S t . A n to n i n u s Ch u r c h 1 5 0 0 L i n n e ma n R d C i n t i . , O H 45 2 38 MONDAY, APRIL 20 6:45AM Leo Mulligan—Ken & Jean Boehme 8:00AM Richard Lanter—Tom Lanter TUESDAY, APRIL 21 St. Anselm 6:45AM Paul Kluener– Julie & Steve Raleigh 8:00AM Nick Carovillano– Anniv. Rem.– Family WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 6:45AM Special Intentions of Fr. Mick– Russ, Eileen & Caitlin Brown 8:00AM Gene Altenau—Nancie Woessner THURSDAY, APRIL 23 St. George & St. Adalbert 6:45AM Special Intentions of Kim Nerswick– Tara & Michael Bacon 8:00AM Mary Kautzman– Lois Ann & Jack Keller FRIDAY, APRIL 24 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen 6:45AM Joan & Jerry Massa - Family 8:00AM Rose Litmer—Bd. Rem.– Bob & Ginny SATURDAY, APRIL 25 St. Mark 8:00AM Robert Hehemann—Bd. Rem.– Carolyn 4:30PM Martha & Dan Dannemiller– Wedd. Anniv. Rem.– Family SUNDAY, APRIL 26 8:00AM Jane & Ralph Moore—Wedd. Anniv. Rem.– Family 9:30AM Keith (Marty) Swann—Jane & Michael Gideon and Jim & Kathy Rettig 11:30AM For our Parishioners C O N FE S S IO NS Thursday, April 23, 7:30 PM—8:00PM – Fr. Mick Saturday, April 25, 3:00PM– 4:00PM—Fr. Reif T R A V E L I N G C H A L I C E YOUR PRAYERS ARE POWERFUL!! Now, more than ever, PLEASE consider taking the Traveling Chalice into your home and pray alone, or as a family, for the intentions of our Holy Church, Vocations, Pope Francis, all Church leaders, our country, and for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world. We are grateful for all those who over the years have served our parish as pastor, and we ask God’s blessing on Fr. Bryan Reif. Call Debbie at 922-2414 to schedule the Traveling Chalice. Thank you to David and Kathleen Weber for taking the Traveling Chalice into their home. A PR I L 1 9, 20 1 5 Monday thru Friday after the 6:45AM and 8AM Masses . Mondays 7:00PM Fatima Prayer Group in the Chapel. Friday mornings at MaryAnn Baverman’s home for Moms of all ages and young children. We extend an invitation to all moms to join our group for prayer on Friday mornings from 10AM to 11:00AM. We will show you how to pray the rosary. Please call MaryAnn at 503-9537 for details. Saturdays after the 8 AM Mass in church. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION in the chapel every Friday, following the 8AM Mass until 10PM. SERVERS APRIL 20-24, 2015 6:45AM Louis Pham Cooper Mullen 8:00AM Joseph Corey Ethan Boyers APRIL 25 & 26, 2015 4:30PM Jen Busken, Kate Lambert, Molly Guenther 8:00AM Ethan Boyers, Joseph Corey, Cooper Mullen 9:30AM Mary Feldman, Julie Baverman, Victoria Freudiger 11:30AM Gabe Neidhard, Adam Witterstaetter, Max Reinbach EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS APRIL 25 & 26 4:30PM Steve Ulmer, Marilyn Wempe, Bonnie Hueneman, John & Linda Whitaker 8:00AM Deacon, Larry & Diane Reiring, Cathy Holloway 9:30AM Tom & Mary Freudiger, Carole Jones, Vince & Cecilia Feldman, Jeffrey Hornsby, Sandy HealeyWenhold, Angie & Hannah Heisel, Lauren & Maria Schroeder 11:30AM Jackie Rogers, Donna Vitt, Jessica Johnson, Dave & Janet Willig, Maggie Walroth, Megan, Jenee & Katie Ferguson, Ellen & Devlin Smith LECTORS APRIL 25 & 26, 2015 4:30PM Anna Bonavita 8:00AM M. Kiely 9:30AM T. Freudiger 11:30AM David Willig J. Squeri M. Braunstein M. Freudiger Janet Willig T H I R D S U N D AY O F E A S T E R Things I've Seen and Heard, Musings of Fr. Bryan Reif We are quickly approaching our annual time for elections to the various commissions and councils here at St. Antoninus. I wanted to thank all of the people who have accepted nominations and have decided to run for the Parish Pastoral Council, Education Commission, and Worship Commission. These are very important consultative bodies to the Pastor, individuals whom I rely heavily for Pastoral Visioning, assessing pastoral and parish needs, and help in setting Pastoral Priorities for the parish. I encourage all of us to take a very good look at the information sheet featuring all the candidates, and to spend some time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten us, and help us in our voting, for the good of the whole parish, and for open positions on these bodies. Again, thank you to all of the nominees, and thank you to all our parishioners for your diligence and active participation in this election process. I also wanted to thank all of our money counters, some of whom are new volunteers in this ministry, for their dedication and work on Sunday mornings (on the Monday after Easter, too). Your time and talent given to the parish community is very valued, and appreciated. Another thank-you goes to our ushers, and the many parishioners who lent a helping hand to them in carrying up and setting out chairs in the greeting room on the spur of the moment on Easter Sunday morning. Our Mass count for Easter Sunday was higher than we anticipated, so I appreciate your thoughtfulness, and willingness to try to accommodate a larger than expected crowd for Mass. Those chairs were carried up from the undercroft, which is no small task! Again, thank you . In your charity, I ask for your prayers for our 2nd graders who will be receiving their First Holy Communion is just a couple of weeks. Let us ask Our Lord to bless them as they prepare to receive His Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist for the first time. Take Good Care, Fr. Bryan DECREE ON CHILD PROTECTION OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF CINCINNATI VIRTUS MEETINGS WILL BE HELD, IN THE CHURCH UNDERCROFT, ON THE FOLLOWING DATES 7:00pm, Wed., April 22, at 7:00pm, Tuesday, May 19, at 7:00pm, Tuesday, June 2, at 7:00pm ALL EMPLOYEES AND REGULAR VOLUNTEERS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE VIRTUS TRAINING MEETING. YOU MAY ATTEND HERE OR AT ANY OTHER LOCATION WITHIN THE ARCHDIOCESE. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED AT: www.virtus.org. MAKE SURE THAT THE “USER’S LOCATION” YOU CHOOSE DURING REGISTRATION IS ST. ANTONINUS – EVEN IF YOU ATTEND VIRTUS AT ANOTHER LOCATION. PLEASE BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN YOUR VIRTUS USER-ID AND YOUR PASSWORD. YOU WILL NEED TO USE THEM MONTHLY. If you volunteer at St. Antoninus and would like a pre-paid code to pay for the background check, do not start the background check when you register for VIRTUS. Instead, send an e-mail to Deacon Bob Schroeder at: schroeder@saintantoninus.org. He will send the pre-paid, one-time-use code to you via e-mail. ST. JOSEPH STEWARDSHIP Weekly amount needed $26,540 As of April 11 & 12, 2015 Kindly remember St. Antoninus Parish in your will. 312 Envelopes $19,610.00 Loose monies 444.76 Electronic Transfers 2,365.00 YTD Collections $942,322.03 YTD Fund Drive 76,952.78 YTD Fund Drive And Coll. Under Budget ($68,865.19) GIFT CARDS — USE THEM FOR YOUR EVERYDAY PURCHASES. We have Busken Bakery $10 gift cards, $10 Kroger gift cards, $20 Holy Grail, $10 Price Hill Chili, $10 Ron’s Roost, $10 Chipotle, $5 Skyline, $25 Allison Landscaping and $10 Servatti’s gift cards. We receive 4% of your purchases at Kroger’s, Remke’s and GFS. By patronizing these establishments, you are also helping us raise funds for St. Antoninus Church. You may purchase gift cards at the rectory, open, as it is, 8AM-3PM, Monday thru Friday . Another way to contribute to St. Antoninus is by using a Remke Reloadable card. You can obtain one from the Parish Rectory if you do not have one. You can load whatever dollar amount you want to on the card either right at the check-out or at Customer Service. We get 4% of what is spent using your Remke card. IT DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! The cards are already linked to St. Antoninus Parish Church. 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) Archbishop Schnurr sends his thanks to everyone from Saint Antoninus Parish who has made or pledged a contribution to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. If you have not yet made your pledge, please consider doing so this week. These local Catholic ministries (fund for retired priests, Chaplains, Catholic Social Services, to name a few) depend on our help each year. To make a pledge securely online, please visit CatholicAppeal.net. Our parish goal is $52,498.00. As of Tuesday, April 14, 269 families have pledged 84.84% of our goal. Thank you! WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE St. Antoninus is in the process of revamping this committee under a new name, Parish Advancement. The Parish Advancement Committee would be a group of six to eight volunteers primarily responsible for fundraising events for the Parish. Currently this consists of selling local gift cards, our annual 250 Lotto, the Kroger Community Rewards program, The Remke Market Caring Neighbors Reloadable cards and the annual Main-A-Vent. If you are looking for a great way to get involved in the Parish and give of your time and talents, this is an important ministry and one where you can make a huge positive impact. For more details please contact Steffany Reid, our Business Manager at 922-5400 x 3, Monday through Friday between 8:30AM to 3:30PM or at reid@saintantoninus.org. Thank you in advance for taking an interest in this ministry! KROGER PLUS COMMUNITY REWARDS April is renewal month! The rewards will start on May 1st. This is another great way to contribute to St. Antoninus Parish and Parish School. Every year, Kroger requires all Kroger Plus Card holders to renew the charitable organization of their choice which will receive a percentage of all purchases made using their card. We appreciate and thank all of you who contribute through this program. To register your KROGER PLUS CARD on line go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com. Account #80164. If you need assistance with your online account, or if you do not have a computer please call the Kroger tech team at 1 -866-2214141. If you do not have a Kroger Plus Card, you may obtain one at any Kroger store. As a reminder for school families, if you sign up or renew your Kroger Plus Card and indicate Saint Antoninus as your charitable organization of choice, you will receive a $25 discount on your child’s school registration fee when you provide a grocery receipt showing St. Antoninus as your organization. REMEMBER, purchases will not aid us until after you register your card. If the rectory personnel registered you last year, please call them at 922-5400 ext. 2, Monday thru Friday 8AM-3PM. Any questions, please call Beth Bollin at 922-5400 x 2. St. Antoninus Parish – Job Posting Position Title: Status: Reports to: Assistant Business Manager Regular, Part-time 21 hours per week Business Manager St. Antoninus Parish is seeking an Assistant Business Manager who will report to the Parish Business Manager, work closely with the Pastor and other Department Heads and Parish School families and parishioners. Primary responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: Provide fiscal and operational services, recording all financial activity and ensuring all Parish and School bills are paid on a timely basis Record all tuition information for Parish School families Reconcile all cash receipts from auxiliary programs Manage all electronic transactions and the ongoing maintenance and management of the database Provide back-up relief for the Parish Administrative Assistant Parish representative of the Advancement Committee. Track, record and report all income and expenses associated with activities generated by this Committee Coordinate all Parish Stewardship activities Oversee Sunday Collection counters, manage the process The candidate for this position must have strong computer skills, accounting knowledge with a minimum of an associate’s degree in accounting or a minimum of five years’ experience performing accounting functions, preferably for a small business or non-profit organization. Please express your interest by sending your resume and cover letter to: Fr. Bryan Reif, Pastor St. Antoninus Parish 1500 Linneman Road Cincinnati, OH 45238 Or as a Word or pdf attachment via email at fr_bryan@saintantoninus.org Applications will be accepted through Friday, May 8, 2015. The Marthas are a group of women of the parish who regularly see to it that the church is cleaned and properly prepared for religious services. They perform their work each Thursday morning following the 8:00AM Mass; their job is completed by about 9:30AM. After their work, the women enjoy fellowship with coffee and doughnuts. New members are always welcome. For more information, please call Ginny at 922-1527. FLOWERS FOR THE ALTAR If you wish to dedicate the placing of flowers for one week at the altar in memory of a loved one or to honor a person or special occasion, please send $50 to the rectory office with your name, phone number (and the week you would like to reserve). More than one family may reserve the same week. There will be no flower arrangements during the Lent and Advent seasons. If you have questions call Steffany Reid, Business Manager, at 922-5400. ROSARY MEMORIAL GARDEN For information about engraved stone blocks please call Mrs. Steffany Reid, Business Manager at 922-5400, weekdays, between the hours of 8:30A-3:00P. THANK YOU to Dr. Colleen Hofstetter at Tepe Family Dentistry for advertising in our bulletin. FROM OUR PRINCIPAL, MR. JACK COREY Dear Parishioners, Our jog-a-thon was this past Tuesday. This is one of my favorite events. This is the first outdoor school event of the spring. Volunteers come out and help count laps, pass out water and encourage kids to keep moving. While this is all happening, they are reconnecting with friends. While the jog-a-thon is an important fundraiser, it is also an important FUNraiser. Thank you to all who came out to help, with special thanks to Karen Witterstaetter for organizing the event. Please keep our second graders in your prayers as they continue to prepare to receive the Lord, in two weeks, for their very first time. HOLY SPIRIT PRAYER GROUP Now and then it is time to step back and examine ourselves in our knowledge and use of God’s Word. Scripture reading is and should be an integral part of our daily prayer time. It is important to ask ourselves in our reading, “What is the Lord trying to tell me in this passage?” This of course leads us to deeper reflection. Helping us to understand this process better are two of our own who have become accustomed to using it. Ben Klaene and Judy Erwin have each selected certain passages to develop into a reflection they’ll share with us. What a positive aid this is in encouraging, through our prayer, a closer, more loving relationship with Our Lord Jesus. Come and share your thoughts on these reflections. In Chapel, 7:00 PM Tuesday. ADULT SOCIAL GROUP To all who signed up for the Keeneland Trip on April 22nd, – please meet at the priests’ garages at 8:45AM. The bus will leave promptly at 9:00AM. Communion Service will be on Monday, May 11, starting at 12:30 PM in the chapel. Luncheon will be served in the undercroft after the service. $9 per person is due by Wednesday, May 6th. SPRING SPORTS MASS will be on Saturday, April 25th, at the 4:30PM Mass here at St. Antoninus Church. Athletes, coaches, parents, are invited to attend Mass as we show our team spirit! Students can wear their St. A jersey or uniform. MOPS: Mothers of Potential Saints group (this includes mothers of children 2nd grade and younger) meets here at St. Antoninus Parish on the first Wednesday of each month in the undercroft from 9:15 AM to 11:00 AM. Babysitting is available. If you have any questions please contact, mops@saintantoninus.org Football sign-ups have begun for the 2015 season for children in grades K thru 8th grade. Please go to the Blue Sombrero website to sign-up. The GCYL Football League is the top youth football league in Greater Cincinnati. The league has given us a hard deadline of April 30th, to end signups, so don’t delay. The link to Blue Sombrero is http:// sports.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx? tabid=298914 . You do not have to be a student to play football for St. Antoninus, but you do have to be a member of the Parish. Any questions can be sent to ike_kirch@cinfin.com or 284-9295. The Athletic Club is hosting the Spring Sports Celebration. This will take place on Friday May 15, 2015 from 6 – 9 PM at the Schott Field Memorial Patio. There will be a grill-out with brats, metts and hot dogs provided. Bring your cooler with drinks for your family and a side or dessert to share. We will also have the forms available to purchase engraved patio bricks. This week, our parish will take up the Catholic Relief Services Collection. This Collection supports six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the world. The funds from this Collection provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and show Christ’s love and respect to all people. Please give generously to the Catholic Relief Services Collection and help Jesus in disguise. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus explains the meaning of the scriptures. Like the disciples, when we offer and receive forgiveness, our hearts burn because we encounter the risen Christ within us. Have you considered answering the call to “help the poor find forgiveness and healing in their life” by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Join us each 1st and 3rd Thursday in the undercroft at 6PM. All are welcome. ED UCATION COMMISSION My name is Greg Lammers and I have been a member of St. Antoninus since 2004. My wife, Christy (Locaputo) Lammers went to St. Antoninus. Our son Tyler is in 1st grade and our daughter Emily will attend St. A after she completes preschool. Since joining the parish, I have been involved by coaching St. Antoninus 6th and 8th grade basketball teams. I have also volunteered with my son's St. Antoninus baseball and soccer teams. I grew up in Northwest Ohio and obtained my degree in education from Bowling Green State University (1998). I received a master's degree from Xavier University in elementary counseling as well as taking 30+ hours of graduate classes in teaching elementary math. I am currently employed as a fourth grade teacher at Sherwood Elementary in the Forest Hills School District in Anderson. If elected, I plan to bring an educational perspective to the committee to help ensure our students are given the opportunity to meet their academic potential. PAR ISH PASTORAL COUNCIL NONIMEES Todd Beekley. I seek to serve on the St. Antoninus Parish Council. I have had the opportunity to be involved with St. Antoninus in various ways since moving back to Cincinnati with my family in 2011, including as a co-president of the PTO and as a member of the Education Commission. I have thoroughly enjoyed these opportunities and believe that they would allow me to contribute positively to the Parish Pastoral Council. I would greatly value this opportunity to serve our wonderful Parish. Thank you. Dave Bengel I’ve been a parishioner since 1999. My wife Kristi and I have three children, Ryan, Kevin and Maria. Ryan is a junior at Elder. Kevin is an 8th grader and Maria is in 6th grade at St. A. I’ve been employed at Bayer Becker Engineers as a Project Manager since 1990. I am a past president of the Athletic Club and have been chair and co-chair of the summer festival. I’ve also helped out coaching various sports at St. A along with being part of various improvements at Schott Field. I am currently serving as a mass greeter. I would like to continue serving the parish as part of Parish Pastoral Council. ALEXANDER EWING My name is Alex Ewing. I am a 32-year old father of three children. I am a lifelong resident of Cincinnati (Little Flower, St. Xavier), as is my wife, Beth (Our Lady of Victory, St. Ursula). I am an attorney at Frost Brown Todd and have been practicing law for nearly 7 years. As a parent with young children, I am passionate about supporting Catholic education and passing on our wonderful Catholic faith to our children. Our family joined St. Antoninus over a year ago, and we couldn’t be happier with our choice to join this wonderful community! St. Antoninus is a warm and welcoming place and a strong spiritual community. I am a excited for the opportunity to serve as a member of the Parish Pastoral Council to help our parish continue to thrive. Mark Fahner Melissa and I have been attending St. Antoninus Church since 1999 when we built our home in the Parish on Greenery Lane. We have two children at St. Antoninus School, Chad (8 th grade) and Natalie (5th grade). Raised Methodist, I became a Catholic through the St. Antoninus RCIA program in 2010. I am interested in Parish Council as a means of giving back to the Church and my fellow Parishioners. Professionally, I am a graduate of the University of Dayton and Xavier University, and have been in leadership roles with Cincinnati Bell for over 16 years. I believe I can leverage my experience as a father in the Parish and a business leader in the community to be a valuable member of Parish Pastoral Council. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL NONIMEES con’t My name is Alex Hawk. My wife, Tina, and I have been parishioners at St. Antoninus for the last 15 years. Our daughter, Carly, graduated from St. Antoninus and Ryan (4th grade) and Josie (3rd grade) are current students here. Tina and I have been very involved during our years here at St. Antoninus. I have been a member of the guitar group that plays 9:30 mass here for the last 20 years. I have served on the Worship Commission and spent the last 7 years on the Athletic Club Board. I was in charge of the Parish festival for the last three years. I am excited about the future of our Parish and would like to remain actively involved by serving on Parish Pastoral Council. MARY MEYER My husband Chris and I have been members of the parish for 13 years. We have 4 daughters, 3 of whom currently attend St. Antoninus School: Rachel (St. A graduate and sophomore at Mother of Mercy HS), Meredith (8th grade), Erin (7th grade), and Kristen (5th grade). I am an active volunteer in both school and parish activities. In the past, I have served on the Worship Commission and the Education Commission, and I welcome the opportunity to continue to be involved in the parish community as a member of Parish Pastoral Council. My name is Peggy Welge. My husband, Hal, and I have been parishioners for five years. Our older two sons are in fourth and second grade here at St. Antoninus, and our youngest son will be in kindergarten next year. We love our parish community and are always looking for ways to serve our church and school. I have volunteered at the summer festival, in the classroom, as a coach, and at the Main-AVent, and various other activities at school. I would like to expand my involvement in our parish and serve fellow parishioners as a member of Parish Council. I have worked in the Fiscal Operations Office at Mount St. Joseph University for almost two years now, and previous to that, I worked at Miami Savings Bank for eight years. I'm looking forward to serving the people of St. Antoninus Parish as best as I can on the Parish Pastoral Council. W O R S H I P Hello I am Mary Ann Baverman. I would be honored to serve on the Worship Commission. Since joining the Parish about eleven years ago, I have been inspired by the reverence for the Blessed Sacrament that I have seen at Saint Antoninus. In these past eleven years, I have enjoyed having the Mom's Rosary Group come to my house for prayer on Friday mornings. I have been honored to serve as a Eucharistic Minister and to help out as a greeter along with my husband Charlie Baverman. Charlie and I are the parents of seven, three of whom are now married. We are expecting our second grandchild this summer. God is so good. C O M M I S S I O N My name is Barbara Kock. I have been a member of St. Antoninus Church since 2005. My sons, Brian and Jeff, and their families are all active members of the parish. All of my grandchildren attend St. Antoninus from grades 1-7. I was born and raised on the west side, graduating from Visitation and Mother of Mercy. As a member of the Worship Commission, I would work to strengthen the spirituality of our wonderful Church. I would be honored to serve on the Worship Commission. St. Antoninus Parish Invites you to an ICE CREAM SOCIAL TO WELCOME FR. BRYAN REIF S u n d a y, A p r i l 2 6 t h , 12:30PM to 2:30PM in the Undercroft Free Family Fun! IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE PARISH E-MAIL MESSAGES, please send your e-mail address to the parish office at bollin@saintantoninus.org. Thank you. BIBLE STUDYING on Mondays in the school library from 7-8PM. The study will be from the readings of the Sundays in Lent. All are welcome to attend. Be a better person, Christian and musician by joining the Pride of La Salle Band! “Faith - Music Excellence" is our motto. Info meeting April 20, in the La Salle Band Room. Email director Brian Fischer BFischer@LaSallehs.net for questions and to RSVP. La Salle Band is hosting three new summer camps in the summer of 2015 - students can learn or develop their talents in three areas: Band, Percussion, or dancing and spinning flag with our Color Guard camp. Register online at www.lasallehs.net/2015summercamps NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLASS will begin on Monday, April 20, at 6:30PM at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 5876 Veterans Way, Burlington, KY, 41005 and Tuesday, April 21, at 6:30PM at Mother of God Church, 119 W. Sixth St., Covington, KY 41011. Learn more at www.ccli.org. “Thanks to the Community”, Sunday, April 26th, at 3:00P.M. at Mount St. Joseph University Theatre. Featuring Nancy James, Pat Emmett’s Big Band, ventriloquist Denny Baker and WKRC’s Bob Herzog. Proceeds benefit Bayley residents and Adult Day Members in need. Tickets presale are $10. $15 day of show at door. To purchase tickets call 347-4040 or visit the Bayley website at www.bayleylife.org and click on the GIVE button. GI The evening of Prayerful Reflection to Promote Healing after Pregnancy and Infant Loss is open to anyone associated with miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss, and abortion. The evening is designed to promote healing through scripture, witnesses, and music. Father Don McCarthy, a great believer in the dignity of unborn babies, will read scripture, present an explanation of God’s direct will versus God’s permissive will, and offer Reconciliation. Thursday, May 7th, at 7:30 pm at St. Ignatius Church, 5222 N Bend Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45247. For more information call Donna Murphy 607-6083. The Greater Cincinnati Performing Arts Society will present the Hit Men which features former stars of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons at the McAuley Performing Arts Center Saturday May 9, at 7:30 PM. In addition to reliving all of the classic Jersey Boy Hits, you will hear all of the other classic hits the other band members wrote, recorded and performed with artists such as Elton John Cat Stevens, Carly Simon, Jim Croce and many more. This is not a tribute band. Tickets are $35 in advance, $40 day of show. For tickets and information go to www.gcparts.org or call 513-570-0652. When you purchase a ticket, you can designate $5 from each ticket to go to the Catholic elementary school of your choice. The ESAP Foundation will match all donations for a $10 per ticket total contribution! This is a great way to have a great night out and support your parish and your school. The Greater Cincinnati Performing Arts Society - Where Great Arts Support Great Education! Cincinnati Catholic Engaged Encounter is an excellent marriage preparation to help you fulfill your Pre-Cana requirement for getting married in the Catholic Church. The next date is May 15-17, July 31-August 2, and October 9-11. For registration and info go to www.cincinnatiengagedencounter.org. Or call Ashley Altenau, at 479-1700 or ashaltenau@yahoo.com with any questions. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKENDS will be at the Holiday Inn Eastgate during the weekend of July 31, to August 2. For reservations call Dave & Jan Stockelman at 251-1940. Monthly Holy Hour with prayerful music for those discerning a Vocation or praying for Vocations begins at 8pm every 2nd Thursday of the month at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Norwood OH. Sponsored by Archdiocese Vocations Office and Children of Mary. Come and bring a friend! IN TALKING WITH YOUR CHILDREN, remember to raise the call to Church ministry. The process of answering God’s call begins in childhood. Throughout adolescence and adulthood, the attitudes assumed in childhood begin to influence the course of one’s life. A vocation or a talent will not grow to fruition unless it is nurtured in childhood and adolescence by a parent. SERRA USA
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