April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As you may recall, our Holy Father Pope Francis has called this the "Year of the Consecrated Life" within our Catholic Church! It is meant to inspire us to support those serving in the religious life and pray for them - and also to inspire the young to ponder the possible call as a religious sister, or brother, or priest. Our sisters and brothers do amazing work in our Church and touch so many lives! We will be highlighting some of them in upcoming bulletins this year - including our sisters here as well as some "vocations" from our own parish and the Hagerstown area. Some of you who attend our masses at St. Mary may have noticed a "sister" (nun) who is from Africa who has been attending our parish during Lent and Easter. Her name is Mother Eugenie de Jesus, and she is not only a religious sister but is also the foundress of a small and growing community located in the Ivory Coast. She has a friend that she has been visiting here in the United States who attends our good parish. Mother Eugenie has a need for some help with her convent, housing and property, and the mission of her community in Africa. I would like to invite you to pray for her and her community [see their description and mission below] and our second collection this weekend (April 19) will be taken up to support her and them. She and her friend will also be available after masses next weekend if you would like to meet her and learn about what the Holy Spirit is doing through her sisters and their community in the Ivory Coast. May God bless Mother Eugenie and her good sisters, and the children and people they serve, and may God bless you for your help in supporting themIn Jesus through Mary, Fr. Collin *** The Sisters of the Eucharistic Jesus, and Mother Eugenie of Jesus, Ivory Coast, Africa: The Monastic Fraternity of the Sisters of the Eucharistic Jesus was founded in the year 2000 by Mother Eugenie De Jesus. Currently, they are located and established in the diocese of Gagnoa within the Ivory Coast in Africa. They are particularly and intentionally devoted to daily prayer: Perpetual Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The sisters also have a mission of training men and women in the faith, filled with love of God and brethren for the Church, united in the body of Christ. In prayer and work, God is always loved and served through the orphans, sick and the poor. For these ,we feed care and teach them about God love, and instruct them in lessons they will need to become good men and women in the world. To be self-sufficient and to have means to help our needing people, for whom we represent peace, security and hope, we run a bakery, raise pigs chicken and grow gardens from which we sell vegetables. Our greatest need now is to provide safety from rebels for us and for these we serve. There is much social unrest and sometimes danger and hostility in the region where our sisters humbly yet courageously serve. Without safety we can do nothing: so, we are trying to build a protective fence/wall around our convent/community/property, to give safety, privacy and peace to us and the children and people we serve. On behalf of Mother Eugenie, we are grateful for any gift you can give, which goes a very long way to support our work and mission. We thank you sincerely for your generous contributions to help us with our daily need. Please pray for us! And, may God bless you abundantly. - Mother Eugenie de Jesus and the Sisters of the Eucharistic Jesus. April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter Thank you Note for Divine Mercy Sunday: Foremost, let us all thank Our Triune God for the Inexhaustible Love and Unfathomable Divine Mercy that He continually gives us every day in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, and in a special way, in the Feast of Divine Mercy. We are all so very blessed to be loved by God so profoundly and unconditionally despite all of our many weaknesses!!! In particular, we thank our pastor, Fr. Collin and our associate pastor, Fr. Larry, who made the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday so reverent and beautiful. Most especially, we offer much gratitude to them for the three hours of Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation that they made available, for whom so many of us partook!!! We also would like to thank the Knights of Columbus who gave us the large Divine Mercy Image to venerate and who participated in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass making it especially festive. Much gratitude goes to Paula Bowers, our Church secretary, for being instrumental in putting together the beautiful Divine Mercy program booklets. Paula – you are the best!!! Thank you to Trevor Rowland for his beautiful music and to Maria Cocchiaro for all her input. Our utmost gratitude goes out to Bill and Kitty Hudson (and their family) who for over 20 years worked diligently to teach us about God’s Divine Mercy and who were instrumental in establishing the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday at our Parish!!! Without their perseverance and hard work throughout the years, we would not have had the Feast of Divine Mercy celebrated to the magnitude that we saw this past Sunday. What a historic moment for our Church!!! Sadly, Bill Hudson passed from this life to eternal life on March 24. He trusted in God’s Promise of Divine Mercy right up to the moment of his death. He is surely missed by us all! Many believe his intercession was instrumental in the success of this year’s Feast. Bill - may your soul rest in peace in the arms of our Heavenly Mother and in the Divine Mercy of Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart!!! Lastly, thank you to everyone who participated in the Feast of Divine Mercy. You made the celebration so, so, so beautiful and special!!! Many souls left the church radiating Christ to the world!!! Jesus, we trust in You!!! Jesus, we trust in You!!! Jesus, we trust in You!!! St. Faustina, pray for us! Divine Mercy: “ The Graces of My Mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is – trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive. Souls that trust boundlessly are a great comfort to Me, because I pour all the Treasures of My Grace into them. I rejoice that they ask for much, because it is My Desire to give much, very much. On the other hand, I am sad when souls ask for little, when they narrow their hearts.” (Diary1578) Inspirational Quote: “Ours is not a joy born of having many possessions, but of having encountered a person: Jesus in our midst.” – Pope Francis Have you made a visit to the St. Mary Religious Article Store lately? We have beautiful gifts for those receiving First Communion and Confirmation as well numerous statues, rosaries, metals, Holy Cards, etc. Stop in Sunday, 9-12 or call or stop by the office during the week to have a staff person take you in. RESPECT LIFE: Return the Mother’s Day Honor Roll envelope with your list of names, along with any donation you wish in the collection basket by Sunday, April 26. Please limit the number of names requested to five (5) or less. This fundraiser supports parish pro-life activities throughout the year, including literature distributed at the local abortion facility and helps save lives. Pro – Life Quote: “Give us the grace – When the sacredness of life before birth is attacked, to stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life.” ~ Corpus Christi Committee Corpus Christi Sunday will be on Sunday, June 7, 2015. Our Corpus Christi Planning Committee meeting will be held this Sunday, April 19, at 6:30 P.M. in the Fatima Hall. ST. MARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL Pre-K through 8th Grade April 27, 2015 5pm to 7pm Now accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year Challenging the Mind – Living the Faith 218 W. Washington Street, Hagerstown, MD www.stmarycatholicschool.org 301-733-1184 SAINT MARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL Tenth Annual Fund Campaign Honor Roll of Donors 2014 Goal: $50,000 - Pledged: $56,956 Pastor’s Circle Ms. Sharon Henson (in memory of Gifts of $1,000 & up Ms. Judy Karn Howell (in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Beck (in memory of Mary Beck) Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bockrath Mr. Howard B. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Ben Byers Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro Cabezas Mr. Vincent Groh (in honor of the Garland Groh Foundation) Mrs. Judy Kline (in memory of Patrick “Pat” Edward Henson, Jr.) Teresa Angle, Michael Karn, & Helen Myers; in memory of Helen & Hubert Karn) Mr. & Mrs. Chris Litzinger Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morrell Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murray Dr. & Mrs. Charles Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tedeschi Mr. & Mrs. Randy Wagner Mr. Thomas M. White Kline) Knights of Columbus, Pangborn Council #1365 Knights of Columbus, Ladies Auxiliary Reverend George A. Limmer Monsignor Joseph S. Lizor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Marshall Mr. & Mrs. David Moats Mr. & Mrs. Paul Muldowney Dr. & Mrs. Neil O’Malley (in memory of Jean Jacques) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rankin (in memory of Margaret Rankin) Dr. & Mrs. Gary Smith St. James Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church Mrs. Elizabeth Starliper & Wells Fargo Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Wilson (in honor of Father Limmer) Saints Gifts of $500 to $999 Mr. & Mrs. Frankie Corsi Dr. & Mrs. J. Ramsey Farah Archangels Gifts of $250 to $499 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Capone Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Field Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Monte Hilmoe Mr. Joseph Jacques (in memory of Jean Ann Jacques) Mr. David Johnson (in memory of Glenia Johnson) Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Nooney Ms. Marie Nowakowski Ms. Lois M. Potter Mr. & Mrs. Todd Snook Mr. & Mrs. John Snyder Guardian Angels Gifts of $100 to $249 Ms. Teresa Karn Angle (in memory of Hubert & Helen Karn) Mrs. Casey Breslin-Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Bowers Mr. & Mrs. J. Emmet Burke Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cochran (in memory of Ronald & Elvira Gibbons) Mr. & Mrs. William Collins (in honor of Peter, Philip, and Stephen Reiter) Mrs. Kerri Corderman (in honor of Linda Field) Mr. & Mrs. John A Crews (in honor of Harrison & Mikey Ewing) Cherubs Gifts up to $99 Mrs. Mary K. Barger Ms. Sarah Bond Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowers (in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Caleb Ewing Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fahey (in memory of Father George Limmer) Leo C. & Mary H. Fahey) Mrs. Tina Forsythe (in memory of Jean Jacques) memory of Mr. James Bussard) Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brandt, Jr. (in Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Breslin,III Mr. & Mrs. Terry W. Burket (in memory Mr. & Mrs. William Fridinger, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert Galovic Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gerstner Mrs. Kristy Gross Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hamilla (in of James Bussard) memory of Gilbert Coody) Mrs. Willard Moats) Mrs. Joann Hevey Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Jones Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Keller Ms. Mary Lou Koontz (in memory of Ms. Sandra L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. John F. Eastman (in memory Mr. & Mrs. D. Timothy Butts Dr. & Mrs. John Caruso Ms. Bonnie Cleary Ms. Mary A. Clopper (in memory of Mr. & of James Bussard) Ms. Vicki L. Eccard (in memory of James James Bussard) Bussard) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Majer, Jr. (in Mrs. Frances M. Eves Mr. Robert J. Eves Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Ewing (in honor memory of James Buzzard) Mr. & Mrs. Robert May Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGinley Mr. & Mrs. Craig O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. William O’Mara Ms. Dorothy Palla (in memory of Robert L. Palla & Ron Kinsey) Mrs. Susan Peterson Ms. Paula Radley Mr. Joe Rafter Mrs. Penny Sardina Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shelbert Sisters M. Corda Mullenix & Aloysius Norman (in honor of past SSND & St. Mary teachers) Mr. Thomas L. Sprecher, Todd, Grace, & Iris Sprecher, Angie & Mia Bennett (in memory of James Bussard) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Trippett Mrs. Helen Walla (in memory of Dick Walla) Ms. Dolores Weaver (in honor of Father George Limmer) Mr. Paul Yeargan (in memory of Pauline A. Yeargan) of Sister Aloysius & Sister Corda) Mrs. Cheryl Hammond (in memory of Jean Jacques) Mr. George F. Hand (in honor of Father George Limmer) Mrs. Rita Jane Hartnett Mr. Derrick Hendershot Mrs. Jennifer Karn Mrs. Marisa Kenney (in honor of Father George Limmer) Mrs. Rae Leggett Mr. & Mrs. Frank Malejko,Jr. Ms. Mary Theresa Marozza (in memory of John F. & Marjory E. Sayers) Mr. John Martin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Martin Mr. & Mrs. Ernie L. Mellott,Sr. (in honor of Father George Limmer) Mrs. Kim Mentzell Mrs. Faith Mentzer Mrs. Pam Miller (in memory of Tommy Miller) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Murdock (in memory of James Bussard) Ms. Julie Murphy (in memory of James Bussard) Cherubs (continued) Miss Mary O’Malley (in memory of Jean Jacques) Miss Tara O’Malley (in memory of Jean Jacques) Miss Kathleen O’Malley (in memory of Jean Jacques) Mr. Connor O’Malley (in memory of Jean Jacques) Ms. Mary Poffenberger Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rethemeyer (in memory of James Bussard) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Royce (in memory of James Bussard) Ms. Mary Ann Schurz (in memory of James Bussard) Mrs. Christine Shives Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sokol, Sr. (in honor of Father George Limmer) The Franklin & Phyllis Spielman Family (in memory of James Bussard) The Nevin Spielman Family (in memory of James Bussard) Mrs. Jeanie Stark Mr. & Mrs. Dan Symonds Ms. Pamela Ward (in honor of Rose Marion Hade) St. Mary Catholic School would like to thank all who donated to our 10thAnnual Fund Campaign. With your help we have been able to update and support our technology program and give tuition support to families, allowing students to remain enrolled at St. Mary Catholic School. Your generosity makes a difference! We are honoring the 80s, so drag out your leg warmers to go with your pegged jeans AND don’t forget the big hair and bright colors! Yes, it’s a throwback to 1985, the inaugural year of our Bowl for Kids’ Sake. For more information, please visit www.bbbswcmd.org or call (301) 739-4711. Pope Francis Papal Visit to Philadelphia Join Wendt Touring on pilgrimage to Philadelphia for Our Holy Father’s U.S.A visit! September 25-27, 2015 HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Papal Mass ~ Festival of Families ~ Miraculous Medal Shrine ~ Phillie sights National Shrine of St. Katharine Drexel ~ National Shrine of St. John Neumann National Centre for St. Padre Pio ~ National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa Only $475 based on double occupancy!!! TOUR INCLUDES: *Deluxe motorcoach transportation *Two nights lodging *Breakfast each day *Welcome dinner *All sightseeing & admissions *Baggage handling *Daily Mass & prayer *Pilgrimage Coordinator *Multiple departures from the Baltimore/Washington area TBD Send $50 with Name/Address/Phone/Email address to hold your reservation to: Wendt Touring PO Box 520 Williamsport, MD 21795 Questions? Call Ron Doub at 410-802-5365 or Toll-free 877-222-1849 Email: Rondoub93@aim.com www.WendtTouring.com Ask the Priest Father, Why are we required to receive Communion at Easter and not at Christmas? You are referring to the so-called “Easter Duty.” The Fourth Lateran Ecumenical Council in A.D. 1215, stated in Canon 21 that each Catholic “…receiving reverently at least at Easter the sacrament of the Eucharist, unless perchance at the advice of their own priest they may for a good reason abstain for a time from its reception...” The Church usually will only put into law some- thing that people should be doing but are not doing. Therefore, it is obvious that the faithful should have been going to Holy Communion but were not. It may have been that the faithful truly believed that they were unworthy to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion and stayed away because they felt they were too sinful. On the other hand, it may have been that the faithful were so poorly catechized that had really no idea of the tremendous gift Our Lord had given us in the Holy Eucharist and they stayed away because of a lack of devotion. Either way, the Church attempted to reconcile this situation by requiring Holy Communion, at least, once a year, along with receiving the Sacrament of Confession to prepare for the receiving the Lord in Holy Communion. Hence, the origin of the so-called “Easter Duty.” By why receive at Easter and not at Christmas? At an earlier Synod at Agde in A.D. 508, it was customary to receive Holy Communion at least three times a years (at Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost). The Church’s regulations are meant to offer the least that is necessary to remain faithful, that does not mean one cannot do more. For example, the current regulation on the Eucharistic Fast is that one needs to fast one hour before receiving Holy Communion (unless one is sick). The previous regulation in force before the Second Vatican Council was a three hour fast, and prior to that the fast was from midnight. Why was Easter chosen rather than Christmas? Easter had been celebrated from the beginning of the Church. Easter is the spiritual center of the Catholic/Christian faith. Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead by which He conquered sin and death. Easter was also the time when the catechumens were initiated into the Church and received the three sacraments of initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist. Easter, then, would have been the anniversary of the faithful’s first Holy Communion. Christmas only became a liturgical feast much later, appearing at various places around the mid-350’s. Knights of Columbus Corner New council website for keeping informed of council news: www.kofc1365.org Brotherhood Council Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 8pm in the Council Hall. Our Worthy Grand Knight for 2014-2015 is Cel Shannon. For information, please contact Cel Shannon at cel_s67@hotmail.com. Bingo Bingo Bingo. Every Tuesday at the Knights of Columbus Hall (20340 Leitersburg Pike, Hagerstown, MD 21742) Starting at 6:45 pm we conduct 34 bingo games for the public. Please join us and have fun. Nominations for next year's officers are coming up. Elections will be held at the May 14th meeting. Please speak with Deputy GK John Danko about officer positions in the council. 4/12/2015 Please pray for Attendance Regular Coll. Online Giving Other Kristie Kralik, cousin of Richard Stevenson. May she rest in the Peace of Christ. Total UNITY To create a culture of love and truth you have to be strong and persevering. The world needs a new kind of unity, one that transcends and enlightens by offering the message of Jesus. I will do nothing today to cause division among others, but rather look for ways to unite family members, coworkers, and all who cross my path. Readings for April 19—26, 2015 Sunday 4/19 Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 1st John 2:1-5a Luke 24:35-48 Monday 4/20 Acts 6:8-15 John 6:22-29 Tuesday 4/21 Acts 7:51—8:1a John 6:30-35 Wednesday 4/22 Acts 8:1b-8 John 6:35-40 Thursday 4/23 Acts 8:26-40 John 6:44-51 Friday 4/24 Acts 9:1-20 John 6:52-59 Saturday 4/25 1st Peter5:5b-14 Mark 16:15-20 Sunday 4/26 Acts 4:8-12 1st John 3:1-2 John 10:11-18 St. Mary 899 $8,725.60 2,004.75 420.00 $11,150.35 *School Support *Poor Box Total St. Michael 64 $664.00 65.00 $729.00 1,963.00 176.82 $2,139.82 Amount Needed** 18.00 $18.00 $15,239 $749 **This is the amount of weekly collection that would allow St. Mary/St. Michael to break even for fiscal year 2015 *Not used for St. Mary/St. Michael operating expenses GREAT NEWS ABOUT ONLINE GIVING! We now accept Visa and Mastercard credit cards! Safe, secure giving that isn’t tied into your checking account. Call the office to inquire, 301-7390390. April 20—26, 2015 Day Date Mass Mass Intentions Mass Intention Mon. 4/20 6:30 8:30 Special Intentions for Gary Smith Special Intentions for The Radcliffe Family Tues. 4/21 6:30 8:30 Special Intentions for Ray Montoro The Most Abandoned Priest Wed. 4/22 6:30 8:30 Willi Rampf William Potter Thurs. 4/23 6:30 8:30 Robert L. Grimsley The Most Abandoned Nun Fri. 4/24 6:30 8:30 Kreszentia Rampf The Sappington Family Sat. 4/25 8:30 5:15 Mary Elizabeth Jones Ginny Wagner Sun. 4/26 8:00 9:30 11:00 12:50 Latin Mass St. Michael 10:30 Jack Hudson Special Intentions Mary Ann Montoro Helen Clark Special Intentions for Rev. Joseph Badukune Parish Members & Benefactors SCHOOL NEWS Enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year is now under way! St. Mary Catholic School is currently accepting applications for the next school year. Don’t delay because there is limited space available for grades Pre-K through seventh grade. Please contact Rachel O’Connor at the front desk at 301-733-1184 or by email at roconnor@stmarycatholicschool.org for more information. Our next Open House will be held on Monday, April 27th from 5:00pm – 7:00pm. Good S.A.M.’s for March 2015 K – Hannah Strother1 1—James Ortiz 2—Jonathan Shultz 4 –Erica Weaver 5 – Madison Smith 6 – Camryn Quelet 7 – Sofia Corsi 3 – Cardin Dang 8 – Aria Smith St. Michael Catholic Church Tuition Assistance Program Beginning in the 2015-16 School Year St. Michael Parish will provide tuition assistance in the amount of $750 per child to any child of a St. Michael Parishioner attending St. Mary Catholic School. This is in addition to the reduced tuition rate ($1,000 per child) which the children of St. Michael already enjoy as a mission church of St. Mary Catholic Church. For complete details, contact Alice Martin, Business Manager, 301-739-0390 x114 Rehearsal for the Eucharist Celebration will be held in the church on Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 7PM. All First Communicants are urged to attend. Eucharist Celebration for the First Communion class will be held on Sunday, May 3, at 1:00 PM in the church. Details of meeting place for the procession will be mailed to all parents. Confirmation Candidates will attend a Day of Prayer at Mount Saint Mary’s University on Friday, April 24, to prepare for the reception of Confirmation. All Candidates are to meet in the Parish Center at 7:30 AM. We will return to St. Mary at 5:00 PM. YOUTH NEWS All 9-12 graders are invited to join us for Chosen in Christ small groups today (Sunday April 19) from 45:30PM in the Bosco room. We will continue with the Sacraments and how they help us in the day to day. All young adults (18-35) are invited to the Our Lady of the Cenacle group on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Tuesday of the month for dinner and fellowship at the Corner Pub, located at 158 S Mulberry St, Hagerstown, MD 21740. We meet at 7:30PM in the upper room. Please contact Maria Cocchiaro 301-739-0390 ext. 128. All 5-8 graders are invited to join the parishes of Central MD for Middle School Fun Night at the PNC Arena at Mount St. Mary’s. The event runs from 7-10PM and will include use of the basketball courts, walleyball, swimming pool, board games, etc. For more information and to sign up, please visit: http:// stmaryyouth.weebly.com/upcoming-events.html or contact Maria 301-739-0390 ext. 128.
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