Freescale Crisis Management Plan External Use December 1, 2011

December 1, 2011
Freescale Crisis Management Plan
External Use
Freescale Crisis Management Plan
Freescale maintains confidential Crisis Management (CMP) and Business Continuity Plans (BCP) with detailed
processes for addressing situations that threaten the health and safety of our employees, or our ability to continue to
meet our obligations to customers and other stakeholders. This document is designed to provide a non-confidential
overview of the Freescale CMP and BCP framework in response to customer inquiry.
Statement of Crisis Management Plan & Business Continuity
Crisis Management Team Objectives/Functions
Freescale Corporate Crisis Management Team
General Crisis Response
Freescale Site Crisis Management Expectations
Freescale Crisis Management Plan
Statement of Crisis Management Plan & Business Continuity
Freescale Semiconductor is a safety and security-conscious business, and we take all reasonable precautions to
avoid situations that may threaten the safety or welfare of our employees, their families, suppliers, customers and
other members of the community, or of our business and stakeholders.
In the event of a situation that threatens the safety and security of people or property, Freescale managers will make
every reasonable effort to minimize damage and to protect employees, assets and the company’s corporate
reputation, and to provide affected audiences with timely and accurate information on the situation. In the event of a
major emergency, Crisis Management Teams (CMT) will be activated in accordance with their site or regional Crisis
Management Plan. In the case of an event affecting multiple Freescale operations, where the site or regional Crisis
Management Team requests, or as the event mandates, the Freescale Corporate Crisis Management Team will be
Freescale fabrication operations based in the U.S. are regulated under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),
Chemical Security Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS). In this context, certain incidents must be reported to DHS by
Freescale in compliance with DHS guidance. Consistent with DHS requirements, Freescale might be required to keep
the existence and details of these incidents confidential.
Definitions / Acronyms
Definition of a Crisis
There is a difference between an emergency and a crisis. An “emergency” is defined as a sudden, unexpected
event requiring immediate action to protect people, the environment or property. Examples include fires, natural
disasters, or chemical spills. Emergencies are handled by “first responders” such as fire departments and Freescale
Emergency Response Teams.
A “crisis” is much broader event, with a larger impact. It may be sudden and unexpected, or it may develop over a
period of time. A crisis is defined as an event which, if not handled in an appropriate manner, may have a major
negative impact on the company’s profitability or reputation. Examples include major emergencies, human resource
issues, ethical issues, product safety issues, civil unrest or third-party attacks. Crisis events typically require actions
by multiple departments, communications to employees and other stakeholders, and a response to both the shortterm and long-term impacts of an event.
BCP: Business Continuity Plan
CMP: Crisis Management Plan
CMT: Crisis Management Team
EHS: Environment, Health & Safety
Freescale Crisis Management Plan
Freescale deploys a four-tier approach to Crisis Management and Business Continuity. Each tier focuses on a
specific risk area, and corporate guidelines are established for each tier.
Site/Regional Crisis Management – Freescale sites/regions will maintain a site/regional-specific Crisis Management
Plan(s), which assures the rapid recovery of business operations and/or facilities infrastructure from a business
interruption (i.e., buildings, communication, power, natural gas, heating/cooling, multiple injuries or death, etc.).
Product Supply Continuity – The Product Supply Business Continuity Plan will attempt to assure product delivery to
our customers.
Information Protection – The IT Systems Business Continuity Plan will address the recovery of the Freescale data
Procurement Continuity – The Global Procurement Business Continuity Plan will attempt to assure the delivery of
raw materials to the Freescale sites.
During a local crisis event, all tiers interact with and complement each other at a site level. In the event of a largescale crisis, the Corporate Crisis Management Team will manage the event and pull in the support of all four tiers.
The Corporate Crisis Management and Business Continuity Plan will establish corporate level crisis management
responsibilities and site crisis management expectations.
Purpose / Scope
The purpose of this document is to summarize the corporate response procedures in the event of a crisis situation,
with the intent to minimize the effects of the incident on people, the community, company operations, our customers
and the environment. This plan applies to all Freescale operations. This plan will be reviewed annually or as changes
Freescale Crisis Management Plan
Crisis Management Team Objectives / Functions
The Freescale crisis program has three primary objectives: to protect people and the environment, to minimize
negative financial impacts, and to preserve the company’s reputation. To achieve these objectives, Freescale crisis
teams assume the following basic functions:
Assess potential risks to the operation.
Take actions to prevent high-risk incidents from occurring.
Take actions to prepare for high-risk incidents that cannot be prevented.
Maintain current contact information for crisis team members and their alternates, plus other contacts
needed for effective crisis response.
Organize and equip an emergency operations center from which a crisis can be managed.
Assure that crisis response plans are in place and have been tested.
Ensure coordination with business teams (Product Supply, IT, Global Procurement, etc.) as needed through
the Business Continuity Coordinators.
Effectively manage crisis events that occur.
Freescale Corporate Crisis Management Team
The Corporate Crisis Management Team is a cross functional team of senior leaders. The Corporate Team will,
through the Team Coordinator:
Maintain the Corporate CMT contact list made up of Senior Leadership Team members, Corporate Crisis
Management Plan, and the Corporate Resource contact list.
Ensure proper training is available for members of all levels.
Ensure that applicable sites/regions have and maintain a site/regional CMP and that Product Supply, IT and
Global Procurement maintain BCPs.
Convene as necessary to assist sites/regions with crisis events and facilitate access and communication to
the Senior Leadership Team.
Any corporate team member can convene the Corporate CMT. The Corporate CMT may use mobile phones,
voicemail, fax, e-mail or teleconferencing lines to assist with communication. If anyone on the Corporate Core CMT
team is contacted he/she will contact the remaining Corporate Core CMT representatives as necessary. If contacted,
Corporate Core CMT members will follow the steps below:
Review the incident and current known facts.
Identify and gather internal resources to address the incident (i.e. HR, Security, EHS, etc).
Manage the incident by splitting/delegating areas of responsibilities.
Follow procedures and checklists as required to appropriately respond to the notification.
Arrange for administrative and other support as needed during the incident.
If a physical meeting location is needed, proceed to secure it.
Freescale Crisis Management Plan
General Crisis Response
Key Response Elements
The following are essential for an effective crisis response:
Clear responsibilities for all team members
Clear authority for decision-making
Effective communications
Timely and responsive action
Management Techniques
Dealing effectively with a crisis requires special management techniques. The sequence of activities the team will
generally follow is:
Establish the known facts
Assess the impacts (consider worst case scenarios)
Identify key issues
Set priorities
Involve the appropriate people
Assign actions and deadlines
Communicate core message
Re-evaluate the situation and revise the response
Areas of Focus for the CMT will be:
Looking at the incident objectively, as a problem to be solved.
Focusing on the primary issues. For example, the primary issue for a chemical spill is the effect on health and
safety; not damage to property.
Avoiding becoming totally reactive (not allowing the response to be driven by the telephone or the media).
Understanding the CMT role. The CMT supports the response to the crisis event by evaluating the big picture
and providing direction or re-direction to response activities, authorization of resources, and when requested
assist in the actual response steps. Generally, actual response steps at major manufacturing facilities are
conducted by site emergency response team members.
Viewing the incident from the standpoint of the people affected, such as employees and neighbors. Identify
their concerns.
Where appropriate, consulting with someone who can provide an objective viewpoint of the incident.
Providing clear and accurate communications to ensure all interested parties have the information needed to
understand the situation.
As soon as possible, creating core messages to address the primary issues and the concerns of
Being prepared to answer the questions: “What did you know and when did you know it?”
Periodically stepping back and re-assessing issues and priorities.
Considering long-range consequences.
Allowing final authority for making decisions to be assigned to one member of senior management on the
CMT depending on the crisis and the related function.
Freescale Crisis Management Plan
Coordinating with the Business Operations
One of the CMT’s main goals is to help minimize the financial impacts of a crisis by supporting the business
operations. It is extremely important for the CMT to work closely with the business operations during a crisis event.
Each business operation will have a representative on the CMT. This will be the “Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Coordinator” who will be responsible for assuring that business interruptions are minimized during a crisis. Every
function within the CMT will consider how it will effectively support the business operations as part of its crisis
response actions.
Crisis Communications
A representative from Corporate Communications will be appointed to handle all public inquiries. In addition, each
site will have trained designees who can act as spokespeople until corporate communications can be involved. This
person and backups will be identified and trained well in advance. Per company policy, all media and other public
inquiries will be referred to the designated spokesperson. Only designated spokespersons will speak to the news
media or make official statements on behalf of Freescale.
Freescale Crisis Management Plan
Freescale Site / Regional Crisis Management Expectations
Freescale conducts its business and operations in approximately 75 sites and in more than 25 countries worldwide.
While Freescale provides utmost care at all our sites, we categorize our sites based on assessed risk, as well as size
and magnitude of operations. The Freescale Corporate CMT requires each of its sites to have general awareness of
the Freescale Corporate CMP.
Designated ‘Type A’: Significant impact if operations interrupted. Includes manufacturing sites and large
design centers or sites with critical operations e.g. IT data centers. Freescale Crisis Management Team
and/or Corporate EHS will define which sites, other than manufacturing, are designated as Type A for Crisis
Management Planning purposes.
Designated ‘Type B’: Moderate impact if operations interrupted, including design or software centers and
major regional office centers. Typically will be non-mfg sites >150 Employees. Some sites may be classified
as Type B based on management discretion.
Designated ‘Type C’: All remaining low risk sites, including sales sites or remote locations with <150
Designated ‘Type A’ Sites typically are responsible for the following:
Creating and maintaining a site/regional specific Crisis Management Plan or site/regional specific
appendices to be used in conjunction with this plan.
Conducting a site/regional specific risk assessment and reviewing/updating as needed.
Reviewing crisis programs of key contractors working on site and key suppliers for effectiveness and ability
to support Freescale during a crisis.
Designated ‘Type A’ and ‘Type B’ Sites
Designated ‘Type A’ and ‘Type B’ Sites typically are responsible for the following:
Identifying site/regional CMT including representation from core functions (Communications, EHS, Site
Services/Facilities, HR, Legal, and Security) at a minimum. The team also includes other key functions
(Finance, Procurement, Supply Chain, IT, Business Continuity Representatives) as appropriate for the site.
Maintaining up-to-date contact lists and making them available to the Freescale Corporate CMT.
Providing crisis management awareness training to Site CMT members. The following Corporate training is
currently available:
CMT/BCP Awareness Training – General introductory presentation for new CMT members at all sites.
Harvard ManageMentor – Crisis Management – Required once per career for all Level A, B site CMT
Leaders and members; encouraged for Type C site contacts and BCP Coordinators. If member has
attended any previous business crisis course as part of their career, this requirement will be waived with
email confirmation.
Convening meetings/drills at least once per year to test the team and plan, unless actual site events cause
the team to activate
Making appropriate notifications to the Freescale Corporate CMT as directed by the trigger points noted in
Section 6.0 of this document.
Conducting and documenting a post-incident review following CMT events and/or drills to identify and
implement corrective actions. In the event of an actual activation, a completed copy of the Post-Incident
Evaluation will be sent to Corporate CMT Coordinator after the event for review with the Corporate Crisis
Management Team.
Freescale Crisis Management Plan
Designated ‘Type B’ Sites
Designated ‘Type B’ Sites are all familiar with the Corporate CMP. In addition, Type B Sites will maintain an
Emergency Response Plan, in accordance with internal document A3002- Medium Site MS-Lite EHS Plan document.
This Emergency Response Plan is in lieu of a full Crisis Management Plan.
Designated ‘Type C’ Sites
Designated ‘Type C’ Sites are all familiar with the Corporate CMP and have designated a key site representative in
the event that Corporate Freescale communication is necessary in response to an event. In addition, sites will
maintain access to the corporate contact lists and create local site contact lists as appropriate. A Site Emergency
Response Plan template is available to assist smaller sites.
Trigger Points for Freescale Corporate Notification
Corporate Management must be notified of certain events. Even if an event does not appear to be significant by itself,
it could be important when combined with other events in other locations.
It is encouraged for sites to notify the CCMT in “grey” situations and definitely notify if there has been or there is the
potential for:
Any serious work related injury or illness (hospitalization, multiple injuries for single event)
Any abduction
On-site or work-related death
Financial impact in excess of $500,000
Unplanned production stoppage for more than one day
Negative media coverage or potential damage to company reputation
How to Reach Us
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Web Support:
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+81 3 5437 9125
Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to
use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express or implied copyright license
granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on
the information in this document.
Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any
products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee
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Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit,
and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or
incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor
data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual
performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be
validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale
Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.
Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as
components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended
to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale
Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur.
Should Buyer purchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended or
unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductor and its
officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs,
damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any
claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if
such claim alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or
manufacture of the part.
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Document Number: FSLCRSMGTPLN REV 0