2 0 1 5 M A Y 1 5 ST. MICHAEL Catholic School D E D I C AT E D T O S P I R I T UA L G RO W T H , AC A D E M I C E XC E L L E N C E , A N D S O C I A L D E V E L O P M E N T, T H E M I S S I O N O F S A I N T M I C H A E L C A T H O L I C S C H O O L I S T O P R E PA R E O U R S T U D E N T S T O L I V E T H E G O S P E L M E S S AG E I N A N E V E R C H A N G I N G , D I V E R S E W O R L D. Principal’s Corner Full out of uniform tomorrow (Friday) to support National Brain Tumor month: The MN Brain Tumor walk is this Sunday, May 17th. Finn, cousin to Maggie and Grace Brown, is 12 and is a brain cancer survivor. Bring $1 to support us in our walk and to raise money for Finn and our own Emily. Wear gray or purple (gray represents brain tumor month and purple was Emily’s favorite color). “We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden.” Goethe nnn School Receives A Grant: St. Michael Catholic School recently received a very generous grant from the Schulze Family Foundation to be used toward growing enrollment in our school. This grant is for $10,000. This grant will be used to expand our Kindergarten Prep and Kindergarten enrollment. NWEA MAP Test Scores: Students in grades 2 through 8 recently completed the Spring NWEA MAP assessments. Individual results will be sent home with the students next week. If you have any questions about your child's scores, please contact their teacher or Mrs. Maxwell. Spring Clean Up: A big thank you goes out to Mrs. Helberg and Mrs. Hall for organizing our school grounds spring clean up. The 7th and 6th grade students gave of their time and talent after Mass on Wednesday to spread mulch, pick up trash, sticks and trimmed branches. They were blessed with a sunny morning and enjoyed socializing as they gave back to our parish and school. Another big thank you goes out to Ron and Debbie Ames for graciously donating the mulch to beautify our school ground. Father Hemp Awards: The 8th grade finalists were announced this morning at our Athletic Breakfast. The female finalists were Paige Benson, Katie Glaser and Bailee Glass. The male finalists were Patrick Juell, Colin O’Conner and Zach Wise. The winners will be announced at our 8th Grade Graduation Mass. Academic All-Star Recognition: Invitations were sent out this week to 7th and 8th graders who qualified for our All-Start Banquet on May 28th from 3:00pm – 4:30 in Archangels Hall. Students receiving this award must have a grade point average of 3.8 or higher for the first three quarters of this school year. Absentee Line: 952-447-2230 Call anytime your child is going to be tardy or absent. Spring Musical: Invite your neighbors, friends and grandparents to our spring musicals. Choose from one of our four performances. 7th and 8th graders will perform the Little Mermaid on this Tuesday and Thursday at 12:30p.m. and 7:00p.m. Children’s Mass The 5th grade class is planning the Children’s Mass on Wednesday, May 20th at 8:00 a.m. May food shelf collection: Beans (cans or bags) FAITH COMMUNITY Please remember our St. Michael Community in your prayers the week of May 18th. Pat Casey Rhonda Zweber Barb Stark Sheridan Hafdal Loretta Eller Upcoming Events for May 18 - May 24, 2015 MONDAY Chess Pizza Party 2:15 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Children’s Mass Wendy’s Community Night (eat dinner at Wendy’s and mention St Mike’s!) THURSDAY FRIDAY State Expo 4th grade MPR 1-2 SATURDAY SUNDAY Check out our Media Center website: https://sites.google.com/a/saintmpl.org/mrsmeidllibrarymediaspecialist/ Interested in being a Book Fair Organizer or Volunteer for our BOGO or Fall Book Fair? Contact: Mrs. Meidl at 952-447-9036 or Meidl@saintmpl.org Little Angels - May Programs Wednesday, May 20 - 2:00 - 3:00 M/W/F class Thursday, May 21 - 10:00 - 11:00 T-Th class Friday, May 22 - 10:00 - 11:00 M/W/F class Want to earn some extra $$$$$$$$? We are looking to double our pool of subs for next year. If you’d like to sub for a teacher (need college degree) or for the support team (such as Kim and Linda), contact the office for more details! www.saintmpl.org or 952-447-2124. Dinner at Davanni’s Tuesday and Support the Draine Family Support the Draine family on Tuesday, May 19th as they help support World Vision in bringing clean water to the Sudan. Flyer and tickets attached below. Golf Tournament Save the Date: The Annual St. Michael Blues Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday, September 13th, 2015. The fundraiser will be held at Legend's Golf Club with a 1:30 shotgun start time. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Wentzel or Megan Ames at meganames@amesco.com. Math Academy for students entering high school or in high school Sister Melissa will offer Math Academy this summer. The concept is to provide math materials in a study group/discussion format. Classes are two weeks in duration, meeting either two or four days/week. Classes offered: Intermediate Algebra/Geometry, Honors Geometry/Algebra 2, Honors Algebra 2, Into to Logic and Proof, Crazy for Conics. Contact Sister Melissa or the school office for more information and a registration form. Class sizes are limited. Academic All-Stars We are in need of a parent/parents to coordinate the Academic All-Star event scheduled for Thursday, May 28th from 3:00-4:30 at the Archangels Hall. The event honors those students in 7th & 8th grade who have made the high honor roll. Light snacks are provided. Detailed information is available to assist with the planning. Save the Date Lakefront Days Parade - we need you to join us in the parade. Saturday, August 8th. Parade starts at 1 pm. Contact school office if you can join us. 447-2124 Summer Splash The School Sisters of Notre Dame: a weekend for girls who are completing sixth, seventh or eighth grade and their moms (or significant female adults). Mom and daughter alumnae from any previous Summer Splash are also welcome. Held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Campus (170 Good Counsel Drive, Mankato, MN 56001), beginning at 1:00 p.m. Friday, June 26 until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, June 27. Cost - $75 per mother/daughter pair. Includes a blend of activities designed to strengthen the mother-daughter connection while providing an inside look at the Sisters’ lives. See www.ssndcentralpacific.org/summer-splash-2015 for more information and to register. Questions? Contact Sister Dorothy Zeller, SSND (507-514-2296 or dzeller@ssndcp.org). Art Adventures Coordinator Organize this fun classroom activity. Responsibilities include contacting teachers for their picture person volunteer for the year, select the art portfolio, communicate training opportunities to the volunteers. A lot of fun, little time commitment! On behalf of the Sacristan committee, we would like to thank all those who have joined in & have considered helping out at the school masses! We are still prayerful that there are a couple more persons willing to be part of this wonderful ministry! The commitment is low & the reward is Huge! Rotating Wednesdays every 3-5+ weeks! For more information please contact Laurie Maxwell at lauriemaxwell@saintmpl.org Scrip Statements are being mailed out at the end of this week to those families on the $3600 plan that still have a balance on their account. You may continue making purchases toward your $3600 balance until May 22nd. Those purchases will be added to your account. If you are unable to purchase the whole amount still owed by May 22nd, your FACTS account will be charged a prorated scrip fee based on what you have already purchased. For example if you have purchased $1800 in scrip and you still need to purchase $1800 to meet your $3600 obligation, but are unable to do so, the prorated amount of the scrip fee of $100 will be charged. You will be billed via FACTS for this prorated amount. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Shawn Binkowski 952-440-8103 Robotics 2015-16 Registration flyer attached to sign up for next year’s teams. SUMMER TUTORS Mr. Whalton Mrs. Vochoska Math only 952-884-0467 Grades 1-8 djwhalton@gmail.com Any subject vochoska@saintmpl.org Any grade Sister Melissa Math only schreifels@saintmpl.org Grades: entering 9-12 Mrs. DeGross Any subject kdegross@saintmpl.org Grades 2-4 Ms. Johannes Any subject johannes@saintmpl.org Elementary Mrs. Groehler Any subject groehler@saintmpl.org Any grade(limited number of students) Mrs. Rohlfsen Any subject rohlfsen@saintmpl.org Elementary Ms. Paulsen Piano lessons T/Th 9-3 paulsen@saintmpl.org St. Michael Catholic School Presents Disney's Little Mermaid Jr. May 19 & May 21 12:30 & 7:00 REGISTER ONLINE: www.FuturaAdventures.com St. Michael Catholic School Take $25.00 off if registering by 6/1/15 Day/Time: Mondays, 2:20 -3:20pm Dates: 16 weeks starting October 12th, 2015 Tuition: $225 / 16 Weeks Optional Materials: Musical CDs; Spanish Club T-Shirt (Available on the registration page) Open to students in Kindergarten ± 5th Grade QUESTIONS? 262.719.9332 Payment plans available ± contact sandyo@futuraadventures.com C a n c e l l a t i o n P o l i c y : T u i t i o n i s n o n - re f u n d a b l e . T o c a n c e l a c l a s s , 3 0 d a y s w ri t t e n n o t i c e m u s t b e g i v e n t o s a n d y o @ f u t u r a a d v e n t u re s . c o m . A $ 5 0 c a n c e l l a t i o n f e e w i l l b e a s s e s s e d f o r a l l c a n c e l l a t i o n s . e in l b a ail o! v o t a s e et f ic Tick hool of sc the Important Media Center News! -Children's Book Week May 4-10, 2015 -Screen Free Week May 4-10, 2015 -Final Book Club-Tuesday, May 5 - 2:15-3:00 PM -All books (exception-MHL nominees, series or books needed for projects) need to be returned by May 18, 2015 -Please use the SOTN & MHL nominees as summer reading lists for your students. (We have many of the new nominees & I have ordered some of that we did not have.) -Scholastic BOGO Book Fair dates May 27-29 (Book Fair arrives 5/26 D rotation. We will try & have it set up for classes to do their preview that day. Preschool-5th grade will preview during their scheduled rotation time. 6th-8th grade will have to schedule a time.) -Summer Reading Program information listed on Weekly Media Center Update which is on my web page. -I will have a summer reading log sheet (possible folder) for Preschool-6th grade students by 6/8/15. Month of May - Media Center Review & TRAILS testing (3rd-5th Grade) Please have all library books returned by Monday, May 18, 2015 Thank-You for supporting our Scholastic Book Fairs & Kicking Off Summer Reading Buy One Get One Book Fair Wednesday, May 27 - Friday, May 29 Wednesday, May 27 10:00 am-7:00 pm Thursday, May 28 10:00 am-4:00 pm Friday, May 29 10:00 am-4:00 pm Scholastic Book fairs 2013-2015 Sales - $ 54,348.42 Profit - $30,859.82 Register to win one of three Summer Reading Book Baskets Thank-You for supporting our Scholastic Book Fairs! Scholastic Buy One Get One Book Fair Wednesday, May 27 Thursday, May 28 Friday, May 29 10:00 am-7:00 pm 10:00 am-4:00 pm 10:00 am-4:00 pm This is a special thank you for the support of our book fairs this school year & an opportunity to kick off summer reading. Register to win one of three Summer Reading Baskets St. Michael Catholic School Media Center 16280 Duluth Ave. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 (952)447-9036 Open A World Of Possibilities! . Media Center 16280 Duluth Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 952-447-9036 Meidl@saintmpl.org A message from the St. Michael Catholic School Laurentine Media Center Check out our Media Center website: https://sites.google.com/a/saintmpl.org/mrsmeidllibrarymediaspecialist/ Please have all library books returned by Monday, May 18, 2015 Thank-You for supporting our Scholastic Book Fairs! & Kicking Off Summer Reading Buy One Get One Book Fair Wednesday, May 27 - Friday, May 29 Wednesday, May 27 10:00 am-7:00 pm Thursday, May 28 10:00 am-4:00 pm Friday, May 29 10:00 am-4:00 pm Scholastic Book fairs 2013-2015 Sales - $ 54,348.42 Profit - $30,859.82 Register to win one of three Summer Reading Book Baskets 2015-2016 St. Michael Media Center Book Club & 2015-2016 Kids Are Authors Registration Forms will be available 5/27/15 & online St. Michael Robo/cs Team 2015-‐2016 FTC teams are open to students in 7th and 8th grade. FLL teams are open to students in grades 4th-‐6th. Please complete this registra0on form to par0cipate on a St. Michael robo0c team. We will do our best to accommodate all interested students. Each team will need to have adequate mentorship in order to go forward. Please consider volunteering your 0me to help make this program possible. Registra0on for both FTC and FLL takes place in the Spring, so that we will have an accurate count of interested students. This is cri0cal in developing our “mentor group” to help support the teams. We also want our new members to have the opportunity to par0cipate in some of our op0onal “off season” events. Possible summer ac0vi0es include demonstra0ons, planning mee0ngs, as well as opportuni0es to learn about robot building, programing, web and computer aided design. Return your completed form to the school office, or e-‐mail a copy of the form to lanceschroeder@yahoo.com, no later than May 22nd. The fee for par0cipa0ng is $100 per FLL student, $150 per FTC student. Comple0ng of this registra0on form will indicate that you are planning on par0cipa0ng in the Fall. A robo0c fee will be added to your FACTS statement in the Fall. In order to meet the growing interest in this program, we are in need of parents willing to be a part of our “mentor group.” The forming of a team will only be possible if there is a “mentor group” available for that team. No experience is needed, and support and training will be available for this group prior to the start of the season, and throughout the season. Teams usually meet once a week, with addi0onal mee0ngs prior to a compe00on. Please indicate if you are willing to be a part of our mentor group. YES________ No________ If you have any ques0ons about the robo0c program, please contact: Jean or Lance Schroeder (952)226-‐1750 lanceschroeder@yahoo.com ***************************************************************************** Student/s Name___________________________________________ Grade__________ (2015-‐2016 school year) Parent/s Name___________________________________ Parents Phone (home)______________________________ Cell phone (name & number)______________________ Cell phone (name & number)__________________________ Parent e-‐mail_________________________________________________ Student e-‐mail(or second parent e-‐mail)____________________________________________ at St. Michael Catholic School 16280 Duluth Avenue SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 School Office: 952-447-2140 2015 Summer Adventures Plus… Exploration galore… Filled with creativity and excitement… June 22-August 21 2 sessions, 7:00-12:00 & 12:00-5:00 (Accepting ages 5 and up) Why choose our program? Each week a new theme will be introduced *A Summer to Discover *Minnesota Adventures *Stars & Stripe! *Son Spark (VBS) *Cinema Week *Artful Antics *Movin & Grovin *Anything Goes *Science Exploration/Space is the place Tuesday each week - Pay it Forward - Community Service Thursday each week - Culinary - Kids Can Cook - Catered meal The following special events and activities will tie in with each weekly theme -Community service project -Spiritual theme and bible verse -One field trip each week -One catered lunch each week Don’t need Full or Part-time Care? Consider signing your child/ren up for our weekly Field Trips For Additional Information, please contact: Co-Director - Julie Herbst Cell Phone (612)619-7484 Email - advplus@saintmpl.org Co-Director - Debra Meidl Cell Phone (612)554-1349 Email – meidl@saintmpl.org
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