Office of Communications PASTORAL UPDATE Planning a Parish event? Visit our Event Calendar at to help choose a date. Events, including retreats and jamaicas, are listed. Call us at 806-792-3943 Ext. 218 or e-mail with any parish event of interest to the diocese by noon on Tuesday. Sign up for weekly updates: Please send your request to to receive the Pastoral Update by email. March 17, 2015 Top News – Most Recent MASS ON CAMPUS - There will be no Mass on the Texas Tech Campus Tomorrow, March 18. LEADING CATHOLICS HOME - A SAINT MONICA MINISTRY RETREAT - A workshop for returning Catholics and for those praying for the return of loved ones to the Church- Saturday, March 28, 9:30 a.m. to noon, in Monsignor Ben Kasteel Hall at Christ the King Family Activity Center. All are welcome for prayer and to hear from two dynamic speakers: Eben Emerson, a former Church of Christ minister who was featured in an episode of "The Journey Home" on EWTN; and Arnold Garcia, a dynamic young Catholic with strong scripture background, who will speak on “Talking to Your Loved Ones Who Have Left the Church.” Sponsored by the CTKC Saint Monica’s Prayer Ministry. ENCOUNTER- ADORATION FOR YOUTH- Wednesday, April 8 @ 6:30 p.m. Saint Joseph Church, 102 N. Avenue P, Lubbock. (806) 765-9935 Visit us at: SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER – If you are interested in learning about professed life as a Secular Franciscan, please join us for prayer, formation, a brief business meeting, and a meal. Monthly gathering begins at 4 p.m. every third Sunday of the month, in the Parish Family Center at Christ the King Cathedral. Secular Franciscans (formerly known as Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi) are individuals who are married, single, divorced, widowed, diocesan priests, and deacons, from all walks of life, and from various parishes within the Diocese of Lubbock. Together we seek to follow Jesus in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. For more information, please contact our minister, Ron Webb (806) 543-0722, our formation director, Marlene Gorley (806) 549-4352, or any Secular Franciscan you know. Pax et Bonum (Peace and Goodness). YOUTH RALLY - #PICTURE PERFECT – “Made in His Image” April 24-25, Christ the King Cathedral. Youth from across the diocese will come together for worship, music and friends! You don’t want to miss this. Register through the Youth Office at 806-792-3943 ext. 230. Monica Ashour one of the keynotes speakers at the Rally will also speak at several events the week leading up to the Youth Rally. MADE – Theology of the Body Retreat for Middle School Students, April 11, 12-9 p.m. “You Were Made for so Much More” - Saint William Church, Denver City, (401 Mustang Avenue). $15 fee includes meals and shirt Contact: Elizabeth Trevino (806-780-6853 or Parent session available for parents, sponsors & adults – 12-1 p.m. on retreat day. (Note: March 28 retreat in Rotan is canceled.) Parishes and Around the Diocese SCIENCE TESTS FAITH - San Ramon Church in Woodrow will host a screening of "Science Tests Faith" on March 24 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Hear the story unfold as science finds: blood & flesh, human DNA, heart muscle and white blood cells, all in a bleeding consecrated host as the truth of the Eucharist is revealed by science! These intriguing and very extraordinary scientific findings are presented in detail in this DVD by compelling and thought provoking witnesses to their faith. The DNA and forensic studies present a strong testimony for a renewed love and belief in the true presence of Jesus in this Most Holy Sacrament. All are invited. PILGRIMAGE TO MARIAN SHRINES WITH FATHER BILL- Christ the King Cathedral and Envoye Travel are planning a trip to Portugal, Spain and France to visit the Marian Shrines with Father Bill Anton. You will leave on Monday, August 3 and return on Wednesday, August 12. Visit Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Santander, Lourdes and Paris. For more information contact Beverly Wink in the Parish Office at 792-6168 x230 or HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: Father Emiliano Zapata, OP, of Saint Elizabeth University Parish is leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, October 14-22, 2015. If you are interested in going on this trip, contact Father Emiliano or the church office at (806) 762-5225. CAN YOU HELP OUT? NIGHT TO REMEMBER BASKETS: Catholic Charities Night to Remember is scheduled for June 7. We at Catholic Charities ask each parish to provide a themed basket of $100 value for the event. It is a tradition in our diocese for parishes to put together and donate a special basket of goods/services based on a theme for our silent auction. Theme possibilities are endless. If you would rather make a donation, we’ll be glad to help put a basket together for you. Smaller parishes could put one together as a group. Deadline to turn in baskets is Thursday May 14th. Contact Kathy Hart: 806-765-8475 x 117, or VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Catholic Charities Resale Center is seeking volunteers to come in and help at the Donation Center (2218 34tth) on Tuesdays. Retirees, stay-at-home moms, etc. are invited to volunteer. For more information, please contact Efrain Duarte: 806-765-8475 ext. 105, or Lenten Retreats & Other Events RENOVACIÓN CARISMÁTICA- 29 de Marzo, 2015 – 2:00 p.m., San Lorenzo Iglesia Católica, 508 5th Street, Lorenzo. “La Virgen, Madre de Jesús, Nuestra Intercesora” Palabra por Agustín Aranda de Chihuahua, México. Bienvenida – Padre Jose Kochuparambil, Misa – Padre Martin Piña y Diacono Steve Padilla. Banquete después de Misa. Para más información: Maria Landin Lopez-806-634-5786, Enriqueta DeLeon- 806-549-4371 FISH FRIES: -Post Holy Cross, 109 S. Avenue K, All Fridays of Lent (no Good Friday), 5-7 p.m., $9/plate 2 -Shallowater Saint Philip, 10th & J, All Fridays of Lent – 11:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Fish and Shrimp with all the sides. $8/plate, $10 for combo. -Anton Saint Anthony, Fourth & Lawrence Streets, All Fridays of Lent – 5:30-8 p.m. Fish and Shrimp with all the sides. $8/plate, $10 for combo - Muleshoe Immaculate Conception, 806 E. Hickory Street, Friday March 13- March 27, 4:30-7 p.m., (806) 272-4167- Parish Center -Lubbock Saint Patrick, 1603 Cherry Avenue, Friday March 27, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. -Morton Saint Ann, 105 NE 8th street, Fridays of Lent, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Plates- $8 LENTEN MOVIE NIGHT- Shallowater Saint Philip, 10th and Avenue J, All Wednesdays of Lent – 6:308:30 p.m. Office for Youth SAVE THE DATE – Youth Rally – April 24 & 2, 2015 CONFIRMATION RETREAT - For candidates in the second year of preparation: March 20-22 – Snyder Deanery, Snyder Our Lady of Guadalupe, $35. Registration deadline: two weeks before weekend. You may attend outside your deanery. Contact Youth Office – 806-792-3943 ext. 230 Office for Marriage & Family Life CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER (CEE) – April 24-26- Mercy Retreat Center, Slaton. Cost is $225/couple. CEE provides quality marriage preparation for couples planning to marry in the Catholic Church, but non-Catholics are also welcome to attend. For more information, contact Richard & Elaine Ybarra, 806792-3943 ext 231,, or see (New 2015 brochure on website—note change in fee.) Late registration fee of $60 will be charged for registration with two weeks before your weekend. Please make checks out to Lubbock CEE, mail to Family Life Office, Diocese of Lubbock, Box 98700, Lubbock, TX 79499-8700. Weekends are also scheduled for: April 24-26, June 5-7, Oct 9-11, 2015. Office for Vocations FIAT DINNER – The Vocations Office invites all single women, 13-25, who desire to learn more about religious life, to a Mass of Thanksgiving, dinner and sharing with the religious sisters from the diocese on March 25, 6-8 p.m., Our Lady of the Angels Convent, 8202 CR 7700, Wolfforth. To register,contact Sister Olivia Rico: 806-792-3943 or Registration deadline-March 13. YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE proclaimed by Pope Francis begins on the First Sunday of Advent, the weekend of November 29/30. Resources for celebrating consecrated life can be found at Office of Stewardship and Development STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS: Fifth Sunday of Lent -March 21/22 - The climactic event of Jesus’ passion and death is drawing closer; a time when the great confrontation between Jesus and the powers of 3 darkness take place. Jesus invites his disciples into a great mystery with curious pronouncements: Those who love their lives just as they are will lose them. If a grain of wheat dies, it will bear much fruit. When Jesus is lifted up, he will draw all to himself. The Christian steward knows life can’t be lived in complacency. We are called to die to self, bear more fruit, be raised up with Jesus. In today’s Gospel reading Jesus brings discomfort to those who are comfortable. Jesus urges us to step out of our “comfort zone.” How will we respond to Jesus? Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma -El evento culminante de la pasión y muerte de Jesús se acerca cada vez más, un tiempo en el que ocurre la gran confrontación entre Jesús y los poderes de las tinieblas. Jesús invita a sus discípulos a un gran misterio con declaraciones inquisitivas: aquellos de ustedes que amen sus vidas tal como son, las perderán. Si un grano de trigo muere, producirá más fruto. Cuando Jesús sea elevado, atraerá a todos hacia él. El corresponsable cristiano sabe que la vida no puede ser vivida en complacencia. Nosotros somos llamados a morir para ser, para producir más fruto, para resucitar con Jesús. En la lectura del Evangelio de hoy, Jesús lleva incomodidad a aquellos que están cómodos. Jesús nos impulsa a salir de nuestra “zona de confort.” ¿Cómo responderemos nosotros a Jesús? To access the entire month of readings, please see Stewardship e-bulletin: Retreats/ Spiritual Development RACHEL’S VINEYARD - “Before I was humiliated I was like a stone that lies in deep mud, and he who is mighty came and in his compassion raised me up and exalted me very high and placed me on the top of the wall.” -St. Patrick Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat to be raised up by Him and allow God to restore you to new life in Him after abortion. Confidential contact: and 806-577-5912. RINCON DE RAQUEL - “Antes de ser humillado yo era como una piedra que yace en profundo lodo; y vino quien es poderoso y en su misericordia me tomó y verdaderamente me levantó y me puso en lo alto de un muro.” -San Patricio Venga a un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™ para ser levantado de en donde se encuentra y permitirle a Dios restaurarlo a una vida nueva en Él. Sanación Después del Aborto Confidential contact: and 806-577-5912. EWTN PROGRAMS: For programming, see: Recurring (Weekly) Activities SINGLE AND PARENTING program Mondays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. To register, please call Family Life office – 806-792-3943 ext. 231 or 4 YOUNG ADULT FAITH GROUP : Meets Mondays @ 8 p.m. at Lubbock Saint Elizabeth Pallotti Building. Catholic post-college adults including graduate students, medical and law students and young professionals in the Diocese of Lubbock. For more information, contact Leia Arteaga,, 806-543-6265. GRIEF SHARE program Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. and runs for 13 weeks. To register, please call Family Life office – 806-792-3943 ext. 231 or MASS ON TEXAS TECH CAMPUS: Wednesdays at 12:10 p.m., Graduate Center Conference Room, basement of the Administration Building. Visit for Student Center information. BIBLE STUDY: Brother John's Catholic Books & Gifts (13th & Slide Road) Mondays @7 p.m. COUNSELING: Affordable marriage and family counseling offered by the Marriage and Family Life Office, in collaboration with TTU Marriage & Family Clinic. To schedule an appointment call Dr. Nicole Springer at 806-742-3074. Counselors can meet at Saint John Neumann Church. Office of Communications OUR LADY OF VICTORY RADIO: Visit 102.9 FM website at to hear live streaming of EWTN. For program schedule, please see TWITTER: Follow Bishop Rodriguez: @BpRodriguezCMF CONNECT WITH THE DIOCESE OF LUBBOCK: Follow: @CatholicLubbock on Twitter & Instagram SHARE YOUR ARISE EXPERIENCES: Use #AriseLBK on social media to share your experiences! SEND South Plains Catholic story ideas, stories, and photos (including names and explanations) to: PO Box 98700, Lubbock, Texas 79499-8700, or The next deadlines are: EDITION DATE: April 12 DEADLINE: April 1 DATES TO REMEMBER: DCA Deanery dinner meetings (all at 6 p.m.): Snyder: Our Lady of Guadalupe – Sunday, April 12 Brownfield: Lamesa Saint Margaret Mary-April 13 Plainview: Sacred Heart-Tuesday, April 14 Lubbock: Christ the King, Thursday, April 16 --Nun Run – April 18 --April 21-25 – Monica Ashour, Theology of the Body events --April 24 & 25—Youth Rally --Catholic Charities Night to Remember- June 7 --Teen Acts (TACTS) retreat- July 16-19 --World Meeting of Families – September 22-27, Philadelphia JAMAICAS/FESTIVALS: --June 7, Lubbock Saint Theresa, Mass @10 a.m.,jamaica until 7 p.m. -- Saint Patrick’s, June 7, 12-7 .p.m. -- Saint Philip Idalou, June 14, Noon to ? --Wolfforth Saint Francis, June 14, 12-7 p.m. --Lubbock Saint Joseph, June 28 --July 11, Ralls Saint Michael, 3-11 p.m. --July 12, Tahoka Saint Jude, 12-10 p.m. --July 18, Abernathy Saint Isidore, 11 a.m.-8 p.m. --July 19, Woodrow San Ramon, 12-7 p.m. --July 19, Saint John Neumann, 12:30-8:00 p.m. 5 --July 26, Lubbock OL of Guadalupe-11 a.m-9:30 p.m --July 26, O’Donnell Saint Pius X, 12-8 p.m. -- Lockney San Jose, August 1 --Brownfield Saint Anthony – August 1, 12-8 --August 15, Slaton OL Guadalupe, Noon-12 a.m. 6
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