St Mary & St Michael Confirmation April 19, 2015 Cathedral of St Andrew, Grand Rapids, MI Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen. Abram Anderson, Graciela Becerra, Christopher Creswick, Anielya Farmer, Madison Forseman, Noah Fuller, Isabel Gomez, Olivia Jastrezembski, Leah Johnson, Tatum Johnson, Grace King, Kayleigh Kutchin, Kayela Malewitz, Garret Mayse, Joshua Mc Carthy, Matthew Mc Carthy, Sally Moore, Emma Mull, Andy Pelfresne, Nickolas Pelfresne, Kylee Rasch, William Reames, Lucas Ring, Kaitlin Roush, Kobe Russo, Allyson Schoenborn, Chad Schuiling, Gabrielle Schuiling, Zayda Slabbekoorn, Megan Sorenson, Lanie Stream, Peyton Turmell, Samuel Way, Rae Zemaitis, Sara Zomberg Saint Mary’s Church Pastor: Rev. D. Anton Tran Parish Office: 15164 Juniper Dr. Marne, Mi. 49435 616-677-3934 / April 26,2015 / 4th Sunday of Easter / World Day of Prayer for Vocations Welcome to the Cluster Parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael. April 26, 2015 4th Sunday of Easter St. Mary’s Liturgical Ministers for next week. Altar Servers Mass Schedule and Intentions MA=St. Mary’s Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00a.m. MI=St. Michael’s April 26 MI Joseph Hoffman by M/M Sherm Hecksel MI Red Sutterfield by Al & Winnie Spencer MA For Our Parish Family May 3-11:00 am Elizabeth Long Michael Wood Isabel Gomez April Brown Eucharistic Brian Long Ministers Austin Lampe Host Crysta Lampe Vicki Benedetti Cheryle DeVries Rick DeVries Cindy Sabo Eucharistic Jose Gomez Ministers Kathy Gomez Cup Gordon Powers Sharon Kailing Pat O’Connor Mel Snowdin Roseanne Lynch April 25 MA For Our First Communion Candidates May 2-5:00 pm Hospitality Ministers Lector 1 Lector 2 Scott Lampe Jerry May Agnes May Rita Carmody Jon Long Darlene Andres Lisa Long Jon Denhof Leo Raap Mary Ruster Ben Mergener Jim Looks Marian Looks Mike Dunphy John Carmody Dave Benedetti Donuts Monday April 27—NO MASS Tuesday April 28 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday MA Jim Meerman by M/M Arlyn Doornbos Adoration begins after Mass until 4:00 p.m. April 29 St. Michael’s Liturgical Ministers for next week. May 3 7:30 a.m. Mass Karlee Kutchin Kayleigh Kutchin Katie Jo Kutchin 9:00 a.m. Mass Eli Veneklase Owen Syrek Nick Pelfresne Eucharistic Ministers Linda Rogers Bob Rogers Anne Rumptz Megan Cusick Jennifer DeMull Cindy Lindberg Denise Parish Deb Wiggins Rose VanDenBrink Mark Phillips Paul Phillips Angie Syrek Dennis Zimmer Joe LeMieux Greeters Arno Driedger Judy Driedger Carol Reens Jo Reens Lectors Cindy Lindberg Chris Albrecht Sacristan Judy Driedger Josephine Safranski Ushers Peter Nielsen Tom Rumptz Ed Irwin Wade Lindberg Brandon Syrek Tim Syrek Greg Helsen Simon LeMieux Jennifer Mapes Jennifer Mapes Altar Servers MI For our Parish Family Adoration begins after Mass until 5:00 p.m. April 30 MA Our Parish Family May 1 MI For our Parish Family May 2 MA The Deceased Members of The Butch & Rosemary Schoenborn Family by M/M Butch Schoenborn May 3 7:30 a.m. MI For our Parish Family 9:00 a.m. 11:00a.m. MI Bob & Erika Schmidt by Marlyn Anderson Musician MA The Deceased Mothers of the Parish Readings for the Week of April 26, 2015 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:8-12; 1 Ps 118; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Monday Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89; Jn 13:16-20 Friday Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Rick & Julie Lothschutz BISHOP DAVID J. WALKOWIAK ASKS US TO PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS Loving God, Raise up dedicated leaders who will shepherd your people and guide them to your Son. Give generous and willing hearts to the seminarians of our Diocese who have heard your call to live a life of service to the Church. Help us to encourage and support them as they strive to become priests who are models of discipleship, possessors of wisdom and on fire with love for your people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. We especially pray for: Andrew J. Decker 4th Sunday of Easter ST. MARY’S PARISH NEWS We are pleased to welcome our newly baptized child of God into the St Mary’s parish family. Lynden Frances Bush Baptized on April 26, 2015 Daughter of Brad & Shelly Bush CHURCH HAPPENINGS: For more information on these events or to volunteer, please call the parish office or visit the parish website April 26, 2015 PLEASE REMEMBER THESE ST. MARY’S PARISHIONERS IN YOUR PRAYERS William Brown, Sharon Cook, Pat Goodwin, Mike Klein, Kelley Kasul, Doris Kowalczyk, Jon Perrin, William Petrauskas, Kathleen Sobie, Darrel VanSpriell, John Vesbit and the personal intentions that St Mary’s Parish parishioners hold close to their hearts. If you or a loved one would like to be added to this prayer list, please contact the parish office at 677.3934 or Linda at 677.3269 for evening requests call Darlene 616.453.0157 or email: ST MARY’S FAITH FORMATION NEWS Our last Faith Formation Class for Grades 1st – 7th will be on Wednesday, April 29th. The last day for Sunday School will be Sunday, April 26th. DATE EVENT April 25 First Communion Mass May 10 K of C Community Breakfast / Mom’s Eat FREE Vacation Bible School- June 22 - June 26 June 7 Graduation Mass for High School & College Grads June 7 Parish Picnic (Volunteers Needed-Call Parish Office) June 21 K of C Community Breakfast / Dad’s Eat FREE June 22-26 Vacation Bible School This VBS promises to be mountains of fun! Plus, kids walk away with a rock-solid faith that they can rely on God when life gets tough. ―register to be a part of Everest VBS . Many Volunteers Needed. Please contact Michele at or Kim at if you can help. July 10 Relay for Life—Walk for American Cancer Society August 23 K of C Community Breakfast August 31 Inspiring Italy Trip Sept 13 Parish Golf Outing (Volunteers Needed-Call Parish Office) Sept 20 K of C Community Breakfast & Blood Drive Sept 21 –28 World Meeting of Families / Pope Visit Philadelphia Dec 31 New Years Eve Dance / Parish Hall Visit for all church happenings! “Like” St. Mary’s Catholic Church— Marne on Facebook and “Follow “ us on Twitter. Catholic Service Appeal—2015 Thank you for your gifts to CSA 2015. Your generous support will fund essential diocesan ministries that support our seminarians, provide training for teachers and faith formation staff, as well as assist our brothers and sisters in need. CSA Pledge Goal: $48,181.00 Total Pledges Made: $44,185.00 (91%) Balance: $3996.00 Participation: 154 of 425 households (36%) Our goal is 100% participation, which means a completed pledge card from every household. If you have not responded, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you for your stewardship! . Giving Back to God St. Mary’s Contributions from April 25/26 Adult (145) $6895.25 Children $2.00 Loose 253.34 Total $7150.59 Capital Improvement Rice Bowl $668.45 Thank you for your continued support! First Communion Day-April 25, 2015 I am the bread of life…whoever eats this bread will live forever. John 6: 35—58 May God Bless all of the students receiving their First Holy Eucharist. Cruz Bajema, Norman Brown, Andrew Creswick, Elisha Dykstra, Kirsten Fess, Maddie Keefe, Elayne Klatt, Lauren Lothschutz, Parker May, Vivian Patz, Logan Perrin, Avery Powers, Madelyn Ruster, Lucas Way Dear Lord, May I receive you in this Communion with open arms, And a loving, contrite heart, So that I may be filled with Your grace, For my good and Your glory! Amen. Dear Parishioners. Almost 4 months ago a ruptured aortic aneurysm almost ended my life. The surgeon said I had a 70% chance to survive. Thanks to your prayers, cards and messages, I made it. I am at home trying with therapy to regain strength. Thank you, Thank You, Thank You, John Vesbit. If you wish to give a donation to help offset the cost of the new crucifix, it would certainly be appreciated and accepted. Please use an envelope marked “crucifix donation” and place in the collection basket or mail to the parish office. Thank you. ST MARY’S KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #11581 NEWS Congratulations to Adam C Smith on becoming a 3rd Degree Knight. The Knights meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 8:00 p.m. For more info please contact Grand Knight: Chris Booth: Next Community Breakfast - May 10—9:30 AM to 1PM, Mother’s Day (mom’s eat free) Thank You for your support! Welcome to the Cluster Parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael. CLUSTER & COMMUNITY NEWS ST MARY’S PARISH PICNIC-SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, June 7 from 12PM to 3PM Picnic will begin after our 11AM Outdoor Mass at the Cemetery Altar. (weather permitting) Please bring a Lawn Chair. ALL ARE WELCOME! If you would like to help with the planning please contact the parish office for more information. Areas of immediate need: Planning kid’s games, BINGO, and Cake Walk. Volunteer Coordinator and Horseshoe, Corn hole or Kickball tournament organizer and raffle ticket sellers. Thank You. Diocese of Grand Rapids Pilgrimage to attend the World Meeting of Families and the Papal Visit Philadelphia 2015 – Join us for a once in a lifetime event at the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia on September 21-28, 2015. The Diocese of Grand Rapids is coordinating a pilgrimage for those wishing to participate in the World Meeting of Families and the Papal Visit. Families from around the world will come together for prayer, speakers, celebrations, and activities for all ages. Craig B., Debbie V. and Kim L. will be leading the group from our two parishes. All are welcome! The cost for double occupancy is $650 per person for the week and $325 per person for the weekend. Space is limited! Visit for full details and registration. For more information about the World Meeting of Families, visit the official website at: Most family vacations are about making memories; come help make history! Protection of Children and Young People St Mary’s/St. Michael’s Church and The Diocese of Grand Rapids are committed to protecting children and adults from harm. Our safe environment program is in place to help prevent sexual abuse within our community and to help heal the wounds of past victims. We will be hosting a Virtus / Protecting God's Children Awareness Session on Wed, May 13 at 6PM at St. Mary’s Church. This session is FREE to attend. If you plan on volunteering at Vacation Bible School, Religious Ed, Youth Ministry, St. Michael’s Preschool, or any other Parish Event and will have direct contact with children you are required to attend a session. Register here: St. Michael’s Council #9909 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: The St. Michael’s Knights meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Next Pancake Breakfast ~ May 10 Mother’s Day —Mom’s eat free! ST. MICHAEL’S SPONSOR OF THE WEEK COOPERSVILLE CAR CARE Auto, Light Truck, 4x4, Air Conditioning Repair, etc. 616-837-8297—Main Street Coopersville THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR BULLETIN! HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY (YM)2 Lifeteen resumes tonight 7:00—8:30 p.m. Mission Trip meeting today after the 9:00am Mass. Mothers’ Day flower baskets and planters will be sold after each Mass on May 2nd and 3rd to raise money for mission trip. Please plan to get yours to help out our youth! St. Michael’s graduating SENIORS!! The mass and breakfast honoring you will take place on May 31 at the 9:00 mass with breakfast following. Please contact the parish office or Craig to indicate whether you are interested in attending so that we can be sure to include you in our invitations. Thanks!! St Mary’s Graduation Mass, June 7 @11AM Save the Date (watch the mail for more info) All forms for events can be found online at https:// under the “FORMS” tab, on the bulletin board or from Craig. World Day of Prayer Sunday, April 26th also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday." The purpose of this day is to publically fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk10:2). Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institute.This year is the 52nd Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. PRAY FOR OUR ENGAGED COUPLES Katie VanLier & Jeremiah Kol / May 16 (St Mary) Samantha Carano & Chris Morden / July 11 (St. Michael) Brianna Eldred and Michael Willacker / Sep12 (St. Michael) Angelina McFarlane & DJ Parks / Sept 12 (St Mary) St. Mary’s Council # 11581 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: The Knights meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 8:00 p.m. For more info please contact Grand Knight: Chris Booth Next Community Breakfast - Mother’s Day (mom’s eat free) May 10—9:30 AM to 1PM Thank You for your support! ST. MARY’S SPONSOR OF THE WEEK INTERURBAN DEPOT Home-style Cooking 616.677.1280 / 1580 Arch Street, Marne THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR BULLETIN! 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 ST. MICHAEL’S FAITH FORMATION St. Michael’s Sanctuary Lamp In Memory of Lorna Fitzsimons By Jane Vitunskas Children’s Liturgy of the Word This weekend we St. Michael’s Parish family remembers in their prayers: Erin Plaggemars, Quinn Janssen, Tim Johnson, Al & Winnie Spencer, Marcia Meyers, Ruth Langlois, Alexandria Gordon, Lillian Gray, Charles Benkert, George and Gladys Langlois, Brooke Campbell, Linda Abel-Carroll, Jackie May, Darnell Green, the victims of abortion, the men and women in the military. Giving Back to God St. Michael’s Contributions from last weekend. Adult Envelope $5,592.00 Holy Day $25.00 Loose Cash $230.00 Children’s Envelope $3.00 Total $5,850.00 Budgeted Income $5,625.00 Surplus/Deficit $225.00 Financial Assistance $20.00 Thank you for your continued support! end our program for the summer. CLW will resume in September. Thank you Catechists and helpers for the dedication and talents you share with the children of our parish! Elementary Faith Formation Thank you Catechist and helpers for sharing your time and talents with our students. Our program is on summer break. Classes will resume in the fall. First Communion Mass will be celebrated on May 3rd. We welcome to the Lord’s table: Abigail, Ava, Daniel, Hannah, Isaac, Jonathon, Katie, Lauren and Luke. May your love for Jesus and the Eucharist always remain strong. God Bless you always! Please keep our First communicants in your prayers. ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH NEWS Save the date for our... th The Dennison Federal Credit Union will be open on May 17 and May 31st. If you have any question please feel free to call Chris Albrecht at (616) 403-7110. If there is an emergency you can also reach Joan Kutchin at (616) 308-3069. Scrip News: Thank you to our 17 families that purchased Scrip this week. Our total earnings were $127.74. St. Michael’s Capital Campaign for our Building Fund Thank you to everyone who already made a donation or pledge. We have received $128,865.00 in pledges so far. Our goal is to raise $250,000.00. NOTE: The Monthly Orange Building Fund Envelopes also go into this campaign. Church Chuckle The Sunday School teacher was teaching a class of children about creation. “Now, children,” she said, “Who can tell us what makes the flower spring from the seed?” “God does it,” answered one little girl, “but fertilizer helps.” ST. MICHAEL’S PRESCHOOL NEWS Preschool enrollment for 2015-16 is open!!!! Preschool meets M/W/F from 8:45—11:45 a.m. After school care is available until 4pm also. Your child must be 3 or 4 years old by October 1st and potty trained. For more info or to talk to our Preschool Director, Annette Lown, call 616-384-4026 Ext: 203 WELCOME SCHOLARSHIPS are available for anyone registered at a Catholic Church in our Diocese. If your child will be a NEW student, and if you don’t have children currently enrolled in a catholic school, your preschooler could be eligible for $250! visit: for more information. 2015 Vacation Bible School: “Everest” Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power July 27-31st, from 6-8:30 pm. Many volunteers are needed! If interested please contact Debbie with any questions at 384-4026. St. Michael’s CSA Update: CSA Pledge Goal: $36,566.00 Total Pledges Made: $23,700.00 (65%) Balance: $12,866.00 Participation: 114 of 410 (28% of households) Thank you for your stewardship! Our goal is 100% participation, which means a completed pledge card from every household. If you have not responded, please do so as soon as possible so we can wrap up this campaign. Congratulations to Catherine Meintsma for receiving Coopersville’s Citizen of the Year Award! You are an excellent example to follow when it comes to volunteering and caring for others. Thank you for your continued service to the community of St. Michael’s Parish. FITNESS FUN FOR ALL—Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00—6:45 p.m. at St. Michael’s Church. All classes incorporate flexibility, strength, cardio, toning and fun and are formatted for ALL ages, gender, and fitness level. Classes can be joined at any time and are $3 each class. Parish Prayer Line - If you would like to request a prayer for our parish prayer line please contact Mary Ann Laug at 837-8223 or Lerine Lindberg at 837-8882. St. Michael’s Angel Cooks - Call Marcy at 837-8718 if you know of someone who could use our assistance with meals during an illness or recovering from surgery, etc.
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