Parish Office: 750 Seagate Drive Naples, FL 34103 Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4:30pm Phone: 261-4883 Fax: 261-8729 Web Site After Hours Emergencies 261-4883 Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 Director of Operations : Parish Priests: Rev. George Ratzmann, Pastor Rev. Ronnie Sison Rev. Rafal Ligenza In Active Retirement: Rev. Arnold D’Achille Parish Deacons: Russ Grant Gary C. Ingold Michael J. Mahr, 261-4883 Religious Education: Mary Jane Spirk, Dir. 263-5429 Music Ministry: Gary Robertson, 913-6805 Youth & Young Adult Ministry Lina M. Hernandez, Dir. 262-8618 Coordinator of Volunteer Ministers: Janet Mitchell, Dir. 261-1876 Dominican Sisters: 261-5831 Parish Nurse: Sr. Christa Cunningham Rosanne Rechlin, 262-0338 Sr. Jean Tranel Bookkeeper & Office Manager Chris Michael, 776-7893 MASSES FOR THE WEEK SCHEDULE MASSES: Saturday Vigil: Sunday: 2:45 , 4:30 & 6;15 PM 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM Celebrant Daily: 7 & 8 AM and 12 :10 PM Mon. thru Fri., Saturday 8AM Only CONFESSIONS: Fridays 5-7PM and Saturdays 9-11AM BAPTISMS: 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month. Please call the Parish Office, 261-4883, during pregnancy to make an appointment for instruction. NOTICE: Sacramental Preparation - Diocesan regulations require two continuous years of religious instruction before receiving the Sacraments of First Communion in Second Grade and the Sacrament of Confirmation in Tenth Grade. This includes Religious Education, Youth Ministry or a Diocesan recognized Catholic School plus additional sacramental preparation classes. These classes are held monthly on a Sunday other than the Family Faith Formation and additional registration. MARRIAGE: For the Sacrament of Matrimony, a required six month period of preparation, call Francia Stevens, our wedding coordinator, 821-7916 HOMEBOUND: Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the sick. Please call 262-0338 to make arrangements. MINISTRIES Eucharistic Ministers: Natural Family Planning: Readers/Lectors Respite Ministry: Small Christian Communities: Ushers: Altar Servers Arimatheans Richard Sampson Jack & Angela Connor Paul French Mary Lou & Bill Rehring Joan Szot Stan Kabala David Caldwell Jean Leitton Rose Goodof 353-6564 597-6262 777-5725 263-5432 261-3632 248-3216 263-3346 513-0910 649-6301 ORGANIZATIONS Alternatives to Abortion: Bridge Club: Catholic Charities: Council of Catholic Women: Cursillo: Fatima Prayer Group: Gift Shop: Knights of Columbus: Lay Carmelites: Respect Life: Rosary Makers: Secular Franciscans: St. Vincent DePaul Society: 777-8343 Anita Gerth 263-8608 Elaine Stanley 455-2655 Suzanne Fleming 436-3746 Gene Venditto 434-6537 JoAnn Stahlman 571-3233 Carolann Rough 398-6824 MaryLynn Stahnke 261-4316 Richard Sampson 353-6564 Jean Leitton 513-0910 Judy Humphrey 261-1123 Fred & Barbara Goduti 261-4810 Kathy Ball 776-5376 Bill Roche 678-740-6560 Dianne Kabala 248-1360 Monday - March 23rd 7:00 † Mary Ann Hagen 8:00 † Oliver Fratti 12:10 † Blanche Petros Tuesday - March 24th 7:00 † Julie Stephenson & Burke Riccardi 8:00 † Charles & Mary Mangano 12:10 † Kenneth Bellando Wednesday - March 25th 7:00 † Mabelle Schmitt 8:00 † John Haaga 12:10 † Adam & Rose Crescenzi Thursday - March 26th 7:00 † Henry J. Hagan 8:00 † Charles & Anna Tumminello 12:10 † Thomas Gibbons Friday - March 27th 7:00 † Fred Polito 8:00 † Virginia Kerstetter 12:10: † Margaret Verdesco Saturday - March 28th 8:00 † Borremans Fam.& Josephine 9:-11:00 Confessions 2:45 † Michael Ward 4:30 † Helen Janik 6:15 † Margaret Helene Sunday - March 29th 7:00 † Nicole Leigh Geddry 9:00 † Lina Candusso 11:00 † Giuseppe DiLena 1:00 † For our parishioners Fr. Ligenza Fr. Sison Fr. Ligenza Fr. Sison Fr. D’Achille Fr. Sison Fr. Ratzmann Fr. D’Achille Fr. Ratzmann Fr. Ligenza Fr. Ratzmann Fr. Ligenza Fr. Sison Fr. Ligenza Fr. Ratzmann Fr.Ratzmann Fr. Sison Fr. Ratzmann Fr. Sison Fr. D’Achille Fr. Ratzmann Fr. Ligenza Fr. Sison Fr. Ligenza This Week at a Glance Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Thu. Thu. Thu. Thu. Thu. Thu. Fri. Fri. Sun. Sun. Mar. 21 Blood Drive 2-6PM Mar. 22 Franciscans Meet, 11AM Mar. 23 Mission Begins, 9AM & 7PM Mar. 24 Novena, 6:30 PM Mar. 26 Seder Supper Mar. 26 Bandage makers, 9AM Mar. 26 Rosary Makers, 9AM Mar. 26 Priest, Prophet, King 9AM Mar. 26 Expos. Bless. Sac. 1-4PM Mar. 27 Mini Retreat, Pray with Peter Mar. 27 NO STATIONS OF CROSS Mar. 27 Reconciliation Service, 5:30PM. Mar. 29 2nd Coll. St.V.dePaul Mar. 29 Last Supper Presentation,3PM Our church building is open daily from 7:00 AM—3:30 PM for private prayer Welcome to Saint William Parish If you are visiting or looking for a spiritual home, we welcome you to Saint William Parish. Please consider registering as a member of our church family at the Parish Office during business hours. Registration forms are also available in the Gift Shop in the narthex of the Church after Masses. Registration is required for participation in the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, and Marriage. CATHOLIC FAITH APPEAL 2015 AS OF : March 15th GOAL: PLEDGED: % OF GOAL: TOTAL PAYMENTS: $533,000 340,469 63.88% $262,720 The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week in memory of Zygfryd & Halina Zoppa RECONCILIATION SERVICE AND CONFESSIONS FRIDAY, MARCH 27TH 5:30 PM IN THE CHURCH (NO STATIONS OF THE CROSS) JOIN US FOR SOUP NIGHT AT 6PM IN THE CHURCH HALL THE WEEK OF MARCH 15, 2015: Offertory: $ 52,331 Cath. Relief Serv.: 13,623 Attendance: 5,849 Thank you for your generosity! March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent There was an excitement and nervous anticipation for those who wanted to see Jesus. They had heard of His work and His words and knew He was not an ordinary teacher or preacher. They did not know what to expect and wanted to see for themselves what He was like. They would learn more from first hand knowledge than from anything they had heard. Our relationship with Jesus must be first hand. Knowing the Lord is different from knowing about the Lord. We can be unattached and neutral with our knowledge, but our experience draws us in, connecting us in a way that is life changing and grace filled. As we come to the end of Lent, get personal. Pick up the cross, follow Him and learn. It will make a difference you can feel! Liturgical Publications, Inc. We invite you to join in the procession of the Palms before all Masses on Palm Sunday. We will meet under the east side arcade and process into the church during the processional hymn. If you have palms at home bring them in and join us, or pick up a palm frond at church. Readings for the week of March 22 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Jn 12:20-33; Ez 37:12-14, Rom 8: 8-11 St. Turbius of Mogrovejo, Bishop; Dn 13: 1-9, 15-17, 19-30; Jn 8: 1-11 Nm 21: 4-9; Jn 8: 21-30 The Annunciation of the Lord; Is 7 - 8:10; Heb 10: 4-10; Lk 1: 26-38 Gn 17: 3-9; Jn 8: 51-59 Jer 20: 10-13; Jn 10: 31-42 Ez 37: 21-28; Jn 11: 45-56 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord; Mk 11: 1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50: 4-7 Phil 2: 6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47 or 15: 1-39 THIS WEEK WITH YOUR ST. WILLIAM FAMILY: Welcomed as new parishioners: Dennis & Kathleen Glavey; Walter & Mary Burdick; Drew & Cathy Osika; Larry & Darlene Lehmkuhl; Greg Melanson; George & Anna Gaspar Welcomed into our faith community through Baptism: Veronica Rose Kranyak Pray for the deceased: Margie Kilgus, Hubert Brennan Pray for the sick: Mariel Drakesmith Bloch Robert Tylicki, Sr. Joyce Nicholson Renee Gary Rossio Steven Bratcher Carol Hall Gloria Maloney Betty Wanta Don Morf Ron Wartman Fr. Michael P. Sullivan Doris Marchetta Vallarie Johnson Jen Young Martha Hine Richard Polombo Cheryl Geary Sue Fenwick John Toohey Mary Becker Jennifer Sawyer Robert Marino Bud Lesmeier Edmund Scott Wilis Elizabeth Margrane James Kolessar Chris Mulholland Sandy Ambrosh Marcia Huseth Maggie & Tom Metcalf Joyce Nepa Flora Rego John Jeronsek Maggie Barananno Rowan Rusnock Juan Ovido Sheila Gave Angel Orlando Maureen Mackson Joyce Davis Margaret Keppel Debbie Judy Suzanne Blouin Judy Fahey George Vogel Gary Smith Douglas Smith Pat Roche Dave Kassie Koch Jacqueline Stamper Hannah Belsinger Virginia Hopkins Florence Stella Julie Marsch Marie John & Dolores Kula Bro. Pio Maria Stanislaus B. Ada Timblin JOIN US FOR EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AFTER 12:10 PM MASS & FIRST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH IN THE CHURCH, 9AM—12NOON ALL OTHER FRIDAYS IN THE SMALL CHAPEL IN THE PARISH OFFICE, 9AM—12 NOON Terry Speziale Margaret Grimes Don Gerth Sheila Crehan Charles Gerk Madison Hoffman Lorene Chiancola Sam Chiancola Sally Motherway Bill Fitzgerald Inge Corbett Jane Earle Sally Frazier Gerri Marsch Joan Kent Larry Chance Frank Caccavo,Jr. Susan Bailey, Anne Timlin Sr. Maria Paulina Jerry Thirion Fr. Tom O’Brien Patrick Fitzgerald Jeanine Paulson Dolan Lillian Pooler Lisa Luthringer Spencer Nunley Jacob Moll Marlene Landstra Gino Nocera Rosa Vitiello Wilkins Vilcin Chris Ruggiero Jennifer Dorta E.V. Mary Rose Goduti Victor Buckett . Call the parish office if you know some parishioner who is sick and can use our prayers. SIGN UP TO TAKE UP THE GIFTS— If a Saturday evening or Sunday Mass has a special connection for you—offered for a loved one, an anniversary or birthday—and you would like to carry the gifts to the altar in the Offertory Procession, or if this is just something you would like to do, be sure to sign up for that Mass ahead of time in the book located in the Narthex. You will need to let the ushers know you are scheduled to bring up the gifts at least ten minutes before the start of that Mass. COME PRAY WITH US - You are invited to stay 15 minutes after the 8AM and 12:10 PM Mass each weekday to pray the rosary with us for your personal intentions and for the intentions of the Church and for our Country. The Blessed Sacrament is reposed in the little Meditation Chapel in the parish office and is open dur ing our r egular par ish office hour s, 8:30AM-4:30 PM. Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help - Join us Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM in the Ministry Center for this half hour of devotion in honor of our Blessed Mother, including prayer, rosary and benediction. Chaplet of Divine Mercy in office chapel each Wednesday at 3:00 PM (when office open) A d ST. WILLIAM CATHOLIC CHURCH EASTER WEEK SCHEDULE 2015 RECONCILIATION SERVICE WITH CONFESSIONS: FRIDAY, MARCH 27th at 5:30 PM (no Stations of the Cross) HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd: (No Morning Masses) Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7 PM GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd: (No Morning Masses) Stations of the Cross with Children’s Choir, 12 Noon Good Friday Liturgy & Veneration of the Cross, 3PM Stations of the Cross, 5:30 PM Confessions: 5-7 PM HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 4th: (No Morning Mass and no Confessions) One Mass at 8:30 PM Blessing of the Baskets, 12 Noon EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5th: MASSES: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM Seder Supper We begin promptly 6:00 PM March 26th Church Hall Please remember that this is a spiritual event, not a social event. “Why a Seder Supper, here at a Catholic church?” The answer; to remember our roots, to understand our beginnings. “When Cath- olics assemble to celebrate Mass, we may not realize that our Eucharistic liturgy has its origin in the Jewish Passover ritual. The unleavened bread and wine we use at Mass, as well at the Psalms we sing, were used at Passover meals in Jesus’ day and are used by Jews today.” Catholic Update. March 1998. We ask that each family contribute one dish for 6 and $5 per person, families $10, toward the cost of the meal. The parish provides the meat dishes and the wine, both Seder and dinner. Readings will be assigned, if you would like to do a reading please tell Janet when you make your reservations. Seating is limited to 80 persons so please make your reservations early. Those registered may come by the office to pay and pick up the Seder book. Reservations are required. Call Janet for reservations at 261-1876 or email no later than March 23rd. Volunteers are needed to setup, help with reservations and for clean up please contact Janet to help. THE LIVING LAST SUPPER DATE: Palm Sunday, March 29 at 4:00 PM WHERE: MINISTRY CENTER HALL On Palm Sunday, you are invited to a very special prayer service, which will help you reflect on the sacred meaning of Holy Week and draw you into a deeper personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Living Last Supper presentation will be performed by members of our Saint William Parish family, reenacting the moment when Jesus tells His disciples, "One of you will betray me". You will hear the story of each disciple and his relationship with Jesus as told by the disciple himself. The twelve disciples include -- James, John, Philip, James the Younger, Andrew, Jude, Thomas, Judas Iscariot, Matthew, Bartholomew, Peter and Simon. We welcome all to this holy prayer time - The Living Last Supper. Children’s Liturgy of the Word (OR) The Children Leaving for the Gospel Here at St. William’s we have dedicated couples who spend the scripture and homily time during the 9:00 mass with your children for their own special time listening to the Word of God. This time brings the Word of God home to them as children. Jim and Janice Iacovino and David and Barbara Caldwell are the two couples who have been doing this for some time. David and Barbara are stepping down after eighteen years of being there for our children. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude for their time, talent, and dedication to this ministry. I know God will bless them ten times ten for their dedication to our children. We are asking for volunteers to provide this time for our children each Sunday at the 9:00 mass. A married couple or two people with the desire can do it together. Training and materials are provided for you. If you would like more information please call Mary Jane in the Ministry Center (239-263-5429) CONFIRMATION for those who have been baptized Catholic, must be done by the Bishop, in this diocese. This takes place at the Cathedral in Venice on Pentecost, May 24, 2015. If you would like to be confirmed, please contact Rosanne Rechlin, 239-262-0338 before March 29, 2015. A class will be held during the Easter Season, in preparation for the Sacrament. It will also be necessary to provide a copy of your Baptismal Certificate. INTERNATIONAL CULTURE AND CUISINE FESTIVAL 2015 A SPECIAL THANKS FOR ALL THE HARD WORK AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE PARTICIPATING IN OUR ANNUAL INTERNATIONA CULTURE AND CUISINE FESTIVAL THIS YEAR. THE FOOD, THE ENTERTAINMENT, THE DOCORATIONS, THE TIME AND THE COMMITMENT OF SO MANY PEOPLE WAS A COMPLETE GIFT. OUR TOTAL INCOME WAS $16,433.OO, AND THIS ENTIRE AMOUNT HAS GONE TO OUR SAINT WILLIAM PARISH. WE CAN BE VERY PROUD OF THE GENEROSITY, THE COMMUNITY SPIRIT AND THE FAITHFULNESS OF OUR PARISH FAMILY. MAY GOD BLESS EVERYONE! Pope Francis Announces Jubilee Year of Mercy The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion… The message of The Divine Mercy is simple. It is that God loves us — all of us. And, he wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy. The Divine Mercy message is one we can call to mind simply by remembering ABC: A - Ask for His Mercy. God wants us to approach Him in prayer constantly, repenting of our sins and asking Him to pour His mercy out upon us and upon the whole world. B - Be merciful. God wants us to receive His mercy and let it flow through us to others. He wants us to extend love and forgiveness to others just as He does to us. C - Completely trust in Jesus. God wants us to know that the gr aces of His mercy are dependent upon our trust. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will receive. This message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy is based on the writings of Saint Faustina Kowalska, an uneducated Polish nun who, in obedience to her spiritual director, wrote a diary of about 600 pages recording the revelations she received about God's mercy. Even before her death in 1938, the devotion to The Divine Mercy had begun to spread. The message and devotional practices proposed in the Diary of Saint Faustina and set forth in this web site and other publications of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception are completely in accordance with the teachings of Church and are firmly rooted in the Gospel message of our Merciful Savior. Properly understood and implemented, they will help us grow as genuine followers of Christ. St. William’s will celebrate with a special Divine Mercy Service with the blessing of the Divine Mercy Icon in the narthex, on Mercy Sunday, April 12th at 2:15 PM. For those unable to pray at Planned Parenthood Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Thursday, March 26th from 1pm - 4pm Please sign up for an hour at the church office 239-261-4883. WE’RE COMING UP TO THE FINISH LINE Join your fellow Parishioners for the last 40 Days for Life prayer vigil Thursday March 26th A Spiritual Solution to a Spiritual Crisis!! Those good souls that come to pray at Planned Parenthood for a lawful, peaceful and prayerful vigil, soar with the feeling that they are participating in a sacred moment, uniting themselves with our Lord while praying for the pre-born children. Other faithful souls are touched with compassion and prayer for the safety of the women who come and go. Our culture is in need of most urgent prayer and witness to what is good. St. Paul reminds us in Hebrews 12:1-2, that our role of faith is to be a great cloud of witnesses. That we are to fix our eyes on Jesus and run the race that lies before us! Let us throw off everything that hinders or so easily entangles us from doing this humble act of public prayer and witness for everyone's right to life. STAND or SIT but pray for life and be at the finish line for St William’s last Thursday commitment for 40 Days for Life. Come anytime between 9am to 5pm. Parking and shuttle service available. for more info call Fred or Barbara at 261-4810 “One Day through the Rosary and Scapular I will save the World” -Blessed Virgin Mary to Saint Dominic The ST. WILLIAM ROSARY MAKERS invites to JOIN US and become a member of our ministry! We gather on Thursday’s from 9:00 am – 11:00 am at St. William’s Ministry Center, 750 Seagate Drive, Naples, FL to make rosary beads to spread Our Blessed Mother’s word around the world. Our members are men and women from ALL PARISHES in the Naples area. Come and let us teach you! Give us your time and your talent. We will give you the supplies you need and you can make them at home. Whether you are a permanent resident or a seasonal resident, young or young-at-heart, our ministry would be blessed to have you! For further information, please call Kathy Ball at 239-776-5376 or e-mail God Bless You. Health Ministry Minute Walking is great exercise for most. But, walking can be hazardous to your health if not done safely. Remember these tips when you are a pedestrian. Walk on a sidewalk or path when possible. Always use a crosswalk. If the crosswalk is a little out of your way, consider that the extra few step are free exercise. Look left, right, and left again before crossing. Never assume a driver sees you. Obey all traffic laws. If there are no sidewalks, walk against the direction of traffic so you can see oncoming vehicles. Be visible. Wear bright reflective colors on your clothes, shoes, belts, and wristbands. Pay attention while you are walking. Walk without the distraction of cell phone use or texting. Studies show that in 2004, there were approximately 559 pedestrians treated in emergency rooms for injuries sustained while using a cell phone and the number rose to more than 1500 treated in emergency rooms for injuries resulting while using a cell phone in 2011. If your walking is for the purpose of exercise, consider enjoying the use of the many walking trails that are available and designed for those this purpose. Enjoy the weather, Enjoy the exercise, Enjoy with safety! Parish Nurse, Rosanne Rechlin, 262-0338 Religious Education 3-22 Family Faith Formation “Nurturing Faith in Your Family” Coming Soon: The Holiest of Weeks Think seriously about how YOUR Catholic family will honor this Holy Week??? Holy Thursday – We get a peek into what it was like at the Last Supper , when J esus said goodbye to His apostles. He teaches them to eat bread and drink wine in memory of Him, and He tells them that the bread and wine will be His body and blood. Jesus also washes the apostles’ feet, showing them how much He loved them and they should serve others. Good Friday – We read the Gospel that describes how Jesus carried the cross, suffering and dying for our sins. We offer prayers for people in our community and our world. We respect and venerate the cross and Jesus’ sacrifice. Upcoming Classes Family Faith Formation Wednesday, April 8 – 6:00 pm Sunday, April 12 – 10:30 am Sacrament Preparation Sacrament Preparation Class – Sunday, April 19 - 10:30 am Family Retreat – Saturday, April 25 – 9:00 am Confirmation – Attend Life Teen & Sunday Mass 5th Sunday in Lent John 11:1-45 A thought on the Gospel What things bind us and keep us from being free to live as Jesus wants you to? , Open House Saturday, March 28, 2015 10 AM - 12 noon FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES Chaplain Mass Four Times Each Week grams Annual Retreat Experiences Theology Curriculum Campus Ministry ProBegin and End Day with Search using #sjniserve on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to view Faith Formation in action Surprised? Shouldn’t be. It’s just… St. John Neumann Catholic High School 3000 53rd St., SW Naples, FL 34116 ST. VINCENT de PAUL MONTHLY FOOD DRIVE The St. Vincent de Paul-St. William Conference conducts a monthly food drive the third Sunday of every month. The next food drive will be held April 18 and 19, 2015. Look for the white van in front of the Church at all Masses that weekend. With gratitude, our Conference thanks the people of this faith community for your generous spirit in filling our van at this month's food drive. We thank those who gave with a monetary donation, which will be used to purchase food items for the Council pantry. Thank you for your spirit of giving to God's people. ST. WILLIAM CCW SCHOLARSHIP FOR CATHOLIC HIGHER EDUCATION – St. William CCW has budgeted and allocated funds for our remaining seven (7) recipients from the Fall of 2015 through their graduation. This will require $38,000 plus Graduation Recognition Awards of $1,750. A few years ago, CCW received a sizeable beq uest ($50,000) earmarked for scholarships which had enabled us to add several additional students to our program. These funds have been applied to that purpose. Therefore, at this writing, we will not be offering any NEW scholarships for the fall of 2015. To continue this important program, we need your support. Tax deductible donations may be made to: St. William Council of Catholic Women (CCW) Scholarship Fund, dropped in the collection basket at Mass or mailed to the church office – Attn. CCW. Please remember our Scholarship Fund when you are writing or updating your will or trust. Join the St. Willam’s Nomads on this fun-filled trip of elegance and style at the Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, departing Naples April 23rd with overnight stay. The Biltmore Hotel opened in 1926 as a Hotel and enjoyed many years as host to Royalty and celebrities. During World War II, it was commissioned as an Army Hospital and then closed in 1968. It was reopened in 1982, and after several million dollars in refurbishment, is now a member of The Leading Hotels of the World, and a Historic Hotel of America. Enjoy a guided tour of this historic property, dine in the Fontana restaurant evening of arrival; wander the shops of Coral Gables and Miracle Mile the next day, before enjoying High Tea and returning to Naples. Price including round trip transfers, dinner, high tea and tour, with tax $350 per person based on double occupancy. Trip requires 16 participants. Contact: Carrin Chang Turnbull at 239-595-7441 by March 22nd. Reservations required for the St. William Council of Catholic Women Friday, April 10th , 2015 - Luncheon Time: 1:PM Cost: $22. payable at the door (cash or check) E-mail your reservation to: OR call Rita Bates @ 239 649-6741 - you will receive a confirmation Jack Conroy, popular Naples Professor, Writer and Speaker “SCRIPTURE and POPE FRANCIS” PROGRAM: Jack and his wife Joan moved to Naples in 1963. They have three adult children, twelve grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. After Jack retired he secured a Ph.D in Theology at Notre Dame, awarded in 2008. His main interest is in Hellenistic Judaism and Christian Origins, He has taught Theology and Scripture for the Blessed Edmund Rice School for Pastoral Ministry and Barry University. He speaks regularly on Scripture and issues dealing with historical Christian Anti-Judaism. Coming by yourself? Don’t know anyone? Let us know when you make your reservation! LUNCHEON LOCATION: Please make (or cancel) reservations no later than Wednesday, April 8th Pelican Bay Country Club 707 Gulf Park Drive, Naples FL 34108 **It’s SEASON! PLEASE CARPOOL IF AT ALL GIFT SHOP NEWS Have you seen the beautiful replica of Michangelo’s Pieta in the St. William Gift Shop? Done in a white bisque, in miniature, it so resembles the original. As Holy Week quickly approaches, it reminds of the sorrow of our Blessed Mother as she holds her Son. Along with the hand crafted Seven Sorrows chaplet Rosary (7 decades of the Sorrows of Mary), the Pieta ($20) is a beautiful way to walk with our Blessed Mother and Jesus these last weeks of Lent. We invite you to come see. Supplies are limited. The shop is open daily before and after the 12:10 pm Mass and Weekend Masses April “Give us this Day” available in the shop RESPITE MINISTRY The St. William Respite Ministry is a group of dedicated volunteers who provide care for homebound persons. They spend a few hours weekly visiting with the homebound person in their home, so that the primary caregiver can have some personal time to use as needed. The volunteers have had background checks and training and there is no charge for this service. If you could use this type of help, or know of someone who might, please call the Respite Ministry number listed in the weekly bulletin, 239-263-5432. Many caregivers have found this to be very helpful in difficult and stressful situations. Perhaps you may be one of them. PROLIFE QUALITY RESALE SHOP ~ ROSE GARDEN Volunteers, customers, and donors…. Please come. Located at: 938 3rd Avenue North. Hours: Monday-Saturday from 10am -4pm. We recycle EVERYTHING. No experience necessary. For more information please call Eli at 403-0700 or 5375608. Thanks & God bless! Fr. George Ratzmann Thursday, April 9, 2015 Making Sense Out Of Suffering 6:30-8:30 PM (Doors open at 6:00 PM) St. John the Evangelist PLC Ballroom 625 111th Avenue North, Naples $20 prepay (includes light dinner, glass of wine/beverage, and speaker) Everyone suffers at some point in their life, but Christians have a unique perspective on suffering. Jesus suffered and died on the cross to save us. Our own suffering arises out of freedom to make choices, both good and bad, and freedom is necessary for us to freely receive God's love and freely love God in return. Know that when we suffer, we never suffer alone. The God of compassion suffers with us. Join us to learn more from Father George Ratzmann, Pastor of St. William Catholic Church. Free babysitting available on site!! If interested, email Save the Dates! 2015: Sept. 24 Oct. 22 Nov. 12 Dec. 10 2016: Jan. 28 Feb. 25 Mar. 10 Apr. 14 Please prepay for this event no later than noon on April 7th by going to or dropping off exact cash (no change) or your check made payable to “Faith and Wine, Inc.” to the St. John parish office. Or you can mail (post-marked before April 3rd) your check to Mary Beth Clary, Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur LLP, 9132 Strada Place, 3 rd Floor, Naples, Florida 34108. NEW THIS YEAR – You must prepay – NO WALK-INS! Faith and Wine is a group of diverse women who seek fellowship with each other and a greater understanding of their Catholic faith in order to enrich their lives and help them cope with the ever-changing challenges presented by today's society. For more information, please visit our website at ST. VINCENT de PAUL NEWS The St. Vincent de Paul Society, Naples District Council, announces its annual scholarship program to assist needy students and their families in attending our local Catholic schools both high school and elementary. The Council will once again award $3,500 Martin J. Cunniffe Scholarships for students, who will attend a Catholic high school during the 2015-2016 academic year. Also, being awarded will be $3,000 scholarships for those attending or seeking admission in one of our local Catholic elementary schools. Families of all recipients must be active parishioners of their parish. Please call 775-1667 and ask for Samantha or Kim for an application. FINAL DEADLINE FOR COMPLETION AND RECEIPT OF ALL APPLICATIONS IS APRIL 17, 2015. Knight Watch “In Service to One. In Service to All.” In about 15 weeks my term as Grand Knight will end. So far it has been a great ride, filled with all kinds of challenges and opportunities. However, my most valued privilege was being given the honor of writing a weekly article in our St. William Church Bulletin. Just think about it. It’s almost a terrifying challenge. Last June when I was elected, I finely realized exactly what I signed up for and it was very scary. Now 37 weeks later, I’m no longer terrified and the process is not very scary. Things have changed, I now understand the responsibility I have to be honest, fair and true to our Catholic faith in all that I write, in what I say and how I act. Accepting responsibility is one of the major linchpins that hold our society together. Being able to say what you want in a bulletin that is read by almost 3,000 people is a real challenge. Keeping the topics relevant and meaningful sometimes gets a little stressful, but fun. If someone were to ask me if I was still having fun, my answer would be YES! But lets get back to responsibility. Being responsible is a process that starts when we are very young and continues to expand and grow until God decides that our work on earth is complete. As a young child it could be watching a younger sibling or working hard in school. As we grow it includes the growing responsibility to our faith, marriage, family, job, community and nation. Don’t confuse having responsibility and accepting responsibility. They are two very different things. Having responsibility is a matter of a situation. You have a child and you now have responsibility. There are thousands of examples. Accepting responsibility is very different, it involves you, your faith, your character, your love for others and your view of yourself. Being responsible is all about making commitments and keeping those commitments. This year I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds of fellow parishioners working in dozens of ministries and groups accepting responsibility and the commitments that go with it. In a very large way, we the parishioners of St. William Catholic Church make it what it is. We give it, character, charm and it’s distinctive life. Next week begins the Passion of Jesus Christ, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Sunday. There is no more perfect time to recommit our lives to Him. There is no better example of accepting responsibility and keeping a commitment than what Christ did for us. Think about it, accepting the responsibility for all the sins of every person who lived in the past, every person who was alive and every person to be born in the future, was the biggest commitment any man ever made. FUTURE K of C EVENTS Every Monday at 8:00AM—Pray If you have any ideas or comments, please email me at at Planned Parenthood . I will r espond to all emails. Tues –March 10— Regular BusiUntil next week, God Bless Each of You and Your Families, ness Meeting Fri—March 20—Parish Fish Fry Sat - April 11th—Dinner Dance 6:00 PM—Pig Roast SK Richard Sampson - 239-353 Sun—April 26—Corporate Communion Wed—May 20—Fallen Knights The Fourth Degree Assembly— The Fourth DeMass gree Assembly meets on the fourth Thursday of the May 29 to 31—Council Retreat month in the Church Hall at 6:30 p.m. All visiting Sir Sat—June 13—Appreciation Knights are welcome. For more information, contact Night SK Bruce Barone at (239) 262-6628.
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