March 22, 2015 The Fifth Sunday of Lent St. Aloysius Church Rev. James R. Orr, Pastor Rev. James W. Garvey, In Residence Deacon G. Gregory Jelinek, Permanent Deacon MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS CHURCH 1700 Harpster St. • Pgh. PA 15212 Phone: 412-231-2994 Saturday Vigil: 6:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am & 9:00 am ST. ALOYSIUS CHURCH 3616 Mount Troy Rd. • Pgh. PA 15212 Phone: 412-821-2351 Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 11:00 am ST. ANTHONY CHAPEL 1704 Harpster St. • Pgh. PA 15212 Mass Monday−Friday: 8:30 am Novena to St. Anthony of Padua: Tuesday at 7:30 pm RECONCILIATION: Saturday at 3:15 pm at St. Aloysius Church and 7:00 pm at Most Holy Name of Jesus Church or by appointment. BAPTISM: Held on 1st Saturdays at 12:30 pm at St. Aloysius Church and on 2nd Saturdays at 12:30 pm at Most Holy Name Church. Call office to schedule an appointment R.C.I.A. : This is the program for those who wish to become Catholic. Call the parish office for information. MARRIAGE: Contact the parish office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Available by appointment. Most Holy Name of Jesus Church St. Anthony Chapel MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS PARISH Phone...412-231-2994 Fax 412-231-7180 Website. .. Becky Hurst, Administrative Assistant.....ext. 2 Ellie Bartolowits, Accounting.. ext. 3 Liturgical Schedule: March 21—29 Saturday, March 21—Vigil: Fifth Sunday of Lent 4:00PM Lester Ayres (Family) 6:00PM Pearl Straka (Helen Straka) STA CHP Sunday, March 22—Fifth Sunday of Lent 7:30AM Joseph Kasunich (Spehar Family) 9:00AM Rudy Yuretich / Anniversary (Family) 11:00AM For the Parishes 3:00PM Stations of the Cross MHN MHN STA CHP Monday, March 23—St. Turibius of Mogrovejo Marci Sobczak / Anniversary CHP Rev. James R. Orr, Pastor .ext. 5 8:30AM (Brother & Sisters) Rev. James Garvey, In Residence...ext. 6 Tuesday, March 24—Weekday 8:30AM Antoinette Graupe (Marge Kasunich) CHP CHARITABLE OUTREACH IN OUR PARISHES 7:30PM Novena to St. Anthony of Padua CHP St. Vincent de Paul Society...ext. 8 Ladies of Charity..ext. 0 Wednesday, March 25—The Annunciation of the Lord Lieutenant Thomas Vrana CHP Catholic Community Food Bank..ext. 0 8:30AM (John & Jo Vrana) CLERGY ST. ALOYSIUS PARISH Phone...412-821-2351 Fax....412-821-6480 Email. Jim Gottermeyer, Administrative Assistant .ext. 4 Claire Sigmund, Rummage House...412-821-1189 Thursday, March 26—Weekday 8:30AM Deceased Gramc Family (Bob & Phyllis Gramc) CHP Friday, March 27—Weekday 8:30AM Joseph Bialozor (Bette, Marlene & Rosie) 12:00PM Stations of the Cross 7:00PM Stations of the Cross CHP STA CHP SHARED STAFF Gregory Jelinek, Deacon 412-231-6949 Steven Swank, CCD Coordinator. 412-759-9835 MUSIC MINISTRY Ken Gerst Carol Ann Spehar ST. ANTHONY’S CHAPEL Saturday, March 28—Vigil: Palm Sunday 4:00PM Frank & Stephanie Benko (Daughter, Frances Bishop) 6:00PM Joseph Kribel (Ruth Grabb) CHP Sunday, March 29—Palm Sunday 7:30AM For the Parishes 9:00AM James Cappello (Cathy, Kim & Ron) 11:00AM Helen Babik (Gene Babik) 3:00PM Stations of the Cross MHN MHN STA CHP STA STA - Saint Aloysius Church MHN - Most Holy Name of Jesus Church CHP - St. Anthony’s Chapel Chapel Hours: 1-4 pm Every day EXCEPT Fridays & Holidays To schedule a tour of 10 or more during times not open, please call the Chapel Shop Sanctuary Candles St. Aloysius Carole Brueckner, Chairperson. 412-999-4401 Margie Hoffield, Chapel Shop.412-323-9504 Diocesan Toll Free Number for Abuse Response: 1-888-808-1235 Most Holy Name St. Anthony’s Chapel In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of Louis Rudin Cal Bruecken Jack & Barb Jones By Schwab Family (Birthday) By Frank & Susie By Wife & Family Balestrieri At Home with the Lord Remember Lord and welcome into your Kingdom those who have died and gone before us marked in the sign of faith, especially Helen Steinmetz Charles Rauch Please pray for the consolation of their loved ones. HOLY TRIDUUM SCHEDULE Holy Thursday April 2 8:30 am Morning Prayer at Most Holy Name Church 1:00 - 4:00 pm St. Anthony’s Chapel open for tours Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper We welcome the newest member of our Parish Community who was Baptized at Most Holy Name of Jesus Church. 7:00 pm at St. Aloysius Church 7:00 pm at Most Holy Name of Jesus Church Seven Church Tour by bus leaves after Mass Adoration at all three Churches until Midnight 11:30 pm evening prayer at Most Holy Name Church Child: Graeson Ray Berry Good Friday April 3 Reborn in Baptism Parents: Gregory & Jenna (Carter) Berry Godparents: Joseph Reffert and Jessica Carter Thirteen Tuesday Novena The Annual Thirteen Tuesday Novena in honor of St. Anthony of Padua has begun, and will continue through June 9. This Tuesday will be week # 2. Mass and Novena are held at 8:30 a.m. Novena and Benediction held at 7:30 p.m. This Novena has helped many in their time of need. 8:30 am Morning Prayer at Most Holy Name Church Suffering & Death of the Lord Jesus Christ Noon Stations of the Cross at St. Anthony’s Chapel Liturgy of the Word, Adoration of the Cross and Communion 1:30 pm at St. Aloysius Church 1:30 pm at Most Holy Name of Jesus Church Veneration of the Grave 3:00 - 7:00 pm at St. Anthony’s Chapel Evening Prayer Service 7:00 pm at St. Anthony’s Chapel A relic of the True Cross will be venerated For information, visit Televised Mass Our Pastor, Fr. Jim Orr will be the celebrant for the Televised Mass that will air on Palm Sunday, March 29th. The Mass will air at 6:00 am on Pittsburgh Cable News Channel (PCNC) and also on Me-TV. Confession times available before Easter Mon. Mar. 23 7:00 - 8:00 pm Thurs. Mar. 26 7:00 - 8:00 pm Most Holy Name Church Fri. Mar. 27 9:00 -10:00 am Most Holy Name Church Sat. Mar. 28 5:00 - 6:00 pm Sat. Mar. 28 7:00 - 8:00 pm Most Holy Name Church Tues. Mar. 31 Communal Penance Service 7:00 pm St. Aloysius Church St. Aloysius Church Holy Spirit Parish, located at 608 Farragut Street, Millvale 15209 Holy Saturday April 4 8:30 am Morning Prayer at Most Holy Name Church Easter Vigil Mass 8:30 pm at St. Aloysius Church 8:30 pm at Most Holy Name Church Easter Sunday April 5 7:30 am at Most Holy Name Church 9:00 am at Most Holy Name Church 11:00 am at St. Aloysius Church Mass Attendance March 14 & 15 Saturday: 264 Sunday: 296 Total attendance at both churches: 560 Religious Education Schedule Tenebrae Service Class time: 10:15—11:35 am Most Holy Name Parish Choir, under the direction of Carol Ann Spehar, will present Tenebrae Service of Darkness on Monday, March 23rd at 7:00pm in Most Holy Name of Jesus Church. This service focuses on seven episodes in the Passion and Death of our Lord. Each section consists of a reading, a choral meditation and a responsive reading. Please join us as we commemorate Jesus’ life on earth, as He suffered death upon the cross. Invite your family, friends and neighbors to join in this deeply moving service. Sunday, March 22 - Regular Class Sunday, March 29 - Regular Class Sunday, April 5 - No Classes - Happy Easter Sunday, April 12 - Regular Class Photocopier Needed The photocopier in the Religious Education (CCD) office is on its last legs and so we are looking to get another one. If you know of a company who is looking to donate a copier, please have them contact Steve Swank at 412-759-9835. Handmade Stationery Cards Looking for a great Easter Basket stuffer? Most Holy Name Special Education Program will be selling handmade cards after all masses on March 28th & 29th. A set of 9 cards will be sold for $5.00. All proceeds benefit our special education program. Protecting God’s Children Class Sunday, April 26th - Noon - 3 pm at Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish 1700 Harpster St., Troy Hill - Pittsburgh To register, please call Becky Hurst at 412-231-2994, ext. 0. The class is held in the school hall and is wheelchair accessible. St. Vincent de Paul Volunteers Needed The St. Vincent de Paul Society is in need of male volunteers. This very important parish ministry helps individuals in our area that are in need of assistance for utilities and rent. For more information, please call Ted Hunkele at 412-931-1223. Catholic Community Food Bank The Catholic Community Food Bank continues to serve the needs of those in our community. The 3rd Tuesday of each month from 10:00 am to noon, will be the designated day for distributions. Tuesday, April 21st is the next distribution date. Please note that if you would like to make a monetary donation to the food bank, your check must be made out to The Catholic Community Food Bank of Troy Hill. Holy Thursday Church Sitters Needed People are needed as sitters in St. Aloysius Church and Most Holy Name of Jesus Church on Holy Thursday, April 2nd. Having greeters at our Churches helps visitors feel welcome and can help answer questions that they many have. You can find a sign up sheet beginning this weekend at the back of both Churches. Holy Thursday Church Visit Plans are currently being made for the 7 Church Visit by bus on Holy Thursday. The details will be listed in next week’s bulletin. If you would like to reserve your seat on the bus ahead of time, please call or email Becky at 412-231-2994, ext. 0 or JOIN US FOR SHARING YOUR FAITH Do you sometimes feel like you are spiritually asleep? Most of us don’t have degrees in Theology so it is sometimes difficult for us to explain the Gospel but we can show the joy of being Catholic by sharing our faith with others. Being joyous is infectious so come and spread some joy!! Bishop Zubik tells us in his Pastoral Letter, The Church Evangelizing: “Be a friend. Be a friend of Jesus. Make friends for Jesus.” Please join us on Monday, April 13th at 7:00 P.M. in St. Aloysius Social Hall to share your faith and joy with others. The second session (date not yet determined) will be held at Most Holy Name Parish. Facilitators for the Faith Sharing group are Donna Bodnar and Rick Dzubinski. Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish Mission Statement Most Holy Name of Jesus Roman Catholic parish, guided by the spirit of Jesus Christ, works together in faith and love to spread the good news of salvation. Parish Calendar Sun. Mar. 22 - Children’s Liturgy - 9:00 am Mon. Mar. 23 - Tenebrae Service of Darkness - 7:00 pm Wed. Mar. 25 - Choir Practice - 7:00 pm Thurs. Mar. 26 - Confession - 7 - 8 pm - MHN Church Thurs. Mar. 26 - Lenten Bible Study - 7:00 pm - school Fri. Mar. 27 - Confession - 9 - 10 am - MHN Church Fri. Mar. 27 - Fish Dinners - 4 - 7 pm - MHN school hall Sat. Mar. 28 - Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity 10 am - St. Anthony’s Chapel Sat. Mar. 28 - Special Ed CCD - 10 - 11:30 am - school Sat. Mar. 28 - Night at the Races - doors open at 5:30pm Sat. Mar. 28 - Confession - 7:00 - 8:00 pm - MHN Church Mar. 28 & 29 - 2nd Collection - Food Bank Baked Goods Needed—Lenten Fish Dinners We will need our fabulous Parish Bakers to donate baked goods for ONE MORE WEEK! March 27th will be the last Fish Dinner served. Thank you all for your donations & patronage. Night at the Races—Saturday, March 28 The men of St. Anthony’s Lyceum will host their Annual Night at the Races next Saturday, March 28th in the school hall. Admission tickets are $15 each ($20 at the door) and includes a buffet dinner, beer and drink mixers. The doors open at 5:30 pm, dinner is served at 6:00 pm and the races begin at 7:00 pm. Gift Cards Most Holy Name Parish is having a Giant Eagle Gift Card sale during the Lenten season. The gift cards are available at the Fish Dinners or at the Rectory. If you shop at Giant Eagle, Market District or Get-Go, the gift cards can help the parish. Holy Thursday Covered Dish Dinner All are invited to come and share a great meal at the Annual Covered Dish Dinner at Most Holy Name School Hall at 5:30 pm on Holy Thursday, April 2nd. Each family brings enough food in a salad, casserole, vegetable or dessert for at least 10 people—bring your favorite recipe to share with all. Please call the rectory and let us know how many to expect and what you will bring. Sanctuary Candle Dates Available Dates for the Sanctuary Candles ($20) are available in Most Holy Name Church for the following upcoming dates: April 12, April 26, May 3, May 17, May 24. Hidden Treasures Rummage Sale Mark your calendars for the next sale on Saturday, April 11 8am - 2pm Located at 1626 Hatteras St. Troy Hill, Pittsburgh For updates & information Check out our Facebook Page: ‘Hidden Treasures Rummage Sale At Most Holy Name’ Lenten Almsgiving This week, alms will be for The Little Sisters of the Poor. Next week, our charity for almsgiving is Catholic Charities Health Center. Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish Offertory Collections March 14 & 15 Offertory Parish Share Parish Capital Campaign Initial Offering Ash Wednesday Human Development $5,648.00 $438.00 $220.00 $80.00 $14.00 $506.00 MHN Oldies Dance Tickets for the MHN April 18 Oldies Dance are now available at the MHN Rectory and at The Attic Record Store in Millvale - $10/person. DJ Ron Hopkinson is coming back to spin those great oldies from the 50's, 60's and 70's. The music begins at 7:00 pm, dancing from 7:30 - 11:30 pm. "Reserved seating" will continue to be offered. A great time is guaranteed! The Bar and Kitchen will be open. Miller Lite Draft beer, wine, pop, mixers and bottled water will be available. The kitchen menu will include: fresh baked Silverstar Ham Sandwiches, hot dogs, hot pretzels, nachos and snacks. BYOB. St. Aloysius Parish St. Aloysius Rummage Sale To all St. Aloysius Parish Members Mission Statement We are reminding you to please consider baking for our monthly Rummage Sales. We are asking that those with last names starting with “L” through “Z” to bake for our next sale on April 11th & 12th. Again, we are asking for male volunteers who can help for as much or as little time that you can share. We need help before sale dates and also on sale dates. Please consider becoming a volunteer for this Parish Fund Raiser. For questions or to volunteer, please call Claire at 412-821 -1189. The next sale is: For over a century, we the people of St. Aloysius Parish gather as a Catholic community. Together, we share family, friendship, and love through Jesus Christ, who anchors us in this changing and challenging world. Parish Calendar Mar. 21 & 22 - Gift Card Sale at Masses Mon. Mar. 23 - Confession available 7:00 - 8:00 pm Sat. Mar. 28 - Confession available 5:00 - 6:00 pm Saturday, April 11 Mar. 28 & 29 - Gift Card Sale at Masses 8:00 am - 2:00 pm & Thank You A “BIG” thank you goes to all who came to the Meager Meal. We hope that you enjoyed it. Sunday, April 12 12:30 - 3:30 pm Rivers Casino Trip Gift Card Sale Gift Cards will be available during the weekend of March 21 & 22 and also March 28 & 29. Thank you for supporting this parish fund raiser. Spaghetti Dinner The Annual Christian Mothers Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Sunday, April 26th, 3:00 - 6:00 pm in the social hall. Tickets will be available beginning March 28th. Help Needed at St. Aloysius Parish Make some new friends and / or bring a friend with you. St. Aloysius Parish is in need of filling some vacancies in it’s money counter volunteers team. It takes about 90 minutes, one weekend every month. If interested, please see Jim Gottermeyer after the 11:00 am Mass or call him at 412-821-2351 ext. 4. The next trip to the River’s Casino is on Thursday, April 9th. Price of the trip is $20 and you will get back $20 in free play and $5 in food. The bus will leave St. Aloysius at 11:00 am and then pick up at ESB Bank in Troy Hill. The bus leaves the Casino at 4:30 pm to return home. This trip is sponsored by the St. Aloysius Christian Mother’s Association. Please call Carol Fulton at 412-9318469. Leave a message and she will get back to you. Church Preparation Schedule for Holy Week Many hands are needed and appreciated to help prepare the Church for the Easter Triduum & Easter Sunday. It takes a few hours each day. If you would like to lend a hand, we plan to set up on the following dates: Wednesday, April 1 at 6:30 pm for Holy Thursday St. Aloysius Parish Offertory Collections Friday, April 3 at 9:00 am for Good Friday March 14 & 15 Offertory Parish Share Maintenance Food Bank Easter Flowers Human Development $2,241.00 $3,596.00 $30.00 $165.00 $193.00 $488.00 Saturday, April 4 at 9:00 am for Holy Saturday / Easter Sunday If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sharon or Dan at 412-8211890. Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 A Family Perspective By Bud Ozar - Relationships come with a price tag. We must be willing to entrust ourselves to another, to let go of our autonomy and die to our independence. It is in dying to our independence that we find interdependence with others. St. Vincent de Paul Society - In the Gospel today, Jesus says “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.” When we help the poor we are truly followers of Jesus, servant of the poor. As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them Easter hope and joy. Passion of the Christ Movie - AMC 22 Waterfront Movie Theater will be showing The Passion of the Christ movie on Wednesday, April 1 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 each, or $10.50 for VIP. ____ New Parishioner ! Most Holy Name Parish ! St. Aloysius Parish ____ Moving out of Parish ____ New Address or Phone ____ Want Envelopes Around the Neighborhood Children’s Bunny Bingo – Saturday, March 28, VFW Post 7090, Sundeman St., Troy Hill, 1:00 – 3:00 pm – Doors open at 12:30 pm. $5.00 per person. Chinese Auction, Refreshments & 50/50. All children MUST be accompanied by an adult. Annual Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner - St. Mary’s Lyceum will hold their annual dinner on Palm Sunday, March 29th from Noon until 5:00 pm. The stuffed pork chop will be served with a salad bar & dessert. Cost is $11. Call 412-322-6255 for take outs or more information. They are located at 910 Chestnut Street, Pittsburgh 15212. Shroud of Turin Experience - St. Cyril’s, Risen Lord and Incarnation of the Lord Parishes are sponsoring a Shroud of Turin experience. A 14 foot replica of the Shroud will be on display in Risen Lord Church on April 11th and 12th, beginning at 12:30 pm. The presentation is ninety minutes long. Russ Breault is our speaker and has appeared in several nationally televised documentaries, such as Mysteries of the Ancient World on CBS. He was a advisor for The Real Face of Jesus on the History Channel. He was interviewed last year on Good Morning America and ABC World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer. The cost is $5 per person. Children under 10 are free. Tickets must be purchased in advance by calling Marilyn Ruffner, 412-931-2911, ext. 5. The presentation is in Risen Lord Church, 3250 California Ave. Pittsburgh PA 15212. Office Assistant Position at St. Sebastian Parish 4 days a week 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM and will include: phones, copying, mass intentions, calendar, mailings and will help support other office staff. Microsoft Office & Google email knowledge is a must. Email resume: or mail: Peg Kirchner 311 Siebert Rd. Pgh., 15237 !"#$%"&&'$ QUALITY SHELL GASOLINE & DIESEL Established 1975 1520 Spring Garden Offering Discounts for Cash and The Fuel Rewards Network 412-321-1685 St. Anthony’s LESKOWAK’S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER Chapel PA Lottery • ATM C-Store-Foods Stamps Accepted THIS SPACE IS General Repairs State & Emission Inspection 1707 Lowrie St. ~ Since 1920 ~ 412-364-1690 412-321-5690 Open every day, (except Fridays & Holidays) 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For information, call: Chapel: 412-323-9504 or Chairperson 412-999-4401 ISRAEL KAZEW, D.M.D. FAMILY DENTAL CARE 2109 Mount Troy Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Tel: (412) 321-2777 Fax: (412) 322-5612 3-D-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 M P PA HIC #012686 For Advertising Information, call SUE NOVOSEL at LPi today! 1.800.477.4574 ext 6318 • 4lpi ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1226 Hughes Funeral Home, Inc. Stephens Memorial Chapel R. Dennis Hughes, F.D., Supervisor Lawrence H. Bock, F.D. Edward F. Latkovic, F.D., Supervisor R. Dennis Hughes, F.D. (412) 231-4193 NORTH SIDE AUTO SERVICE 1501 Lowrie Street • Troy Hill Two Traditional Community Funeral Homes in one Convenient Location MICHAEL WALLISCH, ESQ. Wills & Estates CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CELIK INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. PA014745 Vice-President KUNTZ CONSTRUCTION TROY HILL OFFICE call for Appointment State & Emission Inspection Joe & Bill Vlakancic (412) 471-3800 835 Spring Garden Ave. 412-231-7321 FREE Consultation W/Ad (412) 231-1285 (412) 322-3382 JOSEPH KUNTZ OWNER 1621 LOWRIE ST. PITTSBURGH, PA 15212 TROY HILL OFFICE Judith Loebig, Manager 1706 Lowrie Street 412-231-8238 Member FDIC BETH CELIK Auto • Home • Business • Life 2407 MT Troy Road • Pittsburgh, PA 412-323-9300 SHIRLEY NOVAK, ESQ. Wills Estates Criminal Law Family Law Personal Injury O O Home Appointments 412-281-4383 FREE Consultation W/Ad ORTHOPEDIC & SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATES, INC. Evening hours available Most major insurances accepted Troy Hill Office 1607 Lowrie St. 412-321-9088 Cheryl L. Rosato, D.M.D. 5310 Perry Highway Pittsburgh, PA 15229 412-931-6571 Please support our advertisers and mention you saw their ad here. “We’d love to make your smile” THIS SPACE IS MILLER - BRADY FUNERAL HOME LeeAnn Sherman, FD, Supervisor 1550 Lowrie Street • 412-231-7000 STEPHEN M. BRADY FUNERAL HOME, INC. Stephen M. Brady, FD, Supervisor 920 Cedar Avenue • 412-321-0495 Pizza and Chicken Troy Hill • 412-323-2600 1442 Lowrie St. • Pittsburgh $1.00 OFF Pick Up Order Only w/Ad Please Call 800-477-4574 LAWRENCEVILLE POLISH HILL Walter J. Zalewski, Supervisor (412) 682-3445 Joseph M. Lapinski, Supervisor (412) 682-1562 Most Holy Name Parish Automotive & HIDDEN TREASURES Star Performance, Inc MONTHLY SALE 1626 Hatteras St. • Pittsburgh (412) 231-2994 2117 Mt. Troy Rd. • Pittsburgh, PA 15212 (412) 322-4515 Offering Flat Bed Towing 388 Center Ave. West View PA 15229 412-931-5497 • Chuck Schellhaas, Parishioner • C. Matthew Schellhaas, FD Robert D. Schellhaas, Jr., Supervisor • Ryan D. Schellhaas, FD “guiding families for six generations, since 1855” 3-D-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Catholic Funeral Plan Accepted • Protective Pre-Planning Available ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1226
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