CLASS VII ENGLISH Write paragraphs on ‘Qualities of a Good Student’ and ‘My Parents’. Write a letter to your friend to attend the wedding of your sister at your village. Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the gift he has sent you on your birthday. Read the story ‘Bringing up Kari’ from your Supplementary Reader and attempt all the question answers. Attempt the questions of the Units on ‘Sentences’ , ‘Nouns’ , ‘Adjectives’ of your ‘Go Grammar’ book after reading the examples. 6. Read the story ‘The Desert’ from your Supplementary Reader and attempt all the questions. HIGHER ODIA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.Write all the Ques+Ans of the Lessons- {A} Kalamanika. {B} Tarasurya. {C} Ramayana. LOWER ODIA 2. Write all the Ques+Ans of the Lessons-{A} Chitradekhi Lekha {D} Satyarapujari Harihara {B} Kahiladekhi. {C} Chalagharakariba. {E} Cricketkhela. HIGHER HINDI {D} Haiosamudi. {F} Hatimanilaenduakatha. (keÀ)ome He=ÿ meguesKe efueefKeS~ (Ke)yeerme veS Meyo SJeb DeLe& efueefKeS~ (ie)SkeÀ mJejef®ele keÀefJelee efueefKeS~ (Ie) keÀejkeÀ efkeÀmes keÀnles nw?keÀejkeÀ kesÀ YesoeW keÀe JeCe&ve GoenjCe meefnle efueefKeS~ (*)ceneYeejle kesÀ ome Heeþ keÀe meejebMe efueefKeS~ (®e)nce Hebíer GvcegkeÌle ieieve kesÀ –keÀefJelee keÀe meejebMe efueefKeS~ (í)veefo³eeW mes ueeYe – efJe<e³e Hej uesKe efueefKeS ~ (pe)ome ueeskeÀeseqkeÌle³eeB , DeLe& SJeb Jeeke̳e efueefKeS~ LOWER HINDI (keÀ)ome He=ÿ meguesKe efueefKeS~ (Ke)yeerme veS Meyo SJeb DeLe& efueefKeS~ (ie)meb%ee efkeÀmes keÀnles nw?GoenjCemeefnle GvekesÀ YesoeW keÀe JeCe&ve keÀerefpeS~ (Ie)ome meypeer, ome HetÀue, ome HeÀueeW keÀe veece efueKees SJeb ef®e$e yeveeFS~ (*)³en cesje Jeleve keÀefJelee efueefKeS Deewj kebÀþmLe keÀerefpeS~ (®e)YeejleJe<e& Hej uesKe efueefKeS~ MATHEMATICS Maths Examplar : Unit-I (Ex-c) All even no.Questions Unit-II (Ex-c) All odd no. Questions 62 Que. + 68 Que. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PHYSICS Gather good amount of information about any one of the scientists you like and write a brief notes about the scientist. What do you understand the differences between heat and temperature. Draw the picture of land breeze and sea breeze on chart paper. Draw the labeled diagram of clinical thermometer. If you are interested, try to make a simple science project or exhibit. Write the synopsis of the chapter Heat Try to read chapter ‘Motion and Time’and write its synopsis. CHEMISTRY Name the major wool producing countries. What are the various sources of vegetable fibres. How can you identify a natural and synthetic fibre. How much wool is produced annually all over the world? Differentiate between animal fibre and vegetable fibre Describe the various stages in the life cycle of silk moth. What adverse effects are seen on the health of workers in the silk industries? How do the hair of certain animals help In keeping their bodies warm. BIOLOGY CHAPTER: NUTRITION. 1. Textbook exercises 2. Exemplar questions 3. Activity given to each on health.environment,agriculture. HISTORY &CIVICS (Q.1)The Civil Rights Movement took place (1marks) (Q.2)The key element of democracy is: (Q.3)What does the term Dalit stand for? (Q.4)When was the Civil Rights Act passed in the USA? (Q.5)What do you understand by mid-day meal scheme? (Q.6)Where is Universal Adult Franchise practiced ? (Q.7)What does inequality stands for? (Q.8)"Man is mortal. Everyone has to die some day or the other". This statement is given by (Q.9)What is the minimum age limit for voting in ? (Q.10)Which communities have undergone discrimination? (Q.11)What does the term 'people’s participation' in democracy mean? (Q.12)India holds which form of government? (Q.13)The concept of Universal Adult Franchise is based on(Q.14) What does unequal treatment imply? (Q.15)How does the Indian constitution recognizes everyone ? (Q.16)Caste system in India depicts (Q.17)The mid-day meal scheme in India was first introduced in the state of (Q.18)Who was Rosa Parks? (Q.19)Universal Adult Franchise means that (Q.20)Rosa Parks was an (Q.21)The book that reflects the life of Om Prakash Valmiki, a Dal it writer is (Q.22)In India, equality exists in the (Q.23)“It is disgraceful to live at the cost of one’s self-respect. Self-respect is the most vital factor in life”. Discuss. (3 marks) (Q.24)Education is the powerful weapon that can help break the pattern of social discrimination. How? (2 marks) (Q.25)Highlight the Indian law introduced to end historical discrimination against Dalits. (2 marks) (Q.26)What happens when one group acts dominant in society? (2 marks) (Q.27)Highlight the causes of low school attendance by poor rural children (2 marks) (Q.28)How is political equality established in India? (2 marks) (Q.29)What does Article 15 of the Indian Constitution deal with? (Q.30)What was the outcome of American Civil Rights Movement? (Q.31)What made Rosa Parks famous in American political history? (Q.32)What were the positive outcomes of mid-day meal scheme? (Q.33)How were the African-Americans unequally treated in USA? (Q.34)Equality cannot be established merely by law? Explain why? What are the other ways to promote equality? (Q.35)The Parliament is the cornerstone of Indian democracy. Discuss. (Q.36)On what grounds Kanta, Ansaris and Om Prakash were discriminated? (Q.37)What is constitution? How does the constitution of India ensure equality? (Q.38)What were the main objectives behind the introduction of Mid-day Meal scheme? GEOGRAPHY 1) Collect the pictures of natural and man-made environment and paste in your note-book. (10 each) 2) Paste pictures of things which is made up of rocks and minerals. 3) What is lithosphere? Mention its importance. 4) How is biosphere unique? 5) Mention the various sorts of disturbances caused by human activities and their effects also. 6) Why igneous rocks are called as parent or primary rocks? 7) Make an item made up of waste materials. 8) What is the importance of rocks in our lives? Make a list. 9) What an earthquake? What are the 3 types of earthquake waves? 10) Define Tectonic plates. CLASS VIII ENGLISH 1. Read the lesson ‘The Best Christmas Present in the World’ and answer question numbers 4,5,6 and 7. 2. Consult the dictionary and make sentences using the following phrasal verbs : burn out,light up,look on,run out,keep out 3. Write down a story with more than 2 characters. Give the title and moral of the story. 4. Write down the poem ‘The Ant and the Cricket’. 5. Write a paragraph on the topic ‘Our Glorious Past’. 6. Write a letter to your friend about your visit to a book-fair. 7. Read the story ‘How the Camel got his hump’ from your Supplementary Reader and answer the 8 questions given in the ‘Comprehension Check’. 8. Read the story ‘Children at Work’ from your Supplementary Reader. 9. Write and learn the Qtn Ans of the chapters taught to you in the class along with the exercises given in the text book. (Reader) 10. Read the first five chapters of the Go Grammar book and solve the exercises in it. 11. Read the first three chapters of the supplementary reader and solve the exercises in your note books. 12. Write an Article/Poem on any topic of your choice for the school magazine. 13. Write a letter to the S.P. of your district to look after the excessive theft cases in your locality. 14. Write a paragraph on the given topics in 150-200 words – a. India of my dreams. b. Importance of discipline. c. If I were the school captain. d. Role of media. 15. Write a letter to your friend staying abroad describing your studies and activities in your school. 16. Write and learn the first three poems of your reader book along with the exercises in your notebooks. HIGHER ODIA {i}Write all the Ques+ Ans of the Lessons- {A} Brukhya Mahatma, {C} Asambhramana, {B} Jalla, {D} Dakamunshi, LOWER ODIA 1. ùijò ùcû _âòd R^c bìAñ KaòZûUò ZêcKê bf fûMêQò KûjóKò ? 2. ^òRe R^c bìcò _ûAñ @ûùc KY Keòaû CPòZ? 3. R^c bìAñe Mj^ a^ Kò_eò ù\Lû~ûG I KûjóKò ? 4. R^c bìcòe @ûKûg I iûMee ùgûbû Kò_eò ? 5. R^c bìAñe _fäúMâûce ùiÜjgâ¡û Kò_eò [ûG ? 6. @ûùc Kûjû _ûAñ Rúa^ Xûkòaû I KûjóKò ? 7. Gjò g± MêWòKê aýajûe Keò aûKý MV^ Ke – R^^ú , aòjM , c]ê , ùRûQ^û , aòck , ggú ? 8. Gjò g± MêWòKe IWò@û @[ð ùfL – summer , Holiday , Home work , Pleasure , Sincere , Benifit , Final Examination, Play ground , Deep forest , Social worker . 9. Zêc iûjòZý ajòe iaê aòhd MêWòKê QêUòùe [ùe @ûMê@û _Xò ù\L ,^òùR ùKùZ aêSò _ûeêQ ? 10. ^òR Nùe Leû QêUò Kò_eò KUûAf ùi aòhdùe 10Uò aûKý ùfL û (Write all answers in your Odia home work copy only ) HIGHER HINDI (keÀ)Jemeble $eÝleg Hej uesKe efueefKeS~ (Ke)SkeÀ mJejef®ele keÀefJelee efueKees~ (ie)keÀejkeÀ efkeÀmes keÀnles nw?keÀejkeÀ kesÀ YesoeW keÀe JeCe&ve GoenjCe meefnle efueefKeS~ (Ie)HeeB®e DeveskeÀeLeea Meyo efueefKeS~ (*)yeerme veS Meyo SJeb DeLe& efueefKeS~ (®e)efJejece ef®eÚeW keÀe JeCe&ve keÀerefpeS~ (í)Denceoveiej keÀe efkeÀuee SJeb leueeMe keÀe meejebMe efueefKeS~ (pe)oerJeeveeW keÀer nmleer keÀefJelee keÀe meejebMe efueefKeS~ (Pe)J³eekeÀjCe HegefmlekeÀe ceW GuueefKele DeHeefþle ieÐeebMe keÀer ÒeMve mebK³ee 1,2,3,4 keÀe nue keÀerefpeS~ (_e)DeeBKe mes mebyebefOele ome cegneJejs ,GvekeÀe DeLe& SJeb Jeeke̳e efueefKeS~ LOWER HINDI (keÀ)ome He=ÿ meguesKe efueefKeS~ (Ke)leerme veS Meyo SJeb DeLe& efueefKeS~ (ie)Heg<He keÀer DeefYeuee<ee keÀefJelee efueefKeS Deewj kebÀþmLe keÀerefpeS~ (Ie) Heg<He keÀer DeefYeuee<ee keÀefJelee keÀe DeLe& efueefKeS~ (*)Heg<He keÀer DeefYeuee<ee SJeb kegÀSB kesÀ cesæ{keÀ kesÀ ÒeMve – GÊej efueefKeS~ MATHEMATICS Ch-1 Rational Numbers. Ch-2 Linear Eqn in one variable (All exercise to be revised) Examplar : Exercise of Unit -1,2 to be done in a separate copy. Ch-III: Understanding Quadrilaterals Answer all Questions: 1. 24 is divided into two parts such that 7 times the first part added to five time the second part is equal to 146. Find each part. 2. The difference of two numbers is 72 and the quotient obtained by dividing one by the other is 3. Find the number. 3. Three numbers are in the ratio 4:5:6.if the sum of the largest and the smallest number equals the sum of the third plus 55. Find the number. 4. The weights of five cartons of books that are to be dispatched to schools A,B,C,D and E are in the ratio 5:6:7:8:9,respectively . if the total of the books is 700Kg . Find the weight of each carton. 5. The denominator of a rational number is greater than the numerator by 6If the numerator is decreased by 2 and the denominator is increase by 4 .The rational number obtained is 1/5. Find the original number. 6. The numerator of a rational number is less than its denominator by 3 if the numerator becomes 3 times and the denominator increase by 20.the new number becomes 1/8. Find the original number. 7. The sum of the digits of two digit number is 15.if the number formed by reversing the digits is less than the original number by 27. Find the original number. 8. The sum of the digits of two digit number is 13.if 9 is added to the number the digits are reversed .Find the original number. 9. The ratio of Pratibha’s age to Aiaradhana ‘s age is 5:.After12 years the ratio of their age will be 9:10.Find their present ages. 10.Amar is 13 years older than Shupriya.35 years ago Amar was twice Shupriya’age find their ages. 11.Two cars start from the same place but in opposite directions..Their respectively after how long they be 520 Km apart? speeds are 60Km/h and 70Km/h 12.The distances between two stations A and B is 425 Km. two train start simultaneously from these stations on parallel tracks are set to cross each other the speed of one train is 5 Km/h greater than that of the other. If the distance between the two trains after 3 hours of starting is 20 Km. Find the speed of the each trains. 13.The perimeter of a rectangle is 52 cm. if its width is 2 cm more than one-third of its length .find the length and breadth of the rectangle. 14.The perimeter of a rectangular plot of a land is 80m.if the length of the plot is decreased by 2m and its breadth is increased by 2m.the area is increase by 36sqm find the length and breadth of the plot of land. 15.The sum of Rs90,000 is to be divided between three business partner A,B and C in the ratio 5:6:.How much money will each partner get? 16. Bhairav collected coins in his piggy bank to buy a gift for his Mother .He had Rs 320in the denomination of Rs 1 coins and Rs 5 coins if there are 200coins in all in piggy bank. Find the number of coin of each type. 17.The angels of a triangle are in the ratio 4:5.if the sum of these angles is equal to the third angle .find the angle of the triangle. 18. Mr. Gupta distributed a certain amount of money amongst his family members .he gave half the amount to his wife ,one-third to his son and the remaining to his daughter. If the daughter received Rs 25000, how much money in total did Mr. Gupta distributed to his family? What were the shares of his wife and son? 19. The total weight of 4 boxes is113 Kg the weight of box P is 3.5 Kg more than box Q and the weight of box R is 3.5Kg less than that of box Q. the weight of box S is twice the weight of box R. find the weight of each box. 20.The sum of two numbers is 500. If 12% of one number is equal to 15% of the other number. Find the numbers. (All exercise to be done in HW Copy) PHYSICS 9. Gather good amount of information about any one of the scientists like Newton, Einstein etc or any new scientific inventions and make a power point presentation including pictures. OR Make a short film (video) by showing usage of science in various fields or making people aware of scientific facts / simple science experiments. OR Write a drama / script with the content ‘superstitious beliefs retold by science’ 10. Think of / come up with new scientific ideas or new science exhibits or projects which can be used by the school for upcoming science exhibitions 11. Solve all exercise questions of chapter 11 of science text book. 12. Solve all the questions of chapter 11 of science exemplar. 13. Discuss briefly about atmospheric pressure. 14. Draw a chart paper showing ‘effects of force’. 15. Try to read chapter ‘Friction’and write its synopsis. CHEMISTRY 1. How fibres are classified? 2. Name five synthetic fibre. 3. Write monomers and two uses of each of the followings; Acrylic Rayon Nylon Polyester Terylene Thermo plastic Thermo setting plastic 4. Write four merits of synthetic fibre . 5. Write four demerits of synthetic fibre. 6. How can you identify that a given fibre is natural or synthetic? 7. Write four differences between thermo plastic and thermosetting plastic. 8. Use of plastics are not eco-friendly. Justify it. 9. What is PET ? 10. What are 4R? Read the chapter ‘ Synthetic Fibres and Plastics” and write the answer of the text book questions and science exampler. BIOLOGY CHAPTER: CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 1. Textbook exercises 2. Exemplar questions 3. Activity given to each on health.environment,agriculture. HISTORY & CIVICS (Q1) Majority of people in Israel are followers of (2) Which country has banned the students from wearing any conspicuous religious and political symbols? (Q.3) In Saudi Arabia, which communities do not have religious freedom? (Q.4) Secularism is essential for the success of the (Q.5) The separation of state from religion is known as (6) Why untouchability is regarded as a social evil? (Q.7) On what grounds is the Indian secularism criticised? (Q8)Define theocratic state? (Q9)What is secularism? Why is it important to keep religion distant from the state? (Q.10) The laws that a democratic government makes should be (Q11)The country in which the upper house is more powerful than the lower house (Q12)Indian society is free of (Q.13) On the subjects of the national concern, states of India follow the (Q.14) A people’s movement in Nepal succeeded in putting an end to the powers of the King in (Q15)Why do we need a Constitution? (Q.16) Write a short note on the Parliamentary form of Government. (Q.17) What are the federal features of the Constitution of India? (Q.18) Write the key features of Indian Constitution. (Q.19) What is the purpose of the Constitution? Project on Indian Constitution Important - i. National Anthem ii. National Flag iii. National Figures iv. National Preamble v. Details on Constitution vi. 10/12 Saliant features of the Indian Constitution GEOGRAPHY 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Define the term sustainable development? What are the principles of sustainable development? What is meant by conservation of resources? What is its importance for man? How are landslides caused? List out few mitigation strategies for landslides? Collect pictures of endangered species of plants & animals in India and paste it in your home work note book? 6) Define shelter belts, Terrace cultivation, Environmental balance and rain water harvesting. 7) What are the main causes for the problems of water availability? 8) Write some methods to conserve water resources? 9) Mention the uses of plants & animals? 10) What are the steps taken by the govt to protect flora & fauna? CLASS-IX ENGLISH 1. Give the character-sketch of the grandmother as depicted in the lesson, ‘How I taught my grandmother to read’. 2. There was a burglary attempt in your locality.Incidentally you saw the burglar making his escape. You have a rough idea of what he looks like.Give as accurate a description of him as you can. 3. Write a bio-sketch of the canteen owner of your School,Mr Paresh,taking help of the clues given below : *age – 50 years *appearance – wheatish complexion,heavy built,medium height,shining eyes *family – 2 sons *likes/dislikes – maintains hygiene and discipline in the canteen,fond of South Indian dishes *nature – very stict with his staff,polite and loving,never angry with children 4. ‘Kashi Yatre’ was grandmother’s favourite novel.Why? Give the reasons. 5. Grandmother gave a gift to her granddaughter.What was that and why did she give it? 6. How does the brook move down from its origin? 7. Read the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ and attempt its question-answers. 8. “Tennyson’s poem offers a visual treat of sight and sound.” Discuss by giving examples from the poem ‘The Brook’. 9. Write down the words used in the poem ‘The Brook’ to show movement. 10. You are the Sports Secretary of your School.Your School is organising the Annual Sports Meet. Write a notice in about 50 words,informing the students,giving them all the necessary details. 11. What is the moral message in the poem ‘The Brook’? 12. There was a storm brewing outside and you were all alone at home.Suddenly the lights went out…………… Write a story in about 150 words.Use the phrases given below and some others from your mind. *jumped in fright *screamed in horror 13. Read the novel ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ and note down the main points in your notebook. 14. Attempt the questions given in Unit – I (Verb Forms) in your workbook. 15. Read the lesson ‘A Dog Named Duke’ from your Literature Reader.Note down the main points in your copy. 16. Write a letter to your friend describing the celebration of Saraswati Puja in your school and asking about his school activities. 17. Write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper to publish your views regarding the increase in the no. of road accidents giving reasons and ways to reduce them. 18. Write and learn the Qtn. Answers & Exercises of the chapters taught to you from Lit. Book. 19. Read and solve the exercises of passages given in the M.C.Book units 1 -3. 20. Solve the Exercises of units 1-3 from your Work Book and practice more examples regarding those chapters. 21. Write an E-Mail to your friend living in America describing your school activities. 22. Write an article for the school magazine highlighting the environmental hazards (Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Ozone Hole etc.) and the reasons and measures to curtail them. 23. Attempt the questions given in your workbook of Unit – 2 (Determiners). ODIA 1.Write all the Ques+Ans. Of the Lessons- {A}Kahamukha Anaibanchibi. {B}Padma. {C}Budhasankhari. {D}Jatiyajibana. HINDI 1.DeHeefþle ieÐeebMe ö He=ÿ 18 mes 21 ( ieÐeebMe 1 mes 5 ) 2.DeHeefþle HeÐeebMe õ He=ÿ 39 mes 41 ( 1 mes 5 ) 3.Deveg®íso efueKees õ 80 mes 100 MeyoeW ceW JeeCeer keÀe cenÊJe , efce$elee ,cesjs meHeveeW keÀe Yeejle ,cesje ieeBJe ,DeeoMe& efJeÐeeLeea 4. DeveewHe®eeefjkeÀ He$e efueKees õ veJeJe<e& keÀer MegYekeÀecevee osles ngS efce$e keÀes ,KesueketÀo keÀe cenÊJe yeleeles ngS YeeF& keÀes , íe$eeJeeme mes ceeB keÀes , Hejer#ee ceW DemeHeÀue ngS efce$e keÀes Òeeslmeeefnle keÀjles ngS ~ 5. DeekeÀ<e&keÀ efJe%eeHeve Òemlegle keÀjes ö DeeF&m¬eÀerce DeHmeje HeWefmeue ceesyeeFue 6.og:Ke keÀe DeefOekeÀej Deewj mce=efle keÀneveer kesÀ ÒeMveesÊej efueKees ~ 7. mJejef®ele keÀefJelee/keÀneveer/efveyebOe efueKees ~ PHYSICS 1. Gather good amount of information about any one of the scientists like Newton, Einstein etc / any new scientific inventions / Nobel prize winners biography and make a power point presentation including pictures. 2. Make a short film (video) by showing usage of science in various fields or making people aware of scientific facts / simple science experiments. 3. Write a drama / script with the content ‘superstitious beliefs retold by science’ 4. Think of / come up with new scientific ideas or new science exhibits or projects which can be used by the school for upcoming science exhibitions 5. Solve all exercise questions of chapter 8 of science text book. 6. Solve all the questions of chapter 8 of science exemplar. 7. Try to read the chapter ‘Force and Laws of motion’ and write its synopsis. CHEMISTRY Write the chemical formulae for the followings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Zinc oxide Aluminium chloride Calcium sulphide Sodium carbonate Magnesium nitrate Barium sulphate Potassium sulphate Ammonium phosphate Silver nitrate Ferrous chloride Aluminium phosphate Calcium bicarbonate Aluminium oxide Potassium carbonate Zinc chloride Lead(II) nitrate Silver bromide Sodium sulphite Magnesium oxide Barium chloride 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Ferric sulphate Mercury(II) oxide Copper(II)carbonate Ferrous sulphate Iron(II)sulphide Write the name of the compounds whose chemical formulae are given below. 1. Zn3(PO4)2 2. Al2(CO3)3 3. K2SO4 4. NH4NO3 5. Ca(OH)2 6. FeS 7. PbCO3 8. Ag2O 9. BaSO4 10. NaHCO3 Define followings: 1. Inter molecular force 2. Inter molecular space 3. Diffusion 4. Melting point 5. Boiling point 6. Latent heat of fusion 7. Latent heat of vaporization 8. Evaporation 9. Sublimation 10. Matter 11. What are the factors on which the rate of evaporation depends? 12. Convert the following temperature to Kelvin scale. a) 0OC b) 27OC c)100OC 13. Convert the following temperature to Celsius scale. a) 300K b) 0K c) 100K 14. Why should we wear cotton clothesin summer? 15. How does the water kept in an earthen pot become cool during summer? 16. Why steam at 100OC cause more severe burns than boiling water at 100OC? 17. Why ice at 0OC cause more cooling effect than water at 0OC? 18. How does evaporation cause cooling? REWRITE THE POINTS GIVEN IN YOUR TEXT BOOK PAGE 11 UNDER HEADING “What you have learnt”. Write all answer from your text book questions from the pages 3,6,10,12 NAME OF ELEMENT SYMBOL VALENCY (+) METAL NAME OF ELEMENT SYMBOL NON METAL VALENCY (-) Aluminium Al 3 Bromine ( Bromide) Br 1 Barium Ba 2 Carbon ( Carbide) C 4 Calcium Coppor(I) (Cuprous) Coppor(II) (Cupric) Ca 2 Chlorine ( Chloride) Cl 1 Cu 1 Iodine I 1 Cu 2 Nitrogen N 3 Gold Au 3 Oxygen ( Oxide) O 2 Hydrogen Iron(II) ( Ferrous) Iron(III) ( Ferric) Lead(II) ( Ploumbous) Lead(III) ( Ploumbic) H 1 Phosphorous ( Phosphide) P 3,5 Fe 2 Silicon Si 4 Fe 3 S 2 Pb 2 Sulphur ( Sulphide) COMPOUND IONS (Poly atomic ions) Pb 3 Ammonium NH4 1(+) Magnesium Mg 2 CH3COO 1(-) Manganese Mercury(I) (Mercurous) Mercury(II) (Mercuric) Mn 2 Acetate Bicarbonate( Hydrogen Carbonate) HCO3 1(-) Hg 1 Carbonate CO3 2(-) Hg 2 Hydroxide OH 1(-) Nickel Ni 3 Nitrate NO3 1(-) Potassium K 1 Nitrite NO2 1(-) Silver Ag 1 Phosphate PO4 3(-) Sodium Na 1 Sulphate SO4 2(-) Zinc Zn 2 Sulphite SO3 2(-) MOLECULAR FORMULAE OF SOME ELEMENTS AND COMPOUNDS ELEMENT MOLECULES ( Iodide) ( Nitride) COMPOUND MOMECULES Bromine Br2 Ammonia NH3 Chlorine Cl2 Carbon dioxide CO2 Hydrogen H2 Carbon monoxide CO Iodine I2 Methane CH4 Nitrogen N2 Nitrogen dioxide NO2 Oxygen O2 Sulphur Dioxide SO2 Ozone O3 Sulphur Trioxide SO3 Water H2O BIOLOGY 1. Read the Ch-15, 5 & 6 thoroughly and make a Vocabulary table in your H/W Copy. 2. Write down the Answer of the following Questions: i. What are weeds? Explain four measures to control weeds. ii. Explain any three irrigation systems adopted to supply water to agricultural lands in India? iii. Why weeds are called unwanted plants? What is the biological method of weed control? iv. State the difference between the two types of constituents of cattle feed. v. What is mixed cropping? Give two points of differences between mixed cropping and intercropping? List any two criteria used for selection of crop during mixed cropping? vi. What are the types of food requirements of dairy animals? What are the different components of cattle feed? Give one example of each component. vii. What are weeds? How do they damage a crop? Give one example of biological control of weeds. viii. What is green revolution? List any two common objectives of varietal improvement. ix. Define crop rotation. What is the advantage of crop rotation? Why are legumes desirable in crop rotation x. Explain the three main categories of breeds of dairy cows in our country. xi. Name one exotic breed of fowl popularly used in India. What is the difference between a grower and a layer? xii. What is mixed cropping? Give any two advantages of intercropping over mixed cropping system. xiii. What are the three ways by which insect-pest attack the plant? Give the name of atleast one chemical to control the insect-pest for each xiv. What are the three ways of transmission of pathogens for plant diseases? Give one control measure against each. xv. What is mixed cropping? What is the objective behind the practice of mixed cropping? Give two examples of crops grown in mixed cropping practices. xvi. List any four criteria for selection of the component crops for mixed cropping system. Why such criteria are required to be adopted? xvii. Define intercropping. List any four advantages of intercropping? xviii. What is green revolution? Who is considered as the architect of green revolution in India? List any two factors in India lead to green revolution? xix. Describe the well system of irrigation. xx. Describe the tank system of irrigation. xxi. Describe the canal system of irrigation. xxii. What are various damages that can result from improper storage of grains? xxiii. What are the mechanical methods for controlling weeds? xxiv. What are the three general ways by which insect pests attack the plants and how are each of these types controlled? xxv. Name any three different types of farming? xxvi. State three advantages of mixed cropping. xxvii. List any six common objectives of varietal improvement. xxviii. Name the three categories of breeds of cows in our country. Give example of local and exotic breed xxix. Define animal husbandry (b) What are the various elements of animal husbandry? xxx. Explain any three criteria for selection of the component crops for mixed cropping. xxxi. How crop rotation does improve fertility of soil? List four criteria that are kept in view while selecting crops for crop rotation. xxxii. Differentiate between Kharif and Rabi crops. xxxiii. How the practices involved in farming are determined. xxxiv. xxxv. xxxvi. xxxvii. xxxviii. xxxix. xl. xli. xlii. xliii. xliv. xlv. xlvi. xlvii. xlviii. xlix. l. li. lii. liii. liv. lv. lvi. lvii. lviii. lix. lx. lxi. lxii. lxiii. lxiv. lxv. lxvi. lxvii. lxviii. lxix. lxx. lxxi. lxxii. lxxiii. lxxiv. lxxv. lxxvi. What are the various groups of activities for improving crop yield? Name the factors on which cultivation practices and crop yield depend. What are the various factors responsible for variety improvement? What are the different methods used to remove the weeds, insects and diseases. What are Preventive and control measures used before grains are stored for future use. What is composite Fish culture system? How Italian bees are are different from other bees. Explain any one method of crop production which ensures high yield. How do you differentiate between capture fishing, mariculture, and aquaculture? State the difference between the two types of constituents of cattle feed. What are the various ways of obtaining fishes? (Marks : 3 ) Classify the following elements into micro and macro nutrients. Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Sulphur, Zinc, Chlorine. Give three differences between natural and synthetic substances used to supply nutrients to plants. List List any three advantages of improved varieties. Differentiate between capture fishing, mariculture and aquaculture? Why is it necessary to increase our production efficiency for both crops and livestock? What are the broad practices involved in farming? What are the broad level activities required for improving crop yields? Why do we need varietal improvement? List various methods of plant breeding. What are the environmental factors affecting cultivation practices and hence the yield? List the common objectives of varietal improvement. Depending upon farmer's purchasing capacity, what are the different levels for production practices? What are the broad aspects that need to be taken care of while managing crop production management? What are the various sources of plant nutrients? How many nutrients are obtained from these sources? List various essential nutrients required by plants. Group them under the source they are obtained from Explain the process of green manuring. Give examples of crops that are raised in the green manured field. What precautions should be observed while using fertilizers in crop field? Differentiate between manures and fertilizers. List the key terms used for describing various irrigation systems used in India Why do we need to follow sustainable agriculture? Differentiate between mixed cropping and intercropping Which crop combination is recommended for crop rotations? What are the three general ways by which insect pests attack the plants? What are weeds? Give some examples. Have clothing affect crop plant. What are the effects of excessive use of pesticides? What is meant by indigenous breeds and exotic breeds? W How are cattle diseases prevented? What are the components of animal food? W Why do farmers go in for bee-keeping along with agriculture? What poultry farming measures are essential for prevention of disease and nutritional deficiencies? List three ways by which insect pest attack the plants. (b) Give three preventive methods of weed control. Explain the composition of cattle food. (b) List any two causes of diseases in cattle. What is composite fish culture? Give an example how different varieties of fishes are used in this practice. List any one problem of this practice and how this problem is minimised. lxxvii. lxxviii. Write three facilities required for human farming and for health of animals. What is green revolution? Write down its achievements? MATHEMATICS Ch-I: Number System Ch-II: Polynomial Ch-III: Co-ordinate Geometry (Revision from NCERT Exercises) Examplar:Unit 1, 2, 3 All this exercises (c) from Examplar Mathematics for the above chapters. HISTORY & CIVICS (Q.1)What are the demerits of democracy ? (1marks) (Q.2)When was Legal Framework Order issued ? (Q.3)The power to take final decisions in Pakistan was with whom? (Q.4)What is the correct meaning of the freedom of expression? Q.5)Elections in Mexico held after how many years? (Q.6)What is the reason that the government in china is not democratic? (Q.7)To whom did Saudi Arabia had not given voting rights? (Q.8)Members of the National People Congress of China are elected by whom? (Q.9)On which fundamental principle Democracy is based ? (Q.10) In which of the following countries,Presidential form of democracy is in practice? (2 marks) (Q.11)Write any two features of democratic government? (Q.12)Democracy leads to better decision than any non democratic government. Explain. (Q.13)Democracy enhance the dignity of citizens. Explain. (Q.14)Do you think Iraq is a democratic country?Why/Why not? (Q.15)‘A democratic government rules within the limits set by constitutional law and citizens’ rights’. Explain? (3marks) (Q.16)Which methods were adopted by the PRI in Mexico to win the election? (Q.17)Why does a democratic government cannot do whatever it likes after the elections? Give reasons. (5marks) (Q.18)Why do we need democracy? Give any four merits and demerits of democracy. (Q.19)What do you understand by free and fair electoral competition? (Q.20)What does ‘Rule of Law’ and ‘Respect for Rights’ imply in a democracy? (Q.21)Lay down the tenets of good democracy. Give any recent example from India to support your answer. GEOGRAPHY 1) Define theory of Tectonic Plates? 2) Write a short- note on Earthquake hits Nepal? 3) Find out the latitudinal & longitudinal extent/ value of your place? 4) Explain why Ahmedabad and Kolkata are able to see the noon sun exactly overhead in a year not Delhi? 5) What are the three main contributions of land routes to India in ancient time? 6) Give an account of the Purvanchal ranges of the Himalayas. 7) How did the form of landforms come into existence? 8) Which is the oldest land mass in India? Write any two features. 9) Explain how the northern plains are formed and write its five characteristics? 10) Distinguish between Himalayas and peninsular plateau? “The physiographic divisions of India are complementary in nature”. Comment CLASS-X ENGLISH 1. You are Paban and you have been noticing the life style of school – going children frequently.They are going to the school in the morning,gorging on fast food in the canteens and doing homework and study in the evenings.There is no scope for any exercise or physical activity.Keeping this in mind, write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper,suggesting some concrete steps.Following hints are provided for your help. (150 words) *lazy life style *defective food habits *activities restricted to video games and computer *no scope for any physical activities 2. Increasing population ,fierce competition ,confusing admission policies have led to an increase in the number of unemployed youth.Write an article on the topic ‘Unemployment : The Biggest Bane of Indian Youth’ in 180 words.You can use the following points. *overpopulation *difficult admission norms *lack of counselling for the future *increasing expectations of parents and youth *financial problems 3. How did the narrator discover the family background of the two boys? How did the war affect their family? 4. Miss Mebbin after acquiring the cottage at Dorking,writes to her sister how she managed to get the cottage,taking advantage of the vanity of the two women.Draft a letter on her behalf. 5. How was the tiger shooting arranged?What kind of tiger was chosen for the purpose? 6. How did Mrs Packletide plan to celebrate after hunting the tiger ? 7. The nurse is full of admiration for the two brothers and their sister Lucia.She is astonished at the great efforts all are making towards their future.Lucia is bravely fighting her handicap,her brothers are defying all physical barriers to aid their sister.The nurse writes a letter to her sister Mary, praising this family of fighters who are the real survivors in the great battle of life.Imagine,you are the nurse. 8. Read the book ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ and note down the important events as described in the book.Sketch the characters of any 3 persons. 9. Read the passages of Unit – I (Health and Medicine) from your MCB. 10. Attempt the questions of Unit – I (Determiners) and Unit – II (Tenses) of your workbook after reading the given examples. 11. Read the drama ‘The Dear Departed’ and attempt its question-answers. 12. Why was the frog’s joy both sweet and bitter? 13. List out the adjectives which have been used to describe the mirror. 14. Write an E-Mail to your friend living in Australia describing your school activities 15. Write an article for the school magazine highlighting the environmental hazards (Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Ozone Hole etc.) and the reasons and measures to curtail them. 16. Write Notices on the following topicsa. Blood donation camp. b. Lost and found. c. Central zone competition. 17. Write a letter to your friend describing the celebration of Saraswati Puja in your school and asking about his school activities. 18. Write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper to publish your views regarding the increase in the no. of road accidents giving reasons and ways to reduce them. 19. Write and learn the Qtn. Answers & Exercises of the chapters taught to you from Lit. Book. 20. Read and solve the exercises of passages given in the M.C.Book units 1 -3. 21. Solve the Exercises of units 1-3 from your Work Book and practice more examples regarding those chapters. ODIA 1. R^à bìcò _âa§ùe ùKak R^à bìcòe cjòcû Mû^ Keû~ûA^ûjó , Zû ijòZ _fäú Rúa^e ^òzK PòZâ _â\û^ Keû~ûAQò , Gjûe ~[û[ðZû _âZò_û\^ Ke û 2. gâúKé¾ ù\aZû ùjùfùjñ Zûuê KéZKcðe `k ùbûM KeòaûKê _Wò[òfû KûjóKò ? 3. gâúKé¾u KéZKcð KY [òfû ? 4. gâúKé¾u KéZKcð NUYûeê @ûùc Kò gòlû kûb KeêùQ ? 5. _âûa§òK Ké¾P¦â _ûYòMâûjúu R^àbìcò _âa§e @«üÊe KY ? 6. Kkò~êMe icû¯ò I cògâ aûaê MÌUò PeòZâ _â]û^ ^û NUYû _â]û^ ? C\ûjeY ij aýûLýû Ke û 7. Rdù\a aûaê I cògâ aûaêu c]ýùe ùKCñ PûeòZâòK aòùghZß _eòflòZ jêG ? 8. MÌùe aYò C_ûLýû^Uò iõù~ûR^û Keòaûe Kò @ûagýKZû [òfû ? 9. Zêc iûjòZý ajòe iaê aòhd MêWòKê QêUùò e [ùe @ûMê@û _Xò ù\L ,^òùR ùKùZ aêSò _ûeêQ ? 10. eP^û ùfL – MâúhàKûkú^ IWògûe _að_aðûYò , @aie icde i\êù_ûù~ûM û (Write all answers in your Odia home work copy only ) HINDI 1.DeHeefþle ieÐeebMe ö He=ÿ 24 mes 27 ( ieÐeebMe 1 mes 5 ) 2.DeHeefþle HeÐeebMe õ He=ÿ 50 mes 54 ( 1 mes 5 ) 3.Deveg®íso efueKees õ 80 mes 100 MeyoeW ceW JeeCeer keÀe cenÊJe , efce$elee ,cesjs meHeveeW keÀe Yeejle ,cesje ieeBJe ,DeeoMe& efJeÐeeLeea 4. DeewHe®eeefjkeÀ He$e efueKees õ DeHeves FueekesÀ ceW Heeke&À efJekeÀefmele keÀjeves kesÀ efueS veiej efJekeÀeme ÒeeefOekeÀjCe kesÀ meef®eJe keÀes , yemeeW keÀer kegÀ J³eJemLee kesÀ efueS meæ[keÀ HeefjJenve kesÀ ÒeyebOekeÀ keÀes , Hesæ[-HeewOeeW keÀer Deefve³ebef$ele keÀìeF& keÀes jeskeÀves kesÀ efueS efpeueeefOekeÀejer keÀes , DeHeveer j®evee ÒekeÀeefMele keÀjJeeves kesÀ efueS mebHeeokeÀ ceneso³e keÀes 5. DeekeÀ<e&keÀ efJe%eeHeve Òemlegle keÀjes ö DeeF&m¬eÀerce DeHmeje HeWefmeue ceesyeeFue 6.nefjnj keÀekeÀe Deewj keÀyeerj keÀer meeKeer kesÀ ÒeMveesÊej efueKees ~ 7.efJeÐeeue³e keÀHleeve keÀer Deesj mes keÀesF& leerve Òeefle³eesefieleeDeeW kesÀ efueS leerve met®evee efueKees ~ 8.mebJeeo efueKees õ Hejer#eeHeÀue efvekeÀueves Hej oes efce$eeW kesÀ yeer®e , Heæ{eF& keÀes ueskeÀj efHelee Deewj Heg$e kesÀ yeer®e , ìerJeer Kejeroves kesÀ efueS DeeS ûeenkeÀ Deewj ogkeÀeveoej kesÀ yeer®e ~ MATHEMATICS Ch-I: Real Numbers. Ch-II: Polynomial Ch-III: Linear Equation in two variables (All exercise to be revised) PHYSICS 1. Gather good amount of information about any one of the scientists like Volt, Ampere, Newton, Einstein etc or any new scientific inventions and make a power point presentation including pictures. 2. Make a short film (video) by showing usage of science in various fields or making people aware of scientific facts / simple science experiments. 3. Write a drama / script with the content ‘superstitious beliefs retold by science’ 4. Think of / come up with new scientific ideas or new science exhibits or projects which can be used by the school for upcoming science exhibitions 5. Solve all exercise questions of chapter 12 of science text book. 6. Solve all the questions of chapter 12 of science exemplar. 7. Try to read the chapter ‘Magnetic effects of Electric current’ and write its synopsis. CHEMISTRY 1. Translate the following chemical reaction in to chemical equation and balance them. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Magnesium burns with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. Steam passed over red hot iron to form magnetic oxide and hydrogen gas. Glucose reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water. Ferrous sulphate on heating form ferric oxide ,sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide. Lead nitrate on heating produces lead oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. Silver chloride when exposed to sunlight decomposed to form silver and chlorine. Sodium sulphate solution reacts with barium chloride solution to form barium sulphate ppt and sodium sulphate solution. h) Manganese dioxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form manganese chloride, water and chlorine. i) Sodium metal reacts with water to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen. j) Ferric oxide reacts with Aluminium to form iron and aluminium oxide. 2. Balance the following equation a) Na + O2 Na2O b) NH3+ CuO Cu+N2+H2O c) KClO3 KCl +O2 d) Fe+Cl2 FeCl3 e) (NH4)2Cr2O7(s) Cr2O3(s)+N2(g)+H2O(l) 3. Classify the following reaction into (i) Combination/decomposition (ii) Displacement/Double displacement reaction. a) b) c) d) CaO(s)+H2O(l)Ca(OH)2(s) ZnO(s)+C(s)Zn(s)+CO(g) CuSO4(aq)+2NaOH(aq) Na2SO4(aq)+Cu(OH)2(s) ) (NH4)2Cr2O7(s) Cr2O3(s)+N2(g)+H2O(l) 4. Name the substance oxidized/reduced and oxidizing agent/reducing agent. a) 2NH3(g)+3 CuO(s) 3Cu(s)+N2(g)+3H2O(l) b) Fe2O3(s)+2Al(s) 2Fe(s)+Al2O3(s) 5. Give two examples from each type of following reaction. a) Photo chemical reaction b) Exothermic reaction. c) Endothermic reaction. d) Thermal decomposition reaction. e) Electro decomposition reaction. 6. Define Rancidity. Read the chapter’Chemical Reactions and Equations” thoroughly and answer the text book questions. BIOLOGY 1. Read the Ch-6 & 7 thoroughly and make a Vocabulary table in your H/W Copy. 2. Make a chart (Any one) on an Organ System in Humans 3. Write down the Answer of the following Questions: a. Define holozoic nutrition. b. Which organelle is the site of photosynthesis in a plant cell? c. Which part of alimentary canal receives the secretions of liver and pancreas? d. What is the role of large intestine in the digestive system of human beings? e. Which type of chemical reactions is most common in human body to release energy? f. Which part in plant cell generally stores the waste products? g. What are the materials taken up by plant from soil apart from water? h. Which activity of autotrophs makes radiant energy available for use by heterotrophs to perform essential life process? i. Name the type of carbohydrate which are stored in plant as energy source? j. Why herbivores need larger small intestine? k. What is the site of complete digestion of carbohydrates, protein? l. Which part of anus regulate the exist of waste material? m. Why it is necessary to move the food in a regulated manner along the digestive tube? n. Which type of nutrition is characteristics of fungi? o. Name the muscle which regulates the exit of food from the stomach. p. What is the site for breakdown of glucose into pyruvate in a cell? q. Why rate of breathing in aquatic organism is much faster than that seen in terrestrial organisms? r. Name one unicellular eukaryotic organism in which alcoholic fermentation takes place. s. Name the process which produces lactic acid. Where does it takes place in our body? t. Where, in the cell, is the set of enzymes that catalyse the chemical reactions we call krebs cycle? u. The process if glycolysis occurs in which part of cell. v. Name a carbon containing, non alcoholic, final product of alcoholic fermentation, other than ATP. w. a) What is the mode of nutrition in Amoeba? (b) Fungi and Cuscuta both are heterotrophs still they differ in their modes of nutrition. Name and define the types of nutrition in both of them. x. Differentiate between autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition. y. What happens to food once it reaches the buccal cavity in human beings? z. Where in the alimentary canal does the digestion of following food component begin and which enzyme is responsible for it? (i) Starch (ii) Proteins (iii) Fats aa. How will you prove that carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis? bb. Name the glands associated with digestive system and list their functions. cc. List three characteristic features of the organ for exchange of gases in animals? dd. Write the three main events occuring in the process of photosynthesis. ee. a) Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (b) What prevents the air passage from collapsing? ff. a) Why energy is required by the body? (b) What is the requirement of nitrogen in the plant body? Mention the form in which it is absorbed by plants? (c) How does yeast derive its nutrition? gg. Draw a labelled diagram showing the process of nutrition in Amoeba. Explain the steps involved in the process. hh. (a) List two roles of stomata. (b) What is the reason behind cramps after vigrous exercise. ii. Write the role of following in the process of digestion: (i) Gall bladder (ii) Salivary glands (iii) Hydrochloric acid (iv) Bile (v) Succus entericus. jj. How will you prove experimentally that light is necessary for photosynthesis? kk. How will you prove experimentally that CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis? ll. Explain the first step that is common in all cases of respiration. Where does it take place? mm. What is fermentation? Why is it also referred as anaerobic respiration? nn. Explain the process of anaerobic respiration taking place in muscle cells. oo. How does exchange of gases occurs in plants? pp. How do aquatic animals exchange gases? qq. Why is the rate of breathing in terrestrial animals slower than aquatic animals? rr. In an experimental demonstration, two tubes A and B, were taken with 5 mL of starch solution in each. In tube A, 1mL freshly prepared saliva is added whereas in tube B, 1mL water is added. After some time, the solution from both the tubes is taken out and treated with iodine solution. Which of two tubes will show blue-black colour after iodine test and why? ss. What is the role of hydrochloric acid secreted in the stomach? How are the cells of our stomach protected from action of such a strong acid? tt. A graph was plotted to show the energy output of two types of respiration. Identify the types of respiration denoted by curves A and B. uu. In the test tubes A and B shown below, yeast was kept in sugar solution. Which products of respiration would you expect in tubes A and B? HISTORY & CIVICS History Project Work on the Topic – ‘Novels, Society and History” Important i. Find out all the novels name from the text. Mention the names of novels and themes of each. ii. Categorise the novels of different types :like – Novels for women, children, Historical novels, novels of premchand etc. iii Have xerox photos of important Novelists, Cover pages of Novels. iv. Ensure all the types of Novels are fully covered. Important Questions & Answers are to be written on note books 1 Mark Questions & Answers - 20 Nos 3 Mark Questions & Answers - 15 Nos 5/6 Mark Questions & Answers -10 Nos Civics – All the Questions & Answers of same weightage GEOGRAPHY 1. What is Rio-de Janerio Earth Summit-1992? 2. What is Agenda-21? Mention its aim and objectives of the agenda. 3. Draw the pie chart on- a) Land under important Relief Features. b) General land use categories 2008-2009. 4. On an outline map of India show the distribution of soil types. 5. Make a chart on classification of resources. 6. What is soil? Explain the factors of soil formation. 7. Explain the causes of land degradation and its conservation methods. 8. Give the salient features of alluvial soil, black soil and laterite soil. 9. Mention the steps of resources planning. 10. Explain the divisions of resources on the basis of the status of development. 11. Do the question- answer of Exercises of chapter-1. 12. Find out the one mark questions from chapter-1 as maximum as possible. CLASS -XI ENGLISH A Photograph Q1. What does the word ‘cardboard’ denote in the poem? Why has this word been used? Q2. What has the camera captured? Q3. What has not changed over the years? Does this suggest something to you? Q4. The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot. What did this laugh indicate? Q5. What is the meaning of the line “Both wry with the laboured ease or loss” Q6. What does “this circumstance” refer to? Q7. The three stanzas depict three different phases. What are they? The Portrait of a Lady 1. Grandmother has been portrayed as a strong lady and an affectionate grandmother. Write a brief character sketch of the grandmother in the light of above statement? 2. How was grandmother’s life in the city different from her life in the village? 3. Describe the three phases of the author’s relationship with his grandmother before he went abroad for further studies? NOVEL THE CANTERVILLE GHOST Q. Sketch the character of Mrs Umney. Q.‘Death must be so beautiful’. What is the view of the ghost about death? Explain. Q. What was the reaction of Washington Otis on seeing the blood stain on the floor? Q. Discuss the appearance of the Canterville Ghost as the Headless Earl. Q. Discuss the incident that made colonel Carbury paralysed. Q. Explain the funeral ceremony of Canterville ghost. Q. Sketch the appearance of the horrible spectre as seen by the Canterville ghost. Project work: Major Characters Title Theme Major incidents PHYSICS 1. Gather good amount of information about any one of the scientists like Volt, Ampere, Newton, Einstein etc or any new scientific inventions and make a power point presentation including pictures. 2. Make a short film (video) by showing usage of science in various fields or making people aware of scientific facts / simple science experiments. 3. Write a drama / script with the content ‘superstitious beliefs retold by science’ 4. Think of / come up with new scientific ideas or new science exhibits or projects which can be used by the school for upcoming science exhibitions 5. Solve five questions based on each topic given below using dimensional analysis 6. Check the correctness of the formula 7. Establish the relation among the physical quantities 8. Conversion of units from one system to another 9. Solve five questions based on each topic given below from any refresher 10. Parallelogram law of vectors 11. Resolution of vectors 12. Dot product 13. Cross product 14. Finding unit vector CHEMISTRY 1. 2. Some basic concept in chemistry: * complete note * NCERT exercise *exampler chemistry Structure of atom: * complete note * NCERT exercise *exampler chemistry MATHEMATICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SOLVE MISCELLENEOUS EXERCISE OF CHAPTER SETS SOLVE MISCELLENEOUS EXERCISE OF CHAPTER RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS SOLVE MISCELLENEOUS EXERCISE OF CHAPTER STATISTICS SOLVE ALL EXEMPLER QUESTIONS OF THE CHAPTER SETS SOLVE ALL EXEMPLER QUESTIONS OF THE CHAPTER RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS SOLVE ALL EXEMPLER QUESTIONS OF THE CHAPTER STATISTICS BIOLOGY CH-1, The living world Q. NO 1 TO Q. NO. 11 ( NCERT TEXT EXERCISE ) CH 02 Biological classification Q. NO 1 TO Q. NO. 12 CH 03 Plant kingdom Q. NO 1 TO Q. NO. 12 (-do - ) (do- ) COMPUTER SCIENCE CHAPTER 3 1- Do short answer questions from Q1 to Q21 2- Read thoroughly the function of operating system. CLASS XII ENGLISH The Last Lesson Q1. Why was Franz tempted to play truant from school? Q2. What was unusual about the school that Franz noticed when he entered the school? Q3. Why was it the last lesson? How did Franz react to it? Q4.What reasons did Mr. Hamel give for their lack of interest in learning French? Q5. Why did not M Hamel want the people to forget French? Q6.Describe how M Hamel conducted the last lesson. Q7.What was the mood in the classroom when M Hamel gave his last French lesson? Q8. What was more tempting to Franz rather than going to school? Q9. What did M. Hamel say about French language? Q10. Why were the villagers seated on the back benches? Q11. Franz didn’t learn French. Whom did M. Hamel blame? Q12. What happened when the church clock struck twelve? LOST SPRING Q1. What does the title “Lost Spring” convey? Q2. Do you think Saheb was happy to work at the tea stall? Give reasons. Q3. Is it possible for Mukesh to realise his dream? Justify your answer. Q4. What does the writer mean when she says, ‘Saheb is no longer his own master’? Q5.Seemapuri is a place on the periphery of Delhi yet miles away from it metaphorically. Justify this statement. Q6.Through the years rag picking has acquired the ‘proportion of a fine art’ in Seemapuri. Justify the statement. Q7.Why was not Saheb happy on getting a job? Q8.Why don’t the bangle makers of Firozabad organise themselves? Q9.“Saheb is no longer his own master”, says the writer. What does she mean? Q10.What trade does the family of Mukesh follow? Why does the writer feel that it will be difficult for Mukesh to break away from this tradition? NOVEL Silas Marner 1. 2. 3. 4. Project work: Major Characters: Silas Marner Nancy Lammeter Godfrey Cass Eppie Title Theme Major incidents Plot and Structure of Silas Marner PHYSICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Topics 1.1 to1.15 to be covered as per the note given. Solve exercise -1 and in text questions (NCERT) of chapter-1and previous years board question. Topics 2.1 to2.16 to be covered as per the note given. Solve exercise -2 and in text questions (NCERT) of chapter-2 and previous years board question. Solve numerical(at least 10) from any book based on the formula I=q/t, V=IR,R=ρl/A, R=R1+R2+..... and 1/R=1/R1 +1/R2+...... CHEMISTRY 1. Solid state * complete note * NCERT exercise *exampler chemistry 2. Solution 3. Electro chemistry * complete note up to taught * NCERT exercise *exampler chemistry MATHEMATICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. * complete note * NCERT exercise *exampler chemistry SOLVE MISCELLENEOUS EXERCISE OF CHAPTER MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS SOLVE MISCELLENEOUS EXERCISE OF CHAPTER RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS SOLVE MISCELLENEOUS EXERCISE OF CHAPTER INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS SOLVE MISCELLENEOUS EXERCISE OF CHAPTER VECTOR ALGEBRA SOLVE ALL EXEMPLER QUESTIONS OF THE CHAPTER MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS SOLVE ALL EXEMPLER QUESTIONS OF THE CHAPTER RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS SOLVE ALL EXEMPLER QUESTIONS OF THE CHAPTER INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS SOLVE ALL EXEMPLER QUESTIONS OF THE CHAPTER VECTOR ALGEBRA BIOLOGY Ch -1 reproduction in organisms Q. NO 1 CH 2 Sexual Reproduction in flowering plants CH 3 Human reproduction TO Q, NO 18 ( NCERT TEXT EXERCISE ) Q. NO 1 TO Q. NO 18 ( Q. NO 1 TO Q. NO 21 CH 4. Reproductive health Q. no. 1 to Q. no 12 COMPUTER SCIENCE Chapter 4- Class and Objects (1) Short answer questions Do question no 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17. (2) Long answer questions Do question no 7 and 8 Chapter 4- Constructors and Destructors Short answer question Do 22 and 23 Long answer questions Do 5,6,7,8,9 do- ) (-do-) ( -do- )
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