Page 1 of 31 Private Circulation for LIC Pensioners only ( A monthly e-Magazine of LIC Retired Class I Officers’ Association, Kolkata ) April, 2015 Chief Editor : Basudeb Das Editorial Board : S.K. Mazumder A.K. Goswami D.K. Ghosh A.K. Mahato S.K. Chakraborty S.K. Ghosh T.K. Sanyal IN THIS ISSUE: Editorial……………..1 Legal News…….....2 Assocn News……..6 LIC News ……….….7 Financial News….14 Of Interest………..16 Health Tips……….19 Fairy tales………….25 Jokes…………….…..27 Pensioners’ News...29 Pensioners’ Views…29 Pensioners’ Tour.….30 Pensioners’ photography 31 Note……………….....31 (Year - 2013 : Issue-2, Year - 2014 : Issue- 12) Year-2015 : Issue – 4 EDITORIAL William Penn said "To delay Justice is Injustice". LIC pensioners are the victim of such injustice for nearly two decades. The High court on the basis of Indian constitution certified that revision of pension for a fair livelihood of LIC pensioners are a necessity, but on LIC’s appeal to Supreme Court, LIC pensioners are suffering from denial of justice. Indian Constitution has empowered its citizen with fundamental rights, but in reality, the rights are enjoyed by people having ‘might is right’. Am Admi in many instances are deprived of this constitutional freedom. Similarly, constitution provided legal justice for each citizen, but there also prevails power of money and manipulation. We are witness of denying justice due to unholy attitude of politicians and bureaucrats. Our pensioners in course of their legal struggle sacrificed their family peace and obligation. Many of them left this world without getting minimum comfort of living for want of pension revision. LIC/GOI bureaucrats are fighting against pensioners’ justified demands forgetting that the organisation availed their service. Today LIC is having assets of Rs.15 Lac crore. Who built this wealth? Govt, in its eleven 5 year plans since 1956, got Rs.18,02,466 crore upto Mar’14 (* Details inside). Who created this huge fund over the years? Today LIC is giving 1.5 Lac crore for Rail’s development. Who created this resource? The answer is Employees and Pensioners of today and also the yesterday’s pensioners who left us for ever. And in return, what Nation’s caretaker GOI/LIC is giving to the architects of the wealth - simply denying their peaceful livelihood by dragging poor pensioners to the never ending dilemma of law. It gives us pain when Shri CH Mahadevan showed us that today’s retired clerical Assistant is getting more pension than an Executive Director retired 10 yrs back. Is this inequality fair or justified? Livelihood costs are the same for today’s and yesterday’s pensioners of a rank. Indian judicial system in effect deny justice to its citizen through its controversial mechanism and misuse of law by some practitioners. The statistics reveals that 27% of victims behind the bars are either innocent or never faced trials. At times we come across news of releasing prisoners with or without penalty by higher courts after 10/15/20 years of custody. We fail to realize the role of Law Ministry in providing justice to Indian citizens. No law commission or high power judicial reformation Authority is drawing the attention of the GOI - nobody bothers. Sometimes, we hear of first track courts for speedy trial, but this is meagre attempt compared to number of pending cases. Five years ago, Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, informed the Lok Sabha that India had the largest backlog of cases in the world, and as many as 30 million cases were pending. The Hindustan Times reported that over four million of these are High Court cases, and 65,000 cases are pending in Supreme Court. According to Markandey Katju, a retired Supreme Court Justice, judges should have no more than 300 cases pending at any point of time, but in reality backlogs for individual judges stretch into the tens of thousands. In 2009, the Chief Justice of the New Delhi High Court released a damning report in which he claimed it would take 466 years for the court to clear its backlog. Despite spending on an average less than five minutes per case, in 2009 the said court had 600 cases that had been lodged more than 20 years ago. Ultimately we will have to bear with this. Those who are fighting against us will join us in near future and support us, but tradition created by them will continue till the favourable judgement is pronounced in favour of LIC pensioners. Page 2 of 31 LEGAL NEWS : Mr. GN Sridharan, Gen Secy, Fedn of Retd LIC Class I Officers' Assons informs : th "The Appeals were taken up today (25 Mar’15). Representing LIC Sr Counsel Mr Abishek Singhvi pointed that LIC had passed resolution for one-time settlement in DR matter for those who retired pre-Aug 1997 but the other issue of upgradation on the basis of successive wage revisions will involve 9700 crores. There was reference to the 1981 amendment of LIC Act. Mr Asthana's counsel referred to the Judgement of Jaipur, stating that Govt approval is not necessary. Our Sr Counsel Mr Shriram Panchu pointed out that, approval or no approval, the issue is clearly discriminatory. At this point of time, Addl Solicitor General entered the Court and informed the Bench that Govt itself has filed Appeal against the judgement of Jaipur HC. Thereafter the Bench ordered clubbing of the Govt Appeal, and posted the matter for further hearing on 8th April 2015”. ITEM NO.122 COURT NO.4 SECTION XV, S U P R E M E C O U R T O F I N D I A, RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Civil Appeal No(s). 8959-8962/2013. LIC OF INDIA AND ORS Appellant(s) VERSUS KRISHNA MURARI LAL ASTHANA AND ANR ETC. Respondent(s) (with appln. (s) for directions and dismissal of appeal and permission to file additional documents and office report) WITH C.A. No. 6995/2013 (With appln.(s) for impleadment as party respondent and implementation of court's order and Office Report) C.A. No. 9223/2013 (With appln.(s) for direction and intervention and Office Report) C.A. No. 9409-9410/2013 (With appln.(s) for clarification/Direction and Interim Relief and office report) Date : 25/03/2015 These appeals were called on for hearing today. CORAM : HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE DIPAK MISRA, HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE PRAFULLA C. PANT UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following: ORDER Let the matter be listed on 08.04.2015 as part heard. It shall be shown on top of the list. The matter be listed along with SLP (C) Nos.5437-5440 of 2015. (Gulshan Kumar Arora) (H.S. Parasher) Court Master Court Master AN INTERESTING JUDGEMENT IN SBI VRS PENSIONERS’ CASE : IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO.2463 OF 2015 [Arising out of S.L.P. (Civil) No. 3686 OF 2007] Assistant General Manager, State Bank of India & Others ... Appellants Versus Radhey Shyam Pandey ... Respondent WITH CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 2287-2288 OF 2010 CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 5035-5037 OF 2012 CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10813 OF 2013 Page 3 of 31 JUDGMENT Dipak Misra, J. “………Therefore, I have no hesitation in holding that the impugned judgments and orders passed by various High Courts, namely, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad, Punjab Haryana High Court at Chandigarh and High Court of Calcutta are unsustainable in law and accordingly I set aside the same. 47. Consequently, the appeals are allowed and the impugned judgments and orders are set aside. In the facts and circumstances of the case, there shall be no order as to costs.” .....J. [Dipak Misra] New Delhi; February 26, 2015 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO.2463 OF 2015 (ARISING OUT OF S.L.P. (C) NO. 3686 of 2007) ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER, STATE BANK OF INDIA & ORS. ………APPELLANTS VERSUS RADHEY SHYAM PANDEY ….RESPONDENT WITH C.A. NOS.2287-2288 of 2010 STATE BANK OF INDIA & ORS . ……. APPELLANTS VERSUS M.P. HALLAN & ANR. ……… RESPONDENTS C.A. NOS.5035-5037 of 2012 CHAIRMAN, STATE BANK OF INDIA & ORS. ……. APPELLANTS VERSUS MIHIR KUMAR NANDI & ANR. ……… RESPONDENTS AND C.A. NO. 10813 of 2013 STATE BANK OF INDIA & ORS. ……APPELLANTS VERSUS RAMESH PRASAD NIGAM …….RESPONDENT JUDGMENT V. GOPALA GOWDA, J. “I had the opportunity to read the opinion of my brother Judge, Justice Dipak Misra and I am in respectful disagreement with the opinion rendered by him in the present appeals………………… 29. While answering Point no. 2 in favour of the respondents, I held that the State Bank of India should implement the amendment made to Rule 28 of the Employees Pension Regulation in granting pension to the employees seeking voluntary retirement under SBIVRS. I therefore, answer point no 3 in favour of the respondents and direct the appellant Bank to grant pension to the employees seeking voluntary retirement under the SBIVRS after completing 15 years of pensionable service. Therefore, the respondent Radhey Shyam Pandey, having completed 19 years 8 months and 18 days of service, respondent M.P. Hallan, having completed 19 years and 4 months of service and the respondent R.P. Nigam, having completed 16 years and 6 months of service, become eligible for pension as per the amended Regulation 28 of Employees Pension Rules, 1995. By virtue of power vested in this Court under Article 142 Constitution of India, I hold that the pension relief is also extended to all the other employees who have availed SBI-VRS 2000 after having completed 15 years of pensionable service. Thus, C.A. No.@ SLP (C) No.3686 of 2007, C.A. Nos.2287-2288 of 2010 and C.A. No. 10813 of 2013 are dismissed. 30. The C.A. Nos.5035-5037 of 2012 of the appellant Bank succeed in that respondent Mihir Kumar Nandi, having completed 12 years 3 months and 4 days of service, becomes ineligible for pension benefits. 31. All the appeals are disposed of accordingly. No costs.” …J. [V. GOPALA GOWDA] New Delhi, February 26, 2015 Page 4 of 31 UBI PENSIONERS’ CASE IN KOLKATA HC : WP NO. 507 of 2012 IN THE HIGH COURT AT CALCUTTA Constitutional Writ Jurisdiction Original Side United Bank of India Retirees’ Welfare Association and Others Vs. United Bank of India and Others Appearance Mr. S.K. Dutta., Mr. D. Dasgupta….for petitioners Mr. R. N. Majumdar, Mr. S. Chakraborty, Mr. S. Bhattacharjee, Mr. Goutam Chakraborty………for respondents th Judgement On: - 04 March, 2015 I.P. MUKERJI, J. “…….But once the bank chooses to bestow the benefit of full compensation on a certain category of employees, that is to say, those who retired after 1st November, 2002, then the bank became guilty of making an artificial and unreasonable classification between employees who retired before 1st November, 2002 and those who retired thereafter. This is arbitrary and discriminatory. This is clearly impermissible and against the dicta of the Supreme Court laid down in the case of DS Nakara & Ors. Vs. Union of India reported in 1983 (1) SCC 305.” “The classification has to be based, as is well settled, on some rational principle and rational principle must have nexus to the objects sought to be achieved. We have set out the objects underlying the payment of pension. If the State considered it necessary to liberalize the pension scheme, we find no rational principle behind it for granting these benefits only to those who retired subsequent to that date simultaneously denying the same to those who retired prior to that date. If the liberalization was considered necessary for augmenting social security in old age to government servants then those who retired earlier cannot be worst off than those who retire later. Therefore, this division which classified pensioners into two classes is not based on any rational principle and if the rational principle is the one of dividing pensioners with a view to giving something more to persons otherwise equally placed, it would be discriminatory. To illustrate, take two persons, one retired just a day prior and another a day just succeeding the specified date. Both were in the same pay bracket, the average emolument was the same and both had put in equal number of years of service. How does a fortuitous circumstance of retiring a day earlier or a day later will permit totally unequal treatment in the matter of pension? One retiring a day earlier will have to be subject to ceiling of Rs. 8100 p.a and average emolument to be worked out on 36 months’ salary while the other will have a ceiling of Rs. 12,000 p.a and average emolument will be computed on the basis of last 10 months average. The artificial division stares into face and is unrelated to any principle and whatever principle, if there be any, has absolutely no nexus to the objects sought to be achieved by liberalizing the pension scheme. In fact this arbitrary division has not only no nexus to the liberalized pension scheme but it is counter-productive and runs counter to the whole gamut of pension scheme. The equal treatment guaranteed in Article 14 is wholly violated in as much as the pension rules being statutory in character, since the specified date, the rules accord differential and discriminatory treatment to equals in the matter of commutation of pension. A 48 hours difference in matter of retirement would have a traumatic effect. Division is thus both arbitrary and unprincipled. Therefore, the classification does not stand the test of Article 14.” Payment of dearness relief is a policy decision. This Court cannot rewrite by an order the policy of the respondent-bank. But this Court in entitled to make observations on an existing Policy or rule. This Court does observe that the policy and service conditions of the respondent bank for payment of dearness relief to its post November, 2002 retirees is arbitrary and discriminatory of the pre November, 2002 class of retirees. This Court makes a declaration to this effect. Since the Court cannot rewrite a policy or make the rules of service and since the members of the writ petitioner association are not parties and only two pre 2002 employees are parties, I am not quashing or setting aside the existing policy and circulars of the respondent bank for payment of dearness relief. I direct the Board of the respondent bank in consultation with the Central government and the Reserve Bank of India to take a reasoned decision, in the light of the above observations and findings regarding payment of Page 5 of 31 100% dearness relief to the pre November-2002 retirees’ of the respondent bank by 30 MUKERJI, J.), Kolkata High Court th June, 2015” ….(I.P. ARREARS WEF 01.01.06 MATTER- JUDGMENT/ ORDER OF THE HSC IN THE SLP- CA CASES IS AS FOLLOWS: IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO.(S). 8875-8876 OF 2011 UNION OF INDIA & ORS. Appellant(s) VERSUS VINOD KUMAR JAIN & ORS. Respondent(s) WITH C.A. No.1998 of 2012, C.A.No.3564 of 2012, C.A.No.3907 of 2012, C.A.No.4581 of 2012, C.A.No.4952 of 2012, C.A.No.4980 of 2012, C.A.No.4599 of 2013, C.A.No.1 of 2015 AND SLP(C)Nos.36148-36150 of 2013, SLP(C)No.16780-16782 of 2014 & SLP(C)No......... of 2015 (CC Nos.16903-16904) ORDER Heard. Delay condoned. C.A.Nos.8875-76 of 2011, C.A. No.1998 of 2012, C.A.No.3564 of 2012, C.A.No.3907 of 2012, C.A.No.4581 of 2012, C.A.No.4952 of 2012, C.A.No.4980 of 2012: We see no reason to interfere with the orders impugned. The civil appeals are accordingly dismissed. C.A.No.4599 of 2013, C.A.No.1 of 2015 : No substantial question of law of general/public importance arises for our consideration in these applications for leave to appeal. The prayer for leave to appeal is accordingly declined and the applications for leave to appeal dismissed. SLP(C)Nos.36148-36150 of 2013, SLP(C)No.16780-16782 of 2014 & SLP(C)Nos...........of 2015 (CC Nos.1690316904): We see no reason to interfere with the orders impugned. The special leave petitions are accordingly dismissed. Ms. Pinky Anand, learned Additional Solicitor General, however submits that in view of the nature of the controversy as also the extent of financial burden arising out of the implementation of the impugned orders, the petitioners-U.O.I. may be given reasonable time to do the needful. That prayer is not opposed by counsel opposite. We accordingly grant four months' time from today to the petitioners to comply with the impugned orders failing which the contempt petitions pending before the Tribunal can be revived by the concerned petitioners and taken to their logical conclusion. All impleading and intervention applications are also dismissed. .......................J (T.S. THAKUR) .......................J (R. BANUMATHI) NEW DELHI, DATED 17th March, 2015. Page 6 of 31 ASSOCIATION NEWS: PENSIONERS ON WEDNESDAY MEET AT HB ANNEXE ASSOCIATION HALL, KOLKATA Renowned Actuary Shri Dilip Charan Chakraborty, our member, met us on 25th March’2015 during weekly meet on Wednesday. He is seen in the pictures below: OUR CONCERN : The fiscal 2014-15 is over and we are setting our feet in the new fiscal 2015-16 with a hope of a brighter future as that is the only wish that we should pray for. The much awaited FINAL HEARING commenced on 25 th March, 15 in court no 4 of Supreme Court of India. LIC PRNSIONERS’ CHRONICLE, Sri RK Sahni’s blog and AIRIEF website have provided the pensioners with minute by minute updates on the happenings at the court no 4 on the day till the hearing on the appeals were adjourned till 08th April’15 after arguments by LIC’s counsel sri AM Singhvi and Additional Solicitor general, appearing for union of India. Issues were raised by them as to Page 7 of 31 the Board resolution of 2001, Rajasthan HC verdict allowing both the WPs and involvement of Rs.9700 crs rupees for uogradation of pension. We do not know the basis of calculation leading to 9700 crs. The counsels for the respondents did not have the scope for their reply to the arguments made by Sri Singhvi except some interventions. It is learnt that the learned judges wanted to know whether there are provisions of pension revisions in LIC’s pension rules. Sri CH Mahadevan has commented that Rs. 9700 crs’ figure can be utilised stating the pensioners are being deprived of this large amount. It is also learnt that the Hon’ble judges commented that the figure does not matter. What is due to be paid, the same has to be paid. We have received reporting on the day’s proceedings from three different personalities, each differing with the other. At least one is accusing the two others followed by a rejoinder from one of the two. The accusations are strongly worded. It is sincerely believed that no respondent, having their own agenda of bringing in relief only to a section of their members, will stick to their agenda only and will utilize opportunities arising out of Rajasthan HC verdict allowing both the WPs. The narrow vision disregarding the interest covering all the pensioners will lead the organization to a blind alley. We should not lose sight of the fact the organization belongs to all the members of irrespective of the dates of retirements. This is the last chance of bringing in relief for all present and future pensioners and, definitely, we must grab it. There is no scope for any individual agenda to be fulfilled. The others, singing to the tune of individual agenda, should rise to the occasion and raise voices for removal of discrimination once for all. The crimson red SUN will soon appear in the eastern horizon removing daekness. And that SUN will be ours. LIC NEWS: From: co_era <>, Date: Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 2:04 PM Subject : Group Mediclaim : Renewal of policy for the year 2015-16 To <> I am forwarding the circular received from C.O. for your information. Regards, SK Kapahi. “Dear Sir, Our Group Mediclaim Policy for the year 2015-16 covering in-service/retired employees and their dependents has been renewed with New India Assurance Co. Ltd. with cashless facility for all diseases and treatments covered under mediclaim policy for the year 2014-15. Cashless facility will be available through TPAs in hospitals covered under their network. In cases where cashless facility is not availed or when there is some balance reimbursable amount to be claimed representatives of TPAs will be collecting the claim papers directly from Divisional Offices. Following Zone wise TPAs have been appointed for servicing the above policy: S.No. Office/Zone Name of TPA 1 Northern Zone M/S MDIndia Healthcare Service (TPA) Pvt. Ltd. Page 8 of 31 2 Western Zone M/S MDIndia Healthcare Service (TPA) Pvt. Ltd. 3 Central Zone M/S MDIndia Healthcare Service (TPA) Pvt. Ltd. 4 Central Office M/S MDIndia Healthcare Service (TPA) Pvt. Ltd. 5 North Central Zone M/S Raksha TPA Pvt. Ltd. 6 East Central Zone M/S Heritage Health TPA Pvt. Ltd. 7 Eastern Zone M/S Heritage Health TPA Pvt. Ltd. 8 South Central Zone M/S Medi Assist India TPA Pvt. Ltd. 9 Southern Zone M/S Vidal Health TPA Pvt. Ltd. Detailed information about premium rates, data collection, List of hospital covered under TPAs network, process, etc will be provided shortly. Till the id cards are issued from TPA existing process for cashless facility will be followed, i.e. cashless request will be processed by TPA on the basis of certificate issued by the OS department of LIC and photo id proof. Sanjay Gupta Administrative Officer, PERSONNEL/ER-A DEPT., CENTRAL OFFICE.” LIC to invest Rs 1.5 lakh crore in Indian Railways over next 5 years. Page 9 of 31 LIC to invest Rs 1.5 lakh crore in Indian Railways over next 5 years. "LIC has taken the task of supporting Indian Railways... It is a commercial decision... LIC will invest Rs 1.5 lakh crore over a period of five years," said by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. A MOU was signed today between Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) and the Ministry of Railways in this regard, which Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu termed as a "marriage" between two major organisations of the country that would be a "win-win situation" for both of them. About LIC, Jaitley said it is "a great commercial giant and it is an example of how state institutions can grow so huge, grow professionally, and serve the country." LIC is a leading financial institution with assets under management of Rs 15 lakh crore. One of the major activities of LIC is to provide long term finance to various entities. Page 10 of 31 Page 11 of 31 Page 12 of 31 LIC’s Investments (Upto March’2014) during Five Year Plan Periods Plan Year Gross Investments (In Cr) II 1956-1961 184 III 1961-1966 285 IV 1969-1974 1,530 V 1974-1979 2,942 VI 1980-1985 7,140 VII 1985-1990 12,969 VIII 1992-1997 56,097 IX 1997-2002 1,70,929 X 2002-2007 3,94,779 XI 2007-2012 7,04,151 XII 2012-2017 4,51,460 Page 13 of 31 LIC sees 40% growth in new premiums in March’2015 Plans to launch Ulip soon; looks at investing in 20-year, 40-year bonds BS Reporter | Mumbai March 26, 2015 Last Updated at 00:25 IST Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has seen a 40 per cent growth in new premiums for March on a month-on-month basis, according to LIC Chairman S K Roy. Speaking on the sidelines of ET Financial Inclusion Summit here on Wednesday, Roy said LIC would end the financial year on a positive note. “Since our base is high, a 40 per cent growth is substantial. We aim to have a 15 per cent growth with respect to new premiums even next financial year,” said Roy. He said even though this was a challenging year, the insurer would be able to show good growth. With respect to long-term bonds to be floated which would be of 20 years and 40 years duration from the next financial year, Roy said: “This is a positive move from the government. There will definitely be a good demand for such papers, especially from life insurers. I am sure LIC will take advantage of this.” Long-term bonds of 40-year maturity are to be auctioned by the central government for the first time in the next financial year. Finance Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi had on Monday said the government would use these bonds to borrow up to Rs 10,000 crore and the dates were yet to be finalised for the launch. According to the issuance calendar of marketable dated securities for the first half of the financial year (April-September) issued on Monday, for every week beginning April, the Reserve Bank of India will auction a 20-year and above security for Rs 3,000-4,000 crore. The government will borrow Rs 3.6 lakh crore in the first half. Both for equities and debt, Roy said the investment for the next year would be higher than this year. In FY15, LIC had planned to put about Rs 60,000 crore of its total investment corpus of Rs 3 lakh crore in equity markets. This was a rise of 50 per cent compared to the equity investment of Rs 40,000 crore in the previous financial year. Roy said LIC had filed a Unit-Linked Product (Ulip) with the insurance regulator and it would soon launch this. Ulips constitute less than 10 per cent of the total product mix of LIC and the rest comprises traditional products. In March, LIC had also committed to invest Rs 1.5 lakh crore in the Indian Railways over five years for development of various commercially-viable projects. Roy said LIC might look at such proposals in the future, but nothing was on the table for now. Allaying concerns of a fall in new premiums, Roy said LIC would have to double the number of products in the next financial year, compared to FY15. Page 14 of 31 While government securities constitute the highest chunk in LIC’s investment corpus, Roy said the insurer would also look at corporate bonds and equity. He added that as a large financial player, LIC would not invest in low-rated instruments such as those below A1 rating. State Bank of India (SBI) is planning a Rs 15,000-crore follow on public offer (FPO) in FY16. Roy said LIC would appraise the FPO as and when it is on offer. “Last year, we invested substantially in the SBI QIP and it proved a good decision,” he said. FINANCIAL NEWS: CM Delegation proposed before the 7th Central Pay Commission: Open Ended Pay Scale, 3.7 multiplication factor, Minimum Wage of Rs.26000/-, 5% Increment rate, 5 promotions, HRA - 60%,40%,20%, Wage ratio 1:8, CEA for Higher Studies, Minimum Pension 67%.... National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110 055 Minimum Wage of Rs.26000/- and Open Ended Pay Scales JCM DELEGATION PROPOSED BEFORE THE 7TH CENTRAL PAY COMMISSION During 2 days deliberations on 23rd & 24th March, 2015, the JCM (Staff Side) delegation have pleaded before the 7th Central Pay Commission to recommend minimum wage of Rs. 26,000/- per month on the basis of 15th ILC Norms/Aykroyd Formula. Some of the important submissions made before the Pay Commission are listed below: • • • • • • • • • • • Wage ratio between the lowest and highest should be 1:8. Revised pay scales and allowances should be given effect from 01/01/2014. 3.7 multiplication factor should be applied to arrive at the revised pay. Special Pay concept should be restored back. HRA should be revised to 60%, 40% and 20% of pay for ‘X’ ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ class localities/cities respectively. Children Education Allowance should be revised and extended to cover higher studies also. Increment rate should be 5% of pay. Five promotions during service. Special Duty Allowance for North Eastern Region be revised to 37-1/2%. House Building Amount should be increased and interest rate should be reduced. 6th CPC Anomalies may be got addressed through a special mechanism. Flexi timings for women employees besides additional leave facilities etc., Pension • • • Pay Commission was urged to recommend parity in Pension. Minimum Pension should be fixed at 67% of last pay drawn. Gratuity amount should be upwardly revised. All the issues contained in the J CM memorandum were explained to the Commission with cogent logic, merits and Precedents. S/Shri M. Raghavaiah, Leader JCM (Staff Side), Guman Singh, NFIR President, R.P. Bhatnagar, Working President and BC. Sharma, Joint General Secretary have participated in the deliberations. No.IV/NFIR/7TH CPC/Corres/Pt.V Dated : 28/03/2015 V (Dr M. Raghavaiah) Page 15 of 31 One Rank One Pension: Modalities will finalized by 1st week of April, 2015 & 1st Payment on 1st week of May, 2015, arrears in 4 equal installments One Rank One Pension: Hon'ble Defence Minister has assured to NEXCC's representative that modalities will finalized by 1st week of April, 2015 & 1st Payment on 1st week of May, 2015. Arrears will be paid in 4 equal installments. One Rank One Pension(OROP) latest Message from Shri Thaneswar Sen, Chairman, NEXCC. Message from Shri Thaneswar Sen, Chairman, NEXCC. Shri Manohar Parikkar, Hon’ble Defence Minister, Government of India, met representative of our organization(NEXCC) led by Shri V.N.Mishra, Secretary General (as Chairman is indisposed). Where 20/25 minutes cordial discussion had in connection with implementation One Rank One Pension(OROP). He has assured our delegation, that by 1st week of April,2015, modalities will be finalized & 1stpayment will be made on 1st week of May,2015. Arrears will be paid in 4 equal installments. Considering the deferred assurance given by the Hon’bleDefence Minister, available Central Committee Member in Delhi, decided to defer our agitational programme on 6th& 7th April,2015. It is further to intimate that Central Executive Committee to a later date. The representative also brought to the knowledge of the Hon’bleDefence Minister about the ECHS meeting scheduled to be held on 05th April, 2015,at New Delhi, also & Military Service Pay(MSP) anomalies, which he assured to look into. source- OROP already finalised, prepared properly, involves an amount 8,000 crore approx: Parrikar Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Monday said, “The defence ministry has already finalised the OROP (One Rank One Pension) scheme. However, certain financial and administrative procedures will be followed. The first positive thing is that it has been prepared properly. It involves an amount of about Rs. 8,000 crore.” Page 16 of 31 ENGLSIH TRANSLATION: [GOI INTRODUCED NEW SMALL SAVINGS SCHEME “SUKANYA SAMRIDDHI ACCOUNT” CHILD FROM BIRTH TO 10 YEARS ELIGIBLE. TAKING INTO ACCOUNT ONE YEAR RELAXATION, CHILDREN BORN ON OR AFTER 02.12.2003 ARE ELIGIBLE. MIN DEP Rs.1000 WITH MULTIPLE OF Rs.100; MAX Rs.150000 IN A YEAR LIKE PPF A/C. INT RATE FOR FY 2014-15 9.10% PA. THE A/C WILL BE CLOSED AFTER CHILD ATTAINING 21 YRS. AFTER CHILD ATTAINING 18 YRS AND FOR REASON OF HER MARR, THE A/C CAN BE PREMATUREDLY CLOSED. DEPOSIT IS NON-TAXABLE UNDER 80C LIKE PPF.] OF INTEREST: Why you should collect that 1 rupee change from the supermarket? Suppose 500 people visit Big Bazaar daily. No one collects change.500×1= Rs500. For 365 days, 500×365 = Rs. 1,82,500/This is from ONE Big Bazaar MARKET. There are 1500 Big Bazaar markets in the country. Then Rs. 1,82,500 × 1500 = Rs.273,750,000/- ie Rs.27crore per year !!! The worst part about this is, IT'S NOT EVEN TAXABLE because the bill doesn't count the one rupee, remember? Now you know why they always put price tags like 49/- 99/- 999/- only? For that awesome income – Mufatse. RED ALERT: WARNING. Everybody read this very, very carefully please.Passport Tearing at Airports.Be Careful at Airports , This is a well organized conspiracy by Immigration, Police, Customs and staff with networking at all the International Airports..Be careful when ever you give your passport to Immigration/ Customs/ staff. The pass port can be easily tampered and can create trouble to you. They have found easy way of making money from NRIs. This is the way it works: At the time of the passenger's departure, if the passenger is not looking at the officer while he is stamping the exit, the officer very cleverly tears away one of the page from the passport. When the passenger leaves the immigration counter, the case is reported on his computer terminal with full details. Now all over India they have got full details of the passenger with Red Flag flashing on the Passport number entered by the departure immigration officer. They have made their money by doing above. On arrival next time, he is interrogated. Subject to the passenger's period of stay abroad, his income and standing etc., the price to get rid of the problem is settled by the Police and Immigration people. If someone argues, his future is spoiled because there are always some innocent fellows who think the honesty is the basis of getting justice in India . Please advise every passenger to be careful at the airport. Whenever they hand over the passport to the counters of airport , or immigration or the customs, they must be vigilant, should not remove eyes from the passport even if the officer in front tries to divert their attention. Page 17 of 31 Also, please pass this information to all friends, media men and important politicians. Every month 20-30 cases are happening all over India to rob the NRIs the minute he lands. Similar case has happened with Aramco's Arifuddin. He was traveling with his family. They had six passports. They Got the visa of America and decided to go via Hyderabad from Jeddah. They reached Hyderabad .Stayed about a month and left for the States. When they reached the States, the page of the American visa on his wife's passport was missing. At the time of departure from Hyderabad it was there, the whole family had to return to Hyderabad helplessly. On arrival at Bombay back, they were caught by the police and now it is over 2 months, they are running after the Police, Immigration officers and the Courts. On going in to details with him, he found out the following: One cannot imagine, neither can believe, that the Indian Immigration dept can play such a nasty game to harass innocent passengers. All the passengers traveling to fro India via Bombay and Hyderabad must be aware of this conspiracy. Every month 15 to 20 cases are taking place, at each mentioned airport, of holding the passengers in the crime of tearing away the passport pages. On interviewing some of them, none of them was aware of what had happened. They don't know why, when and who tore away the page from the middle of the passport. One can imagine the sufferings of such people at the hands of the immigration, police and the court procedures in India after that. The number of cases is increasing in the last 2-3 years. People who are arriving at immigration are questioned and their passports are being held and they have to go in interrogation. Obviously, the conspiracy started about 2 to 3 years ago, now the results are coming. Some of the counter staff too is involved in this conspiracy. KINDLY SEND THIS TO AS MANY AS YOUR FRIENDS AND ALSO REQUEST THEM TO CHECK THE PASSPORT AT THE CHECKING COUNTERS AND BEFORE LEAVING THE AIRPORT. Aadhar based Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan): CPAO O.M. Dated 20.03.2015 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE TRIKOOT-II,BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE. NEW DELHI-110066 CPAO/Tech/Jeevan Pramaan /2014-15/218-259 20.03.2015 Office Memorandum Subject:- Aadhar based Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan) The Hon’ble Prime Minister has launched “Jeevan Aadhaar”(Aadhaar based biometric verification system for pensioner). To make its implementation successful Department of Financial Services has constituted a sub-group comprising of RBI, Indian Bank’s Association (IBA),, State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Bank of Baroda and Canara Bank. Accordingly,'RBI, IBA and Page 18 of 31 Department of Financial Services have issued necessary guidelines/ instructions to all banks for their convenience. To implement Jeevan Pramaan it is necessary on the part of banks to seed the Aadhaar number with Pension Payment Order and bank account number. To complete this task, all banks have to take special drive to collect the Aadhaar number of pensioners and make it a part of their master data. In the above context Addl. CGA has taken a meeting on 24.12.2014 with the discuss the further strategy for speedy implementation of the system. In the meeting, it was decided that to ensure the genuineness of the pensioner it is necessary to seed the Aadhaar number with PPO and pensioners bank account. Because at present banks are not having pensioners’ data base on their server to link them with the details of PPOs and Aadhaar numbers, they were advised to prepare a data-base of pensioners account first at the earliest and link them with Aadhaar server. For this purpose, they will call the pensioners to come to bank alongwith their original Aadhaar card and its photocopy for identification. The designated officer of the bank will identify the pensioner with reference to the PPO and KYC document and seed his pension account with Aadhaar server. He will keep the photocopy of Aadhaar Card in the pensioners’ folder for record. The bank will apply this strategy immediately with those pensioners whose life certificates are still pending and are interested to opt for digital certification of their life. Thereafier, they may complete this task well before November, 2015, when life certificate becomes dues. A column for Aadhaar number has been provided in the format of master data and made available on CPAOs website. All CPPCs are advised to update their master data duly seeded with PPO number & bank account numbers and send the same to CPAO by e-mail at cpao.masterdata{@} at the earliest so that CPAO also updates its master data for validation purpose. This task must be completed on top priority basis. (Dilip Kumar) Controller of Accounts Source: THE TIMES OF INDIA Tax trouble: Abhishek Manu Singhvi faces Rs 57 crore fine, TNN | Nov 12, 2014, 03.16AM IST I-T panel rejects Singhvi's claim that termites ate his vouchers. NEW DELHI: The Income Tax Settlement Commission has levied a penalty of nearly Rs 57 crore on Congress spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi after the Rajya Sabha MP failed to furnish documents supporting his claims of expenditure for running his office. The Settlement Commission, which is a dispute resolution entity which a DR. ABHISEKH MANU SINGHVI taxpayer can approach once, rejected Singhvi's plea for immunity from prosecution, while levying penalty at 100% of the tax attributable to income for assessment years 2010-11 to 2012-13. Singhvi had approached the panel on his own. Page 19 of 31 LPG Cylinders come with Rs.40 lakh risk cover. While most of us know how to avoid accidents, few know that we have Rs. 40 lakh risk cover in case of damage due to cylinder explosion! Every month, nationalised insurance companies get lakhs of rupees as premium and this amount increases constantly with an ever rising number of ignorant consumers, each of whom are covered in part by the Oriental Insurance Company and the gas agency concerned. The amount of insurance payable varies according to the installments deposited by the agency. Also, if an accident is caused by cylinder explosion where accessories used were original and ISI approved, then customers can claim damages; otherwise not,” said a senior manager with one of the leading government-run insurance companies. It is fairly easy and cheap to check if your accessories you use are acceptable. At Rs70 as maintenance charges for two years, the local gas agency will check whether the accessories in use are branded or not — an important condition while claiming insurance. In case of death due to explosion of gas cylinder, the victim has to appeal in the court demanding LPG Cylinderfs come with Rs.40 lakh risk cover While most us know how to avoid accidents, few know that we have Rs. 40 lakh risk cover in case of damage due to cylinder explosion! compensation. The court decides the amount of insurance according to age, salary and other conditions. Source: LOKMAT NEWS NETWORK, Nagpur, March 10’2015 HEALTH GUIDE FOR PENSIONERS : Homeopathic Philosophy : A few words by Basudeb Das, Editor : In last March, 2015 issue, we compliled symtomotic Homeo medicines from renowned Doctors’ experience over the years and also from my own domestic experience to guide my pensioner friends to remain fit. But these therapeutic prescriptions suffer from many limitations and may not respond well in many patients. Is it wrong with the medicines? No, never. Then why failure? In reply, we are trying to explain the philosophy and application of Homeo medicines in this article to guide our pensioner friends to get rid of unnecessary misunderstanding. Allopathy which Samuel Hahnemann turned orthodox medicine came from Greek words alloes (different ) and pathein ( disease, suffering ). Hahnemann opposed this system and brought homeopathy which in Greek means “homoion “ ( similar ) and pathein ( disease, suffering.) The key difference is well explained by Dr Michael Weiner in his famous book “A Comprehensive Manual of Natural Healing”……”in Hahnemann’s time, orthodox or allopathic medicine generally proceeds on the principle that a disease or a symptom of disease is cured by using a medicine that opposes the symptoms, sometimes by direct suppression or sometimes by an indirect route that leads to their removal. A good example is the treatment of pain. In allopathic practice, such drugs as aspirin and opiates are widely used to relieve the patient of pain……common sense tells that pain has a value, it is Page 20 of 31 a warning that there is something wrong. If our senses dulled to the point that we cannot perceive pain, we may suffer serious consequences. Homeopaths use the example of warning lights on the dashboard of a car – when the oil light comes on, we don’t simply disconnect the wire. The light is a signal that there is something wrong in the inner workings of the car and it is that internal condition that must be corrected.” In homeopathy, the doctrine that operates comes from the Latin Phrase, “ Similia Similibus Curantur “ which means “Like shall be cured by like”. According to Hahnemann ‘s Organon, the proper remedy for an illness is that substance which, in a healthy person, would produce the same set of symptoms exhibited in the sick patient. I’ll give few examples to illustrate the idea. Suppose you are cutting onions for quite some time. You will be caught with burning eyes and watery discharge from nostrils and sneezing. If same thing happens for a sick person without onion cutting, give him Allium Cepa 30 or 200 (which is nothing but potentised onion juice) to relieve him within a short time. Similarly you may suffer from intolerance of cow milk which brings headache, biliousness, intestinal flatulence, obstinate constipation, increase of uric acid etc. Dr J.C. Boardman of Trenton, New Jersy proved cow milk and introduced Lac Vaccinum to cure those identical effects in a sick man who produced same symptoms without taking cow milk. These are examples of like curing like. Hahnemann was the first to build a consistent system of therapeutics based on this principle which was further illustrated by many physicians including allopath converted Homeo Physician Dr. James Tyler Kent of Philadelphia, USA. Hahnemann could not introduce much Homeo medicines because of his own sick health for continuous proving of crude substances on his own body to record the symptoms. Now let us come to our subject of homeo treatment. Hahnemann made a clear distinction between acute and chronic diseases through a controversial theory. He believed and later proved that that many acute conditions as well as recurring chronic conditions were actually outbursts of underlying chronic or constitutional problems. He felt that before taking treatment of visible acute symptoms, physician must clear chronic problems from among a group of remidies bearing a strong symptomatic relationship to the underlying illness which requires only one dose of an extremely high potency to work for a long time i.e. for a month, six months or even for entire life and this is in strong contrast with practice where chronic conditions are treated daily with several substantial doses of a medicine or combination of medicines which may never be able to be discontinued. Let me give some examples to illustrate the philosophy. A patient came with severe asthma and respiratory trouble. Instead of treating him for asthma, physician will take his history and if it is detected that he has skin eruptions 6 years back when he was treated with allopathic ointment and medicines to cure. That suppressed skin disease got inward attack to develop present asthma. Now physician will have to select Antipsoric medicine according to present symptoms of the patient and let us assume Psorinum is selected. If it is applied in potency 1000 or higher gradually, the inward force will turn to get outside and those eruptions will come to surface gradually healing troubles of asthma. If there is more than one suppression, it will appear one by one and disappear automatically following Hering’s law. Ultimately he will be totally cured. The physician will have to watch the symptoms and apply medicines and its potency accordingly for carrying on proper treatment. I will quote another case history from Dr HC Allen’s famous book “NOSODES”. Dr William Weishilhoft wrote to eminent physician Dr A. Lippe of Philadelphia, “I have treated the patient for his suffering from impotency for last ten years who got married six years ago. He bears burning sensation in abdomen, skin eruptions in annal region, extreme debility, tendency to catch cold easily Page 21 of 31 and pain in the body which changes from one part to another. Twenty years back he has suffered from African fever. I could not relieve him by treating for last one and half year except relief from fast catching cold. The patient is going to Philadelphia on his busniness and I have advised him to meet you for check up.” Dr A. Lippe, a legendary homeopath of those days, examined the patient and wrote to Dr. William Weishilhoft, “I took the history of your patient and noticed that your patient suffered from Diphtheria 10 yrs ago and he was treated allopathically with mercurous compounds. The nature of Dipthera was to attack one side of throat and then change position to other side and again to come back to first position. Afer that cure from Diptharia, he lost his good health and could not get back his original health. His acute catarrah also changes position likewise. I prescribed Lac Caninum CM one dose, if needed one dose of Pulsatilla may be given.” The result was, within three months, his wife became pregnant and gave birth of a healthy child. He was also totally cured of his all symptoms. Now the matter to be noted is that the medicine Lac Caninum has no record of proving on impotency, but Dr Lippe was not confused by it. He, by his own instinct, overruled all ordinary and acute symptoms and took the leading symptom of change of position to select the real medicine and by that the ten years’ impotency was healed. The patient was obviously not required for Pulsetilla as per Dr A. Lippe. This is the real homeopathic pathology which cannot be detected by any physical test of the world. Dr. William Weishilhoft could not select the proper medicine and failed to cure the sick. Now I’ll talk about two more points on Homeo Philosophy for selecton of proper medicine, one is to identify symptoms and the other is to classify symptoms. According to Hahnemann, each medicine has its own symptoms recorded in Materia Medica through proving on human body with varying potencies. For selection of medicine, physician requires to collect history from patient to match with those of medicines. So many symptoms should match with those of medicines for correct selection. But Hahnemann suggested to rely on leading symptoms of each medicine, if available, which will overrule general symptoms for correct selection. For example, for any attack in the body say headache, loose motion, cough and cold, fever, indigestion etc., if patient is attacked with sudden onset and fears death, aconite 3x will cure the sufferings as leading symptomatic medicine forgetting general symptoms. Belladona also works same if similar symptoms are accompanied with hot flush and redness in face. I’ll give an example from case history of Dr. Nilmani Ghatak, a legendary practitioner in preindependence days. He was called to examine a patient whose urination stopped and bludder is full with abodominal swelling and pain. He examined the patient, but did not find any problem as such except tenderness in the lower abdomen. On enquiry he came to know that the patient made a railway journey last night by sitting in the wondow side when cold air brushed him. Using this cause as leading symptom, Dr. Ghatak prescribed Causticum 30 and in one dose, the patient has complete urination. I gave this example to prove the beauty of leading symptoms. The second point what Hahnemann taught us is to rely on mental symptom compared to physical symptom which Aolopaths rely mostly. Medicine selected on mental symptoms works much better than physical symptoms through which normally patients insist for a medicine. In our above discussion, it is now perhaps clear that if acute symptoms are really acute like cough and cold, accidental briushness or fracture, diarrhea etc and not as outcome of suppressed disease, selection of homeo medicine will be easy and it will definitely cure. But if it is for anything as a result of past suppression, then apparent symptomic medicine may not respond. In that case deep Antipsoric, Antipsychotic or Tubercular medicine is to be selected with high potency for causing inside Page 22 of 31 out according to Hering’s Law and wait to observe and prescribe for real cure stage by stage. If this doctrine is not understood by physician, application of medicine will fail and homeo medicines will be blamed for nothing which we come across off and on in our life. Some other causes also lead to fail response if some basic rules are not understood while applying medicine. The rules are to follow potency level, dose, proper selection, toxic body, inimical relation, antidote etc. How it deprives Homeo medicinal effects? One medicine properly selected may not work if potency is not properly chosen. Normally for acute, Q to 200 is enough. For chronic, 1M to CM may be necessary depending on patient’s condition. One dose normally we mean 4-6 drops in water or 8-10 pellets in globules. But in practice, experts say that for acute case, start medicine at 15 or 30 minutes interval until symbol of relief is visible. Then stop medicine and it is presumed that one dose is competed. Some time body is toxicated by antibiotics or steroid and in such history of patient, even for right selection, nothing is expected to happen. Inimical (contrast) relation and antidote of Homeo medicines are also to be taken care of while applying medicines. In some practical experience, eminent doctors observed that despite perfect selection of medicine, desired level of response not coming from patient. It happens when Miasm of the patient hinders response of medicines in the system. Then according to Miasm, Anti-miasm medicines like sulphur, bacillinum etc. to interpolated for clearing the obstacle. All these factors are to be kept in mind while treating a sick person, else response may not be as expected. So it is now clear that for same sickness, medicine will differ from patient to patient depending on the constitution, behaviour, nature, taste and many other factors of the patient vis a vis miasm he is carrying by either inheritance or self-earning. Any further clarification or feedback on the subject is most welcome. Causes, Symptoms and Home remedy for Toothaque There is nothing quite as painful and frustrating as a toothache. The good news is that you can treat the toothache with a dozen natural home remedies to help alleviate the pain. There's also a very good chance that you have most of the items on the list inside your fridge, or kitchen cabinet drawers. NOTE: None of these are a replacement for an actual dentist. These remedies will help you pass the time until your dentist appointment or alleviate some of the pain after, but do not skip the dentist visit. Teeth problems are serious health problems and should be treated as such. Causes of Tooth Pain: Abscessed tooth, Infected gums (gingivitis), Tooth decay, Damaged fillings, Dental injuries, such as a chipped or fractured tooth, Sinus infection, Wisdom teeth, Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) Symptoms of Tooth Pain:Swelling around the tooth, Fever, Headache, Foul-tasting drainage from the infected tooth Sharp pain when pressure is applied to tooth, Sensitivity to hot or cold foods. 12 Natural Home Remedies for a Toothache: 1) Cloves - When it comes to natural home remedies for tooth infections, there is nothing that ranks higher than cloves! Cloves contain extremely powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anesthetic properties that help alleviate tooth pain. The anesthetic properties also help to fight off the infection. The Remedy: Take a pair of cloves and grind them with a little mix of olive oil or vegetable oil. Apply the clove solution onto the affected tooth. Page 23 of 31 Dab clove oil solution onto a cotton ball, and rub directly on the affected tooth. You can also mix a few drops of clove oil in half a glass of water, and use it as a mouthwash after the dabbing process. 2) Warm Salt Water - All it takes is a glass of warm water mixed with a bit of salt, and you can reduce the pain of a toothache. This homemade mouthwash solution will assist in fighting bacteria that causes tooth decay and infection. The Remedy: Mix half a spoon of common salt in a glass of very warm water. Gargle thoroughly with the warm salt water solution. Repeat a few times, or until you feel better. 3) Ice Cube - Head over to the freezer and pull out a couple of ice cubes. The ice cube helps numb the infected nerves, which causes the horrible pain. Dentists use ice to test for sensitivity on teeth as well. The Remedy: Place an ice cube inside a Ziploc bag and wrap it in a thin cotton cloth. Hold the bag over your cheek near the aching tooth for a couple of minutes. The ice will then indicate the exposed nerves. Take a bit of caution when applying the ice. 4) Salt and Pepper - The next remedy can be found on your kitchen table. Salt and pepper provide a wonderful relief when combined together. The natural antibiotics inside the mouthwash can help ease the uncomfortable pain within the pulp region. The Remedy: Mix equal amounts of regular table salt and pepper with a few drops of water. This will form a natural kind of paste. Apply the paste directly on the tooth, and allow the paste to take effect for a couple of minutes. Repeat process for a few days, or until tooth feels better. 5) Garlic - It's no secret that garlic is the "cure-all" when it comes to home remedies. Garlic is not only ideal for treating a common cold, but also for treating toothaches. Garlic contains a bunch of antibiotic properties that can help get rid of tooth pain. The Remedy: Mix a clove of crushed garlic or use some garlic powder together with a sprinkle of table salt, and apply to the painful tooth. You can even chew on a few cloves of garlic for some quick relief. Continue the garlic remedy for several days, or until pain stops. 6) Asafetida(Hing) - The powdered gum resin inside the Asafetida can help reduce pain during a toothache, and for bleeding gums. The odor of the Asafetida might not be too pleasant, but the natural pain remedy is worth the bad smell! The Remedy: Add a pinch of powdered Asafetida with lemon juice. Warm up the solution, and use a cotton pad to apply the mixture on the affected area. Asafetida can also be fried in clarified butter, and placed inside the tooth cavity for instant relief. 7) Baking Soda - Baking soda helps whiten your teeth and acts as a natural painkiller for toothaches, when mixed together with a bit of water. Baking soda promotes quicker healing of painful or swollen gum tissues, which is the Page 24 of 31 reason why many toothpastes feature the sodium bicarbonate on the labels. The Remedy: Take a cotton swab and moisten it with a bit of water. Dip the wet cotton swab in baking soda. Coat the swab really well so that it absorbs the baking soda before applying to infected tooth. A mouth rinse can be made by mixing a large spoonful of baking soda into a small glass of warm water. Let the baking soda dissolve before swishing the rinse in your mouth. 8) Lime or Lime Juice - The citric acid of the lime juice helps kill the germs that causes tooth infection. Lime juice also contains vitamin C, which keeps your teeth protected against decay. Mixing lime juice and baking soda can also help whiten teeth. The Remedy: Lime Juice Combine the lime juice together with Asafetida to form a paste. Apply the lime paste on the infected tooth. Keep your mouth slightly open to allow the paste to dry on the tooth. Apply the paste 2-3 times a day to reduce the pain. Limes: Cut a lime wedge or slice, and bite directly into it. Try to extract some of the juice. Allow the lime to sit outside for a bit if you’re feeling any sensitivity to cold. Repeat process as needed, or until pain goes away. 9) Vanilla Extract - Vanilla extract contains Eugenol, which has antiseptic and analgesic properties that are used to fight off tooth decay. The Eugenol helps get rid of that unwanted toothache, and provides a quick pain relief solution. The Remedy: Saturate a cotton swab or cotton ball with 3-4 drops of vanilla extract, and place on affected tooth. Use your finger to rub the vanilla extract on the affected area. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly beforehand. Repeat process until pain goes away. 10) Onion - Onions offer great pain relief to people suffering from tooth abscesses or sensitive gums. Onions are highly regarded by dentists for their natural and powerful antimicrobial properties. Onions have even been compared to taking 8 Advil capsules, or an entire bottle of Orajel! The Remedy: Slice a piece of fresh onion and hold it inside your mouth. Gently bite the onion until the juices come out for a few minutes to alleviate pain. You may also put a piece of onion on the painful tooth so that it absorbs the antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Continue process until pain reduces. 11) Bayberry - The root bark of the bayberry is used to help strengthen gums. The berries are ideal for treating aching wisdom teeth as well. The natural antibiotics of the bayberry should go to work very quickly on your aching tooth. Page 25 of 31 The Remedy: Mix the bayberry bark together with vinegar to form a natural paste. Apply the paste on the affected tooth as a pain relief. Use the paste when needed, or several times per day. 12) Guava Leaves - Guava leaves are used to heal mouth sores and aching teeth. The juice of the guava leaves contains many antibacterial properties that thwart off tooth decay or gingivitis. You should feel the effects of the guava leaves shortly after applying to the sensitive areas. The Remedy: Chew on a couple of guava leaves until the juice begins to work on the affected tooth. Place 4 to 5 guava leaves in water and let it boil. Allow the solution to cool off a bit before adding a pinch of salt, and rinse your mouth thoroughly with it. ENGLISH TRANSLATION : To remove Heart Block without Surgery Lemon Juce Ginger Juce Garlic Juce Apple Vineger 1Cup 1Cup 1Cup 1Cup Mix in a pot and in low flame boil for half an hour so that the volume is reduced to 3Cup. Allow to cool. Mix 3Cup honey with this liquid. Put in a bottle and keep in the refrigerator. Take one table spoon of this mix daily, half an hour before taking breakfast. Your Heart Block, if any, will open up. Angiography or Bypass Surgery will not be required. FAIRY TALES : A Generous Business Partner... One day, a very wealthy man was walking on the road. Along the way, he saw a beggar on the sidewalk. The rich man looked kindly on the beggar and asked, "How did you become a beggar? The beggar said, "Sir, I've been applying for a job for a year now but haven't found any. You look like a rich man. Sir, if you'll give me a job, I'll stop begging." Page 26 of 31 The rich man smiled and said, "I want to help you. But I won't give you a job. I'll do something better. I want you to be my business partner. Let's start a business together”. The beggar blinked hard. He didn't understand what the older man was saying. "What do you mean, Sir? "I own a rice plantation. You could sell my rice in the market. I'll provide you the sacks of rice. I'll pay the rent for the market stall. All you'll have to do is sell my rice. And at the end of the month, as Business Partners, we'll share in the profits”. Tears of joy rolled down his cheeks. "Oh Sir," he said, "you're a gift from Heaven. You're the answer to my prayers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He then paused and said, Sir, how will we divide the profits? Do I keep 10% and you get the 90%? Do I keep 5% and you get the 95%? I'll be happy with any arrangement. The rich man shook his head and chuckled. "No, I want you to give me the 10%. And you keep the 90%. For a moment, the beggar couldn't speak. When he tried to speak, it was gibberish. Uh, gee, uh, wow, I mean, huh? He couldn't believe his ears. The deal was too preposterous. The rich man laughed more loudly. He explained, I don't need the money, my friend. I'm already wealthy beyond what you can ever imagine. I want you to give me 10% of your profits so you grow in gratitude. The beggar knelt down before his benefactor and said, “Yes Sir, I will do as you say. Even now, I'm so grateful for what you've done for me” ! And so that was what happened. He forgets where the blessings came from. Each day, the beggar now dressed a little bit better operated a store selling rice in the market. He worked very hard. He woke up early in the morning and slept late at night. And sales were brisk, also because the rice was of good quality. And after 30 days, the profits were astounding. At the end of the month, as the ex-beggar was counting the money, and liking very much the feeling of money in his hands, an idea grew in his mind. He told himself, Gee, why should I give 10% to my Business Partner? I didn't see him the whole month! I was the one who was working day and night for this business. I did all this work! I deserve the 100% profits! A few minutes later, the rich man was knocking on the door to collect his 10% of the profits. The ex-beggar opened the door and said, "You don't deserve the 10%. I worked hard for this. I deserve all of it!" And he slammed the door. If you were his Business Partner, how would you feel? Friend, this is exactly what happens to us. God is Our Business Partner. God gave us life-every single moment, every single breath, every single second. God gave us talents- ability to talk, to create, to earn money. God gave us a body- eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, heart. God gave us mind- imagination, emotions, reasoning, language. So do we need to give back Our Business Partner something in return? WHO IS THE BEGGAR? Page 27 of 31 JOKES: DON’T USE CALCULATOR : It’s been a while since we attended school and age hasn’t been kind to our memory either. As time passes, most of us lose most of our mathematical abilities leading us to rely more and more on calculators. If you want to improve your math skills and even be able to help your kids, learn how to use these quick and easy methods. 1. Calculate multiplications of 6,7,8,9 by using your fingers : Did you ever memorize the classic multiplication table? While calculating multiplications of 1-5 are usually easy, when we go to 6 and higher, many of us start to stutter. This easy method is not taught in most schools, but it’s very quick and intuitive: Assign numbers to every finger, the pinky being number 6 and the thumb being number 10. If you wish to calculate 7x8 (pictured below), touch the assigned fingers. The number of fingers below, including the touching fingers, is the tens. (Pictured below, 5 fingers = 5 tens or 50) Page 28 of 31 Now, multiply the remainder fingers to find the units. (in the example, 3 fingers multiplied by 2 fingers = 6) Add the units to the tens, and you have the result – 56. 2. Calculating multiplications of eleven with 2-digit numerals : This calculation takes two simple steps: In the first step, split the digits, then one becomes the hundreds, the other becomes the units. In the second step, sum the digits and the result becomes the tens. 3. Quickly calculate fractions : Even though fractions are not something most of us deal with on a daily basis, this method is very useful, especially for school-age children. Turn the multiplication into a “butterfly” by drawing diagonal ellipses, then multiplying the digits in each ellipsis. (In the example below, 3x5 and 4x2), Write the results down in the appropriate “feeler”. Multiply the denominators and write it under the butterfly. (In the example, 4x5=20) You now have the common denominator (20), and by adding the two numbers on the top of the butterfly, you have the numerator. (In our example, 15+8=23), You can now simplify the fraction from to . Page 29 of 31 This method also works when you want to subtract fractions, but to do this, you will need to subtract the top numbers instead of adding them. (In our example, 15-8=7) 4. Multiplying double-digit numbers Multiplication can become harder when the numbers get bigger, but it doesn’t have to be. This method will help you get over this, and you’ll find that the larger the number – the easier it gets: Subtract 100 from each number. Add the results, and then subtract it from 100. The result will become the thousands and hundreds digits. Now multiply the two first results and you’ll get the tens and units. PENSIONERS’ NEWS: Sri Sudarsan Basu joined our assocaiation on 11.03.2015. “Eastern News” welcomes him and wishes for a happy and healthy retired life. PENSIONERS’ VIEWS: 1. Thanks for the March15 issue. As usual it is very rich in contents. It is exhaustive issue having complete update of different issues concerning pensioners. Your team is doing a GREAT job. My Page 30 of 31 special Thanks n Regards to BASUDEB dada for giving the HEALTH TIPS FOR SR. PENSIONERS, Hoemopathic Medicines. Very nice collection. Regards, Santosh Singh,Rtd. Divl. Manager, MEERUT. 2. It is heartening to note that the time schedule for issue of the e-magazine EASTERN NEWS is maintained every month. Please convey my appreciation to all those concerned with the publication of the magazine. March issue contains many informative items. I am very much impressed by the details provided on Sukanya Samriddhi Account announced by GOI. The Interest rates prevalent in the other countries as also the time taken for doubling the amount is amusing. The comparison of EPF, VPF and PPF is very good. The Homoeopathic prescription is excellent, but I felt it would have been better had it been given in alphabetical order. Dr. Devi Shetty's interview is the Best. The issue contains variety of subjects and it is worth reading. Continue the good work. Yours Brotherly, C T JOSHI. VIJAYPUR (BIJAPUR), KARNATAKA. 3. Thanks for the news magazine March, 2015…SK Kapahi, Mumbai. 4. Thank you for the Eastern News-March 15. I enjoyed reading it .Particularly the story "Mother is Mother" was very much moving and has a deep message to convey to people, especially the younger generation. Kind regards. C H Mahadevan, Retd. Executive Director, Keller(FW)Dallas-Texas-USA. 5. Wonderful issue of March 15, not only informative but its very useful for the mankind, your collection of roof top flower and medical advice for senior citizen are more valuable. For SC case will not be proper to comment as its proceedings giving us unbearable pains. With most respect n regards….Anand Tyagi. 6. I eagerly await for the issue. It echoes our thoughts in a friendly manner. Health Tips were very useful. I appreciate the hard work being done to bring out the e-magazine regularly… S M Manchanda. 7. Thanks a lot for sending me a copy of the EN- March issue, as usual, dot on the first of the month. The interview with Dr Devi Shetty is excellent, the telling of a lie is highly humorous and all other parts of the magazine are very interesting and informative. Please keep it up. R. Venugopal, Retired Executive Director, LIC, Bengaluru. 8. I have gone through the March edition of your news letter. This is very informative, very educative on so many important issues relating to senior citizen and health. Kindly keep it up…R.B.L.Vaish, Retd Executive Director, Mumbai. 9. Extremely useful and very well informative magazine. I wonder, how are you able to manage editing and bringing out such a nice piece in time! Hope and wish for it's continuity. Thanks and regards….A.S. PARIDA, Bhubaneswar. PENSIONERS’ TOUR : OUR NEXT TOUR TO SEA BEACH AT DIGHA ON 10.04.2015 Page 31 of 31 PENSIONERS’ ART/PAINTING/PHOTOGRAPHY : PAINTINGS BY LIC PENSIONER SRI MANABENDRA TALAPATRA NOTE : ANY BRILLIANT ACHIEVEMENT/SUCCESS IN ANY FRONT IN THE FAMILY OF LIC PENSIONERS INCLUDING PHOTOGRAPH MAY BE SENT TO US FOR FOCUSSING THROUGH OUR E-MAGAZINE. Feedback/Write Ups/Information/Readers’ Views/Request with e-mail id for soft copy of monthly eMagazine EASTERN NEWS free of cost may please be sent to following e-mail IDs : LIC RETIRED OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION AMAR KUMAR GOSWAMI SUBIR KUMAR MAZUMDAR : : : MONTHLY EASTERN NEWS CAN NOW BE READ DIRECTLY FROM : PENSIONERS VOICE & SOUND TRACK, EDITOR :: RK SAHNI : LIC PENSIONERS’ CHRONICLE, EDITOR :: PG GANGADHARAN : & AIRIEF WEBSITE :: AN INITIATIVE OF RB KISHORE : OUR THANKS TO THE AUTHORITIES OF THE WEBSITES. ####### E N D #######
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