Five Year Marketing Plan Best Friends Home Pet Care, L.L.C Owner Samuel A Terpening Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Executive Summary Company Description Strategic Focus and Plan Situation Analysis Market-Product Focus Marketing Program Financial Data and Projections Organization Implementation Plan Evaluation Executive Summary God’s wonderful and amazing creatures have been part of our culture for centuries. From kings to queens, from Pharaohs to goddess, humans have bestowed great honor and respect for their companions. Fast forward to present and it is estimated in 2010, that pet owners will spend a staggering forty billion dollars for “Pet Services,” in American alone. There is a reported seventy million households in the United States that own some type of creature in which they consider to be part of the family. This equates to sixty-two percent of all households owning at least one pet. Pet services themselves have traditionally been thought of in terms of Veterinary Care, Grooming and limited Kennels. However, in the last twenty years this has changed as more and more owners treat their companions with all of the luxuries available ensuring their companions live longer more happy lives. Charlotte County, Florida “Best Friends Home Pet Care” was founded by having a unique insight as well understanding the overwhelming need in our county for a Mobile Pet Care Company which meets or exceeds high criterion in bringing reputable, honest, insured, educated pet care directly to the owner. Company Description Welcome to Best Friends Home Pet Care, your premier resource for quality, trained and certified in veterinary technology by the state of Florida, in-home pet care. Business owner Samuel Terpening holds a bachelor in Veterinary Technology from St. Petersburg, Florida, as well as a bachelor in Business Administration from Edison State College, right here in Charlotte County. I am a member of the Chamber of Commerce, PSI, Pet Sitters International the ASPCA, as well as the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Board. Best Friends Home Pet Care was founded on one simple principal to love and protect all of Gods, creatures. Best Friends Home Pet Care offers a comprehensive list of companion services, from pet sitting, walking, transporting, waste removal, shots, and medications (prescribed by a veterinarian). Services also available for end of life issues. Your companion and peace of mind is my passion, my commitment to excellence and the safety and well being of your loved one. If you are looking for the absolute best in quality and affordable in-home pet care with the peace of mind you demand, than you have come to the right place. Best Friends Home Pet Care believes by being the only Pet Service in the tri-county area trained and certified in Veterinary Technology by the state of Florida, that we will bring a higher level of care and consumer choice when deciding with whom they will hire in the care of their best friends, their companions. This marketing plan outlines within the next five years how Best Friends Home Pet Care which was derived from my humble beginnings at Edison State College and transformed into the leading in home pet care company not only with the tri county are of Charlotte County but indeed the entire state of Florida. Education, Technology, Compassion, Care and Commitment to all of God’s Creatures is and will always remain the cornerstone in a name and brand you will come to trust and know, Best Friends Home Pet Care. Strategic Focus and Plan This section covers three aspects of corporate strategy that influence the marketing plan: (1) the mission, (2) goals, and (3) core competence/sustainable competitive advantage of Best Friends Home Pet Care. Mission Statement Our mission is to provide high-quality, educated, experienced pet care services right in the comfort of your home. Best Friends Home Pet Care believes that education and community involvement supporting our natural habitats is the cornerstone of our business. Best Friends Home Pet Care will always act with honesty, integrity, and compassion when providing love and care for your companions, whether they be dogs, cats, reptiles, fish, birds, or exotics, they are all God’s creatures. Best Friends Home Pet Care employs a team approach in the care of your companions by promoting and maximizing the quality of life for all pets entrusted in our care. Best Friends Home Pet Care supports and adheres to doing no harm to our planet by promoting, and lobbying for a cleaner, greener, sustainable planet, ensuring the natural habitats of our earths precious creatures are protected and valued for the treasures of earth they are. Goals For the coming five years Best Friends Home Pet Care seeks to achieve the following goals: Non Financial Goals 1. To complete both Bachelor of Science degrees each in business administration and veterinary technology. 2. To introduce Best Friends Home Pet Care to the residents Punta Gorda, located in Charlotte county whereby building a reputation of a quality care in offering a limited amount of services. 3. To add additional services as my education evolves eventually becoming the only full service licensed, fully accredited and insured In-Home Pet Care provider in the state of Florida. 4. To offer a complete interactive educational web site offering consumers tips on caring for their companions as well as tips on how to preserve the environment. Clients will also be able to purchase American made, environmentally green supplies such as clothes, food, toys and other necessitates in keeping our pets healthy and happy and at the same time doing our small part in preserving the environment. 5. To use social network sites such Facebook, Twitter, will initially utilize Goggles pay for click service, and lastly e-mail marketing appointment reminders and pet care tips ensuring our company remains innovative and cutting edge whereby not only retaining our present clients but always attracting new business through education and client awareness. Financial Goals 1. To obtain a real (inflation-adjusted) growth in earnings per share of 10 percent per year over time. 2. To obtain a return on equity of at least 50 percent. 3. To support through substantial financial contributions to our local community entrusted with the preservation of our ecological and wildlife habitats in which all citizens have a responsibility in protecting. Core competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage • In terms of core competency, Best Friends Home Pet Care seeks to achieve a unique ability to (1) provide high quality educated pet care in the comfort of the client’s home at affordable prices, (2) to support local community agencies and groups entrusted with the protection of our local wildlife. • To translate these core competencies into a sustainable competitive advantage, the company will offer the most state of the art technologically advanced, educated and environmentally sound products which promote the health and well being of our cherished love ones at the same time protecting the environment in which they live. Here are a few interesting facts about Macaws, one of the most popular birds found in American Households. • Macaws are large, tropical birds with brightly colored feathers. • They are some of the most endangered of all tropical birds. Poachers catch macaws to sell them. Sometimes poachers only want their feathers! • The biggest problem for macaws is losing their habitat. People chop down the trees that macaws use for nests. An example of the many blogs and educational series that Best Friends Home Pet Care will offer in the hopes of educating and promoting community awareness not only for our companions at home but of all wildlife worldwide as we, one people, one planet have a personal moral and ethical responsibility to protect that without a voice cannot do for itself. Situation Analysis This situation analysis starts with a snapshot of the current environment in which Best Friends Home Pet Care finds itself by providing a brief SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. After this overview, the analysis highlights the great strides taken by the company to ensure that a new, higher standard will be set for those wishing to provide in- home animal care to the consumer. These standards will establish a higher standard of care and professional in the home pet care business. Best Friends Home Pet Care hopes to set the industry standards in the state of Florida, whereby ensuring the consumer a qualified and trained individual being entrusted in the care of their loved companion. SWOT Analysis Figure1 shows the internal factors affecting the market opportunities for Best Friends Home Pet Care. Stated briefly, this SWOT analysis highlights the great strides in the business ensuring that only the highest in quality of standards of care for all animals as the cornerstone of our organization. Internal Factors Figure 1 Weakness Management Experienced, Educated, Entrepreneurial New Business Offerings Strengths Business Owner will take time to build clientele High level of certified care at affordable many unqualified, lower priced, Prices uninsured care givers in the field Marketing High Quality Brochures, Community Involvement__ Limited Investment Capital Comprehensive list of services Design Firm Required Personnel Business owner is committed to its success & will not have free time Possibilities of financial rewards need to be concerned with burnout Finance Excellent growth potential low investment Limited initial resources may limit Capital required____________ Distributor plan to smaller stages of implementation offers environmentally friendly pet products Lacks economies of scale of huge And advice, through brochures& web marketing competitors (Pet Smart) R & D An innovator in excellence and quality care Plan will not fully be realized until Education is complete Figure 2 shows the external factors affecting the market opportunities for Best Friends Home Pet Care. External Factors Opportunities Consumer /Social Large amount of retirees that would like Limited Staff may force__ Extra help with caring for their companion’s referral to competitor___ Competitive Higher quality of care at affordable prices Low ball competitor w/0_ Insurance/education____ Technological As Adapt at utilizing social networking sites_ Older population weary _ e‐mail marketing, advances in animal care of computers _________ Figure 2 Threats __ ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd Economic Larger disposable income for retired folks Fall in stock market_____ Legal/Regulatory First in county to be licensed by the state Others may follow suit___ As outlined in the last two figures it can be clearly seen with proper credentials in hand Best Friends Home Pet Care will set the standards in home pet care. Furthermore, we will set ourselves apart as the only home pet business which is not only fully insured but certified by the state of Florida in veterinary technology establishing very high standards for any potential competitor entering the market. Short term revenue is somewhat of a concern when allocating funds for the initial marketing material, layout and design, including the web site. Best Friends Home Pet Care feels that coming out of the box with a full line of professional marketing materials completed and ready to be disbursed to the community will go a long way in establishing our initial creditability as the leaders in home pet care. Time is another big concern in which we plan to combat by utilizing the services of an afterhour’s answering service. I plan on not answering any calls after 6p.m. unless a valid emergency is present and then I will be available 24 hours a day. In addition I will have an on call veterinarian available for any emergency beyond our business expertise. In addition we are committed to having all daily bookwork completed by 8 p.m. I additionally plan on operating on a six day work week. I do understand in operating a small business this is hard to manage, however we feel without a real balance in work and life than burnout is a very real consideration that cannot be overlooked. Best Friends Home Pet Care feels that a committed partnership which meets and exceeds our client’s needs, will set us apart as the premier source for in-home pet care in our area. Best Friends Home Pet Care will be known as the ultimate resource for companion related questions such as care, community resources, tips for training, and always first and foremost being a leader in doing no harm by educating our community on ways in which we may take care of our planet, one person at a time. In time we plan to be the one stop location for any advice or service related to animal care that one would need in the tri county area. We are committed to changing the way the world does business by never degrading or speaking ill of another company. Our ethical behavior will stand as a beacon of light that business’s can be run on honesty and integrity and this being of the highest cause in which to aspire and become the most prosperous. Industry Analysis: Trends in Home Pet Care Southwest Florida, known for its sunny skies, balmy nights and cool ocean breezes makes Florida, a premier retirement destination for more than thirteen million citizens over the age of sixtyfive. Naples, Florida in fact rates fourth in a list of twenty-five places noted for longer life expectancies, over other popular retirement destinations according to CNN Florida seniors contribute billions of dollars a year to our state economy, with a considerable amount of those dollars dedicated to the health and well being of their pet, their companion, their best friend. Migration to Florida is expected to continue, and fuel Florida’s economic growth over the coming years. The University of Florida (UF) economists project about 575 people moving into the state of Florida each day. Population projections show Florida’s population to grow by 317,000 persons a year between 2010 and 2020. Our target population will be those over 55 which represent eighty percent of the 317,000 citizens moving to Florida each year. Furthermore, we will target young traveling professionals who because of a global world environment must travel thus needing to provide care for their companion. Much of the elderly love to travel or typically have hospital or family needs in which having someone whom they know and trust to entrust with the care of their companion is growing in demand and popularity with animal owners of all creatures. Generally speaking much of the elder populations no longer have children at home; therefore their pets become their surrogate child, a best friend. However, as we get older we find there may be physical limitations in which we need assistance, when caring for our pet. There are trips to the groomer, veterinarian clinic, chores needing done, such as cleaning up yard waste, or bathing, and these are just a few of some of the services in demand by animal lovers of today. Published in many medical journals outlines how the love of an animal can significantly reduce blood pressure, depression, and anxiety in the elderly, to name a few. Hence more and more elderly households are choosing an animal as their companion in the home. With an estimated forty billion dollars being spent annually on pet care the services of an in-home pet care provider will continue to be in high demand for many years to come. Competitors; In - Home Pet Care Market There is an estimated seventy five hundred in-home pet care professionals in the United States today. In Charlotte County, Florida there are seven in-home pet care business listed in the Embarq Yellow Pages. While none of these pet care professionals indicate they are certified in veterinary care through the state of Florida. Our consumers will likely be more educated and financially capable of providing a more secure and educated experience for their companion. Best Friends Home Pet Care will remain affordable and competitive in the marketplace at the same time, ensuring that all animal lovers are able to provide quality, compassionate, knowledgeable care for their best friend at affordable prices. Out of the seven mentioned business owners in Charlotte Country only three indicate they have a web site. Best Friends Home Pet Care will offer a premier web site for pet lovers in Southwest Florida. Our web site will include educational blogs, ability to book appointments, purchase supplies, and offer community information of interest to pet lovers. In addition our web site will feature all registered business providers of pet care in Southwest Florida, resulting in our web site becoming the number one stop and resource for pet related questions and services in Southwest Florida. Company Analysis Best Friends Home Pet Care will conduct business in Charlotte, Lee and Sarasota counties. Within these three counties there are approximately two hundred thousand registered pets. The last census in 2000, states that 62% of all households own at least 1 pet, whether that be a cat, dog, ferret or bird and lastly small reptiles such as lizards and snakes. Between the three counties mentioned there are approximately seven hundred thousand households who own a pet or pets. We will be the premier resource in providing the most comprehensive guide in caring for your companions in Southwest Florida. Best Friends Home Pet Care, owner Sam Terpening will be the first in the tri county area offering home pet care as a licensed veterinary technician. In addition he will hold a bachelor of science from Edison State College, ensuring the client will not only receive optimum care for their companions but will receive state of the art educational materials through brochures, web site and blogs and participation in community events, to name a few. Best Friends Home Pet Care will set the standard in the state of Florida; ensuring animal lovers everywhere receive the highest in quality of care and peace of mind knowing those entrusted with your best friends are in safe hands. It shall be the long term goal of our company to petition the state of Florida lawmakers in establishing criterion for licensing requirements for home pet care providers ensuring the animals health, happiness, and safety is the highest cause in for which home pet services are offered. Customer Analysis In terms of customer analysis, this section describes (1) the characteristics of potential customer attitudes beliefs about their companions and how this translates to those customers utilizing at least one of our services in providing additional care for their loved one. (2) Unfortunately in our society many of the elder population our concerned with their personal safety as well as protecting themselves from scams from some unscrupulous business owners that do indeed exist. Customer Characteristics: Demographically, home pet care services are utilized by those pet owners whom travel, such as the retired soon to be baby boomers, or the business traveler. Others may be the elderly whom have family emergencies or stays in the hospital in which they will require care for their companions during their time of recovery. Our main focus will be on the elderly population in the tri county area. Secondly our business will market the business traveler, professional families with a disposable income dedicated to the care of their companions. The household buying of Best Friends Home Pet Care has 1 to 2 people in the household making the purchasing decisions. However, when it comes to the comfort and care of pets women by an average of 2 to 1 make decisions on who is to care for their family member. Our services will typically be utilized by those with a higher disposable income in which they choose to use on their companions ensuring their happiness and health. Baby Boomers are typically more healthy and young today than ever before. Based on these observations in can be determined that many of the Baby Boomers plan on traveling as part of their retirement plan. Many love the companion of an animal in their home but feel guilty when making travel plans. Best Friends Home Pet Care offers the services to make this no longer a concern and allow the ability of pet lovers everywhere to enjoy the best of worlds, freedom to travel, peace of mind knowing your companion will be in good hands. Charlotte County Florida ranks second in the state with the highest population of elderly. It has been reported by national statistics maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation that seventy five out of every one thousand elderly citizens are the victim of a crime. Everyday there are reports in the newspaper, on the radio and nightly news cast detailing these atrocities to our seniors. Today seniors are living longer than ever before and by 2045 will account for thirty-one percent of the entire US population. The elderly and the community at large are taking action to protect themselves from such crimes. Business as who primarily conduct their business in the clients home is more at risk than maybe any other business in American where we are concerned with litigation. Many businesses are finding unique and innovative ways in which to provide service to the client in a honest straight forward manner in which consumers will readily understand. To this effort Best Friends Home Pet Care will register with every sheriff department and police station in the area in which we serve. We will provide a picture ID with our pertinent information including a hot line number directly to law enforcement in which the elderly can certified our credentials. In addition each visit will be logged and date and time stamped. This form will be available in duplicate so the client will have a copy for their record as well as a company for our business records. Best Friends Home Pet Care will never accept a client without first having an initial free home consultation. Our services, polices and prices will be clearly outlined and explained. A complete health inquiry of the companion will be taken as well as pictures to keep on file in case there is an emergency in which a picture would come in handy. A contract will then be signed when the client is ready for our services. The contract must be signed three days before the service is to begin giving the client time if she/he should change their mind for any reason. A twenty-five percent deposit will be required at time of signing. If at any time in the three day period client chooses to cancel their entire deposit will be refunded within twenty-four hours of time of cancellation. If an e-mail is provided real time e-mails will be sent at the time our company enters the client’s home and an e-mail upon departure. If a phone number is provided instead the same service will be provided by phone. Through these several steps we are ensuring the client they are getting what they pay for. If we book four thirty minute visits a day than the customer will be able to see in real time that in fact they are receiving the service they requested. Best Friends Home Pet Care understands the needs for last minute bookings. This service will be offered only to existing clients and only for those that sign an extended contract beforehand. Best Friends Home Pet Care will prominently display our state license number, insurance number, business ID number, and direct line to law enforcement personnel, on all marketing materials and contracts produced thereof, ensuring the peace of mind of our clients entrusting our business in the care of their companions. Market-Product Focus This section describes the five-year marketing and productive objectives for Best Friend Home Pet Care and the target markets, points of difference, and positioning of its service of flexibility are stressed. Marketing and Product Objectives Best Friends Home Pet Care’s marketing intent is to take full advantage of its brand positioning while building a base from which other revenue sources can be mined-from other related animal care services. These are detailed in four areas below: • • • • • • • New markets. Will be grown by distribution of our brochures and marketing materials which will clearly demonstrate the level of care and service Best Friends Home Pet Care brings to the table. Best Friends Home Pet Care will be at the forefront of all community projects, and local events in which support local human programs to care for all animals regardless of the furry friends Mom or Dad having the ability to pay. Awareness will be created through media advertising as well as face to face meetings with other pet care professionals in the community. Thus ensuring community awareness of the high level of educational and professional experience that Best Friends Home Pet Care brings to the marketplace. Best Friends Home Pet Care will begin in a limited geographical area in Punta Gorda Florida. As business expands and owner Samuel Terpening education is completed plans on expanding into remainder of Charlotte County, Lee County, and Hendry County. By the end of five years Best Friends Home Pet Care plans to expand our services to Collier and Sarasota Counties. It is with this goal that Best Friends Home Pet Care will be able to serve the entire Southwest coast of Florida. Owner Samuel Terpening further seeks to be the first elected president of a non-profit organization founded in Florida that seeks to further educate and protect consumers when choosing a pet sitter for their companion. Best Friends Home Pet Care will lobby the Florida state legislature in passing laws directly benefit the consumer, where such requirements will ensure the safe and ethical treatment of all animals within the care of a pet sitter. Requirements set forth shall be as listed. Bonded Insured Certified (through an accredited pre-approved pet-sitting program) Registered with the state of Florida and with the local county sheriff’s office. For any conviction from violation of such laws will result in imprisonment for no less than six months no more than one year and or a $10,000 fine and is banded from practicing any type of animal care in the state of Florida for ten years. Target Markets Customer Needs: Many of our clients in Southwest, Florida are elderly and retired. There is a large disposable income within this age group. Generally speaking most of the elder population no longer has children in the house; therefore their pets become a surrogate child, a best friend. There are trips to the groomer as well as the veterinarian clinic, cleaning up yard waste, exercise, pet sitting and extended pet care services when hospitalization or other emergences’ present themselves. These are only a few of the services that will be offered to all clients. Market Growth: Service industries represent the fastest growing sector of the national economy. It is evident that there is a major need in our community for a home pet service company that is bonded, insured, certified in Pet CPR, and holds a bachelor in veterinary technology in our state. The working population in our area is a fast growing segment of our population as more and more folks are moving to Southwest, Florida to live year round. Families typically take family vacations or travel for work where what to do with the family pet becomes a question. What do we do with Mia or Max? Best Friends Home Pet Care is the answer. Growth relative to the local economy: Florida, known for its sunny skies, balmy nights and cool ocean breezes makes Florida, a premier retirement destination for more than thirteen million citizens over the age of sixty-five. Naples, Florida in fact rates fourth in a list of twenty-five places noted for longer life expectancies, over other popular retirement destinations according to CNN Florida seniors contribute billions of dollars a year to our state economy, with a considerable amount dedicated to the health and well being of their pet. Migration will continue to fuel Florida’s growth over the next two years, with University of Florida (UF) economists projecting about 575 people moving into the state each day. Projections call for Florida’s population to return to more normal growth levels of about 317,000 a year between 2010 and 2020. Demographics: My target customers are the retired and professionals with incomes of $30,000 or higher. Points of Difference Feature: Best Friends Home Pet Care will be the premier home pet care service in Southwest, Florida, by offering licensed home pet care throughout Southwest Florida. Benefit: Clients will have the peace of mind and security while entrusting us with their precious family members knowing that whether the owner is going on vacation, traveling for work or has a family emergency their pet, best friend will be in the most capable, educated and professional hands. Proof: Currently there are no other professional home pet care companies that advertise themselves as having any type of degree in animal science. This will give us a competitive edge in attracting and retaining clients. With my expertise in animal care I will be able to provide a service equal to none over other home pet services in our community. Feature: We will offer a complete range of complementary services to support the owner in providing their pets the best care available in the market. Benefit: My services will allow my clients to pick and choose services as the need arises. Feature: Best Friends Home Pet Care will be fully insured bonded and licensed in the state of Florida. Benefit: Home owners will have the security of knowing that the person coming to their home is trustworthy and registered in the state of Florida. Proof: I have thoroughly researched other pet service companies in the community. Although some do carry insurance none have any documented registration in the state of Florida, as being certified in animal care. We additionally adhere to Public Law 89-544 Animal Welfare Act which federally mandates the transport, sale, breeding, and handling of dogs, cats, non human primates, guinea pigs, hamsters and rabbits. Customer Sensitivities Quality customer service, reputation, hours of business, after hour services available at no additional charge. Care of the animals will always be first and foremost in my business. Competitors Best Friends Home Pet Care is the only fully certified and licensed by the state of Florida in the home pet care service industry in the tri county area. Positioning Up until now Pet Sitting companies have been and are unregulated by any governmental agency. Thus, resulting in the underlying fear of the consumer in wondering who really is coming into my home to care for my companions in my absence. Best Friends Home Pet Care stands alone from all competitors by being not only certified in veterinary technology by the state of Florida, but in addition being registered with all local governments and their entities up to and including the sheriff’s department. This positioning power by Best Friends Home Pet Care will lead to the quality, assurance and peace of mind consumer’s demand with entrusting their furry friend. Marketing Program The four marketing mix elements of Best Friends Home Pet Care marketing program is detailed below. Product Strategy This section discusses three key elements of Best Friends Home Pet Care product strategy: the product line, the approach to product quality and customer service. Note: Product and Service are used interchangeably in describing the services/product in which Best Friends Home Pet Care offers. Product Line. Best Friends Home Pet Care offers a full range of services in caring for ones furry loved ones at affordable prices. Our services are comprehensive and tailored made to address any and all concerns the client may have in having their companions cared for in their absence. Our core services are as follows: • • • • • Pet Sitting Exercise Programs Transportation Administration of medications (prescribed by a licensed veterinarian) End of Life Counseling and Support Unique Product Quality. Best Friends Home Pet Care realizes that not all clients are the same. To this end we strive to work with each client individually in developing a comprehensive care plan for their loved ones. The Care Plan is then signed by Best Friends Home Pet Care and the owner and veterinarian. A copy is then provided to the client, veterinarian and a copy remains on file with Best Friends Home Pet Care. By having a comprehensive Care Plan on file ensures that in the absence of the owner the companion will have the best of care per the instructions and wishes of the client. Price Strategy Best Friends Home Pet Care has completed a thorough research analysis of other owners of pet sitting companies, veterinarians, kennels, and pet store owners in establishing our pricing structure. Our commitment to all of God’s creatures and the people who love them is reflected in our pricing whereby our pricing is competitive to that of those business that have no formal experience, education, and level of expertise that Best Friends Home Pet Care will bring to the market. Promotion Strategy Key promotion programs feature a state of the art brochure introducing our company and the services that we offer. These brochures will be placed at all veterinarian clinics, the Humane Society, Pet Stores, and groomers. Each brochure will have a marketing code that corresponds to the location of the brochure. This marketing code will then be used to give the client a 10% discount on their first service. We offer a comprehensive web site which will enable the client to log in, set up an account for their companion and book appointments. In addition the business owner that allowed our company to place our brochures will receive 10% of net profits to Best Friends Home Pet Care in the form of a contribution in their name to any local animal charity of their choice. In addition Best Friends Home Pet Care will participate/volunteer in all local fundraising events and animal related programs in Southwest Florida, while at the same time promoting our business. As a progression Best Friends Home Pet Care will seek to place our brochures in doctors’ offices, restaurants, and other likeminded business owners who are interested in contributing to the well being of all of our furry friends by simply allowing me to place my brochures in their place of business. Within two years Best Friends Home Pet Care looks to increase our marketing budget, thus facilitating the ability to advertise in local pet service magazines, limited television spots, radio, newspapers and potential cross promotions with other businesses in the communities in which we serve. By year three it is our intention to roll out a direct marketing campaign bringing Best Friends Home Pet Care service into the living rooms and kitchens of consumers everywhere. • Placement of Top of the line brochures • State of the Art Full Featured Web Site • Community Events/Governmental • Direct Marketing • Television/Radio Ads • Newspaper/Magazine Ads Place Distribution Strategy Best Friends Home Pet Care is distributed through word of mouth and brochures by owner of company at the present time. It is our intention to start our distribution within our local community of Punta Gorda. Within one year we plan to service all of Charlotte County. Within three years we plan to expand to Sarasota County, and at four years expanding our services to Lee County leading to ability of our company to have access to over 750,000 animal owners in Southwest Florida. Financial Data and Projections Five Year Projections $120,000.00 $100,000.00 $80,000.00 $60,000.00 $40,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 First Year SalesSecond Year SalesThird Year SalesFourth Year SalesFifth Year Sales Five-year financial projections for Best Friends Home Pet Care appear above. These projections reflect the continuing growth in number of clients booked multiplied by the value of service employed. Five-year projections are based on incremental stages of business growth based on allocated time for owner to complete education. It is the goal of Best Friends Home Pet Care that at the time of graduation a solid business will have been built ensuring revenue potential post graduation. Financial Element Projections = Customer X Value of Service Purchased Year One Number of Customer’s Service Value of Service Total 22 Pet sitting (24 hour) $64.00 x 2 $2816.00 22 Pet sitting (individual) $25.00 x 2 $1100.00 22 Pet sitting (overnight) $65.00 x 2 $2860.00 22 Transportation $25.00 x 2 $1100.00 22 Dog Park $35.00 (once a month) $9240.00 2 Cage Cleaning (once a week) $15.00 x 2 $1560.00 1 Dog Walking x five days $16.00 (1 day free) $3328.00 $22,004.00 Each Year thereafter Best Friends Home Pet Care intends to grow increase our market share by 20 percent each year. Year Two Number of Customer’s Service Value of Service Total 44 Pet sitting (24 hour) $64.00 x 2 $5632.00 44 Pet sitting (individual) $25.00 x 2 $2200.00 44 Pet sitting (overnight) $65.00 x 2 $5720.00 44 Transportation $25.00 x 2 $2200.00 44 Dog Park $35.00 (once a month) $18,480.00 4 Cage Cleaning (once a week) $15.00 x 4 $3120.00 2 Dog Walking x five days $16.00 (1 day free) $6656.00 $44,008.00 Year Three Number of Customer’s Service Value of Service Total 66 Pet sitting (24 hour) $64.00 x 2 $8448.00 66 Pet sitting (individual) $25.00 x 2 $3300.00 66 Pet sitting (overnight) $65.00 x 2 $8580.00 66 Transportation $25.00 x 2 $3300.00 66 Dog Park $35.00 (once a month) $27720.00 8 Cage Cleaning (once a week) $15.00 x 8 $6240.00 4 Dog Walking x five days $16.00 (1 day free) $13,312.00 $70,900.00 Year Four Number of Customer’s Service Value of Service Total 88 Pet sitting (24 hour) $64.00 x 2 $11,264.00 88 Pet sitting (individual) $25.00 x 2 $4400.00 88 Pet sitting (overnight) $65.00 x 2 $11,440.00 88 Transportation $25.00 x 2 $4400.00 88 Dog Park $35.00 (once a month) $36,960.00 16 Cage Cleaning $15.00 x 16 $12480.00 8 Dog Walking x five days $16.00 (1 day free) $6656.00 $87,600.00 Year Five Number of Customer’s Service Value of Service Total 110 Pet sitting (24 hour) $64.00 x 2 $14,080.00 110 Pet sitting (individual) $25.00 x 2 $5500.00 110 Pet sitting (overnight) $65.00 x 2 $14,300.00 110 Transportation $25.00 x 2 $5500.00 110 Dog Park $35.00 (once a month) $46,200.00 32 Cage Cleaning $15.00 x 32 $24,960.00 16 Dog Walking x five days $16.00 (1 day free) $12,288.00 $122,828.00 Organization Best Friends Home Pet Care is incorporated under the laws of the state of Florida, President and CEO Samuel Terpening. Prior to opening Best Friends Home Pet Care, I was the director of sales for a large manufacturing company of leisure products. When joining the company they were grossing less than a million a year. In eight years the company was grossing ten million annually. I have had a life‐ long passion for animals and when my beloved furry friend Nicholas, the stubborn basset hound was taken by cancer I decided it was time to follow a passion. Nicholas love and devotion inspired me to go back to school and obtain a degree, whereby honoring my friend by helping others to care for their beloved companions. I decided it was time to put everything on the line on go back to school and obtain an education where I would be of service and make a difference in my community, and in my life. I have now well on my way in obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration, from Edison State College, whilst simultaneously pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology from the premier veterinary school on the west coast of Florida, St Petersburg Community College. I am an active member of the APCA, in addition I volunteer at the Charlotte County, Humane Society. I understand in beginning any new adventure a support team is of unquestionable need and therefore have established relationships with the following companies that will enable me to offer the most comprehensive, timely and efficient service available to date in the home pet care market. CPA: Mary Ellen Hoagland, CPA Mary Ellen, Hogland, specializes in small businesses and non‐profit organizations. Personalized, experienced, affordable services ranging from business start‐up to on‐going support including: payroll, bookkeeping, financial reporting, and tax filings; QuickBooks set‐up, support and training; preparation of non‐profit organization's application for exemption from income tax. Business Attorney: Firm Wotittzky, Wotitzky, Ross & Mckinley, Attorneys At Law Business and corporate attorneys advise and assist our clients in the choice and formation of the most appropriate entities for their individual needs. Attorneys draft and negotiate a wide variety of contracts including construction, employment, and leases. We also draft and negotiate franchise, distribution, and service agreements and documents relating to the organization, purchase, or sale of assets of business entities. The firm assists clients before municipal, county, and state authorities; licensing boards; and regulatory agencies. Additional Key Personnel As Best Friends Home Pet Care grows, I plan to employ a business manager, a sales and marketing director, and pet care companions. Additionally, First Financial Employee Leasing will be responsible for payroll and human resource needs. Implementation Plan Best Friends Home Pet Care will put considerable effort into preparing two brochures that will serve to introduce myself to the community. The first brochure will be mailed to all veterinarian clinics, groomers, pet stores, Animal Control, Human Society, and No Kill Shelters, introducing Best Friends Home Pet Care as the premier source for in home pet care in the tri county area. I will offer coupons with each place of business listed on the coupon and when redeemed by their clients I will pay 10% of my gross profit to their charity of choice for the life of the client. Our second brochure will be directed to the clients themselves outlining my services and fees. Included will be an intake form to be filled out at time of initial free consultation. Best Friends Home Pet Care will approach animal businesses in the tri county area in potential cross promotions and community events bringing client awareness jointly to each of our businesses. Helping each business to offset the cost of advertising is a win, win for all. Best Friends Home Pet Care will advertise in “Pet Pages” the premier resource for animal lovers in southwest Florida. Best Friends Home Pet Care will have web presence with the use of the state of the art web site which will outline my services, allow clients to make appointments on line. I will offer a blog on animal care which I will update once a week. I will be utilizing “Face Book” “Twitter” in attracting new customers providing the latest in technological advances in the care of my client’s best friends. Customer testimonials will be at the forefront of my exposure ultimately customer word of mouth generates new clients faster than any marketing set forth. Best Friends Home Pet Care will offer coupons to all shelters for a free service to be given out at time of adoption of a new family member. Best Friends Home Pet Care will be listed in the “Yellow Pages”1/4 page ads or larger dependent on marketing funds. Clients will receive a monthly newsletter outlining any changes in my business practices, community events, and spotlight articles written by other animal care professionals in the community. Best Friends Home Pet Care will work to organize “Animal Lovers of Southwest Florida.” We will operate as business association responsible for the betterment of our best friends. We are to serve as a forum for the dissemination of new practices and technologies and work collaboratively in educating the public in the proper care of their best friends. “Animal Lovers of Southwest Florida,” stands for accessibility of preventive health care for all animals regardless of ability to pay in our community. Best Friends Home Pet Care understands the attraction of media and will utilize radio and television to attract new clients. Best Friends Home Pet Care will participate in as many community events as possible that relate to the betterment of all of our animals. This will bring awareness to the community which leads to name drops on air at no charge. Best Friends Home Pet Care will also utilize other large community functions such as Charlotte County Block Party, to meet and greet potential new clients. Each quarter a thorough analysis will be completed in determining where our clients are coming from and therefore having the ability to react quickly in either increasing or decreasing marketing in a particular area based on results of new client bookings. Services will also be analyzed in determining correct pricing strategies are in place and if not to readjust said pricing to meet the client’s needs. Evaluation As demonstrated pets and their care is a billion dollar a year industry that is not showing any signs of slowing down despite the uncertain economic crisis of our time. In addition the rates of baby boomers getting ready to retire are perfect candidates for my business. By being licensed in the state of Florida in veterinary care I will be the only home pet care company in southwest Florida to offer a complete range of services unsurpassed in the industry in which the discriminating client will come to demand. Today’s pet owners want for their pet what they’d like for themselves or for their children. From technological and educational toys to vehicle restraints to designer clothing, pet moms and dads want only the best for their furry, feathered, or finny babies. In a recent survey in the American Animal Hospital Association’s 2004 Pet Owner Survey: eighty‐two percent of pet owners think of their pets more than once while away from home. As home pet services become more recognized as an alternative to kennels, or neighborhood kids the door will open and continue to pave the way for those wishing to enter the exciting world of home pet care. Wherever, there is a pet in a home there will be a need for pet sitters.
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