St. Robert Bellarmine Church May 10th, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter 856 Euclid Ave ● Warrington ● PA Phone:215.343.0315 Fax:215.343.8592 PARISH ADMINISTRATION Mrs. Deborah Jaster Principal-St. Joseph/St. Robert School Mrs. Joan Fitzpatrick Director of Adult Faith Formation Mrs. Donna Heeney Director of Religious Education Mr. Kevin Lutz Director of Music Ministries Deacon George Morris Director of Financial Services Mrs. Barbara Palo Director of Teen Ministry Mrs. Sheila Fehrman & Mrs. Mary Landry Mr. James Crumlish Parish Secretaries - Facilities Supervisor Rev. Msgr. James D. Beisel Pastor Rev. Msgr. Joseph T. Kane Pastor Emeritus Rev. John P. Stokely Parochial Vicar Deacon George Morris Permanent Deacon Rev. Francis J. Cornely Sunday Ministry Please pray for our sick parishioners, relatives, and friends, especially: SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 5:00 P.M. - Margaret O’Reilly & Anna Fehrman SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015 MOTHER’S DAY Mass Intentions Mother’s Day Remembrances 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 A.M. MONDAY, MAY 11, 2015 7:00 A.M. - Gene Crowley 9:00 A.M. - Raymond A. Cline, Sr. TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2015 7:00 A.M. - Parishioners 9:00 A.M. - Charlotte Verani WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2015 7:00 A.M. - Genevieve (Jean) Kelly 9:00 A.M. - Albert & Rosalie Ansuini THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015 ASCENSION THURSDAY– HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION 7:00 A.M. - Parishioners 9:00 A.M. - Isidra Domingo 12:00 NOON - Francis X. McKenna 9:00 A.M. - Joseph Sheehan FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2015 7:00 A.M. - Bishop Cletus Benjamin 9:00 A.M.– Gertrude Bilbee - 10th Anniversary SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015 9:00 A.M. - Patrick Walsh 5:00 P.M. - Philip Lecklikner SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 7:00 A.M. - Patrick Walsh 9:00 A.M. - Michele Garbarino - 16th Anniversary 11:00 A.M. - Rob Hamilton Nicholas Chess Gregory Chess Kevin Christopher Fox Frank Waltrich John Weigner Leo Dennis Mary Williams Mary McDevitt Susan Rahill-Vickalitis Pat Bocchicchio Catherine Swider James Kolody, Sr. Bill Zarkowski James Kolody III Mary Farano Joseph Neill Jeannette Lee Ellyanna Stephens Judith Rodriguez Larry Barlow Madeleine Mangino Elizabeth Maher Yolanda Anthony Charles Johnston Carol Spadaro Cathy Conricode Alexis Schirling Dan McDevitt Pat Wendte Paige LaRosa Peter McDevitt Richard Ervin, Sr. Mary McBride Lou Huber Margaret Mayor Steven Geib Johnny Tate Bill Beckwith Melissa & Edward Bauman Ralph Longello Kevin McDevitt Rita Ann Leonard Larry Campbell Michael Mansour Theresa Stemock Michael Walton Andreas Shastacolas Tom Mullen Brendan Mullen Michael Hulmes Michael McNally In an effort to keep our prayer list current, all names will appear on this list for 30 days and then will be automatically taken off. We are happy to keep a name on the list, just call the parish office or email EXPANSION CAMPAIGN: Our Goal: $2,500,000 Pledged as of 05/06/15: $1,328,379 Our capital campaign is still underway. There is still time to make a pledge or gift to this expansion and renovation project. We are getting much closer to the start of this endeavor. I will give you as much notice as I can as we “adjust” to the inconveniences that will accompany this work. Altar Flowers Donated in Loving Memory of Ann Mastrocco May 10, 2015 2 122 The Sixth Sunday of Easter Dear Friends, As we gather on this Sixth Sunday of Easter we recognize that we are moving towards the end of the Easter Season, and our liturgies are beginning to shift from our reflection on Jesus’ resurrection to our mission as baptized followers of Jesus Christ. This Sunday is the pivot for that move. The scripture message of today’s celebration could not be clearer. The word “love” appears in the second reading from the First Letter of John and the Gospel from Saint John eighteen times, especially appropriate on this day that we remember all mothers. May the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit enrich our understanding of how precious we are in the sight of God and how this should color our living with one another. Happy Mother’s Day! Today at all of the Masses and throughout the month of May we will remember in prayer the intentions of the parish moms remembered on the Enrollment envelopes you received in your monthly packet. These intentions will be placed before the statues at the Holy Family Shrine and will remain there for the month of May. May the Lord bless all of our mothers for their love and devotion to us and may those who have gone before us in death enjoy the reward of their labors! This coming Thursday is Ascension Thursday, a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be celebrated on Thursday at 7AM, 9AM (our school will attend this Mass), 12 Noon and 7PM. On Friday, our school will sponsor their annual 5K Race and 2K Walk for Catholic Education. Information is contained in this bulletin and your participation is invited and appreciated. Please consider coming out on Friday evening to experience this energizing event! Recently we had two members of our parish community nominated for an award by the YWCA Bucks County for their volunteer endeavors. The nominated teens were recognized at an awards ceremony as part of the National Volunteer Week at the 21st annual Bucks County Teen Volunteer of the Year program held at the Bucks County Community College in Newtown Township. Each teen received a certificate of appreciation and a monetary award in recognition of their volunteer efforts. We are proud to acknowledge KACEY McDEVITT from Archbishop Wood High School and JULIA CORR from Central Bucks South High School for this recognition. We congratulate Kacey and Julia and their families for this special community recognition. Next weekend after all the Masses we will conduct the election for members to the Parish Pastoral Council. These elected members of the parish community will join other members of this council who will assist me by providing advice and recommendations on behalf of the whole community. I am deeply indebted to Amy Moffett and Tim O’Hara who have completed their terms on the council. Their input has been a blessing to the community. Please study the profiles of the nominees who have graciously consented to place their names in nomination and come to Monsignor Marley Hall next weekend to cast your ballot. We are still awaiting the archdiocese to return the contracts after their review so that work may proceed with our renovation and construction project. Every week we continue to receive pledges and gifts to the capital campaign as well as promises for participation. We are certainly blessed by the level of support, especially through the use of the monthly campaign envelope in the packets. This week we also received a contribution which fulfills a pledge made back in October. We are making steady progress thanks to so many who are able and willing to participate. It is never too late to consider a gift or pledge. Finally, many of you would still remember Father Joseph Accardi who was here at Saint Robert’s for his first priestly assignment from June 1990 to June 1995. On Sunday, May 17, 2015 Father will celebrate his silver jubilee marking his twenty-five years as a priest. He is currently the pastor at Saint Bernard Church, 7341 Cottage Street in Philadelphia, PA 19136. Please remember Father Accardi in your prayers next weekend as he marks this important milestone in his ministry as a priest of Jesus Christ. May Saint Robert Bellarmine bless our journey of faith! With prayers, May 10, 2015 3 122 FOR THOSE IN THE ARMED FORCES Please call the parish office with the name and branch for relatives who are on active duty. PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS : Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. AMEN PLEASE PRAY FOR: US Navy: Michael W. Zarkowski Barbara Ann Mullen Connor Fitzgerald John Wurtenberg III US Army: Rev. Stephen Mc Dermott Danny Pritchard Michael McBride Matthew Sawaya Philip Mc Cusker US Coast Guard: Brendan Williams Todd J. Warga Edward W. Devinney II William A. Fitzgerald Jenny Malandra Joshua Velas John Healey Robert F. Leimer Keith Carter Ryan T. Krawczyk Daniel Moschitti PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND...ANY INTEREST? Fr. Stokely would like to determine if anyone is interested in a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in April of 2016. If you are interested email frjpstokely or call the parish office. USMC: Joseph Mc Menamin Daniel Harvey Clint Hajek Vincent J. Flannery,Jr. Kevin A. Daly Matthew Ponente Lisa Ann Burgy Patrick Kilkenny US Air Force: Karl Weinbreckt Max J. Sempowski Anthony Comtois James McMenamin Elizabeth Harvey Leo J. Keller Jr. Anthony Taylor Mark Piccirelli Michael Malandra Nicholas Sabatini Francis Lemma Michael Sempowski Andrew J. Velas Dear Members of the St. Robert Community, I would like to thank all of you for your support, prayers and donations towards my service trip to Montana this summer. I would also like to thank Monsignor for allowing me to be in the back of church to collect donations. I was able to collect a large amount of donations to help pay for my trip. I can’t thank you all enough for giving me this opportunity. I am truly blessed to have such a caring and generous parish. Thank you all so much again. CLERGY/MUSIC SCHEDULE (5/16 & 5/17) 5:00 PM Fr . Stokely/Dcn. Geor ge Children’s Choir 7:00 AM Fr . Cor nely 9:00 AM Fr . Stokely Cantor 11:00 AM Msgr . Beisel Cantor Subject to change without notice Sincerely, Brian Dulin Jr. SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM Intend to volunteer or continue as a volunteer in programs that involve children? Visit the website for specific directions on how to obtain clearances & register for the Protecting God’s Children classes for Adults. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN Required for NEW volunteers—will include Technology Addendum. Go to and click on Registration to register for a class. OUR PARISH GIVING Sunday (05/03/15): $15,419 Online Bank Services Funds: $775 in 18 envelopes. Year to Date Totals - Sunday Collections: FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 Difference $693,645 $696,009 $2,363 (Fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30) Thank you for your Sacrificial Generosity MANDATED REPORTING Is now available online. If you did not take the class offered in 2011 this will fulfill your obligation. Log on to the training institute to take the class. Please submit training completion certificate to the parish office. May 10, 2015 4 MOM’S PRAYER GROUP - The Mom’s Prayer Group will NOT meet on May 21 or June 11th. On the other Thursday evenings at 7pm, Moms gather in the chapel to pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. All mothers are welcome to come and pray for children, supporting them on their journey through this tough world. More info: Chris Trodden - 215.491.2542 Terry Funk - 215.343. 9781 122 ST. JOSEPH/ST. ROBERT SCHOOL NEWS Phone: 215.343.5100 Web: ST. ROBERT PREP PROGRAM Phone: 215.343.9433 INCOMING 1ST GRADE & NEW FAMILY REGISTRATION Fall Program -- Monday 5:00 to 6:15 PM Registration for incoming 1st graders and new families will take place on Thursday, May 7th. Registration will take place from 10:00 AM until noon and from 6:30 to 7:30 PM in our office which is located in the school building. If your child was not baptized at St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, please bring a copy of your child's baptismal certificate. Tuition information can be found on the parish website Go to the PREP tab and scroll down to Registration and tuition. For more information, please contact our office 215.343.9433. FROM THE DESK OF MRS. JASTER APPLE OF MY EYE: Congratulations to our latest Apple of My Eye winners: Ean Waltrich, Shannon McDevitt, Jackson Luber, Dylan Schollin and Mairin Dulin Terra Nova Results: The students in gr ades 1 – 7 have received their Terra Nova Results. Please take time to review this information. Standardized achievement tests should be viewed as one of many indicators of student success. We would like to thank our BAND CONCERT: Our student band will per for m catechists, who so their spring concert on Monday, May 11th at 1:15pm and beautifully taught our faith 7pm. It is wonderful to hear how they have grown to the young people in our musically through the year. All are welcome! Fall PREP classes. We are truly gratefully to the MAY CALENDAR CHANGE: A gentle following catechists: reminder that we will be in school on Thursday, May 14th, Ascension Grade 1: Penny Horan, Bonnie Kelly & Thursday. This is a day we will be using Mary Madonna to make up instructional time lost to snow Grade 2: Pam McCloskey & Debi Seva this year Grade 3: Ellen Crawford & Patti Hessler THANK YOU! : On Tuesday, the Home and School Grade 4: Sally MacLeod & Jody Parisi Association hosted a luncheon Grade 5: David Kelch & Steve Lippincott for the faculty and staff. We are Grade 6: Ginny Morris & Fr. John Stokely very grateful to the many helpers We also are thankful for the following aides who who assisted in the delicious assisted the catechists and children: treat. Too, on Friday, I received Grade 1: Kim Greco, Julia Kerrigan & flowers from the “World’s Colleen Schrandt Greatest Home and School” Grade 2: Azella Eugenio & Association for Principal’s Caroline McCloskey Appreciation Day. Quite Grade 3: Danielle Kerrigan & honestly, every day is Principal Appreciation Day at SJR! Justin Schwartz I am very grateful! Grade 4: Joey Greco & Annemarie Vreeland MAY PROCESSION The School May Procession took All around Aide: Pete Vreeland place last Friday morning. The third graders wore their Holy Communion Enjoy the peace and relaxation of the summer months. May God bless you for all you have done and outfits. The sixth graders and eighth continue to do. graders wore their Confirmation or Graduation gowns. This was a special HELP NEEDED - Our Parish Religious public display of devotion to the Blessed Education Program is in need of a few Mother! catechists for our Fall Classes. Classes are Monday evenings, 5-6:15PM. We JUST A THOUGHT: “Mother’s love is Peace. It need are looking for adult volunteers who are not be acquired, it need not be deserved.” These words willing to share our faith with children in from Erich Fromm encapsulate the miraculous gift that is Grades 1, 2, 3 & 5. a mother’s love! To all of the mothers, If you enjoy being with children & wish to share our faith with them, please consider becoming a catechist. We grandmothers, godmothers, “mother” figures in the lives of our children, please are open to team teaching if you and a friend/spouse would like to work together in teaching a class. If you feel accept my sincere thanks for all you do God is calling you to this special ministry or if you would for our children with such great love! like more information, please contact us: Have a wonderful Mother’s Day! 215.343.9433 May 10, 2015 5 122 TEAM MEMBERS Mrs. Barbara Palo(Director of Teen Ministry–● Mr. James Alexander (SJR Hawks Representative) TO ALL OUR WONDERFUL MOMS, BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! It's time again for final preparations for our trip to the Steubenville Summer Youth Conference. This trip has been in the planning stages for months now and we met this week for the first of at least 3 meetings before our trip in July. Excitement is at an all time high level! All but 2 seniors are returning from last year and we have 16 new participants! That is awesome! The Holy Spirit has been truly working in the lives of these teenagers. What is a Steubenville Summer Youth conference? These conferences are specialized to address the resources and needs of today's Catholic youth, organized on a regional level. With an exciting lineup of speakers, musicians, and presenters, the HS conference will challenge Catholic youth to stand firm in their faith, rely upon the awesome power of Jesus Christ who is their guide, friend and Savior and to show that faith to the world. It is an experience like no other and shared with 3000 other teens from across the country each weekend. STEUBENVILLE "ADOPT-A-TEEN" PROGRAM 2015 Would you please prayerfully consider "Adopting" a teenager who will be traveling to Steubenville University of Ohio for the Summer Youth Conference in July. We ask that you make a donation that will help defray the cost per student traveling this summer. Each person making a donation will be assigned a teenager to pray for and support. The student in turn, will keep you in prayer and write you a letter when we return telling you about the weekend. There will also be an opportunity for you to meet your adoptee and join us in our pre trip get togethers during June and July. The total cost for this year’s conference is $340 per student. Any amount that you are comfortable with donating would be greatly appreciated. Simply fill out the form below and return it to the Parish Office, mail or place your donation in collection basket at your convenience. Thank you and God bless you! If you have any questions about the program, please contact Barbara Palo at the Parish Office: 215.343 0315 or by email at Steubenville 2015 "Adopt-A-Teen" Sponsorship Your Name: ________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Phone: __________________ I/We would like to sponsor a teenager and are offering a donation towards their trip in the amount of: $10 ___ $25___ $50___ $100___ Other: $______ Please make all checks payable to St. Robert's Teen Ministry. May 10, 2015 6 122 FOCUS ON FAITH SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts: 10:25-26, 34-35,44-48; 1 John 4:7-10; John 15:9-17 “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love...I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy might be complete.” How has loving both God and your neighbor brought joy to you? ______________________________________________________________ ACENSION THURSDAY Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 4:1-13; Mark 16:15-20 “Go into the world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature…” How do you proclaim the Gospel each day in your words and deeds? Holy Day of Obligation - Thursday 05/14 Masses 7am, 9am, Noon & 7pm Parish Evangelization - Brain Storming Session THE SCHOOL LIBRARY - Wednesday, May 27 7:00 –8:00 PM Join us for a discussion about our parish efforts to call others back to faith OR to the faith. What are some simple, ordinary ways to share our faith? Studies show that after a papal visit, people look for ways to be renewed and to explore their Catholic faith. Will we be ready to serve? Pope Francis reminds us over and over again that we are called to walk with one other on our journey of faith and encourage each other for it is a sacred journey: “The Church (us) will have to initiate everyone—priests, religious and laity—into this art of accompaniment, which teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other .” Gospel of Joy, 169 “Become What You Receive” A Reflection on Our Eucharistic Identity Monday, June 15, 2015 7:00—8:30 PM in MMH Presenter: Fr. John Stokely Wine, cheese and other refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to Joan Fitzpatrick: or 215.343.0315 if you plan to attend. May 10, 2015 122 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL CANDIDATES Name: Amy Moffett Incumbent Address: Har tsville Par k Warminster Years in the Parish: 11 year s Family: Husband Kevin, Thr ee children: Luke attends Archbishop Wood & Emily & Grace attend St. Joseph/St Robert School. Parish Organizations: CYO coach, Parish Council for 6 years, Extraordinary Minister Name: Ray Rugarber Address: Her itage Cr eek, Warwick Years in Parish: 1 ½ yr s Family: Ellen (wife), 4 childr en , 14 grandchildren Parish Organizations: Choir , Door to Door, Men’s Prayer Group, Prison Ministry Name: Tim O'Hara Incumbent Address: Woodr ose Manor , Warrington Years in the Parish: 14 yr s Family: Dyan (wife) Kelsey (15) Maddie (14) and Brianne (10) Parish Organizations: Pastor al Council Name: Brian Zook Name: Betty Santoro Address: Fair ways Commons, Warrington Years in the Parish: 10 yr s Family: Single Parish Organizations: Extraordinary Minister; Why Catholic Committee Address: War r ington Ridge Years in the Parish: 7 yr s. Family: Wife, Colleen Son, Jake (10 yo, 5th grade at SJR) Daughter, Molly (8 yo, 2nd grade at SJR) Parish Organizations: Extraordinary Minister, RCIA Team Member, Pre-Cana Team Member Why Catholic?, SJR Fathers' Club member and SJR HSA Volunteer Elections will be held after the Masses on May 16/17. Please be sure to vote. 5th ANNUAL - 5K R.A.C.E. REGISTRATION is now open for our 5K. The school community invites parishioners, their families and friends to join as racers, walkers, volunteers or spectators. The start and finish lines are at St. Robert Church. There will be a professionally timed 5K run, 2 mile fitness walk and a 1K kids run beginning at 6:30pm. Entertainment, food and prizes will be available. Race applications are available in the vestibule or you may register directly online which can be accessed from the school website: For race information, please contact Mary Landry at 215.343.4704. 5K ALUMNI TENT - Alumni of St. Joseph/St. Robert School are cordially invited to attend our third annual R.A.C.E. The alumni will enjoy socialization and refreshments under the alumni tent. Alumni runners will be placed into the alumni-only award categories. Contact your former classmates to support the R.A.C.E as a runner, walker or spectator. Please Print – SJR R.A.C.E. - Entry Form – May 15th, 2015 – One Per Person Last Name __________________________ First Name ______________ Male Female Address_____________________________ City/State/Zip____________________ Age on race day_______ Email:___________________________ Phone ______________ Registering for: 5K Run 1K Run 2 Mile Walk (Please Circle) Adult T-shirt Size S M L XL Child S M L Fee Enclosed $______________ (Checks payable to the SJR HSA) Alumni/Alumna of St. Joseph/St. Robert School? (please circle) Yes/No Graduation Year ____ Waiver and Release: I, the undersigned (over age 18) intending to be legally bound, do hereby waive and release all rights, claims, demands, and/or causes against St. Joseph/St. Robert School and all other race sponsors for any personal injury which I might sustain during the SJR R.A.C.E on 5/15/2015, immediately known to me or hereafter discovered and for any and all other damages to losses which I might incur now or in the future arising from or out of my participation in this race, and on my travel to and from this race. I verify that I am physically fit and have trained sufficiently. Permission is granted to use my photograph and name for any and all purposes. Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________ (If under the age of 18, a parent or guardian’s signature is required.) May 10, 2015 8 122 ARCHBISHOP WOOD BASKETBALL CAMP Date: June 22nd-26th 2015 Time: 9:00am-3:00pm; June 26th 9:00-am12pm Where: Archbishop Wood HS 655 York Road Warminster, PA18974 Who: Current 3rd-8th grade boys Tuition: $135 Early Bird by June 1 $125 additional sibling $150 after June 2 Each camper will receive a camp shirt, evaluation, and workout program. Registration Info: To r egister for this camp, please contact Matt Funk at to receive a flyer with detailed information about how to register for camp. Hope to see you there! FOOD DRIVE FOR ST. CYPRIAN FOOD PANTRY We will be collecting non-perishable food items for St. Cyprian Parish’s food pantry the weekend of May 16 & 17 and May 23 & 24. Please place your bagged food items in the narthex after all Masses that weekend. Suggested food items are: complete meals in a box, canned meats (ham, chicken), canned tuna, canned soups/stews/potatoes/ fruits/vegetables/milk, completejust add water pancake mix, pancake syrup, coffee, powdered coffee creamer, dry milk, Gatorade, juice (other than apple, which is donated from another source), peanut butter, jelly, iced tea mix, pasta sauce (only need sauce-pasta is donated from another source), boxed potatoes, crackers, cereal, pop tarts, animal crackers, pretzels, cookies, lunch box size puddings, juice boxes and snacks. Pop-up cans and items that can be micro waved are helpful. If you have any questions, please call Patti Hessler 267.250.5721. Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program – Convert Your Business Tax Dollars into Educational Dollars & GIVE A TUITION GIFT to Qualified Students at SJR The EITC Program allows businesses in Pennsylvania to receive a 75-90% tax credit by directing their state tax dollars to Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools (BLOCS). Businesses, that re-direct and designate their tax dollar contribution to BLOCS and specify St. Joseph/St. Robert School as the recipient can provide valuable tuition assistance to our qualified students. A business that is subject to one of the following taxes can participate in EITC: * Corporate Net Income * Capital Stock * Personal Income Tax of S Corporation Shareholders * Bank & Trust Company Shares * Insurance Premiums * Mutual Thrift Institutions * Title Insurance Companies Shares * Insurance Company Law of 1921 If you own a business and pay one of the above taxes, please contact me at 215.343.5100 or to discuss the incredible tax advantages, benefits, and the simple application process involved to direct tax dollars to the EITC Program to assist with student tuition. Please also visit to learn more about the business guidelines and application process. ST. ROBERT EP’S TUESDAY MAY 12th: Presentation of Slate/board members. Nominations from the floor. MUSIC: by Freya Thomas BINGO if enough interest. $1.00 per card TUESDAY MAY 26th: Election MUSIC: MADRIGAL SINGERS . William Tennant High School a capella choir WEDNESDAY MAY 27th EATING OUT at Giuseppe's NOON TO 8pm. Vouchers distributed at May 26th meeting. See any member and support us. Thanks. St. Joseph Parish, Warrington is looking for a full-time Parish Secretary/Administrative Assistant. Office experience is a plus. Must have computer skills and be competent in MS Word, Excel, and Outlook, also helpful if familiar with PDS (Parish Data Systems – Parish Software). Please call Fr. Bordonaro @ 215-672-3020 if interested. Resumes can be emailed to 2015/2016 Tuition Rates (5 Day) Half Day Pre-K & Kindergarten: 8:10am -11:45am Monthly Tuition - $300 (10 payments) (5 Day) Full Day Pre-K & Kindergarten: 8:10am -3:00pm Monthly Tuition - $360 (10 payments) Grades 1st – 8th (10 payments) One Child – Monthly - $300.00 Two Children – Monthly - $600.00 Three Children – Monthly - $675.00 Four Children – Monthly - $770.00 ** Before and After School Program Available ST. JOSEPH/ST. ROBERT CATHOLIC SCHOOL REGISTRATION St. Joseph/St. Robert School offers a curriculum from Pre-K – 8th Grade. Registration is now open for the 2015/2016 academic year. Please call the school at 215.343.5100 to schedule a tour at your convenience & discuss enrollment. May 10, 2015 9 122 IMPORTANT PARISH INFORMATION WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am WEEKDAY MASSES 7:00 & 9:00 am - Monday/Friday 9:00 am - Saturday Summer: Weekday - 8:00 am Saturday - 9:00 am SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM First & third Sundays of the month at 12:15 pm. Baptism Classes for parents and godparents are held on an announced day in January, March, May, July, September and November at 7 pm in the Church. Call the Parish Office to pre-register. HOLY DAYS 7:00 am 9:00 am 12:00 noon 7:00 pm Adult Faith Formation Joan Fitzpatrick 215-343-0315 Afghan Guild Mary Mc Devitt 215-343-2938 Al-Anon Contact 215-222-5244 Altar Servers Deacon George Morris 215-343-0315 Bereavement Committee Joan Fitzpatrick 215-343-0315 Bloodmobile Mary Marquis 215-343-8635 Catholic Charities Bill Fehrman 215-343-1752 Charismatic Prayer Group Dolores Seif 215-343/8775 Christ’s Housekeepers Eleanor Crowley 215-675-8955 Crisis Pregnancy 24 Hour Hotline 610-626-4006 E.P.’s (Seniors) Jack Forbes 215-343-1625 Extraordinary Ministers Deacon George Morris 215-343-0315 Family Fellowship Bob Abecasis 215-343-8113 Knights of Columbus Rob Hessler 215-491-0648 Liturgical Environment Joan Fitzpatrick 215-343-0315 Men’s Prayer Group Norman Racine 267-968-5905 Minister of Hospitality Peter Vreeland 215-343-2091 Ministers of the Word Deacon George Morris 215-343-0315 Mother’s Prayer Group Chris Trodden 215-491-2542 Msgr. Marley Hall Jonathan DeMent 215-421-4407 Music Ministry Kevin Lutz Pastoral Council Tom Utermark 215-343-9528 Pre-Cana Ellen/Don Cericola 215-343-3275 Pre-Jordan/RCIA Joan Fitzpatrick 215-343-0315 Prison Ministry Ray Rugarber 215-672-7678 Respect Life Len Cline 215-343-4572 St. Cyprian Patti Hessler (cell)267-250-5721 St. John’s Hospice Msgr. James Beisel 215-343-0315 St. Francis Inn Candy Bakasy 215-343-1002 St. Vincent De Paul Society( Answering machine) 267-644-8189 Parish Youth Ministry Barb Palo 215-343-2083 COMMUNION CALLS Monthly to shut-ins by the priests. Weekly - Extraordinary Ministers if requested. In an Emergency a Priest Should Be Called Immediately. PARISH REGISTRATION Please ask one of the priests after a weekend Mass to register your family. Please notify the parish office if you are moving from the parish or if you have changed your address. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Adoration - Each Monday (except Summer & National Holidays) after the 9 am Mass, with simple Reposition (No Benediction) at 4 pm. At 3 pm the Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited. SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM All parish staff and volunteers who have regular contact with young people must attend a Pr otecting God’s Childr en Awareness Session. In addition background checks must be updated every 5 years. Links to background checks can be found on the website. Visit our website, click on Community, then Safe environment. It will direct you to the Child and Youth Protection Site. If you have not completed your background checks and the class YOU MAY NOT VOLUNTEER. BULLETIN DEADLINE - Monday 11am - Turn in material typed, with your name & phone number at the parish office or PASTORAL COUNCIL: Bob Abecasis 215/343-8113 FINANCE COUNCIL: (Elected Position) (Appointed Position) Carol Bauman Ed Clark Thomas Castaldi Kirk Clauss John Del Vecchio Terry Funk Robin Killion Susan Klunder Elmer O’Brien Frederick Reed Pastoral issues to be discussed? Contact one of the members. May 10, 2015 215/918-3360 215/491-4288 215/343-7361 215/343-1752 215/343-4066 215/343-5142 215/343-5436 215/491-0660 215/328-9406 215/956-9769 215/343-9528 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm Closed on Holy Days PARISH RESOURCES SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE You must be a registered member of the Parish and must notify the priest at least six months prior to your marriage date. Pre-Cana classes (2nd Sat. in March. & 2nd Sat. in November) are required. Contact Par ish Office for registration forms, due 2 weeks in advance of the Pre-Cana Class Emma Burke Joann Crescenzo Tommy Devlin Sheila Ferhman Bill Gibbons Sheila Kelly Amy Moffett Timothy O’Hara Dottie Prior Mike Speranza Tom Utermark CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 pm 10 122
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