Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 The Catholic Community of: St. Francis de Sales Church St. Michael the Archangel 2929McCracken St. Muskegon, MI 49441 Office: 231-755-1953 1716 Sixth St. Muskegon, MI 49441 Office: 231-722-3071 Fax: 231-722-3243 Fax: 231-759-7074 THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT “The image of Jesus inviting the removal of bandages had great resonance with me…..Merton uses the very image of bandages when talking about the false self in his book “New Seeds of Contemplation.” “Thus I use up my life in the desire for pleasures and the thirst for experiences, for power, for honor, knowledge and love, to clothe this false self and construct its nothingness into something objectively real. And I wind experiences round myself and cover myself with pleasures and glory like bandages in order to make myself perceptible to myself and to the world, as if I were an invisible body that could only become visible when something visible covered its surface.” That day in Bethany, I peered into the dimly lit tomb and tentatively started my climb down the stairs. When I imagine this pilgrimage, I had expected that the Tomb of Lazarus, the site of Jesus’s greatest miracle, would be one of the most crowded of sites. But I was alone. Even lit, the narrow stone stairwell was dim. As I descended, my footsteps echoed against the damp walls. In a few seconds I was in a small chamber, where there was barely enough room to stand. Perhaps, I thought, this was the tomb. But on one side of the room, cut into the wall was a smaller opening near the ground, perhaps three feet wide by four feet high. This opening led into another chamber: the tomb. To enter I had to get down on my hands and knees and crawl through the tight space. Standing up in the small, dark, grayish-green stone tomb, I wondered what it was like for Lazarus to hear Jesus’s voice. What must I have meant to decide to “come out”? Lazarus could have stayed behind. And who could blame him? How frightening it must have been to die (after his illness, knowing he would leave behind two unmarried sisters, crushed that his good friend Jesus had not visited). And frightening to live again. Change of any kind can be frightening. I knelt down again in the tomb and prayed out loud. No need to be embarrassed now. Who would hear me except God? I asked God to take away everything that kept me from becoming the person God wanted me to be. And I asked God for a new life. My voice echoed in the dim stone chamber. Then I left the tomb. (Taken from “Jesus, A Pilgrimage” by James Martin, SJ) PARISH CONTACTS Pastor: Fr. Phil Salmonowicz Office: 755-1953 ext. 222 Rectory: 747-9949 Email: Assisting Priest: Fr. Julian Reginato ext. 228 Pastoral Associate: Sister Agnes Mary 726-2419 Office Hours & Administration: St. Francis Parish:755-1953 ext.200 Fax:759-7074 Office Hours: M—F 8:30 am-4:30 pm Parish Secretaries:Kim Brush & Marti Oosdyke ext. 227 Suzanne Miller, Compassion & Care Minister ext.233 Mark Robillard, Maintenance Director ext. 229 Jerry Mazurek, Maintenance Assistant Business Manager: Karl Ibershoff ext. 234 Faith Formation: Director of Religious Education: Shannon Siuda 755-1307 ext. 225 Adult Faith Formation: Mary Wernet 755-1953 ext. 223 Monday, March 23—St.Turibius of Mogrovejo 7:00—8:00 p.m. Holy Hour St. Michael Divine Mercy Chapel Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 Ps 23 Jn 8:1-11 Tuesday, March 24 8:30 a.m. St. Michael Mass—John Piotrowski by Piotrowski Family Nm 21:4-9 Ps 102 Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday, March 25—The Annunciation of the Lord 7:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration St. Francis Marian Chapel 6:00 p.m. St. Francis Mass—Jack Johnston by Mary Ellen Johnston and Irene Zarimba by Giangacomo family 7:00 p.m. St. Francis Stations of the Cross Is 7:10-14; 8:10 Ps 40 Heb 10:4-10 Lk 1:26-38 Thursday, March 26 8:30 a.m. St. Francis Mass—Gene Kendra by family and Jon F. VanPaemel by Jean & John VanPaemel Gn 17:3-9 Ps 105 Jn 8:51-59 Friday, March 27 12:10 p.m. St. Michael Mass—Irene Sanocki (Birthday) by John, Michele, Johnny & Maria Stations of the Cross & Confessions to follow 7:-00 p.m. Stations of the cross in Polish Jer 20:10-13 Ps 18 Jn 10:31-42 Youth Ministry: Mandy Fort 755-1953 ext. 226 Music Ministry: Dan Hurst 755-1953 ext. 232 St. Michael Parish: 722-3071 Fax: 722-3243 Office Hours: M—W 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Thursday & Friday 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Parish Secretary: Michele Sanocki Music Ministry: Dan Hurst 755-1953 ext.232 Maintenance: Mark Tascone Saturday, March 28 9:30—10:30 a.m. Reconciliation at St. Francis 5:00 p.m. St. Francis Mass—John Moran by Carol and Michael VanFossen by Margo VanFossen Ez 37:21-28 Ps 17 Jn 11:45-56 Sunday, March 29—Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 9:00 a.m. St. Michael Mass— Genevieve Mastee by Marie Peterson and Rita Czekuc by Rita & Ralph Horan and for the people of the parish 11:00 a.m. St. Francis Mass—Lou Mantovani and Helen Mantovani, OP by Bob & Barb Mantovani and for the people of the parish 12:30 p.m. St. Michael Gorzkie Zale Mk 11:1-10 Is 50:4-7 Phil 2:6-11 Mk 14:1—15:47 PLEASE ALWAYS REFER TO YOUR SCHEDULE FOR ACCURACY & SPECIAL MASSES. March 28/29 St. Francis 5:00 PM St. Michael 9:00 AM St. Francis 11:00 AM Altar Servers Morgan & Sarah Zielinski Zaria Coleman Maria Sanocki Jackson, Anna & Elliot Riegler B. Schaub (L) Eucharistic Richard & Melanie S. Judy A. John & Judy A. Mary Jane B B. Robinson & R. Robinson Ministers Bob & Molly D. Gayle L. Cheri K. Kristi N. T. Helm & V. Welbes (Back) Phil B. Mary & Jim B. Barbara B. Richard R. Dave & Peg A. Sam & Char B. Al L. Eric S. Marilyn Dion Henry & Jan Salisz Pat Bishop Rose Wimpee Rita Gibbs-Corradin Karen Szpeinski Lectors Scott / Avila Jennings / Scott / Avila Jim Mastee Kostrzewa / VanLente Oosdyke / Kostrzewa / VanLente Ushers Team # 8 and # 9 Greeters Dorothy & Bill Sklenar Ushers Needed St. Francis Calendar of Events Monday, March 23 9:00 a.m MOMs Group/McCabe Center 6:30 p.m. TMIY/Shepherds Hall Tuesday, March 24 9:00 a.m. Women’s Guild Craft Group/ McCabe Center 10:00 a.m. Symbolon/McCabe Center 6:15 p.m. Chant Choir rehearsal 6:45 p.m. Religious Formation Classes Wednesday, March 25 6:15 p.m. Soups suppers/Shepherds Hall 7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross/Chapel 7:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal 7:00 p.m. RCIA/McCabe Center 7:00 p.m. Edge Youth Group/McCabe Ctr Saturday, March 28 10:00 a.m.. First Communion Student Retreat/McCabe Center Sunday, March 29 9:00 a.m. Religious Formation Classes TRIDUUM/HOLY WEEK Holy Thursday, April 2 7:00 p.m. St. Francis Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 p.m. St. Michael Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Adoration to follow until 10 PM closing with Compline Good Friday, April 3 1:00 p.m. St. Francis Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 2:00 p.m. St. Michael Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion, Stations of the Cross 3:00 p.m. St. Michael Chaplet of Divine Mercy Holy Saturday, April 4 *No confession or 5:00 PM Mass* 12:00 p.m. Blessing of the Food 8:30 p.m. St. Michael Easter Vigil 9:00 p.m. St. Francis Vigil Easter Sunday 9:00 a.m. St. Michael Mass 11:00 a.m. St. Francis Mass JOURNEY OF FAITH UPDATES Campaign Goal: $2,250,000 Current Support:(pledged): $2,126,840 Number of pledges/donors: 555 Preservation fund challenge: $500,000 For your convenience in making your pledge commitment, Journey of Faith envelopes can be found in your contribution packet as well in the pews. St. Francis Weekly Offering March 15, 2015 Sunday collection: $17,306.68 CRS: $ 8,310.00 St. Michael Calendar of Events Monday, March 23 “…do you believe this?” 7-8 p.m. Holy Hour/Divine Mercy Chapel On this Fifth Sunday of Lent, we continue to encounter the Lord Jesus in a powerful and healing way. Our gospel reading from John the Evangelist is, again, very familiar to us. We hear it not only during the Lenten season of year “A”, but also in each of the other liturgical years, and, occasionally, in our weekday readings. This particular reading is also used frequently at the Mass of Christian Burial to render hope, faith, and comfort to those who are grieving the loss of someone dear. It is good for us to know that Jesus, the Word through whom all things were created, was so human that he wept for his friend. It is good to realize this because it helps us to know that Jesus relates to those times of life when we are grief stricken. I know that it helped me a great deal at the loss of each of my parents, grandmother, aunts, and friends. I was comforted not solely in Jesus’ sorrow, but more so in his promise, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live…do you believe this?” I join Martha in saying without reservation, “Yes, Lord. I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of the living God…” As we move into the last days of Lent let us ask ourselves if our journey through these forty days is bringing us closer join Martha in her unequivocal pronouncement of faith. Martha, who upon first meeting Jesus was busy with many things, must have finally learned to take time to encounter Jesus on a deep personal level, and that faith which grew within her was not disappointed. Lent is our time to do the same. God does not disappoint. With love, your brother in Christ, Fr. Phil 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice Monday—Sunday Every day Adoration at Divine Mercy Chapel Every Sunday at St. Michael School 2:00 p.m. Symbolon Rosary to follow We are looking forward to have more of you attending. THANK YOU Thank you to the Patton family for their generous donation to our parish in memory of Florence Patton. Please send a card and pray for: Karen Silva The Cove at Lake Woods Assisted Living 1684 Vulcan Muskegon, MI 49442 She is unable to join us here at Church and we want her to know we care. St. Michael’s Prayer Line: Audrey Adamczak 759-8164. If Audrey is not available, please try Marlene Evens 759-0022. Greatly Appreciated Thank you for your generous support of the Catholic Relief Collection. Through your generosity families will be reunited, valuable skills will be taught to those seeking a better life, and vital humanitarian needs will be met. Please visit to learn how your donations make a difference and help Jesus in Disguise! St. Michael Weekly Offering March 15, 2015 Sunday collection: $4,125.00 DIVINE MERCY—ST. MICHAEL Daily Novena April 3 ~ April 11 @ 3:00 PM DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY April 12 @ 3:00 PM Benediction & Novena Arend Aldrich, Sgt Army, Colorado Devan Allen, Airforce, Louisiana Justin Brenner, Staff Sgt. Hawaii McKenzie Calhoun, Spec, Army, Afghanistan Zachary Crevier, Sergeant, Army, Ft. Bliss, Texas Daniel Deitrick, Lt. USN, Navy, Bahrain Stacy Dillon, S Sgt., Air Force, Korea Scott Dillon, SRA, Air Force,Oklahoma SSG, Jacob Frame, SF Green Beret Michael Fusik, S Sgt, Air Force,Korea Dakota Hess, US Navy, San Clemente, CA Cory Hitsman, Spec., Army National Guard, Afghanistan Cliff Hovis, Reserves, Muskegon William Hovis, HN, Navy, Mississippi Patrick Jones, Captain US Marines, Kuwait Amanda McKay, Sgt, Army, AZ Enrique Pena, Lcpl US Marine Corps Camp Pendleton, CA Daniel Pendell, Sgt. US Army, Fort Bliss, TX Michael Pendell, Sgt. US Army, Fort Riley, KS Daniel Stoneburner, E7, Army, Colorado Springs, CO Stanley Walukonis, CPL Marine Corp, Japan GOD BLESS AMERICA! You can access Symbolon by clicking on the Symbolon picture on the parish website, or to begin registration visit and enter access code 2cc60d You will then be prompted to created a user name (email address) and password. ************** THANK YOU! Happy New Year Fr. Phil. John and I want to thank you for your gift of Symbolon...I just watched the first segment. John is out of town, so we will watch it together when he gets home. We are very grateful for your generous and loving gift. God Bless you, Therese and John Manchester Religious Formation News Youth Group News Contact Shannon Siuda Contact: Mandy Fort RELIGIOUS FORMATION: Stations of the Cross will be Sunday, March 22 and Tuesday, March 24. Please drop off and pick up your students to their classrooms. Last Antioch LifeNight of the school year!!! We will be preparing for Holy Week with 'Uum.' All 9th-12th graders are invited to join us from 7-8:30 p.m. at the St. Philo room for a great evening of reflection on the Triduum. FIRST COMMUNION STUDENT ONLY RETREAT will be Saturday, March 28 from 10-11:30 a.m. at the McCabe Parish Center. Suggested donation for the memory plate they will make is $10. Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered to help with this day! NURSERY NEWS: The 11:00 a.m. Nursery will not be available on Sunday, April 5 so our volunteers may celebrate Easter with their families. RELIGIOUS FORMATION will not have class on Sunday, April 5 & 12 due to Easter & Spring Break. Tuesday classes will not meet on Tuesday, April 7 due to Spring Break. Moms Group News Check out the MOMS GROUP for fellowship and a hot cup of coffee, interesting topics and great discussions. Enjoy some "you time" while your kids are supervised and playing in the church nursery. All mothers of the parish are welcome! On March 23 the topic is yoga and essential oils. Upcoming meetings include chiropractic and massage therapy, spiritual gifts and talents, and "Love Languages" to strengthen communication between spouses. Moms Group meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 9-10:30 in the McCabe Center. Contact Becky Bingham at or find us on Facebook under St. Francis Norton Shores Moms Group. MARK YOU CALENDARS St. Francis Mass of Anointing & Dinner on Wednesday, April 29 Watch the bulletin for more details. PRAY THE ROSARY All 9th-12th graders are invited to join us for Shine Next Level 'SNL' on Sunday, March 29 from 2:30-8:30 p.m. The day will be full of fun time at 3 Mile Project with volleyball, basketball, movies, paint ball, skate park and video games. Then will conclude with a presentation by Jackie Francois and 'The Thirsting' and Adoration. The cost is $25 (checks made out to 'St. Fran's Youth Ministry') Please register (form found at under youth ministry) by Monday, March 23 as we can look into carpooling. The Edge Middle School Youth Group will meet on Wednesday, March 25 with 'Law Breaker'. All 6th-8th graders are invited to attend in the St. Philo room from 7-8:30 p.m. We only have 1 more Edge night after tonight! Don't miss it! The Shine Middle School Youth Conference is Saturday, March 28 at West Catholic High School. There will be great speakers, music and games for all 6th-8th graders. The cost is $30 per person (checks made out to St. Francis Youth Ministry), and includes transportation. The bus will leave Muskegon Catholic High School at 1 p.m. and return by 9:30 p.m. Registration (forms found at under youth ministry) due by Wed, March 25. Please pray for our 36 Confirmation Candidates who have prepared all year to receive the sacrament of Confirmation on Wed, March 25 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Andrew's Cathedral in Grand Rapids. Come Holy Spirit! If you would like to be a part of the Symbolon Part 1 DVD Series beginning Thursday evenings, April 16 at the McCabe Center, please contact John McKendry 798-7031. Sacramental Information Sacrament of the Sick: Phone the parish office when ill or entering the hospital as we can’t know unless we are informed. Sacrament of Baptism: Parents whose children are to be baptized should call the parish office. Sacrament of Matrimony: Arrangements for marriage must be made at least 6 months before the wedding. New Parishioners: If you wish to join our parish, please call the parish office. We are always happy to welcome new parishioners to our parish family. Our parish is made up of many beautiful and interesting people, trying their best to build the kingdom of God on earth by responding to Jesus’ call and following His way. We have a rich heritage of sharing God’s good gifts at our parish and beyond. Attention: Girls and Women of the parish We invite you to wear your beautiful & special hats on Easter YOUR LENTEN JOURNEY Wednesday’s at St. Francis 6:00 p.m. Mass/Chapel 6:15 p.m. Soup Suppers/Shepherds Hall 7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross/Chapel Friday’s at St. Michael 12:10 p.m. Mass followed by Stations of the Cross & Confessions 7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross in Polish Sunday at St. Michael 12:30 p.m. Gorzkie Zale Deanery Reconciliation Service St. Francis Sunday, March 22 at 3 PM St. Francis Wednesday Soup Suppers If you would like to help making a soup or bread, please talk to the Ministry coordinator or call the parish office. March 25: Women’s Guild ~ Margaret Siedlecki April 1: NO SOUPS OR STATIONS A free will offering will be welcomed to help the parish Good Samaritan Fund & other local agencies. Meijer in Norton Shores has partnered with Catholic Charities Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry and on April 11/12 Meijer will double match your donation. The last program, Catholic Charities received $50,900 in gift cards to purchase food for the pantry. In the last three months they helped 4,340 people with food. Because of your donations they were able to buy cheese, milk, cereal, eggs and major food items we take for granted. Hennessy’s Pub & The (new) Boar’s Belly Restaurant is offering two $5 gift certificates for your $10 donation. The money donated next weekend will be taken to Meijer on the double match days so that your $10 becomes a $30 donation to the food pantry. This is a great opportunity to give, get and multiply your giving. EASTER IS COMING! St. Francis is helping those in our parish and Catholic Charities West Michigan this year with Easter baskets for the children and food basket for their family. If you would like to help, we are collecting boxed scalloped or cheesy potatoes, canned green beans or corn, canned sweet potatoes, cake mike with frosting (any flavors), any flavor of jell-o and individual wrapped candy or snacks (suitable for children’s Easter Baskets). Items may be returned by the poster in the gathering area. Thank you. FAMILY PROMSE VOLUNTEER MEETING will be held after Masses on Saturday, March 21 & Sunday, March 22. ONE meeting is mandatory for volunteers to fill out required forms and learn about the program. For more information, contact Pat McKeown 755-4986. MEN OF THE PARISH Join us Monday evenings at 6:30 PM in Shepherds Hall for “That Man is You”(TMIY) Week 23: Find God in Yourself • You are God’s Adpoted Son • The Freedom to be Holy • God’s Dwelling within You • The Mystery of the Eucharist • The Revelation of the Father thru You • Christ’s Mercy through you Hospital: Bob Kurant We continue to pray for: Marcia Ahearn, Elena Alvarez, Leah Bell, Claudia Burkhart, Virginia Cooper, Frances Debniak, Beverly Dobb, Dick Dolack, Betty Emlaw, Al Flogge, Jeanne Gerst, Dorothy Huddleston, Madeline Joseph, Virginia Kuharevicz, Beverly Lucken, Tom Maloy, Deacon Bill McCabe, Phyllis Oza, Evelyn Raynor, Agnes Rose, Francis Ruud, Loretta Schultz, Jean Senecal, Helen Sohasky, Eleanor Soltis, Virginia Strach, Betty Tisch-Crancer, Jack Tribe, Mary Usmial, Tony Winkler, Joe Zagaroli, Brent Zatzke, Marie Ziegler, Jan Zok Residents in Assisted Living: Day Spring: Adeline Brozek, Bill DeTorres, Joe Gouin, Kathy Hale, Gale Hallead, Bill Hicks, Dick Jansen, Patricia Flickema-Lipton, Ken Moberg, Bob Pawlak, Evelyn Raynor, Marge Smith, Roman Winkler McAuley Place: John Mylenek, Genevieve Rajewski Seminole Shores: Frances Beck, Margaret Boyer, George Bull, Betty Cawein, Mary Lou Curik, Betty Donovan, Marie DeMarco, Hazel Duff, Sally Flejszar, Willie Mae Glenn, Betty Healey, Gladys Kalchik, Bethlee Kordecki, Rose Mahoney, Ed Nave, Frank Parsons, Donna Mae Pelfresne, Shirley Pickle, Shirley Potter, Mary Jean Rostar, Tony & Kathy Sass, Claire Shunta, Robert Smith, Gordon VanderTill Roosevelt Park: Ruth Archer, Veda Boyce, Paulette Davidson, Hope Gonzales, Bea Labelle, Louise Lenar, Keith Martin, Michael Porter, Rosalie Vennie, Marvel Vig Sanctuary at the Park:, Ed Panyrek, Josephine Powers, Harry Ryznar, Loretta Schultz The Cove at Lake Woods: Charlotte Anderson, Karen Silva, Phil Tardani, Dolores Vandak ATTENTION MCC FAMILIES: To better prepare our parish budget, your family vouchers are due in the parish office by April 24, 2015. ST. FRANCIS FAMILY CORNER Grant him eternal peace, O Lord Raymond Carslake Richard “Dick” Engle Louise Miller John Pietrowicz
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