St. Joseph Parish and St. Patrick Mission Diocese of Santa Rosa in California Deanery Humboldt - Del Norte Saint Joseph Parish 14th and N St. Fortuna, CA 95540 Saint Patrick Mission Park & Pershing Sts, Loleta, CA 95551 Sunday, April 26, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Mass Schedule - Horario de Misas Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. (at St.Patrick’s, Loleta) Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Domingo: 12:00 noon (Spanish) Daily Mass Redwood Memorial Hospital Monday - Friday: 12:00 noon Benediction and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday after noon Mass Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15-4:45 or by appointment Parish Office - Oficina Parroquial 2312 Newburg Rd. Fortuna, CA 95540 Telephone: (707) 725-1148 FAX: (707) 725-1149 E-mail: Website: Office Hours: 9:30–11:45 a.m. & 1-3:30 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. Horario de Oficina: 9:30–11:45 a.m. & 1-3:30 p.m. Lunes a Jueves Parish Staff: Fr. Manuel Chavez, Pastor Deacon Thomas Silva, Deacon Francisco Núñez Deacon Abraham Castillo, Deacon Rafael Meraz Secretary—Ginny Fox FIRST FRIDAY Please join us for the noon Mass on Friday, May 7, at Redwood Memorial Hospital Chapel. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will follow Mass. GIFT BASKET The Catholic Daughters are selling tickets for a beautiful basket of women’s gifts. It is just in time for Mother’s Day and the second fundraiser for us. We appreciate and thank you for purchasing our tickets. For information, please call Barbara Baumgart at 725-3565. ITALY PILGRIMAGE Fr. Manny will lead a pilgrimage to Italy for 11 days from November 4—14, 2015. Visit CR SPRING CONCERT College of the Redwoods will present their Spring choir concert at St. Joseph Church on Sunday, May 10 at 7 p.m. This year they are performing a Little Jazz Mass by Chilcot and folk songs. There is no cost for the concert. Please come and enjoy the music. Saturday, April 25 5 p.m. +Fred Laplace req by Ron Laplace Sunday, April 26 10 a.m. +Karen Wise req by Joanne Luman Venice, Padua, Florence, Assisi and Rome. Trip includes a Papal Audience. For more information, please contact the office. CURIOUS? Would you like to know what our Church teaches and believes? Luckily, the Church has the perfect tool for searching adults – the Catechism. The U.S. Bishops, like other Bishops around the world, have prepared a version especially for the Church in the United States. It has examples of faith life from the history of the church in the United States, discussion questions and prayer. If you would like to know how to explain our church to others, or just to yourself, call Rene and Craig Brown, 725-5040. We need curious, faith-filled men and women to come explore our faith with us. This will run for six weeks; and if interest warrants we can go forever. . . Come for every session or just drop in. Our 2nd session will be April 29, 7 p.m. at the Parish Activity Center, Newburg Road, Fortuna. Bring questions, your stories and faith, that’s all! THE GOOD SHEPHERD This Fourth Sunday of Easter is traditionally referred to as "Good Shepherd Sunday." Today we listen to the words of the Lord as he refers to himself as the "good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep." It is sometimes so difficult for us to grasp the reality that anyone would lay down his or her own life for the sake of someone else. This is especially true in a society that places high value on power and personal advancement, often at the cost of "trampling" on other people in order to climb the ladder. Today's scriptures point to the one we are called to emulate--the one who lays down his life for his sheep. Today's scriptures challenge us to discover ways to bring life to those around us--to build up rather than to tear down. April 12—$2868 April 19—$2579 Maintenance—$436 Next Second Collections May 3—Catholic Home Missions May 10—Parish Social Ministry Thank you for your generosity! Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING On Tuesday, April 28, at 7pm, Deacon Tom Silva will be training altar servers at St. Joseph Church. Any child who has received his or her first communion or is receiving it this year is eligible to serve. “The altar server occupies a privileged place in the liturgical celebration. The altar server presents himself to a community and experiences firsthand that Jesus Christ is present and active in every liturgical act.” -Pope John Paul II, August 12, 2001 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Today the Church throughout the world prays for vocations. Will you make a special effort to ask the Lord for more vocations to priesthood and religious life? Pray for the priests who have ministered to you throughout your life, both living and dead. Keep our parish priests in your prayers throughout the week. Encourage your children, grandchildren, or other young people to consider a vocation as a priest or religious brother or sister. Pray a rosary for more young men and women in our diocese to respond to God’s call. Join the Invisible Monastery Pledge to pray for vocations at the international website, It was inspired by a Vatican document urging Catholics to “organize an ‘invisible monastery’ in which many persons, day and night, are committed to continuous prayer for priestly vocations.” Buck Carroll, Don Peebles, Cori Brito, Betty Freitas, Tom Silva, Ernestine Porro, Helga Houseworth, Frances Henry, Mary Salazar, Judith Pankratz, James Coleman, Phyllis Davy, Jace Halverson, Barbara Wilson, Andrew Nichols, Henry & Angie Silva, Jeannie Watson, Alberta Johnson, Craig Jacob, Ruth Allen, John Wunderlich, Gina Dillard, Alice Kiler, Bernice McWhorter, Carol Palasek, Denise Anaya, Evie & Jerry Colivas, Milton Freitas, Amy Toroni. Parish Registration and Change of Address New to St. Joseph Parish? Moved or changed phone number? Please complete and drop in the collection basket or mail to St. Joseph Parish, 2312 Newburg Rd., Fortuna, CA 95540 I am ___ New. ____ Change of address ___I would like Sunday envelopes Name:________________________________________________ Phone Number____________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________ ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Discount Liquor & Groceries and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 725-9303 1221 Main Street, Fortuna Goble’s Fortuna Mortuary Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Business Products 560 12th Street 1044 Main Street, Downtown Fortuna 725-2294 (707) 725-6542 Our Family Serving Your Families Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS “Experience of a Lifetime” For Membership Information 725-9608 Following Jesus Every Day: Humboldt Moving & Storage Co. Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 1433 Broadway • 443-7369 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... 1 FREE MONTH Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Jesus A to Z n nal Companio o s r e P r Your Praye through 2030 A colorful Catholic ABC Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 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