St. Patrick Catholic Church Vacation Bible School 2015 “Cool Kingdom Party” Mary Leads Me Closer to Jesus July 6 through 10 9:00 a.m. – Noon th th Pre-K (potty-trained), and Rising Kindergarten – Rising Fifth Grade $40 per child, $60 for 2 children, $80 for 3 children, $100 per family Space is limited! Please register early. FAMILY NAME: ________________________________________Email:_________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________________________ Number & Street Daytime Telephone: City Zip Code _________________/_________________cell __________________/_______________cell Father Mother Emergency Contact:_____________________________________________________________________________ Name Phone Relationship to child Child(ren) may be picked up by: Parents Brother/Sister Other___________________________________ Camper’s Name Last, First, Middle M F Grade Entering Fall 2015 Date of Birth T-shirt Size Allergies? Special Requirements? Registration forms may be dropped off at the Religious Education Office, or mailed to: St. Patrick Religious Education Office, 9151 Elys Ford Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Please make checks payable to St. Patrick Church The Religious Education Office may be reached at 540-785-7857 e-mail: PLEASE COMPLETE THE PERMISSION SLIP ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM. Saint Patrick Catholic Church 9151 Elys Ford RoadFredericksburg, VA 22407 PERMISSION SLIP AND MEDICAL RELEASE I, ________________________________________(parent/guardian) give permission for my child(ren) listed on the front of this form, to participate in the St. Patrick Vacation Bible School from Monday July 6, 2015 to July 10, 2015 from 9:00 a.m.- Noon each day. In the event that I cannot be reached, I hereby grant permission for my child to be evaluated, diagnosed, treated and/or medicated in accordance with standard medical practice by licensed medical personnel. Please provide all necessary information about insurance: Insurance Carrier: _______________________________ Policy Number: _________________ *I will not hold Saint Patrick or the Diocese of Arlington, chaperones, or representatives in association with this activity responsible in the event of injury. My child is allergic to (medication, food, insects, other) ____________________________________________________________________________ My child is taking medication (indicate dosage, frequency, etc.): ____________________________________________________________________________ You should be aware of these special medical conditions of my child (dietary, asthma and other concerns): ____________________________________________________________________________ Parent's Signature: _______________________________________Date:_________________ I understand that photos of the children will be taken during activities and hereby grant permission for my child(ren)’s image to be displayed in a photo or media slide show presentation that will not be distributed to anyone. Parent's Signature: _______________________________________Date:_________________
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