President`s Message | SAIA - South African Institute of Architects

Photo Credit: Dunkirk Club House, Design Workshop
May 2015
In This Edition
- President’s Message
- CEO’s Corner
- The New Constitution
- Marketing@SAIA
- Finance@SAIA
- Win 1 of 3 Editions of Architexture
- Profile of Professor Julian Cooke
- Totally Concrete Winners
- Bloembuild
In the Know
- Totally Concrete
- AZA2015
Win one of three beautiful books available in this months’
competition, here’s your chance…
President's Report
I have been watching the upheavals happening in our country over
the past couple of months with interest.
These have been raging from:• devastating fires ravaging our settlements in the Western Cape
• xenophobic attacks towards foreign nationals, under the pretext by
locals of “reclaiming lost economic activity”
• land grabs by the less privileged, in desperate search for shelter
Sindile Ngonyama,
President SAIA
• tearing down of colonial symbols, which once stood proudly, on
some of our public spaces, the most recently spoken about, being the one at my own
alma mater UCT.
It is my view that all of the above, directly or indirectly, point to an urgent need of having
the transformation agenda prioritized in all spheres. Part of my UIA 2014 paper,
under the sub-theme of values, was a humble attempt aimed at raising some
of these fundamental questions, and a quest for societal intervention in general terms,
but more specifically by academics and professionals in the built environment space.
All indications suggest that time has come for the transformation and restructuring of
our cities, so as to embrace the needs of our society which is in transition. A time for
debates around heritage review and preservation has also arrived, if we are to salvage
our country from deteriorating to nothing.
Read more Online...
Thank You
Sindile Ngonyama Pr. Arch
SAIA President
CEO's Corner
CEO’s Corner
SAIA is indeed taking the corner in as far as re-inventing itself as well as implementing initiatives that
bring better and more tangible rewards for its members. In this article we will highlight some of
these initiatives that will assist us in greatly turning the fortunes of the Institute.
SAIA Organizational Structural Re-alignment
Obert Chakarisa,
The SAIA Board in its meeting in February 2015 approved the realignment of the SAIA Organizational
Structure which is now much aligned along corporate lines. The new Organizational Structure
(attached to this article) has requirements for the establishment of four National Committees being;
i. Management Committee (ManCom);
ii. Practice Committee;
iii. Transformation Committee, and;
iv. Finance Committee.
In addition, Professional Advisory Groups (PAG’s) will be established being;
i. PAG - Research, Innovation & Development;
ii. PAG - Heritage;
iii. PAG - Habitat, and;
iv. PAG – Awards & Competitions.
It is important to note that some of the above Committees and PAG’s are already in place and as
such will have their terms of reference clearly defined. The Finance Committee will be set up once
the New Constitution, which calls for a Treasurer and Vice Treasurer has been implemented.
We are confident that the National Committee and the Professional Advisory Groups will assist us in
achieving our objectives.
Performance Management System
SAIA is currently in the process of implementing a Performance Management System where all full
time employees are signing Performance Contracts with clear deliverables and targets which will be
measured every quarter. This culture of Performance Management will also be introduce to all the
Committee and Professional Advisories Groups in order to ensure that clear deliverables are
clarified for each and every area of our work processes and engagement with our relevant
Business Breakfast Sessions
In order to reach a wider section of our members, the National Office will be holding Business
Breakfasts in the Regions in order to afford members to have first-hand engagement with
management. Members are requested to check their newsflash in the next few days for more
details on the dates and venues for these important Business Breakfasts.
Financial Stability
The Institute continues to reach improved levels of financial stability and all efforts are currently being made to raise additional
income besides the member subscriptions. The Financial Model that we are targeting is one that will result in us being less
dependent on subscriptions and raise the greater percentage of our revenues through various activities.
Final Word
Real and tangible progress is being made in various fronts of our organization. We are vigorously pursuing the Board Approved 6
Strategic Objectives being;
i. Member Services;
ii. Operations;
iii. Transformation;
iv. Partnerships;
v. Research, Innovation & Development;
vi. Marketing.
Let’s all join hands in improving the delivery levels of our Institute.
Obert Chakarisa
The New SAIA Constitution – Towards a Better Future!
Debbie Kirk interviewed Eugene Barnard, convenor of the SAIA Constitutional Working Group, to gain
insight into the new constitution, how it will impact on the organisation and what effect it will have on
the ordinary member.
DEBBIE KIRK: The present constitution was adopted in 1996. Why was it necessary to write a new
EUGENE BARNARD: Much has happened since 1996. Membership of the Institute became voluntary.
The Architectural Profession Act of 2000 brought about a new dispensation with various categories of
architectural professionals. Project Management became a recognised profession. Employment Equity
was introduced. Traditional methods of the procurement of professional services were challenged;
bidding/tendering and preferential procurement has been instituted. Government is now a mega role
player. The architect’s role in both the public and private sectors is being challenged. Gone are the days
when it was assumed that the architect would lead the team and act as principal agent. The
architectural landscape has changed dramatically. There is groundswell recognition that architects,
more than ever before, need a dynamic and vocal mouthpiece. This was the general consensus of
representatives at the 2013 SAIA Constitutional Indaba. Architects need a strong, cohesive institution
that will speak on the architect’s behalf: A central voice that will be heard at national level and
communicated clearly thorough it’s regions at regional level. The existing constitution just does not
provide the cohesive strength that we need going forward.
DK: Why do you say the present constitution is inadequate?
EB: For various reasons. The constitutions of the regional institutes and the national institute are not
presently aligned. Policies and approaches differ between national and regions, and even between
regions. The present dispensation is not truly democratic and representative of membership numbers
in regions. There is a lack of continuity in leadership structures resulting in the decisions of one board
being rescinded or challenged by the next board. There is no common approach between regional
institutes on the promotion of the title and interests of architects. Potentially one of the most powerful
assets of the community of architects, namely the common brand, is weakened by the parochial
promotion of regional brands ahead (and sometimes at the expense) of the national brand. For many,
the national and regional institutes are seen as separate entities, splitting allegiance and support.
DK: What does the new constitution offer that the present one does not?
EB: First of all: A very clear purpose and vision for the future. Secondly it consolidates the
constitutional framework by integrating the national constitution and model regional constitution,
creating a unitary constitutional structure with aligned membership categories. It also provides for
continuity through a rolling, albeit leaner board, a single SAIA brand that can be promoted at all levels,
democratic governance to ensure that every member’s vote enjoys similar weight, and abolition of the
misunderstood and poorly managed corporate membership category and the introduction of SAIA
Practices. Furthermore, the SAIA president and treasurer (the latter position a new addition) are in
effect elected by the general SAIA membership and not by the board. This will make the honorary
office bearers directly accountable to the membership and thus temper the debilitating effect of
regionalism. Both the national and regional constitutions are now also fully SARS compliant for nonprofit bodies.
Read more Online...
Eugene Barnard, Convenor of the
SAIA Constitutional Working
The Marketing and Communications function at SAIA continues to strive to ensure that architects receive
benefits and can look forward to exciting events on our SAIA calendar.
SAIA Awards
The SAIA Awards programme 2015-2016 is well underway in the regions, since its launch in
February. We wish all members taking place in these prestigious awards all the very best.
Debbie Kirk
Executive Manager:
Search Engine on SAIA Website
We have recently revamped our Search Engine on our website and now members of the public can search
for an architect or practice using our search engine. It also enables those using the search facility to
identify architects by their region or expertise.
Totally Concrete
Totally Concrete is just around the corner and we welcome any members attending this event to visit our stall and to spend some time
with the SAIA team. Engela van Antwerpen and Byron Ninam, both relatively new members to SAIA were delighted to have won Gold
Passes to Totally Concrete and apart from experiencing the conference first hand, also realise that SAIA provides members with
pleasant surprises and benefits when the opportunities arise.
Award for Social Gain
The Saint Gobain SAIA Awards for Social Gain are now open for entry. for more information as well as to enter.
All members interested should visit
SAIA Convention
A date for the annual SAIA convention has been set for the afternoon of the 25 September 2015 and will run alongside AZA2015.
Further confirmation and information will be sent out to members over the next few months so that we have a large quorum of
members attending and remaining in touch with SAIA as it constantly grows and evolves.
Regional Institutes’ Workshop
The Regional Executive Managers or Secretaries have been invited to a workshop on 25 September 2015. Their workshop will also be
held on 25 September 2015 in the morning. All representatives joining this meeting are invited to the Convention that will run after
the workshop. We realize the critical role these representatives play in their region and as part of SAIA as a whole. Thus apart from
using these meetings as a platform to exchange information, SAIA also wishes to strengthen the ties we build with these highly valued
staff members.
Great Discount for Green Building Conference
Should you not have taken note of the 45% discount offered to SAIA members for this conference, now’s your chance. Read below to
find out more about this special offer, specially negotiated for paid up SAIA members. Then click on the hyperlink 45% off
“There are only two months left for SAIA members to pay their subscriptions to remain in good
standing. We thank all members who have paid their subscriptions allowing us to manage and grow
SAIA for the benefit of all members,” says Esther van Tonder, Manager: Finance and Human
Esther van Tonder
Executive Manager: Finance and Human Resources
Esther van Tonder:
Executive Manager
Finance and Human Resources
Architexture, the Perfect Guide for Building or Beautification
Architexture is an impeccable book choice for anyone searching for aesthetic beauty whether they
are building, altering or decorating. So, if you would like to WIN one of three beautiful books
available in this months’ competition, here’s your chance…
Architexture concentrates on the visual representation of texture to ensure absolute clarity of ideas. Aspects such as culture, shape
or form, pattern, light, seasons and decay are all explained in relation to texture. Additionally, Architexture is contextualised by
precedent studies, while covering a variety of individual textures, demonstrating endless variations and combinations of materials
and finishes. In this visually fascinating, yet very practical book, architect Pieter J Mathews explores the various textures and
materials used in buildings. It features more than 330 colour photographs by some of the best known photographers in South Africa.
The work is not only inspirational, but also gives away many trade secrets. Whether consulted as a manual or coffee table book, it is
indispensable for any architect/ decorator/ builder or anyone who plans to build, alter or decorate his or her home.
Enter today and you could be a winner
• eMail and answer the following question: How often do you think NEWS@SAIA should be published e.g.
monthly, bi-monthly or every three months. (A sentence supporting your answer is also required); or.
• Go to our Facebook page and like the competition post and, in this way, you could also WIN a copy of this month’s prize.
Competition closes 15 May 2015.
Survey Participant Proud Owner of iPhone 6
As we at the South African Institute of Architects (SAIA) are committed to improving benefits to our members, surveys will regularly
be conducted by the National Office. The first such survey, which solicited member views on our bi-monthly publication, the Arch SA
was completed end of January 2015 and the findings made available to members via a Newsflash. We are currently considering how
we can apply the findings of this survey in our efforts to continually improve the Arch Journal.
We thank all the members who took time to participate in this critical survey and announce the winner: Shawn A Duncan who works
at Mathews and Associates Architects. Says Shawn: “Thank you for the fantastic news. It really was a surprise that came out of
SAIA and publishing House Picasso trust that Shawn enjoys his well-deserved prize.
Architecture SA Record Editor Julian Cooke has Decided to Call it a Day
Julian Cooke was first appointed editor of Architecture SA (ASA) in 1983. Members had witnessed the
demise of SA Architectural Record and, after a spurt of the broadsheet CREDO compiled and edited
by Danie Theron & Bannie Britz, and the short-lived rebirth as PLAN a magazine, also by Danie, ASA
emerged in the early 1980s, with a Cape Town publishing base but with a non-architect as editor. In
the wake of the ISAA conference of 1983 held in Cape Town, Revel Fox and Dave Jack approached
Julian, the organiser of the conference, and he accepted ASA editorship. It was then that ASA began
to address the information needs of the profession, including the biannual project awards and, after
four years Julian had re-established the standards members were accustomed to and quit.
However, his experience was necessary, and Julian agreed to join the Editorial Advisory Board (now
Committee; EAC). ASA soldiered on until in 2003 another hiatus struck and Julian agreed to a
temporary editorship. In the nature of many things temporary, this became permanent. After twelve
years and probably setting a new record as the longest continuous editorship of a SAIA publication,
Julian has decided to furl his sails, and the May/June issue of 2015 is to be his last. However, he has
agreed to continue as a member of EAC
In a profession which communicates in sketches and drawings, a good editor is rare. There is also
strong competition for architects’ reading time; it is thus essential that the Institute’s journal
contains material that members want to read. Julian managed that by commencing every issue with
an editorial, taking a position beyond an introduction, to contextualise content. There are always
new projects and coverage is often penned by himself or others, and not necessary by the architects,
which immensely advances the discourse about contemporary architecture. Then there are the
regular contributors.
As an Institute we’re grateful for 16 years of quality editorship, and as a profession we’ve been well
served as the recent survey proves. The majority of recipients are recent graduates, as vouched for
by the Master’s qualifications. Issues are well read and most members keep their copies for future
SAIA is now searching for a successor, who will need big shoes to fill in serving the community of
practitioners, academics and students. But, there’s a sound foundation to build upon.
Wally Peters, Chairman: ASA Editorial Advisory Committee.
Professor Julian Cooke, Editor
Arch Journal, Retires
You’ve Made our Day, SAIA and Totally Concrete
Entries to win Gold Passes to Totally Concrete abounded and our winners, when announced, gave shouts of joy, even
if in a meeting.
We would like to congratulate Engela van Antwerpen and Byron Ninham for winning Gold Passes valued at R7995 to
the African Construction and Totally Concrete Expos 2015 taking place 12 - 14 May at the Sandton Convention Centre.
The pass grants our winning members access to the African Construction, Totally Concrete, Housing for Africa and
African Roads Evolution conference sessions. They will also receive catering and can attend networking functions over
the three days. Our winners may well be interested in attending the: Architecture, urbanisation and innovation matrix in
Africa session as well as the presentation: The Future of African Design and Conceptualisation featuring Obert
Chakarisa, Chief Executive Officer of SAIA, to be held on 14 May 2015.
“We trust that this event will result in our winners being enriched, visually stimulated, while also gaining valuable
networking opportunities,” concludes Obert Chakarisa, Chief Executive Officer SAIA.
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Obert Chakarisa
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