April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter St. Aloysius Church Rev. James R. Orr, Pastor Rev. James W. Garvey, In Residence Deacon G. Gregory Jelinek, Permanent Deacon MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS CHURCH 1700 Harpster St. • Pgh. PA 15212 Phone: 412-231-2994 Saturday Vigil: 6:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am & 9:00 am ST. ALOYSIUS CHURCH 3616 Mount Troy Rd. • Pgh. PA 15212 Phone: 412-821-2351 Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 11:00 am ST. ANTHONY CHAPEL 1704 Harpster St. • Pgh. PA 15212 Mass Monday−Friday: 8:30 am Novena to St. Anthony of Padua: Tuesday at 7:30 pm RECONCILIATION: Saturday at 3:15 pm at St. Aloysius Church and 7:00 pm at Most Holy Name of Jesus Church or by appointment. BAPTISM: Held on 1st Saturdays at 12:30 pm at St. Aloysius Church and on 2nd Saturdays at 12:30 pm at Most Holy Name Church. Call office to schedule an appointment R.C.I.A. : This is the program for those who wish to become Catholic. Call the parish office for information. MARRIAGE: Contact the parish office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Available by appointment. Most Holy Name of Jesus Church St. Anthony Chapel Liturgical Schedule: April 18—26 MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS PARISH Phone...412-231-2994 Fax 412-231-7180 Website. mostholynameofjesusparish15212.org Email..mostholyname@hotmail.com .. Becky Hurst, Administrative Assistant.....ext. 2 Ellie Bartolowits, Accounting.. ext. 3 Saturday, April 18—Vigil: Third Sunday of Easter 4:00PM Dorothy Velardita (Joyce Velardita Rouda) STA 6:00PM Jan Grindel (Cathy, Kim & Ron) CHP Sunday, April 19—Third Sunday of Easter 7:30AM For the Parishes MHN 9:00AM Robert McCarthy (Family) MHN 11:00AM Esther R. Gardner / Anniversary (Family) STA Monday, April 20—Weekday 8:30AM Robert Zoelle (Pat & Bob Reiner) CLERGY Rev. James R. Orr, Pastor .ext. 5 Tuesday, April 21—St. Anselm Rev. James Garvey, In Residence...ext. 6 8:30AM Cecilia Uhlig / Anniversary (Children) 7:30PM Novena to St. Anthony of Padua CHP CHP CHP CHARITABLE OUTREACH IN OUR PARISHES Wednesday, April 22—Weekday St. Vincent de Paul Society...ext. 8 Ladies of Charity..ext. 0 Catholic Community Food Bank..ext. 0 8:30AM Joseph Bialozor / Birthday (Wife, Mary Ann) CHP Thursday, April 23—St. George; St. Adalbert 8:30AM Wilbert Claus (Donna Ebitz) CHP Friday, April 24—St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen 8:30AM Mary Ann Graper (Brother, Wife & Sister) CHP ST. ALOYSIUS PARISH Phone...412-821-2351 Fax....412-821-6480 Website.saintaloysiuspittsburgh.org Email. staloysius.church@verizon.net Jim Gottermeyer, Administrative Assistant .ext. 4 Claire Sigmund, Rummage House...412-821-1189 SHARED STAFF Gregory Jelinek, Deacon 412-231-6949 Steven Swank, CCD Coordinator. 412-759-9835 Saturday, April 25—Vigil: Fourth Sunday of Easter 4:00PM Chuck Rothert (Dolly & Family) STA CHP 6:00PM Bob Freiss (Wife, Rosalia) Sunday, April 26—Fourth Sunday of Easter 7:30AM Joseph Szukics (Betty Billeter) 9:00AM For the Parishes 11:00AM Charles Rauch (Month’s Mind) MHN MHN STA STA - Saint Aloysius Church MHN - Most Holy Name of Jesus Church CHP - St. Anthony’s Chapel MUSIC MINISTRY Ken Gerst Carol Ann Spehar ST. ANTHONY’S CHAPEL Website..saintanthonyschapel.org Email.saintanthonychairperson@gmail.com Chapel Hours: 1-4 pm Every day EXCEPT Fridays & Holidays To schedule a tour of 10 or more during times not open, please call the Chapel Shop Sanctuary Candles St. Aloysius Carole Brueckner, Chairperson. 412-999-4401 Margie Hoffield, Chapel Shop.412-323-9504 Diocesan Toll Free Number for Abuse Response: 1-888-808-1235 In Loving Memory of Miles & Catherine Fulton By Fulton Family Most Holy Name St. Anthony’s Chapel In Loving Memory of John “Jack” In Loving Memory of Chernosky Cecilia Uhlig (Birthday) (Anniversary) By Family By Children WHAT IS A PARISH GENERAL ASSEMBLY? Save the date and find out! MONDAY, MAY 4 - 7:00 P.M. AT MOST HOLY NAME PARISH SCHOOL HALL And THURSDAY, MAY 7 - 7:00 P.M. AT ST. ALOYSIUS PARISH SOCIAL HALL Reborn in Baptism We welcome the newest member of our Parish Community who was Baptized at Most Holy Name of Jesus Church. Child: Zachery Michael Badami Parents: Michael & Sara (Patrokovich) Badami Godparents: Matthew & Melissa Hubert Eucharistic Adoration & Veneration of the Relic of St. Faustina at St. Anthony's Chapel On Sunday, May 3rd at 3:00 pm, we will begin to pray the Church's evening prayer before Christ in the Eucharist. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in the monstrance at the beginning of evening prayer and the service will conclude with Benediction, Christ imparting His blessing to us in His Eucharistic Presence. Following the service, the faithful who wish to do so will have the opportunity to venerate a relic of one of the saints. For May, it will be the relic of Saint Faustina. For more information, please visit www.saintanthonyschapel.org Mass Attendance April 11 & 12 Saturday: 268 Sunday: 345 Total attendance at both churches: 613 April 19, 2015 3rd Sunday of Easter "He stood in their midst and said to them, 'Peace be with you.' But they were startled and terrified." What was so terrifying about being wished peace? How ironic that the disciples were so scared right at the moment that Jesus was offering them peace. The fact is that they didn't understand what was going on. They were already aware at this point that Jesus had risen from the dead, and two of them had just had a powerful encounter with him on the road to Emmaus. But now, he suddenly appeared before them, in a manner that was not only totally unexpected, but also apparently physically impossible. This is why they thought they were seeing a ghost. It just didn't make sense. Jesus reassured them with concrete actions. He told them to look at him and to touch him. He wanted his disciples to be comforted by his real physical presence among them. He wanted them to come into contact with his entire being, not just the abstract idea of his presence. Once they did this, they were "incredulous for joy and were amazed." The peace that he wished for them was now complemented by great joy. It just took a while to sink in. This may be the case for us at times too. We may not understand the mysterious ways in which Jesus is present in our lives. Sometimes he is hidden in what Mother Teresa called "the distressing disguise." His Spirit may be present, wishing to bring us peace right in the midst of stress, sickness, anguish, or pain, but we may not recognize him at first. Just because he may not "show up" in the way we expect doesn't mean he isn't with us. The risen Christ also wants to give us the gift of peace. Religious Education Schedule Class time: 10:15—11:35 am Sunday, April 19 - Regular Class Sunday, April 26 - Last CCD Class for the year! Protecting God’s Children Class Sunday, April 26th - Noon - 3 pm at Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish 1700 Harpster St., Troy Hill - Pittsburgh To register, please call Becky Hurst at 412-231-2994, ext. 0. The class is held in the school hall and is wheelchair accessible. St. Vincent de Paul Volunteers Needed The Most Holy Name St. Vincent de Paul Society is seeking new members! Are you looking to expand your relationship with God as well as help your fellow needy neighbors? We can use your help. The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a nonprofit agency that acts quickly to resolve problems without fanfare and or red tape. We provide assistance to anyone living in our area needing help with food, furniture, clothes, rental help or utility assistance. We visit the needy person or family member in two man teams to consult, confer, recommend and improve their basic situation regardless of sex, age, race or religion. Our volunteers generally work one week per month and if you believe you could assist us in helping a needy person or family. Please call Chuck at 412-323-9142 or Ted at 412-931-1223 for more information. God Bless You Catholic Community Food Bank The Catholic Community Food Bank continues to serve the needs of those in our community. The 3rd Tuesday of each month from 10:00 am to noon, will be the designated day for distributions. Tuesday, April 21st is the next distribution date. Please note that if you would like to make a monetary donation to the food bank, your check must be made out to The Catholic Community Food Bank of Troy Hill. Food items needed are: Canned Fruit Tomato Sauce Peanut Butter Cereal Jelly Baby Diapers Thirteen Tuesday Novena The Annual Thirteen Tuesday Novena in honor of St. Anthony of Padua has begun, and will continue through June 9. This Tuesday will be week # 6. Mass and Novena are held at 8:30 a.m. Novena and Benediction held at 7:30 p.m. This Novena has helped many in their time of need. FAITH SHARING Please join us for our next Faith Sharing gatherings!! Monday, April 20th at 7:00 p.m. at Most Holy Name School Hall & Tuesday, April 28th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Aloysius Social Hall CCD News Our end of the CCD Year Ceremony will take place during the 9:00 am Mass next weekend. At this Mass we will recognize those students who have perfect attendance, and present a few other awards. Please come and support the exceptional students in our CCD program. Pittsburgh Catholic Magazine The next edition of the Pittsburgh Catholic Magazine, titled “2015 Pittsburgh Catholic Magazine featuring Family Life”, is now available at the doors of church while supplies last. Baby Bottle Campaign This years Baby Bottle Campaign has begun and will continue through Mothers Day Weekend. This project helps to support young couples facing an unplanned pregnancy through The Pregnancy Care Centers. Statistics show that 85% of their clients who see an ultrasound image of their baby choose to continue their pregnancy. Your donations this year will directly benefit the local center located on East Ohio Street. Bottles are available for you to take home and fill with loose change, bills, or a check. Please return it to either church by Mother’s Day. Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius and Most Holy Name of Jesus parishes, while valuing the uniqueness of each parish community, commit to work together to proclaim the gospel of Christ and to welcome others to join in the life of the Church, to celebrate the sacramental life of the Catholic Church, to nourish the faith of our members, and to engage in serving the needs of others. Parish Calendar Sat. Apr. 18 - Oldies Dance - Doors open at 6:30 pm Mon. Apr. 20 - Food Bank Packing - 9:30 am - C.H. Mon. Apr. 20 - Faith Sharing Meeting- 7 pm - School hall Tues. Apr. 21 - Food Bank Handout - 10 am - Noon Wed. Apr. 22 - Special Ed Field Trip - 4:30 - 7:30 pm Wed. Apr. 22 - Hockey Games - begin at 6:00 pm Wed. Apr. 22 - Choir Practice - 7:00 pm Thurs. Apr. 23 - Hockey Games - begin at 6:00 pm Thurs. Apr. 23 - Finance Meeting - 7:00 pm - Rectory Fri. Apr. 24 - Hockey Games - begin at 6:00 pm Sat. Apr. 25 - Brides of the Most Blessed Trinity - 10 am At St. Anthony’s Chapel Sat. Apr. 25 - Special Ed CCD Classes - 10-11:30 am Apr. 25 & 26 - 2nd Collection - Food Bank Sun. Apr. 26 - Protecting God’s Children Class - begins at Noon in MHN School Hall St. Anthony’s Lyceum Mother’s Day Breakfast All women of the parish are invited to the Annual St. Anthony’s Lyceum Mother’s Day Breakfast on Sunday, May 10th. The breakfast begins promptly after the 9:00 am Mass and is held in the school hall. Tickets will be available next weekend in the back of Church and also at the rectory. Sanctuary Candle Dates Available Anyone wishing to have the Sanctuary Candle lit for one week in memory of a loved one, may do so by forwarding the name to Most Holy Name Rectory as well as $20. Dates are available in Most Holy Name Church for the following: May 3, June 14, June 28, July 12, August 9 & 23. Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish Offertory Collections April 11 & 12 Offertory Easter Offering Parish Share Parish Capital Campaign Good Friday Initial Offering Food Bank $3,112.00 $492.00 $1,273.00 $120.00 $135.00 $10.00 $20.00 Early Bird Drawing Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Weis, the winners of the 1st Early Bird Drawing for the MHN Summer Festival Raffle. MHN SUMMER FESTIVAL 2015 Wed. June 17 - Sat. June 20 Festival Raffle Tickets for each parishioner can be found at the main doors of Most Holy Name Church. They are in street order. 2015 Cash Raffle Win $7,000, $2,000 or $1,000 Summer Festival Volunteers Needed Please consider volunteering for the Annual MHN Summer Festival this year. All types of helping hands are needed for this large event. Please feel free to come to the planning meetings when you see them on the parish calendar. We are always open to new ideas. If you would like to know more, please call the parish office at 412231-2994, ext. 0 Please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 30th for our Festival Stand set up. All helping hands are needed beginning at 9:00 am. Hidden Treasures Donations Donations for the monthly sale can be dropped off Monday-Friday from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm at the back of the convent building. If these times are not convenient, call the parish office to make other arrangements. NO computers, T.V’s or textbooks please. The next sale will be held: Saturday, May 9th 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Giant Eagle Gift Cards Most Holy Name Parish has Giant Eagle Gift Cards available at the Rectory for purchase. They make great gifts! Market Day Market Day order forms can now be found in Most Holy Name Church and are due by Tuesday, April 28th. Orders can also be placed online at www.marketday.com. The pickup date for this next order is on Tuesday, May 5th. St. Aloysius Parish Theme Of The St. Aloysius Stained Glass Windows Mission Statement Nick Parrendo, artist and owner of Hunt Stained Glass, recently spoke to the Christian Mothers about our new stained glass windows on the front of our church building. One of the ladies suggested we share the meaning of our windows with the parishioners so we are presenting the theme of our new windows once again. Nick put a lot of thought into choosing the theme “The Eucharist and Sharing” when he designed our new stained glass windows. Several thoughts come to mind when we think of that theme. One thought is that the Gift of God in the Eucharist is our model for giving and sharing with each other. The four murals depict “bread broken and shared by all”. The bread or the hosts (the circles on the murals) also represent the four Evangelists. When we receive the Eucharist it enlightens us with the “Gift of Good News” from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The nourishment we receive enables us to share “The Good News” with others. Receiving the Eucharist often helps us to maintain a spiritual quality of joy even through problems in our lives. The stained glass window of St. Aloysius is above the door as we come into church in the presence of the Lord. The sheaves of wheat and the purple grapes surrounding the wheat show our intimate relationship with God – Body and Blood (wheat and grapes). We are filled with the Holy Spirit represented by the dove window. The fish are a traditional symbol of the early Church. St. Aloysius and Most Holy Name of Jesus parishes, while valuing the uniqueness of each parish community, commit to work together to proclaim the gospel of Christ and to welcome others to join in the life of the Church, to celebrate the sacramental life of the Catholic Church, to nourish the faith of our members, and to engage in serving the needs of others. Parish Calendar Mon. Apr. 20 - Faith Sharing Meeting - 7:00 pm at Most Holy Name School Hall Tues. Apr. 21 - Christian Mother’s Board Meeting 7:00 pm at the Social Hall Mon. Apr. 27 - Combined Pastoral Council Meeting 7:00 pm at the Social Hall Spaghetti Dinner All are invited to The Annual Christian Mothers Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, April 26th, 3:00 - 6:00 pm in the social hall. You won’t want to miss homemade sauce and meatballs - what a treat! Also available, will be Fettuccini with Alfredo Sauce. Salad and dessert are also included with the dinner. Tickets are now available and are $10 for adults and $5 for children. For more information, please call Suzy at 412-821-2404. Rosaries can be found at the back of St. Aloysius Church for those who would like one. St. Aloysius Parish Offertory Collections The May Flowers Raffle Tickets good for the entire month on May are here! We ask that each family pick up an envelope of tickets. Each envelope contains 4 tickets that cost $5 each. They make great gifts - get yours before they are gone! Meadows Casino Trip April 11 & 12 Offertory Maintenance Parish Share Food Bank Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Bishops Education Fund May Flowers Raffle Tickets $1,877.00 $230.00 $784.00 $51.00 $23.00 $13.00 $45.00 $3.00 The next trip to the Meadow’s Casino is on Tuesday, May 19th. The cost is $20 and you will get back $20 in free play and $5 in food. The bus will leave St. Aloysius at 10:00 am and then pick up at ESB Bank in Troy Hill. The bus leaves the casino at 3:30 pm to return. This trip is sponsored by the St. Aloysius Christian Mother’s Association. Please call Carol Fulton at 412-931-8469. Third Sunday of Easter April 19, 2015 A Family Perspective By Bud Ozar - The apostles were afraid of Jesus until he ate with them and they touched him. In your family the ordinary acts of eating together, touching, embracing not only confirm our love for each other, but also celebrate God’s presence in our family. These ‘ordinary’ moments contain the ‘Extraordinary.” St. Vincent de Paul Society - In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus explains the meaning of the scriptures. Like the disciples, when we offer and receive forgiveness our hearts burn because we encounter the risen Christ within us. Have you considered answering the call to “help the poor find forgiveness and healing in their life” by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Open House - Holy Family Academy will hold an Open House April 19th from 12-2:30pm lunch and refreshments provided. The high school is located at 8235 Ohio River Blvd. Emsworth, PA 15202. Around the Neighborhood Garden Workshop - Troy Hill Citizens invites residents for free seeds & and info about adopting a raised garden bed at the Lookout St. Garden on Thursday, April 23, 7 pm, at Grace Lutheran Church Hall (1701 Hatteras St.) Neighborhood Clean Up - Help clean up Troy Hill on Earth Day, Saturday, April 25. Meet at 1619 Lowrie Street at 9 am. Gloves, trash bags and safety vests will be provided. Magnificat Pittsburgh - Ladies, come to the Magnificat Pittsburgh prayer breakfast on Saturday May 9, from 9 am to Noon at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Cranberry Twp. Hear speaker Joan Smith share her faith journey. Joan will tell of her return to the Catholic Church after 15 years away and her struggle with a difficult annulment. She hopes her testimony opens doors for those who have been away from the Church or are struggling with their marriage. Joan’s Cost is $20. To register, call Pam at 412-461-8906 or visit www.magnificatpittsburgh.org Catholic Charities' St. Joseph House of Hospitality Bluegrass Concert - The 17th Annual Bluegrass Benefit Concert will be held on Friday, April 24, 7:30 pm at Synod Hall in Oakland. Enjoy this traditional American music, come early (6:15) and sample craft beers provided by Rivertowne Brewing. Tickets are $20 and are available at the door, or online at www.ccpgh.org. Proceeds benefit St. Joseph House of Hospitality. ____ New Parishioner ! Most Holy Name Parish ! St. Aloysius Parish ____ Moving out of Parish ____ New Address or Phone ____ Want Envelopes Catholic Hospice is reaching out & inviting you to consider volunteering with us in support of our prolife mission towards end of life care. Volunteer training will be held on Wednesday May 20th from 9AM4PM at our office in Sewickley. If you are interested in learning more, call Robyn Aguzzi at 724.933.622 or email raguzzi@catholichospicepgh.org. !"#$%"&&'$ QUALITY SHELL GASOLINE & DIESEL Established 1975 1520 Spring Garden Offering Discounts for Cash and The Fuel Rewards Network 412-321-1685 St. Anthony’s LESKOWAK’S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER Chapel PA Lottery • ATM C-Store-Foods Stamps Accepted THIS SPACE IS General Repairs State & Emission Inspection 1707 Lowrie St. ~ Since 1920 ~ 412-364-1690 412-321-5690 Open every day, (except Fridays & Holidays) 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For information, call: Chapel: 412-323-9504 or Chairperson 412-999-4401 www.saintanthonyschapel.org ISRAEL KAZEW, D.M.D. FAMILY DENTAL CARE 2109 Mount Troy Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Tel: (412) 321-2777 Fax: (412) 322-5612 drkazew@comcast.net 3-D-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 M P PA HIC #012686 For Advertising Information, call SUE NOVOSEL at LPi today! 1.800.477.4574 ext 6318 • snovosel@4lpi.com www.4lpi.com 4lpi ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1226 Hughes Funeral Home, Inc. Stephens Memorial Chapel R. Dennis Hughes, F.D., Supervisor Lawrence H. Bock, F.D. Edward F. Latkovic, F.D., Supervisor R. Dennis Hughes, F.D. (412) 231-4193 NORTH SIDE AUTO SERVICE 1501 Lowrie Street • Troy Hill Two Traditional Community Funeral Homes in one Convenient Location MICHAEL WALLISCH, ESQ. Wills & Estates CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CELIK INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. PA014745 Vice-President KUNTZ CONSTRUCTION TROY HILL OFFICE call for Appointment State & Emission Inspection Joe & Bill Vlakancic (412) 471-3800 835 Spring Garden Ave. 412-231-7321 FREE Consultation W/Ad (412) 231-1285 (412) 322-3382 JOSEPH KUNTZ OWNER 1621 LOWRIE ST. PITTSBURGH, PA 15212 TROY HILL OFFICE Judith Loebig, Manager 1706 Lowrie Street 412-231-8238 Member FDIC BETH CELIK Auto • Home • Business • Life 2407 MT Troy Road • Pittsburgh, PA 412-323-9300 Beth.Celik@comcast.net SHIRLEY NOVAK, ESQ. Wills Estates Criminal Law Family Law Personal Injury O O Home Appointments 412-281-4383 FREE Consultation W/Ad ORTHOPEDIC & SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATES, INC. Evening hours available Most major insurances accepted Troy Hill Office 1607 Lowrie St. 412-321-9088 Cheryl L. Rosato, D.M.D. 5310 Perry Highway Pittsburgh, PA 15229 412-931-6571 Please support our advertisers and mention you saw their ad here. “We’d love to make your smile” THIS SPACE IS MILLER - BRADY FUNERAL HOME LeeAnn Sherman, FD, Supervisor 1550 Lowrie Street • 412-231-7000 STEPHEN M. BRADY FUNERAL HOME, INC. Stephen M. Brady, FD, Supervisor 920 Cedar Avenue • 412-321-0495 Pizza and Chicken Troy Hill • 412-323-2600 1442 Lowrie St. • Pittsburgh www.frankspizzachicken.com $1.00 OFF Pick Up Order Only w/Ad Please Call 800-477-4574 LAWRENCEVILLE POLISH HILL Walter J. Zalewski, Supervisor (412) 682-3445 Joseph M. Lapinski, Supervisor (412) 682-1562 Most Holy Name Parish Automotive & HIDDEN TREASURES Star Performance, Inc MONTHLY SALE 1626 Hatteras St. • Pittsburgh (412) 231-2994 www.mostholynameofjesusparish15212.org 2117 Mt. Troy Rd. • Pittsburgh, PA 15212 (412) 322-4515 Offering Flat Bed Towing starautoperformance.net 388 Center Ave. West View PA 15229 412-931-5497 • www.schellhaasfh.com Chuck Schellhaas, Parishioner • C. Matthew Schellhaas, FD Robert D. Schellhaas, Jr., Supervisor • Ryan D. Schellhaas, FD “guiding families for six generations, since 1855” 3-D-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Catholic Funeral Plan Accepted • Protective Pre-Planning Available www.4lpi.com ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1226
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