St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 7, 2015 St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish “Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them and they all drank from it.” - Mark 14:23 Jesus, the perfect steward, gave thanks, just before He gave Himself to us completely for our salvation. He offers us the chance to drink from His cup. In the Eucharist, we meet Christ personally and, if we listen to Him, we know what drinking from His cup means for each of us. Often, it means our own sacrifice – giving up some of our time, talent and treasure to do His work on earth. STEWARDSHIP: SHARING TIME, TALENT, TREASURE and PRAYER May 31 Sunday Contributions On-line Giving Contribution Total weekly contribution Needed weekly from contribution R&I Tuition Assistance Catholic Home Mission Catholic Communication Cardinal Glennon Peter Pence $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,438.00 1,617.00 5,055.00 7,692.30 52.00 85.00 473.00 5.00 55.00 20.00 Special collection for June: Cardinal Glennon, Peter’s Pence What are ACE cards? Simply put, ACE (Aid Catholic Education) cards are gift cards. Purchasing gift cards through the ACE program is an easy and cost free way to support the school. Here’s how it works. You purchase a gift card through the ACE program and we receive a percentage of the face value. You, however, receive the entire value of the card. We keep a supply of popular cards on hand (Bread Company, Lowes, Wal Mart, Dierberg’s etc). There are many others you can order from us. Please help support our school by purchasing ACE cards. Lectors Saturday, June 13 4:00 PM - T. Jenney, A. Rotermund Sunday, June 14 8:00 AM - G. Joly, S. Chechik 10:30 AM - B. Borgmeyer, L. Sturm Servers Saturday, June 13 4:00 PM - E. Joly, E. Peterson Sunday, June 14 8:00 AM - A. Venneman, J. Moylan 10:30 AM - A. Meyer, L. Bieg Youth Ministry ATTENTION: Saint Louis Life Teen will NOT be meeting this Wednesday (June 10)! Join us next Wednesday, June 17th as we kick off our summer programming addressing "hot button issues" as we explore The Game of Life: Life Issues in the Catholic Church. Questions? Contact Lauren at 314.288.8873 or Monday June 8 Tuesday June 9 Wednesday June 10 Thursday June 11 Friday June 12 Saturday June 13 Sunday June 14 Liturgy of the Word with Communion 8 AM Mass 8 AM Mass 8 AM PARISH PICNIC Mass 8 AM Mass 8 AM Mass 8 AM Masses 8 AM & 10:30 AM Quilters 9 AM - 2 PM Arthritis Exercise 9 AM Arthritis Exercise 9 AM Serve lunch at Sts. Peter and Paul Vigil Mass 4 PM St. Patrick’s Chili June 7, 2015 Corppus Christi WELCOME! If you are new to St. Stephen Protomartyr parish or just visiting, Welcome!! Visitors please sign the Guest Book found near the main entrance to the Church. If you would like to register in the parish, please call or email the parish office. Welcome to the neighborhood and parish community!! Parish Mission Statement “Following the example of our patron St. Stephen, we are called to be witnesses of God’s love and to be a faith-filled, reconciling parish.” Looking Ahead ♦ June 7 Farewell to Dr. Bohac after 10:30 Mass ♦ June 10 - Parish Picnic ♦ July 6 - 10 - Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School Get ready for SSP’s 2015 Vacation Bible School: “SonTreasure Island!!“ on July 6 - 10, 2015. We are currently looking for volunteers who would like to help with all aspects: setting up, cleaning up, taking down, teaching, snack, etc. Contact Mandy Borgmeyer at 314-602-5122 or to volunteer Registration will be coming out soon! Please watch the bulletin, online on the Parish website and facebook pages or register the weekend of June 7 at Donut Sunday. PARISH 3949 Wilmington Avenue St. Louis, MO 63116 314 481-1133 314 481-6036 fax Cha p e l of Sts. Ma ry a nd Jose ph 6304 Minnesota St. Louis, MO 63111 SCHOOL 3929 Wilmington Avenue St. Louis, MO 63116 314-752-4700 314 752-5165 fax www. Recent Baptisms Born to a new life in Christ and joined to our faith community through the water of Baptism we congratulate and welcome: Marlee Ryan Kent daughter of Jason and Catherine Kent and Emmett Wesley Fischer son of Brandon and Katherine Fischer Sacrament of Matrimony Best wishes and blessings to Timothy Allen and Erica Hogenmiller who celebrated the Sacrament of Matrimony at St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish on May 2, 2015. A New Look Are you noticing the bulletin’s new look? We are now able to have color throughout the bulletin, not just on the front and back cover. We are excited about the possibilities this opens, especially for pictures being clearer. A big THANK YOU to all our advertisers. We encourage you to please support those who advertize in our bulletin. Because of their ads, the bulletin is provided free of charge to us. With the new look we have an earlier deadline. Please note that submissions for the bulletin must be in by 12 noon on the Monday. Reverend Ron Hopmeir, Pastor Ms. Pam Holmes, Director of Liturgical Music and Worship, Mrs. Mary Regan, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Barbara Edelmann, Office Manager / Bookkeeper, Mrs. Leigh Manalang, Senior Ministry Coordinator, Dr. Meghan Bohac, Principal Mrs. Mary Paule, Child Safety Coordinator, Secretary, PICNIC NEWS The picnic is just around the corner. Please mark your calendar to attend next Wednesday, June 10 In addition to raffles and rides, this year's picnic will also feature: NEW GAMES From pig races to the super hero wheel, this year we're offering a different selection of kids' games. Be sure to buy enough game tickets for your kids to take a chance on winning some of our new and exciting prizes. CARIACTURES From 11 am - 1 pm, there will be a caricature artist on the bell tower lot. Don't miss out on your chance to have a one-of -a-kind drawing done of your kids and/or family. Caricatures are priced at $10 for one person + $5.00 for each additional person, with a cap of $20. CHICKEN DINNERS Nothing says summer like some good ole' fried chicken. Host your family dinner on picnic day in our air conditioned parish hall where we'll be serving Porter's fried chicken. RING TOSS This booth is a picnic favorite. Stop by to toss a ring around the bottle to win a various assortment of prizing, donated by local parishioners. BOUNCE HOUSES Always a hit with the kiddos, we'll have three bounce houses in our gym with specific times allocated for certain ages. From 11 am - 5 pm, incoming 5th graders and under are invited to bounce. Cost of bracelet: $7.00 From 5 pm - 7 pm. incoming 6th graders - outgoing 8th graders, are invited to bounce. Cost of bracelet: $4.00 BEAT THE BUCKET Dr. Meghan Bohac, will be making a celebrity debut at our Beat the Bucket booth from 2:30 - 3:30 PM on picnic day. Please wish her well at her new job by soaking her at her current one! GIFT CARD EXTRAVAGANZA Don't miss out an opportunity to win $750 worth of gift cards, redeemable at local restaurants like The Haven, Cecil Whitakers, Crusoe’s, Pasta House, Gyro Company, California Pizza Kitchen, and more. Tickets are only $10 a piece or 3 for $20. To buy your ticket today, contact Jill or Nick Pace 314.413.1349 or CALLING ALL BAKERS! It’s time to break out those cake pans, cupcake papers, & cookie sheets. Baked donations are needed for the SSP Parish Picnic Cake Walk. Not a Baker? You can still help! Store bought donations are welcome or donate your time by working a booth! Cake boxes and cookie bags are available at the back of church. Please drop of donations the evening before or of morning the picnic. Questions? Contact Heather Mattingly 314-537-5208/ BINGO Take a load off on picnic day and cool down with some Bingo in the parish hall. GRAND RAFFLE Secure your chance today at winning $10,000! Only 400 tickets are sold at $100 a piece. You can split tickets with friends and family. To buy your ticket today, contact Tim and Pattie O'Connell at 352.8145 or VOLUNTEERS We are in need of volunteers for this year's soda booth and the clean up committee. Please contact Jill or Nick Pace ( if you can donate an hour or two of your time. St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish "Enough jam for a lifetime" Food is more than just fuel for the body. The whole process of growing food, of preparing food, of serving food, of enjoying food is the essence of all that is good for the soul, as well. The poet Maxine Kumin writes about making blackberry jam from the blackberries that overrun her small farm in New Hampshire. "Making jam - even though I complain how long it takes, how messy it is with its inevitable spatters and spills, how the lids and the jars somehow never match up at the end of the procedure - is rich with gratifications. I get a lot of thinking done. I puff up with feelings of providence. Pretty soon I am flooded with memories." It was her late mother who taught her not only how to pickle, can and jam, but also taught her the "deep reservoir of patience" required to do what can be tedious work. "I find myself talking to her as I work. I am not nearly as diligent, I tell her, thumping the upended strainer into the kitchen scrap pile, destined for compost. I miss her serious attention to detail." Her mother never romanticized life on a farm or minimized the back-breaking work. But for her mother, creating food was about creating family. Her daughter recalls: "When [my mother] died, there were several unopened jars in her cupboard. I took them back with me after the funeral. We ate them in her stead, as she would have wanted us to. Enough jam for a lifetime, she would say with evident satisfaction after a day of scullery duty. It was; it is." [From "Enough Jam for a Lifetime" from Women, Animals & Vegetables: Essays and Stories by Maxine Kumin.] ╬ What Maxine Kumin's mother created with her homemade jam, Jesus creates with the bread at this table: a family, a community, a church brought together in the memory of Jesus, God's love made human in his Christ. We come to the Eucharist to celebrate our identity as his disciples, to seek the sustaining grace to live the hard demands of such discipleship, to become his Church of justice, mercy and peace. At Christ's table, we always belong, we are always welcome. As we celebrate Jesus' great gift of the Eucharist, may we make our parish family's table a place of reconciliation and compassion - and may we work together to make all our family tables places of love and safety where Christ is present in our service to and care for one another. ╬ From: Connections: June 2015 Congratulations Congratulations to Jacob Dailey who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday. Around Town Healing Mass for Breast Cancer Saturday, June 13, 2015 9:00 a.m. Bishop Edward Rice - celebrant St. Mary Magdalen Parish – Brentwood A special Mass will be celebrated to honor and extend healing to all who have been affected by breast cancer. Survivors, friends, and family members of anyone who has been affected are welcome. This Mass will offer those in attendance the opportunity to join their sufferings with Christ as we pray for the peace and healing of all. A reception, hosted by the St. Mary Magdalen Pro-Life Committee, will be held in the church basement . YOUNG ADULT EVENT: Come Catch the Fire, a year -long series for young adults by young adults continues on June 11th. This session will feature CSJ Associate Kristen Hall and her husband Adam speaking about LOVEWorks…a Heart of Service. Praise and worship will be led by Shannon Cerneka and Orin Johnson of Oddwalk Ministries. The evening is 8-10 PM at the Sisters of St. Joseph motherhouse, 6400 Minnesota Ave.. Admission is free. Bring a canned good for the Carondelet Community Betterment Foundation food pantry. Readings for the Week Monday: 2Cor 1:1-7 Ps 34:2-9 Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 2Cor 1:18-22 Ps 119:129-133, 135 Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 2Cor 3:4-11 Ps 99:5-9 Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3 Ps 98:1-6 Mt 5:20-26 Friday: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Hos11:1, 3-4, 8c-9 (Ps) Is 12:2-6 Eph 38-12, 14-19 Jn 19:31-37 Saturday: 2Cor 5:14-21 Ps 103:1-4,9-12 Mt 5:33-37 Sunday: Ez 17:22-24 Ps 92:2-3, 13-16 2Cor 5:6-10 Mk 4:26-34 SIGNS OF A GROWING MINISTRY Now that we have color in the bulletin, we will be including our new logo on our weekly page. That’s right — South Grand Senior Ministry (SGSM) has a new logo that was designed by Sr. Mary Beth Kemper, CPPS. The tree was chosen by the staff members of the partner churches for several reasons. First, the tree is a perfect symbol of the communities we serve. South St. Louis is adorned by beautiful trees that line our streets and fill our neighborhood parks. Secondly, a tree is a symbol of the everchanging seasons similar to our lives. Some leaves are green representing life and growth. Other leaves are changing color and falling from the branches representing the phases we face as part of aging. It is our hope that SGSM has brought new life to the community and will continue to meet the needs of the older adult population. Third, the tree’s branches symbolize outreach. SGSM seeks to reach out to the community by providing meaningful programs, services and volunteer opportunities. We are excited to introduce the new logo and hope it becomes a recognizable icon. SELF-COMPASSION WORKSHOP SGSM is pleased to offer our next Aging Wisely session on Self-Compassion. Please join us on Monday, June 22, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, at St. John the Baptist Parish Center, 4200 Delor. The workshop will include: a presentation by Sheila Chibnall-Treptow, an advocate at Woman’s Place, Tai Chi exercise by Susan Marting, and a FREE delicious lunch. The mission of Woman’s Place is to end violence against women by providing compassionate crisis intervention, facilitate women’s transition to safety and healing, and educate the community. Sheila will provide an interactive presentation on self-compassion as the source of our compassion for others. Caring for others means that we must care for ourselves. Please RSVP by June 17 to Joan at 314-353-1255 ext. 26. If you have any questions about the workshop, please give Joan a call. CATHOLIC HEART WORK CAMP Teen volunteers and their adult chaperones from throughout the Midwest will descend upon St. Louis the week of July 13th – 16th to help older adults and low-income families with home repairs and adaptations. Please contact Leigh Manalang at 481-1133 to file an application for assistance. Projects must be large enough for a group of 6-8 volunteers and can include heavy yard work and painting. Volunteers will be able to bring tools, but paint needs to be provided by the homeowner. CPR FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS Tuesday, June 23, from 6:30-8:00 pm at St. John the Baptist Parish Center, 4200 Delor. Learn how to help a friend or family member who collapses at home, church or in the community. Adult hands only CPR will be taught, how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), and how to help with a choking emergency with hands on practice and instruction by American Heart Association Educators from Safety Basics. Fee: $10 with handout or $20 with American Heart Association CPR for Family and Friends book. This is a participation level course, not certification. Questions? Contact Joan by Monday, June 15 at or 353-1255 Ext 26 to reserve your spot. St. Stephen Protomartyr MASS INTENTIONS Monday, June 8 8:00 AM - Liturgy of the Word with Communion Tuesday, June 9 8:00 AM - Jane & George McKenna Louisa Barnes Wednesday, June 10 8:00 AM - Natalie Liebmann Rosemary Amsler Thursday, June 11 8:00 AM - Ruth Hoffman Friday, June 12 8:00 AM - Rose & Ted McBride Saturday, June 13 8:00 AM - N. Edward Forti Bob & Barbara Moore 4:00 PM - Our Parishioners Sunday, June 14 8:00 AM - Jean Rusch 10:30 AM - Karmela Vushaj Loretta Booth PLEASE PRAY for our sick and recovering Nader Attarian - Dolores Eckert - Dorothy Flippin James Forgash - Mary Lopinot - Herb Herberts Dan Nichols - Joey Renick - Margaret Ringkamp Bill Warren for our homebound Dorothy Flippin - Jeanette Holmer Rosemary Kobylinski - Delores & Ralph Riley Rose Schuster for those in nursing homes Lorraine Burke - Ellie Kearns - Cecilia Olson Waumeda Merritt for family members serving in the military Joel Bruce - Derek Hirtz - Brandon Johnson Stephen Napier - Stephen Laz - Brian Schoellhorn Donald Shaver - Mitch Sollmann - Mark Tisius Bradley Westcott DEVOTIONS Tuesdays, after 8 am Mass: Perpetual Help Devotions Wednesdays, 8:45 am—4:00 pm: Church is open for Eucharistic Adoration First Friday of the month, Holy Hour and Benediction after the 8:00 AM Mass. Parish Office Hours 314-481-1133 Monday through Thursday: 8:30 AM — 4:30 PM Friday: 8:30 AM — 3:00 PM Closed Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays and Holy Days Bulletin Article Deadline Monday at 12:00 PM. prior to the weekend bulletin. Sacramental Celebrations Eucharist Saturday evening Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM 10:30 AM (nursery available) Monday: Liturgy of the Word with Communion 8:00 AM Tuesday through Saturday: Mass 8:00 AM Holy Day: 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM Infant and Child Baptism Baptisms are celebrated at any weekend liturgy or on the last Sunday of the month following the 10:30 am. Eucharist. Parents are asked to call the parish office to arrange a Baptism. Adult Initiation / Reception into the Catholic Church Any adult who would like to know more about our Catholic faith, and/or who is interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church, please call the parish office. Reconciliation Saturdays 3:00 - 3:30 PM Marriage Please contact one of the clergy at least six months prior to the planned date of marriage. Anointing of the Sick We have a communal celebration of this sacrament at the weekend liturgies in the fall and in the spring. If you would like to be anointed before entering the hospital or if you are homebound, please call the parish office. Parish School of Religion Parish School of Religion formal classes in our Catholic Faith Children: 4 yrs. through 8th grade and high school Located on the campus of St. John the Baptist Parish. Call the PSR Director at 314-773-3070. Church Nursery Located in the rectory basement during 10:30 AM Mass. Enter by way of the alley. Staffed by parents. Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children ages 4 through second grade are invited to participate and hear the scriptures in a way meaningful to their age. Held the first Sunday in September through Mother’s Day excluding holidays. Gloria & Fred Wessels 314-353-0335 Land Tours now available 314.809.2016 636.778.1217 Cathy Mann Realtor© St. Stephen Parishioner FUNERAL HOME CHULICK FUNERAL HOME 5611 South Grand Boulevard Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA (314) 351-0060 Your Real Estate Expert for THE HILLS 2906 GRAVOIS, 772-3000 TREE & LAWN CARE EXPERTS SINCE 1880 10151 GRAVOIS, 842-4458 Tree Pruning/Removal $20 OFF (314) 961-5440 5255 LEMAY FERRY, 894-4500 Sales, Installation & Service 351-5580 Victor Vitt, Jr. - President (Holly Hills & St. Louis Hills) TIM SWEENEY 314-635-8811 DAVID J. BORGMEYER, D.D.S. A way for you to partner with service AUGUSTINE J. BORGMEYER, D.D.S. providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 5914 LEONA STREET (314) 351-6554 Denise Dowd SAINT LOUIS, MO 63116 Fax (314) 353-4035 email: COURTNEY’S HEATING & COOLING REALTOR® Phone: 314-677-6454 Mobile: 314-517-3998 Phil Courtney, St. Ambrose Alumni 24 Hr. Emergency Service Email: 314-481-9500 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Retirement Living - All Inclusive Across from Tower Grove Park FLESCH BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CO. Remodeling Since 1968 Kitchens • Baths • Windows Decks • Vinyl Siding John P. Flesch Joe Flesch 314-638-8927 For further information, please call the Parish Office. SALES & SERVICE 314-773-2800 Mel’s Service COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS & TOWING Mike Schwent, Owners 3970 Wilmington Ave Sponsored by St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors HEATING • COOLING TALK ........... ST. LOUIS Altenheim New Nursing Care Center 5408 South Broadway 20 minutes or less from anywhere in St. Louis! 314-353-7225 902450 St Stephen Protomartyr 7624 South Broadway 481-4828 314/631-1554 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH NOW OPEN TIM CELLA TONY DEGENHARDT 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH OHMER & OHMER PC ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Attorneys at Law Trusts & Wills Income Tax Probate Court Since 1922 6233 Gravois 314-832-4433 CHIPPEWA ANIMAL HOSPITAL • auto • life • home • business • health • long term care TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Steve Butz 9700 Mackenzie, Suite 120 Bruce H. Kurka, D.V.M. Saint Louis, Missouri 63123 3850 Chippewa at Gustine 314.752.2500 772-0292 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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