2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER April 12th, 2015 DAILY WEEKDAY MASSES MON, TUES, THURS & FRI – 12:15 pm, WED, 9:00 am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION During Wednesday evening at eVena Prayer or by appointment SICK & HOMEBOUND EVENA PRAYER SERVICE - WED., 7 pm Meet Our Office Staff & Volunteers Pastor: Fr. Patrick Cosgrove Assistant: Fr. John DeCoste Deacon: Tom Smith Administrative Assistant: Kelley SullivanDurnford Director of Religious Education: Peggy Dupuy Pastoral Assistant: Claire Pottie Parish Council Chair: Rosemarie Sampson Choir Leaders: Saturday 4:00pm: Chris Mader Sunday 9:00 am: Brent MacDonald 11:15 am: Betty Gillis 6:00 pm: Roxanne Pereira Our choirs are always ready to welcome new members. If you are interested in joining a choir please call the office or speak to a choir leader before or after Mass. If you know someone who is seriously ill, in the hospital or homebound that would like a Parish Visitor or to receive Communion, please contact the Parish Office SENIORS' MASSES The Berkeley: Third Wednesday, 10:15 am Northwood Ivany Place: Every Saturday, 11:00 am PRAYING THE SCRIPTURES Readings for next week: April 19 – 3rd Sunday of Easter First Reading: Acts 3.13-15, 17-19 Second Reading: 1 John 2.1-5 Gospel: Luke 24.35-48 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGS Parish Council: First Thursday, 7 pm, Knights of Columbus: 4th Thursday, 7 pm St. Vincent de Paul Society: 2nd Wed, 6:30 pm Catholic Women’s League: 3rd Saturday, 2 pm Carmelites: First Saturday, 9 am K OF C GRAND KNIGHT: Titus Gomez CWL PRESIDENT: Sharon Forbrigger NO SCENTS MAKES GOOD SENSE! Please refrain from wearing perfume/cologne to Mass. UPCOMING UPCOMING EVENTS APR 8 - TOASTMASTERS – 7:00 PM – HALL APR 8 – EVENA PRAYER – 7:00 PM APR 13 – ALPHA – 1 PM & 6:30 PM – HALL APR 14 – SENIORS COMMTTEE – 10:- LPMC APR 15 – SCANS – 10 A M- 12 PM - HALL APR 15 - TOASTMASTERS – 7:00 PM – HALL APR 15 – EVENA PRAYER – 7:00 PM APR 20 – ALPHA – 1 PM & 6:30 PM - HALL APR 20 - TOASTMASTERS – 7:00 PM – HALL APR 20 – EVENA PRAYER – 7:00 PM PASTORAL PLAN LENTEN SERIES Pastoral Plan Lenten Video Series (Parish Mission) Attached to this week’s bulletin is a summary of the responses to questions that were discussed at our recent parish mission. Thanks to Ursula Wiesner for providing the note-taking! Do some or all of these comments ring true for you? Would you add anything? EVENA PRAYER If you wish to ask for prayer for others, drop off your requests at the Prayer Station- fill out a card to request Prayer. eVena Prayer will do the praying! Happy Easter Blessings! HISTORICAL INTRODUCTIONS TO TODAY’S READINGS First reading: Acts 4.32-35 The book of Acts tries to give pagan converts to Christianity a portrait of how the earliest members gradually transcended their Jewish roots. Here they're shown doing as a church a kind of sharing usually done only in families of kin. And wealthy and poor members are mixing in unprecedented ways. Second reading: 1 John 5.1-6 The community of John had dissident members who preached a weak doctrine of Jesus, who claimed to special knowledge of God, and who did not practice Jesus' commandment to love one another. This letter tries to heal the wounds caused by these members in the community. Gospel: John 20.19-31 For converts, perhaps facing persecution, who were wavering in their commitment to Jesus, John writes a gospel that everywhere prompts the reader to make a decision to accept Jesus. Here he assures the reader that past sins, even unbelief, can be overcome and need not prevent people from giving themselves to Jesus. Thank you! DIVINE MERCY The risen Jesus giVes us everything we need to see him and believe in him. We respond his Presence by being willing to change. We move from hardness of heart to forgiveness of those who have hurt us. We move from fear of losing the regard of others to embracing publicly Gospel values. We move from aloneness and discouragement to being loving and serving disciples. We reveal that we have seen the risen Jesus, have come to believe more deeply in him and have changed. MAY MISSION!!! With Fr. John Fletcher C.C. Tuesday – Thursday May 19-21 7:00 -8:30 pm Plus! Friday Night Music And Songs of Inspiration May 22 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS As World Day of Prayer for Vocations, falls on Sunday, April 26th, let us ask our Founder Father Michael McGivney to intercede for us as we pray and work for more holy vocations for the Church. Few things are more important to the life of the Church than vocations. For this reason, the Knights of Columbus has always offered prayers, spiritual support and monetary assistance for those young men and women who are discerning a life in the priesthood or religious life. We also encourage all Knights to look within their own families - to our sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and Grandchildren - for possible priestly or religious vocations. For more information please contact Grand Knight Titus Gomez at 835 7537, 456 4293 or e-mail, tgomez@eastlink ca THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Charles P. Allen High School Bursary The purpose of this award is to provide an opportunity for a high school graduate to upgrade their education. It is hoped that this positive experience will enrich the winner’s life and that of their family and community. Criteria for the selection include the following: • Graduating student of Charles P. Allen High School, Bedford, Nova Scotia • Involvement in Saint Ignatius Parish • Involvement in Community • Intent to upgrade Education • Financial Assistance Deadline: on/before May 15. Application form is available at the St. Ignatius Parish Office or the form is also available under Forms/Links on the CWL website: www.stignatiuscwl.org Our next CWL Meeting will be held on April 19, 2015 at 2 pm in the Church Hall. For Info Contact: www.stignatiuscwl.org League President: Sharon Forbrigger 902-832-9260 or email president@stignatiuscwl.org Contact: Peggy Dupuy: religed@eastlink.ca Phone: 835-2360 Reflecting with Children After the Gospel, ask the children what they heard. Help the children to understand that when Jesus said, “those who have seen me,” he meant, “seen my body.” Help them understand, also, that it is sometimes difficult to believe in things we haven’t seen. Often we come to believe because someone we trust tells us. For example, we believe certain food is good for us because our parents have told us so. In the same way, people come to believe in Jesus by what we say and do, by seeing Jesus in our lives. VERITAS CATHOLIC BOOKS AND GIFTS 445 Sackville Dr., Lower Sackville The Sackville branch of Veritas Catholic Books and Gifts is closing its store at 445 Sackville Drive. We are having a "Closing Out Sale" running until April 30, 2015.(Thursday) All "in-stock" items are being offered at 50% Off regular price. Our Store hours are Mon. - Fri. 10am -5pm and Sat. 10am -2pm These prices are only available at our location...come and take advantage of the super savings! Halifax(902-429-7216) and Enfield (902-259-3309) will continue to operate in their current locations. SCANS LECTURE: Prosecuting War Criminals in the Hague. William Fenrick was a Senior Legal Adviser to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. He will talk about his experience in the Hague as well as current problems with ISIS and Ukraine. Q & A to follow. 10 am to 12 pm at St. Ignatius Church Hall, 1288 Bedford Highway, Bedford. Public welcome. For more information, call 902-444-7588 or see www.theSCANS.ca Happy Easter! Christ is Risen Alleluia! In John’s Gospel we hear Mary Magdalene say, “I have seen the Lord!” She exclaims this to the Apostles after she runs from the tomb having encountered the Risen Christ outside the tomb. May we feel that same joy and excitement in encountering Jesus and knowing through him the Father’s great love for us. Let us allow our hearts to be transformed by that love and may we share it will all we meet! Easter blessings to one and all! JPII Day in Canada Pastoral Planning Update In October the Archbishop introduced his pastoral letter Quo Vadis, Domine? and called upon all parishes to begin a process of discernment leading to action. Over the past number of months parishes have brought this prayerful discernment to life. So far, 62 of our 72 parishes have formed a team for this process. We have received ministry reports and statistics from 50 parishes, with many more in progress. Additionally, most of our parishes have begun the three part Lenten Series this month. By participating in the Lenten Series many people will have the chance to learn and grow in their understanding of our call as a local Church. This process is already proving to be very insightful. In the Office of Pastoral Life and New Evangelization we are reading through parish submissions and, with the help of some talented volunteers, entering all the data into a single database that will help us create a summary for each parish. These summaries will combine three important factors to help parishes in their planning efforts: • Thursday, April 2nd marks the first ever John Paul II Day in Canada. • Saint John Paul II was pope from October 1978 until his death in April 2005. He was canonized by Pope Francis last year on April 27, 2014. A new documentary on St. John Paul II and his impact on the American continent will air this April on national television networks. Produced by the Knights of Columbus and narrated by actor Andy Garcia, John Paul II in America: Uniting a Continent, coincides with Pope John Paul II Day in Canada, celebrated April 2. For more broadcast details, visit www.kofc.org/jpiifilm. Salt & Light Television will broadcast the Saint John Paul II documentary on April 12. See www.saltandlighttv.org for specific times. • Parish Ministry Assessment Reports: These reports provide an overview of what is happening in your parish and how much time and talent is being used in the service of the kingdom. Parish Statistics Worksheets: These worksheets give a glimpse of how temporal goods such as finances and buildings are being utilized in your community. Discernment Surveys: Collected each week during the Lenten Series these surveys give us a look at how individual members are experiencing our parish life in the areas of mission, community, and formation. When taken together as a whole these three sources of information will help your leadership team develop a picture of where each community is advancing the mission of the Gospel and where we might be called to do things differently. Our goal is to have all of this information returned to parishes during the Easter season and to factor much of what we have learned into the Assembly of the People of God on June 5 & 6, 2015. DIOCESAN EVENTS • Titanic Remembered in Third Class Dinner Hosting Parish: Saint Patrick, Halifax • Lecture entitled “Thomas Merton: A Spiritual Guide for Our Perplexing Times" by Dr. Michael Higgins Date(s): Sunday, April 12 2015 at 11:30 am Date(s): Thursday, April 23 2015 at 7:00pm A fundraiser for Saint Patrick's Church Hosting Event: Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem A catered Roast Beef Dinner with words and music of the RMS Titanic Tickets are $50.00 per person, advance purchase required. To make your reservation, please call St. Patrick’s church office at 902-429-9800. A portion of the price will be a receipted donation to the parish. The meal will feature Roast Beef dinner as served to the 3rd Class passengers on Titanic. The Irish formed a large group in 3rd Class. Others were from Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Hear of some of their stories of the journey, music and words to remember the 103rd Anniversary of the voyage of the 'unsinkable' ship. There will be displays and dress of the period is optional. Mass is at 10 am on Sundays at Saint Patrick's and the locally carved marble High Altar was installed and blessed in 1910 during the years when the Titanic was being built. • Divine Mercy Sunday Hosting Parish: Saint Anthony Dartmouth Date(s): Sunday, April 12 2015 Confession starting at 2:00pm with Divine Mercy Chaplet at 2:30pm; Mass at 3:00pm • St Agnes 6th Annual Leadership Breakfast Hosting Parish: Saint Agnes, Halifax Date(s): Friday, April 17 2015, 8 am – 9:30 am Full Breakfast and Guest Speaker Mayor Mike Savage will be speaking on Faith and Politics Join us in a celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the birth of world-renowned monk and spiritual writer, Thomas Merton. Award-winning author, broadcaster and Merton scholar, Dr. Michael Higgins, will offer an engaging exploration of the contemporary relevance of Merton's life and witness that will inspire and enrich your own life. Venue: Canadian Martyrs Church, 5900 Inglis St. Halifax NS • Rev. Joseph MacKinnon’s 40th Anniversary of Ordination Celebration Hosting Parish: Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys Hammonds Plains Date(s): Sunday, April 26 2015 at 7:009:00pm A celebration to recognize and give thanks for the many years of ministry that Rev. MacKinnon has shared throughout the Diocese. The evening begins with prayer at 7:00pm, followed by music and hospitality. Best wishes only — all most welcome! Venue: Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, 1274 Hammonds Plains Road, Hammonds Plains, NS, Canada
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