AEROBIC GYMNASTICS SPORTS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (SMC) COMPETITION HANDBOOK 2015 “This handbook is to be read in conjunction with any relevant Gymnastics South Australia Policies” Version 1/2015 CONTENTS SPORTS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE CONTACT DETAILS 3 GYMNASTICS SA CONTACTS 3 SA AEROBIC GYMNASTIC CLUBS 4 SMC ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4 2014 EVENT & COMPETITION SUMMARY 8 EVENT & COMPETITION INFORMATION Event 1 (Competition) Event 2 (Workshop) Event 3 (State Championships/AEROSkools State Championships) Event 4 (End of Year Windup/Concert) 10 10 10 AEROSkools INFORMATION 10 EVENT RULES AND REGULATIONS 12 EVENT ETIQUETTE 15 EVENT PERSONNEL 15 STATE TEAM SELECTION POLICY 17 [Date] 2 SPORTS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (SMC) MEMBERS CHAIRPERSON Jenny Bruce JUDGING COORDINATOR Penny Gniadek COACHING COORDINATOR Kaitlin McAvaney EVENT COORDINATOR Arlene McAvaney COMMITTEE MEMBERS Janine Mercer, Holly Gniadek AEROskools CONTACT Holly Gniadek GYMNASTICS SOUTH AUSTRALIA (GSA) Postal address: PO Box 183, PARK HOLME Venue: Marion Leisure & Fitness Centre Corner Oaklands Road & Rosedale Ave, MORPHETTVILLE Phone: Fax: Website: SA 5043 SA 5043 08 8294 8288 08 8294 4321 STATE DIRECTOR Haydn Bellamy DEVELOPMENT OFFICER (Education/GFA) Please direct enquires to Alex Freeman EDUCATION & SPORT SERVICE MANAGER Samantha Freeman FINANCE OFFICER Sasha Robjohns SPORT SERVICES OFFICER Alex Freeman YOUTH PARTICIPATION COORDINATOR Chelsea Wilkinson GYM4SCHOOLS PROGRAM COORD Brenton Dicker INCLUSION OFFICER Jill Arthur SA AEROBIC GYMNASTICS CLUBS CLUB aeroMOVES High Impact VENUE Gymnastics SA State Training Centre, Oaklands Road, Morphettville Kadina Town Hall, Taylor Street, Kadina CONTACT DETAILS Kaitlin McAvaney Ph: 0402 165 824 Lisa Cundy Ph: 0418 152 559 [Date] 3 SMC ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The SMC is government by Gymnastics South Australia (herein after referred to as GSA) Sports Management Committee (here in after referred to as SMC) By-Law, adopted on 14th November 2013. A copy of this document is available on the GSA website, is as below: 1. Sports Management Committees The GSA Board will establish Sports Management Committees (in terms of clause 19 of the GSA Constitution), to be known as, Sports Management Committees for each Gymsport as listed below. These Committees will provide advice and assistance on all technical matters of their Gymsport in support of GSA achieving its Strategic and operational outcomes. (a) Men’s Artistic Gymnastics Sports Management Committees (b) Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Sports Management Committees (c) Rhythmic Gymnastics Sports Management Committees (d) Trampoline Gymnastics Sports Management Committees (e) Aerobic Gymnastics Sports Management Committees (f) Gym for All Sports Management Committees (g) Kindergym Sports Management Committees (h) Cheerleading Sports Management Committees 2. Functions of Committees Each Committee will work with, provide advice to, and make recommendations to the GSA State Director or delegated GSA staff member/s on the delivery of strategic and operational outcomes for their Gymsport. In particular the Committees shall: (a) provide advice on the preparation of operational policies and regulations for approval by the GSA State Director; (b) review their Gymsport’s performance and undertake forward planning against the GSA strategic plan outcomes (c) provide advice on and co-ordinate and implement technical regulations at all GSA state events. 3. Composition of Committees Each Gymsport Committee will include: • Chairman (CHR) • Judging Co-ordinator (JC) – where applicable (e.g. not applicable for KG and GfA) • Coaching Coordinator (CC) – where applicable (not applicable for KG and GfA) • Up to four Committee General Members, the number of which is to be determined by the GSA State Director in conjunction with the specific Gymsport. A Standing Gymsport Management Committee shall at no time comprise two or more members who are also members of the same affiliated member club unless agreed with the State Director and approved by the GSA Board. [Date] 4 Where available a GSA staff member will be assigned to each SMC to assist with administration and coordination activities. GSA staff members will be ex-officio and a non-voting member of the Gymsport Committee. Position descriptions for each member of the Committee shall be developed and reviewed at the commencement of each new term of office 4. Term of Office The term of office for each of the Committee members will be two years. Terms will commence on January 1 in the year appointed and end on December 31 on completion of the 2 year term The GSA Board, on the recommendation of the GSA State Director, may implement changes to Committee membership including removal of members. Any Committee member failing to attend three consecutive Committee meetings without written permission from the Committee Chair shall forfeit their position on the Committee. 5. Appointment Process of Committees The GSA State Director shall: • Call for nominations from the Gymsport community by the 1st November in the relevant year (with the exception of the bylaws year of implementation 2013, nominations will be called in December). Each nomination must be accompanied by a relevant CV; • Consult with relevant GSA Staff regarding the nominees • Make a recommendation to the GSA Board (including the Chairperson). The GSA Board shall: • Consider the recommendation made by the GSA State Director and formally appoint Committee members • Should a recommendation not be approved by the GSA Board then a casual vacancy will exist on the Committee and shall be filled in accordance with Clause 6 of this By-Law 6. Casual vacancies The GSA Board, considering recommendations from the GSA State Director, will appoint candidates to fill any casual vacancies. 7. Committee Regulations/ Yearbook The Committees are to ensure that the Committee Regulations/ Yearbook are developed and reviewed for approval by the GSA State Director. The Committee Regulations/ Yearbook shall be reviewed at least once a year. The Committee Regulations/ Yearbook will consist of two sections: Part A: Committee Governance Regulations (roles, responsibilities and structure) Part B: Committee Operations 8. Committee Statutory Committees (sub Committees) Each Committee may have Statutory Committees and their roles, functions and composition of each Statutory Committee will be detailed in the Committee Regulations. 9. Voting at General Meetings Each Gymsport Management Committee will have the right to be represented by a delegate of their choosing at any General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Association, and will be entitled to one vote on behalf of the relevant Gymsport Management Committee. 10. Changes to the By-Law Amendments to this By-law will be made pursuant to Clause 20.1 of the GSA Constitution. As outlined in Items 4 and 5 of the Gymnastics South Australia Gymsport Management Committee Bylaw: (End of GSA SMC By-Law – adopted 14th November 2013) [Date] 5 SPORTS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE COMPOSITION Chairperson/Technical Coordinator Judging Coordinator Coaching Coordinator Events Coordinator Committee Members ELECTION AND APPOINTMENT OF POSTIONS The State Director of GSA will call for nominations in the November of the second year of election. On receipt of written applications on the prescribed form, the State Director will consult GSA staff and make a recommendation to the GSA Board. The GSA Board will appoint candidates and notify prior to the commencement of the new term. Any casual vacancies which arise during the two year term, will also oversee the appointment process. TERM OF APPOINTMENT Each position will be for a two year period – commencing 1st January and ending 31st December of the two year term. ROLES OF COMMITTEE POSITIONS Every committee member is required to provide governance to the organisation and be accountable to the organisation’s members and operate and abide to all GSA Policies and SMC Procedures. CHAIRPERSON/TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Reports to GSA State Director and/or designated GSA Staff member. Key relationships with GSA Staff. Roles and responsible for all matters related to the administration and implementation of GSA policy for your discipline. Chair monthly meetings and attend to minutes, agendas and arrange venues for each SMC meeting. Prepare an annual budget for GSA approval. Attend all scheduled and relevant meetings. Attend all events relevant to your discipline. Attend all State team trainings and selection meetings. Attend the GSA Gymsports Annual General Meeting. Ensure that all requirements with respect to the conduct of gymnasts, judging, coaching and other personnel are observed. Be available to be consulted or liaise between Judging Coordinator, Coaching Coordinator, coaches and their gymnasts and other competition officials. Represent the SMC views and deliver a report of SMC activities at Board meetings when required. Attend to preparation of the Annual Report to GSA. Liaise with the National GA AG SMC and other associated bodies. Ensure the technical documentations for your discipline including technical regulations, event calendar and selection procedures are current and appropriate. [Date] 6 JUDGING COORDINATOR Reports to Gymsport Chairperson/ Technical Director on behalf of GSA State Director. Key relationships with GSA Staff. Roles and responsible for development of the sport through the provision of quality education courses and officiating opportunities. Responsible for ensuring a high standard of officiating at all GSA events providing encouragement and support to judges. Attend all scheduled and relevant meetings. Attend State team training and selection meetings. Attend to event judging rosters and forward into the GSA office prior. Ensure that a Jury is appointed for all appropriate events. Liaise with the Event Coordinator and Coaching Coordinator before/after events. Attend events and hold Judges Briefings (as appropriate). Ensure completed judging sign-in sheets, documentation for any judging payments /reimbursements are complete and forwarded to the GSA Office after the event. Liaise with the Coaching Coordinator and GSA Office in the development of appropriate education packages/courses/manuals (state specific). Promote the judging accreditation process; identify appropriate persons and ensure suitable information is available for current training paths. Attend to preparation of course and workshop materials and resources of a suitable standard for use by Course Presenters, officials and attendees which is available from the national course material at the GSA office. Ensure that relevant judging information; any amendments or additions to rules are included in the gymsport handbook and GSA website. Liaise with the National SMC and represent the State at National judging meetings. COACHING COORDINATOR Reports to Gymsport Chairperson/ Technical Director on behalf of GSA State Director. Key relationships with GSA Staff Roles and responsibilities of the key position on the SMC are outlined below. Attend all scheduled and relevant meetings. Attend State team training and selection meetings. Attend events and hold Coaches Briefings where appropriate. Provide training and support to gymnasts to develop and compete at State and National competitions. Liaise with the Education Development Officer and be involved in conjunction with Congress, Courses and Camps for the Gymsport. Liaise with the Office on the Education in particular, coaches within their discipline. Liaise with the Judging Coordinator and GSA office in the development of appropriate education packages/courses. Coordinate State Team trainings prior to Nationals with the State Team Coach. Liaise with the Judging Coordinator regarding concerns before and after events. Attend judging education sessions for professional development. Liaise with the National SMC. Represent the State at National Coaching meetings. Ensure relevant coaching information is published in gymsport handbook and on the GSA website. Liaise on a regular basis with clubs, and make yourself available to coaches, who have competitive gymnasts. [Date] 7 EVENTS COORDINATOR Reports to Gymsport Chairperson/ Technical Director on behalf of GSA State Director. Key relationships with GSA Staff. Roles and responsibilities of the key position on the SMC are outlined below. Responsible for ensuring the smooth running of all GSA events. Liaise with Judging Coordinator regarding venue, timetable and volunteer roster. Instruction and mentoring of Floor Managers and Club Volunteer Coordinators. Arrange collection and return of competition box with all appropriate forms, door float, programs and stationary from GSA. Arrange collection of sufficient certificates and awards from GSA to be taken to venue. Make sure competition box is sufficiently stocked. Arrange collection and return of First Aid Kit. Liaise with Coaches prior to competition to establish any withdrawals and correct pronunciation of unusual names. Contact all club volunteer coordinators forty eight (48) hours prior to event to find out names of volunteers. Establish if volunteers are familiar with their role and have been provided with sufficient information. Liaise with Floor Manager and pass on details of all other volunteers. Arrange catering. Liaise with Floor Manager to discuss event report. Submit report to following SMC after each event. GENERAL COMMITTEE MEMBER Reports to Gymsport Chairperson/ Technical Director on behalf of GSA State Director. Key relationships with GSA Staff Each Committee Member has the roles and responsibilities of the key position on the SMC: Be an active in the gym specific organisation. Declare with any conflict of interest. Adhere to relevant rules and requirements required by law and the rules of GSA. At all times act in an ethical and mature manner towards all clubs and programs regardless of personal opinions. Support GymSA and staff, contributing to the effectiveness of GSA activities. Participate in establishing goals with respect to strategy and direction of the organisation, assist in developing growth and numbers of the gymsport. Liaise with all local clubs to determine the current needs of the sport. Support chair, judging and coaching co-ordinator Attend to designated tasks relevant to appointed role. Remain committed to the purpose and outcomes of the organisation. Attend to the required reading prior to meetings. Be an active member of the SMC sub-committees assisting with events, providing pro-active comments and suggestions to assist with the decision making process. Attend GSA’s Annual General Meeting. [Date] 8 EVENTS – DATES FOR 2015 AND SPECIFIC INFORMATION Event 1 - Competition 1 DATE: LOCATION: CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: GYMNAST ENTRY FEES: SPECTATOR ENTRY FEES: Sunday, 17th May 2015 Marion Leisure Centre Friday, 1st May 2015 at 5.00 pm $50 per gymnast in an individual event $30 per gymnast in a multiple $10 level (0) Adult $10, Child/Concession $5 Event 2 - Workshop DATE: LOCATION: CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: GYMNAST ENTRY FEES: Sunday, 27th & 28th June 2015 Marion Leisure Centre Friday, 12th June 2015 at 5.00 pm $50.00 per gymnast Clubs and schools are encouraged to attend this two Workshop to develop skills and receive suggestions to improve routines with state and interstate specialists. Coaches will also be given the opportunity to clarify any technical regulations for 2015. This will be a closed event, no spectators allowed. Further information will follow closer to the event. Event 3 - State Championships DATE: LOCATION: CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: GYMNAST ENTRY FEES: SPECTATOR ENTRY FEES: Sunday, 16th August 2015 Marion Leisure Centre Monday, 1st August 2015 at 5.00 pm $50 per gymnast in an individual event $30 per gymnast in a multiple $10 level (0) Adult $10, Student/Concession $5 State Team Training DATE: LOCATION: TO BE ADVISED FOLLOWING NATIONALS DATES RELEASED Marion Leisure Centre 2015 Australian Aerobic Gymnastic and AEROSkools Championships DATE: LOCATION: TO BE ADVISED – Mid September 2015 TO BE ADVISED [Date] 9 Event 4 – Demonstration Event/2015 Windup DATE: Sunday, 7th November 2015 LOCATION: Marion Leisure Centre CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: TO BE ADVISED GYMNAST ENTRY FEES: TO BE ADVISED SPECTATOR ENTRY FEES: TO BE ADVISED SPECIFICS OF EVENT 4: A chance to show case within a modified format: Leotard not required, suitable attire must be worn. Eg gym shorts and singlet. Can perform as a pair or multiple, no individuals. Ability to perform any routine pre choreographed from the GA teaching manual from current or previous years. Ability to perform at the same or a level above as competed in/or would be able to compete in the current competition year. OTHER INFORMATION To be considered for State Team Selection, it is compulsory for gymnasts to compete in Event 1, 2 and 3. To be considered for “Most Improved Gymnast” and “Most Improved Team” end of year awards, gymnasts must compete in Event 1 and Event 3 as a Level 3. Entry Details and Forms - refer to GSA Competition Policy on the GSA website. EVENTS - AEROSkools INFORMATION DATE: LOCATION: Sunday, 16th August 2015 State Championships Marion Leisure Centre CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: Monday, 1st August 2015 at 5.00 pm SPECTATOR ENTRY FEES: Family $25.00 Adult $10.00 Student/Concession $5.00 GYMNAST ENTRY FEES: Level 1 and above - $30 per gymnast in a pair or team Level 0 - $10 per gymnast in a pair or team CONTACT FOR AEROSkools: Holly Gniadek ( For further information on AEROSkools, please visit the following link: Gymsport Aerobic Gymnastics AEROSkools [Date] 10 EVENT RULES & REGULATIONS 1. COMPETITORS More specific information can be found on the Gym Australia (GA) and Gym SA (GSA) website and in the AER Technical Regulations Part B manual. AER_Technical_Regulations_Part_B_2014.pdf 1.1 Registration Gymnasts wishing to participate in GSA competitions and events must be registered financial members of GSA and GA. A registration fee for the appropriate category of gymnast must be paid prior to a gymnast being entered into a GSA event. Nonregistered gymnasts will be refused entry into GSA events. 1.2 Supervision All clubs entering gymnasts into a GSA event must include a suitably qualified and accredited coach that is a technical member of GA. No gymnast will be accepted into an event without an accredited supervising coach. 1.3 Levels/Eligibility Restructure to the Levels and National Stream programs in 2013 was carried out to bring Aerobic Gymnastics in line with the current WAG Levels Program as per the below table as an individual, or as a team of 2 or more. Gymnasts cannot drop back a level of competition unless they have been withdrawn from competition for a minimum of three (3) years. Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Age/ Category Intermediate (12–15yrs) Junior (9–11yrs) Mini (6 - 8yrs) Intermediate (12–15yrs) Junior (9 – 11yrs) Mini (6 - 8yrs) Intermediate (12–15yrs) Junior (9 – 11yrs) Mini (6 - 8yrs) Senior (16 plus) Intermediate (12–15yrs) Junior (9 – 11yrs) Mini (6 - 8yrs) Music 60 seconds +/- 5 sec Compulsory Music 60 seconds +/- 5 sec Compulsory Music 1min 30seconds +/- 5 seconds Compulsory Music Competitive routine, compulsory choreography. Max 4 elements. Gymnasts can compete in a max of two categories. 1min 30seconds +/- 5 seconds Compulsory Music Competitive routine, compulsory choreography. Max 6 elements. Gymnasts can compete in a max of two categories. Senior (16 plus) Intermediate (12-15yrs) Junior (9-11yrs) 1min 30seconds +/- 5 seconds Compulsory Music Senior (16 plus) Intermediate (12-15yrs) Junior (9-11yrs) Senior (16 plus) Intermediate (12-15yrs) 1min 30seconds +/- 5 seconds Optional Music 1min 30seconds +/- 5 seconds Optional Music Competition Requirements Non-competitive routine. Can be performed as display or warm-up. Performed at State Competition Participation Category only. Competitive routine, compulsory choreography, optional skills. Max 8 elements. Gymnasts can compete in a maximum of two categories. Competitive Routine, optional choreography and optional skills. Max 8 elements. Competitive Routine, optional choreography and optional skills. Max 10 elements. [Date] 11 1.4 Gymnasts Conduct All gymnasts must adhere to the GSA Member Protection Policy and other endorsed policies as published on the GSA website. Any persons not abiding by these guidelines may be removed from the event and not allowed to take part, or continue to take part, in the event. 2. AWARDS 2.1 Most Improved Gymnast Award The Most Improved Gymnast Award trophy will be awarded to an individual gymnast who shows the greatest improvement in their score from Event 1 to Event 3. In the event of a tie the execution score will be used to determine the winner. The trophy will be awarded at the end of Event 3. The trophy must be returned to the Sports Management Committee at Event 1 the following year. Eligibility: - Gymnasts must be competing as an individual in Level 3 - Gymnasts must compete in both Event 1 and Event 3 - Gymnasts must attend Event 2 - Workshop 2.2 Most Improved Team Award This Most Improved Team Award trophy will be awarded to a team who demonstrate the greatest improvement in their score from Event 1 to Event 3. In the event of a tie the execution score will be used to determine the winner. The trophy will be awarded at the end of Event 3. The trophy must be returned to the Sports Management Committee at Event 1 the following year. Eligibility: - Gymnasts must be competing as team in Level 3 - Gymnasts must compete in both Event 1 and Event 3 in the same category - Composition of the team must be the same in both Event 1 and Event 3 - Gymnasts must attend Event 2 - Workshop 2.3 Gymnastics South Australia Annual Awards The GSA Annual Awards are designed to recognise outstanding contributions, achievements and dedication to the sport of Aerobic Gymnastics. At the completion of Nationals each year the SMC will consider and forward the endorsed nominations to GSA for awards based on performance during the competition season, results at state and/or national level and their commitment to the sport. The three categories are as follows: - Levels Gymnasts of the Year (for levels 4 & 5) - Elite Gymnasts/Team of the Year (for levels 6 and up) - Coach of the Year The SMC is also to forward five (5) and ten (10) year attendance at a Nationals Levels for acknowledgement. The Awards will be presented at the GSA Annual General Meeting and Annual Awards night which will be held early in the following year. [Date] 12 3. COACHES 3.1 Accreditation Each club must nominate at least one coach, who is a registered Technical Member of GSA and GA for the current year, who must be present at each session of all GSA Events in which that club has gymnasts entered. This coach is required to take responsibility for the safety of their gymnasts for the duration of the Event. All coaches at an Event must ensure that they are visibly wearing their official Event Lanyard in order to gain entry to the warm-up area. 3.2 Coaches’ Conduct Coaches must abide by the GSA Member Protection Policy and GA Coaches Code of Behaviour which is in accordance with the FIG Code and Competition Etiquette. 3.3 Pre-Event Meeting All registered Coaches must attend a pre-Event Meeting with the Event Coordinator on the day of the Event. 4. JUDGES 4.1 Accreditation Judges officiating at GSA Events must be appropriately accredited with GA. All Judges at an Event must ensure that they are visibly wearing their official Event Lanyard in order to gain entry to the warm-up area. 4.2 Judges’ Conduct All judges who take part in a GSA Event or sanctioned Event must abide by the GA Judges’ Code of Ethics and Judges’ Code of Behaviour. 4.3 Judges’ Attire Judges must wear appropriate attire, of either navy or black and white clothing. 4.4 Pre-Event Meeting Judges must be in attendance at the Event forty-five (45) minutes prior to the scheduled Event start for a compulsory Judges’ meeting. 5. ENTRY POLICY 5.1 Eligibility Entry to GSA Aerobic Gymnastic Events is open to all affiliated clubs in SA. 5.2 Promotion Event information, including Event Entry Forms, will be made available on the GSA website - Aerobic Gymnastics webpage. It is the responsibility of clubs to access the website in order to obtain the necessary information and take part in Events. [Date] 13 5.3 Closing Dates Entries for all Events must be received at the GSA Office by 5pm on the closing date as published in the Aerobic Gymnastics Handbook. Event information, including entry closing dates will be published on the GSA website – Aerobic Gymnastics webpage. 5.4 Payments, Refund and Withdrawals Please refer to the GSA Competition Policy, on the GSA website – Aerobic Gymnastics webpage. uth%20Australia%20-%20Competition%20Policy.pdf 5.5 Validity of Entries Entry forms are to be down loaded from the GSA website. The forms must be correctly and legibly filled out with all requested information. Forms received that are incomplete or incorrectly filled in will not be accepted and will be returned to the club for correction and resubmission. For these entries to be valid the errors or omissions must be rectified and the forms resubmitted prior to the event. 5.6 Media Release Gymnastics SA advises that there may be official still and video photographers at all GSA events. GSA and/or their agents reserve the right to use images from these events in publications and promotions and for sale in DVD, video and still photograph formats. Any objection must be made in writing to GSA. 6. EVENT INFORMATION 6.1 Event Schedule The Event Coordinator will ensure that the event schedule will be available on the GSA website shortly after the close of entries. This schedule will also be forwarded to all clubs by email. 6.2 Awards Event Awards will be presented either at the end of each session or at the completion of the event. This will be at the SMC’s discretion. 6.3 Protests No protests will be accepted on judges’ scores at sanctioned events. Protests may be submitted in writing (after the event) for any extraneous incidents that happen during the competition. These must be directed initially to the Event Marshall who will notify the Judging and the Events Coordinator. A Head Judge on the relevant panel can also initiate a repeat of a routine should circumstances warrant. 6.4 March on/Presentation Ceremony Gymnasts are required to wear either their Club uniform or Event leotard for the Presentation Ceremony as directed by the Floor Manager on the day of the Event. [Date] 14 7. EVENT ETIQUETTE SUMMARY The following etiquette will apply to all GSA held events: o o o o o o o o o Only Gymnasts, Coaches, and Event Officials are permitted in warm-up areas. All Officials/Event Personnel must wear their Event Lanyard to enable easy identification at all times. Only the qualified coaches are to place gymnasts on the competition floor area, as directed by the Event Marshalls. Gymnasts are NOT to approach Judges during the Event. Appropriate attire is to be worn at ALL times, including footwear. No communication is allowed with the gymnast while performing. No flash photography is allowed whilst gymnasts are performing the routines. Mobile phones must be switched off or turned to ‘silent’ at all times. Spectators must not move around the stadium during performances. EVENT PERSONNEL AND ROLES All GSA Aerobic Gymnastic / AEROSkools Events require the following personnel: Event Coordinator Door / Registration Desk Event Marshall/s Announcer/MC Music Coordinator Score Runner Tabulator Judging Coordinator These positions will be arranged by the SMC and the Event Coordinator at the SMC meeting prior to an Event. EVENT COORDINATOR The Event Coordinator is responsible for the smooth running of all GSA events and will be available to all Event Personnel at all times. Ensure that the venue and equipment required (including sound and PA system, music, laptop, printer, banners, competition box - medals, ribbons, certificates, first aid kits, money tins, floats, stationery etc.) is booked/ordered sufficiently in advance and collected prior to the event in conjunction with SMC directives. Liaise with Judging Coordinator in regard to the volunteer roster, venue, timetable, finalising of the run sheet and preparation of the programme. Contact all club volunteer coordinators forty eight (48) hours prior to event to find out names of volunteers. Establish if volunteers are familiar with their role and have been provided with sufficient information. Ensure that the Event Personnel are mentored, by understanding the importance of their role, have reiterated their duties and issued with the necessary materials. Ensure that prior to the Event, that the Tabulator has checked the laptop to ensure the current Tabulating Programme is loaded and operational. [Date] 15 Coordinate set-up of the venue and equipment, on the day of the competition and prior to gymnasts published arrival time. Test sound system. Arrange catering (if required); order and arrange collection prior to schedule breaks. Arrange for Gymnasts sign-on registration forms to be completed. Arrange for Coaches and Judges’ sign-on registration forms to be signed by each attending person and returned to GSA (Sports Service Officer). Liaise with Coaches prior to competition to establish any withdrawals and correct pronunciation of unusual names. Meet with all volunteers and coaches prior to the Event, to outline the Event program and fully inform them of their responsibilities and requirements for the Event. o Ensure that relevant requirements are being met at the venue. o Coordinate the opening ceremony, including march on and march off. o Coordinate the medal presentation including march on and closing ceremony. Attend to any matters that arise on the day of the competition. o Return to GSA Admin Officer, all equipment, stationery shortly after the Event. o Return to GSA Finance Officer, money tin, money (event income), all expenditure documentation and receipts shortly after the Event. Submit a written report to the following SMC after each event. Delegate positions where possible to the following Event Personnel: MUSIC COORDINATOR Organise music on the Event Day as specified on the Event running order. Play the music as outlined in the order of work. DOOR / REGISTRATION DESK Liaise with Event Coordinator. Collect entry fee from all spectators for the Event as outlined in this Handbook. Distribute Event Programmes. SCORE RUNNER Delivers judges score sheets from Judging Panel to the Tabulator as required. MARSHALL Using the Event Programme, ensure the correct gymnast and their coach is ready and in place to compete, to ensure a smooth flowing event. Ensure only Gymnasts, Coaches, Event Officials are permitted in the warm up area. TABULATOR Prior to the Event, ensure that the correct programme is attainable to use. Enter gymnasts into the tabulating programme prior to the Event. Enter and calculate scores throughout the Event. ANNOUNCER/MC Announce pre-Event floor training times, if required. Announce Gymnasts to the floor, after receiving clearance from all the Judges. Announce results at the completion of the session/Event. Make any announcements deemed necessary throughout the Event day. [Date] 16 STATE TEAM SELECTION POLICY INTRODUCTION The State Team Selection Policy sets out the criteria and procedures for the nomination and selection of all officials and participants; provides the guidelines of GSA representatives, officials and team delegates travelling to, and participating in Aerobic Gymnastics State Team Events; setting out key roles and responsibilities for key persons. This policy is to be reviewed annually. 1. TEAM PERSONNEL The Aerobic Gymnastics State Team, representing GSA, will comprise the following key personnel: State Team Coordinator State Team Coach – one only, have GA accredited coaches Assistant State Team Coach – one or more, have GA accredited coaches Judges – have GA accredited judges Gymnasts – be currently registered with GSA Chaperones – ratio of chaperones will be at the discretion of GSA. All positions will be called by the SMC and written applications must be forwarded to GSA by the closing date as adopted by the SMC. Positions will be ratified by GSA. All team personnel: Must travel with the State Team from beginning to end of event, unless approved by SMC and confirmed by GSA in writing. Must stay at the designated State Team accommodation. The State Team Selection Committee (Selection Panel) will consist of: State Team Coordinator Judging Coordinator State Team Coach GSA Representative (if deemed necessary) 2. STATE TEAM COACH 2.1 Roles and Responsibilities The State Team Coach is responsible for: Ensuring the state team is prepared for the national competition, in conjunction with Assistant State Team Coach/es. The planning and supervision of appropriate training sessions before departure and during competitions. [Date] 17 2.2 Selection Criteria 2.3 Establishing an agreed order of work for the National competition to achieve the optimum team result, in conjunction with the Assistant State Team Coach/es. Ensure consultation with the State Team Coordinator on all matters and including any specific team member/s issues in a fair and objective manner. Ensure that all gymnasts physical and emotional well-being is taken into consideration at all times. Ensure that each gymnast’s meals/diet, sleeping conditions and recreation are conducive to optimum competition performance. Ensure that a fostering spirit is displayed at all times to ensure a united team for all gymnasts to participate and perform at their best. Attend the GA Orientation/Information Meeting as and when required. Ensure timely sourcing of relevant information from Event Management to enable appropriate arrangements of: o Training venues o Transport o Training schedules o Music requirements o Competition venue o Meal times o Competition draws o Competition numbers o Competition times Ensure inclusion at all times of Assistant State Team Coach/es are provided with clear directives of their roles and responsibilities. Prepare and forward a detailed report, within 14 days of the competition’s completion, to the Chairperson for review by the SMC. Minimum GA Intermediate coaching accreditation with appropriate coaching experience. Must be a registered and financial member of GSA and have no outstanding financial obligations to GSA. Must have a current police clearance check in accordance with current legislation and endorsed by GSA. Must have successfully completed ‘Play by The Rules’ and ‘Complaint Handling Course’, a free online course and provided a copy of completion to GSA. Must be medically fit to attend National Championships and interstate travel. Must have appropriate communication skills and be considered compatible with other team gymnasts and officials. Selection Process All written applications to be tabled at the SMC meeting shortly after applications close. Any applicants in attendance will be required to leave the SMC meeting whilst discussion and decision making take place. The successful applicant will be notified in writing within fourteen (14) days of the SMC’s decision. The GSA Board of Management will ratify the State Team Coach’s selection prior to the final approval being given. [Date] 18 3. ASSISTANT STATE TEAM COACH/ES 3.1 Roles and Responsibilities: An Assistant State Team Coach/es shall: 3.2 Selection Criteria 3.3 Assist the State Team Coach, State Team Coordinator and gymnasts in preparation and at the national competition. Attend pre-competition state team training sessions as directed by the State Team Coach. Hold a minimum GA Intermediate coaching accreditation with appropriate coaching experience. Must be a registered and financial member of GSA and have no outstanding financial obligations to GSA. Must have a current police clearance check in accordance with current legislation and endorsed by GSA. Must have successfully completed ‘Play by The Rules’ and ‘Complaint Handling Course’, a free online course and provided a copy of completion to GSA. Be considered compatible with other officials and team gymnasts. Provide support and assistance to the State Team Coach as required. Selection Process All written applications to be tabled at the SMC meeting shortly after applications close. Any applicants in attendance will be required to leave the SMC meeting whilst discussion and decision making take place. The successful applicant will be notified in writing within fourteen (14) days of the SMC’s decision. The GSA Board of Management will ratify the State Team Coach’s selection prior to the final approval being given. 4. JUDGES 4.1 Roles and Responsibilities A Judge shall: Represent the state by impartial judging at all times. Be appropriately qualified in judging and assist the State Team Coach on request by being present at training sessions to mark and evaluate routines. Attend and report on judging conferences, meetings etc. keeping the State Team Coordinator, State Team Coach and gymnasts informed, particularly on any matters that could impact or improve their performances. Consult with the State Team Coordinator and State Team Coach on all matters, particularly if there are any issues, perceived or otherwise, with team members. Attend GA Judges Orientation/Information meeting as and when required. Prepare reports, when requested, for submission to the SMC specifically related to assist judging development and team performance in SA. If qualified to coach, assist the State Team Coach when requested to do so. [Date] 19 4.2 Selection Criteria 4.3 Must hold current qualification to judge at a national competition for which they are applying. Must be a registered technical member at state and national level. Must have a current police clearance check in accordance with current legislation and endorsed by GSA. Must have successfully completed ‘Play by The Rules’ and ‘Complaint Handling Course’, a free online course and provided a copy of completion to GSA. Must have no outstanding financial obligations to GSA. Must be prepared to attend official training sessions and meetings as required by the appointed State Coach. Where practical, judges should stay at the designated state team accommodation. Selection Process All written applications to be tabled at the SMC meeting shortly after applications close. Any applicants in attendance will be required to leave the SMC meeting whilst discussion and decision making take place. The SMC will select the most suitable judge/s to represent GSA. The successful applicants will be notified in writing within fourteen (14) days of the SMC’s decision. The GSA Board of Management will ratify Judge’s selection prior to the final approval being given. 5. STATE TEAM COORDINATOR 5.1 Roles and Responsibilities The State Team Coordinator shall be responsible: To GSA for the management and control of the team representing SA from the time of assembly as advised, until the designated team closure. For team discipline and immediately reporting any serious breaches to the Head of Delegation or the State Administrator, so that appropriate joint action can be taken. Adjudicating any problems that may arise among the gymnasts, officials or supporters. For working with key team officials to ensure that the tour is a harmonious event with a combination of team spirit, good health and the best environment for optimum performance. Defining team guidelines for team uniform (travel and functions) and team behaviour. For team administration, in collaboration with GSA, including organising and distribution of team uniforms, medical documentation and team indemnity and information forms, assembly at airport and travel to team accommodation following arrival. For providing assistance and support to the State Team Coach. Accompanying (or delegating an appropriately qualified person) any team member who requires dental, medical or hospital attention, or drug testing. [Date] 20 5.2 Selection Criteria 5.3 For providing all information and communicating with all team members through regular team meetings. Liaising with the GSA Office concerning itinerary, contingency, uniform and general organisation, including: o Preliminary state team entries must be forwarded to GSA nine (9) weeks prior to competition. o Definitive entries must be forwarded to GSA five (5) weeks prior to competition. For ensuring that team photographs are taken. Organising meals and meal times in consultation with the State Team Coach with the assistance from the Chaperones. For providing details of all costs including: travel, accommodation, uniforms, food, competition fees etc., to the GSA Finance Officer one month prior to the competition / tour. The GSA office will issue invoices to all team members and full payment is to be received before travel. For advising the GSA office of petty cash requirements a minimum of one (1) week prior to travel; any retain receipts for all petty cash expenditure plus returning any surplus petty cash. For providing, within 30 days of the completion of the tour, a detailed report and statement of accounts, and if required, a confidential report to the GSA State Administrator on any serious breaches of discipline or misconduct of any team member. Applicants shall have demonstrated leadership and management experience and be able to organise and communicate with all members of the GSA Aerobic Gymnastics State Team and the GSA Administration personnel. Ability to demonstrate good personal and communication skills. Have an understanding of protocol and procedures at National GA Championships. Able to attend official training sessions and team meetings as required. Previous involvement in SA State Team tours is preferred (not essential). Must have a current police clearance check in accordance with current legislation and endorsed by GSA. Must have successfully completed ‘Play by The Rules’ and ‘Complaint Handling Course’, a free online course and provided a copy of completion to GSA. Must have an understanding of current Child Protection legislation and Member protection guidelines. Must be medically fit to attend National Championships and interstate travel. Selection Process The SMC will select the best person to represent GSA based on the outlined criteria. Applications must be received in writing addressing the selection criteria and will be tabled at the meeting after the closing date. The SMC will notify the successful applicant within fourteen (14) days of the meeting. The GSA Board will ratify the position of State Team Coordinator selection before final approval is given. [Date] 21 The SMC will give consideration to be best possible situation for the State Team and at all times consider the option of a GSA staff member to be appointed at the State Team Coordinator. 6. CHAPERONES 6.1 Roles and Responsibilities The Chaperone/s on State Team tours shall be responsible: 6.2 Selection Criteria 6.3 For the emotional care and well-being of all the gymnasts. To both the State Team Coordinator and State Team Coach/es. For assisting the State Team Coordinator as required. In collaboration with the State Team Coordinator, for ensuring that the gymnasts are adequately fed, rested and cared for. For purchasing any items required to maintain the well-being of the gymnasts. For ensuring gymnasts have all that is necessary for training and competition before leaving the accommodation. In general, ‘parenting’ the team members while away at all times. Must be capable of attending to the well-being and needs of all gymnasts allocated to their care. Must be able to communicate openly with the gymnasts. Must demonstrate qualities of empathy, patience and initiative. It is highly desirable if the chaperone also has: o a current driver’s licence. o parenting experience. o a Senior First Aid Certificate. o compatibility with, and personal knowledge of, the gymnasts and coaches in the team. Must have a current police clearance check in accordance with current legislation and endorsed by GSA. Must have successfully completed ‘Play by The Rules’ and ‘Complaint Handling Course’, a free online course and provided a copy of completion to GSA. Selection Process The State Team Coordinator will liaise with the clubs of selected gymnasts to arrange for appropriate chaperones. The State Team Selection Committee will ratify the State Tea, Coordinators selection which will be based upon the best person to be a Chaperone per the outlined criteria. 7. GYMNASTS 7.1 Roles and Responsibilities The Gymnasts shall: Commit to train to maximise performance improvement and fitness. Aim to achieve objectives set for the Event. [Date] 22 7.2 Carry out the instructions of the State Team Coordinator and State Team Coach, or those who are in authority at the time. Return all forms in a timely manner, including but not limited to State Team Member Indemnity Forms and Medical Declaration Forms to Gymnastics SA as required enabling efficient administration of arrangements and uniform. Forms will be thoroughly screened and endorsed by the SMC prior to the participant commencing state team travel. Gymnasts under 18 require a parent or caregiver to countersign. Advise the State Team Coordinator and State Team Coach of any change in fitness or any other factor likely to affect personal performance and/or compatibility with the team and its preparation. Represent GSA with the highest standard of courtesy and sporting ethic and spirit in interactions with fellow team members, competitors from other states and all officials. Wear the appropriate uniform, and adhere to the dress guidelines. Maintain appropriate eating habits/diet and maintain standards of personal hygiene and appearance. Will not carry out any activities that put personal health or others, at risk. Smoking or consuming alcohol or other non-prescription drugs is not permitted at any time. Gymnasts must be prepared to undergo a drug and alcohol test if required. A gymnast taking medication must advise the State Team Coordinator immediately so that the drug can be checked against the banned list. Adhere to the travel arrangements as specified by the State Team Coordinator. The final decision for state team selection rests with the State Team Selection Committee and the SMC has the ‘right of refusal’. Selection Criteria Gymnasts must also attend Event 1 and Event 3 (State Championships) to be eligible for State Team selection. Any gymnast not entered to compete in Event 1 or Event 3 (State Championships) due to illness, injury or any other extenuating circumstances, must lodge an application, in writing to the SMC Chairperson, within 7 days following the event, to be eligible for State Team selection consideration. Any multiple or individual entered, but unable to compete at Event 1 or Event 3 (State Championships) must provide a valid Medical Certificate in order to be considered for State Team selection. The Medical Certificate must be received at the GSA office no later than the Wednesday following the missed Event. The State Team selection rests solely with the State Team Selection Committee and the SMC has the ‘right of refusal’. Once state team selection has been finalised, club coaches will be contacted advising gymnasts selected and the divisions / categories they have qualified for. This constitutes official notification of state team selection. It is the responsibility of coaches to advise their gymnasts of their selection. Shortly after, a letter will follow confirming selection by GSA. The State Team Coordinator will liaise with the clubs to arrange for the appropriate chaperones and state team officials. In order to confirm eligibility for State Team membership, all gymnasts must attend State Team training. Injured gymnasts must attend as observers. Medical certificates must be provided for any absences. Any requests for exemption [Date] 23 must be submitted to the State Team Selection Committee for approval prior to date concerned. Individuals must stipulate whether they require a personal carer to accompany them during State Team travel. If this is deemed a requirement, it is the responsibility of the gymnast to arrange for a suitably trained carer to accompany them during State Team travel. This must be reinforced to the State Team Selection Committee and the State Team Coordinator by a supporting Medical Certificate. The above criteria will also be implemented in conjunction with the following: 8. All gymnasts must be a registered and financial member of GSA. Gymnasts must be medically fit to attend National Championships and interstate travel. Gymnasts must be able to accept direction from Team Officials at all times and be considered compatible with other team members. Gymnasts must stay at the designated team accommodation at all times unless the State Team Coordinator grants permission for other arrangements. Gymnasts must have no outstanding financial obligations to GSA in order to take part in the Event and are required to pay all associated costs prior to travel. The eligibility for State Team selection will be assessed also on their financial capacity to pay, behavioural history, and team compatibility. STATE TEAM FUNDING To be determined by the GSA Board on an annual basis, in consultation with the SMC. The SMC may arrange fundraising initiatives to assist in the funding of the State Team. However, the eventual arrangements for the distribution of funds raised will be approved in consultation with GSA. 9. STATE TEAM MEMBER TRAVEL EXPENSES The team members must meet all financial commitments relating to the GSA team tour. All expenses must be paid, or payment arrangements agreed upon, seven (7) days prior to the team’s departure. Members not meeting this financial obligation may be withdrawn from the GSA Aerobic Gymnastics State Team. 10. TRAVEL POLICY The Aerobic Gymnastics SMC will nominate the preferred option for their state team travel on an annual basis from the options below: All State Team travel, accommodation, food and uniform will be arranged entirely through the GSA office. Special consideration will only be considered if submitted in writing to the GSA office and in a timely manner. All gymnasts must travel to and from the competition as a team and must stay at the arranged accommodation and eat the team meals. All team invoices must be paid in full prior to departure. Gymnasts will be under the care and sole responsibility of GSA, its representative and State Team Coordinator until the release date and time that will be notified in advance. [Date] 24 TEAM UNIFORM The South Australian State Team official colours are navy blue, red and gold. All gymnasts and State Team Officials are required to wear the official state team apparel (as instructed by the SMC) during the tour. Chaperones must wear the State Team polo shirt. State Team apparel is NOT available for purchase except for those positions held above. 10.1 State Tracksuit (Compulsory) GSA has a contractual arrangement with a preferred supplier. All SMC are required to use the current approved design. Approval to use any other manufacturer must be granted from the GSA Board of Management. If the current design is to be modified it requires consultation from all SMCs and final approval from the GSA Board of Management. 10.2 Polo Shirts, Singlet Training Tops and Backpacks (Compulsory) GSA has a contractual arrangement with a preferred supplier. All SMCs are required to use the nominated manufacturers / suppliers and the currently approved designs. Approval to use another supplier for state team polo shirts must be granted from the GSA Board of Management. If the current state team polo shirt design is to be modified it requires consultation from all SMCs and final approval from the GSA Board of Management. Given that the state team training singlets are specific to Aerobic Gymnastics, approval to use another supplier for state team training singlets must be from the GSA office. If the current state team training singlet design is to be modified it requires consultation from the Aerobic Gymnastics SMC and final approval from the GSA office. 10.3 Leotards All gymnasts are required to wear their competition leotard (refer Competition Etiquette section of this Handbook). 11. APPEALS AND GRIEVANCES All gymnasts and coaches have the opportunity to appeal and /or lodge a grievance to the relevant management levels. 11.1 An appeal by a gymnast or coach against non-selection in a State Team must be lodged, in writing, with the relevant State Team Selection Committee, within 48 hours of the official announcement (see 2.2.6) of the selection of the State Team 11.2 An appeal by a gymnast or an official against removal from a state team must be lodged, in writing, within seven days of the return of the state team. [Date] 25 11.3 The State Team Selection Committee panel must respond, in writing, within 48 hours, to acknowledge receipt of the appeal. A formal decision will be made and notified within seven (7) days. 11.4 If still not satisfied with the processes of selection, an appeal can be made, in writing, to an independent appeals tribunal consisting of at least three (3) representatives from the following: GSA staff member GSA Board member GSA SMC member An independent person. The Appeals Tribunal will make a decision as soon as possible and before the consequence of the selection or non-selection being applied. The decision of The Appeals Tribunal is final. Note: All members of this tribunal must be independent of the issue at hand. 12. ADDITIONS AND CHANGES TO POLICY As authorised, the SMC may submit a recommendation to the GSA Board of Management to review a section of the State Team Selection Policy. Should an amendment be made to this policy, an addendum to the policy will be circulated to all GSA member clubs. [Date] 26
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