14th June, 2015 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Year B - Worship Schedule Masses this Weekend: Vigil Mass: Saturday 6pm Sunday: 9am Sunday: 6pm Weekday Mass: St Anthony’s Parish 54 Agincourt Road. (PO Box 3670) Marsfield, 2122 Phone: 9888 5222 Fax: 9878 2741 Email: office@saintanthonys.org.au Website: saintanthonys.org.au Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri.9.30am—1pm Parish Staff & Contacts Pastor: Joseva Tuimavule N cm Monday: 9am (Liturgy of the Word) Email: joseva@saintanthonys.org.au Tuesday: 9am Pastoral Associate: Madeleine Pizzuti Wednesday: 9am Email: madeleine@saintanthonys.org.au Thursday: 9am Parish Secretary: Rose Goh Friday: 9am Email: rose@saintanthonys.org.au Reconciliation Saturday 5.30pm Anytime by appointment The Word of God… Parish Secretary: Rita Salameh Email: rita@saintanthonys.org.au School Principal: Julianne Rook Email: info@stamarsfield.catholic.edu.au 1st Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24 Responsorial Psalm: 91:2-3,13-16 Lord it is good to give thanks to you. 2nd Reading: Cor inthians 5:6-10 Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 PARISH DIARY: Sunday, 14 June—21 June, 2015 ST ANTHONY’S FEAST DAY MASS AND LUNCH ST ANTHONY’S YOUTH MASS ST VINCENT DE PAUL WINTER APPEAL 10am Sun 14 June 6pm Sun 14 June Sat/Sun 20/21 June You are asked to keep in your prayers all parishioners, friends & relatives who are suffering through illness, especially - P R A Y E R M I N I S T R Y Pauline Cheong, Ambrose Hee Chong Lim, Merle Ranasinghe, Pam Taig, Eddie Yap, Poh Lian Yap, Konrad Wrzesinski, Magdalena Wrzesinska, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Kidir Sitthampalam, =============== Due to privacy laws, if you would like the name of a family member or friend to be printed in the Good Oil, please contact the Parish Office. Also, please keep in your prayers those who have died, recently - Phyllis Tay Jill O’Connor Mary Bietola (Sister & sister-in-law of Joe & Mary Mesiti) Katie Muskovits (daughter of Anne Muskovits) Patricia Gaha Kevin Johnson Giorgio Gioiello Sr Anne Nolan DC Luciano Calvi And those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Gabriele Citania Celebrating St Anthony of Padua Patron We reverence all the people of the Parish who have gone before us; those who have lived in the spirit of St Anthony and have passed on this way of life to us. May the Lord give us the grace to be signs of his presence in the world, especially for the poor and struggling people of our area. International Food Luncheon Everyone is invited to come along and join in this special Parish celebration after the 10.00am Mass today. St. Vincent de Paul Society The annual St. Vincent de Paul winter appeal is set down for the weekend of 20th and 21st June—NEXT WEEKEND. Last week we noted that there has been an increase of 24% in assistance requested of the society in the last 2 years. This is backed up by the fact that in spite of overall economic growth in Australia over the past 20 years more people are now living in poverty than ever before. This includes more than 600,000 children and with single parent families most at risk. These facts are reflected strongly in the Marsfield/Macquarie Park area which the St. Anthony’s conference covers. Your support of our appeal would be appreciated. “In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop” - Have you considered participating in the National Pilgrimage? Participation in this pilgrimage gives you the opportunity to journey to significant places in Australia made holy by St Mary MacKillop. While on pilgrimage you are invited to reflect on St Mary MacKillop’s life and to recognise her relevance in your own life. Such reflection can encourage you to emulate her courage, perseverance, joy and deep faith. DATES: 21st October – 31st October, 2015 COST EX SYDNEY: $2,700 (all inclusive: airfares, accommodation, coach travel, admission fees and all meals). SINGLE SUPPLEMENT: $530.00 For further information please contact the Australian Pilgrimage Co-Ordinator on 02 891 24858 or therese.leydon@sosj.org.au. We look forward to journeying with you on this pilgrimage. Winter Wine Fest – 18th June Ethica Accessories invites you to a Winter Wine Fest at St Mary’s Church, Ridge Street, North Sydney on June 18th from 7 – 9 pm. Entry: $20 includes mulled wine and antipasto. Bookings: www.trybooking.com/HVEQ, tel 8912 2716 or www.ethica.org.au Ethica Accessories is a not-for-profit organisation specialising in quality fair trade products. It helps women living in marginalised areas in Peru, with training, a skill and a fair income. Ethica’s range of alpaca products, bags and accessories will be available for purchase at the Winter Wine Fest. Flinders Bay Wines will be on sale at a discounted price. All proceeds from this event will help continue Ethica’s work. Annual Marriage Mass & Renewal of Vows The Marriage Mass and Renewal of Vows will take place on Sunday, 12th July at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, at 10.30 am. All married couples are welcome. Mass will be celebrated by the Most Reverend Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP. Married couples wishing to attend to renew their vows should register with the Life, Marriage and Family Centre on 9307 8404 or LMFevents@sydneycatholic.org. Registered couples celebrating 50th, 55th, 60th, or 65th wedding anniversaries will also receive a special certificate from Archbishop Fisher. St Teresa of Avila: The Way of Perfection Presented by Bishop David Walker at The Centre for Christian Spirituality, Randwick Dates: Wednesday’s 1, 8, 15 July 2015, 7.00-8.30pm. Course Cost: $30 Limited Spaces- Bookings Essential. To register: http://trybooking.com/HURG or Ph: 9398 2211 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a Marriage Enrichment experience – set in peaceful, picturesque surroundings, away from the distractions of everyday life. During the weekend, couples have a unique opportunity to reconnect, rekindle and refresh their relationship. Give the greatest gift, that of your time alone - invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage! 2015 Weekend Dates 19-21 June, 11-13 September, 13-15 November Venue for Weekends: Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, NSW To apply contact: Ardell & Bill Sharpe Tel. 02 4283 3435 or wsharpe@bigpond.net.au www.wwme.org.au www.facebook.com/ WWMEasternUnit “What do I want to do in life?” Are you a young adult Catholic (18-35) wondering what direction you want to take in life? If you are why not come along to our Vocations’ Retreat at Mount Carmel Retreat Centre (SW Sydney) on July 24th-26th. If you want more information or to speak with one of the team giving the retreat contact the Centre: 02 8795 3400 CATHOLIC ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE, LIDCOMBE COURSES ON THE BIBLE. “Join Kylie Cullen from the Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity as she helps us to Discover the Prophets and Open the New Testament.” Tuesday, 14 July to 01 September 2015. Discovering the Prophets (6.30-8.00pm) and Opening the New Testament (8.15-9.45pm). $110 for one course or $200 for both courses. 3 Keating St Lidcombe. Enquiries – (02) 9646 9010, study@caec.com.au , www.caec.com.au . PLANNED GIVING 2015 As the financial year is quickly drawing to a close, parishioners are reminded to finalise their contributions as soon as possible. As 30th June falls on a Tuesday, all contributions must be received, by the very latest, during Mass on Sunday 28th June, so that all cash and cheques can be banked on Monday 29th June. For one-off annual donations via credit card, please contact the Parish as soon as possible. Parishioners are able to claim a tax deduction rate of 100% of their contributions for 2015, as well as for the financial year 2016. If your tax situation has changed and you wish to claim a tax deduction, please contact the Parish Office. NEW CONTRIBUTORS MOST WELCOME! Contributions can be made weekly by envelope or monthly by Credit Card. Forms to join the Planned Giving Program are available at the Parish Office. MARIST Q & A: Ever wondered what it is like to live in community as a sister, brother or religious priest? Young people who are thinking of religious life and priesthood are invited to come along to get some answers to their questions. A panel of Marists (brothers, sisters and priests) will be available to respond to the questions raised. Soup, bread rolls and coffee/tea will be available. The first session will take place from 6.30pm on 16 June in the Crypt at St Patrick’s, 20 Grosvenor Street, The Rocks. Please ring 9254 9855 for further enquiries. THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY— 14th June, 2015 Available at the front entrance to the Church. Please put your $2.00 in the Poor Box. AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - SHORT COURSE ON JESUS AND THE GOSPELS. Explore the four Gospels with biblical experts from the School of Theology at Australian Catholic University: Rev Prof Francis Moloney SDB, Dr Laurie Woods, Dr Alan Cadwallader and Dr Emmanuel Nathan. Wednesday 5, 12, 19 and 26 August 2015. 6.30-8pm, with refreshments from 6pm. ACU Strathfield Campus (25A Barker Road, Strathfield, NSW 2135). Fee: $40. Registration is essential and closes Friday, 31 July. This course consists of four public lectures meant for parishioners and a general audience. It does not involve any assessment. More information at: www.acu.edu.au/theology/ shortcourses or contact: Emmanuel.Nathan@acu.edu.au. CAPTAINS, PLEASE ENSURE TO REMIND YOUR TEAM COUNTERS ROSTER FOR JUNE: 7/6-Team 9; 14/6-Team 10; 21/6-Team 1; 28/6-Team 2; Please take home a copy of the Good Oil. However, if you prefer not to, please return it to the trays found at each entrance to the Church. COMMUNION UNDER BOTH KINDS Please consider the following: 1. If you have a cold or flu symptoms (or any other communicable disease, cold sores, etc.) you MUST NOT receive communion from the Chalice. 2. In accordance with the General Instruction, we DO NOT DIP the Host in the Chalice. DON’T FORGET TO TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONE. THANK YOU
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