with the Tennessee 4-H Horse Show. 29. Attached is a list of accommodations in the Shelbyville and Murfreesboro area as well as directions to Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration Ground, Shelbyville, TN. 30. A complete schedule and order of events is also attached. 31. Cattle classes will be held offsite at Clearview Farm, Shelbyville, TN. Directions are included. 32. REMEMBER THAT ALL ENTRIES IN WALKING, RACKING, AND SPOTTED SADDLE HORSE CLASSES MUST PASS INSPECTION WITH THE SHOW DQP PRIOR TO COMPETING. Horses in the first class of each session (Thursday afternoon, Friday afternoon, and/or Saturday morning) MUST be in the inspection area AT LEAST 30 MINUTES prior to the start of the class. For all other classes, horses must arrive at the inspection area at least THREE CLASSES prior to their class. TENNESSEE STATE 4-H HORSE CHAMPIONSHIPS GENERAL SCHEDULE JUNE 15-20, 2015 Grounds Available to Move in Monday, June 15 Horse Judging Contest Monday, June 15 9:00 AM Stalls only, no arenas will be open 12:00 PM Calsonic Arena 4-H Horse Program Awards Banquet Monday, June 15 6:30 PM Blue Ribbon Room Western Tuesday, June 16 Western Dressage Calsonic (8:00 AM) Trail Field All day 2:00 PM OR 30 minutes following Western Reining, whichever is later Speed Events Tuesday, June 16 4:00 PM Calsonic Arena Ranch Tuesday, June 16 Wednesday, June 17 9:00 AM 8:00 AM Clearview Farm (Reining/Cattle Events) Calsonic Arena (Showmanship, Halter, and Rail Classes) Dressage Wednesday, June 17 8:00 AM Champions Arena Friday, June 19 6:00 PM All Day TBD PM 8:00 AM Both Arenas (Showmanship and Halter) Calsonic Arena (Flat classes) (8:00 AM) Calsonic Arena O/F Schooling Calsonic Arena (O/F classes) (8:00AM) Spotted Saddle Horse Thursday, June 18 4:00 PM Champions Arena Walking/Racking Friday, June 19 4:00 PM Champions Arena (Showmanship, Halter, Hunter Wednesday, June 17 Thursday, June 18 . and Equitation) Saturday, June 20 8:00 AM Calsonic Arena Miniature Horses Saturday, June 20 9:00 AM Champions Arena CLASS SCHEDULE Calsonic Arena Tuesday June 16 8:00 AM Western Division **TRAIL FIELD** 101 Jr. Western Showmanship 2:00 PM OR 30 minutes after Western Reining is completed, whichever is later 102 Jr. High Western Showmanship 119 Western Dressage (SCHEDULED TIMES) 103 Sr. High Western Showmanship *Ride Times to be posted on Monday at the show 104 Western Halter Mares – Horse 105 Western Halter Geldings – Horse 106 Western Halter Ponies 107 Jr. Western Pleasure – Horse 108 Jr. High Western Pleasure – Horse 9:00 AM **Clearview Farm** Cattle Events 109 Sr. Western Pleasure – Horse 816 Ranch Cutting 110 Pony Western Pleasure 817 Jr. Ranch Reining (Ranch Points) 111 Jr. Western Horsemanship 818 Sr. Ranch Reining (Ranch Points) 112 Jr. High Western Horsemanship 815 Ranch Boxing 113 Sr. Western Horsemanship 819 Ranch Breakaway Roping 114 Jr. Western Reining (Western Points) 115 Sr. Western Reining (Western Points) *30 minute break between Western Halter and Pleasure *Western Dressage to begin at 2:00 PM OR 30 mins. after Sr. Reining *Western Trail Tuesday 12:30 PM – 4:00 PM ONLY 4:00 PM SPEED DIVISION 201 Jr. Barrel Racing – Horse 202 Jr. High Barrel Racing – Horse 203 Sr. Barrel Racing – Horse 204 Jr. Barrel Racing – Pony 205 Sr. Barrel Racing – Pony 206 Jr. Pole Bending – Horse 207 Jr. High Pole Bending – Horse 208 Sr. Pole Bending – Horse 209 Jr. Pole Bending – Pony 210 Sr. Pole Bending – Pony Calsonic Arena Champions Arena Wednesday June 17 8:00 AM 6:00 PM Ranch Division 8:00 AM 801 Jr. Ranch Showmanship 802 Jr. High Ranch Showmanship 803 Sr. Ranch Showmanship 804 Ranch Conformation – Mares 805 Ranch Conformation – Geldings 806 Jr. Ranch Riding 807 Jr. High Ranch Riding 808 Sr. Ranch Riding 809 Jr. Ranch Horsemanship 810 Jr. High Ranch Horsemanship 811 Sr. Ranch Horsemanship *30 minute break between Ranch Conformation and Riding *Ranch Trail Wednesday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM ONLY Hunter Division 401 Jr. Hunter Showmanship 403 Sr. Hunter Showmanship 405 Hunter in Hand Geldings – Horse 407 Hunter in Hand Pony Geldings Calsonic Arena 6:00 PM Dressage 901 Introductory Level Dressage (Walk/Trot, Junior/Senior) 902 Jr. Dressage – Training Level 903 Jr. High Dressage – Training Level 904 Sr. Dressage – Training Level *Ride Times to be posted online and on Tuesday at the show Hunter Division 402 Jr. High Showmanship 404 Hunter in Hand Mares – Horse 406 Hunter in Hand Pony Mares Champions Arena Thursday June 18 TBD PM 8:00 AM Hunter Division 4:00 PM 408 Jr. Hunter Under Saddle – Horse (Flat) 409 Jr. High Hunter Under Saddle – Horse (Flat) 410 Sr. Hunter Under Saddle – Horse (Flat) 411 Hunter Under Saddle – Sm/Med Pony (Flat) 412 Hunter Under Saddle – Large Pony (Flat) 413 Jr. Hunt Seat Equitation (Flat) 414 Jr. High Hunt Seat Equitation (Flat) 415 Sr. Hunt Seat Equitation (Flat) 416 Novice Hunter Hack 417 Pony Hunter Hack 418 Jr. Hunter Hack – Horse 419 Sr. Hunter Hack – Horse *Hunter Trail Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM OR Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Hunter Division Hunter Over Fences Schooling Spotted Saddle Horse Division 701 Jr. SSH Showmanship 702 Sr. SSH Showmanship 703 SSH Mares – Horse 704 SSH Gelding – Horse 705 SSH Ponies 706 Jr. SSH Western Horsemanship – 2-gait 707 Sr. SSH Western Horsemanship – 2-gait 708 SSH Western Horsemanship 709 Jr. SSH Pleasure – 2-gait 710 Sr. SSH Pleasure – 2-gait 711 SSH Pleasure 712 Jr. SSH English Pleasure – 2-gait 713 Sr. SSH English Pleasure – 2-gait 714 SSH English Pleasure *SSH Trail Thursday 9:00 AM – 7:30 PM ONLY Calsonic Arena Friday June 19 8:00 AM Hunter Division 8:00 AM 420 Novice Hunter O/F 421 Novice Hunter Equitation O/F 422 Green Working Hunter O/F 423 Intermediate Hunter O/F 424 Intermediate Equitation O/F 425 Pony Working Hunter O/F 426 Pony Handy Working Hunter O/F 427 Pony Equitation O/F 428 Jr. Working Hunter O/F – Horse 429 Jr. Handy Working Hunter O/F – Horse 430 Jr. Equitation O/F – Horse 431 Sr. Working Hunter O/F – Horse 4:00 PM 432 Sr. Handy Working Hunter O/F – Horse 433 Sr. Equitation O/F – Horse *Hunter Trail Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM or Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Champions Arena Hunter Division Hunter Schooling Ring Walking/Racking Division 501 Jr. Walking/Racking Showmanship 502 Sr. Walking/Racking Showmanship 503 Walking/Racking Mares in Hand – Horse 504 Walking/Racking Geldings in Hand – Horse 505 Walking/Racking Ponies in Hand 506 Jr. Walking/Racking Equitation – Specialty 507 Sr. Walking/Racking Equitation – Specialty 508 Walking Seat Equitation 509 Racking Seat Equitation *Walking/Racking Trail Friday 9:00 AM – 7:30 PM Calsonic Arena Saturday June 20 8:00 AM Walking/Racking Division 510 Jr. Country Pleasure – Specialty 511 Sr. Country Pleasure – Specialty 513 Jr. English Trail Pleasure – 2-gait 514 Sr. English Trail Pleasure – 2-gait 516 Country/Trail Pleasure – 3-gait 517 Jr. English Lite Shod – 2-gait 518 Sr. English Lite Shod – 2-gait 520 Jr. English Park Pleasure – 2-gait 521 Sr. English Park Pleasure– 2-gait 523 Lite Shod/Park Pleasure – 3-gait 512 Western Country Pleasure - 2-gait 515 Western Trail Pleasure - 2-gait 519 Western Lite Shod Pleasure - 2-gait 522 Western Park Pleasure - 2-gait 524 Open Walking Performance – 2-gait 525 Jr. Trail Pleasure Racking 526 Sr. Trail Pleasure Racking 527 Jr. Country Pleasure Racking 528 Sr. Country Pleasure Racking 529 Jr. Show Pleasure Racking 530 Sr. Show Pleasure Racking 531 Jr. Style Pleasure Racking 532 Sr. Style Pleasure Racking Champions Arena 9:00 AM Miniature Division 604 Miniature Showmanship 605 Miniature Halter HIGH POINT AWARDS FOR THE: WESTERN DIVISION SPEED EVENTS DIVISION RANCH DIVISION SPOTTED SADDLE HORSE DIVISION WALKING HORSE DIVISION RACKING HORSE DIVISION HUNTER DIVISION DRESSAGE - HIGH SCORE WILL BE PRESENTED APPROXIMATELY ONE HOUR FOLLOWING THE CONCLUSION OF EACH DIVISION State 4-H Horse Show Cross Entry Restrictions Class No 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 Class Name May Not Enter Western Division Jr. Western Showmanship 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Jr. High Western Showmanship 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Sr. Western Showmanship 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Western Halter Mares (Horse) 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Western Halter Geldings (Horse) 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Western Halter Ponies 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Jr. Western Pleasure (Horse) 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Jr. High Western Pleasure (Horse) 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Sr. Western Pleasure (Horse) 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Pony Western Pleasure 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Jr. Western Horsemanship 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Jr. High Western Horsemanship 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Sr. Western Horsemanship 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Jr. Reining 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Sr. Reining 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Jr. Western Trail 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Jr. High Western Trail 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Sr. Western Trail 801 - 819 (Ranch Classes) Western Dressage 901-904 (Dressage Classes) Speed Division Jr. Barrel Racing - Horse Jr. High Barrel Racing - Horse Sr. Barrel Racing - Horse Jr. Barrel Racing - Pony Sr. Barrel Racing - Pony Jr. Pole Bending - Horse Jr. High Pole Bending - Horse Sr. Pole Bending - Horse Jr. Pole Bending - Pony Sr. Pole Bending - Pony Hunter Division Jr. Hunter Showmanship Jr. High Hunter Showmanship Sr. Hunter Showmanship Hunter in Hand Mares (Horse) Hunter in Hand Geldings (Horse) Hunter in Hand Pony Mares Hunter in Hand Pony Geldings Jr. Hunter Under Saddle (Horse) Jr. High Hunter Under Saddle (Horse) Sr. Hunter Under Saddle (Horse) 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 508 509 510 Hunter Under Saddle - Sm/Med Pony Hunter Under Saddle - Large Pony Jr. Hunt Seat Equitation Flat Jr. High Hunt Seat Equitation Flat Sr. Hunt Seat Equitation Flat Novice Hunter Hack 422 - 433 Pony Hunter Hack 420, 421, 423, 424, 428 - 433 Jr. Hunter Hack (Horse) 420, 421, 425, 426, 427 Sr. Hunter Hack (Horse) 420, 421, 425, 426, 427 Novice Hunter Over Fences 417, 418, 419, 422 - 433 Novice Equitation Over Fences 417, 418, 419, 422 - 433 Green Working Hunter Over Fences 416, 420, 421, 423, 425 - 433 Intermediate Hunter Over Fences 416, 420 , 421, 422, 425 - 433 Intermediate Equitation Over Fences 416, 420, 421, 425 - 433 Pony Working Hunter Over Fences 416, 420 - 424, 428 - 433 Pony Handy Working Hunter Over Fences 416, 420 - 424, 428 - 433 Pony Equitation Over Fences 416, 420 - 424, 428 - 433 Jr. Working Hunter Over Fences (Horse) 416, 420 - 427, 431 - 433 Jr. Handy Working Hunter Over Fences 416, 420 - 427, 431 - 433 (Horse) Jr. Equitation Over Fences (Horse) 416, 420 - 427, 431 - 433 Sr. Working Hunter Over Fences (Horse) 416, 420 - 430 Sr. Handy Working Hunter Over Fences 416, 420 - 430 (Horse) Sr. Equitation Over Fences (Horse) 416, 420 - 430 Jr. Hunter Trail Jr. High Hunter Trail Sr. Hunter Trail Walking/Racking Division Jr. Walking/Racking Showmanship Sr. Walking/Racking Showmanship Walking/Racking Mares in Hand Walking/Racking Geldings in Hand Walking/Racking Ponies in Hand Jr. Walking Seat Equitation (Specialty) 508, 509, 525 - 532 Sr. Walking Seat Equitation (Specialty) 508, 509, 525 - 532 506, 507, 509, 510 - 515, 517 - 522, Walking Seat Equitation 522, 524 - 532 Racking Seat Equitation 506 - 508, 510 - 524 Jr. English Country Pleasure (Specialty) 508, 509, 513-532 511 512 513 Sr. English Country Pleasure (Specialty) Western Country Pleasure (Specialty) Jr. English Trail Pleasure (Specialty) 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508, 509, 513-532 508, 509, 513-532 508, 509, 510-512, 516-532 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 604 605 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 Sr. English Trail Pleasure (Specialty) 508, 509, 510-512, 516-532 Western Trail Pleasure (Specialty) 508, 509, 510-512, 516-532 Country and Trail Pleasure English/Western (3-gait) 506, 507, 509, 510-515, 517-532 Jr. English Lite Shod (Specialty) 508, 509, 510-516, 520-532 Sr. English Lite Shod (Specialty) 508, 509, 510-516, 520-532 Western Lite Shod (Specialty) 508, 509, 510-516, 520-532 Jr. English Park Pleasure (Specialty) 508, 509, 510-519, 523-532 Sr. English Park Pleasure (Specialty) 508, 509, 510-519, 523-532 Western Park Pleasure (Specialty) 508, 509, 510-519, 523-532 Lite Shod and Park Pleasure 506,507, 509, 510-522, 524-532 English/Western (3-gait) Open Walking Performance (Specialty) 508, 509, 510-523, 525-532 Jr. Trail Pleasure Racking 506 - 508, 510 - 524, 529 - 532 Sr. Trail Pleasure Racking 506 - 508, 510 - 524, 529 - 532 Jr. Country Pleasure Racking 506 - 508, 510 - 524, 529 - 532 Sr. Country Pleasure Racking 506 - 508, 510 - 524, 529 - 532 Jr. Show Pleasure Racking 506 - 508, 510 - 528 Sr. Show Pleasure Racking 506 - 508, 510 - 528 Jr. Style Pleasure Racking 506 - 508, 510 - 528 Sr. Style Pleasure Racking 506 - 508, 510 - 528 Jr. Walking/Racking Trail Sr. Walking/Racking Trail Pleasure Division Miniature Showmanship 101 - 603, 606 - 904 Miniature Halter 101 - 603, 606 - 904 Spotted Saddle Horse Division Jr. SSH Showmanship Sr. SSH Showmanship SSH Halter Mares (Horse) SSH Halter Geldings (Horse) SSH Halter Ponies Jr. SSH Western Horsemanship (2-gait) 708, 711, 714 Sr. SSH Western Horsemanship (2-gait) 708, 711, 714 SSH Western Horsemanship (3-gait) 706 - 707, 709 - 710, 712 - 713 Jr. SSH Pleasure (2-gait) 708, 711, 714 Sr. SSH Pleasure (2-gait) 708, 711, 714 SSH Pleasure (3-gait) 706 - 707, 709 - 710, 712 - 713 Jr. SSH English Pleasure (2-gait) 708, 711, 714 Sr. SSH English Pleasure (2-gait) 708, 711, 714 SSH English Pleasure (3-gait) 706 - 707, 709 - 710, 712 - 713 Jr. SSH Trail Sr. SSH Trail Ranch Horse Division 801 Jr. Ranch Showmanship 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 802 Jr. High Ranch Showmanship 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 803 Sr. Ranch Showmanship 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 804 Ranch Conformation Mares 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 805 Ranch Conformation Geldings 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 806 Jr. Ranch Riding 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 807 Jr. High Ranch Riding 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 808 Sr. Ranch Riding 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 809 Jr. Ranch Horsemanship 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 810 Jr. High Ranch Horsemanship 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 811 Sr. Ranch Horsemanship 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 812 Jr. Ranch Trail 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 813 Jr. High Ranch Trail 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 814 Sr. Ranch Trail 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 815 Ranch Boxing 101 - 118 (Western Classes) Ranch Cutting 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 816 817 Jr. Ranch Reining 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 818 Sr. Ranch Reining 101 - 118 (Western Classes) 819 Ranch Breakaway Roping 101 - 118 (Western Classes) Dressage Division 901 Introductory Dressage (W/T) 902-904, 119 902 Jr. Dressage - Training Level 901, 903, 904, 119 903 Jr. High Dressage - Training Level 901, 902, 904, 119 904 Sr. Dressage - Training Level 901, 902, 903, 119 IMPORTANT: Remember that Horse may only be shown in TWO DIVISIONS!!! Horses may be shown in Dressage (Western or Regular) in addition to TWO DIVISIONS! Exhibitor can only show in ONE Halter class per division!! ACCOMODATIONS FOR TENNESSEE 4-H HORSE SHOW Following is a list of possible motels in Shelbyville and Murfreesboro provided by the Shelbyville – Bedford County Chamber of Commerce. This list does not contain all available motels nor is it an endorsement. It is for your assistance. Americas Best Value Inn 317 North Cannon Blvd. Shelbyville, TN 37160 Phone: (931) 684-6050 Bedford Inn 727 Madison St. Shelbyville, TN 37160 Phone: (931) 684-7858 Fax: (931) 684-1904 Best Western Celebration Inn & Suites 724 Madison St. Shelbyville, TN 37160 Phone: (931) 684-2378 Blue Ribbon Inn North Main Street Shelbyville, TN 37160 Phone: (931)-684-3101 Fax: (931)-685-9251 Country Hearth Inn 1607 North Main Street Shelbyville, TN 37160 Phone: (931) 680-1030 and (800) 8485767 and (888) 4-HEARTH Crestwood Suites Hotel 1345 Old Fort Parkway Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Phone: (615) 907-1500 Fax: (615) 907-1576 Bottle Hollow Lodge 111 Gobbler Ridge Road Phone: (931) 695-5253 Cinnamon Ridge 799 Whitthorne Street St. Phone: (931) 685-9200 Clearview Farm LLC 2291 Hwy 231 S. Phone: (931)-684-8822 Microtel (Headquarter Hotel) 1207 North Main St. Shelbyville, TN 37160 (931) 684-8343 Monteagle Inn - B & B / Retreat Center 204 West Main St Monteagle, TN Phone: (931)-924-3869 Tennessee Horse Country 311 Robinson Rd Phone: 931-684-4456 and (866) 3228916 Fax: 931-684-4456 Celebration Campground Celebration Showgrounds Shelbyville, TN 37160 Phone: (931) 684-5915 Lynchburg Wilderness R.V. Park 975 Main St., Lynchburg, TN Phone: (931) 580-2680 DIRECTIONS TO THE CELEBRATION® GROUNDS AND CALSONIC ARENA Coming to The Celebration® from Nashville, TN Take I-24 to Murfreesboro, then take exit 81 A to Shelbyville. From Murfreesboro to Shelbyville is about 25 minutes. Once in Shelbyville, turn left on Highway 41 A South (Madison Street) and look for the Celebrationsm on the left. Coming to The Celebration® from Chattanooga, TN Take I-24 toward Murfreesboro and exit on Exit 97 to Wartrace/Shelbyville. Following Highway 64 through Wartrace until it intersects with Highway 41 A. Turn right onto Highway 41A (Madison Street) and look for the Celebrationsm on the right. Coming to The Celebration® from Knoxville, TN Take I-40 E toward Nashville, then take exit 235 onto TN-840 W toward Murfreesboro. Exit onto I-24 E toward Chattanooga. Exit I-24 on exit 81 A to Shelbyville. Once in Shelbyville, turn left on Highway 41A South (Madison Street) and look for the Celebrationsm on the left. Coming to The Celebration® from Memphis, TN Take I-40 toward Nashville, then exit onto I-440 at exit 206; at Exit I-24 go toward Murfreesboro; exit I-24 at Exit 81 A onto US-231. From Murfreesboro to Shelbyville is about 25 minutes. Once in Shelbyville, turn left on Highway 41A South (Madison Street) and look for the Celebrationsm on the left. Coming to The Celebration® from Fayetteville, TN Follow Highway 231 North until it crosses Highway 41 A. Turn right on to 41 A South and look for the Celebrationsm on the left. Coming to The Celebration® from Lewisburg, TN Follow Highway 64 East until it crosses Highway 41 A. Turn left on to 41 A North and look for the Celebrationsm on the right. Coming to The Celebration® from Tullahoma, TN Follow Highway 41A North all the way in to Shelbyville and look for the Celebrationsm sign on the right. Ranch Reining and Cattle Events Information Location: Clearview Farm 2291 Highway 231 South Shelbyville, TN 37160 Phone: (931)684-8822 • Stalls available for $15.00/day • There will be plenty of room to show out of trailers with a lean-to to provide shelter at the end of the arena Directions: Just 40 minutes south of Nashville, exit 81 off I24 onto Hwy 231 South to Shelbyville. We are south of Shelbyville town, mile marker No6. Go up the drive with the wagon wheels. Watch out! Your GPS will take you to our neighbor, so PLEASE GO UP THE DRIVE WITH THE WAGON WHEELS
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